##VIDEO ID:NhKQw_Uc3yU## [Music] um this meeting is being audio and video taped if everybody could silence their phones I appreciate that oh expecting open the window and throw it out when it comes very important I spent a lot of money today but I'll just I'll just move it along um okay okay first on item on the agenda for correspondence letter from Comm nurse and Home Care statistics for July and August 2024 review of matters votes may be taken okay make a motion to uh place on I'll second the motion all in favor y i motion carries next we have mdp Alber surveillance program report what is this about Joe this has everything to do with our mosquito friends um in the um uptick in West Nile Virus and humans um and the upti in uh Triple E and thank you equestrian and mandals um we've raised uh the state raised our risk a high risk for potential of humans um contacting West Nile Virus um in turn I know the board worked to um modify some of the hours of the outdoor activities the Fall Ball um and also the activities uh associated with the school which was basically soccer to move that ahead do we have any problems with them at all at all um they've done done the right thing um at this point it's uh where being in high risk we've moved it to all activity not must finish um 15 minutes before dusk which um you know was basically around at this point it's around 6:00 for the second talk Talking um yeah no there was no no no issues whatsoever but suggested baseball both Fall Ball in the soccer yet do you get the information every day on that day on your on your phone no I get that every day I guess punching number one for that I received it yeah you're you're on it as one of the um uh backups to me so I get it and then you back it up yeah then you back so that in in the event that there is some sort of significant last week and the week before I was getting two a day oh yeah they were cranking up y yeah it's definitely mosquito season there's no doubt about it we haven't had it this bad in a while um we did we did have quite a wet year um five six years ago it was pretty bad yeah it it es and flows like that it does so um more than likely next year would expect it to be a little bit worse if we don't really have a hard cold winter um which you know kills off both mosquitoes and ticks um that's the other big issue is ticks um ticks probably a little bit worse than the mosquitoes um you really have to pay attention to checking yourself and making sure that you cover up well you don't want to get this you don't want to get this either but you don't want to get sick from ticks either no for the reckon I'm going to just state that the letter from the Mass Department of Public Health says that Massachusetts through 39 week 39 which is I this current current there have been 13 West now virus human cases in barille Bristol Essex Hampton middlex nor suff cies and four Triple A cases so it's out there pay attention one of the big big locations is Rochester so I mean that was last week Rochester yeah it's right next door I mean we don't Rochester de over here to New bedford's pretty high too Mo place on file motion to place on file second motion all in favor y i motion carries next up we have appointments of Sharon Associates Incorporated it's a public hearing for 31 Darling Street septic system design requesting a variance to the budding property less than 10 ft to 6 ft the variance of leing field be less than 20 ft from the CL space to 6 ft we primarily here for the propy land variant um I take it the but notification has been submitted y Mr G is here we notified take a look at it sh this is your property on the side over here yep and just came in and our protest in here as you know they got all the storage and back in here we couldn't do anything back in that section trying to sell the a couple protest one two one should two so we put the reaching field in here normally this would be 10 ft off the line we don't have the distance between the cross Bas and the prop Line 6 side okay so both of these require variances but requires notification well by law it's supposed to be 10 ft why is that why is that law said at 10 ft it's set at 10 ft uh basically because they they they don't want to write it the proper L if it's if it's 5 ft less they require us to get a survey C the reason why they did that a leakage if it goes off to the sides breakage that's the reason why they went 10 ft I'm presumably that's going to put a rubber barrier in there yes so is there a detrimental side that it's only going to be 6 ft is this going to reach into the should because you're going to have a rubber barrier there you're going to have a what a rubber barrier no meaning that they dig all the way down put a rubber battery all the way up to the top so it won't reach out to the sides down all the way down to the bottom of the uh of the system this this is one you know these these things are put into place to try to take account about the worst soil conditions and this is some of the best soil conditions I found in the that's told Joe we out there we have sand and gravel basically we sand and S Cur that's unusual normally push that is is more glacial till Downy Street is not too bad well as is here I mean this is a place where water goes down vertically it's not going to be pushing sideways okay so the chances of this