##VIDEO ID:x4HvEzBFNj0## good evening and welcome to the September 18th 2024 Yarmouth planning board meeting I am joran Crowley chair this is to formally advis that as required by Massachusetts general laws chapter 38 paragraphs 18 to 2 and pursuant to the chapter 20 of the acts of 21 and an act relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations signed into law on June 16th 2021 the Yarmouth planning board will hold a public meeting on SE September 18th at 5:30 pm the public is welcome to attend in person this evening or via alternative Public Access provided on the notice of meeting available on the town of Yarmouth website I'll begin by taking roll call Susan brda will Rubenstein I am here Jim Sabin Peter Slovak here Ken Smith here Joan Crowley here seeing that we have a quorum I will now call the meeting to order and I would ask you to join me in the Pledge of Allegiance first item on our agenda this evening is our a discussion on an update on our local comprehensive plan I'm pleased to welcome Jeff bag from BSC group our consultant he'll be joining us via Zoom this evening to help us prepare for the September 26 2024 openhouse community meeting um and he's going to review with us um the logistics and the format for that meeting next week Kathy did you want to add anything else and we'll go right to Jeff because I know he's on a time frame welcome Jeff hi everybody can you hear me okay yes great um thanks for having me sorry I couldn't be in person and yeah I have to leave at 6:15 for one of my kids has an open house at the school tonight so I'm trying to do both things which is great um so we have provided the planning board members with a document I I believe it was in your packet um kind of a meeting overview and depending on the extent that you want me to go through it I can potentially share my screen I checked I didn't have the right to share the screen just yet um but I I'm happy to share my screen or just walk through the document but as Joanne said the community meeting is going to be next Thursday um at 6 o'clock at the senior center which is at 528 Forest Road um and the document that the plan board members have had uh um kind of covers a few a few basic elements but you know in talking to Kathy and Karen you know we we we as a group are are kind of resurrecting the project back up after uh an almost two-year kind of Hiatus so this first meeting is really um to try to reaffirm um the goals that were established as part of the 2021 Vision plan and then we through through some very simple exercises at the meeting we're going to try to get some information on on and to help us to help us prioritize the goals and objectives and then we will build in the opportunity for anyone who is participating or attends to to help us identify any new new goals or objectives that haven't previously been been identified so that's kind of like the overarching purpose of the meeting we we we believe that doing this as an open house style is a good way to reintroduce project to people and just make it an easy lift something that you know residents or business owners can come sometime between 600 and 8 walk in interact and with the information and talk to presumably some playing board members um obviously some staff at BSC will be there it'll be four of us um and then maybe there'll be you know members of your select board or other committees that so far that we've talked to um the uh the general idea is within the senior center the large Ballroom you know there'll be um a station when you first walk into sign in um we will likely maybe see if we can do name tags and then people will kind of enter the ballroom and kind of have these four different stations to go to um and those are outlined in that document that start with um sort of an introduction we want to have you know this is all going to be um set up by a station so there'll be tables um with with presentation boards on them probably with at least one easel next to the table with another board um the introduction um area is going to be a large printed out version of The Vision plan so there is a onepage kind of concise summary of that we're going to have a board that provides some pretty straightforward um information Graphics about the town so some basic demographics information um and then we're going to have um one one more board that will be what is an LCP so something pretty simple for people who might be engaging um with this stuff for the first time or not in a while you know the the basic components um kind of summarize the vision plan summarize how the Cape Cod Commission is is involved um how we will cover existing conditions and key issues and then obviously an action plan so it'll be simp to read and it'll just be for some for someone who has never really heard about the project and we do think that this open house could could receive that type of you know person then the three other stations are broken down by the broadest summary categories that the Cape Cod Commission has established so natural systems Community Systems and built systems and then within each of those topics we are going to highlight you know the the information that yith already has for the vision plan so um under natural systems will be climate resiliency and sustainability as a board like a topical board and then environment in general which will include open space and our plan is to have have written out goals and objectives um that we've gathered from existing plans and interviews and and listening to some of the other committee members and just having opportunity for someone to walk up read it um will'll be giving out sticky notes and if they think you know something's important to them they they would apply sticky note to that uh sorry that's a DOT and then there'll be sticky notes available for people who want to write any comments or questions and obviously anything that's not listed um people can put up there and we we don't plan for this meeting to have every single goal objective or action put on these boards for the first for the first round um it's it's a lot of stuff and we want to try to pick ones that are critical for the for people to start seeing um higher level type actions that if people see them and if they start to prioritize them other things will fall under them and we can work we can work through that between this meeting and the next meeting in January so Community Systems would be broken down into the categories from the vision plan so education and learning libraries Town Services senior age friendly services and Recreation and entertainment so it's kind of a big bucket of community community services and then the last um station will be built systems and so you we're trying to compile that to be housing um connectivity and Mobility so things like the route 28 Corridor or pedestrian safety improvements things like that community character and design so things like zoning or design standards or other other similar things would be bulked in there and then the economy so it's a lot those are big kind of groupings of topics that we hope to have people walk up to these stations and engage with them and our plan would be to have a BSC staff person there coupled with someone from the town um presumably a member of the planning board U maybe that's something that can be discussed and then lastly based on some conversations with Captain Karen we we put together the last page which is just a pretty simple facilitators guide so members of the planning board who might be present and and BSC staff people will be facilitators so people um you know will will want to see friendly faces or faces that they might be familiar with um what we're highlighting is that residents will probably have specific questions about about specific projects and that's normal and good and expected and the first sort of order of business is to try to get them to walk around and make sure that the Project's not listed somewhere on one of these boards if they think it's important we want them to put a sticky dot there um we're going to try something with the crowdsource map we're going to try to at a minimum have like uh an an iPad or a laptop available for people and we'll have we'll have a BSC person available for someone to log in and put a comment on the computer and the idea with the crowdsource map is something that's location based or very specific about you know um Parker's Landing or you know um you know any specific location like a park if someone is is really