##VIDEO ID:x1ReMDN7oJI## we are the bicycle and pedestrian Safety Committee and I guess we need a motion to start our meeting motion to begin second all in favor all all right here we go so yeah can you thank you so s can I um oh I'll take one if you want probably all it I would like to make a suggestion so we have a guest who is here to give us information about rodeo and considering the time can weum put her first yeah yeah I of that okay perfect uh all right so our guest is Angela forer and I forgot what you do administration at schools yeah I'm the director of curriculum instruction and assessment at the aush public schools okay and she's going to talk about help she's helping us with our Bike Rodeo that we planted for October 5th I know it's actually on my phone so I know that last time I was at the meeting you all had discussed wanting to put on a bike Rodeo using the school's parking lot right and so um we I I was in touch with the school business manager and um and we looked at the calendar October 5th was a date that we had identified for holding a Bike Rodeo um we're kind of working um the Acushnet the aysa soccer league is taking place during the fall so what we've asked them to do is not schedule any games on that date October 5th um so they're holding that at this point but I believe that they're kind of wanting to release their schedule so um um if so tonight you know if you want to make that decision whether that's something we need we're going to do it's on it's actually on our agenda so M yeah we just need to vote for the and confirm that date I mean I guess we can do it this way right so what yeah what date is that it's October October 5th that's the that's the date going to be for the rodo yeah that's the one we'd like to do if that works that's a Saturday yeah I think it is yeah okay here we goober 5th that's the day that motion motion to accept October 5th as the date for the rodeo uh uh second I all those favor favor I say I I have it okay good job president so that's great yeah um so there's a use of facilities form it's an online Google form that needs to be filled out to reserve the facilities officially CU right now you're just penciled in you sent me that I'll fill that out tonight okay perfect okay good um and then I know that we have been in touch via email because um the safe roots to school um contact for the bike rodeos Colleen yes was in touch with you and then she had called me for some further information just kind of around the school information so I can share with you what we discussed today um she would like for us to set a time on October 5th um they're very flexible with that we did discuss rain dates um yeah I didn't know we did discuss rain dates because it's a lot of work to put in to have the event cancelled yep um we we could possibly as a school district ask the aysa to not schedule on that Sunday as well as our backup rain date um but we would just kind of need to know because yeah they do they do have soccer on Sundays MH MH no they do they um do they typically schedule more games on Saturday than Sunday or it's pretty even I know I don't know um I don't know the answer to that but yeah I mean Colleen had also said if you don't want to do a rain date the very next day after say you get stuck we're in a stuck in a weather pattern then we could reschedule some other time or they could come into the schools and do some education or she mentioned that some school districts often we'll do them on early release days um I mean I don't know if that's ideal because it would either have to be in the evening like I don't know like we have a lot of teacher vehicles in the parking lot even on early release days cuz those tend to be professional right so can I ask you a question so as far as doing sorry as far as doing something inside the school is that something like the gymnasium or something yeah I don't know how much of it would actually be bike riding or just education for the kids so I know we wanted to do the know if we could do if it's big enough to do some small things I don't know right um that would just be too much of a safety conern I don't know right and with the floors and the I don't I don't know about that okay I mean do would we want to try day of the day after yeah defin I think so long as these guys can do the next day I'm fine mhm okay that's the day of the Y ride too right isn't that's good oh that's the buzzes Bay watered Ryan oh October 5th are you going to be doing that too right Eric yeah we're doing that we're doing that right AR we I am I don't know did you you yeah is that is that the uh not pedal for the path that's the Watershed ride that's the Watershed ride October 5th no 6th oh okay Sunday all right so we would not I would not be a were you planning on doing that right yeah well I do that every year yeah that's what I just when I just thought well well we so would the next Saturday be sort of pushing it out too far for the soccer league probably that I'm not sure about I mean I and and I also don't know it's a holiday weekend that's the holiday weekend right and then we did have on that was one of the dates at the beginning I think were choosing from sure sure I don't know okay we could yeah we could hope for good weather and then consider rescheduling in the spring which isn't which isn't wonderful but yeah I mean if if we did the rain date so both both of you will attend that bike ride that she's doing on the have a team no I know right I'm talking about okay yeah we might we might have no choice right I mean there there from when I T met with Colleen there's going to be a lot of help which made me feel real good when you know and I