leeching into the across how wide is that rubber barrier it's just it's 40 m it's a heavy plastic probably maybe as thick as this yeah pretty tough stuff water's not going to go through it so this is going to be flat or is this going to be a hill uh it's see2 one of the newer 50.6 one of the new let me ask you this why why wouldn't they why wouldn't you be putting it back here isn't there enough room back here this is a temporary storage it there fil this is this thing is filled with crap say but their Sun apparently is blowing that thing up where they're trying to sell the property can't wa stuff on okay and what is this is this storage also no that's a trailer they have and and back in here no not enough again you can't can't get access to it unless you put the tank in last back your way off it's typically people in and then you I don't think there'd be a problem that you David do you know how far the house is from the property line it's justt mine is 10 no the the other house the G 10t yeah the fence is right spot on CU we've had the property surveyed and I think they did too and the fence is on so I guess my only concern is you know yeah is he going to leave I mean this is you know well David's an engineer also so I mean if he thinks it's going to be safe I think it's going to be safe I have no problem that's my only concern I mean if there's no other place put it you know I was thinking I mean I Sav the storage shed which I thought was a temporary shed which would come down then you have more room back here but apparently he doesn't want to remove the shed it's a cover so it is a temporary building but it's filled it's just the okay I don't know what they could do to S properties on this side right yeah do you think that house is 10 ft off it the foundation from that fence from this side I don't know we didn't take any shots we couldn't see it what's the what your 29 say one of the things we have we we put in that that barrier but it's primarily to protect we could run 360° sides if we're less than 20 on the other side should but condition really everything goes down horiz we don't have you know everybody wishes they the water comes up and it don't go down with the Hydraulics it's a f system settle the you get a rul you got scale do you have a full base no cross base so same as all some no some of them have basements directly across the street from 30 they have across the street from our house they have basement did you do you know if they have any water problems they used to the 15t so 15 and the 6 21 okay that's good 20 that's good 20 okay we're good G I don't know I don't know about their crawl space I mean it's but we have we required we requested that they put the crossface elevation so that we know that the poly barrier is below the cross that's that's the whole goal is to make sure that the barrier stop the lateral although it' be it would have to be in failure for collaterally and to bring out the SIDS yeah and it's I mean we can that they go all the way around with that bar I would be comfortable with that I if they're comfortable with that you can be comfortable too problem if you want to make that a condition we revise the plan s yeah that's not a big deal not a big deal no that's going to make your people happy we here make since they're moving away I mean plus this type of system is new work it's better than the old school pipe and stone so you're not going to have sticking up no this this is we're using the Elgen GSF Sy this so the Elgen system cleans up the liquid about 90% better than what a stone and pipe field Legion Field do so you've got a stone and pipe which is a standard system yeah and your your uh solids going into the ground underneath the system of one of the stones right typically about 300 more Sol milky working you have glass of it with these systems because of the way they made 90% of that 30 Clear W so the advantage on these is that it doesn't tend to plug up the soil period of time because you don't have those tin clal left right there 90% of diges in the system okay so the chances of this failing I usually say like a system like yours good for 25 years noral AB use these systems with 90% of the Sol should be good for 10 times that that period but that's say it's a liftime mhm there will be a vent though we require it yes we have a requirement because we want air flow for the system it helps breath but it has a chil it does have a Chate po which you shouldn't be getting any the older for the most part where is that pipe going to be where is that pipe going offence yeah most of the air flow is from the lower vent out the vent through the house so if there's any over it's the same thing with your vent you know it's up high you're not happy with that can we move that over to the middle could or we move it to the middle make you happy the only the only problem with that is it's going to prevent getting out here trying to get back in the vehicle yeah CU you don't want them running over that system anyhow well that's probably true they're going to have to because they're going to have to get their trailer out well I'm they're going to get it out before they put this in when are you proposing to do this that's up to them what what their date is as far as from what she's mentioned to me you know after the record was when they sell the house so so