December and we don't know who the mayor's going to be till January well there you go is Mr pervin looks like him it is how you doing how are you are you thanks for coming it's nice you to come how you doing I'm good how are you you going to school next year very spring very with it oh Jee definitely don't need to fix the air condition here was that redone when the wasone all just uh it's only because I said it's a refrigerator this afternoon you like it cool right well you have to stay ahead it got really hot here today so that was good want I didn't want it to impact cuz once it's hot here you can't cool it down it's like being at the brick house once it's warm you can't never get the room back okay you have to stay ahead of it another minute oh I know Lord do sh it the other way back to Republican Dems R we used to a Shanghai Dem the fire they right across the river they still watch said Tom you saw them working on off gu the wire brush yeah so the guy so the guy head is working with the wire brush then the guy comes up behind it and is putting the base coat on the bottom portion well it's smart cuz you get to do when it's fresh cuz the bottom portion is raw yeah and and then they're going to come back at the top portions only need one coat so they come back cuz they don't get the damage right and we're leave we left the brackets on all the signs open the brackets are staying on because the brackets are going to get painted black to blend in well that's actually a good idea good one I was very impressed I with a generator s yeah he has a a using a wire brush and a grinder yeah and a grinder but we're only getting about 40 calls done so probably going to be about a three year but we're doing yeah a minute he's off he's off a bad B that's what happens when you cutting close milk got a know from Mike guard what he stud maybe his milk spoiled 71 his footsteps there he is all right a minute off how you doing herey say Roger and Pete we a whole new stack of vouches everyone ready n Sund like to call the 7M work session meeting to order roll call please Mr B here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan I here Mr Shanley here and mayor M here U Can you please read the open work session statement this regular work session meeting of the white friendship committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings the copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall copy has been filed with the municipal cler and has been posted on our Municipal website copy has also been emailed to the record the news and theth Jersey news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the town white 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda there was Sim posted filed and Emil to said newspapers thank you can you please confirm uh vouchers have been signed may have thank you have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10-minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for com for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wov so moved second Mr Boonstra yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment hi hi my name is Kyle pervin you may remember me from last year when I came and spoke about Relay for Life if you don't know me I'm a senior roundo high school I'm also people lead for Relay For Life if you don't know what Relay for Life is it's a cancer uh event every year we have this year it's at Rano High School on Drew Gibbs Memorial Field starts at 700 p.m. on May 17th and basically what it's about is to celebrate survivors and support those who are going through the Battle of cancer uh right now we have about $35,000 raised for the American Cancer Society and we expect to get around $60,000 raised by by the time of our event and we fundraise throughout the event as well um I'm here because we are getting lawn signs approved uh just to raise publicity about our event it just has simple information just the date where it is time that kind of thing um and I also have invitations for all of you to scan with your phone QR code you can also hand them out to your friends and family that'd be very appreciated thank you thank you thank you Kyle yeah F pass them out to everyone thank you so thank you very much thank you for thank you so much for doing than for doing that great good good evening Janet Tumi um I'm from Spring Meadow um Condominium Association um and a happy resident of wof um I just wanted to mention to all of you uh that I had spoken once about the uh tree of Heaven and the um um the problems that that causes and it has the um that fly that is dangerous to all other vegetation around and our um person who does our um gardening is in charge of that at Spring Meadow has removed all of the tree of Heaven that are in a Spring Meadow so I'm I'm very happy to report that and um hope that um our person at uh Spring Meadow and your person at the shade tree commission um can um you know exchange ideas about that uh so uh that's one thing uh on our side that is accomplished um the other thing that um uh I wanted to ask about is there any movement at all about the crosswalk any of the subcommittee people can um give any information about that yeah the only comment I'll make we met last month and uh we said we'd follow up with the committee that's coming from Spring Lake so hopefully maybe in the next month or two we'll hear a little bit more but it's a longer process I know Matt you may want to comment the first step is to get the county to lower the speak correct and as we know from other County Roads that could take up to a year so we're