trying to get information from from one of the facilitators about that project or about that location we want to try to bring them over to that crowdsource map so they can put their comments we can help them put them into the computer and it's going to populate the crowdsource map for the place-based activities um then the two the two the two last comments are really that residents will also likely identify actions that are not shown anywhere and that's good uh we want that so we want people to feel empowered to say like well what about this project and what about that location and what about this and that's an important process for people to be going through and so we'll use sticky notes or the crowdsource map to to catalog that then lastly for for the group The facilitators understand that the we're going to have another community meeting in January and it's going to be much more indepth um and we envision it as people sitting down in small groups um with a handout with a lot of information and they're going to Talk Amongst the small group and we're going to give them questions obviously and facilitate a discussion about important topics that we've started you know we start in September and we present more information in January and then what we what we've seen and it's common is people will talk as a small group and then they'll report out to the larger room and that offers this really good opportunity for everyone to hear these unique conversations and so so for that meeting we're going to be you know in person we'll have a hybrid option so people could log in online and we would have a person online to facilitate a group and then we'll we'll record that meeting so it's definitely a two-step process one to reintroduce this time and then a much more in-depth um meeting in January so I think with that I'll stop and I realize that now I didn't share my screen which I don't know I didn't check to see if I could have that privilege to do that but um hopefully that's a good summary for the planing board members I had it up on our screen here okay great will and I couldn't see it but maybe will yeah we we still can't see you guys at all and I hope that that's something we could change before the meeting goes too much further hopefully Liam can work on that to show us we're on the TV we're being shown live I think there we are there you go thank you hi friends okay sorry go ahead yeah I mean I think I've concluded I I'm I'm happy to entertain questions or see if the plan board members have any input questions um and how best we can help yeah M Madam chair so I think this is great I think that what PCS group is doing I think this is going to be a great event I guess the one question I do have which really is in tied to what you've talked about Jeff but more is how are we getting the word out to the resid pres of Yarmouth to let them know about this open house I know I've received an email about it but I didn't know if there was any other marketing to it oh yeah we did we had a press release um I've been Distributing the Flyers I've distributed them at the police day out been doing it on social media um I've been sending I'll send out another Civic send have a bulletin on the on the um the channel eight um as well as we had done a lot of publicity earlier on just kind of letting people so I would like to think that we're g to get a decent crowd I'd like to think that too and Madam chair one follow up is Kathy who from town staff has been invited to participate next Thursday night it's gonna be myself and Karen green director Comm I mean is anybody from like building or it or the libraries or any I mean has there been any other Town staff saying that they're going to be there that night no is that something that we hadn't talked about that actually this is more of a kind of inform but it would be nice maybe if they had answers to that but that's kind of where I was going with it that you know if we're going to have the stuff to talk about there certainly you know from a high level Stu from a planning standpoint we can touch on it but certainly from a more in-depth standpoint I think if there was an opportunity for some of the other Town departments to potentially be at this meeting certainly would help go a long way Bas on what we've heard so far housing is coming up often so I don't know we can I don't know if Barry's right for this as far as what kind of questions we don't know but people want to talk about housing a lot it seems based on the questions or the interviews we've had with other department heads so I would imagine that the Public's going to have the same I don't know I would just say one thing Kathy if it's okay I mean if if if not a lot of other Town staff are available end up being able to attend I think that I would say all is not lost I think we can work towards coming up with a a I think we can build them into the more robust meeting in January for sure if we feel like there were a lot of questions that were REM remaining unanswered at this first meeting I just want to make sure that it it's not all is not lost if those staff members are not able to attend this first meeting sure but we would probably want to work a little harder for that January meeting to make it a little bit more and maybe we can come up with a way to have a staff you know staff people at TH at that meeting for for more sort of facilitated discussion um so there's a there's a couple different ways to handle that will any questions no thanks Madame chair I it feels like all the pieces are in place um now we just need the audience and the participation um I do have I do have a couple of questions and and comments uh Jeff um and I'd like to start with the crowdsource map you mentioned in the facilitators guide um and I'm and I don't know whether this is for the September meeting or the January meeting um how how much are we going to show via a presentation what the crowdsource map is what it looks like and how it works because be honest with you I went on um and began my review of you know putting some uh some locations and places and things I'd like to see uh not as a planning board chair but as a as a Town's person um and uh I'm not the savviest at this stuff but it was not easy for me it was it was it was not easy and I just wanted to go through how much you're gonna you you are going to include part of that as the presentation I'll give you a perfect example I think what threw me off when I went on first was the very first thing is for you to look at what others have commented on that's the first thing that comes up and then after that they want to know what you think unless I'm looking at an out an outdated version um and so they they want you to make a comment you know thumbs up thumbs down on what's already been said I thought and then there's an opportunity for you to join in and and participate I I don't want to really go through what it um in any kind of detail but I'm wondering what part of the presentation next week are we gonna show what the crowdsource map looks like and just a quick run through on how best to access it and and how to use great yeah I think that's a great question um technically we're not really going to be doing a presentation because it's going to be an openhouse style uh people can arrive anytime between six and eight however the idea that we had which is a it's a it's logist even though we're talking about logistics we haven't figured out all the logistics one idea is that people are going to walk in and if they want to see introductory materials going to kind of get pointed over here and some of this stuff's pretty easy so it's it's a copy of the vision plan it's what what is an LCP and then we're going to have a printed out a 24x 36 picture of the crowdsource map and then we're going to have a laptop so if someone's map oriented and wants to ask about it we're going to we're going to facilitate them showing them how to do it and it's going to be Comforts some and the the fun thing about an open house is there's a lot of people it feels a little hectic but that's that's a great feeling to have in one of these meetings that there's there's some kind of energy there's people in the room there's going to be that station for for as long as people want to stay there and interact with the map we will interact with them and we'll show them how to use it you know if we if we have 20 people who want to sit down and and get on the laptop real quick and put it in a comment or learn how it