they have put the system in until they sell the house that's my that's my understanding well that's that's no system come to approve it then I think the vent being in the middle is a good spot because it will actually stop vular traffic yeah don't I don't think I want trucks coming back here to haul these things out of here after no you're going to spend a bunch of money on the system put trucks in here they're going agreement put the vent the middle he's got let go between I would to be frank with you if that was M I was buying that I'd say either move that stuff out now I'm not going to buy that piece of propit because I'm not going to have you run it over my Sy sstem that's me yeah that would be him David Joe we'd all agree that we don't want nobody running over it you know what condition are these sheds in they I would just say they're full if they move a full I would agree but you have this here as a slab this is now a building no yeah there there's a house there but slab underneath it as opposed to the Cross there and here and then that room they have in the back is another a slab there's no cross space under this it was a garage so right that's what you have yeah all right so we're in agreement then we're going to Center that pipe and well we're going to make motion to approve with those conditions okay so I will accept a motion to approve the variances as read with the condition that a poly barer is placed on three sides instead of two as shown and the vent is moved 10 ft from the lot line and that a revised plan will be submitted um reflecting those changes second well that's I'll accept that motion okay you read it out so I the motion I accept the new don't the new don't get pumped out well they would have yeah they have to periodically maintain it maintenance schedule you know a septic system is you take 6 in of sludge on the top well I just put in a new pump so I know pump you mean to make T1 no no then or you had to put a pump pump chain up the septic system the septic system yeah so you got resst which was close to two grand for the pump how was the pump the pp was 20 years old oh that's why go buy it today just the replacement is going to cost you probably two grand so I guess I'm just wondering if they have to pump this out then the pipes in the middle how are they going to get back there to pump that out just run the like they do the regular now okay answer my own question have to pull the H in the yeah the truck would not drive over they'll drag the H those guys will drag the you got probably 200 ft was a girl that did the last time she was good anything else no I'm good so we're good we got everything people are happy I'm happy happy so we have motion on floor seconded all in favor motion carries great thanks for coming in thanks for showing concern have a great night thank you you too time to go e okay good night change name get the thanks thank you guys thank you Rick have a good night all right they're all good nights [Music] AR d d next up a St I'm going to hold tight Bob was asking just fresh sure but I will uh I'll make a motion that we uh hold the meeting for moment we're back live um going to take a break as somebody walked into the office um so next on our agenda is um Bay State Public Health Training Hub Derek cedo this is regarding granting Authority for Bay State training Health Inspectors to perform training and inspections within the town cushion it so um you want to start Joe or do you want to um yeah so to to to quickly say this we've talked to Derek before we're part of a public health Excellence Grant which was granted by the Department of Public Health um in order for us to operate um in a shared service arrangement with New Bedford a cushion it and faav um currently we have a shared um nurse that actually as of today just did a flu Clinic over at um and the Council on Aging um she's uh did some diabet diabetes um um work training that that has a lot to do with uh taking care of yourself and even leading up to having a why uh MCA um membership for I think six months after it's done um anyways this has worked out really well in regards to us being able to you know share the resources throughout the different communities uh certainly new bedford's got a little bit more going for it than we do because of the size of the community so they have a lot of different people that they've actually helped um a couple of days ago we had a um a car seat check over at the uh Ford Middle School um some of those some of the nurses and and staff from New Bedford was here doing that some of our staff um EMS um Ed Ed Karen was over there helping out awesome uh so that being said this public health Excellence Grant Works in two different ways it's it's it's this where shared services and there several Community all the communities for the most part in Massachusetts are doing the same thing but it's also a second part of that that has to do with training so um in this ever since Co it was determined that there was deficiencies in um in the the health departments throughout the 351 communities and uh the State Department of Public Health wanted to bolster that and come up with some sort of way to help all the communities to perform the standards that we're required and as you guys know there's tremendous amount of things that we're supposed to do involved in