thought you guys would be feel the same way because well that's what I Wasing bring there'll be volunteers she's going to get and you know so I mean that's why I was asking if one of us or two can't be there if there's enough do we still do it and just we're not all as long as Eric's okay with it I mean I don't mind putting the six you won't be able to make it but if it's if it's a rain date and how about depending on what time you you decide to hold it because um if you do the shorter route you're know it's starting till noon so if it was a morning event oh he so he could do that in he could go make an appearance in the morning to how it's being done and then zip out at 11: and still get to the start yeah it's only the next town over basically I think we should do the rindy of the six yeah yeah we're going to try the six for the rindy okay um so when you're filling out that form for the facilities use can you either if there's an if there's an option to put a note on that do that or possibly fill out the form twice one for the fifth and then one okay okay and it will ask you the times The Forum will ask you the times did Colleen have any preference for time suggestion or suggestion how how long we we had talked about like a few different options um depending on the age groups that we were trying to Target and I had discussed that we you know the young kids would probably have that would be of high interest to them um like you know the young prek kindergarten right Elementary but then you know we also discussed and I know I heard you all talking about it too that we're noticing a lot of um the middle school students riding around in the parking lots and in town and weaving and out of cars with no helmets on and I mean I didn't know if we would want to Target even maybe an older group also so um and she had said that they sometimes will do different things like they'll do a rodeo from 9 to 10 for the younger population and then maybe 10 to 11 for the older population depending on how many people show up to like breaking it up kind of thing yeah and then and the the other thought was if it's only a 2hour event when you start at 9:00 and you end at 11: socer could be in the afternoon so if right we wouldn't be interfering all that much correct so if if you know if that's a concern that you know took two days to set aside that if you warning only done you have your time slot set then they can work around it yeah and it's apt to be a lot of the same people you know come to the rodeo before you go play and then go play some yeah right yeah yeah okay yeah I mean we even talked about because there's such a big um space that they could even potentially split where they're having an area for the younger kids and an area for the older for the older kids as well but that she wasn't sure about because it would depend on the amount of support and Staffing that they had to support that um and then she also mentioned like um having different stations set up for other activities so it's not just the only option of bike riding the entire time this is some my notes from when I met with her okay she might have we might have talked about some of the same things that we we me she mentioned that too and may us to have a table we can recruit some more vol some more members so yeah she said actually emailed me a bunch of stuff that I'm going to print out I meant to print it out so you guys could see it but about what they you know what happen in a room I can email it to to so who's going to be running it's I mean we going to be running this we going be running this basically paen and then there'll be somebody there from Mass bike that does the actual um M they yeah this that will show do the education yeah okay set up something with cones yeah that that part is done by somebody that's yeah and then and like I said there'll be volunteers that call in said she can get if we need people all right very good anybody so I think we'll be fine yeah she mentioned a bike tuneup station um and then a helmet check station and then maybe like a craft design like cre activity yeah yeah creating like a license plate for your bike type of Craft um and she's asking the school district to help communicate the event and have like um some type of a QR code or a Google form or something that we can try to get a rough number for RSVP sign up um yeah just so she has an idea it would be completely bring your own bike um so um and then yeah I can share with you here I printed out some of the different some of the different the property of the school as far as the um bik maintenance element did she say that the committee would need to recruit someone did and I told I mentioned I don't I know that one guy that does mobile we have we have I have a couple names I can sh with you Bill or um for the tuneup table Yeah Yeah but Bill works with um youth now oh cool that's his position with bicycle education so if he could do it as a volunteer okay and then I just wanted to kind of show you on the map what we had discussed as an idea um so we've got the middle school here and the elementary school here um and we thought instead of using a parking lot so we would have more parking spaces cuz there's lots here a lot here a lot at the middle school I'm sure you know all this but um that the rodeo could maybe if we could close off here close off here close off here there's like there's Loop there's looping options here MH um we could even possibly set up a loop for the younger um Riders and then older Riders you know um crafts or a little safe space here for the younger Riders so we actually wouldn't even really need to use a parking lot at all um so great yeah so that