[Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] all right we're going to open the Kush Board of Health meeting on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 507 I'm dve Divan I'm chairman with me to my right is bom maderas with me to my left Tom foron we have a health agent to Korea and our clerk Wanda first order of business uh I should mention that we are being being video and audio taped first order of business we have an appointment with public health excellent training Hub lead trainer Derek maso gentlemen all right um my name is Derek maso um Public Health training coordinator for our newly named Bay State Public Health uh training hub MH so um what the training Hub is is they the state uh decided and rightfully so that we needed a little bit more of a standardization process as far as how inspections get done how we write reports the way that we look at things right now with 351 cities and towns everyone kind of trains to their needs so if you don't have a lot of housing you really don't train in housing don't have a lot of food maybe don't train that much in food what the state was trying to look at is how do we get overall basic training through the the message going out the same to everybody so they created these training hubs and they created 10 training hubs throughout the state where one of those training hubs um you guys are in a shared service agreement with New Bedford where it's a cushion at New Bedford and Fair Haven my training Hub is is a group of five of those ssas the shared service agreements there on the paper in front of you there's a list of the communities I don't have I have on here um so the ssas that we cover are the New Bedford one which is New Bedford cushion for Haven we have the Bristol Northfolk Public Health Partners of Eastern Fox borrow Mansfield Norton planville and Sharon North adle borrow which is North adaro adaro Berkeley dyon rith Taunton South Coast Public Health Coalition of Fall River seon Swansea and the South Coast Public Health collaborative of Freetown Lakeville Marian map POA Rochester Westport so we do have quite the large area that we're covering it's myself and two other trainers um the way that they've broken the program down is three different tiers so you have the first tier which is they call it co-requisites prerequisites it's basically online learning uh you know learn at your own pace there's uh TW over 20 different courses and either housing or food it's broken down you take those when you've completed those you're qualified for the in the classroom portion of the training which if you're a new inspector then you have it's much more extended out uh season inspector they've like a refresher course so it's more like a one- day course think could be a two-day course in food but housing it's just one day um much shorter than the full you know five six day courses that new inspectors will have and then the third part is actually going out in the field and doing field training going out with the inspectors and the way that I'm doing it especially with an inspector like if I take Joe for an example he's been doing this for many many years he knows what he's doing I'm not going to show Joe how to do an inspection he knows how to do an inspection we're going to talk more about you know let's look at the code are we writing the proper code down or is it nice and clear that type of stuff is what I'm going to look at with a season inspector newer inspector like I I was out in Swansea all day today I'll be out there again Thursday they just hired a new inspector we're starting right at ground level like this is how I do my inspection so today the first inspection we did I did the inspection second one I let him do it with me right behind everyone's going to be a little bit different on how I'm going to approach him depending on their level of field work how they are that type of stuff uh right now the program is just food housing but we know it's going to be expanding uh they're going to be doing Title 5 as part of the program camps are going to be coming as part of the program I've heard that they're going to be doing body art as part of the program but I think that's a little more down the road we're focused on the food and housing but Title 5 is definitely coming and um camps are definitely coming well Food and Health Food and U in housing is very very important absolutely that's one of the most important factors in the board of health absolutely is our restaurants our barrooms we try before we had health agents we used to do it ourselves right and I started off with a federal Federal inspections for food and I and I was trained for federal inspections for food but I know things keep changing every year somebody's got to keep jobs up in Boston so they keep changing a little bit to keep the job you know absolutely um so but we I was trained that way and Wanda came out a few times with me and she can tell you I'm no piece of cake to go over and food food for sure like every city in town has food so like not every city in town has housing or maybe they only have a few cases so like you know New Bedford there's a ton of housing in New Bedford but you know once you I've also worked in Freetown where I did one housing in three years but every single City in town has food I don't care how big or small you are so food for sure has to be a key part of it housing I think it's good for every inspector whether you're whether you have a lot of housing or not to at least know how to