works that would be fantastic and that would be a great turnout for us um my I guess my take is that not everyone's a map person so people who like Maps will like gravitate to that and they might ask some questions and like you know how does this work give me more information other people are going to skip the maps just entirely they're going to go around to the written words and you know kind of talk about like looking at the goals and objectives and and put some sticky notes or sticky dots on there and then we could always you know we as facilitators want to be on the lookout for someone who has a a a place based issue or question and we want to kind of like grab them and say come over here and we'll show you how the map works so that's how we're going to handle it and then the one thing that we're trying to work out is um Kathy was saying that there's a there's a projector screen somewhere in the ballom and if we're lucky and things go well what we might do is set up the laptop and have a projector showing um showing the crowdsource map on a projector and someone who is working on the laptop will type in you know their comment or question and you know it updates every five minutes so they'll be able to see the number of you know public comments on the map change kind of like almost in real time so that's how we're planning on trying to approach it for the September meeting and sometimes these are trial and error type things so if if it is a real struggle for many people then we'll probably have to reboot it and try again in January in a different way but we we plan to keep the crowdsource map open for quite a while I'm very I'm very happy to hear that Jeff that was my I was wondering is there a laptop gonna be there are we going to be a is someone going to be able to see how to get through it because I went through and I printed out the instructions because I had again I'm not that Savvy I have to have the instructions here and then I'm on my laptop over here for me to do it so I'm wondering if there's any way as a handout we might be able to print the instructions that people could walk away with it would make it um I think would facilitate their accessing the site and and walking and walking through it um I I the only other comment I had about the crowdsource map was the again um and you've already organized it so I don't I don't want to tamper with it too much but the steps eight and nine one is the first step where you identify whether it's an area of concern an area to preserve an area to improve that's step eight that occurs before you select a topic area and I was wondering why the topic area wouldn't have come first and in addition the topic areas are a little bit different than our goals and objectives they look more like Cape Cod Commission topic areas do I have that right like we or are the are the topic areas the same as our it's more like the vision plan yeah but I don't it seemed to be um but then land use and development is not in our vision statement what's that land use and development is that a goal please help me remember Community character something like that yeah okay um I'm just suggesting that those those topic areas are not uniquely um the same as the goals and objectives which you've neatly aligned with the Cape Cod Commission goals and I really appreciate that you've taken our 11 goals and lined them up exactly into the place types that the commission wants us uh to make sure we cover um but as I as I jump to the to the uh crowdsource map they're just a little bit different and I'm hoping will'll be able to crosswalk uh between the two the paper that we get from people that might not be a crowdsource map and then the the actual crowdsource map and that was kind of where I was going with my second question the the the comments that we get at the meeting are we going to enter those into the crowdsource map if it's a mappable one right if you get a comment on a sticky Jeff at this meeting are you going to be inserting it as a comment a written comment within the um within the Hub yep we so it's if it's map based so if someone's at the station that talks about Community Systems and they stick a sticky note and it's a place-based recommendation or some other thought we will probably take that and put it into the crowdsource we can do that manually um if that was your question and then if someone if we have a ton of people and not everyone could get to that station and and people are talking and and people want to put a sticky note down and say that I I think this this will this intersection needs a crosswalk we'll we'll take a sticky note and we can we can load it into the crowdsource map after that's definitely not a problem the goal the go the primary goal would be for people to see it I'm with Joanne like I I love Maps but I don't like the online interacting with maps I think I can agree that it's a little challenging so it's tough because it's not for everybody yep but we will be there to try to help the best we can to get people either if they're really interested in trying to get in the map we'll we'll help them get there and any kind of comments you know what we want to try to do is the sticky notes sorry I keep saying that the sticky dots next to a goal or objective if people are placing dots next to it that helps us know that it's important to them a sticky note can have a note of any type on it whether they like it or they hate it or they we miss something and they think that this is more important we we will catalog all that and and make sure it's Incorporated and if it's map based we'll load it in the crowdsource map after the meeting um the the the other question I had was regard you mentioned that uh yeah we're going to be there from 600 to 8 and there isn't actually a starting time at 6 people can come any time that's so the idea is that that it's a very Dynamic station one is going to be open the whole night uh station four will be open the whole night okay so it isn't we're GNA W it isn't set up so that we're going to walk people through station one station two station that's not how it's going to proceed correct we we had talked about how we're not sure what the turnout's going to be and getting people to sit down and listen to a 30-minute present present ation and then engage was going to be not the best int reintroduction so it'll be people can you know the all of us will be there for that two-hour block um and hopefully there's just a lot of people that we can talk to and and kind of get them up the speed great um in terms of printed material will the vision plan be available for everybody um will the selectman's goals be available I think they should be and again there's some way we can I mean I couldn't print the instructions very well but I think if there were a way to do the instructions that would be I didn't look at the instructions but I can see if they're sometimes it's easier if you kind of take some pictures and make it a little yeah yeah um yeah Kathy we're we can look at the instructions as well and make sure that if it needs to be massaged for a printed version we'll help you with the instructions um I apologize because Joan I didn't finish but I didn't answer your other question I we will look at the crowdsource map and see if we can potentially change the order of those questions and whatever we can do without um you know like changing the data that's already been collected we we'll we'll look at that that that's that was really my second comment Jeff I don't want to disrupt it I was just curious as to why the the three categories of concern preserve um were first before you picked topic but either way we're going to get the information and again you guys are the experts on this not me so there I'm sure there's some logic behind why it's organized that way so don't change it on my behalf if it seems to work I'm okay with it I just uh it just seem to be um it seemed to be different for me that's all so I'm I'm I'm okay with it um uh I think that's that's that's all I had I just had a couple comments um since station one is kind of the introduction does everyone kind of need to hit station one before they move to the other station so should we have like two station ones and then it goes into the rest of the it doesn't matter what order you do stations two three and four in but doesn't matter if you kind of get that introduction station one I think that's a good question I don't know that we can create two of I don't know that we can create