##VIDEO ID:nR1A2i9T2fQ## open the this meeting of the Board of Health on Tuesday January 14th 2025 at uh 5:30 539 um I'm Dave Deon chairman um to my left Tom foron also board member and uh Mr madas while madus is absent due to illness so we'll go right into it uh first item correspondence letter from Community nurse Home Care statistics for November and December of 2024 a lot of Lyme disease huh yeah for November yep I mean that's is that no yes I mean it's that's one of our biggest issues that we have right now is is Tick born illnesses I mean just all year it's something that we really have to be concerned about but it goes down in December drastically huh yes yep a motion to file a second motion all in favor I I motion carries next we have the annual Bristol County Mosquito Control project report for January to December review of matters presented votes may be taken January Dash December is that backwards so it's for for the whole year oh of 2024 January and I mean just down at the bottom is is a little synopsis of what really went on um you they sprayed over they sprayed they sprayed over 2,645 acres and this is in a Christian in a Christian only 2645 Acres they treated 25.3 acres in 28 locations received in completed 181 requests for spray cleared and reclaimed 1,500 ft of brush treated 720 catch bases oh wow that's a lot do we know how many we have in town I don't but I could find out it's a good number yeah no they they they're defin they definitely do their job I had no idea they do all that yeah no they they're only testing and spraying yeah well they they they're good people to keep around for sure so um they they they do definitely uh so this is a report for January 1 2024 through December 31 20124 it's about uh I just read the summary it's uh page page and a half long it's on file for anybody that wants it if they're interested and it's dated December 27th 2024 is there a motion to place motion to file I'll second motion all in favor I I next under correspondence we have a letter from Woodard and kin the guying notice of Final Phase three remedial action plan a denum in phase four of a meting remedy former implementation plan for the former ball plant one for slum Street review of matters presented votes may be taken yeah so for a public service announcement I mean all the information here is what they're doing in regards to what their plans are on in regards to the final cleanup of you know hazardous materials that were spilled over the years over there uh they're moving forward with doing that um this uh several Pages you know goes through what the intent is and what they're going to do and when nothing has started yet but what they're going to do once they get started which is more or less the finale they're going the cleanup process that they're going to go through to do it so um just as a note to the public that this is something that you know is being pursued and going to be cleaned up all right make a motion to file second a motion all in favor I I motion carries next letter we have correspondence it's a letter from Wave 2 environmental Incorporated regarding one Beach Street formerly known as Riverside auto review of matter is presented v may be taken so essentially this is the same thing there was some spills that took place over there um this was uh purchased by um essenti essentially it's an offshoot of Buzzard's Bay Coalition y um it's an extension as I understand it to PJ keing Woods um they're they're trying to you know create that walking path that's all the way down to the water um that's what their intent was here essentially what this does is talk about how they are going to prevent um any further contamination and prevent anybody from using the property in any kind of way that would you cause any damage are is a to them to to them to themselves to people um they've essentially put a deed restriction in on the property uh to ensure that it can't be used in any kind of way that again would harm anybody mhm and they've located located the areas where uh you know the hazardous material which is essentially oils and whatnot uh pcbs things that are normal and customary to that area the Waterfront um where it is uh no Gardens in other words yeah well no Gardens is certainly one it's actually a surprisingly a small area compared to the whole property yeah um so there there's a plan in here if anybody's interested uh pretty thorough report on how they'll that area will have a activity and use limitation basically attached to the deed for those in the public who want to read it it'll be on file um is there a motion Place motion to place on file I'll second motion all in favor I uh let me see next uh on our list discussion I'm going to put this on hold uh due to Mr mad not being here um it has to do with a waiver all right make a motion to place it on file I'll second motion all in favor I I motion carries see next on the agenda item uh 23 Frank Street septic repair plan approved on October 2nd 2018 never installed review of matters presented V taken what was the reason um any explanation for for that yeah I guess as as I I uh they didn't know um that being said and that being said this was this we we realized this we sent out uh uh um letters to the new owners explaining the fact that they needed to tie it in um there was uh several uh discussions with the owner um and different people in regards to it about the fact that they did not have the money to install it they asked the town or asked me if there was a way where they could get the loan get a loan from the town um is there money still available in that account it it's it's um yes yes but no okay the the the there was the town accountant at the time that actually clarified this which was Kathy DME and went through it um because of it being the sewer of batement um section of DP they theyve loaned US money and they loaned US money that had to do a lot with the sewer tie-ins that happened when you guys did the Su the most recent sewer so I understand that that money can be taken and reused okay but there's a portion of that that obviously you know and and again I'm not the accountant but just a quickly to go through that that of course has to be paid back to this water water water sewer fund water pollution yeah yeah and so we can grab some of that money but they're putting the money back and so basically the way that they were