yes you ready ready y like to call the 7M work session meeting to order roll call please Mr bura here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley is absent and mayor melion uh here thank you this regular work session meeting of the wov township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all news papers having a general circulation throughout the township of whitea at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you can you please confirm Finance has reviewed and signed vouchers they have Mr Mayor thank you I have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10-minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley is absent and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment seeing no one mayor I'll move to close this portion of the meeting second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes and mayor melon yes an affirmed vote the motion is approved thank you um administrative report Matt you ready thanks uh going over the business meeting agenda first um resolutions 191 through 197 are for our liquor license renewals for July 1st um all paperworks in order as for the clerk and the ABC uh we have two maintenance Bond uh releases and then uh we have approval of our contract for the removal and pruning of shade trees to down Tree Service uh that was a public bid three bids were received down just the lowest um 2011 awarding a contract under the national Co-op sourcewell for our um sore cleaner that we uh funded for this year in uh capital and 202 is a last minute add to the agenda this is a approval to submit a grant application uh with the New Jersey Department of Transportation under their transportation uh trust fund uh program uh they for uh Spring Meadow Drive pedestrian safety improvements looking to apply for uh funding from them uh minimum award is $100,000 uh so it has no match requirement also in this grant uh it is competitive so uh we'll be going through some of the uh request that we have sending them off attaching them as part of our Grant application that's due next Friday great that's good putting together that application uh this week thanks to our grant writer for uh finding that for us we have one motion uh for an outdoor sample sale at Michael Feliz and one uh for a temporary tent on the grounds of Eastern Christian Middle School for their um outdoor worship service on Sunday July uh sorry for a week July 7th to the 17th then on to the administrator's report um just a reminder that the recycling center is on summer hours so uh on Tuesdays they do close at 3:00 uh sorry they don't open until 11:00 and they close at 3: and again they'll reopen again in evening hours 6:00 to 8 just a reminder that municipal offices Clos at 1:30 on Fridays this is through Labor Day estimated tax bills were mailed out for the third quarter taxes are due on August 1st um and so especially today this is a reminder that loan watering is permanently two days a week however um as you know as you've heard Ridgewood water uh came very close to having to implement stage three water restrictions today their tank levels have moved below 54% and the trigger for stage three water restrictions is 50% height on the water on their water tanks um it puts fire pretty much it put fire um suppression in Jeopardy anything below 50% uh Ridgewood water has put out messages through their reverse 911 system both via phone and via text asking people to conserve their water by cutting their water usage by 20% and this is just an analogy 20 minutes of watering on your lawn they want you to cut it by 20% now only water your lawn for 16 minutes not 20 minutes all right however as of 5:30 today water usage did not slow down um they are still very they are now dangerously close to having to um uh go to stage three water restrictions so they're asking everybody to please stop watering their lawn for the remainder of the week uh and turn off their automated sprinklers uh for that uh so that they stop watering them La sorry um the water storage tanks are now critically low and any lower fire protection systems are in Jeopardy and they may have to issue a boil water advisory for part of their system so they're asking people to please consider please strongly work on conserving water usage to the end of the week I have a quick question yeah so how do our residents how are our residents alerted to this so anybody through Ridgewood water anybody who has an account with Ridgewood water and has their phone number registered with Ridgewood water as part of their billing got a message through ridgewoods reverse 911 system we put it out on our social media today um we could also put it out on our e-s if we need if we want to um but that's as far as we've done but from ridgewood's perspective they put it out on their reverse 911 system which goes to all of their customer base I got a call you did get a call I did get a call thank you last meeting we awarded the 2024 Road Improvement program we hope to have a pre-construction meeting next week so that we can get this program underway that project is set to be completed by August 23rd I've been getting questions on Grand View AV final Paving of that row should occur after the July 4th holiday uh Boswell is finishing up our 2025 njdot Municipal Aid Grant application that's for the LED Road Project that's to due at the end of the month uh as I mentioned our grant writer now will be preparing or is preparing our application under the Local transportation F project fund for the Spring Meadow Drive uh safety improvements uh we plan to introduce the uh tree protection and removal ordinance as part of our ms4 permit requirements at our July meeting once we we've received all comments from the township committee and the shade Stree Commission on your table is a u i put together I tried to summarize the ordinance very briefly into a flowchart which says how what would when a permit is required when replacement is required and so on you can have a look at that um we will be going out to bid for the moly Drive sore extension on Monday uh pre-bid meeting is scheduled for next Thursday and we will open bids on July 9th with the intent to award on July 16th uh the purchase order has been cut for the footings and Foundations