two stations but one thing that we did talk about was making sure that when you walk into the room station one isn't just the it isn't just the first thing you see because we were worried that everyone would just kind of if people arrive at 6 in groups they would get in a long line and we kind of wanted to spread out spread the room out I think as long as people get around I think that would be the best case scenario but let let's let me think about that a little bit as well just the the room the flow of the room I don't think that they have to hit the introduction introduction station first necessarily but some people you know it's going to be people that you may or may not recognize but if if people come in and say I've never heard about this project like we probably want to get them to the introduction station and if they say thank God this Project's finally taking off I've attended all the meetings then we would like you know we want to get them around to the other stations just to spread people out and then I'm just wondering whether we should have something like a next steps thing in the introduction people know January meeting yeah I think that's a great idea um Heather and I were talking about maybe just a one pager a one page handout that would have the QR code you know that's what we're trying to we know that not everyone uses technology so that's totally fine but like those who do the QR code is just the fastest way for most people to get information so we could have the crowdsource map we have the web page of information and we could have you know something that says the next meeting to come in January if we have the if we have the January meeting date in place that might be really helpful but I don't know if that's going to be possible between now and next week any any other questions I'm good Mr Rubenstein okay okay Kathy you're good thank you I had go ahead I had one question Kathy sent us the we saw the select board goals um which are great and I think we're we're falling in line with where they are I was curious if they've been invited if if they would have naturally been on one of those email strings or whether they have if any kind of invitation to the sard members has been maybe sent out or if not maybe that's something that could happen before the meeting they were on the original discussions but I want to hit everybody again like the one week before Kathy do you want that to be kind of a personal invitation from us sure I mean board to board I'm not trying to create more work for you not that that might make a difference but I I just think like a lots of times I say plan I can certainly send them something directly I typically try to do it through the town administrator's office but I think this I'll just send it directly to there great great great okay anything else Jeff I don't have anything else we're excited to come next Thursday and be there for the afternoon so we appreciate it yeah we appreciate you joining us this evening thank you so much you're welcome thank you we'll see you next week yep thanks Madam chair would this be a good time just to talk about who can and can't be there and are we okay with oh you're as a board or is that later in the agenda uh no will you're playing clerk I like that oh boy that's good is this a hint about what might be coming later in the agenda anyway he wants to know who's going to be there for the 26th well it's only because I I am I'm tentatively I I can't I can't declare that I will be there but it is on my calendar and I intend to be there and I know that's kind of lame but that's just where I am right now I think that's a fair enough question I I certainly will be there gentlemen I'm intending to be there I I'm not sure uh I think Susan is intending to be there and I think Jim is back Jim was Jim was back so it looks like we we will have a good representation there thanks thanks for br you want to assign do you want to spread us out appropriately at the various tables or stations or I think it would I mean if certain members feel more comfortable with certain areas um it might be good to kind of put you where you feel most comfortable and and able to answer the most questions or understand the the comments that are being made yeah because I mean I feel like more of a Community Systems person um Madam chair I wouldn't mind Vol the natural systems I wouldn't mind volunteering for okay great and you know I can't speak for other members who aren't here but clearly they could be a match one or the two of them could be a match for the built systems as well I mean clearly so is the member who is present well we have we have Jim Sabin who's been on housing for a while perhaps we could oh sure work with that Peter's no slouch himself Madam chair um uh and I I I probably will be at the introduction uh with Kathy so uh and I'm not sure where Susan would like to be but I think I would like to actually be at one of the tables because I really want to hear what people are saying about certain things to to do that just because I I really want to hear what people have to say and I think if people have specific questions about projects I might be able to answer them oh good so do you have a preference Kath I just feel like the built systems is probably a big great okay so I and I I will be more than glad to do introduction great thank you will I appreciate you bringing that up Terry you're welcome um again I'm I'm I'm hoping to be there and certainly you know with another push next week we know that people do put things on their calendars but it's always helpful to have a reminder a lot closer um so I'm appreciative of Cathy's work in that regard and anything else we can do individually as well of course um I I did have one question Kathy what what role is how much are we trying to engage the new communications director and helping us with this Outreach I had I had a meeting with her the other day and we kind of went over things I went over all of the um all of the publicity I'm keeping a summary of all of the publicity that I'm doing so I don't have to try and comp compile it at the end of the night and she um she helped jge up the uh press release um that went out which was really good she did a great job that but she thought we really had a lot of things covered I think some of the other things that I'm going to be doing is like um I've worked on today a water bill insert that's going to go on the water bills that just kind of brings people again to that Hub so people know where where to go for general information and I also working on a script for the code red to go out to let people know that a lot of people hopefully the Friday and then I think just hitting everybody but just just a reminder we're having the community and then again trying to hit some of the direct invitations to the different uh committee and board members and just asking people to send out those things the Civic associations the chamber I can hit all of that all over again a short little blur really emphasizing just just meeting of the whole great perfect okay any other any other comments or concerns on this uh okay so looks like we might might all be there next week maybe be good would be good y uh the second item on our agenda this evening is Officer elections and committee assignments uh I think I'd like to do officer elections first and we'll start with clerk any nominations for the clerk to nominate will Rubenstein as clerk for the planning board I'll second any discussion all in favor hi roll call we need a roll call okay okay roll call Will Rubenstein I Peter Slovak I Ken Smith hi Joan Crowley I may I have a motion for vice chair I make a motion to nominate Jim sa as Vice chair and I'll second that any discussion Mr Rubenstein I Mr Smith I Mr Slovak I Mr Crowley I and a nomination for chair may I have a nomination for chair yes I would like to nominate Joanne Crowley uh to be the chairman of the GTH planning board I'll second then any discussion Mr Rubenstein hi Mr Smith hi Mr slov hi and and me yes um I do have one other thing I need you to vote on um because when we when we sign documents for the subdivision control uh regulations Joanne just signs it so we need to vote that the the chair and the vice chair or the clerk can vote for so if I read it maybe someone can make the motion and we can um just that the um planning board acting under Massachusetts General La chapter 41 section 81 he voted to authorize the chair Vice chair and Clerk or and clerk individually