working on it oh okay thank you is there anything we can do at this point no okay thank you very much thank you for thank thank you seeing and hearing no one else I move to close public comment second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes mayor mó yes vote the motion is approved thank you thanks Al Matt we please have have the uh administrator's report sure several resolutions uh resolution 166 is to renew our agreement with our grant writer berno Associates um 167 is to close the unused 2023 SPID Lantern fly uh receivable and it's a accounting resolution um 168 authorizes our application to the Bergen County open space trust fund as you recall the last meeting we had our uh public hearing on that 169 U the GIF has asked us to uh reopt a new Tor claim form they've made some changes to it uh 170 authorizes the 2024 through 2026 spotted Lantern gr spoted Lantern fly Grant through a chapter 159 that's a budget amendment uh 171 is a resolution that authorizes the 2024 estimated tax bills I'm going to stop and talk about that for a second for For The First Time in Forever the county of Bergen has adopted their Budget prior to July they adopted it last week um in doing so it will most likely eliminate the need for estimated tax bills which will save us and pretty much every other town in burken County a lot of money from having to send estimated out and then final bills out in November so we're putting this resolution on authorizing the estimated tax bills just in case case the county tax administrator does not get the rate settled on time but it is our hope that we will not have to do estimated that final tax bills will go out before July 1st wow that's good news thanks Mass uh 172 is a resolution at the request of Bridgewood water in support of their posos mitigation appropriation request that they've submitted through the congression the Congressional appropriation process there are several motions several new firefighters and then on ordinances we have several ordinances funding uh several capital projects uh ordinances 2009 2010 2011 are fully funded ordinances ordinance 2012 I'm sorry and 2013 is a fully funded ordinance 2012 is a bond ordinance that ordinance uh this evening we will have a public hearing on but we will not be voting to adopt tonight as the money from PSG has not arrived which is the required down payment on the which required for the down payment on the road resurfacing project as you recall we have a shared service or uh a agreement with PSG that we're Paving the road curb to curb and they're contributing half for the uh parts that the gas main work was done in on um that being said uh we spoke before this meeting we're going to have a special meeting on Friday at 12 12 to adopt that ordinance PG's check is in the mail as of Friday um so we'll have the public hearing tonight as scheduled and we will go from there that's all I have on the agenda uh on the updates uh from sorry on the agenda updates um May is honor and remember month the honor and member flag is flying on the government expression flag poll in the back the deadline to register to vote for the June primary is May 14th the clerk's office will be open until 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. that evening if anybody wants to drop off their registration form uh we're currently working on several grants uh but the grant writer did submit the Bergen County open space grant for the work at polus field we applied for $82,400 of our money uh usually we hear back on that Grant somewhere around December uh summer hours at the recycling center started today on Tuesday the recycling center will open from 11: to 3: and again from 6:00 to 8: in the evening um due to unforeseen C conditions discovered during construction which we've mentioned before the contractor has advised that they needed additional time to complete the work on Grand View AV the closure is extended through Monday May 13th um PS has completed their work to lower the gas meain and all the services have been connected uh the contractor has lowered the grade of the uh base and Paving of the ba the new base should begin tomorrow with the hopes that that road will be reopened next week um now that road will again be closed sometime over the summer for the final coat from end to end um but that's this is just the area that's been closed that it's going to get a new base tax and sore payments are due by Friday in order to avoid a late fee uh we recently had an issue with our autopay service for sore payments due to an error by our uh our provider the daily transaction limit for us was set too low it was set at $25,000 a day um which prevent which prevented approximately 100 transactions from being processed successfully um those IND affected individuals were notified by email of their declined transactions and we ask anybody to resubmit anybody who did receive a decline uh notice to resubmit uh prior to Friday additionally on Thursday of last week we were made notice we made aware of an incorrect phone number on our sore bills uh as you know we have that pay by phone option which some people use uh and uh we provided the billing with the printing company the right phone number and they gave they printed the wrong phone number so anybody who has a problem please contact the tax office some updates on our capital projects uh upgrades have been completed to the gas pumps at the DPW garage those upgrades include new pump and a computerized access control system for tracking the gas that is dispensed the roof has been replaced on the salt shed