do that inspection how to go about it because it could get into court it could get a little muddy so you really should know how to at least try to navigate those Waters um so yeah I I agree that food and housing was a good place to start I think Title 5 and camps are are a logical next step to go um what I would like to see hopefully and one of the reasons I came to talk to you guys was I I would eventually like to get sworn in with my three the three SSA communities of New Bedford a kushit and Fair Haven um couple kind of a double Ed sword on that one one it helps out Joe because if I'm bringing somebody from out of town and I need to inspect a restaurant if I'm sworn in Joe do you have a restaurant I might be able to to go inspect he could literally just hand me a folder and I could go inspect so what's happening right now I've been training with the state uh I've gone out in New Bedford I've gone out in Fair Haven went out in map pois it but I've had to have the agent with me because I'm not sworn in in any of these communities yet so it's been a little bit of all right can you come all right well if you can come can the state come it's been a little bit hard to schedule so it would make things a lot easier that way secondly with Title 5 hopefully coming down the road I don't have a lot of Title 5 in New Bedford where the Hub is I would need a community like a kushit which has the title five to be able to come and do an inspection go right this is a bottom hole I would have to wait months in if it was Justin New Bedford I would have to wait months before I could actually do one yeah F Haven slow too F Haven doesn't have as much as I thought I thought that they had a lot more septic but they really they have a lot of Sur in for Haven all West Islands uh has seage now they I didn't realize that until I was actually talking with they have their own treatment plant way out in West Island now and then they have their little was it cubby holes out in the out in the sand Dooms out there where they dis charge the the waste yeah it works but a lot of rain right now you know so they could take it easy everybody is there a reason why they the other communities haven't sworen you in or you just haven't got to that point we're just get we're getting to that point um I've already had the discussions with FR Haven should be having a meeting in a couple of weeks um New Bedford it's we we're discussing it's been a little more bumpy with the Union um we're trying to figure out a couple of Union things if there's because I'm I'm a nonunion employee so we're working on a few issues with that um but the plan is for me to get sworn in New Bedford as well yep that might be an interesting part I guess with the Union it's more if you have like I think it's more they were concerned about taking work away from from the union employee so it's more if you're comfortable with what we're doing then something that we need to check with I would defin but the union employees can go work on a non-un job there's no squabble about it yeah but you got to check with the union for no I'm just saying I have nothing against a union for a grievances file I have to check yeah that's a that's a quick check and and I I would think it wouldn't be as big where new bford has multiple inspectors that's kind of just you so it's if we're working together you would more than likely be the one that would file the grievance so it would kind of be a little weird I I can't see that that being an issue it's just a matter of you know but it not asking the question right now right now we're talking about only um restaurant inspection food inspections and housing correct okay and you guys don't really have housing so at this point it would be more in the short term especially right for the at least the next six months it would be more almost strictly food and it would be more me helping out Joe if he needed a hand because like I said we have food in every Community I wouldn't really be needing to drag anyone down here yet to do inspections until it got to the point of maybe taking a New Bedford inspector to show them something different or we're in Title 5 and I don't have anywhere to go for Title 5 inspections but again that's I'm putting the C way in front you know what I mean um I'm trying to project out at least what I see a year from now like I don't want to I don't want to Spring anything on you guys so right now it's literally just food a year from now we might be looking at the title 5 and now we might be looking at me coming into the community a little bit more about the swearing in process at that point how much time can you spend with a town like this I know new beff is Big a lot of housing a lot of restaurants a lot of barrooms how much time do you think you could spend with the town of a Kush nut I'm going to it's not necessarily with the city or town it's going to be with the inspector so um like just because I'm based out of New Bedford and they have a lot of housing once I've trained the New Bedford inspectors then I'm done with the New Bedford inspectors okay you you know what I mean so now I would only be bringing people to New Bedford if we needed to do housing if Joe needed to do some housing training I would bring Joe to New Bedford at that point but it's not like I'm tied to New Bedford I'm actually I'm in New Bedford but I'm training him I think I'd rather go to Fall River if I can get so what you're trying to say is like if you have you have 25 towns there if there's a