on the restrooms at Memorial Park Memorial Field that work should be starting in the next few weeks in response to the June 18th 2024 deadline in the new affordable housing law uh for reporting of non-residential uh development fees our report was submitted to the to by cgp and our affordable housing consultant today to the DCA the tun Birchwood sikac AV the barn sore extension project uh is slated to begin next week it'll begin on turkun drive and work up the hill uh pending receipt this is all pending receipt of final paperwork from the developer and the contractor and a preconstruction final preconstruction meeting is scheduled for this Thursday and then finally the property owners at 521 522 and 524 Helena will be moving forward with a privately funded sore extension project there as you know we pulled Helena in anticipation of this and possibly another one on Helena um we have we pulled Helena off the paving list this year and moved it to next year um so hopefully that will be done shortly that's all I have thank you maam now what time is that precon meeting for 1 Sig I will get back to you okay thank you that's it all right Township committee reports Ro you want to start yeah sure uh under the DPW uh all of our Parks have been mulched the uh speed limit signs and the change and the ordinance are all have all been posted so uh we highly recommend that you uh uh stay within those uh new speed limits on those roads uh uh DPW assisted Orange and Rockland uh with the county several tree removals and uh the DPW also re-roofed the electrical shed uh under under police I'm going to yield to the mayor on uh talking about the uh police chief for day which was fabulous what a wonderful thing and under the fireworks committee we're just going to uh we're going to have a a discussion about uh the fire department potentially uh doing something for a fundraiser and that's all I have Mr May thank you Roger Tom okay uh before I report just uh Grand View Matt you don't want it to up you report um there's raised man hole covers in Grand View there's one yeah like well I know cuz I hit that one this morning is there any can we uh get that repainted so it's clear sure cuz if you're going towards town you're not near it but if you're coming this way yeah it's on the opposite it's going you go right over it and maybe it was too early this morning cuz I hit it pretty solid uh okay couple things let's see I had the opportunity no particular order to attend the eagle scout court of honor for Steven and Gregory canizo they uh did the gardens behind the zisy house they did that and uh I finally remember their brother John lining the area with uh brick and doing that um several years ago so we want to thank them and congratulate them and when I was there I said you know we almost should name that little area caniso Court cuz the canizo kids family friends fathers everyone put a lot of time in it's actually beautiful so if you have a chance to visit the zisy house just go back in the backyard and the gardens it's actually fabulous uh I attended the senior lunch last week uh with a bunch of very enthusiastic seniors and um they were very complimentary uh to the township committee and the leadership here and it's always nice to hear unsolicited Ed it's a good group and uh they were very uh very very enthusiastic of what the township committee does um I too will leave the police chief of the day to the mayor and our Police Commissioner it's a great event I'll leave it to him I attended the baseball Day on June 8th uh I went to a couple of games in the morning then they had the festivities in the afternoon and uh it was a big hit and uh I was just happy to be there there to support not only the teams but uh the coaches and I got to kick out of the coaches cuz most of the coaches played baseball with my kids back 35 years ago so it was a lot of fun seeing a lot of them um I went to a couple of uh uh scholarship presentations in town so you know we support our Chamber of Commerce the Chamber of Commerce had an event they awarded three scholarships toal $4,000 a nice event at Columbia Bank we thank our chamber for thinking of our high school students and I I was involved personally with the rotary scholarships on the scholarship committee we had a terrific breakfast last week uh L off by Gordon Stanley who's a scholarship chairperson who did a lot of work um on the committee along with Barbara Rush and email sine and uh we awarded $116,000 to students from whiteoff and Midland Park so it's very very very nice let's see uh and then I just want to congratulate our eighth grade students who'll be graduating tomorrow I'll be at my granddaughter's graduation down of Point Pleasant from high school I look forward to that and congratulations this Friday to our high school graduates from rapo Indian Hills into all I graduates whether with the eighth grade high school or even kindergarten go forth and go get them and then uh just the last thing I just want to say the election results were updated became official uh yesterday and uh I just wanted to uh say thank you again I was happy uh to our want to thank our residents for their support thank you very much Bry thank you mayor I was going to start off by saying I regain my voice from the last meeting but maybe I'm a little ahead of myself here so anyway so uh last Wednesday I attended a planning board meeting which was relatively brief we memorialized the um application and approval of Cornerstone Church to um install some generators some standby generators Auer generators and to uh do some work on the BM at the uh on the I guess the Westerly side of the parking lot uh the board heard a presentation by Ridgewood water for um the installation of a another treatment plant P treatment plant behind the pumping station on a Holly drive right off the corner of Mount Nav Now I have to say I made a comment to ridgwood water um as we finished Matt I believe um and Moren suggested that maybe even though they didn't have to they should provide notice to the neighbors now it was not required um because it's an improvement of a um public utility but we thought it in the in in the interest of transparency because the neighbors would eventually learn of it it would be best to