to endorse on a plan the approval of the board or to make any other certification under the subdivision control law so moved second any discussion Mr Rubenstein hi Mr Smith hi Mr Slovak hi and myself I because you guys I was able to read your minds I have the documents to sign so before you guys leave you're going to need to sign these and will I'm afraid you're GNA have to come in to sign the documents that go to No Worries what's the deadline please Kathy oh you know tonight will you got to get in here when do you think you can make it it doesn't have to be tomorrow or anything so if I came to your to the to the planning department you know during business hours soon I'm going to put it on the counter with your name on it perfect that I can handle that then okay um are we also talking about committees or is that already done that's that's next up oh I'm going to take them in order we have in our packets a listing that Kathy has provide provided for us as to where our current assignments are and so I'd like to start with capital budget committee I know Ken you have expressed an interest in um the the the time frame of that is just difficult for you at this point yeah U Madam chair I'm willing to do because it's meetings have already started we had our first meeting which I know we'll go into that discussion later um so what I'll say is this I'm willing to stay on capital budget for this cycle this you know this fiscal cycle um but I would like to have it in the minutes that I'd like to change assignments for next year okay okay great thank you m Madam chair this is this is a an famili refrain because I felt the same way a couple of years ago and maybe there's it just I think it feels right to have it rotate through the planning board because of its unique uh calendar cycle as well as its you know unique perspective looking literally across the town thank you thank you uh I couldn't agree more um and especially this cycle I think it's going to lay into the local comprehensive plan rather heavily um it be a major part of it so I'm glad that you'll be able to continue we work quite heavily on that just the other night yeah thank you so much um community and economic development is currently Peter Slovak I'm fine you good yeah okay great community housing Jim is not here but Jim has indicated that um he will be unwilling unable to do that uh this year so I want to come back to that um Community preservation committee I'm currently on it um I don't know if anyone else is interested in it uh this time of year is a busy time not unlike cedc with the tourism grants feeder um the applications coming in um but it's a relatively quiet committee during the rest of the year but it does make some major decisions about funding like for our beautiful what does the park have a name it's the Parker River board that sorry I couldn't resist watching Madame chair as you said that Parker River Boardwalk parkw Park yes watch the Youtube video Adam chair you should watch the Youtube of the select board conversation it is fascinating okay okay I don't know if I call it fascinating well I meant because this is the reaction that it's eliciting and if you rewind and put it in context it will be even more fascinating I believe uh I am more than willing to continue on this committee but I wanted to open it to anyone else there are some interesting decisions we make on allocation of important resources uh and and some of us are going to have to double up with only six members so I just wanted to throw that out there but I don't see any hands being ra so what is there what do they meet what is there they meet on Wednesdays at 3 o'clock how often uh in the month of October and no for a four-week period they meet every week almost once a week right okay reviewing proposals so Madam chair I'd like to put it out there that if next year I you know I know you said you'd stay on this year maybe you know you can plan out a year in advance I would like to step on to CPC next year oh good okay um it's just it's very intense Peter it's not unlike tourism you know Grant the proposals come in they're evaluated everything has to be done by December um because it's going to go to the board of selectman for proposals but the workload is a function of how many proposals we get right and I think they would do the 12th oh is it tomorrow Friday or Thursday Wednesday to W it's Friday um so I mean it really is a function of the number of proposals we get um you want to you want to think about it I I won't have time this year yeah it's it is pretty it's 3 o' on Wednesdays so it kind of runs right into this right yeah yeah okay I'll continue chair can I ask a follow-up question about the time the timing of those particular committees that particular committee's meetings was that is that up for discussion when when the meeting when the committee starts its process annually um they decide based on the availab on my this this committee we decid in the availability of when the members are available it just so happens that they typically have fallen on the Wednesday of planning board I see that I was just I was just more yeah it just fascinates me that three budget is US Tuesdays I don't know I okay yeah um design review Mr San has already indicated his interest in that we've reviewed that with everybody I think everybody's okay with that um I I don't know if Susan wants to continue on I mean I would imagine that's winding down Kathy it is winding down um there are still some things that we need to do um need to come up we only have an interim use policy for the for the park so we need for events so we need to develop that and come up with fees and then kind of figure out some Logistics of how events and I I actually don't recall her whether she mentioned about her interest in staying on I think she would like to stay on if I recall I don't remember I don't I don't think she I don't think we've spoken about it I know it might have been a private conversation but we should wait till she comes back I guess um land disposition I don't I don't know that they ever meet they haven't met really since Kyle left because he was the person Staffing committee I think I think that's still an active Committee just hasn't been meeting staff um and I I don't know Mr sabin's uh preferences on that anyone anyone else interested in that we don't know when they meet I mean is it a they um just going back to miss BR I know she is um she was on the list of people who's applied for mes she did yeah I can update you on okay we'll get okay sorry K put on the she was not no okay um was it well wait neither was Mr and neither was Mr Sabin and neither was Mr but well there's more to come because I would like to bring that up as well when we get to it I think we all would um so Water Resources uh will oh hi I really would like to continue I mean it's getting juicy you know um especially now that we at least have even though it's not big enough we do have a discharge permit for the for the plant and now the plant contract is about to get rewarded so awarded excuse me as well as the other contracts but we'll talk more about that later I guess what I'm saying is I'd like to stay on okay any any anyone else are we okay with that yeah I guess with that it's an important committee right now thank you for trusting me with it at least for a year at least for we'll trust you for the next year right one more year and then we'll then we'll see what the trust ometer is okay so it seems like capital budget is Ken y cc is Peter Community preservation stay with Joanne design review will stay with Jim and R will stay with Will and then we'll talk at the next meeting maybe with with Jim and back with regard to the other ones yeah I was just looking up online I was trying to figure out when housing committee meets and look like they meet on Monday like at three o' right once a month once a month right so I don't know Monday is at three they a very busy committee you know and they do have a lot of things going on and it is it would be really good to have a representative any any interest here right now I'd have to pass just because I know capital budget takes up you know no you know October November and into December every week at least once a week plus site visits I just I have a full-time job too so we got to remember that you and Peter and and Mr Rubenstein uh Peter any um no I don't yeah Madam chair can I just ask one question you had touched on it right now now the planning board is a member of six