far it is Jo it's on joeo time his clock still on Joe solo time you got yours right um You Ready was mailed yeah for some reason I think I saw can I just like to call the 7 P.M work session meeting to order NY have a roll call yes Mr boa here Mr fiser here Mr mó here Mr shandler here and mayor Madigan I here Nan can you read the open work session meeting minutes bring it UPS one second you want to take it off the minutes Nancy think we're having broadcast issues in accordance with the open public meetings act members of the township committee are meeting for the Tuesday October 17 2023 work session meeting um excuse me um I'm sorry it's not on there and these measures are implemented to allow members of the public to observe the town committee meeting in person and Via live streaming and to provide the public with the ability to comment um during the public meeting this notice and agenda have been posted on the Township's homepage um whiteoff nj.com at the quick L for minutes and agendas on Friday October 13th General instructions regarding access to the meeting have been posted on the Township's home homepage as a news item um on the Friday prior to the meeting okay all we're good I want to confirm the uh vouchers has been signed yes everything has been sign Mr Mayor okay can I have a motion to open 10minute public comment period 10 minutes comment 2 minutes per speaker public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of interest or concern to the residence of the township of white second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved any member of the public wish to come forward make a comment time to do so please identify yourself seeing none could we have a motion to close to the public motion to close public comment second Mr Bo yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right we have a very uh special occasion this evening we have a proclamation on behalf of the township to a dear friend resident uh Nick champo so I got to read the uh res resolution and then uh the proclamation here and then we'll have Nick and family come up we'll take pictures we'll give him a big Standing Ovation for his many years very very impressive history so I'm going to read it now here's the proclamation but here's the font so I could read it whereas Nicolo champo was born in pic and grew up in faon New Jersey joining the Marine Court to serve this country upon graduation from donasco Tech in 1958 and whereas on June 18th 1960 Nick married Lois Lombardi and they moved to wof in February of 1962 where they raised their three children Michael Lisa and John and Nick joined the wof volunteer fire department as a third generation firefighter and whereas Nick worked for UPS Sam brain railroad construction and retired in 2006 from his position as director of Fleet Maintenance with the city of New York's fire department and whereas Nick has served our community for many years as a volunteer fire department not only as a firefighter but as a lieutenant Captain Battalion Chief Deputy Chief of company 1 and chief of Department from 1986 to 1989 receiving the Dana Hann and distinguished service award in 2010 and whereas Nick is a member of Marine Corps League Lakeland Detachment 744 the American Legion Oakland Memorial po post and joined the whiteoff Memorial Day Parade Committee in 1983 and served as chairman from 1997 to 2016 and he is also a member of the the wof family YMCA's veterans committee whereas Nick received the Rudolph C Appel service award from the New Jersey and New York volunteer Firemen's Association on June 1 2018 and became an honorary battalion chief of the fire department of the city of New York on November 20th 2013 and whereas on May 12th 2004 Nick was recognized by the YMCA with their William E boy Jr humanitarian award and at the recently held 2023 veterans event where the YMCA honored him with the American Spirit award whereas Nick has been happily married to Lois for 63 years and is a generous and supportive father of his son's Michael and his wife Jean John and his wife Libby as well as his daughter Lisa and her husband Doug and as a dedicated grandfather of six including Michael Nicole Lauren Megan Kevin and Kelly and whereas Nick and Lois are members of St Elizabeth's Church where Nick serves as an usher and whereas Nick is passionate about his family his faith his country his community now therefore be it proclaimed by the whitear committee of the township of whitear County of Bergen state of New Jersey the Nicolo champo is hereby recognized and thanked as we honor him for his love of whiteoff and for his generous donation of time and talent and for weaving a part of himself into the fabric of the wof community [Applause] than [Applause] come is this mik on here it's recording I'm going to give you the award then you can say something then we'll do the photos because that's the most important part to the members of the governing party in next let's give him a nice round of applause again well well want me to say something now yeah you can say something me turn this thing around to face the other way you're allowed that I got it you went to Don BOS M Tech he'd probably be able figure we could fix that we could fix that with no problem first of all again uh there's no need for something like this number one