new inspector in planville and you were trying to get that person like down the road um some Title 5 experience because they had none or very little you'd be looking for towns to be able to just any given day take aspect to go do it now if we're I take planville for an example I'm hoping that I can find some friends up in that general area so I'm not making the planville and Foxboro guys come all the way down here sure but part of my job is yeah if they hire a new guy in planville and it's time to do some food training I'm going to planville for a week or two however long it takes to get this person trained okay uh they just hired a new person in Swansea I spent all day today in Swansea I'll be there Thursday all day and we're already setting up some dates for next week because that's my I know he knows what he's doing we will get I will get to him I I'm I really want to get to those new inspectors really get my fingers into them so that we can get them in the field and I'll get to the seasoned inspectors that's kind of how I've been focused on it and hopefully that'll work but we'll see that part we'll see it's tough to find experienced people today extremely um this is a good program the hubs the old having a is there any talk about like opening up some sort of mini school to train people that come out of college so that I think maybe they take the course and they said n this ain't for me but is it kind of like the infancy of it okay I think I think so the governor had eliminated some of the uh college degree requirements for a lot of positions I think in lie of a college degree or maybe up to a certain level of position this program I think is going to cover that like once once we've got the title five in the camps and all that moving I could Envision okay a cushion it's hired a brand new inspector that inspector is going to go through my training for 6 weeks whatever the case may be four weeks six weeks eight weeks whatever it is and then when you get that inspector back you're getting an inspector that's been trained in housing food Title 5 you guys aren't trying to train on the Fly especially a small community where the chances of you being if you know that he's going to retire in a year you're probably not going to be able to hire a new inspector and have him work with him for a year to learn everything that he knows it's really not practical like budget wise just not practical we can be that bridge you know what I mean instead of the board trying to figure out how do we get this person trained well that's what the hub's there for now we'll help you guys with that uh and that's what benefit to I I think a lot of these smaller communities is the Hub can help you guys bridge that Gap we're not going to be able to come in and do all of your inspections for you but we can help like uh if Joe asked questions about something I know when I was in free toown it would have been awesome to have a hub that we could have reached out to to bounce questions off it was bouncing off each other but if he's not around then I can't ask it's nice to have a hub that we can you can ask questions you can get advice we'll come out and you hey I just need another set of eyes we'll come out and we'll do it we'll give you those eyes and I have two other people with me that are also seasoned inspectors which is a nice benefit they know housing they know food they know Title 5 it's it's nice to have two other people that also know what they're doing so we I can send one this way one that way and I can go this way and we can hit three communities at once do you know something that we don't know Joe's going to leave in a year I'll cut his pay listen they're talk they listen all I can tell you is that the selectman to talk at layoffs so can't tell you anything more than that he he better not go with I will say this about uh I'm on board with everything that I hear I I think it's fantastic that someone actually have some Forward Thinking here in the state um I think it's a real problem with Town employees not only in Boards of health conservations planning environments you know they just can't find anybody to fill positions um for now housing and food inspections I'm okay with Title 5 hate to say this to you but he's going to have to give me the green light that you're okay other words you're you know I want him no because Joe I'll say this about Joe he's got a background like no other because he did installations for decade or whatever it was working for a company installing he did design before that so he's got you know on top of the inspection you got the whole ball so I'd like to hear from him to give me the level of confidence that oh yeah I was there and I watch them roll with bottom hole roll with a Title Five roll with and then I would have the level of comfort as long as I I and I'm perfectly fine like I did septic for 3 years in Freetown but I have a culinary background I have 20 years in restaurants you want to talk restaurants I will fight you to the death on restaurants septic I would go to somebody like him if I have a question I'm going to Joe with that question I don't know everything about septic I know a good amount but not nearly as much as he does so even though I'm the Hub trainer I'm still learning just as much I learned so much when I went out with the state yesterday I learned a lot about hup inspection that I didn't know so I'm learning as this goes on and I fully understand you have all that you need in Title 5 it's not about but on the