##VIDEO ID:a## [Music] for the month of June um and in fact they were a little bit higher I believe if I'm not mistaken so during the month of July the plant never ran at a rate below 320 tons per hour and certainly during the month of June there a number of days where they were running at a lower rate um on the days where production was highest um when the and those were days where the plant was operating at 340 tons per hour or higher uh there were 11 such days there were no complaints filed on any of those 11 days similarly uh on the four occasions where King produced 2,000 tons or more of asphalt um July 1 101 17-25 no complaints filed those days either so just further Evidence um supporting the point that we had made to the board last time I know there were concerns when we first met with the board back in June about a correlation between rate and volume of production and odors um and we're just not seeing that at all based on the rate of production and the corresponding complaints they really AR the complaints for whatever reason came in actually when production wasas were at a lower time um so that's what was done in response to the complaints received the first bullet and sub bullets there um we've told you before this is essentially what keing does generally when they receive a complaint uh they'll contact the person follow the complaint unless that individual specifically asks not to be contacted in which case keing Honors that request um but they certainly go out and at least Drive the neighborhood and try to see what they can find out in terms of odors when the third party consultant Alliant Alliance is on site which is once a week uh they'll go out and investigate if they happen to be there on the day complaint comes in um this past month July 26th uh which was a day there was several complaints that came in was actually a day that Alliance was on site um so on the 26th Alliance went out investigated the complaints um found no detectable or measurable off site voters um associated with asol anyways on the 2nd of July um there was also an investigation done there was no no detection at all of odors there were no other complaints filed that day so it seems it was just sort of a passing fleeting odor on the 2 of July uh on the morning of July 12th the complaint came in relatively early in the day um PJ keing actually stopped production at the plant um temporarily that was about 8:30 U shortly after the complaint was received um they investigated went out had a good conversation with an individual who had filed the complaint uh drove the neighborhood didn't detect any continuing orders started the plant back up no further complaints that day so um in each of the instances e was able to follow up um and satisfactory address the um so as I mentioned Alliance has been coming out once a week here for the past several months uh there blue is here you've heard from Lou before so we'll skip through the slides that L presented previously Alliance generally what they do Lou and who he is um this is just kind of outlining real quickly what they've done we've talked previously about in past year starting last year what they've done um and again so far this year they're coming out once a week over the past three months so they've been out for 12 visits um and as you can see the 3rd 10th 17th and 26 for the dates they were outside today so um Lou I'll skip through these slides that you've seen previously for May and June we might come back to these um but if you want to pick it up here this is the July one Qui question um in the past there were a lot of there was talk especially from residents to the South Main Street of owners coming off the trucks they travel down the road is there been none of that no complaints from so Mr chair we haven't to my knowledge uh there haven't been any complaints associated with truck traffic at all um all olders come emanating from the back of the trucks the complaints that I've seen haven't mentioned trucks at all okay thank you hello everybody um L rose again thanks for the introduction Luke um so uh we ran over May and June a little bit um the last couple meetings and uh moving into July you can see that we performed the odor survey observations on the 3rd the 10th the 17th and 26 um just a reminder when we're looking to schedule these observations we're wanting to confirm a couple things um we want to make sure the facility is up and running right and potentially producing odors um we're not trying to schedule these under uh conditions of high wind speeds and we're not trying to schedule these visits uh when it's raining out high wind speeds rain those are things that will uh reduce odors typically more dispersion cause reduction odors so we're always looking for more of a worst case scenario um and and that gives us a good Baseline to go with when we're measuring these odors uh to really understand what what they could be at their at their worst um so moving into July you can see that we only have again these odors uh depicted on these diagrams are only asphalt uh facility related odors so there are other things that we pick up onsite offsite you know maybe diesel exhaust uh lawn mawing things like that um those will go into our reports um as you guys saw from the 23 report but um just to reiterate this is just asphalt odors so during the month of July um during our surveys the only off-site ers detected were up in this area and these were all detections at uh less than two um DTS so we can smell that with