at the DPW garage and work to refurbish the light poles around town has started uh this is going to be a phased in Project probably over 3 years this year we're appropriating around 6,000 and we're taking care of about 40 polls and they have started on white coff a and theyve started here on Franklin a uh with regard to the military banners there's 46 banners on order 17 are new and 29 are replacement banners they will go up in about two weeks after the polls are complete uh the refurbishment is complete uh just a recap on team up to tidy up on April 27th approximately 187 volunteers uh particip I ated in the cleanup 22 public sites 22 of the 26 public sites throughout town were covered 53 bags of recyclables and 51 bags of trash were collected 30 family Civic and business and uh School groups participated and all of our environmental Commissioners three of the junior Commissioners and the township committee is yourself as well as the Green Team volunteers and family members assisted in this event we had a successful recycling day and tread day this past Saturday thanks to the Environmental commission and DPW for making this possible uh two meetings ago the fireworks were discussed and the possibility of having a rain date on Sunday September 29th was considered fireworks committee met last week and unfortunately due to sports scheduling we cannot accommodate a rain date uh wov pto's economy shop annual townwide garage sale is May 18th from 9:30 to 4: the 42nd annual white Call Fishing Derby is Saturday June 1st at zisy pond more information about all this including information on how to register is in the E news and on our website thank you Matt Township committee reports Rudy do you want to start sure ma'am just a little rundown of um what I've been attending the last since the last meeting um on April 18th I attended the GIF Awards breakfast that Seasons uh with Denise Matt Nancy did I miss anybody who else was there and um we received the Gold Award I believe um on the 18th I also attended a Board of Health meeting we had an interesting presentation by Mike spoek who's a board member who used to work in um in development of new medicines and uh he gave us a rundown of what's involved in that and it's really really quite a process and a very expensive process to get a new for a pharmaceutical company to get a new uh a new drug to the market um attended a company three fundraiser at Aldo on the 25th uh 26 I attended an arbit or wa we attended the arbit tree Arbor Day tree planting at Washington School which was dedicated to former board member um wo School Board member and former um principal at Washington School Joe desad areia who was finally remembered by all myself included on Sunday the 18th I attended along with Tom and Roger a Girl Scout gold award program at the library for four actually five um Girl Scouts was a very great program good group of people great Great Scout uh groop um on May 4th I attended uh with everyone else the shredfest the shred and styr form event um and uh I guess that yeah thanks to the environmental commission and the um and the DPW for that and I also had as Matt um mentioned the fishing derby is on June 1st there's also a dedication later in the afternoon I'll get the time for the at the next meeting of the UN the the the historic marker at Union Cemetery by the Historic Society they're going to dedicate it sometime in the afternoon I want to say 330 we'll get the exact time June 1st on June 1st on June 1st yeah on June 1st that's it that's all I have here thank Youk you Rudy Tim you want to go next sure I'll go through what I did I was at the shredfest on Saturday was well it wasn't as well attended because I think we have the um shredding at the recycling center so there were less cars but it still you know in the beginning there was quite a few cars and then it cleared up toward toward the end but it wasn't as busy as has been in the past so you know people are utilizing the the recycling center for it uh I attended the uh company 3 fundraiser uh that was a good event uh zoning board met they only had one application that was very quick it was a quick meeting I think they were done by 8:30 uh it was a good good U good meeting for them I missed the Ramapo Indian Hills board meeting but I did hear that they are close to um you know deciding on a new administrator which is a good thing um um one of the uh the we the fireworks committee met and as Matt said there is not an ability to do a rain date on that Sunday based on our football programs having to have the B Teams play on Sunday if we are away on a Saturday it's a League rule and there's no other place to play the the games other than at Memorial Field so we could they could not stop the games from going forward because of the fireworks and those it the Police Department would shut down the park at about noon in order to do a sweep of it to make sure it's all safe I guess I'm going to just repeat everything you said that's fine that's fine it's all good yeah you know we had that meeting the other day and Roger was there it was all good uh what else do I have I've got one other thing uh one of the things uh if possible I know you've got we've got the posos thing in for Ridgewood water but Ridgewood water is doing a lot of that construction in uh the hard tongue section the the road is kind of beat up a little bit and people are starting to complain about it and is there think something we can do to notify you know put on our website as to what the they're actually doing so that they know it's you know they're what