which missed at the YMCA I know majority you were not there is to thank thank my secretary it's my wife without her I wouldn't be up here I wouldn't be able to do anything she's battling some problems right now but we're going to get through it without a doubt we'll get through it anyway I I'm standing here but really my family has supported me strongly over the years uh I was fortunate to grow up in a family of fire services and it was talked about from when I was a little kid arguing back and forth on what town had a better fire department so on and so forth all this stuff went on growing up uh when I moved to wof I guess there was no other choice then to join the white girl fire department but I'm going to tell you uh as a officer uh then becoming finally a chief of Department it's all you that make the wo fire department we always were taught as an officer and our volunteer and teaching our members right they all should know what to do I shouldn't have to give anybody an order and that's how it worked over the years the men and women that participated in our fire department knew what to do made me look very good uh and that I believe I could say that for a lot of other Chiefs also without all you we would not have a department the time that you put out from your wives girlfriends today a little different years ago it was old wives right now also your friends okay H they don't recognize the importance the importance as I always said as a firefighter very important right in our training we basically have to become lovers and I use that term and people laugh but becoming a lover meaning that you want to know the pluses and minus of every individual that you're fighting a fire with okay some could do some things some can do other things some can't do some things right so you want to know that so that's why we drilled so much work so hard and again uh without the backing of all the members over the years we would be nothing up here we hold a position chief of Department fine it's great job a lot of accolades possibly or whatever you aware more horns but it's the members that do the work are the ones that really deserve all the credit and help but finishing up though I have to say though uh over the years uh and especially with Chief of Department my secretary was very good but my first Secretary was Lois and we would go to the board office at nighttime because she worked as the superintendent secretary over there and we would do a lot of paperwork there God bless that they had the typewriters there that we were able to knock out stuff with no problem and that really helped us uh get through things through our department and also our mutual Aid that's another thing the mutual Aid is another thing that has grown Fant fantastically today when it started when I was young here uh nobody needed a mutual Aid as we all know today we're running more calls ever on Mutual Aid calls uh we have to help each other out so anyway I think I said enough I I thank you very much for uh thinking me like this and giving me this reward it's very how would I say rewarding to me and I I thank you all very much wh I miss Scott phot govern to thank you thank you thank you all for coming thank you [Applause] all you can take our picture the best thing I have champo and I'm proud of it I graduate from dbos Tech in Boston 15 years after Nick graduated here I want to emphasize that I I will say something dco Tech right really need it today it was a trade school uh and we had all sorts of shops there that taught you a lot about working with your hands and your mind I went the one in Boston they Tau us to work with our mouth Lo got come up body here why don't we have the family get close to Nick let's biggest Round of Applause for Lo come [Applause] on in the wing I I got I'll check thees all right what devs we we'll see what develops yeah you got it Joe good what're just do family okay how about brother how about brother firefight is coming up after we take this family only brother and sister you got stand come on come up here always like we yeah let get come on hey stand back here come back see see this is think all PE yeah holding stand you didn't want to be in the photo you could have stayed in the back of the room who you you I need to hide please face so always [Music] [Music] [Music] the oh thank you thank you very much for the information I appreciate I we don't have enough paper for Mr champo that's right yeah thank you for all your help have a Happy Thanksgiving John how are you good around stay how [Music] are you go to how are you this room always gets the hottest cuz I'll I'll text it to you she didn't know who to send it to but maybe I was going to send it to this Larry and Sarah they're going to dedicate the pool rip all right ready no CH for the he did vacuum up did something gross so screwed up all right okay Matt you ready to go you can start anytime all right least have big print on the agenda are only a couple resolutions um first off is a budget transfer uh second is authorizing our submission of the um New Jersey DCA uh dgs firefighter grant for 2024 as you recall last year we got $33,000 from them uh for the uh gear washers and um this year we're applying for spare turnout gears so while the gears in the washers being washed we have spare sets uh