our notes but we did not detect it on the nasal Ranger the lowest detection on the nasal Ranger is a two um we just kind of lumped these for depicting purposes less than two to two as the same color cuz those are really really light just perceptible odors as you get into a 4 to a seven the 15 um you're getting into more of a moderate uh type odor and you can see that those odors are concentrated around uh the HM plant itself um and then depending on the winds uh this particular day I recall was a a Southwest wind so the winds are coming from the southwest going this way so some of those odors were detected a little bit further into the property um the same as under a northwest wind we've picked up some ERS here uh but again the offsite orders that we've detected uh during the month of July surveys were pretty close uh in relation proximity to the source and [Applause] um so just to just to bring that together what we've seen over the last couple months um generally the once we got through May the on-site odors in June and July have seemed to be a lot less pungent in danger um and that correlates to the timing of the introduction of the new ecosorb uh product um we've also noticed that the offsite detections as we've progressed you know from May June July um have become less freid and again just to reiterate there was uh one detection uh throughout the 24 program um thus far where we detected a two offsite um all the other offsite orders have been less than two just for reference I put in there we've also detected uh fresh cut grass you know from somebody just mowing their lawn or landscaper also at a two just for reference of scale it's not again we're not the ones saying this smells good or bad we're just measuring the levels think yeah okay um than so yeah just sort of before they go can you explain that whole B in Grass thing we kind of I don't want to see talking about sure I was just putting a reference in there um correlating to the strength of the odors so when we're out measuring with the field oldometer there are certain certain dilutions um depending on the dilution that's a quantifiable number that gets associated with the the strength of that odor so if I'm out smelling a two um from asphalt odors I'm also just providing an example that we've detected at a two from fresh cut grass for example how far away we're just in the roads we're not up on anybody scy or anything like that right but so is like a lawn that was freshly cut 20 ft away or could it be like 100 ft away like how what's your strength of Ro I'm just trying to get a Gras yeah I mean in in the road adjacent to somebody's house right the downwind of somebody's house do that answer your question I think he's just trying yeah comparison that the odor he's if I interpret what he's saying correctly that the odor is is so low that it's equivalent to smelling C grass which most people can smell really just trying to provide a reference of app Str versus strength what smells good what smells bad yeah and so when you're driving behind a a car that's kicking out some real nasty odors um what would that probably be I'm just TR understand sometimes you get it depends on it all depends on what's what's being idated you know from The Source fair enough I could provide some other examples um you know in the future so I just want to say this is when you're saying two not less than two because the less than two has nothing to do with the machine well we can't detect it so we know that there is an odor right we I can smell it but if I can't detect it and the lowest detection is a two we're not going to say it's it's not there right we're confirming there is some sort of OD it's just less than two we don't know if it's one and a half 1.9 when you pick up two yes not less than two when you pick up a two that you stating it you picked it up with the machine correct right we're able to detect it that's what he's saying he's saying you can detect it with a machine rather than you know just smell and you can detect the smell of the grass cut the same way yeah machine yeah anything I mean if you're if you're you know parked next to a Burger King or something you're going to smell that two probably higher than a two but yeah just trying to give a a relevance to to the strength of the Yer thank okay um so just in conclusion uh as we had were happy to report last time we're again happy to report that uh given all the evidence we have found here over the past several months it looks like the improvements heating has made to the H&M plant here over the past year or two have worked uh have addressed the nuisance odor conditions that led to this board issuing a cease and assist uh order in the first place um and again you can see even between May uh when they first started operating prior to the use of those suppressants when we were still testing things out uh through June and into July there's been a pretty drastic reduction uh in complaints so again just further evidence that U what has been done by eing at their facility is working um as discussed previously the ecosorb suppression agent will continue to be used uh seems like that's having really good uh results to this point um stack testing came back really good uh certainly passing all the standards established by the DDP permit um so sort of coming back full circle to the statute under which the C assist issue was ordered uh just as a reminder here's the language um as the board is aware we had filed a joint motion with the court to allow