be proactive which Ridgewood water did it was well received but they went a step further one of their young Engineers went through the neighborhood and knocked on doors and explained to the neighbors what was going on henceforth no one showed up at the meeting and they made a clear um it was it's a good application actually it's a the building is red brick to match the um the pumping station that's there already and um uh it just goes to show you that if you explain to our residents an open and fourth right way what you're going to do it's it's a lot easier than having people upset at the meeting so kudos to rwood kudos to Matt and um and Moren for for that suggestion and um uh to Ridgewood water for following through on it um last Friday I attended a uh flag retirement uh ceremony at company one by Boy Scout Troop 77 and they did a great job um it was a very patriotic event they they read and they uh explained flag etiquette and the uh the the proper way to dispose of a flag that's no longer fit for uh fit for uh the display and they really did a good job um on on Saturday I also attended the um the court of honor EOS Scout court of honor for the caniso brothers it was a very nice uh very nice ceremony um the educa white whiteoff um environmental commission met last night um and uh um it was pretty much a routine meeting um there they're we're going to Institute I think based on our requirements for clean communities a second cleanup day and it looks they're looking at Saturday the 21st because according to commissioner compello that's a national or state cleanup day so they're looking at that but we have to see if there are any conflicts or whatever to have a clean up day this this month 21st did I say September oh oh September I'm sorry September September 21st it's a busy month sorry about that it's a busy month um so we're going to have to see if it um and and the big news was that um um board president um Beth fiser has announced that she has submitted her resignation letter which we uh which we knew of and I want to thank Beth here we should do something more um her last day is actually um July 31st and uh I thanked her for her service and her passion for the environment and for all she accomplished in her tenure on the board and also as uh as board chairwoman and I think that's all I have mayor that's it all right thank you Rudy um I had the honor last week of uh had the privilege of swearing in uh Rory Cavin for chief for the day Rory's a sixth grader here in town who's uh been battling an illness this year and this is a uh Bergen County Event and this is the first year that wov participated in it thanks to uh Chief Murphy uh leading it and uh it was a great day they picked up uh Rory at his house 7:30 in the morning had a big welcome at Town Hall showed him uh headquarters all the equipment uh then we had a special swearing in here in h town hall for R for sorry for Rory who became chief of the day followed by a uh little breakfast with Rory and his family and some of the uh officers from the uh Department and then after the breakfast R he was on his way down to Bergen County to uh another ceremony and some pictures with the other Chiefs for the day monst Bergen County and it was uh it was a really special day and um I was very happy I was able to uh swear Rory and for that he was very very excited um there's a library board meeting tonight which obviously I'm here uh they had to move the meeting for some scheduling conflicts and tonight was the best night for everybody else um I attended the community baseball uh tournament um that the baseball boosters put on down at Memorial Field I will report I got a little nervous and I did bounce the first pitch before home plate I will ADM it uh you would thinking a cricket I wasn't going to say anything you were thinking the cricket was coming up I didn't say it you notice I didn't say it I rushed I rushed it I will admit it I will a minute luckily there was only one video and it's been erased so and then just lastly I was over at uh Fire Company 1 with Choop 77 for the uh on Flag Day for the flag ceremony and the uh Scouts did an excellent job uh with that ceremony and that's all I have this evening I just want to add one thing I want to Echo Rudy haven't been on the environmental commission before I got appointed here uh uh and thank Beth for her service and her uh dedication to the environment uh did a great job and uh I did speak with her and she said she's not going away and C certainly she'll be there to help us where she can she'll stay on the Green Team yep exactly thank you thank you mayor uh since we're talking about I always going to say something next month but since we're we got it fresh in front of us I too also would like to thank best Fisher I know she's going to be leaving the end of uh July she's been a great asset uh to the township been a great asset in her role and uh she's just a very very nice person and we wish you all the best thank you Beth the attorney report Dave sure the other thing I wanted to mention was um Township administrator mentioned the draft tree removal replacement just encourage you all to take a look at that as soon as possible we do need to pass an ordinance State's kind of has dictated that to us if you have any questions I know Matt's been working with Shay Tre and staff on that I've reviewed a couple different drafts so if you have any questions comments don't hesitate to reach out um but we do need to get something it'll be fun thanks Dave just uh just the last thing I know it came up uh during budget came up again last week uh the new AED for the Len house is in it's in the police department right now and I will work with Joe to get it installed hopefully by the end of the week that's uh DPW was busy this week uh doing a storm sore uh extension on West Shore uh so as soon as we can free up some staff we'll get it installed excellent thank you thank you Matt all right could I have a motion to adopt resolution 24 se3 and enter into closed session so move second mayor Mr boa yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes mayor M yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you I ask you all to pleaseing your yes we will be back at 8:00 or before or before