welcome to the April 1st 2024 meeting of the yth Board of Health and it's nice to know it is April uh when don't we start with attendance to begin with just raise your hand and say that you're here Eric present Mary present um Hillard Larry Pres Charlie Charlie's not we still have cor and we expecting him or not we haven't heard haven't heard okay so it's done with the attendance just a reminder this is a hybrid participation meeting so that people certainly can come into town hall here can zoom from home or wherever they are can call in I believe and the instructions are are actually quite good and they're on the website how to connect with us here here so uh why don't we work on the agenda let's start off with public comment and this is opportunity for anyone in the public anyone here any anyone by phone zooming to address the board and I'm fine if it's something that's not on the agenda okay Eric youd agree there's not a lot of activity out there now no sir hands raised on the we have one no no no in the air no hands okay let's cross that one off let's go to number two this is a public hearing this is for Sea Dog Brew Pub and they're located 23 whites Path South Yarmouth and this is on for a vote um it has to do with the dog variance for outdoor dining I understand there's an update on the actual subject and what we're doing with this topic there's an individual here to to present to you okay please fabulous just have a seat uh introduce yourself and welcome my name is Jeffrey Engles I'm the general manager of seog group up um here today we had originally planned to do U an adoption event at the restaurant with Sandy Paw's rescue uh using our patio um since then we've decided that it's probably best to move it off the patio and into the parking lot area where we'll have a barricade set up so guests can come in and uh meet with the Foster animals and and hopefully find a home for the for the dogs any other details I mean the public could be listening just the the time the date and anything else April 27th we're going to have uh we'll have them from 2: to 5: outside the front door uh guests can come up and they can pet the pups and meet the foster parents and get to know the animals and really find out their behaviors and if it's a good spot for them and hopefully they'll find a home oh that's that's great yeah is that the 27th or 28th the 27th 27th yes sir anybody on the board any questions I would just for the board's point of interest um as you understand with the sanitary code as far as service animals and things of that nature we thought it would be best at the time prior to this we found this out today um there's a change uh but the board would have to you know only service animals allowed in the dining area certainly you know assistance dogs so that's was the reason why you see the variant in front of you the manager has since come forward to explain that you know just to lay to lay aside any any concerns or you know whether it's selectman the liquor license and and the sanitary code for the board best to separate the two and put an air gap between the dining area and the dogs themselves so I think it's it's wonderful that you came forward and um just anything anything more how many dogs are you expecting to be there uh from what I've heard uh anywhere from 9 to 10 animals are going to be there um with handlers uh hoping that maybe we get some more we have a big enough area I think barricaded off that we could get some more animals but you know we'll see how many did you say 9 to 10 and is it 9 to 10 oh 9 to 10 excuse me and is it just dogs just dogs yes okay and and what is the organization that you're you're partnering with Sandy Paws Rescue uh they have a bunch of offices in the Southeast Massachusetts so we uh we sponsor them they come into the restaurant uh one dog a month we feature them at the front door so guests walk in they get to see the animal that with the dog excuse me that they're uh they're featuring and hope find them home we've done uh we've been successful 90% I think of the dogs that we've had so far have been adopted by people that have walked through Sea Dog and what just for so the board understands of the community what would be where where these dogs coming for they formally owned and were given up or surrendered some that have been surrendered some that have been captured and taken from out of state and brought up to Massachusetts but rescues yeah they're all rescues yes okay I get their newsletter it's a it's a great organization they get okay tons of dogs beautiful dogs and it seems like they really do their due diligence to place them appropriately I've been on their weit list for a while so I guess I'm an unfit owner 27th CG there you go yeah no I reviewed your application give him a reference a good you give me a good reference yeah that's what happened with you so sounds like a great event yeah it's going to be a lot of fun hope we see a lot of people so there's no action required by the board information only right okay okay thank you what are the times again 2: to 5:00 p.m on April 27th really thank you for coming in thank you very much for having me thank you good luck thank you Jay if there's a meeting that comes up where we have absolutely nothing supposedly on the agenda or very little we can look about uh the the RS restaurants and animals um for just to review it formally I can tell you the last time we looked at it I was nine years ago it was a long time ago um we had there was a complaint by someone living in town eating there and so we had a packed house that night and um so we to take a look at it just cuz it's date-wise it's been a while since we looked at it yeah thank you m that actually does bring up a good point we see animals now on airlines we see them in grocery stores a number of different places so they they have assimilated into areas that we we're not used to seeing them in the past so that that would be timely to put a review I can put that on um for another meeting the best article I came across on the subject once was someone who brought in a turkey on a leash this was in Manhattan came went in the Deli in ordered a turkey sandwich it's true story so let's move on okay we definitely should move on uh public hearing this is for Cape Deli foods and they're located at 11:05 Route 28 South Yarmouth this is on for vote and it looks like we do have people here uh to present bring up another chair that's great yeah everyone please so good evening Mr chairman uh members of the board for the record my name is Kieran Healey I'm a l s with the BSC group with me tonight is the owner of the property Mr Ed Walsh and also Mr Paul Dean who is the potential buyer of this property uh this is Cape Delhi which is probably more familiar to you all as the P Delhi which is across the road from from town hall here um being in business since 1981 and has operated as a restaurant all that time and Mr waly family have been involved so um the as I mentioned the the restaurant has been in business since 1981 it has been an 80 seat restaurant all that time until uh Co happened and the septic system needed to be replaced at that time the uh the seating was um set up for 60 seats and a septic system was installed just a few years ago to um to cover the septic system um what we're here tonight for is to get uh per Miss to allow the 80 seats to be used um that were previously there um and looking for variant to allow the septic system to remain in the current size that it is without change um as you may note and observe today Route 28 the sewer has started on Route 28 and the um the Mr Walsh's actually got a letter from the sewer department discussing the line going from his building to the to the main sewer trunk line that'll be right L 28 for his building so what we're looking to do is to um bring back the seating that was there increas from the previously approved 60 seats a few years ago um to the 80 seats were previously there um the variance that we're looking for is to um allow reduction in the leeching field and to allow a reduction in the um septic tank um the variances are listed we're looking for 29% reduction the leion field and a 23% reduction in the size of the septic tank and the grease trap that is out there U meets the previous regulations and also meets the current regulations when we put in the grease trap we oversized it um so it's more than adequate to handle the proposed flow on the site um Mr Walsh takes a very um aggressive attitude towards cleaning and maintenance of his septic system so the grease trap is pumped every 3 months and the septic system tank is pumped every four months which is more than most people pump their septic tanks but being in the restaurant business he understands what's relevant and what's important and maintaining the septic system is something that is very important there is also an additional grease trap within the building and that is pumped on the same schedule as the grease trap that is outside the building um I guess that's that's pretty much my uh any information that I have the the biggest thing is that we're looking to just leave this leeching field as it is to allow and to allow us to increase the seating capacity with the understanding that as soon as sewer was available we would connect immediately I'd be glad to answer questions and the team here would be glad to answer questions so previously um when the seating was at 80 um the septic system had to be replaced was it a septic system that was for 80 seating the one that was there was the capacity was 80 SE yes but then it was replaced with a smaller one yes it was in the middle of Co and times were uncertain right and money was uncertain yep was the original system pre Title Five it was a 1981 system so the original Title 5 was 78 and the the title 5 that we're more accustomed to was 1995 but it would have been a title five system put in in 1981 is then was the Capac so I'm not familiar enough uh with the specifics of the title but was the newer system even though it was rated for fewer seats was the was it is the flow that it's rated for greater than that of the previous system does that question make sense is it a better system it does I entally I believe that the gallonage back then was the same as the gallonage now that is required okay um the only thing that was different back then is up until 1995 you could put in a pit with a which had a much smaller footprint the current system has to be pretty a rectangular flat area basically before you could maybe be 8T 10 ft deep and have a pit now the maximum height is 2 feet so as a result you car you cover a much larger area that's actually something that I didn't mention is that because of the slope at the back of the property we've pretty much Max maximized every inch that was available for the septic system field that is in the back right now to meet the current regulations of Title 5 okay Mr chairman if I could sure okay um is there going to be a change in operation so we going from 60 to 80 but internally as far as food service is there any change in operation um I when you say change of operation I mean bunching dinners is that what you're doing now as you know I assume you know you know that we we are um in the process of uh selling and um uh the the prospective owner Mr Dean um is would like to to venture out on a a a three or four nights a week I think it's three I'm not sure three or four nights a week to um do some do some uh light dinners uh he had some specifics in mind and maybe Paul you would rather tell him what you exactly what you might have in mind um he had mentioned that that to me as a possibility and um I think that's kind of why we're here now right just right what precipitated the change is it is there going to be the service going to change a little bit or the menu going to change in some sort or the operation so I plan sir just interrupt you need to come introduce yourself and come to the mik name fine uh hopefully the uh new owner of padelli uh our current plan is to operate it as is uh we would like to test the market with a few dinner Services a night to see what options are available uh at a later time um but our plan to go in as far as what's currently being done is to make no changes okay seems like a good question I appreciate you bringing it up so how significant it is if a business wants to have three meals a day in other words in sense of waste yeah I I just didn't know on the anticipation Kieran is completely right as far as the reduction is is within you know the allowable reduction as far as the the leeching field itself I just didn't I and that's un it's unknown as far as the predictability as far as what the increase would be um I don't even know that it is a factor I just want to see what what brought us to this even today why are we even even discussing this but well also because you you thinking of going from 60 to 80 seats correct yes well so uh we the the property came up for sale uh it was we were under the assumption it was 80 seats oh so we've gone through the whole process and through the um appraisal through the bank they made note that it was only 60 seats we were under the assumption that we were buying an 80 seat restaurant um so you know then then that's when we learned about setbacks on the system that was put in place town to are coming down the street so obviously we would