also authorizing a contract for a facilities evaluation and feasibility study uh for the police department um just some a couple updates Leaf collections progressing uh smoothly we're currently in the second round operating in District 4 uh I want to extend my sincere thanks to the hardworking DPW staff who dedicates six days a week during this season uh to keep our or to clear our streets um for real-time updates I ask you to follow our social media uh due to the consistently low temperatures of the ground uh the remaining installation of the flexi pave at Russell farm community park will be postponed until the spring uh in the upcoming weeks we'll be transitioning our site from the N woff nj.com domain to woff nj.gov uh this change aligns with our commitment for professionalism and enhanced cyber security standards The Dock of domain is recognized for its authenticity and security uh this transition aims to eliminate the confusion also that's caused by our Dash in our name um the old domain will remain in service so if people go to it or send anybody an email uh they'll still get us uh but uh sometime after January 1st everything will actually switch over uh to.gov um next week we'll be going out to bid for the pole bar veneer and also firefighter and crossing guard physicals uh for the wolf uh the 2024 calendar is complete and available at Town Hall a PDF will be loaded on the website very shortly uh and expect an early Christmas present from the post office because it should be going to the post office this week um we are proactively moving forward on our 2024 budget and capital planning uh engaging the personnel and finance committee next week um and believe we've come to an agreement with Franklin Lakes with regard to the sore billing of private Residential Properties in Franklin Lakes that want to connect to the woff sores uh we're working on finalizing that into an agreement uh we met with representatives from the barn and the surrounding areas who will be starting their sore extension but due to the winter and school schedules this project will start right after school ends in June uh that project will take three weeks um we've received notice that the moly Drive sore extension tww application has been deemed administratively complete and is now moving to the D's technical review section and that'll take about 90 days and finally just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving okay thank you I'm gonna skip around Dave do you want to give your a report now if you have anything sure just just follow on just to follow up on Matt the sewer agreement as you mentioned with one of the residents in Franklin Lakes uh just a couple revisions I'm going to get that out next week but we're pretty much online with that and I think it's going to be a good uh kind of model draft for them any other residents in the future Midland Park and a couple other towns that do look to do any shared service on sewer um very happy that Mr champo could be honored here tonight well deserved and again Happy Thanksgiving to everybody yeah thank you Dave toship committee reports Tam you ready yeah I'm ready that okay I'll be quick um the zoning board met and the thing the report from that meeting is they approved the Eastern Christian turfield and lighting Pro uh proog uh project which um you know there was nobody that spoke in negatively toward the the changes that were made they made quite a bit of changes that were suggested by the board and it was it was approved unanimously the only other thing I have to report regarding Ramapo Indian Hills is the Ramapo football team has made it to the group four finals uh they will be playing at ruter University at 2 p.m. against Mainland after beating M Mount Olive on Friday this is the farthest you can go and you can't go any further so whoever wins this becomes the group four um state champion for New Jersey so go go po right thank you I continue on an alphabetic order Mr Fisher thank you Mr Mayor um like to just just recognized Joyce sent tomorrow as a member of our zisy house committee and and our leader in that um fashion U we do have our holiday open house coming up December 2nd I hope all can make it um they do a beautiful job there it's a beautiful old home and the holiday decorations really add a lot of extra charm to that um with that we have the Chamber of Commerce coming up on the 1st uh with our tree Santa Claus tour around town um and I you know help everybody hope everybody can make that out to local stops that's been a great uh history tradition in this town um having Santa going around town um wish everybody a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and that's all I have thank youo all right thank you mayor um also be brief tonight fire department has answered 609 calls year to date environmental commission uh met last night uh junior Commissioners will be Pres presenting their end year projects on December 18th over at the library and just lastly I want to wish everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving that's it thank you Mr booner thank you mayor uh I'll start with Happy Thanksgiving to everyone we have a lot to be thankful for and we should give thanks on Thursday um I attended the league of municipalities convention last week with a number of uh elected and