they're doing and if if not have Ridgewood water put something out that we could put on our website that people can look at and say oh that's what they're doing and in our e- news every week we put the re the Ridgewood water update okay but and that does include all the heart tongue work um cuz right now they're doing the water main yeah on Hong um the Roy water main I should say and then they're coming back because they had to put sores in so that road is going to be completely torn up for probably the next 18 months yeah well just because people are asking what's going on with it so maybe we can make it so people could see it a little easier and that's all I would suggest uh I know you're talking about F doing this meeting on Friday on the ordinance uh 12:00 you said I could call in for this because I'm going to be working that day and I'll be down at my office so just let me know I'll make sure I'm available to call in for a 12 pm meeting and uh that's about it and uh just one of the things I want to announce um you know one of the things I do have my brother up when the um when the banners go up for he's because he's in the military he is now before the Senate armed services committee and hopefully they meet next week he's been Pro he's been put in for promotion uh from Colonel to Brigadier General so hopefully you know in the next month or so he will be you know through the Senate and will be Brigadier General so I want to congratulate him um for you know for all his his contributions to to the country and to the Army so that's all I got thanks thank you uh Tom a few things I was uh happy to be in attendance along with the mayor uh committee when uh Lane Mr Boer at the beautiful Obby day tree dedication at Washington School uh the family of revered principal Joe desiderio uh was there and uh I was honored to be asked by their family to speak about uh Joe and some fun things when Joe is at Washington school he did a lot for this community he was really uh part of what makes white C so special and uh of course Mary and I she Mary was there we were honored cuz as far as we know we still have the record for 21 consecutive years at Washington school so it was nice seeing the family so many people there and uh thank you to the uh shade tree commission for putting that especially Mike today and his crew putting that tree in it was a nice tribute uh to Joe desiderio I attended the Girl Scout Gold Award four young ladies were honored uh gold Scouts it was very nice uh ceremony at the library there was two other young ladies that received Commendation for being at Girl Scouts for 12 years and uh it was just really really nice to be with the girls and their families and to congratulate them on their hard work and uh perseverance uh I too attended the company 3 uh fundraiser which was a nice event over here at uh the brick house and I understand they did pretty well uh raising funds they had like a 100 people there which was pretty nice there was some people missing but I guess other folks had some conflicts but it was a good Community event people from the community came out and uh attended it and helped support it and Dana cayor did a lot of work she does a great job over there company 3 Bill Coba was there and Lisa of course so it was very very nice uh shredfest this past Saturday I think we spoke about that it was uh well attended and I want to thank the DPW and the Environmental commission and I was just going to compliment the mayor cuz I know you were behind getting the shredding along with our administrator at the recycle yard so there was a lot less activity which is good because it made it more convenient for our residents that they don't have to wait for every April and October they can go whenever they want so that was really really nice and then finally I look forward to uh the event this week honoring uh of veterans the roll call that's going to happen at the YMCA this Thursday and I think that's oh I was here also for team of Tidy Up day was a contingent of fellow rotarians there was about a dozen of us and it was um it was a good day beautiful day and we teamed up and did a lot of work and probably were done within the hour so it was good that's all I have thank you Tom Roger yeah what I find is when you go last you get a lot of redundancy that's okay because you don't the why what say yeah well then I then I I won't miss anything right so uh uh just to add you know just a little bit more depth on the fireworks not having a rain date it was also uh we really didn't explore there might have been some opportunity to use another field but uh not only the logistics of the Athletics but also um just in general terms not to go too deep into it but there was security concerns and certain people that are there to make sure that the area is safe and uh you know to have to schedule them for uh two consecutive days certainly would have been problematic so just add a little bit more color to that uh under the DPW uh along along with uh everything else that's already been said uh they're doing regular field maintenance now they're lining the fields and they're sweeping the INF fields and making the the baseball fields really look great uh they're doing Park maintenance I know they were over at Russell doing a lot of work over there and that's really uh coming out really good they started on the catch Basin repairs and uh and uh they continue with the pothole repairs uh it was already mentioned but it's worth mentioning again that uh the recycling center has summer hours now uh to be repetitive but uh it's