like to maximize the the you know frankly an an economic from an economic standpoint um I can you know we've been there for 40 42 years and frankly our mortgages are paid uh and and he needs to do things to to beef up the business I I understand you know we have this discussion many times at our counter or over the phone businesses who are trying to make it to the when the sewer comes in all all of this goes away right and that's that's the wonderful that opens up a number of opport exactly right well we we hope uh sooner than later on that um so those discussions happen whether it's the board or at our counter for the Board of Health to say how can can we get to this point help businesses get to exactly what you're trying to do be viable until the sewer comes so Kieran does this homework he's he's correct in in in each of these things um the board is is well within the Vari I I have another question though so you're saying you're not going to increase to 80 until you're connected to the Sewer um are you trying to going to try to do that before we're we're trying to establish the 80 seats now till we get yes the the season is coming and we'd like to be available the 80 seats available to us and it's I would say that you know I actually said something earlier today if uh if somebody's connected to the Sewer in the next 24 months I'd be surprised but that would be um the bear bones so we're looking at at least three seasons I would I would expect before we would have the SE in there yes but you know if the Bard were favorable tonight then a restriction or a condition that says as soon as so is available mhm connect then I'm sure that Mr Dean or Mr W would be more than happy to to agree to that I just want to make sure you understand what we're addressing that that's all just speak up you have any questions the same way we have questions understand completely yeah so the concern would be for instance if you um had 100 people come for lunch hopefully you had more than that um and if it was breakfast and dinner and there was 300 people that day that's all so there's certainly there's more activity there's more waste and so on so that's what we need to decide upon uh we don't know what your plan would be for you know three meals a day or one whatever or the next owner if you turn turn it over in a year um which certainly you know you're entitled to do that it's your your property uh so that's one of the things we're trying to juggle here understand I mean we if I got one thing is that and that is that when a restaurant seat is designed it's designed at a capacity of 35 gallons per day how many 35 35 that is designed for breakfast lunch and dinner okay so that's what was put in the ground you know was was designed for breakfast lunch and dinner we don't make a reduction if it's going to be just breakfast of it's going to be lunch or just dinner so the the the design by Title 5 is 35 gallons per day for breakfast lunch and dinner okay I'm sure you work at the maap that's helpful thank you um so the the septic system then is one of the factors uh that determines the number of seats you can have uh what about square footage for a restaurant um in other words the floor plan is staying the same it looks like there'll be additional tables I guess um how relevant is that I can the drawing isn't actually correct there the way it was done it's not exactly a you know scientific looking or um I drawing but it's that's what I'm pointing out it's it's not really correct so the issue is is there limitation on tables people square footage um you know you couldn't have 100 diners with a 6 foot X 6ot space so how does that work uh what's unusual about this is that we're not looking to add anything that wasn't previously there between 1981 and and 2021 there were 80 seats in the restaurant and they functioned perfectly fine and they got their occupancy permit every year from the building department which it goes in and checks to see that the building has the capacity to take those seats and there is the amount of space required to get in and out and walk around those seats so in this particular case it's a little unusual because we had those seats already in the building I knew a one that has been untested would have to go through approval from the building department for the um occupant per square foot in the restaurant yeah something this board knows nothing about okay and off the top of my head I can't tell you whether it's six square fet per body or S square feet per body but there is a calculation proba if they're standing up and eating you get more people the on the actual um uh certificate of inspection which is produced by the building department um the the capacity statement is 80 people so as far as the building department 80 tables 80 no no0 SE se80 seats yeah um there's a capacity to have 80 people in there eating at at any given moment anybody have any questions or further discussion it's very clear the way you're presenting it as usual so really the question is um whether to Grant the variance that's our this application which also is quite clear it's nice to know yeah the septic system is going to be replaced by the sewer system which is which is great on on the plan it does say under design flow 80 seats at 35 gallons per day yes the design plan that was submitted two and a half or three years ago said 60 seats but because we were looking for variance we wanted to bring the numbers and run the numbers on the design so you would see exactly what percentage of reduction we were looking for understood you want a motion yeah somebody interested in making a motion that' be great thanks Mary I I move that we Grant the town of Yarmouth regulation variance uh which is a reduction in the size of the Sol reduction system providing 71% of the requirements from 60 to 80 seats and when sewers is available that the uh restaurant will hook up as soon as possible that was really clear is there a second on that motion second thank you Eric any further discussion Larry any questions anything I don't anybody else no let's take a vote that let's go for it all in favor of the motion just raise your hand say I I as it passes good luck with the business assuming you follow through with it okay app yeah thank you Mr chairman thank you members thank you happy retirement well you're smiling I hope nothing changes thank you all right you okay take care good thanks we'll see you good job good luck okay uh number four here here on the agenda is a public hearing this is for greenbird landscaping um what's listed here is 11 Corporation Road that's in yth Port uh there's a request to store toxic and or has this materials in amounts greater than those commonly associated with a normal household use as reference in yor zoning bylaw section 406 period 5 period one period one parenthesis there's a three um so it looks like there are few people here to represent the company and that's great so what I appreciate it is everyone introduce themselves good evening Mr chairman my name is Patrick Nickerson from the law office of John W Kenny on behalf of the applicant greenbird Landscaping Inc being represented by one of its principles to my far right um Rodrigo epifano and then to my immediate right is Brian Wallace he is our engineer on the matter working to help us with our designs specifically tonight to comment on the holding tank which has been designed in accordance with this proposal okay was my understanding based upon what's in our packet there's a lot more to be discussed than just a holding tank you are you aware of that oh yes that's correct I'm just outlining what we expect Mr wal's contributions to be oh okay I'm sorry great oh um Mr W do you want to make some kind of presentation here in front of us to tell us a little bit what you're proposing no I don't want to let see so I can like to I can start okay that makes sense Carl I know you're going to be up soon that's all you want to sit for a moment you can okay I'm I'm all right thank you yeah okay okay so the applicant before you this evening like I said is greenbird Landscaping Inc uh who proposed proposes to purchase and then develop um a parcel of land located at 11 Corporation Road The Proposal would be to construct a 7,000 square foot commercial building which would be comprised of six contractor Bays five of those Bays would be 1,000 square F feet each and then the sixth Bay would be 2,000 square F feet Greenberg Landscaping would intend to occupy Bays 5 and six the 1,000 ft Bay and a 2,000 foot Bay and within those Bays would be its um Source or its base of operations essentially um Greenberg Landscaping is involved in um several Landscaping matters uh specifically Hardscape maintenance irrigation installation irrigation service and then the offseason is also engaged in snow plowing business um so the proposal tonight and the request tonight is to seek the board of Health's approve approval or recommendation of our proposed uh plan which involves storage in excess of the storage of hazardous materials in excess of those normally associated with household use specifically we're seeking a maximum limit of 5,800 pounds of solid materials the vast majority of that is the ice melt which is delivered in separate 50 lb bags to be delivered on pallets and stored indoors only and then um there's within that figure also O is a a number of plant Tone fertilizer 300 lbs of that to be used for new plantings only again these are individually bagged materials stored inside and then the 90 gallons of hazardous materials is essentially um um it's unlet gasoline some small engine oil fluid windshield washer fluid materials that we've identified in our narrative but those commonly associated with what you would imagine imagine a landscaping company would need in order to engage in its day-to-day operations um I'm happy to discuss proposed methods of storage delivery uh Etc in in further detail but I would add also in addition to the landscaping services the storage of materials we're seeking permission to wash vehicles on site and indoors we're also seeking permission or to to service the vehicles on a very limited basis and specifically we're we're proposing changing of brakes topping off fluids as needed not replacing fluids um company a third party company would come to change the motor vehicle oils as needed removing those oils offsite so we'd be proposing to engage the services of a third party entity to uh to change motor vehicle oil dispose of Motor Vehicle oil offsite okay um just the Public's listening are aware of sort of the essence of this is the quantities of toxic materials uh normal quantities being 90 gallons uh rather 10 gallons of toxic fluids uh you're asking for 90 and I think it's 5 lbs of dry toxic materials and we're talking about 5600 pounds of it and that's sitting over drinking water so that's that's why we're all here tonight exactly okay um what's great is we have Carlon okay who put together very detailed summary of what we're discussing tonight considering Carl it's yours uh thank you uh first of all I just like to say um I I agree with everything uh Mr Nickerson uh just recited that's my understanding as well uh beyond that I just want to mention that uh greenbird uh Landscaping was established in 2010 so it's not a new business it will be new to Yarmouth uh they're presently located in harwitch and um the the founders are still the owners uh Mr Rodrigo epifano and his wife M shelder cavalo uh they've been the owners throughout and um we've had a lot of good uh communication the last few months um all of the parties involved and also um m Mr Ed pesy the professional engineer who uh Mr Wallace is with that company who did the designing um I did visit the green Bird's present location in harwitch um to to see what their operation looked like now and and it looks exactly like what they proposed to do here um the one thing that's different is they don't have the same regulation in harwitch so my inspection found the business to be in very good order they just didn't have the secondary containment and I'd be very surprised if they did have it because that's not a requirement in har which but they have a plan for meeting our regulation uh regarding the solid materials they plan to store uh there's three categories there's ice melt there's organic fertilizer and there's uh polymeric sand none of those three materials would be used on site only stored on site and they'd all be stored inside that'd be moved into the building immediately so the uh ice melt is for taking to uh residences that they do snowplow removing for and and distribute that on site the polymeric sand is an anchor it's a binding agent for masonry and uh the fertilizer um is a small use in a fairly small quantity because it's just for startup plantings they don't do large scale fertilization they have a contractor that um does that for them and there would also be no pesticide on site because they have a contractor that does pesticide application so that's the uh proposal for solid materials and as M Mr Nickerson said the the liquid hazardous materials um would be used on site um in the repair and maintenance of vehicles uh mostly by the um employees for the small Lawn Equipment the small landscaping equipment and and then by the third party vendor for oil changes on the larger vehicles um and then beyond that uh the office site