but are doing it all exactly the same way throughout the entire state so they set up I believe there's seven training hubs um throughout Massachusetts each one of these hubs have a certain amount of communities upwards of 30 plus communities and each one of these hubs are training those communities to do the food codes the housing codes the title 5 inspections all of the different things exactly the same way so everybody is getting trained is getting trained the same way um that being said that money is is given to us it's under a grant it's from the state it's not anything that we're paying for individually from the town how long does a grant good for right at the moment um 10 years I believe is the number we're we have we're locked in 2027 with 2 threee extensions for that so that being said we're just soak up all that the state's given to us in regards to the entire you know staff of all the different Health Departments of learning all over again I say it I've said it to you guys I'll say it again it's like going back to college I mean they've got us doing online training they' got us classroom training they've got us um infield training um all of the new health agents all of the you know uh older Health agents that have been around we all going back to school and Derek's the lead trainer in our Hub uh there's two other trainers that that operate underneath him and what Derek is coming to uh you tonight to to talk about is to be able to U utilize you know a cushion it as he's doing with fa Haven um as he's doing with New Bedford the three communities to be a area that the new health agents the old Health agents and the people that are coming in can utilize as a place to train I mean obviously using the communities to train that's where we operate that's where we work so based on our you know based on what's available throughout the different communities at the time that there's somebody that needs to be trained after they've gone through whatever field training they have to do or whatever's available in any of the communities you know Derek I think or his his staff looks to see if there's you know where they can go throughout the three communities to be able to you know train a particular person um not take away from anything that I do from a health agent standpoint um certainly work in conjunction with me but at the same time um in the event that I happen not to be here um and they have a a a bottom inspection to do um maybe that's what they do or if I'm not here and I have a a restaurant that needs to be inspected they go there I don't want to take all of it away but um you know it's a training exercise those reports are those inspections um depending upon how um you know you guys feel about that can be either utilized as the actual inspection or presented well I mean I think they would all be presented to to me and to you on what's going on and then from that standpoint you know utilize it however we see it or however you see it so with that I hope I didn't take too much away from there no you did a great job uh setting it up um added to piggyback a little bit so the more I can do in in the trainee Community is what I will do so uh I did a lot of training with uh the new inspector that we have in Swansea he has a pretty big uh food bank so we're able to do all of his food in Swansea didn't need to move communities where we're talking is like a situation like if Joe needs to do housing the housing complaints and the housing po the minimum housing population chushan is very small it would take forever to get Joe where he needed to to be but in new Benford they have the population they have the Housing Bank there so we could do it there that's kind of the the give and take that I was coming to look for you guys for again we won't do anything without Joe knowing about it so if I have a trainee and I I think that a cushion has a good opportunity I'm not just coming into a cushion it that's not happening I would talk to Joe Hey Joe I got this opportunity what do you have available for me and then let's say it's a restaurant let's say I'm trying to get a restaurant done Joe has one we can do if Joe would like to tag along tag along if you if you're too busy as long as I have your permission I'll go and to his point now I've done the inspection I need that for my trainee we need to go over the paperwork if Joe would like to use that totally up to him if he doesn't want to use it again totally up to him it's I need it for the training purposes but now it's up to you if you want to use it or not so the that's the the give and take to it is we we can come in but it's up to you how official you would like that to be and then conversely if Joe needs something he can call me and I will gladly come back him up if he you know has an inspection that he just wants a second set of eyes on I'll gladly come into town give him a hand that has nothing to do with training as long as Joe's calling me and need some help I can come into town give him a hand but really it's more about do you have a training opportunity may we go to this location if it's yes then we go so would it I know obviously not housing in the push but would it be a situation where um Joe tells you well I got two protest scheduled the next two weeks and I have I have two Title 5 inspectors the next two weeks and he offers you