ping to operate here over the period past few months essentially to see whether the improvements that they made worked uh right that was basically the agreement the board told heing to stop until you fixed uh the problem and heing has now address and fix the problem um so in our view this past this past few months has worked as we hoped um has done the job of establishing the K improvements have worked and so we're here this evening uh asking that the board dissolve or lift um or withdraw the ceasing deis or whatever Bo so that's all we have for you this evening we're happy to answer any questions so I see that there's there's been some major improvements of course over the past 90 days that that that we gave um but I think in my opinion I think we still need to hang on and possibly give an extension you know to continue to to to do the the work over there um but I think I think we should actually go with another 90 days of the tri continue to monitor that way gives us the opportunity to make any changes and to also give us you know the opportunity say better stops so I think maybe going forward another 90 days is fair um let you continue you know I don't think there's a need for us to meet once a month no um I think 90 days is uh I think if we meet 90 days and if we continue in the same exact pattern I feel like then I think we'd be in a position to lift the order um TJ would be able to operate within the 90 days and do what they're doing and make money and that's good um I just because it's such a huge decision I a little apprehensive to just lift it this evening um but like I said I don't I don't see the need to keep coming here hearing that you've had two or three complaints I think you guys sounds like you've done an ex job I mean obviously you have things are working exactly the way we want them to um but 3 months is a short period um I I that's where I'm at right now um be happy to listen anybody in the audience you want to have something to say please do with now yes thanks Mr chair uh just for clarification purposes uh as I asked in the last meeting 340 ttimes what's the maximum for this facility I think I believe it was 500 tons per 500 so these tests what was what were these tests conducted at what was the tonage produced at that facility at the time of these tests I think they 400 and in the stack testing what was the capacity of the stack testing at the time of the production of that facility and these are the numbers that we really need to think hard about the maximum output from this facility because we're we're seeing oranges versus the apples and I I think we're not seeing what's the bill here it is the clarification I'm looking for is that number the maximum production for that facility the maximum testing which is allow byly lock for stack testing what are the numbers I'm happy to answer that Mr um so I I think I understood the question the plant and Derek please correct me if I'm getting any of this wrong the plant is rated for a maximum uh production uh rate of 500 tons per uh during the stack testing the plant was run at 400 so about 80% of its full capacity um and that is what D required again this was just done in compliance with the DP air permit um so that's and as I sort of laid out you know there there so far thisit says you have to be at least at 80% of your allow that some something along those lines I foret exactly what the permit is but I certainly know that one of the reasons King couldn't perform the T stack testing sooner is that they weren't operating at sufficient capacity for a sustained amount of time to actually qualify so to speak um and so they met that this year and again it was 400 tons per hour um was what the was the rate for the stack testing out of a possible 500 tons per hour I have a follow question for a second um is there is there any uh chance that you're going to be gaining more contracts and pushing out closer to 500 between now and 3 months from now understand that from a business standpoint you don't want to be operating at 500 growing itself it would be very rare that in New England we'd be able to run an asphal plant at 100% capacity because meteorologically moisture and the moisture in piles predicates the tons per hour right because we need to dry the aggregate so that's what the dryer is there for so the tons per hour really starts to be influenced on the elements right so moisture content so you know if we're in Arizona probably pretty easy to run at maximum because there's probably 2% moisture in the Aggregates um so the drying time is much quicker and then you can introduce uh recycled products and liquid asphalt you know in a in a faster time but our drying time because of moisture in the Aggregates um we then make sure that we're turning the tons per hour down to make sure the aggregate Aggregates get dried because if we if we push material through the dryer too fast and there's a high moisture content then the quality of the product is impaired right because we're not drying it out to put the binder agent in so you think of your asphalt cement is your binder agent Just Like Glue to Wood right so you add a wet piece of wood and you put Liquid Nails on it and you press it together the adhesion there is compromised right because it's not so very similar with our process where you know so running at 80% of capacity is probably is very good and and as we introduce recycled asphalt Pavements and liquid asphalt we need to make sure that the Aggregates are dry and you know