flip side he does take vacation time he could get sick he could take a leave of absence it would be good to have that backup all set that you know that yes in a pinch yes you could slide in he could fall off his boat we we don't want that happen I did do that but it it wasn't in the water so it hurt had when when we had way back before Joe was on uh one of the other inspectors couldn't do it so we would call in somebody from from map poit we used to call Dale in I think Dale used to come in um there was a few other guys that we could use to to to cover for us but in this case like like Dave saying it's this actually a perfect situation if if like Joe can't be if the available on an even more perfect situation I could kill multiple birds with one stone so you call me because whatever he fell off his boat and you need me to come do an inspection I might have somebody that I could bring with me and get a training done at the same time right so now I did the inspection you guys got what you needed I got this person in inspection they needed that when whenn all around right so gets trained and and at the same time correct it works out well right so I can kill I can let this person do the inspection as long as um I have jurisdiction in the town that's all that really matters you know so that's where it's like when we went out yesterday I had to bring a New Bedford inspector with me cuz I just didn't have jurisdiction so they were kind of like just hanging around it is what it is right now it worked fine but it would be nice to be able to just go take this person and go especially when it gets to housing and Title Five is so food shouldn't be a big deal but the other two are they going to be trained for soils also uh Joe I mean they have to be but I don't know how that's going to work out through the training Hub at this point way too early to tell but I'm assuming so right now that's a timec consuming thing too there prerequisites before I can do a field training with anybody there prerequisites that they have to take and I'm sure that they're going to say before I can do anything with Title 5 they have to have soil evaluator and they're going to have to have system inspector I'm sure of that that they're going to say that I can't guarantee it but I'm I'd be shocked if they said no it's don't worry about that because if you went out to do U Title 5 inspections you would have to know about soils also I'm sure Joe can teach you about soils if Joe a around I I did that for what 10 12 years 15 years I worked with USDA and I worked with upek well I have I have my system inspector in soil but that's again that's well that was doing soil evaluations I worked with them for like I don't know 10 12 years I guess then they found somebody cheaper than me and cou with somebody else isn't that always the way always the same so what are you seeking tonight um tonight was more I mean introduction introduction giving you guys some information if you had questions fire away I eventually I would like to have the discussion about getting sworn in that doesn't need to be tonight and it really doesn't even need to be next month but okay I would like to have the discussion um it would be valuable to I think both parties myself The Hub and the town yeah the only thing is is we definitely have to check with the Union situation yeah yeah yeah I mean those a few things we need well why don't we yeah why don't we do that why don't you that was great you can do anything with him you know with pres do that in the meantime and then maybe we reconvene in um May and and we probably move for yeah as long as it's clear with the union we can make a decision on that and then you know just other little stuff so we we got today we got approval that we're going with a full website now so uh you'll be able to go to the hub website you'll be able to I'm going to have all five of the SSA links right there you'll be able to click on the SSA link which would bring you to the so you would click on your SSA link which would bring you to your option of getting the ausher website so it would tie directly into the ausher website so Hub to the SSA to New Bedford ausher F Haven websites which is what we're working on which is what I I I sent over which is the the SSA the the shared service agreement that we work with on a weekly basis trying to come up with the name of it you know and so that we can make the websites we can make the Facebook page which is all going to tie into all of this which is going to tie into all of the different well the Hub but also the other shared service agreements and you know I think overall we're all in some way shape or form going to be intertwined over the time it's it's the Hub is the bigger part and then the ssas and then the town so like you can see where the branches are really starting over the last 6 months they're really starting to spread out we're going from the 351 to all right now we got the ssas that have all popped up and now the hubs are covering the ssas you can see where like it's all starting to Branch but by the same token it's all coming together too because now maybe we can get a couple of these ssas to work together and now instead of five or six communities we got 10 the more communities working together the better so there's a benefit to the hubs uh we'll see how many Hub I don't Envision there being 10 hubs for the rest of time we'll see how that goes I'm sure at some point we're going to shrink down to probably five or six hubs but we'll