to tag along and you bring whoever you want um I what my concern would be uh not that you have all the qualifications I'm sure um my concern would be the the public at large seeing you instead of Joe and saying who was this guy he's bringing three people with him and what the hell's going on in my property and that's why he would know about it at of time so when those questions do come there's no I don't know I I I I don't know who these people are there's a clear answer as to this is who these people were this is why they were there so that's why I would never come into town without him knowing about it people always ask these questions who all other two guys over there absolutely we know Joe he's been in town for a while but who H those two guys over there and if if I were them I understand the question and if I were you I would want an answer as to yeah who are these guys cuz I would ask that question 100% as long as we have the communication I can get you an answer as to who are these people I feel like we're kind of covered at that point so what exactly um what types of training uh would you be looking to do in our town right now all all we're doing is housing and food right now so in in the short term may be a food here and there but realistically I have plenty of food so in the short term very little it would mostly be do you need me for something when the title five part of the program ramps up is what I'm thinking a Cushing it is what I'm mostly going to be needed and at that point it would kind of be a as I learn I'll let you guys know this is cuz I really can't answer on that end what am I going to be looking for yet I don't know the more I know I like Hey we're going to be looking for bottom holes maybe a final or a perk test and a bottom I I don't know yet as I know as these people been as taken that's going to go into the schooling we could call it have they done soils before or have they been certified as a soil evaluator it's going to be for them to finish it's going to be part of it they're going to have to have t for that state the state I mean the grant will pick up the the tab for them there's no cost to the town to bring any of these folks in for training I think we're on like who's going to pay for the soil evaluation that's that's not up to me I would assume whatever City in town that person's going to go work for will pay for their soil evaluation but that's not cheap to more I would assume yeah whatever City in town they're going to work for is going to pay for that some of the people that you train some of Health agents now and some aren't they're being trained to be Health agents correct we I have a mix right now so like to Joe's point it's everyone that's going through it so I have some people that are 20 25 years in that it's for them it's more just a refresh show didn't realize that and then we have so my buddy Al Swansea brand new who's been doing it less than 6 months so it rate it varies I spend a lot more time with the new people than the guys that have been doing it for a while but there's a lot of people out there that's done it that's out there that been uh U like Joe but they don't pass the test Engineers I've gave tests four times to Engineers that hasn't passed uh and it's a tough test to take you know doing soils CU I used to do that for USDA for what maybe 15 years so it's a tough test so evaluations are going to be part of it because neek has that and they're going to do bottom witness a PR test to get to know about soils also I mean Joe goes out there he knows about soil right so it's a it's would be assumed that by the time that they're in our program they've done that again I'm assuming that that's going to be part of the program and that just want to make sure that it doesn't rely upon later on they say well what did that guy know about soils is he a soil value what is he that's what I'm going to be that I'm the trainer I'm going to take care the person that's training we can't I can't worry if they're an an older person or a newer person it's as long as you guys are comfortable it's what I say and if you're not then that's what he says again my paperwork doesn't need to be the end all be all if you're not comfortable with it all Joe has to do is just tag along and Joe can do his own and I can do mine on the side so it can work that way if you're not 100% comfortable with it I I think from my perspective and I'm only one board member I think that I think that um how I would like to see it work is that if uh Jo does a a restaurant you guys get together on we're going to go do a couple of restaurant inspections Joe would introduce you to the the managers of the restaurant that that he would normally deal with so they know who you are so that and you know the next time if he says 6 months down the road hey I got a couple of their do you want to go do them they know who you are you know and and um housing is kind of a you know you can't really plan for it but I would like to be there the first time for anything um I don't I don't have any issues with the tag alongs or how many people you want to bring but as far as like bottom holes ideally I don't want to bring more than one person ideally I don't want to bring three or four people on an inspection ideally especially once we're hitting field work it's more oneon-one like even doing