uh elected officials and uh and employees from the township um Sunday along with the mayor I attended the Eagle Scout court of honor for Anthony traffic an um the planning board this month will hold a public hearing and a review of the ordinance which we introduced on um November 9th um Scott covered this a brisky house uh happenings U Matt covered all things sewer thank you gentlemen um I'm going to ask chair's um Indulgence quickly um I'm I'm going to start off by I I'll be brief um who knows what the significance of tomorrow's date is tomorrow is 60 years that President John F Kennedy was assassinated to the day and I'm going to relate and everyone who remembers remembers where they were and what they were doing on that day and I'm going to briefly REM recant my experience and I'll give you a little look into where wov was at the point I was a junior at rampo High School in ' 6364 rampo high school was on split split sessions we had almost 3,000 students at rample high school that year because Indian Hills was not opening until the following year so the Juniors and seniors I was a junior attended class from 7:00 a.m. to noon time and the freshman and sophomores came in at 1:00 and went till 6 o00 um at the time I um I was 16 as I said and I had what was known as a farmers's license and I had an old war Surplus jeep that farmer plates on it that I drove to school so school let out I went walked to the we I parked up by the ball field um I drove someone else home and when I got back to syac a I usually went into the dairy office cuz my mother worked there and when I got there it was around 1:00 and everyone was huddled around the radio and that's how I found out and that's when I found out that John Kennedy had been assassinated they had not announced yet at that point that he had passed away so I just wanted to share that with you it gives a little snapshot also that year Ramapo um won the old NB championship for its its uh its district U in football and we were anticipating our last rivalry game with Ramsey High School because the following year the great tradition of rampo Indian Hills on Thanksgiving Day began so thank you mayor for indulging me that's good thank you very much I'll uh I'll share a Side Story So in 196 63 I was in the fourth grade and uh at Holy Name High School not high school grammar school holy name in Boston we were very unique at that time we're probably the only school in America they had a television in every classroom so when the Mother Superior came over with a loudspeak it was like 1:00 that uh President Kennedy been shot uh you had the option they told you to turn on the channel 4 and watch it on the news uh that particular year I had sister alansa and she did what all nuns would do not we're not going to watch History we're going to say the rosary so that's what we did and uh it was a very sad day for our country and um I even remember that Sunday watching the television seeing Lee ja Oswell get shot I watch that live I still can't believe it but was a very difficult day for all of us I too want to uh uh remind everybody the tree lighting will be here a week from Friday December 1 Scot said it's a great event uh for the community and I just want to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and uh we have a lot to be thankful and grateful for and that's it so with that thought can I have a motion for a recessing Matt we need to pass resolution see so number 11 item number 11 on the agenda Mr Man we have to do that before we go in yes all right so C9 so move second Mr BTO yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right now we're going to take a recess we'll comeing back yeah we're going L yeah yeah because we don't have enough room here because we have a lot of people okay we'll be back at 8 o' J to me just so you know we'll be waiting for you at 8 all right don't be late --------- [Music] I'm ready you're going to do number 15 and number 16 and then move to the other agenda okay so uh going to go to number 15 can I have a motion to exit the Clos session discussion and reenter the open work session so move a second exactly Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan I yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay can I have a motion to adjourn the work session please motion to adjourn come move Mr gona yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay I'd like to call a regular meeting of the white C Township committee to order we uh stand for flag salute please our invocation is not here yet wedge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stand One Nation God indivisible Li and Justice all Ry would you kindly lead us expecting some from from St Elizabeth can we give a minute yet what's should we give him a minute yet it's give him a minute it's just eight minutes now we'll just go ahead here it comes yeah the fire truck probably wouldn't allow him to get in there we go hello brother Francis come on in we're waiting for you Francis you just come in perfect timing speak of the Angels we're going to have an invocation father Francis from St Elizabeth's Church welcome father thank you thank you so much for coming this evening good evening father thank sorry I went to jite so I got lost sorry to right on time it's like you came right from Heaven thank