would incl include uh office work indoors uh storage of hard Goods hand tools and uh powered equipment uh so that's that's everything I have and then um as you mentioned the board can vote whether or not they want to recommend this proposal to the zoning board of appeals which is the next stop and the procedural track for this project and so the the additional units will be rented out you hope okay that's right and any any prospective tenants would need to the extent they need relief would be before you and then before the zoning board of appeals before any individual certificate of occupancy gets issued so because we're the only known tenants at this time seeking to uh purchase the land develop it into a building and then occupy it we're we're before you tonight seeking your endorsement of our plan to the zoning board of appeals and can you tell us a little bit about the septic system that's being proposed yeah so uh as far as the septic system goes um I believe for now the plan is just a for a standard Title 5 system um that has been sized uh for the entire building itself uh I don't believe final plans have building meeing all Bays all all the Bays all five Bays there we're all six Bays um so I don't believe final plans have been you know developed and submitted to the health department yet for that at this at this point permitting um but that would be the plan it's just your standard Title 5 septic system for the uh the actual building sewer okay so we're not going to be addressing anything about the septic system tonight is that correct you have anything on no on specifically that no I do not no so we're really only talking about toxic materials that are being proposed right correct not the septic system and the septic system would be only for bathrooms right that might be in each of the units correct right I mean one of the thoughts I had and we don't have to go any further than my mentioning it is without knowing who the tenants would be how do you judge what a septic system should look like or the size of it you know if you have um including yours if you have Crews coming in coming and going checking in leaving in two hours you have you know 10 people coming in on the Vans leaving and so on so um usage is is open-ended a little bit yes it's limited to one bathroom but we don't usually make judgments based upon number of bathrooms um for residential we don't so sort of been I had really thought about is the know question is how many people would be there you know those kind of business your kind of business or whoever the tenants would be it could be a significant number of people coming coming there that's all something we may need to discuss and I assume when you come in front of the board about the septic system do I have it right that is correct that will be sized you know accordingly however what what what you have in front of you right now is for the toxic materials okay only fine okay PA did I'm not sure if I interrupt you or not no no not at all fine thank you okay so board members let's see if we can discuss this a little further I have a question okay so there's a holding tank now the holding tank that's from two drains that you're you're proposing from those two bays they're am I correct so we're only talking about the holding tank for those two bays that will be for this business or do I have it wrong the holding tank is connected well the holding tank is for all the Bays of the building so each on your floor plans each floor plan has a drain contemplated on the plan right there are no present tenants at this time sure the size of the tank yeah right you could speak to that tank detail if you'd like to hear more specifications about the tank and its features Brian's the best person to address the board in that matter yeah so uh if I may the um yeah so like Patrick had mentioned each unit would have a floor drain uh and those would all be connected via Plumbing to this one holding tank uh the holding tank itself um based on you know our anticipated maximum daily flow was 50 to 100 gallons per day um the regulating uh you know 314 CMR requires uh 500% of that estimated flow be provided in the tank and we're providing uh a 2,000 gallon tank so that is four times what the regulation requires just to be able to accommodate you know any future uses of these other Bays okay and let move in Carl how do we make a decision in the future or will this be come in front of the board in other words other businesses come in we don't know what kind of business or what kind of flow they're going to have you know are they going to be washing the vehicles all day long or or whatever so how is that handled the fact that it's sort of open-ended the amount of liquid uh waste would go into those drains the Tank's going to get pumped at some point hopefully so how do we how do we judge that for what kind some one business may be just a bunch of desks in it the other may be a busy uh detailing company for cars you know so we'll have to judge that as other use not but the applications arrive so for example right now um and of course that's a great point you make it's something I thought about too all of the Bays contribute to the same tank yeah now vehicle want ing is not typically allowed in this District right the holding tank is there for another reason and the normal flow it would receive would either be if someone had an accident if their fuel tank leaked or something or snow melt water rain water so it would be very little normal flow so now greenbird will be contributing washwater to the tank and it will fill up at a certain rate depending upon the frequency and intensity of their washing when the new businesses go in will'll have to see if they propose to contribute any additional flow and evaluate it at that time so if another business goes in and proposes to wash Vehicles as well they'll they'll have to appear before the board and an engineer will have to evaluate whether or not it that holding tank can accommodate more washing receive more wash water because that holding tank could fill up pretty quickly yeah um yeah I was trying to think of any other businesses that we've granted a variance for for washing the vehicles I I can think of businesses where you've granted variances for washing vehicles but as you mentioned not when they were other potential tenants contributing water to that same holding tank yeah so um I did me mention to the the parties involved that they won't have control over those other Bays so for example if someone pulls their trucks in during a snowstorm and has a lot of snow melt turned to water that might fill up that tank a lot faster and and greenbird Landscaping would be responsible as building owner for keeping that pumped and so they they do understand that but but future applications for use in those other four Bays would have to be evaluated yes I mean these trucks are dirty trucks right I mean for the kind of work they're doing so um witer yes it could be salt but all season it's really dealing with dirt and um so cleaning is significant yeah they they could fill up pretty quickly and uh that's why it's important that the um State requires because that this tank was designed in accordance with State regulation it has a 75% high level alarm so that alarm will will sound and also there's a visual indicator when it gets to 75% so that buys them a little time to call their pumping contractor but before it's completely full so on once that alarm sounds or is indicated they know they need to put a call in right away to to have a response before it um and it would would back up into the bay first so that's kind of the safeguard that gives them a little bit of a buffer in terms of time to have that serviced yeah that was quite clear and here my concern was what happens a sounds or a light's not going to be notice if nobody's there um if there's a three-day weekend or um or offseason right we um they need to go in for a week or two let's assuming there's no landscape you know Landscaping going on there's no snow or ice um so the less snow storm things got washed or whatever um so who who will know that the lights on or that there's a sound in the buildings so it's something to keep in mind I don't think it's being picked up remotely that someone will know they have a problem yes no it's my understanding it's not picked up remotely so um you know uh Mr epifano be on site regularly because it's his business when he's not present um there shouldn't be much of any contribution to the tank and and unless there was an accident or release of if there was a a vehicle parked in the bay and right you know perhaps a fuel tank released but what'll have to be worked out it's a great point is as other tenants occupy the space if they're filling the tank well Mr arano is not present right there'll have to be some type of uh procedure put in place that a a tenant could notify him or perhaps that a tenant tenant would be U you know deputized for lack of a better word to contact the pumping company on their own so as more tenants move in we'll have to reexamine this yeah I mean someone who has uh bay number two they're not going to know the lights on right it's not going to be in their Bay right right not not unless they're you know counseled ahead of time to look for it so it's a great point is future tenants take occupancy this will have to be um evaluated something will have to be put in place yeah I I can go back to the detailing of vehicles again if they're working at night they're they're on their own there a little bit they're so that's of concern to me I see I'm doing all the Talking could I just ask in your how if I could um at the hch location how what what is the frequency of of washing a Vehicles is that done each day or can you give any predictability of what that might look like in Ho uh good evening everyone so in in hoage uh um we do probably every 10 days or every two weeks um that we wash the vehicles um like this where we have all this rain so um when we go to dump the vehicle we get all mudded and all trucks are black so and we try to keep it distant clean yeah so every 10 days or every two weeks a calling so that's what we typically clean up our vehicle yeah just trying to give the board some information to they have some idea on the volume of what that washing like you like you've just heard typically uh vehicle washing is is not allowed just give some idea so they have more information as best they can sure understand and and one of the points that are uh the Mr Lon mentioned to our concern it was the holding tank it was not going to be enough and as we as we know that was at the beginning that was uh not to wash the vehicle on site and for us you know as to running the business and moving the trucks off site to get the wash you know that it's very costly for for the business so and that's why uh we discussed with the engineer to update the the septic uh not the septic I'm sorry the holding tank and have the uh the control panel so that we watch what will be uh what stage or what level the tanks are so and the next thing is as you mentioned about the future ten tenants um for us as a landscaper parking is a big issue and forever the um the the person that are we going to uh that we're going to list the other units uh we're going to be watching that very closely because we don't want to uh have another business that we have some extra Vehicles you know to over parking so and also um to do the um the co washing you know to washing the vehicles on site so that will be something there will be uh that will be uh that we can formally have an all lease so and they definitely need to get their certificate with you guys before they sign a list with us so we and I'm um I'm going to be the one um that is going to be day in and out uh to um uh to check not just on the business but to the building so we're going to be manage the building and we we want to make sure everything it's you know in a in a good condition um there was another um you have any comments Patrick so my Council to Rodrigo has been when you're seeking future tenants know that these are going to be businesses with smaller amounts of employees and larger because there is a parking limitation in effect we're proposing a total of 14 parking spaces for the whole building uh under the Ordinance one space is required for every two employees so if to the extent this board is concerned about large amounts of people large amounts of vehicles large amounts of of waste water for the septic or waste water for the holding tank the parking ordinance is going to restrict which businesses can come in and Lease these spaces because we're not going to be in a position where a business is seeking to lease a space that's otherwise going to put that otherwise going to create a parking issue so so I think the ideal tenants for Bays one through four are likely to be one to two employees type of contractor who's seeking to store their materials whether it's a plumber or an electrician or another Tradesman who's conducting most of their activities on site much like the applicant and is simply seeking a base of operations to store equipment materials Etc with not large amounts of use but I agree the to the extent future businesses are also seeking to wash vehicles that that's something that would have to be taken consideration from this board knowing that if it does