food it's oneon-one I I highly doubt it would be more than a person okay um like bottom holes perk tests Title Five inspections I'm not at the level to relinquish Joe not being there in some capacity that's fine so uh but I have no problem with the training per se you know going on side by side somebody's got to learn yes no the training is great I like the idea I just I don't know I don't like if I'm on Board of Health man my answer to constituents that you know I don't you know somebody I want I'm 100% comfortable with Joe doing making sure that that septics are put in right subjects are respected right he knows the contractors he knows their little nuances if you will personalities and whatnot and and I I'm not you know unless he was leaving I'm not ready to move on from that so and let's say a couple of years from now we've done a few of these and your comfort level changes corre that correct that 100% fine with that I want you guys to be as comfortable with this process as possible and again we're not at that title 5 level anyway so I would be able to give you guys much more detail as it got closer like you want to talk about the food program I can give you all the details cuz we're doing it right now the title 5 is still coming they're still trying to figure out sure are you guys still doing the federal inspections like we're doing wrist Bas wrist risk based inspections which is what the FDA recommends y yep cuz that's how I learned to do mine before we had health health agents we have to go out and do it ourselves I work all during the day and I used to go at night and I used to catch a lot of people with oh when you go with night you'll catch money oh yeah CU they not expecting that but you get a you get to work with the people also and you get to realize if you find a lettuce on the floor and it's green well things drop they can't be with a Bo behind them every 5 minutes but if I found a piece of lettuce that was old and dicated I'd write them up and and that's where I have to change not being cleaned change my training a little bit because I don't have to explain that to someone like Joe but I have a new inspector we may have to go over something like that where they may say oh look that's filthy let's talk about that for a minute where he's been doing this for 20 years he sees that I know what he's thinking I don't have to worry about that so I've been out there for 38 right so we we just I can adjust the training depending on I trust Joe I trust Joe out there so I mean there's no problem I trust him 150% on septics cuz that's what that man used to do years ago so he knows his stuff so maybe I'll train the trainer it sounds like train the trainer who's training the trainer sounds Prett good about training the restaurant employees that are there when you're there 100% so they understand that's all about education and then once they go oh I never knew that you know we had that all the time oh I didn't know that they w train they didn't have time to train them they were thrown into the job and ab it's not easy I took one during a couple inspections with me she says you go WR that I says yeah don't I want though I check dates I check everything when I go on an inspection that's part of my job was it was part of my job that's why we got Joe well I'm I'm perfectly fine with that I I agree that 100% so what do you need from almost to see any formal vote of any kind or is it just I think should be a formal vote to authorize the ability for the uh Bas State training Hub to utilize a cushion it as a training location okay with permission of your health agent I I would even add that if you're right if you want to add that level in you could add that into same I think um what I'd like to add to is that um when we we get to that as we grow and and the relationship grows and and you do substitute for Joe for you know a housing inspection or a restaurant um that I'd be notified or whoever is a chairman be notified because if I get that call from I mean a small community everybody knows somebody from restaurant own hey I got see strange guys coming at my restaurant I I don't appreciate it you know I'm like well let me explain what it's about you know so then I I would know ahead of time you know if you were entering a certain restaurant down the street I'm expecting that call or maybe not but if I do get the call I know how to explain it I I just to make a note about it I mean the reality behind this is you know it's a training exercise but you know from what I know and what I do on a daily basis I mean I really have if if there's something that's significant out of compliance that's something that I have to be involved in because the trainers and the trainer is going to go wet and you I'm going to that has so when it comes to that housing inspection or maybe that really bad restaurant inspection I mean it has to include me because other than that you know how am I going to and and you know I have to bring that to you you know at the end of the day where the authority is in order we get a phone call and say we had two guys in here or two ladies in here doing an inspection I don't know nothing about it I think I would I think in my mind I would either be there to begin with and and and realistically I've already had these conversations with a lot of the owners because really we