um we lost is there anybody in the talent bank that's interested that we're aware of for coming on planning we had uh I actually uh participated in an interview uh with a select board member Joyce Flynn uh for a candidate uh but it um it it didn't seem to either of us that it was a good match um I I have to share with you uh that the members of this committee um have set a very high bar as to who will be a member of the planning board I mean I look at you and Peter and Jim Sabin and Susan and will and um I mean I know I was a rookie when I came in but I had a lot of government service um but some of the some of the things that Joyce Flynn and I talked about in terms of questions general questions for anyone is did you attend town meeting meeting you know did you vote and when I hear no on those questions I I I have some I have some concerns not that this candidate did that but um there there were some there were some there were some issues about um availability so uh so both Joyce and I agreed okay that we need a I guess we are still receiving candidate potential candidates uh there are not there are no active ones no active Madam chair may I ask a follow-up question related to Mr Smith certainly um thank you um how is it written into the is this does this list come from the select board or does like how how did how do we get here can we just get it can I I have a quick answer on that and and then how does it how could it potentially change and who makes those changes I believe that these are included within the charges of these different committees that you will have a representative from the I I can speak for um cedc that's how that the charges of that committee was written that there would be one member from planning actually doesn't say one it say a minimum of one so there could be more than one um on cedc but you know it's always been one okay so this okay so this ties into my frustration about mades even more okay now I understand it better but I guess Madam chair um if we're struggling to find a seventh member as Mr Smith brought up it just means that that seat a seat on one of these other committees would just be unfilled but the seat would still remain unless the charges changed it sounds to me Madam chair that the drive in site eventually that site utilization committee that committee will eventually no longer be needed as the site gets developed or at least maybe in a different capacity so right exactly so maybe there's an opportunity for somebody that to take on a second role if you're just on that part-time Community I'm not trying to speak for anybody else I'm just making the point that if you're meeting once every six months maybe you could take on another charge certainly our goal and putting this out to the public at large as you're listening to us tonight is we need another member on the planning board and please fill out a talent bank for him and we'd love to inter I mean the list of candidates for mes was pretty extensive it was 14 yeah um and only five were selected right out of the 14 selected with one timate and then two are appointments okay yeah thank you uh Mr Smith for that yeah we we need a new planning board members so um anyone who's out there who especially if you were interested in mes you'll have a lot more fun on this board um okay so I think we've got a partially completed list cap yes um so at some point this has to go to the board for approve select board for approval right so at some point we'll get on their calendar i' like do it all at officers and officers and committee assign officers they don't vote on that just the Comm let's figure out yeah yeah yep okay um I may I have a motion next up is draft minutes or may I have a motion to accept the meeting minutes from September 4th 2024 so moved second uh any discussion uh all in F can we do do we have do a roll call on this oh because he's there that's right I know I'm messing everything up I thank you Mr Rubenstein Mr Smith hi Mr Slovak hi and myself I and thank you Kathy they were extensive yeah well it helps me write the um decision cop yeah well it was it was a lot thank you um for that um we have next up um any committee updates sounds like you might have one Mr Smith and Peter okay so I just was gonna um just quickly talk about capital budget we did have our first meeting of this fiscal year this past Monday um just everybody knows there was a motion and it was accepted to change the chair um the motion to nominate Sandy f as chair um so Judy uh tver is stepping down from that committee eventually she is not going to step down immediately until we do find a replacement for her um Judy's done a great job and I did want to get that out there and um and thank her for her efforts but she does want to step down so we did get our assignments out to get to get started um with the interview process um that's going to start in full force after next week's meeting the week after we're going to be starting our uh capital budget reviews of all Town departments um so and the list is quite extensive so um there is some capital a couple of them for the special fall town meeting that had to be approved um I think there's only three if memory serves me but there's quite a list of for next year's town meeting that we have to tackle and go through so it's you know we're into the process did you talk at all about the LC oh yes thank you I'm sorry uh yeah we spent a the first part of the meeting but the second part of the meeting we spent an hour talking about LCP working with uh Mr Scott um um Drafting and helping him draft some answers to the questions um a couple of the questions we totally redrafted um so we actually are going to have a second round review this week uh this coming Monday and hopefully if we're all in agreement we will be getting that to Madam chair um to you Kathy and um it ended up our draft and our first draft and everything was typed up was three pages so it's quite extensive great thank you CC we have a new chair Courtney Butler and vice chair Danielle Nukem so as we move forward into the uh process of going through our grants over the next couple months okay Madam chair yes Mr mrin thank you the rack met on September 9th um we are still we we are still planning on having uh a more public facing and not business Community facing only uh public engagement session it's just the timing of that that hasn't been established at this point I'm guessing it's going to be late October slash sometime in November before the holidays or Between The Raindrops of all the holidays that is where we we are on that um there was a really long update with a slideshow at last at the at the select board meeting this week but uh the headline on all that is certainly that the the treatment plant bids came in um under expected budget around 90 million as opposed to 100 million which is great considering it's only 29 million for the first phase in total um and everything is on track for for um that building to start construction in early 2025 and be completed by the end of 20127 so it's going to be two and a half years um and as everybody probably is aware work has resumed on Route 28 um the one thing to keep in mind is that the our friends at the mass D who control Route 28 um have some rules in place about work in the winter and their definition of winter for all of our friends out there who are watching watch ing this now or forever uh is November 15th to April 1st wow so thank you thank you state of Massachusetts um the good news though is that there is an opportunity Mr kby has said to ask for a waiver or some relief if the winter weather doesn't appear on November 15th on the cape and maybe we'll get a chance for our contractors to work even through into January but we shall see that remains to be determined um Madam chair can I just well there is there is an opportunity for my understanding for a waiver to be filed each month depending on how the winter conditions are so that they can keep the process going on 28 so I'm glad to hear it Ken and I I it remains to be seen whether it will they will come down from the mountain with the tablets and and say and say that we can keep working I mean I don't know about any of you but I can't remember the last significant snowstorm that happened at least until January at least um for the last five years maybe and I know I'm spitballing here but I really can't so I'm very hopeful because the more we can do as you know Ken the more we can do this fall SL early winter the better it's