on Tuesday only the rest of the days remain the same uh so Tuesdays 11: to3 and then 6: to8 uh my only comment on the shredfest was that I didn't hurt my bad shoulder because I was on styrofoam Duty and and we filled we filled in the beginning it was light at but the whole container got full with the styrofoam so that's really great uh lastly on on the DPW and this is just a little bit of a tag on to what what Matt had to say uh I think it's an opportunity just to thank all of the residents that are on Grand View uh for their patience and their cooperation through you know this upheaval of the uh the uh lowering of the road the gas line uh that happened to slow things down but when the project is complete I think we'll look back and uh maybe they'll forget some of the things that that inconvenience them a little bit but again thank you to all of the residents for their patience uh let's see what else oh I attended the company 3 event is to be redundant again I I also attended the Girl Scout event and the good news was I got a box of my favorite cookies given to me can I say that that I we all got cookies I got a box of schores I got yeah so I got the I got the peanut butter ones I just absolutely love those uh want to miss anything okay now I have some really great news uh and uh I work with uh with Matt and uh and Tom Dutch who's the uh County Council and the County Administrator for Bergen uh you know they've been looking at doing improvements uh to the uh uh James a McFall Environmental Center uh that we all know and love here in town so uh I uh the best way to do this so I don't miss anything is to is to read what was prepared and you know on behalf of the township committee I'm I'm just proud to to be able to read this and I am the parks commissioner uh this particular year so on behalf of the township Committee of whiteoff we are delighted to announce that the county of Beren has dedicated approximately $1 million for significant enhancements at the James a mcf uh Environmental Center a treasured resource for Learning and experiencing the natural environment in 2024 the county budget has allocated $105,000 and that's for planning uh planning and engineering and everything to determine what the essential needs and the priorities are at the Environmental Center furthermore an additional $98,700 has been included in the 2025 capital budget for implementing these much needed improvements originally and and Rudy you probably know this uh uh originally an 81 acre pig farm the Bergen County parks department has transformed this area to a wildlife sanctuary complete with nature trails Gardens and educational science exhibits this Sanctuary serves as a pivotal space for woff and Bergen County residents to connect with connect with and to appreciate the natural world we extend our heartfelt thanks to County Executive James J tesca II and County Administrator Thomas J Dutch Esquire for their unwavering support and commitment to this vital asset within B the Bergen County Park system their efforts help ensure the continued preservation and enhancement of this open space in woff enriching our community and safeguarding our environment the township committee is enthusiastic about the upcoming developments and looks forward to the continued enjoyment and educational opportunities that the James a McFall Environmental Center will provide and that press release will be sent out first thing in the morning so we're really really happy about this I mean I I happen to live right on on Crescent and uh my wife and I enjoy the park my five grandkids enjoy it and uh it's a beautiful park today uh but uh I guess the best way to put it it needs a little bit of a refresh so uh that's going to be really uh really nice when it's complete it is going to take a couple years but uh the money's been set aside so uh we thank Tom Dutch particularly he was uh he was a key factor in this so that's all I have Mr Mayor that's great news yeah thank you yeah that's good news Tom Tom du is a white C president yes he's a white C president I and I do what I remember about ankle pig farm was that on hot summer day if the wind was right we could snowed all the way over on SI of my well trust me all right you set me up you set me up so there was one last lineup I was thinking should I say this or not but you know being that it was a pig farm it's nice to bring the bacon back to wof right so you got that but you know look look at the end of the day very important note this is not this is not our budget this is the county budget but obviously each and every one of our residents through their taxes contribute to this so we we are bringing some of the bacon back and uh we're just happy to report that to everybody so is it coming out of their operating budget or they open space funds you know you we pay into their open space well then then either way it's probably some of both uh because you know it's a capital Improvement and and obviously it's open space so they may have picked from each but that's the total dollar amounts Per Tom Dutch anything we good you sure you don't have anything else uh well would you like Trum but Rudy would get upset yeah all right thank you mayor thank you Roger um all right I attended the library board meeting um along with the rest of the township committee I was at the team up to tid up uh shredfest uh Fire Company 3 fundraiser I think we covered a lot of those uh those details um but I know Roger did mention this I you know they we did fill up another 40 yard dumpster full of uh full of Styrofoam um Memorial Day Parade