we're we're having a last summer was the wetest summer on record and we had a decent dry patch you know fairly but you know La this week's chocked up and being fairly wet so the Aggregates we're producing in our quaries you know we have a high moisture content and it's not drying out even though our fine Aggregates are under are under our u under our tents or under in our wrap sheds right and and we have our fine Aggregates there but they're still saturated and we could be getting moisture contents oh probably I'm going to say right now we're probably averaging somewhere around 8% so that's slowing down our ability to push more tons because our drying time is higher so it's pretty rare to be running at 100 it would be yeah I mean here that's right I mean you know we're we're there I mean I think during the I think during the uh the test we were up above 400 the average was 400 right so it's not perfect you know so we could go from 380 to 420 right simply and the average becomes 400 but yeah so at 400 we could have been at 90% at 450 um 440 but the average became 400 during this stack test which made it which we fell in compliance with and demand and demand to that end also predicates what we don't want to do is run the asphalt at 100 tons per hour then ramp it up to 400 tons per hour then drop it back down we want we want a consistent burn in the dryer we want to be consistent pretty much all day so what we try to do the plant team tries to say hey we're going to make we have orders for two ,000 tons today so we're going to try to run at X right put it up into the silos so they're going to get it up and try to run 350 or whatever consistently until the mix is uh made and stored in the sil that was my question okay that was my question you yes did you say sorry Cher um so I have a question the DP did that right the reports don't you get that I poose to D it's D it's actually should get it because it's a concern no offense I'm not saying that you're but I'm just saying you know my boss could show me something and say yeah yeah yeah and really it's just not that but I should think that you guys should have the paperwork to see the exact meurs I'm get so it's the 's permit right so they got to satisfy DP it's not necessarily Bard house permit so DP was on site to go through this test and that documentation and all the paperwork has been submitted to D that comprehends a non-comprehensive permit a equality permit I believe it's called um I I think we all remember when when they were processing that going through that that all that information like they said is online so now we can see that's a public record on on those tests um I'm going to you know I'm going to go look for it myself so I can get it up you guys I want to take a look at it too um but de had to okay that yeah yes CHR chrisan low ke uh I just like to say that I'm in agreement with the board that I think it's still a little premature to resend that ceas and assist whereas the south side of the Quarry is typically affected when the prail win switch up toward the end of the summer and it makes total sense to you know gauge a whole season of operation so that because that's when I'm adversely effective and I have to say I have not been adversely effective as of today but again come fall when the air changes the winds change all of a sudden it's an issue and I think again that you guys you know have the right idea as far as and this way it's it's a full season almost and everyone my thought was not to do a half again I'm I'm not adversely affected typically and it gets bad so I'd hate to go down that rabbit hole again um that's why we want continue know kudos to keting if they've been able to uh you know adjudicate what's been happen happening to the neighborhood God bless you'll never hear from me again I just want to live in peace so again I think you guys have the right idea by at least go in the season thank you um my thought was it we we set the next meeting for 90 days but you know things change the wind changes and things change then we'll we'll schedule something earlier you know this isn't like it's a public hearing for a permit so we have flexibility on that and hopefully that we don't see with land days Mr chair I just just suggest but 90 days puts you into the end of November right when when is your your season over perhaps you would do it until December one because their season would be over and at that point everybody's come in and you were in agreements that the your season is closer to ending at the end at the beginning yeah I mean we run into the early part of November again you know because everything we're like Farmers right so everything we do is temperature sensitive so as temperatures in November start to drop we really wind up our full-time operations middle of November you know if it's warmer special essential project do says hey we got this bridge it needs to be repaired will you will you will you do that you know we'd work on that but nine times out of 10 the dot is also looking at the temperature gauge and telling us no more you know and and we get that so around I think you know if you said middle of November we're we're we're closing the doors and then we're tearing the plan apart to look at what we need for a winter maintenance plan so you know any time I just think that yeah you know the gentleman in the audience said it it would be wise to do a full season just because of atmosphere conditions I think it probably makes a lot of sense but a full season is