see how that goes I'm planning on being one of those hubs so um yeah that's kind of it sounds like a a great plan I think so it's why I was I was kind of excited to jump on board it was something that I know me and Joe had talked about was something that we desperately needed years ago so yeah when they when it was coming together and I was having happy to jump on board and get to work with great inspectors and I'm looking forward to it I'm looking really looking forward to getting the program moving diving deep into it and getting dirty sounds like the start of maybe communities working together change fingers crossed that's what the states that's that's what the state's Envision is emergency you got to work in clusters like exactly because to me it's the start of it is screwed up everything they realized that the public health system had been gutted and so when they were trying to work with all these different communities to do stuff there was no Staffing the nurses weren't there you didn't have the people that you needed to do to do all the different heavy lifting so that's why they kind of turned around and pulled all the vaccine right out of the the local towns when they were trying to give it to us and then they realized that we didn't have it and you had to go to the mass spots to get the vaccinations and because you you know you're not only dealing with the vaccinations you're dealing with u the personal information that you have to take and then storing that and making sure that you get that where you got to go and I mean you needed a group of people to do all that so yeah I mean that's not necessary I mean they do talk about the pandemic level stuff happening again but if it does we're all intertwined hopefully in in a way that we can talk to you know we talk to new bedro we talk to fa Haven it's easy you know we we can join together we can group together and and and take care of the public health way it needs to be quickly like not it's not going to take months to let's try to put this together it's it's together it would be almost instant that communication would start happening as soon as something were to go down and that's nice it's refreshing it's Comfort it puts you in more of a com comfortable situation with a board like when when Co hit it's like what do we do now you know we getting this from the state you're getting this from none of us was the biggest problem was that nightmare but it was an experience that that was a plus for this board to make decisions on how that went and what you know the decision the de decision that we had to make so it it uh it was quite an experience it was and it showed a lot of different efficiencies that we and we learned a lot of what we shouldn't be doing so this is this is going to work well together I know Emergency Management when I was in Freetown where was I spent years putting the other drills of this is what we would do during a pandemic and this is how we would handle it and as soon as a pandemic happened we did not do one single thing that we planned years for not one thing nothing we ended up doing exactly what we were saying you should have done yeah I had the stuff out I was actually looking at it going I got to I got to figure out what I have to do and they're like no don't worry about don't worry about it we're going to do something else that was that was you know to this so now hopefully things like that wouldn't happen again cuz now all right before everyone starts doing their own thing let's let's get in the room and talk and figure this out yeah now I mean we're well educated about it now so I mean if something did happen we'd go okay wait a minute this is what happened last time it's not going to happen this time and communication the state can let the Hub know what's going on and the Hub can let my 24 communities know yeah I have everyone on an email blast yeah so as soon as the state says something to the hub I can have it out to them in 5 minutes communication can go through quickly they know who to go to if they have a question they don't oh who would the state should I try to figure they can go right to me hey can you figure this out sure let me help you out so like even just daily phone calls we could try to help out with stuff like that so it's a good program yes very good excellent I got a question money situation how long's this money going to last to forever and ever I hope we hope it's not a one-year deal it's not a one-year deal don't forget this is Massachusetts we're we're under a grant um two-year Grant with an extension and we'll see what happens from that but the program is not something that the state wants to have fail and they are putting a lot of stock into this program so I wouldn't have jumped on if I thought I was going to be unemployed in a couple years I'll put it that way I think we're going to be for a little while from from the shared service side I mean and I'm sure this is I don't know how this is the Hub is interconnected but for us it's advertised to go out for 10 years where they're going to get you know the shared service and and what we're doing in the nurse and in the people that we have as part of the shared service specifically which is like I've said right now we have their nurse that's paid for by the grant so you know she's looking at you know at least 10 years by 10 years I the the real hope is is that number one we're all educated in the same fashion and number two that we can start having that conversation about how we would