you so we pray in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen amen God our Father we thank you for our lives we thank you for the lives of our fellow community members we thank you for our mayor and all the council members we thank you for bringing all of us together to delate on the face of this community we pray oh Lord that your Holy Spirit be upon us may your Graces abound in our lives may you give us the wisdom understanding and the knowledge in the foresight to deliberate on the Affairs of this community to build it and to live here in peace we pray that you continue to let your peace Prevail in our community may you continue to be our guide in everything that we do be with us continue to lead us and help us to achieve what our Visions are that at the end you may give you glory and honor and let your love Prevail in our our our hearts that you may continue to share that love with one another Grant this through Christ Our Lord amen amen amen Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen thank you Father blessed Thanksgiving Thanksgiving same to you and father now that you know how to get here I think we have to bring you back at least a couple of times next year what do you think that's wonderful all right God bless thank you so much God bless you too all right that was good time yeah perfect grand entrance okay uh n we have a a reading the open public meetings act and then we'll do a roll call this regular work session meeting um excuse me this regular business meeting of the township Committee of the township of whiteoff is now in session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public public meetings act I wish to advise the notice of this meeting has been posted on the bulletin board Memorial town hall and on our Township committee's website page copy has been filed within municipal clerk and copies were emailed to the Ridgewood news the record and to the north Jersey Herald news all newspapers with General circulation throughout the township of white at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers roll call please Mr bura here Mr fiser here Mr mó here Mr Shanley here and mayor MD uh here okay could I have a uh like to request a motion for public comment period five minutes per speaker a public comment and any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be a concerned to the residents of the township white up so move second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment thank you Janet Tumi hi Mrs Tumi how are you very good thank you um I just like to thank you all and uh wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and our community wants me to extend a Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and you Nancy as well oh thank you you're welcome and um we also wanted to thank uh Scott fiser and uh uh Rudy Bo about uh contacting the uh person in the state that has to do with the crosswalk uh so we're very happy with you're being in touch with that and thank you very much so that we see that as progress so we're very happy about that so enjoy the weekend everyone thank you thank you Thanksgiving did you want us to invite us over for dessert on Thanksgiving or anything they they do want you to come over toing at any time you would like all right we I want I've been asking would you be kind enough to set that up but will te you something serious yeah if you thought you had the time yes we'll make the time well some of us will if you pick the right time and day it'd be nice serious okay yeah thank you very much I see no other comment we have a motion to close motion to close public comment second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay can I have a motion for the approval of November 9 2023 work session and business meeting minutes motion to approve the minutes second thank you Mr yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mion yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved consent agenda Nancy moving on to the consent agenda all matters listed below are considered by the T of committee to be root in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the content agenda and considered separately several resolutions um the first is authorization of vouchers and payment of Bills second return of certain overpaid taxes fees Etc third budget transfers the fourth is authorizing the submission of an American Rescue plan firefighter Grant application and the fifth is authorizing facilities evaluation feasibility study and contract with Solutions architecture we have um no ordinances for introduction and a single motion to approve the posting of temporary signage by the zabrisky house Board of Trustees promote their annual Holiday House Tour in addition to tours of historic zabrisky house this event will also include an Open Hearth cooking demonstration temporary signs will be posted for the 10-day period beginning on November 22nd 2023 may I have a motion at a second to approve this consent agenda motion to approve the Senor second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay and then uh can I have a motion to uh jiren in a second second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mion yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved good great thank you thank you everyone thanks Happy Thanksgiving