choose to accept this proposal that there there already is washing activities on site and there's a 2,000 gallon tank already in the ground so um we've tried to size the tank appropriately for our use and adding much more volume for other businesses to the extent they are seeking to wash Vehicles also but um that's going to have to be taken up on a case-by Case basis at a later date this is going to be alarmed it's going to go off at 75% capacity which is500 gallons um to the extent there's going to be a 500 gallon release an excess of 500 gallon release where someone's not there or present I think is is is um it's not possible there's the vehicles in the Baye aren't going to be able to store that amount if there were a spill while no one was there uh there's sufficient volume to handle it um okay I mean we're we've discussed washing in that area mostly dealing with boats up there um and um as for parking of course there's the issue of there's property that uh of the lots that could be used for parking I mean someone want to rent out spots it's wide open up there there's plenty of space uh not not on the on this particular uh lot but elsewhere up there there would be opportunity to park elsewhere I'm sure someone would be happy to rent spaces out um if I have the lot correct um on the right well actually there a few spots where there would be room I'm just mentioning that um instead of making the left when you come up there you went right not to Corporation to Enterprise yes perhaps if you go down there there's a lot of space so I'm just bringing that point up just point of fact Mr chairman there is a there is washing permitted at 17 Corporation Road that's the pre-form concrete business but to Mr Lawson's point that business occupies all the Bays for that building it's not this is the first on the left right on the corner there yes right the out the outdoor storage before you make the turn onto Corporation sort of it's the one on the left that does that work or is it the one that's passed on the right on this lot yeah it's it's pass the right okay just passed his lot on the right sure yes the map here yeah no just CU think of his original facility that was the first one on the left yeah he was diagonally across the street yes know that okay so there is there is a history of it being allowed with appropriate safeguards in place we feel we've met those with the state design that we that we're proposing but we do agree that future tenants to the extent they're seeking similar relief they have a strike against them already because we are there's already the ostensibly the the Tank's not going to be increased in size simply to accommodate a single tenant sure and there's already a use in process so yeah if that if that limits a future tenant I guess that's what we're left with Carl as to their um some kind of remote I know when someone's is away and they're at their home their generator goes on they could be notified that the generator's on or if the heat in their home is down their systems where you can just have it sent to your phone you know I got a problem at home um so does this exist so owner would know they have a problem with a tank uh I'm not aware I mean perhaps that could be explored uh with Mr epifano and with his engineer as to whether a remote notification uh system exists it's a a great idea it's an interesting idea but I'm not uh aware of that as it relates to holding tanks I am aware of that as it relates to fuel tanks in what way what what happens with that uh there are um there's equipment you know for example at a fuel stations where if a tank leaks it's going to send an alert to uh an on duty individual or company it's only if there's a leak that's how that would work if a fuel tank leaked a gasoline or diesel tank leaked something I'd have to investigate perhaps technology exists to apply that to to uh industrial washwater holding tank yeah Mr chair if I may say something yeah these uh the alarm systems on the holding tank they're usually um mounted on the outside of the building that's and it's a very loud so it's it's purposely loud to notify somebody to say hey there's an issue here they go look at it and they'll see and there's a number a phone number right on it to who to call to contact so there besides being Auto um Visual and audio it's there's the alarm is on the outside and then the inside there would be lights and on the outside there's lights it's they're very noticeable from what I've seen in my past it would only be the houses on the other side that nice gate that's there at the end of the street right with the very well manured houses there that's probably who would hear it but they're designed to be heard so they're not muffled or hidden or anything for the fact that like in a normal Title 5 system at a home somebody goes away for the weekend or goes to South for the it can be it it's loud enough to be heard by the neighbors and that's what they're designed for the alarm system it's they're noticeable so I'm I didn't follow you at home like if if they like you're saying if they're away for a little bit at someone's business or at home residential like if for when they're designed for home use they're it's the same thing for the holding tank it's the alarm systems are the same they're they're loud they're audio and Visually excessively heard so I okay wasn't aware of that okay I haven't heard any in my neighborhood okay that's good that's a good thing can you share with us the main reason why you're moving the business oh definitely you don't have to but yeah well uh has been in uh in business for 13 14 years so and we we've been paying rent at all this time so by this time we should be paying already half of one of those units so uh and as we we get older so I'm trying to to plan and have a a comfortable retirement with my family and grown up my kids so that's one thing saying uh it's to invest on a property and and the other reason is logistics for us um it's um it's more convenient to um just serve our clients um that we we serve a lot of people in Bast and sandwich um uh that's where most of our clients are so in driving 40 minutes 45 minutes every day to howage um so that also bring the cost out for the operations so that's definitely another reason yeah that's sound like good ones Carl anything you can any more details you share with us about containment I mean obviously for the materials that the toxic materials anything else we need to consider uh he proposes um uh Mr epifano proposes 90 gallons um as you uh mentioned earlier which isn't a large amount as compared with what other businesses store so it's not that hard to contain so uh that's to be determined but we've already reviewed uh for example spill control pallets which are uh thick plastic sumps designed for the purpose so he may Place some of those on the bay floor um they're available in many different sizes many different sum capacities so that's a likely um product he'll purchase um it's pretty easy to do because it allows them to purchase an aftermarket product that can be moved anywhere in the Bay versus is if he was to build a masonry containment area that that's stationary all the time right and if he had larger quantities he'd probably have to consider a Mason masonry area but uh his quantities are pretty small so his containers are fairly small you know most are under five gallons so we've discussed this and he'll probably go with an aftermarket product like The Spill control pallets okay and then um he has a spill kit already so he'll just be moving the spill kit from harwitch to uh Yarmouth Port and he has a spill plan which was included in your packets and and we worked on that together um we provided him with a template and then he made revisions to make it specific to his new location so the spill plan and posting of the spill plan has been uh worked out do do you intend to be on site to accept deliveries of material such as the the uh salt for snow removal absolutely so um uh typically I'm in sight until about 10:00 a.m. and my wife she will get in about uh 9:30 and she stays into 2:30 to 4:45 um that's our operation right now okay but definitely will be someone uh on the building to receive any material or anything when they delivery usually they have um um one of those mole um you know the lifts that unload the pallets and bring it inside or otherwise we had a machine we had a skid steer a bobcat uh inside that we unload and move the pets inside of the uh the units but are you able to be in communication with the delivery service so that you can ensure you are there to accept it's always it's always schedule ahead of time that way it's not sitting out in the rain it's it's mentioning um the letter here to you Carl about uh the design of the holding tank and it's designed for nonhazardous Industrial Waste Water yes so that is only referring to agents or being used to clean the vehicles yes so that would be for example snow or meltwater off of the vehicles uh soap and water dirty soap and water from washing the vehicles so uh the the nonhazardous designation um means that it's not uh flammable reactive a corrosive um it does not mean it's not toxic so it's it's a lower level of concern than if it was a petroleum product or something to that effect uh right that's kind of what I wanted to hear okay those are two different things when you see nonhazardous it sounds like it's water you know just going down by itself okay so there is toxicity involved of what's going down because certainly a lot of products are used to clean vehicles are it said biodegradable here for one of them but there's surfactants there are different chemicals are in um what we wash cars with I mean yes yeah so that water is then removed by um you know a typical pumping hauler who removes waste water uh if they had a a leak if a vehicle it's probably very unlikely but if a vehical fuel tank leaked and the fuel drained to the holding tank then it's hazardous waste and then they're calling a hazardous waste H to remove of it so then it's a a different level um of material and removal but um that's not what's intended for sure Carl you you're recommending that um the uh owners submit an annual report yes that includes um about any spills or leaks and a summary of the water usage so do you get that report and review it are you getting reports like that now I am now I am getting uh reports for um other businesses that have these types of systems in town and um the way it us some some firms some companies will hire an engineer to do all of it for them and some of them will just uh you know do their own tabulation on Wastewater provide their own um washwater removal invoices and then have the engineer um submit his or her report regarding the test regarding the competency of the washwater system but that that doesn't have to be done annually that's just done that that's done annually as well well okay and so if you see any red flags then you follow up yes how often has that happened that you've had to say oh that doesn't look like uh in terms of a system actually leaking to the environment I only um have had that occur once during my time here and that was in two different locations within the same system and uh luckily it didn't get very far so they isolated the system and they had to actually Jackhammer up concrete and asphalt and and make repairs and uh assess the soils that were impacted and a license sight professional evaluated the soils and uh fortunately they didn't have to excavate very far to get to clean soil and then repairs were made and then the system was retested as competent and a new report issued that's only happened one time in my experience probably a pretty costly repair yes I imagine it was Eric Larry any thoughts um is it reasonable I I know it's not as much of an issue now where there's only one occupant um is it reasonable to ask uh Rodrigo to uh post an emergency number I you had some concerns about somebody responding to to an alarm um and and as um Barry was saying that alarms very audible but would it be reasonable to post a an emergency number where the location of the uh alarm to notify somebody that in fact there was an issue I don't think there would be an issue with one occupant but that could be an issue as this building uh increases with occupancy yeah I mean if we were to vote for know for this if we did that certainly could be included in the requirements from that's a real concern which I could see it very good idea for sure um otherwise yeah in the middle of the night people are not going to know why this sound's going off for sure and what to do I'm I'm struggling with I don't know if anyone else is only just the quantities materials um and I I guess also the washing of the vehicles you know it being an isolated area and sitting over the aquifer so that's a few that's sort of what I'm I'm trying to I'm struggling with u the amounts of toxic materials are quite large the solids as opposed to the liquids because the liquids are are not okay the solid materials are all separately bagged yeah stored indoors um um most of it's ice melt there's 300 lb of fertilizer yeah and 90 gallons to be handled with the secondary containment as far as the washing is concerned and the concern with future tenants um Miss Craig brought up an excellent point regarding the recordkeeping requirements of amounts of amounts of Wastewater