paying it what they basically said is what what Kathy donor said at the time the easiest way to reuse the money was to reuse the money that we made in interest M okay so that's what we've done since I've been here over the last whatever 10 years is we've been able to pull that over and been using that but we've been using that we were using that to tie in the people that the last few people that hadn't tied in to the sewer line and I think we use I know we did we used some to actually install one septic system so because we don't have a lot of extra money and we don't have an accountant that has the ability at this particular point in time or over the last couple of years at this point to be able to really dive deep into the way that that's set up with d and how we can utilize more money like again we basically should be able to essentially be given money from D be able to loan it out and then pay it back as we did and collect the interest to reuse but we should be able to use even the money that we've loaned that we've gotten back to reuse to give out and that is a little bit more of a complicated problem I remember that even with Kathy at the time and so she was busy and would have got into it I think more in the future but then then she uh she went off to work in another town and then we we got a new town accountant and started to get into that a little bit with the new town accountant accountant but then she became Our Town Administrator and um we weren't able to get all this resolved and then the town accountant at the time wasn't you know had enough to do is there somebody at the D that you could talk to about I have I've talked to and and this goes back even before I worked here i' spoke to D about this and they're all gain for it I mean I I haven't spoken recently but there wasn't an issue with being able to have us have the money the problem is more associated with the way the town has to deal with it because again we're using the state's money to be able to loan it out to private people where we're collecting interest it has to get in it has to get into to uh the Assessor's Department it obviously has to get into our department there has to be you know pretty complicated uh you know Minister lean certificates put into the town so everybody really has to know what's going on with that so that it doesn't create some sort of in and that was what Kathy was telling me about like it could create some sort of issue if on their books if it's not done right on the town's books so for me to sit here and say someday I'd like to have the accountant have the discussion with all of us with me and and make it clear but we currently don't have an accountant at at at all um and so so if we need we need time for the town accountant thing to filter out obviously they can't install something in the middle of the winter agreed so maybe we could give a reasonable timeline for them to get their finan fin is in order and and and then in that time frame if you know why don't why don't we can you I mean have they been in contact with you I haven't I haven't been in contact with them recently but it hasn't been resolved why don't we contact them and see where they stand as far as their finances go and then at our next meeting we can make a decision on what kind of timeline we can give them with the three of us actually okay I'd rather do that and that way we know where they stand because what if they don't have the money they say you know some people are in rough shape right now you know so let's see where why don't we see where they stand right now as far as financially um and then we can make a decision on giving them a timeline at the next meeting okay I'm okay I mean I'm flexible I just like to see something happen in 2024 be realistic you know yep most def we're going to be you know as we get to October like you said it be seven full years I think they they got a lot of use out of that cess pool whatever it needs it needs to be done I mean right I mean they bought it with that with the intention and um yes we need to stay on top of it no doubt so yeah you got that get out so I'll in motion to uh table it to the next meeting we we have a full board and uh in the meantime Joe can contact them directly start some dialogue Che that all in favor I motion carries so that brings us to our Board of Health policy for installation timeline for septic systems have to remind me where we left off with this I know we're a changeing language Y and so we changed yeah this is the the the finale that's here with the change language in it um off the top of my head we just looked at it quickly and I forget exactly what the words were but we put it in already it was essentially just a matter of signing it okay um so I think it was to um yeah we wanted the the timeline starts when they actually begin the work right not when they P permanent cuz it could be months right and that's what it says now that's the start the start date 15 business days show that date they break ground that's what okay yeah yeah all right so is there a motion to endorse I don't know we should we do that without B I think everybody was fine with it it's just yeah everybody was fine with it it was just a matter of changeing that okay I I would like to I know exactly what we discuss here it's there so I it's just a matter are you guys all sign get gu still installing septics right now uh or has it really slowed down it has really slowed down from install standa so I don't think the weather's no and there's none that are currently being installed like it was the last time motion to yeah motion to table to the next meeting I'll second motion all in favor I all right do we have any um minutes to sign no no sorry okay do you have any vouches to sign yes that holda all right is there a motion to sign the vouches motion I'll second motion all in favor all all motion carries and is there anything else unexpected that came up Joe um no I mean not really nothing to uh report at this moment okay next meeting dat it's February first week of February yeah 11th 11th so I uh are you leaving I'm going to try to uh slip away and yeah from the 8th to the 12th okay do you want to do the 18th that that's Absol that's yeah okay next meeting will be February 18th we yeah that's tentatively that to entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion all in favor I we now adjourned