as we approved simply there's there's still a health agent or sanitarian that's supposed to be part-time that's going to get hired as part of the public health Excellence Grant that's going to get shared between the three communities and that's still in the Pro well that's more so now in the process that the the the process of getting hired they're going through New Bedford getting that person hired to to actually ultimately share but even in that case we have to I I have to be involved in all of that because I don't see the shared service Health Agent following up on any of the um uh regulatory part of it you know yes this is X Y and Z but it's still going to all come back to me and then it's got to and and then you know come back to through you you you you've authorized them to be here to train but not necessarily you know say oh well you're the health agent and you're going to be able to do it they're not make they're not the ones that make the decision right they they right and then as like to Dave's point you know we get down the road and it's ramped up up and and you understand it and yeah if if if the the community becomes aware of what's going on and who these people are then it's just it it's that extra level of protection it's it's an extra level even to me where you know I try to take you know I I be very careful about when I take vacations and when I take time off to make sure that it doesn't get in the way of anything yeah it usually like you know at 2:00 in the afternoon because I've already made sure that everything's but it it'll help it'll stipulation if ch's going fishing you better call me well well I better call you or he's not no you're going to call me if you go you don't have a boat I don't think no I do know so if you go fishing we better be informed of this just stop now I got to call him too right so now it's all good it's all going I'm only joking around it's his point if I if I'm let's say I come in the Joe's not there I go to a restaurant with a traine and it's going south quickly like you know when things are just going south at that point I'm probably just going to stop the inspection call Joe be like yeah this this didn't work for me we need we need to go in there together you and I not me and a training so I would never oh we need to shut this place down I traine let's learn how to shut a place down absolutely not if it's if we're at that level Hey Joe can you come down here if you can't all right let's do this tomorrow cuz he's going he's going to listen to me say who hell gave them permission to close it and you're a health agent here the one that's got answer agent to the V select Joe know Joe knows I don't hold too much tongue bat do I Joe all right but that's me y That's you so I'll make a motion that we uh you think we should have Tom make him this major decision like um normally 99 out of 100 times I'd say Yes um but Tom conveyed to Joe that he is okay with with the two M well I didn't know no cuz he was here at the last he thinks it's okay I have no problem with it otherwise I would never make make the call well I didn't know that he had talked it was the last minute thinking him not being able to make it he told usually decision like this we like a three board member to either n or yeah you for instance we have a policy after this we're going to table because Tommy hasn't important yeah no Tom Tom he was planning on being here he had a hiccup he called me at no time and you know I'll make the motion to to accept them as deputize the Mr maso and his trainee which is the big state big St train okay so we're going to deputize the Bay State Public Training Hub to work in the town of the question under training for the training purposes does that make sense y sounds good that's the motion I'll make under Joe under Joe's complete Authority okay make sure we put that a second second okay all in favor I wish carries to thank you very much everyone have a great night thank you thank you everyone I look forward to getting trained look forward to training with you thank you thank you thank you too Derek uh next we have for health policy installation timeline for septic systems we are going to table this as we're missing one member is there a motion to table to the next meeting motion I'll second motion all in favor I motion carries uh next bullet item mosquitoes high alert limit outdoor activity 15 minutes before Dusk and Dawn cover that cover that get your sign up there du that up the whole time all right make a date up till next time we got some minutes to approve in the meantime oh I can see yeah uh you want to do that oh yeah some I think you're keeping nights so we'll we'll are they all all okay so uh I'll make a motion to the table a minutes until we have a full board I get a second second but I can just say half half of the minute all in favor yeah I well I was there I was at the meeting I know I know it's just don't knock me now that's 100% at the meeting one of them you were there for 2 minutes I think I still attended right all right next meeting date uh what you think the 12th is the day after uh Columbus Day so I mean where we at now I mean we could do the [Applause] fifth so our next meeting will be no Tuesday November 5th with that I'll motion to adjourn motion a second motion all in favor y i motion carries we now adjourn [Music]