pumped and amounts of water used and that really could be used to establish a track record for to assist you in your analysis with any future tenants certainly the relief or the recommendation from this board with respect to this tenant isn't going to be uh binding on any other future tenants who seek to occupy these Bays it's going to have to be taken up on a case-by Case basis and certainly Carl would have records available to assist this board in its decision regarding any future request for indoor car washing services um and don't forget um one of the operations we're proposing is the important snow plowing and icing that takes place in the winter months and sure keeps our road safe for us to travel on and rather than leave those Vehicles outside subject to rain and snow and ice those are proposed to be stored indoors and so they can be washed in stores and the indoors so that the road salt and other things can be collected in the tanks and then pumped accordingly so I think actually there's a benefit to washing the vehicles indoors on site as we're proposing compared to the alternative which would be to park the vehicles outside leaving them subject to the snow and the rain and then of course you'd have infiltration into your into your ground so um the the quantities of materials they're in excess of those normally associated with household use certainly but the bulk of them is a single item of sodium chloride bagged delivered indoors on pallets similar to the ones you'd see at a Home Depot or aashan stored indoors you pick up a bag put it in the truck to distribute as needed the 90 gallons are going to be adequately contained with the movable plastic decking that will serve as secondary containment in the event of a spill of a five gallon container or less it's going to be held in the secondary containment for some reason that's not sufficient you still have the holding tank as a as a as a backup to your backup um you know on the whole um we've been working with Carl since since January we've revised the plans dutifully and cooperated with Carl he's seen the Harwich site is impressed with the current location and operations and on the whole um we think we've adequately Safeguard and addressed the risks of spills or other issues that could arise with the caveat being yes future applicants future tenants be subject to the same requirements that we are perhaps even more so if you approve or recommend the proposed use what is the timeline for the building to be constructed if it's approved our goal is um uh to finalize the purchase um in the next couple months and as soon as that finalized so we start to you we should beate application to to build so we're scheduled presently to present before the zoning board of appeals on April 25th U to your approval of course uh and then from there um there depending on what happens um we we could be filing a recorded decision in I'm not sure 30 60 days from there the appeal period would need to run we need to draft the decision get on record then be in a position to close um so this is all pre purchase due diligence but um very serious about the proposal we very seriously have taken consideration all the risks involved and we feel that um we feel that it you know it it it deserves a recommendation to the zoning board of appeals for its final consideration so the building will be started sometime after the land purchase is finalized if everything is approved if everything's approved but we how long is the building going to take to go up um we we schedule uh um depends where we're going to be starting but if if we able to start um during the summer so we able to have the building up by the fall uh have all the um the structures up by the fall and then all the um the indoor details Plumbing Heating and stuff that will get it done over the winter so hopefully by next spring so we we starting to we go right in there in the meantime you'll still be in harage you still be in harage Carl a question for you um if you go into Home Depot we all have and you go down the aisles and you see their bags of sand there are ones of uh cement and the powder's coming out or the Sand's coming out it's the ones you don't take home um and the stuff is on the floor so what should happen because the delivered pallets a lot of them on they dropped you know nurseries you see it all the time stuff's outside but it's not the fault of this business it's could be the product how was bagged whoever's bringing it to this business it was nicked on them putting on the pets or whatever what should this company be doing when they have the solid toxic material that's leaking out of bags uh moving it inside immediately is the first thing and I I think um the good policy that's in place is as Rodrigo mentioned the deliveries of the dry materials are scheduled so he's he's prepared for the arrival so the thing to do uh uh would be to move it inside immediately which he has already um you know mention he would do and then to stop the leak you know put some heavy duty tape on it and I I imagine that's what he'd want to do anyway because it's valuable material and you certainly don't want to lose it so so how's it cleaned up the pal ER sand is or whatever is on the floor what what's how's that cleaned up uh well the first thing is to protect the worker I don't know how much of an inhalation has it is I mean I I I do because I read the safety data sheet and it's supposedly minor but the the worker should protect himself herself with whatever the safety data sheet recommends uh mask gloves and then it's usually swept up it's usually swept up and containerized so they would sweep it with a broom um you know to get it off of the asphalt of the concrete and then reuse it if it's not contaminated for example if you know other dirt isn't mixed in um I imagine they would want to reuse it but I don't want to speak for uh Mr epifano yeah but that that's typically what I I see when it's happened other places I've never seen a large release but I I have seen as you mentioned Nick bags and so forth and again it's important that they be moved inside right away because you don't want something like that to get rained on as as Eric mentioned earlier um you know once a dry materials rained on it can can leech away and uh some materials are more toxic than others sure and can I add something oh absolutely what call just said um in in another discussion with him and as we move into yth I know it's a different ways to do business in the district that are we going to be in so and um and I asked him um for some Alternatives how I can I how can I train our team how I can train our employees to deal with any of spills of any kind so and definitely that is something that we're looking to have on a books of our business so that they do as part of the safety training so that we have the SP plan present to them so they know what to do and in case that happens so I know um all your concerns and and also my concern I live in Baro and there's a time where you guys had a issue with the water so that it was water pumped out for y so and we want to protect that as well and the other thing is regarding to the um um to the tank um an RP plan we already um had a contact a company uh it's global environment if I don't miss the name so that it's um and we ask for the report uh with the procedures in case we had an emergency and so on and so forth so they um as they schedule to be less than 24 hours after the call to bump it out if it's a you know if it if it's something that it's really overflowing so they can come as you know uh as a emergency call so and they'll come right away so we have already contact the companies we know the steps what it's going to be so we already have that plane out ahead in case something happens just in terms of to material hand being handled for a spill if there's a nicked bag or something like you might see in Home Depot this is sodium chloride it's it's commonly spread over driveways it's not it's it's oh absolutely I was thinking some of the other toxic material is more than that um I guess the sand would be one you know it's got silica in it um that's all I was thinking more but you're absolutely right with the solve for sure you know the biggest concern people around here have the pans of their car underneath with the salt that's the that's the biggest priority just remember the Sand's a 300 bags so it's it's 650b bags you just you just carry those in it's it's the pallets of the sodium chloride that that's the large large quanti yeah this the 300 you said so 650 lb bags so you have a physical therapist on staff that's all that will work out fine not that you'd carry them at once fair enough unless unless Rodrigo wants to show off or something but but no no he justes have a short sleeve shirt on tonight so we don't see anything I think if we were to Grant this we consider including the recommendations as requirements you want to Brave it or with Mary as a coach pretty good she can help word for word you want no there would be good practice I don't mean to the spot but Mary can dictate seriously and you'll get credit for making I think Larry had a good point a good suggestion but I didn't get it in my notes what was your that the alarm has the emergency contact information telephone numbers and would that be for the company that pumps it no for well I would think it would be to the owner yeah would be the owner typically or his agent or yeah this um they have already said that they can provide this so just say can be Prov this is these requirements are up this is part of the recommendations sure and they have already addressed that in a letter from their engineer that it can be done okay they just saying it need to be done and how am I referencing that just saying that you you know they've said in this letter that it can be done oh okay and we're just saying that it will be done in supplied to us okay go sentence by sentence and mean this is difficult and and so it's it's just practice and Mary happens to be great at it but um sentence by sentence that's all um we're all trying to get better at all these things sure I'm just I'm struggling to see what I'm what I'm referencing here this matches right right exactly just one of the recommendations I'm just saying they've already acknowledged that they can do that so we're just saying you know it is part of that what we're making a requirement what is a requirement don't wor you drop it you should have married do sure no so I I mean you could do it just so I'd like to move that we request uh move that excuse me we Grant the request to store toxic materials in amounts greater than those commonly associated with normal household use at 11 Corporation road to include or to require the recommendations set forth and do I have to reference those include the re the to include them as written in what that's all right as written where what what am I referencing though it would be in Carl's document car's doc yeah Carl's M right so let's try this again I move that we approve the request to store toxic materials in amounts greater than those commonly associated with normal household use at 11 Corporation Road requiring the recommendations set forth by Carl Lawson Carl Lawson's memo and also o include that phone number for the landlord be included at the alarm station of the building Mar how's that right sounds good that's great is it yeah great really good is there a second to that motion second Larry beat you on that one okay any other for discussion good none okay let's vote okay in favor just raise your hand and say I I I well you know that's it passes motion passes uh stay in touch with us mainly with Carl okay there are a lot of details I hopefully you understand our concerns some of this is new for us uh we're responsible for the qual quality of the water we're drinking okay it's a burden that we have we signed up for it and it's our responsibility we don't take it lightly so questions call okay all right do I appreciate all the bird members uh but I like to thank Mr call uh he's been so helpful and he guide me through all this information some of the stuff that we are not aware as he mentioned so we wi hoage uh so this a lot of this stuff it's new but he guide me guide me through and make sure that I understood where we step happen it so uh and I follow his concern and we make sure that we uh that we will do our best to uh not just to take care of the facility but to take care of the um the work fire protection area good luck with it good thank you so much thank you thank you welcome to Yarmouth I hope you get the zba approval thank you hopefully it stops raining one of these days for you hopefully they get snow that was today I think tomorrow tomorrow I'm so good okay let's go to number five let's move pick up the pace here a little bit this is a discussion number five on Tobacco Control program um this is about compliance checks and the tobacco control program in general uh Jay why don't you take this part over sure uh Mr chairman Bob Colette is uh if we could let him into the Bob can you hear us you're you're on mute okay I'm no longer muted there you go uh Bob kette uh sent me an email or communication uh probably a week and a half ago just explaining about some of the compliance checks that have been done recently one in December one in March I thought it had been some time since