fund something like this as we move forward and is it relevant you know I mean right now you know again it's all in its infancy but this is the bottom line are the three Communities going to pay for one nurse and what kind of services are we going to get out of it that's the kind of thing down the road if this actually works you know well it's like the like they give grants for police and fire dep Department hire three more officers on the police department for a year they give you grant the next thing you know the Grant's gone now wh sucked wind with three more cops on duty another three more firemen then the town taxpayers have to pick up the tab you know that's why I asked the question I'm not being a wise guy or anything but it's a good question it's a question a question for me my is always working with questions as you're talking over there my mind's clicking like hell over here so the thing is I I just don't want to see the town end up with bunch of people working with the town and then next thing you know they say well we ran out of grant money we ran out of this what do we do with these people now I think what do we do with you now I think New Bedford out of a job so I think it would be new bedford's problem to figure out what to do with me but that being said again I'm I'm relatively confident that I'm not going to going to be unemployed in a few years this is I think again I'm I'm sure we're not going to have 10 hubs in 4 years I'm almost sure of that it's going to shrink and you're you're going to it's going to shrink and I'm trying to make sure that I'm when it does shrink I'm one of those hubs that survives that's and I am going to thrive and be here for the Long Haul well see you're still younger when you get to be old bucks like like John and I you know we're getting kind of old for this you know it's all nice to pick on the guy behind the camera well he can keep the camera that way right on you but uh no I'm I'm just concerned about you know if if this thing disappears and it doesn't really work for everybody all the communities now it's a worst that I would look for the worse and then if it comes good then it's fine I mean the worst part of it is the money goes away and so does all the people because the people are getting paid for by the grant that's right you know so that's when like I said earlier the real truth will be over time does this really work and this will be discussed amongst all of the communities and if it does is there a solution to not having all the people go away if there is then you guys we'll have to deal with it as we go do we get informed of how our progress is going all the time or or is this something that we got to try figureing out ourselves well we're figuring it out through the shared services so I'm on a board the shared service board that you know constantly meets to try to figure out how to promote Public Health essentially and use those resources from the grant to do that and right right at the moment it's really most of it's getting pushed out through our nurse and the big the big thing that we're trying to work on right now of the three communities uh is is a a a healthy walk initiative um we're try to get you know as many people as we can to walk um but like Derek said even on the shared service side which is a cushion it behaven in your Bedford it's it's just this is the first year and the first months of trying to figure out what we're what we're all about and what we're going to do you know we have we have a we have a um we have a a a very specific direction that we're supposed to go with it um but you know we sit and we talk about different ideas and different things and you know sometimes the grant allows for that sometime the grant doesn't allow for that um the money that's spent is spent the you know all of it's through the grant unless there's been a few little things where we had the the shots which is different but um we had the flu shots that we had to pay for what I have another question for Derek I love I got a lot of question D I'm good we we say we train well you people train um a bunch of people in the whole Commonwealth of Mass to do inspections every person has their own mind of what they want to do for an inspection MH you can let it ride you can write it up you can do it as a a major complaint you can do whatever the inspector feels that he's supposed to do the thing is everybody has their own way of doing things engineers have their way of doing things some Engineers very picky some Engineers are not uh I'm not mentioning names but move on so anyhow uh we get some good people and we got some people that doesn't I don't know how they ever got a license I don't know but we got some good Engineers around here mhm and uh I take my hat off to them because it's a it's a tough job today and it's a tough job to get a license and Dave pretty hard to be an engineer today yeah lot of studying MH um the thing is when people go out and do inspections every inspection is basically different I used to do all the inspections Tom used to help me out a lot we've been in here for 30 somewhat years so we've done inspections before we had health agents we did all the inspections for the septics we did all everything mhm the Board of Health it helps out because we have all jobs so we can't just say we're going to you call for an inspection for 10:00 we can't leave our jobs to go do an inspection that's my salary that's why we make our money that's why we have health agents to to work