that was all I had that was quite a bit thank you good job so yes she just I think wants to hear back from from us that we confirmed the date so she can start booking her people and then we can start working on a flyer getting an RSVP try to get some other tent set up M um she sent me one I I can send it to you too it's like a sign up I don't if it's a sign up sheet no it's not a signup sheet but it's a it's a 8 and 1/2 by 11 that tells the date and where it's going to be I guess it's basic basically a poster adver and we can help we can send those out in our newsletters um the PTO volunteered to send it out on their Facebook page we can put it on our the school district Facebook page so all right looks like we s we have a s our audio Wow Girls very good all right thank you than you very much thank you very much thank you you did all the leg work okay okay what's up we have to approve our minutes from the last Mee so I sent you the minutes um quite late because my my work life got away from me so I apologize but you got them um so I just need to know if there's any edits or if you all want to accept them I I don't have any any Chang no changes for me no motion to accept yeah y okay and then the V the vulnerable Road user signs mhm I did talk to ask Sydney and she emailed the woman at M do I don't remember and bye thank you expect they're expected for mid to late August nice so we get more signs in awesome all right any new business no I don't think so just the Bike Rodeo I I mean like I said we have plenty of help cuz we wouldn't know what we're doing without it yeah but yeah and you met with Colleen like I don't know if we should meet if if we need to meet with Colleen as a group or if you can and bring it back to us but well she would she couldn't make it here no I know today she couldn't yeah you can't I don't think we can you still have a whole another month yeah right month and a half we're going to have definitely that's the other thing when we didn't um schedule for September we didn't because I'm away for we need half mon figure that out so our next meeting yeah now I guess the question for me it can I mean Tuesday Thursday whatever doesn't do we considering that we need to make sure that we're kind of getting although we're not necessarily doing all the work for the rodeo we do need to make sure that oh that we're you know involved in whatever so I'm willing to meet the first or the second week of September before I go away rather than cuz we typically meet a little bit later in the month um I'm okay with that and then you all if needed you can meet without me oh well you can't well that's we never found out if we can meet sort of no I don't think so no you can't okay we'll have to meet together it has to be like work around you work around your schedule okay you all right okay I mean if we want to do the 12 the second week is the 12th that's that's a month two three four that's a month away can we get the library for that date September 10 aren't we doing the Tuesday or you doing thday doing Tuesday Tuesday yeah September 10th uh we'll have to check the calendar I'm not available that's mhm my meeting night oh that's right yeah um let me oh that's all that's also my other the commission's meeting night the third is the town election night oh isn't it I mean I can do the 12th if if you want to the th how about no that's my meeting night how oh what the 10th then Oh I thought you said right right I'm sorry I didn't I didn't pick up on the on the switch yes we flipped it on you that's 12 yes I could probably do that but I have to check the library the library is pretty booked on Thursdays what about here again I mean this works it's not and if this room isn't available there's a room upstairs too yeah so I'll ask if that's so yeah if 12 works for all then you figure out which room okay so our next meeting will be September 12 what so what is the day can we possibly do 6:00 p.m. instead of 5:30 5:30 for me is cutting of close today I left early otherwise I never would have made you and I leave early so I can't make you okay so let's do six 6 to 7 6 to 7 and what day is that now that's a Thursday Thursday I'll email September 12th I make sure that we room to meet in yeah okay okay then meeting to adj say something about the pedal no that's right I forgot we have an exciting event going on yes pedal for the path you go you want to read that for the cameras see if they see any typos fun it looked fundraiser looked a little weird you know you look at a word sometimes and fundrais oh it's it's for the South Coast Bikeway right cool and it's Sunday September 8th and where does it start Running Brook Vineyards oh out on uh on Old River Road it's going to follow a 35 mile Dartmouth Heritage trail ride up bicycle path all right oh it says it right here Running Brook I see and if folks if folks are actually watching this and they're interested with they just go to South coastway.com and they can correct M yeah very good you can show the flyer up if you could I don't know if it'll I don't think it'll scan in but that's true so it's our sixth annual fundraiser ride for the pedal for the path it is a 35 mile route along the roads of Dartmouth this year um it's actually free this year but we were accepting donations accepted donations welcome yeah and again it's put your you South well we have it now just make sure I read this correctly it's South Coast bike way.com all one word MH okay all right thank you for sharing you're welcome that okay good going okay that was okay so that was it I guess any anything else anything else sounds good to me motion to make make a motion to toj second all a favor hi hi all right