the board had heard from program director so I I asked Bob to Bob to come in and and talk to you a little bit about the youth compliance checks that are going on on and and Report actually the good news that has happened in Yarmouth Bob do you want to want to present welcome Bob thank you Jay um yeso Mr chair members of the board pleasure to see you all again um Jay had asked me a couple weeks ago how things were going this year with compliance checks in Yarmouth and I'm happy to report that we did a complete round of checks in uh December on the 17th with an 18-year-old male and we were not able to procure any illegal sales uh use the same young man again for uh a check of just this just the retailers in the uh 02673 uh area code uh so West Yarmouth as required by it's a a random selection of uh retailers each year that is uh part of what we call the sign our Amendment it's a it's it's a federal law that requir re Ires a certain percentage of retailers to be checked U an additional time and the results of which um help to support the uh dispersement of block funding for substance abuse grants by the federal government so there are certain and what they do is they select certain area codes in a random fashion so we have to check we have to check those uh the retailers within those area codes and this year 02673 came up so we uh I went ahead and did that um so it's it's an improvement from the last time of course uh it's a different buy youth buyer that that I used uh but it's still encouraging that uh you know nobody was uh willing to sell to this young man good yeah and we've we're about 34s of the way through the the routine um yeah retail inspections that we do each year as well so I haven't been finding any serious problems within the retail environment in terms of uh flavored products blunt wraps and those sorts of things that are that usually pop up here and there um so I'm encouraged and I know that um you know I know that the staff your staff has done historically done a very good job at keeping the the retailers informed as well during their routine um uh inpections of these establishments are are you finding overall on the cape um better compliance no uh well it's funny there it's sort of a dichotomy of results between the two buyer the two youth buyers that I use one of them is 19 now he's the fellow that we used last year um he tends to get a lot more sales than the than the uh young man that we used this time during the past round and so you know and there's no Rhyme or Reason as to why I use a particular person it's you know difficult to get to have anybody available to you to help with these so I have two uh two young men one's 18 and one's 19 as I said so I used this this year the 18-year-old on both occasions in Yarmouth he you know he tends not to get as many sales as the other one so the other guy gets sales at about a 30 to 35% clip whereas uh the the gentleman that we used this year uh tends to get around 10% sales rate but again um we had none in yth so it is reason to celebrate Che Bob anything uh new in Tobacco Control on the state level that this board should be aware of any new trends anything can educate us about sure well I think you know obviously vaping is still uh a huge concern among young people and really uh and I don't mean just youth uh because the people who started vaping when the products were first introduced to the market in 2015 uh you know they're all in their 20s now um early 30s and so we're about to kind of enter a phase where as you know in public health you need longitudinal data to assess results and uh impact of any any anything that's out there so we're I think we're going to be starting to see some of the long-term effects of the use of these products and uh we haven't we haven't yet but you know overall the rate of vaping in the general population and among youth is down it's it's been reduced since uh covid thankfully but uh there is another product out there you know nicotine pouches um and they're two major brands that people are buying especially and one of them is really popular it's called Zin zyn and these are little pouches of tobacco uh that the user takes they come various strengths the user just puts it in their mouth and uh it like you would with chewing tobacco but um contrary to what chewing tobacco does in causing one to salivate um profusely and uh this this does not uh cause that uh physical reaction so you can park it in your cheek and gum and let it sit there and so it's it's a similar concern to vaping in that it's very difficult to defect uh to detect for young people especially in school or at home or what have you uh comes in a little round tin similar to what chewing tobacco does and some of the bubble gum products that you see out there they do come in a wide range of flavors but of course they're not allowed to be sold uh in any flavor except Natural Tobacco here in Massachusetts so uh I've only found them in flavors in a couple of smoke shops and you know we dealt with them accordingly but not not in Yarmouth of course you don't have any smoke shops anyway so um so that's the biggest Trend right now I think is it this stuff has become so popular it's just shocking but again people who smoke and even some people who Vape are using these in places where you can't vape and um it's you know they're getting their nicotine in whatever way they can as I always say dealing with the tobacco industry is like playing a game of whack-a-mole at the carnival you know every time you come up with some sort of a strategy to uh remedy what what their business practices have been they come back with you know with another uh creative product that ludes uh regulation and management over a period of time so they're always challenging you know yeah thank you yes yes that that's the those are the biggest things um that we're dealing with right now uh at this point in time so most of the you know the retailers in the armouth have been very cooperative and uh again mostly compliant almost completely compliant in in the past year with the flavor restrictions and and uh the other you know the the rest of the components of the regulations and the state law as well okay Bob Bob could I just ask um yeah this is this is obviously great very good news right yeah um sure regardless of the individual the youth that's coming in their age and I I get there's some variable there uh can I just ask do you or would you recommend that we do any type of notification of of the positive news kind of a positive reinforcement does your program send anything out to the retailers no it's not recommended that that you do that because then they what happened in the early years of the program back in the 90s and maybe the early 2000s uh there were programs that would do that and then the retailers when they were caught uh violating in some way they would use that against the board you know uh to try to um avoid consequences associated with whatever violation that they committed so it's not it's not recommended by by dph and so we don't do it we've never done it okay you know I guess think the the comparison or the what you know what they say is you know if you drive by a speed trap on the highway the state police send you a notice saying thank you for not speeding no it's expect it's expected that you know people will follow the law yeah no I understand you know positive results become infectious you we're trying to build optimism you know so the board isn't I get you I'll take you know your advice and I understand I appreciate those those words but but in fact it's a big strain you know that they come here and they work hard and difficulty I just didn't know of some positivity and inspiring for them but I do understand the counterweight to that as far as yeah right to your point Jay uh why while I make my annual visit or two to each retailer in t in every town and there about 400 of them that are work you know manage um I thank them personally for being compliant and uh you know it there's most the emphasis is on education and and positive reinforcement you know I always say look I want to help you guys help yourselves and stay out of trouble you know let me help you you know be compliant so listen to what I have to say I appreciate that you you know you know you haven't had a violation in three or four years and there are some that have never had one you know so uh when you have people come in before the board on their second or third violation and you know you can say with confidence we have retailers in this town that have never had a violation in the you know 20 uh almost 30y year history of the program you know right so uh you know so sometimes excuses fall flat that when you think about it in that way um and you know you haven't had I mean so Yarmouth really haven't had a consistently non-compliant retailer in some time you know I have had that board the Plymouth Board of Health just last month had to um revoke the sales permit under the new regulations the same one that you have for repeat violations you know you had a fourth violation and um 3 years and they went ahead and revoked their license and it was you know what was even more shocking about that was um that it was in a lior store where the in in a high-end neighborhood in Plymouth you know so but they were um the board followed the regulation and did what they had to do in you know in accordance with the way that the RS are written and so you know you don't have anybody in in that sort of danger in yarm so that's that's good news thanks Bob that that's helpful appreciate I I hope some of the retailers and certainly the community at large is list are are listening and understanding that your efforts the board's efforts are effective and it's delivering results they are and you know personally I work you know I've been working in this position for you know 29 years so uh my Approach with the retailers is to be partners with them to help them achieve compliance and to keep the you know keep tobacco illegal tobacco sales down and to help them to stay out of trouble so I give them a lot of information I ask them or or recommend that they always call the office or call me if you have any questions about you know products that you're interested in selling um now do things slip through the crack sometimes yes one of the problems that we do have AC you know across the state is that with these the flavor prohibitions that we have now in the state law and most of the local regulations by this point is that you know one of the things that the retails are supposed to have is a letter from the manufacturer of every product that each retailer sells stating that this product is not flavored all right so but there are many instances and I'm actually going to be developing a draft memo uh very soon I'm meeting with several of my colleagues within the next couple of weeks and I'm going to ask every board to send send it out on their letterhead and so be looking for that Jay at some point in the next you know 15 to 30 days uh to send out to the retailers and it's going to have a a list of some of the products that have recently appeared on the market that are indeed flavored even though the man manufacturers claim they're not so this goes back to your Yarmouth Board of Health Jazz case and most of you will recall um black and mile Jazz um when Cumberland Farms sued you be for uh it's claiming that their product was not flavored so there are several other similar products on the market now and so the point I'm making is that the manufacturers are supplying these letters and the Distributors are are you know delivering products to the retailers uh and telling them that this stuff is okay to sell so they're the ones at the end of the line and when they're caught selling they get fined um so I think there's a little uh there's a bit of unfairness there because what they do is they fall back on the letter you know so we're doing a lot of Education around that trying to help them to stay out of the situation where they might be fined and um but in some cases not necessarily in Yarmouth but in some cases we're finding that retailers are just you know they they're not really paying attention but not too many and they're getting themselves in trouble so but overall like I said uh I've been very pleased with the the uh compliance and the cooperation and the relationship that I've been able to Foster with the retailers in yarm right so always nice to get a positive report yeah yeah and it's also again that's also reflective of the work that's done by Jay and his staff with in the you know with the retails as well thanks Bob okay any other questions no anybody no okay Bob be well okay appreciate it B than you very much thanks a lot thank you okay we'll see you byebye okay we have number six here this is a public hearing on revised poultry regulations this is requiring a vote tonight uh and Larry just we're we're not just stacking uh all these animal cases on this agenda because you're here now okay we we could attack that dog next okay um help out with that so um we'll get back to 100% septic system soon and so okay that's definitely over my head oh I hope you want to stay above the level in the tanks okay stay above okay um Jay is this you well I would say this I wasn't here I apologize I wasn't here for the last meeting I know there was a lengthy discussion uh