with us to when there's a complaint or something they go out they let us know what the heck happen if there's a major problem he contacts the three board members and says what are we going to do now you know it's a major problem we work it out am I right or wrong joke guys we always work it out but the thing is everybody has their own mind of how they do things mhm you know you can lead a horse to water but is he going to drink the bottom line is you have you have your rules and regs that you have to follow bottom line so however I'm not going if I know that you're a season inspector and you know what you're doing I'm not going to tell you I'm sorry how do I shut this thing yeah sorry about that I'm not going to tell you how to get from A to Z yeah as long as you're getting to Z then I'm not I'm good as long as we're getting to Z now if we never make it to Z I understand that you've been doing this for a long time but we need to have a conversation because we're not even getting to the you haven't even really done an inspection here you know what I mean if you're getting if you're hitting all the steps how you got there that's that's up to you I know how I inspect a kitchen probably different than how he does it probably different than how you would do it but if by the end of the inspection you've covered all your bases you've inspected everything and you've written your violations I'm fine with that so I'm not a new inspector might a little bit different I might all I would do it this way I would do it that way a season inspector let me see how you're doing this let me see what you're doing and if by the time we're done you've covered your bases I'm good let's make sure that we're writing everything down properly at that point because sometimes you know we can have like a base code but it might be a little more specific here so are we writing that specific one down but how you got to this point that was you but you got here so I'm good so that's going to be kind of a judgment call on my point you know I this guy knows what he's doing let him let him do the inspection we're going to get to the right end end game as long as we get to the end game I'm good as long as you write out the proper wording for it and if you see there's something added you get added on you write it on your paper that's what it's about that's it that's really that's it and that with a season inspector that's kind of how I'm going to be handled oh you wrote this code maybe we could have done that one but like I like to see how you people do your codes now your inspections for food is it still the federal federal inspection yet yeah we have the we use the federal food code whether the merge food code and I have a che I take I have the food code that's in like a little book and I have a little cheat sheet with me so when I'm done my I take notes on my inspection then I go and sit down look at my cheat sheet which gets me to my code and then I verify it with the code book cuz sometimes it'll look good on the cheat sheet but when actually read the code doesn't quite add up so I like using the cheat sheet to help me get to the code and then I'll try to find the right code and then that's where I go that's how I do my inspections I like to go with you one time sure anytime to do one food inspection it's a date you guys sign them up you guys get a date all right so why don't we have you uh we'll check on the um the union issue and maybe we'll reschedule you to come back in in May in the meantime you can do whatever with Joe you know anytime you want to join him anything you can set up you can do whatever with you I'm afraid I'll be calling you tomorrow I'm going to be sick tomorrow Hey Joe the fish are running right now yeah you want to go that's good because there's no no board votes needed for what we're just we're just agreeing to work together at this point and uh at this point I just wanted you guys to hear about the program know what who I am what I'm doing what I'm envisioning the program to be and if you guys had questions and then any any questions that you guys may think of feel free to R through him or if I'm back in in May we'll touch him then all right well I thank you for coming in I appreciate it thank you guys thank you everyone with you have a good night you too take you thank you all next on the agenda correspondence letter from Community nurse and Home Care statistics for February 2024 we have 340 Co reports eight flute reports other than that it's pretty empty motion to file second all in favor y i motion carries uh let me see so approval of minutes October 3rd 2023 Tom and Dave were present I'll make a motion to approve October 3rd I'll second the motion all in favor I motion carries 20 Mr mad abstaining next minutes are March 5 March 5th 2024 bar and Dav present is there a motion to approve motion I'll second the motion all in favor y i motion carries to zero with Tom upstanding um can I get a motion to sign a vouches motion second all in favor I motion carries 30 Z sign vouchers next scheduled meeting date any ideas Joe uh it's just looking at it here we're it's second I mean we could do the 7th sounds good May May 7th no it's my birthday okay come on I just had a birthday yesterday tell me and today I'm not coming here on my birthday 14th any want to miss the cake had a nice cake nice cake he lost May 14th yep all right can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I motion carries we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music]