committee they're continuing planning they pretty much are just finalizing some of the details or I know I'm sound like a broken record but it's one of my favorite days in woff is Memorial Day Parade so I'm excited for that coming up towards the end of the month uh Tom your remarks at the Arbor Day and for uh Mr D we're very moving very touching you did a great job there and uh lastly just want to wish Rudy a happy birthday his birthday was his past Saturday with 28 28 30 something like that yeah like happy birthday Rudy count and um and that's all I have um attorney report Dave you have anything uh just to reiterate we'll have that special meeting on Friday at noon we'll try to make we'll make sure we can get calling because obviously there's some work schedules and we'll announce it at the public meeting as well but that's it for tonight thank you thanks uh motion to adjourn no so move second Mr gster yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Shand yes mayor yes motion appr thank you --------- excuse me excuse me yes sir sorry all right I like to call the 800m regular meeting to order uh please rise for the flag salute and we have three special guests here tonight who are going to come on up and uh lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please remain standing for an invocation by Pastor Neville uh good evening ladies and gentlemen uh with trials boycotts and War we may feel the weight of the world bearing down on our community in this context I offer this prayer from Clement of Rome a first century Bishop let us pray to our rulers and governors on the earth to them Lord you gave the power of the Kingdom by your might to them Lord give health peace Harmony and stability that they May exercise The Authority given to them without offense for you Lord give to them power over the things that are on the earth direct them to what is good and pleasing in your sight we pray to the only one who has the power to do these things amen amen amen thank you thank you have a good evening Nancy can you please read the uh open public meeting act yes the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the governing body hosted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the T the Ridgewood news and the bur record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the town of clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the rwood news and posted on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meetings act thank you Nancy roll call please Mr B here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan uh here Mr Shanley here and Mr Melone here all right can I please have a motion to open to the public comment period public comment period 5 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof Soo second second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment um we actually have our three uh special guests here uh from the uh Boy Scouts for their uh merit badge I don't know if you guys just want to come up and introduce yourself or your name while you're here you don't have to no pressure that be great come on up yeah yeah come on up just introduce just introduce yourself has to be an alphabetical order what tro you're from uh I'm Alex and I'm in troop 89 okay I'm Michael I'm also from Troop 89 um I'm Jeff I'm offic from 89 all right thank you guys thank welcome citizenship all right seeing and hearing no one else I move to close public comment second Mr Bo yes Mr Lane hi Mr madakin yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes in affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you could I please have a motion to approve the April 16th 2024 work session and business meeting minut so so moved second Mr D Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan I yes Shanley yes may yes all right next up is the consent agenda all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately resolutions as follows 165 approval of vouchers and authorization to pay bills 166 Professional Service grant writer 167 closing the 2023 unused spotted Lantern fly Grant 168 authorizing application to buron County open space trust fund 169 adopt a torque claim form in accordance with njsa 59 8-6 170 chapter 159 2024 spotted Lantern fly reimbursement program 171 preparation of 2024 estimated tax bills 172 in support of the pfas mitigation appropriation request we have no ordinances for introduction and we have several motions the first is to approve the request by the parade committee to serve beer after the Memorial Day Parade until 3 p.m. beer is not to be advertised must be served in 12 ounce cups limit of two 12 ounce beers per person the approved location for serving is a beer garden behind Fire Company Number One the social Affairs permit from the ABC is required and has been obtained uh beer to be served by BFW post number 7086 members after it check is verified by handstamp approval is granted for 2024 only approve the request by Kyle pervin student at Rano Indian Hills to post temporary 18 by 24 in signs in WIP off on private property for the 10-day period beginning May 8th and ending on May 18th to promote the Relay for Life event being held for 24 hours at the high school beginning on May 17th at 5:00 p.m. approve and accept the application of Thomas slain As A Firefighter with Fire Company number two effective today May 7th 2024 approve and accept the application of alesandro Monon As A Firefighter with Fire Company number one effective today May 7th 2024 authorizing approved Junior firefighter Jack Kane to move up to regular firefighter with Fire