Happy New Year sir happy New Year happy year yeah good ready okay I'd like to call the siny die meeting to order I want to announce this is a continuation of our December 19 2023 business meeting Nancy can we have a roll call please sure Mr B here Mr milon here Mr Shanley here and mayor Madigan uh here okay Nancy can you read the open public meeting statement yes Mr Mayor the township Committee of the township of woff will continue its December 19th 2023 800m business meeting to Monday January 1 2024 at 11:30 a. in the second floor courtroom at woff Town Hall 340 Franklin Avenue wof New Jersey this meeting known as the S die meeting will consist of all business items for the end of 2023 that were not completed on December 19th 2023 this sign die meeting was not listed on the township committee annual scheduled meetings for 2023 as provided to the newspapers I wish to advise that notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as well as with the record the r news and the north Jersey hural news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of wall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to set newspapers okay thank you uh before we go to the agenda items I just want to take the opportunity to uh read a letter that we received uh from Scott fiser uh it's dated January 1st 2024 Scott spoke to most of the members I think all of the members of the governing body on Friday but I just want to read into the record to my fellow employees friends and residents of wof the township of wof has been my home for over 35 years is my opinion the greatest place anyone could call home over the years I've had the pleasure to meet so many of the residents of wof and have established some some real lifelong friendships my career with the DPW allowed me the opportunity to work with the finest employees anywhere I am thankful for our Police Department our fire department and our Ambulance Corp we truly had the best of the best serving here in whiteoff the town of white cof's commitments to Excellence and its commitment to strong volunteer base is what has made us such great over all these years the thought of leaving whiteoff was not one that it could be envisioned at the beginning of the year due to recent Family Matters my wife and I have made the decision to sell our home and whiteoff over the past months we've been unable to find a home and wof that meets our current needs is with deep regret that I announce that I will not be able to fulfill my elected position as a member of the whiteoff township committee please understand that this was not an easy decision I will truly miss serving all of our great employees residents and friends the township of whiteoff will always be number one in my heart sincerely Scott fiser uh okay so just for the record so i' like to go to the agender items we have a motion for number four approval of December 19 2023 Township committee work session and business meeting minutes point of order is it appropriate to approve those minutes when this is a continuation of that meeting yes okay then I move to approve those minutes I'll second Mr BTO oh yeah yes Mr Mone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okayy consent agenda all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there'll be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately we have just one resolution no ordinances and no motions on this consent agenda the only resolution is to accept the police chief report and authoriz Towing licenses for 2024 may I have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda second Mr boa yes Mr Mone yes Mr Chanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with then affirmative vote the motion is approved okay um we're going to have Township committee comments not listed on the agenda but if anybody has any comments that would be the time to make comments and then I'll make my outgoing M's comments Pete any comments you'd like to make um yep I just want to first I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year then uh fortunately we had a wreck board member Jeff eishan who suddenly passed away last night so I just want prayers go out to uh out to his family and then just uh lastly I want to thank Tom for uh serving as mayor in 2023 uh couldn't always understand everything you were saying all the time but you uh did a great job so thank you thank you very much thank you thank you Happy New Year Rudy thank you mayor um I would first like to um thank Scott fiser for his uh term of office on the township committee it's unfortunate that due to family needs he can no longer continue but family comes first I certainly understand that I've known Scott for many many years and consider him a good friend and a can do type of a person excuse me and I wish him um all the best in his future endeavors and once again thank him for his tenure here on the wof township committee um I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year um I hopeful we we'll have a a great year coming up in 2024 I want to thank Tom M Tom Madigan for his uh year of serving as mayor it was a good year we got a lot done and I appreciate uh your efforts Tom thank you um and uh I want to thank all of our staff for the year they put in here uh we had some ups and downs this year but we're in a great place we have a great staff I went led by Matt cavalo and Nancy Brown so I want to thank everyone for that and I too want to offer um Jeff ean's family my my deepest deepest condolences what a terrible terrible shock so thank you mayor yeah I'll be very brief I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I want to give my condolences to the aishan family uh Jeff was a great uh person he did well on that wreck board and he's going to be missed I also I'm going to miss Scott fiser but I understand that family comes first and uh I will miss his service and want to thank him for all his service to wof and thank you I I have nothing further your honor your mayor thank you thank you thank you um yeah obviously uh we were shocked to hear Jeff aishan he's a good friend um wish Betsy and family all the best we're here for them he was a very strong contributor to the fabric of what makes Wu so special he did a lot of work on our wreck program and everything so keep him and his family in your prayers okay I just like to uh read the my final remarks and then we can adjourn this uh s die meeting um right afterwards fellow members of the township committee thank you for your friendship and support in 2023 it was a challenging year and we achieved much without our focuses emphasis on values Integrity dedication and service it has truly been an honor to serve as mayor this past year and I want to thank the lovely Mary Madigan for her constant encouragement and support white COV B of having an effective municipal government led by our Township administrator Matt cavalo and those in town hall all contributed and they were all committed to providing exceptional service to our our residents special thanks to our town clerk Nancy Brown for all your dedication and service literally 24/7 what makes white cof so desirable and so special well it's our people in Rich Traditions including the many volunteers and organizations that are honored and celebrated in our 2024 wof calendar all of you contribute to making wof the viant community we cherish thank you for this honor to serve in this role and for all your support in the year ahead let's continue to lead by example and to focus on working together with Positive Solutions our governing body continues to strive to keep whiteoff an affordable familyfriendly town thank you again for your kindness with that can we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second Mr B yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved so w it's a w yes it is