not days I don't know I think I think it would put you a few days before would be perfect there there's also some selfishness to it um attorney leir and I have to report back to the court and it would just might be a lot easier at the very if we had a some leeway at the end you know you guys have your meeting and you decide that everything's fine and we'll just lift it and we we dismiss the action that we're we're fine if you you know if we pick that as long as it's probably not on Turkey Day right so as you know but I mean we go that first but if you said the first Tuesday in December or something we'd be prepared to because we'd be shut down a couple of weeks anyways 3D December 3rd yeah okay okay so we would reconvene December 3rd um and and just so I'm clear Mr chair we've also been submitting uh sort of at the end of each month just an email report I've been submitting it to attorney Blake do you want to receive those in the interum I I like the idea of the summary I mean when I read it it's it's you know it's excellent it's it's a for me as a board member it's it's it's a lot easier to read the summary than to check in with the board every you my agent every two three days or every week and so I like I like the summary you know I'd like to see it reported once a month okay understood this way I I might again continue if there's any issues with the portal put it in you know to continuously notify them because that's a major part of this you know so we know so they know y can I say something on that as I think I've said before at all these meetings it's the only way that we can really document this and it's it's it's it's fair to both sides it's fair to keing they ought to know they ought to be able to figure it out and mobilize their guys and they are mobilizing their guys so if you you're going to make a complaint if you don't want them to contact you you can just say please don't contact me but I strongly recommend that that's the only way that we can figure out what the complaints are but you can go to the portal put an address in the complaint and say don't I don't want talk that's right and then they'll go and investigate yeah solves that solves a problem that you don't want to anybody else have anything they want to ask yes smell that bothers me the most isn't like like when I went by today just before lunch time I can smell when I got to the plan I can smell but the smell that bothers me is because I'm on South Main Street and It Go won't buy my house all the trucks won't buy my house that's the smell one I there cuz it carries with the truck so it's kind of hard for me I feel like I don't call because it's like you're going to come over you know what I mean are there certain are there certain trucks is it a bigger truck or is it the over from the truck you know so it's kind of hard most of the time I I is it's not so much the plan it's the truck body and if they increase that traffic so if I could Mr chairman I believe I believe L attorney wither um what is keing done I I believe you've stepped up and I think it was on one of your slides you guys have stepped up the requirement eot has a requirement for tarps is that correct so yeah there's they're not cheap tarps they're a special tarp that's on keing has used their cameras and have you have you turned away anybody from not have yes yes sir yeah we've uh we've lost a few customers that refused to invest in these uh tarps so you look at the tarp to make sure it's the the dot special and we put it in and and the hired callers who call for us right because we have our own construction Crews um uh that's we put that in their in their hir holler agreement for you know their safety requirements they need to have MOA 10 card they they you know need to provide us with specific insurance and we do that in a hired holler agreement and then we uh inspected the vehicles and even even as early you know as a couple weeks ago we had to turn over turn away somebody else who came in with the wrong card so we've heard it a few times um you know there's been four or five instances um and and for better customers and then our hired haulers that weren't properly prepared um you know we gave them some we just said hey look you need to do this you know go get it done and you're back on you're back on the list right but you're not going to be on the list to H for us if you're you're not in compliance with with the tarps and the rest of your agreements so and that's we can we can inspect that with cameras we do that with policeing because we have ground people on the site and most of our drivers now have an automated tarp so as soon as they pull out from the silos their tarps are getting clamped while they wait to get the printed ticket that they delivered to the TRU at one point in time we um had some discussions around traffic study and I'm wondering where that that's kind of falling traffic study y would not fall under the purview of the Board of Health that would fall more under the purview of the board of Selectmen they're the ones that issue the permit for them to operate and that's that's an off an on anybody else so with that I I'll contain a motion to continue the discussion till December what was the date December 3rd 2024 5 PM motion I'll second motion all in favor I motion carries two [Applause] next sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want go after okay what yeah Joe all right is that motion to motion to adour I'll second motion all in favor I now gered at 5:42 [Music]