revisions were made uh I'll I'll hand it over to Barry but that in fact what you see in front of you in your package is was the end result of the edited edited regulations uh if there's continued discussion if not uh it would there would be a a vote and a signatures um to be able to who enact this this would sit up at the clerk's office uh for a short holding period and then it would be enacted and put on the website so Barry was there any great yes sir um these are the the governing um policies that we went over last month that you guys all agreed on I just retyped them up put them in a nice order um put today's date on them for you guys to take a vote on to to move forward with them so okay we've had no comments from the public nope um actually good comments uh we've had probably two or three applicants for new chicken coops and stuff people are excited so they said thank you for M there was a couple one of them a lady just moved down here and she has a her yard was smaller didn't meet the prior regulations and so she was excited to see that we were allowing this with the new regulations so no no rooster requests no no we're we're no no good question now okay uh this requires a vote if there's no other discussion we need we do need a motion whether uh uh to accept the new regulations is written here um so Larry well Larry hasn't been here do you want to do it make a motion that we accept these new regulations as of today as of today April 1st 2024 right as of today's date April 1st 20 2024 yeah perfect second good job everybody okay all in favor raise your hand say I I Larry thanks for all the help with this I mean that sincerely it's great could I ask that a a copy get so because I have you all here tonight get signed pass down the row yeah to be signed if that was possible we could just start that wonderful I just have a pencil thank you so much how do we get um we we'll have to go to Charlie we get that done thank you thanks for your help with it Barry you're welcome sir thank you for all your help you you took the horse by the by the lead oh my God animal analogies now if someone's not present yeah I'm not sure they I don't think they I don't think they sign no you look through the regulations and there there will be uh Pages at the end that are not everyone signed as long as you have enough you didn't vote for it so okay I would consider this done thank you we got a quorum the people that were here sign understood thank you for that okay I think Charlie was in agreement with it oh he was yeah okay uh we're up to here number seven this a discussion of hoarding SL problem properties and it makes reference to a hoarding task force so Jay or Barry I'll start Barry also um the next couple move through you you've taken a lot of time here and not that to go over these because they are they're important but there not there's nothing in front of you to discuss I want to bring it to your attention that we have several several issues uh several properties now identified um in Yarmouth that have that are serious hoarding is uh cases right the tragic the pathology the psychology behind that how how individuals are living one of them is actually in court um I just want to bring it to your attention that in fact I think in the future because we really there is no infrastructure or capacity to address this these are complex deep psychological issues that that are not solved in in writing a letter or or delivering a certified you know order in any way um Barry I I'll hand it over to him he was part of a task force or is part of a task force for the hoarding task force I think i' actually asked them at a future date for the hoarding task force that does exist to come in and talk to us what are some of the best practices what are some of the things actually one of the things and and Barry can talk about taking some of that Human Service money maybe for for dumpsters and being able sometimes it's just a not having the financial capacity to to help individuals get get past this um like I said these are deep complex issues that take time but they are real and there's health and safety issues not only for the individuals there but also whether it's fire police trying to access uh these properties and and we're finding that many times there's animals involved it can be expensive if the Animal Rescue League or our Department of Natural Resources are taking on they don't surrender those animals we're actually paying for those so it's there's a number of different different things uh uh that have to be addressed I think the Board needs to start some some uh regulations or capacity we'll call it an infrastructure to how to address and it's really not to end home to end uh hoarding it's how do we address it and how do we manage it we have to have a we have to have infrastructure like I say but Barry maybe you know a little bit more on it yeah yes sir thank you um so the Cape Cod hoarding task force it's it's a very small task force and to the county um Unfortunately they don't have the the means and funds to go in and do cleanouts and provide dumpsters and stuff like that they they provide more education to people that um are hoarders there's a really good program called Golden Treasures um that they get the hoarders involved with to kind of teach them how to self self-manage themselves and how to kind of start the process of cleaning out their their homes um um to you and I a 15-year-old Shaws coupon flyer is trash to a hoarder that's they need it still it's so that's what they teach them in this uh golden Treasures classes they do that but one of the things that they do come against is they just don't have the funds to help get these people started to get them cleaned out it's a lot of times it's a lots of lots of stuff like multiple dumpsters would be needed um that's why I brought it up to Jay attention and say maybe with this uh the grant money we could set some aside to be able to help these people get the ball started so it's just we're we're in the very beginning stages of this to to help out um it is becoming I was surprised coming to the arm with how many that we've already had like Jay said there's four um and that's the ones we know of they're we don't know about all the others and you wouldn't even know the houses you just driving by them they look like my house or your house house until you go inside and it's it's a it's a sad situation for these and anything we can do to help these people it's going to be good for him so there is a program at the yarma senior center y that runs for weeks at a time on some of them are like a 16 we program they meet once a week just uh it's kind of um it's a it's there it's a group a group a group Workforce to help talk about it what they can do to help themselves and to kind of see that they actually might have problems a lot of the the situation we have they don't this is normal to them this is how they've lived all their life and they don't think anything's wrong with it so which is part of the problem like you said Jay it's very complicated and often times folks that have these cleanouts soon enough they've accumulated stuff all over again yeah one of one of the cases we have um I was reading back in the note like six years ago they got her all cleaned out and everything she's good to go and she's back to probably worse than what it was before so and it's you can only write enough so many letters and do so much stuff sometimes they don't want help but they need it so it's a chronic illness so just for a point of information would like to least start the discussion and and again as bar said these are sometimes generational issues um have some capacity to address that individ this is you know the senior center Mary that you talk about sometimes it's decluttering and things of that nature this is far beyond holding on to you know trophies from high school these are individuals who can barely navigate through their home you you're in a room and you can't tell it's the kitchen because you can't see the stove or anything so it's floor to ceiling difficult and we worry about life safety issues um and it's it's time now we like we know of several but there are others out there we we need to have that and we would then be able to get that up to the senior center and to other Fire Department police department that and they're very helpful in that how does it come to your attention a lot of times from the fire department or the police department they get called out for an emergency call they go in they see this situation that's when they reach out to us or a concerned neighbor uh concerned family member yeah um that's how we've got a couple of them it's um a lot of times VNA maybe go in to help somebody out uh it it's it's out there and it's we I want to help I know Jay wants help it's kind of a bigger it's one of those things that just kind of gets pushed underneath the rug and I don't want to we don't want to do that anymore we want to we want to help people so okay so that'll be coming forward in the next but it's on your radar great okay so uh number eight migrant update Harbor suets Harbor site sweets rather okay you you saw it I don't know if you saw the Boston Herald today uh lead article Harbor Suites was on there it was not for public health but for zoning board of appeals right so the 30-day moving on the bylaw that's in town here actually Yarmouth is quite frankly to its credit the only community that I know in the Commonwealth that is actually addressing where bylaws where you a short residential stay you you you can't go beyond 30 days um well Yarmouth was was was in the is in the media today real problem with it that's why that came came about right so years ago yeah yeah well um the yoth migrant site is before the zoning board of appeals your to the to the Board of Health we check Barry does Barry checks it every three days um the sensus maybe you can just talk a little bit about you know just quickly there really is no status and the other part too I would say this we're not on the radar for the consolidation plan from the state right so there is no definite expectation as to when this is we're told anecdotally that it's going to be Consolidated we don't have a hard and fast information from the uh from the state on when that is I know the uh National Guard since there hasn't been too many issues over there they've cut down their personnel from nine down to five um they they're still there throughout the week and helping out to still taking donations people are still donating clothing and food on a daily basis which is just says a lot for the town of how compassionate people are for for them um again they don't have the National Guard does not have an ET a departure time for themselves or for the for the the migrants themselves so but like I I go out there I monitor it two or three times a week just check and make sure everything's going good so they they're still doing the the English classes teaching the English classes um some days there's 15 people in there some days there's two or three but there're still the volunteers are going in um Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at right around 12:30 and and helping volunteering to teach teach them English and basic skills just to get around from day-to-day life so great thank you so the board understands in the community listening there are no still no and there has never been any communicable diseases at the harbor side Suites so that's I don't understand the the the 30-day I mean how does that apply when the state has sent these folks to that site and how does that all I know um why are they bothering to yeah I again it's a zoning board of appeals and it's it's there I think what the Building Commissioner is putting in place that the uh the 30-day rule has applied and there is no written emergency from the state it was it was a verbal and that it's it's this is a test case clearly that no one else in the state has moved this forward but again for the board to understand and those listening at home this is not a public health issue it's a zoning bylaw issue and and that's being resolved but that just happened last Thursday this room was filled um with with proponents and protesters and people on both sides of the issue all right that's where it's in the news it's not in the news for public health it's not in the news for communicable disease or safety or any of those kind of concerns this is now for housing and uh the bylaw about being able short Tendencies and things that Tendencies and things of that nature okay to be clear okay uh on the same note infectious diseases we have a covid update at this time yes sir um thank you Mr chairman um as you can see Co rates have gone down um recently uh the the month 224 to 323 yment was at 6.17% positivity rate with 16 positives the county was at a 5.7 rate and the state was at 4.25% positivity rate the past two weeks uh date 31024 to 32324 ym was at 6.01% positivity rate with only seven positive cases county is at 5.35% state was at 3.57% positivity and then just last week um 31724 to 32324 Yarmouth was at 88.7% positivity rate was 17 was seven I apologize about that seven positive rate um County 5.68 positive rate in the state was at 3.35% positive rate we are Yarmouth is a little bit higher than the county and the state and their rates but they it is coming down greatly from over the