Company number one effective today May 7th 2024 approve the request by Michael felis Interiors to hold an outdoor sample sale on Friday May 31st and Saturday June 1st the rain dates the next weekend temporary A-frame signage will be only posted on site on the dates immediately prior to and on the actual dates of the sales approved Hope Christian Services fundraising special event held at St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on Grand View Avenue on May 16th the event includes a beef steak dinner silent auction and cornhole tournament permission for overflow parking at coolage school has been obtained from the Board of Education Hope Christian Services will utilize their Vans to transport guests from the schol SCH to the church and will post temporary signage at Kola school as well as at the church may I have a motion in a second to approve the consent agenda so moved second Mr Bo yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan um I'm going to vote Yes but I just want to note because I didn't do in the work session I'm pleased to welcome and thank them uh Thomas slain is a firefighter Alexandro mon Leon is a firefighter and uh we have Jack ke move to regular firefighter so with that I vote yes thank you Mr Shanley yes Mr melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved moving on to ordinances for public hearing and further consideration I have uh the first ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda is ordinance number 2009 which is an ordinance authorizing the appropriation of $634,500 for improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the township of County of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing the necessary funds therefore for a second reading by title only a copy of this ordinance has been posted on oural website on the blls and boardon Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2009 and all persons who wish to be heard please seat your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone not seeing anyone I move that the public hearing on ordinance 2009 be closed second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes mayor Mion yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be resolved by the township Committee of the township of wof that ordinance number 2009 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted the municipal clerk is Yi authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance 2009 on second reading by title only second thank you Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes the mayor Mion yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved I have a second ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda it is ordinance number 20110 which is an ordinance amending ordinance number 1934 1961 and 1980 entitled an ordinance appropriating funds for major vehicle repairs and appropriating additional funds for the said purpose for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the boltson board and Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2010 and all persons who wish to be heard please St your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please St forward to the microphone there seeing none a motion to Second Mo Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes mayor Mel yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be resolved by the township Committee of the township of white that ordinance number 2010 after public hearing any further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of set ordinance in the off newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance 2010 on second reading by title only second thank you Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved for the third ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda it is ordinance number 2011 which is amending ordinances 1619 164 46 1688 1738 1773 1829 1853 1933 1960 and 1981 entitled an ordinance appropriating funds for future Field improvements and safety enhancements and appropriating additional funds for said purpose for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our municiple website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2011 and all persons who wish to be heard please see your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move at the public hearing on ordinance 2011 be closed seeing none coming forward second thank you Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes by the township Committee of the township of white that ordinance number 2011 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance 2011 on second reading by title only second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr madakin yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes we have a fourth ordinance but it's on for public hearing only as previously discussed in Matt's report it is ordinance number 2012 which is a bond ordinance authorizing various improvements and Acquisitions including road resurfacing Town Hall roof replacement acquisition of a vehicle lift acquisition of a single axle Packer truck acquisition of a single axle jedar vac truck and acquisition of a records management system in by and for the township of whitea in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $ 29371 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,452 776 of bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof for second reading by title only copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board and Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2012 and all persons who wish to be heard please