going to be even though there's other work to be done and we're going to have to revisit some of these these contract areas for water lines Etc excuse me um and then lastly uh contracts two and sorry contracts two and three are the ones that are being worked on now but it's contracts five and six that are also about to get um further in the process and that's a really good thing I apologize for my cough so I guess what I'm saying is things are things are happening and uh given where I was Madam chair when I started on the committee a year ago when there was some concern about whether the plant was going to make it in terms of getting it out to bid in time uh for the October 31st deadline to maintain our financing the good news is 11 months later um things are in place and in some cases under budget thank you madam CH ask Mr well just a quick just so the public knows when are the meetings yes they are the first Monday most most months they are the first Monday at 4M at the DPW building and they usually go till about 5 o'clock sometimes 5:15 um they are also on Zoom live um I don't know if they're put on the town website in terms of the recordings I don't know how that works um but yeah um because Mondays also have holidays sometimes um it's not always the first Monday so you definitely want to double check the the calendar on the town website and I guess the last followup m could the code red system be used to inform the citizens of yth like the next series of road closures or is there a better way that we could be utilizing to get the word out to the citizens of yarou because I I've can't tell you I've had numerous people come to me and you know complaining about they didn't know all of a sudden there's a section of 28 or Long Pond or wherever I'm just saying is there a better way that we could be getting the word out to the town folks that a section because there going to be road closures as we move through this process I think the best thing people can do is to sign up foric itif a little map on what was completed and what was you know still needed to be done um code red is a little tricky because it's totally run by the police and you kind of have to ask permission in order to do it so I don't know you'd have to update quite a bit sometimes they may think that today this is being closed and something happens and they have to switch it really fast right Kathy my understanding is that it's also the armouth police department that has taken on a lot of the responsibility in in total coordination by the way with DPW and through Lieutenant Mike Bryant sure um so I I would also encourage people to pay attention to the armouth police department social posts which I know again is not possible for everybody Ken as you can imagine but it is a place that you can refer people to if they can access it um and also if anybody uses the app Ways w a z that is where the town is putting all of its up-to-dated road closure information so if you are driving around and you're using Google Maps or Apple Maps you're not going to have the best information the town has decided to use ways which again is spelled w a z thank you will any other committee uh comments I'm I'm not sure if this is committee but it's regarding um the zoning board of appeals Kathy this is a a question for you you had sent out the um approvals denials from September 12th um and I noticed there was a 700 squ foot accessory apartment uh that was uh you know was a petitioned for and the notes that uh Dolores Fallon uh shared with us after a discussion with the property owner about owner occup and primary residents because their Declaration of Homestead is in Winchester the petition was allowed to be withdrawn without prejudice so how does this tie in to the new state law I think this was a case where um I think this was a longstanding violation of something that they were trying to legitimize um so I think Mark had been referring just wait you know and then you you don't have to have um primary residency but they try and go before the zba uh to see if they might be able to get it approved now um so they're going to wait they'll just have to wait until after February 2 and then apply again and they don't have I don't know how big their house is I'm assuming still need to apply okay so mad chair can I ask a followup question when you're done yeah so the the the date that the state law becomes effective is February 2nd of next year yeah I thought it was sooner um okay thank you uh Mr Rin thank you um when we had our lengthy discussions about this um Ada uh about the Ada changes that eventually got approved at town meeting a lot of the concern had to do with there's going to be this Title Wave of applications and oh my God what's going to happen when all these people come out of the woodwork to try to get these things approved and I was wondering if maybe in a future meeting Madam chair we could get some real data from the zoning board of appeals staff about how many people have actually applied how many were withdrawn or and how many were approved and how many were denied I think it could just be helpful information on an ongoing basis unless there's a place I can go look and calculate it myself and not make anyone else do it I think de is doing that now I can ask her for it I don't but only only if the chair thinks it's a good idea well I it I understand that maybe it's maybe it's not the best use of our time if if everything's going to change in February but I do think it's helpful information until things change in February um I it was maybe the it was certainly was something that neighbors were very very very very concerned about and I just don't know if there has been this great outpouring of applications and approvals well if if anything I would think people would be waiting well I don't think there has we've been you know been seeing what's on the zba agendas so there hasn't been a ton there's been a few don't get me wrong but I don't there's been I want to say half a dozen maybe maybe I don't think there's been a delug of it but I can certainly talk to well I I guess I I'll leave with this I'm I'm bringing this whole point up because there was a lot of fear and we heard it we sat in meeting after meeting that you know if you guys do this we're going to have all these 8 popping up everywhere and I feel like it's helpful to understand because we were looking at other towns as well and I think the highest number we saw was barnable had 24 applications I think in one year rough numbers so my apologies for if I this is a degression Madam chair thank you it's okay I think you may find that it Sor um I think you will find that with the change of not having to be primary residency you may find over time people finding the cape as being attracted inv to build an Adu and and have two rentals right except that we're assuming that people actually even know about Governor Healey's Bill and and if they do they probably won't hear about it until February when it actually goes into effect right so I I I agree with you Kathy I'm just saying I don't I don't know what I'm saying anym thank you thank you Mr uh Kathy you wanted to go through a couple of things with us yeah M keys and you guys I gave you all a copy um of the select work goals you touched on it earlier they were approved by the um board at their meeting last night with no with no modifications obviously that's hot and heavy um on their on the local comprehensive plan um and then but and was kind of interesting because they had the goal and then they had the areas of focus and I think I don't think it's particularly anything is unusual except for things like really trying to initiate more of a historic Yarmouth you know emphasizing our historic resources into having more historic tourism or Heritage tourism being brought to the to I think that was something that we'd heard when we were meeting with CED I'm not sure who they think that's going to appeal to but um that's okay and then the other thing is uh is on the 2024 future agenda items I'm assuming they mean 24 doesn't have many more meetings in it so I'm assuming they mean for like the next year assess possible Town common in the area between Simpkins MacArthur and Town Hall areas including possible relocation of a section of Wood Road to create potential Library sites so I'm not that was unusual I hadn't I hadn't heard any rumors about that per se um but you could certainly create kind of a a Civic Hub here you have the town offices you have MacArthur