holidays which is was expected so thank you anyone okay just just to pick up while we're while we're on that M Mr chairman uh you had contacted me and rightfully so um again not about covid but communicable disease measles right you had asked about measles you'll see in your getting right on this that's great you you understand and stats so the concerns being is there's been more cases of measel n there's no communicable there's no measel cases in Massachusetts to be clear none correct but there's been more measles cases in the first three months of 24 than there were all of last year in the United States so begin if you can predict it you can prevent it being proactive and these were the numbers from from the school department the VAC the vaccination rates are up in the high 9s so preventative measures are in place it's a great question great answer from the school department Christian dwire okay yeah just for the public once again the uh musil virus is certainly more contagious than any other virus that we have uh preventive measures for vaccines for so yeah dangerous for young children yeah right but but to reiterate I don't want it's not sending off an alarm I'm saying measures are being put into place and there are no communicable dis no measles cases in Massachusetts right great okay back to co for a minute the CDC is now recommending that people 65 over 65 if they last Co up updated covid was more than four months that they get revaccinated so or you know certainly if there's immune issues to discuss it with their physician so so in in months just for the people listening right now so if someone had a vaccine before what month should they be getting another updated vaccine came out in what August September I had mine November 23rd so April 23rd after I should get a second one of the updated sure the you know the most recent one that came out so if you've had one in November you're saying yeah it's four months from yeah would be April right okay I'm not sure how much public knows of this but right um anything else on Co anyone okay uh it's number 10 new and old business Barry Jay I do um I'd like to say this today um since 1995 the first week in April is National Public Health Week you're you're probably aware it's to say to congratulations first of all to all the work that public health officials do you being the board protecting the town of Yarmouth congratulations to all of you but the first week in April is designated at by the at the state at the state and the national level right since 95 National Public Health Week Public Health we as you can see today public health is not achieved individually it's done collectively all the issues that you're working on you're working with with collaborative partners with Community with organizations and and departments um it's important that they recognized and and and I guess it's to say that education is a big part of of what this board does and engagement as you bring the community in together that's how you improve Public Health right engagement can actually and you know we use the phrase you vaccinate the community with good information and that's what you do with each and every meeting so so you understand the first of all congratulations Public Health week but that the board that the community understands this is any chance you get to understanding it brings awareness and to the Forefront public health because that's every successful entity is built on Foundation I don't know if that went off or not the other few others the human service contracts are going to be coming due um I I wasn't at the last meeting but I think there's a wonderful suggestion that the applicants will come before you and they'll be giving a presentation we'll have those queued up for you depending on how many we get I don't know if it'll all be at one meeting but we'll put them in an order that you will have a reasonable number to to analyze and give questions with a Time limited we'll do that I gave some history on this to Jay okay bring your dinner all right we'll do that they get a no slides no videos understood yeah C to the chase it's not yeah no it's they command 20 slide deck you know okay we won't do that all right um but that's coming also the other one um I'm actually myself and the housing staff are going to uh a training with the da and barible on human trafficking I don't really have a lot of history or experience I can call upon experience on that and so it's should be interesting um on human trafficking to find out so the issues what do you do about that what do we how do we address it how do we identify it where what are the things that should be sending off red flags for our our housing inspectors that are in you know they're in properties every single day the building inspectors so we hope to come back with some very good information from that that's tomorrow morning 8:30 to to one o'clock so that should be interesting and one last thing is just as a note one week from today is the eclipse okay the 8th of of April just as a as an awareness to the community and understanding just be we may be enough south or cloudy enough that you wouldn't you wouldn't look at that directly but it's a good you know to be to be careful I I was the executive director of the uh Mass Society of optometrist for some time so Vision Care was on my radar for a good for three years um I I just bring it to your attention a week from today the eclipse if it's a clear night if it's a clear day I should say and you don't look directly at the eclipse although you know they want to Intrigue there are filters and things you can get to look at the eclipse hopefully it's a clear day it's it doesn't happen very often obviously um but take precautionary measures so just just as a as an FYI good point that's great so we're not running buses up to Buffalo to see this no up to Vermont I believe Vermont has a has a good spot it goes it's just Texas all the way through the Midwest up into Vermont you can follow it but you have some time if you do want to and maybe school you know classes and things of that nature just make sure you have protective eyewear that's because it is real you can you can damage your eyesight any other new old business does anyone want to meet again in the future we need to set up a date is this an April fools oh um right okay and we'll follow that with tax day on the 15th if we're going there so so that's uh that's Patriots Day your next meeting is uh so that's not an available day okay let's not do it then um so the business is uh the town is closed on that day yeah it' be May 6th um okay May 6 the next date the first the first Monday the SEC the third now if the board I can I can look for another date if you're not comfortable going that long actually it's a you know a month I can ask for another day another Monday it would be the in between there if you would like or I don't have anything that's sitting on my agenda for any topics or issues need to be addressed I don't know how do people feel about waiting and skipping a second meeting this month I'm fine with that unless something comes up and uhhuh um okay um I know on the 6 looks like I'm booked with something I know doesn't mean we can't have a meeting I know Monday the 6 I'm not available if that is of any interest um you want to pick out a date in May let's see what we can do well then it would be the it's either the first or the or the third May May 6th you're not available Mr I'm not but that is once again can meet um or the choices out the 20th or having two meetings I mean I it may be the I don't know how do you want to handle that Mary you have any thoughts what do you want to do about it scheduling in other words for May you need to have two meetings we do then we do need to meet on the six could I explore it I don't know if it's available but the 22nd of April of April sorry and I I don't know if this room is already be is already being used um is there a conflict I can at least explore it 22 I'm booked with something so I know I'm not able to once again if you haven't if you have three people who can meet then that's fine uh it looks like the yeah it's Earth's day I'm sorry Earth's day 22nd is and again I I can't with certainty say that this this room is even available but I could explore it otherwise certainly it is available and I know Mr chairman you said you're not but the May 6th would be the next confirmed dat that that you would be meeting Mary this would fall upon you to in the meeting and that'ss up assuming whatever you want to do right it doesn't matter I mean I'm I'm available there's nothing going on you can also say what's not me me once in May I mean we can it depends on what's Happening um if if you don't mind Mr CH I I I'd like to get started bringing in the Human Service uh uh grantees or applicants if possible absolutely and that was that that's now little bit more than a month so if we could on May 6th I know you're not going to be here you tell me if it's fine fine you want to wait no it really falls upon you to make sure you're yeah great so next meeting will be the the six unless something were to come up and I would canvas the board to see if in fact we need something okay I I have a question um the rack meetings um I'm wondering if you're what kind of Citizen input you're getting about the letters that went out about the hookups and just or just in general about what's happening right so what what comes across our desk what makes the phone ring in our office is Realtors selling and asking when would when would a house be available for uh first available where where are they in the queue um yeah right we probably two to three of those calls a day I forward them to uh the DPW um to Lori Rula just she has the answers for those so okay but no really uh no I know there was a groundbreaking right there was there was some publicity and you wonderful um but I can't say that that has prompted okay phone phone calls or concerns um but it's it's on people's radar the the problem is the variable on the on the time when is this what that's and we do still get calls um do we have to do an I you know an alternative system and so that that message hasn't been delivered completely and you know people are busy and it isn't an issue until it becomes an issue when you're back backyard right so then that then that's when they do start to ask questions but I can't say there's B the the questions that come up are really from Realtors properties that going on the market okay I would say we might be getting some more questions now that work has started in the morning it's on Route 28 people seeing visibly that started today so we might get some more questions in the future on those well they you know people have received letters that are on the first part of the uh implementation so I didn't know how much that might have engendered calls to you folks but they're not directed to you but no you know often thought of as the people for the well let me ask you this man you're attending you're faithful attendee to those is it is it something where the the health department should be sitting in on I know I get the minutes and I see the information is it reached to the point where we should weigh in on something there no no I mean I brought you the right the way back the sewer you know regulations all no I mean the the the select board is are the um the sewer system Commissioners Commissioners yeah so but it it it's going to um I I can't imagine that you wouldn't be getting some calls at some point from people that suddenly you know they are now going to be connected and you know well this board will be hearing about it because you're actually Theo the authority on the connection that that has been delegated to this board right right right so that will get busy huh no comment that you you this board will be getting busy about that well the next town meeting there's going to be two warrants on the warrant there'll be two articles one on the betterment and one on um oh damn what was the other one sorry oh financing so it's you know it comes up almost every town meeting there's something that comes up about it but I know I mean I go to the town meeting so I know a small percentage of the population is there but you know it is being kept out there and there's a wonderful website for information on what's going on they've really done a good job putting that together and keeping it up so I think Town Administration to be commended DPW uh and certainly Town administrator assistant Town Administrator the Selectmen have been they've all done and in the rack the rack group pushing leaning forward on this complicated a lot of uh you know I don't think the state of D has been completely Cooperative at that level it's been difficult but you come up with some things that were not anticipated and hadn't been brought up before that's big projects that those things do come up right but some good news that happened with the groundbreaking and uh I think there's a and that won't that work will not be going on between Memorial Day and Labor Day so it will not affect summer visitors well but it will it can go on like the pumping stage just not on 28 right right so but there some work that could go on okay yes right so yeah but that rightfully so okay that's all I have okay you want to go I moov it we churn second all in favor say I I Jour thank you everyone