see please state your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that the public hearing on ordinance 2012 be closed can I have a discussion on this before we close it um can I get a little information on why we're doing an acquisition of a single axle Jetter vac and an acquisition of a 300 yard single axle Packer truck and bonding for it sure Matt do you want to take it or you want to take it I can comment too but you can com ahe well the jet jet truck is something that's been requested by Joe Vander plat our DPW super intended and also to comply with our um uh storm water management plan um we have to typically uh rent trucks out of town but it's really the main thing going forward is to comply with the storm water manag so we don't we're in comp with what license is that mat our ms4 perm our ms4 permit yeah and the fact that we rent over time so we have we have to hit every storm we have to hit every every manhole not manhole every storm store every year clean them out and this is instead of uh this is it can also be used for um um it's like a hydro back you use it to uh dig dig holes in order to place signs Place new signs uh on roadways U but mostly it's going to be used with our regard to storm water management uh with regard to the single a axle Packer truck this was discussed in 2022 uh and if you remember in 2022 we authorized a mini Packer which is now that plan has been nixed uh and that money will be reallocated towards uh this truck uh and it would be the purpose of bringing in-house collection of our vegetative waste after our contract with uh G expires in 2020 7 because we're talking at least two years delivery on a truck right we previously okayed a truck but it was felt we previously approved AER so we already had that appr small instal large we also had a demo by the Wawa uh DPW on how they use a packer truck for the collection of leaves and how it's the speed and efficiency by using the truck along with a uh loader with the claw you put a big uh you put almost a funnel on the back of a truck you put the funnel on the truck and a claw comes and there's one guy blowing and a sweeping behind it and it's uh it's pretty uh we all went to see it and it's pretty uh amazing to see the speed that they went up and down the streets uh doing this so it's a multi it's a multipurpose MTI longterm the key is longterm savings for a Township and a tax basers that's the key but for the Jed vac was there any shared services with another municipality explored so if we're going to do shared services the truck can be loaned out uh but we're not looking at entering into any more agreements where we jointly own a vehicle that way we're in control of the maintenance and the physical plan of the vehicle correct and the problem is they all need to get you know when the trucks need to get used they every town needs them at the same time yeah exactly all right but that was in the budget we did have mhm two budget hearings if you had any questions I would have been happy to answer it up Pete but yeah I mean this was previously discussed just curiously and um how many yards is the P hand it's not that important I don't have that sheet sorry no 30 yards no it's no yeah it is can't remember off the top of my head we can find out get but the difference from going um just say for example 30 to 40 it's very it's you're better off actually getting the biggest one that comes with it because the price difference is so like minimal going up to the biggest size and the lead time is two years yeah well we found that out when garbage we we were stuck on that Garbage Contract despite all hands on deck all efforts so being proactive okay any other any other no thank you uh with that I'm yeah second thank you Mr B I yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan hi yes shley yes may yes affirmative vote the public hearing is closed okay and just for the public clarification the adoption of this ordinance will be on Friday uh at a special meeting to be held in this room uh we'll also have a for the members of the township committee who can't make it we'll have a call-in number for you but it'll be at 12:00 noon on Friday uh no further notice in the newspaper and no further uh vote will be taken tonight on this ordinance um and we have a fifth ordinance for public Hearing in further consideration on tonight's agenda is ordinance 2013 which is a capital ordinance providing funds by appropriating funds available in the general General Capital fund Capital Improvement fund the sewer Capital fund Capital Improvement fund and the municipal open space trust fund for the purchase of a new Foley 926 cat wheel loader for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulle board and Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2013 and all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone seeing no one I move the public hearing on ordinance 20113 close second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of wof that ordinance number 2013 after public hearing and further consider ation is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance num0 20113 on second reading by title second you Mr B yes Mr Lan hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mion yes an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you I please have a motion to adjourn moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr shandley yes and mayor M yesir vote thank you Nancy thank you everyone need to figure out what the extension number is going to be and then I'll let you know the number yeah let me know