School you know who knows what that will ultimately be uh as time goes by and then you could have a library and then have like a town green so to speak it says Town common it doesn't say like Town Center assuming that's what they need as a so that's some things to think about um they did also um select the members of the um madak Keys utilization committee um there's those are a case where the charter does call for two appoint appointees from the committe and they elected John Anderson and the capital budget appointee of Lindsay p and then there was 14 candidates um for to be appointed for the five remaining places there's a lot of discussion and ultimately they were looking for people who weren't already on some policymaking board so they ended up with Ian Kelly Andrew lard Barbara Ley Joseph PKA um Sharon I say wymer and then they put Roby White House who's Town employee never had a town employee on a committee before you know formerly on the committee a voting member on the committee um but that's what they decided at the meeting so no planning board members no planning board members but there was a lot of discussion about you know these guys aren't working in a vacuum they're going to be coming to the planning board they want the planning board's input and they're also going to want to go to the Recreation Commission they're going to want to hear what they have to say they're going to go to housing they're going to go to everybody I think they're just kind of they were looking for for kind of a fresh neutral group of people uh who would then reach out to all of these different uh entities around town I truly hope they mean what they say and they come in front of the planning board because they'll get our input five project no I think it's a really exciting project five five members is not it's notot it's seven Peter it's seven total when you include the two appointees seven members in one alternate they and they actually voted to modify the charge to give you that alternate I'm sorry repeat that again Kathy they had to vote to modify the charge as well to allow for an alternate okay um Madam chair if I may since we're on the topic um I I wish we could go back in the time machine and have thought through when we first heard about the charge for this committee and and had a discussion about possibly asking you as the chair you know to make a push for us to to be the third committee that did have an appointee in addition to CBC and finance I think it's stupid that they don't have a member of the planning board even though it's an Advisory Board um I just think it's stupid and I don't understand where the ball got dropped um but I certainly wish them well and like Mr Smith said I look forward to them coming back to us and I wish them God's speed in this in this work that should have started four years ago thank you I just wanted to kind of give people a brief update on um Route 6A um we've made a lot of project uh progress in the Village Center we had a stakeholder meeting and kind of the consensus was we're never going to reach consensus but everyone the consensus was we wanted to move forward with something and they kind of were saying you as the town kind of decide some of these things and just move forward with something uh we recently met with Mass DOT got a lot of great input um rich bilsky is you know head of to District 5 now he's always wonderful and always looking out for for the town of Yarmouth um so I think we have a pretty good uh idea of a preferred concept design for the entire Village that we're going to be presenting not that different than what we presented at the workshop but more um more details filled in um and present that to the select board hopefully at the meeting on October 29th um because we are also going to be looking looking for some money at this fall town meeting for to continue uh with that project we need some design money uh to to move forward there's some other opt options out there for potential funding for construction um maybe being placed on the um the tip but being since it's a small project it might be an infill project so all the tip money's basically been programmed out until like probably like 2030 or something um but lots of times these are much bigger projects and some of them fall off because they didn't get all their right away they didn't get something so a smaller you know project like this might be able to be inserted as an infill project within the tip and then I guess there's also some um stip money some State money uh kind of specifically being earmarked for Village centers that might be a possibility as well so I think having Rich earmarked into into Yarmouth is going to be very helpful with us navigating that but so we need to present kind of the plan to the select board and also um talk about that warrant article great and okay and the hazard mitigation plan we are still working on the hazard mitigation plan we had a meeting um what was it was it last month last month okay um so I'm just kind of getting back in we did get a lot of good input from people uh on the survey and the mission statement and I'm trying to coordinate with Martha heaver from the Cape Cod Commission who is working with us as a consultant um to kind of come up with the agenda for the next meeting hopefully that will probably be in early October guess the last thing that kind of came out I don't how know how people are interested I sent it to you um the cape God gate Gateway Airport commission has out their final environmental impact report for their master plan Improvement project um so it does have a a PDF that you can download and take a look at that um there's a comment period I think through November 8 so something to think about if you're interested that went to like bobit as well I know that the select board have been very interested all this that's it our seat on the on the commission is advisory now on the airport yeah don't we have an advisory seat I thought it was Christine grey I don't know whether it's advisory or whether she has I thought it was um why can't I think of his name on the K Cod Commission no no no on the airport Oh I thought it was CH oh oh I know what you're talking it's not Dr yeah it was Dr it was I think it's Christine gy why do I want to say that okay I can check it but I I do remember it was an MD who was on it for years yes it was Dr morasco Dr morasco of course upcoming meetings right is that next a lot of them so obviously we have the September 26th um openhouse meeting 6 pm at the senior center we have our regular meeting on October 2nd um but that will also be the public hearing um for our zoning amendments they're not too strenuous um and then October 12 um we're going to have another table at the seaside Festival kind of being one of those kind of popup things at different community events um B's group is actually going to be there for that one uh I actually had a good time going to the police day out there was a lot of people there there was a lot of families there um people seemed really interested which was really good um yeah they came over they were asking me what I was doing and you know and when they said right next to the fire department right what's that you right next to the I was right next to DPW okay they had a lot of things to give out so it was great I only had candy I'm gonna have to work on something for uh for for the seaside Festival um October 16's our regular meeting and then October 29th the originally I think we had the 22nd but the select board um our meeting on the 29th so we will be going to the select board U for our zoning articles they'll also be there for Route 6A hillers Center so and then November 6th is hopefully um BC group will have had an opportunity to kind of digest a bunch of this information and maybe come to you guys with some kind of some thoughts as to kind of what they've coalesced from this information I need to really start hitting a lot of these other interview I mean we've hit the main big the big ones but I have to talk to the schools uh and then there's a bunch of other people we wanted to talk to with some direct uh direct stakeholder input so that's probably something that will be hit through October and probably into November it's not it's going to be something that's going to take a little bit longer remind me again special town meeting oh the 19th okay anything else anybody um may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second little and myself by meeting ised