[Music] welcome everyone this is a meeting with the board of selectman today is May 23rd it is 11 a.m. is there a motion to call the meeting to order so second all those in favor this meeting is being audio and video recorded please rise for the pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag flag United States of America to the repblic stand indivisible jce first order of business gentleman is we have uh Paving I just vaguely put Paving for a discussion we went out to bid I think it was in September October of last year to pave catch up on some Paving from ever source's trenching gas main trenching um it's been a long painful process for all the residents that are budding those roads that have been trenched and I apologize for taking this long but we were tied up with ever saw us on some funding um after the board voted on funding they to had a discussion about not funding it to those amounts but then we got um ever source to funded to those amounts and moving forward we would be doing things a little bit differently so with that said we did put out um Middle Road Bano Corey Henryetta North Anthony and things of the like in the last bid that we put out the bid so I would like a motion to award that bid and have Mr manad work with the bidder um to have um he needs to do some modifications to a small area of the biz speec so I talked with Town councel Town Council said it's fine um it's such a minute amount of footage it wouldn't it wouldn't have any relevance to it so is there a motion to approve that bid on that work so move second all those in favor the other thing that I want to bring up on the paving is so that this doesn't happen again to everybody else that have been impacted by U's gas Mains which is NIS Lane Randall Kendrick Joseph Earl in I forget the other name of the other Street that's Helen that's over off the Bert Street area um that's all been ripped up by other source as well we've gotten some allocations for those roads so I would ask for a motion to have Mr manad put those in different segments um for the Randall NIS Lane Kendrick as they've been allocated from urce and then the Earl Helen um and Joseph to put each one of those in two separate bed bid specs um and so that Mr Kelly could put that out to bid as well is there a motion so Mo second all those in favor all I would also like to have um myself and Mr manad work on before we go out and have that kind of stuff done I have to look inside the bid specs cuz I did notice something inside the previous bid specs about resetting manholes in storm drains and I think that's absolutely pertinent that DPW staff does that or if it's in the B specs for somebody else to do which I don't know if it is yet but if it's not that's something that we need to do as a town and reset storm drains and man hle so that they're at the right grade when finished Paving is done and you don't end up with a pothole from a manhole or a stone drain things of the like so is there a motion that effect so move second thank you gentlemen and we should be keeping up those are the only three that I can think of right now for ever Source Gap main replacement and I know that um Mr inkley you will be sending with the Town Administrator and Anthony from eversource and uh staff to decide what we're going to do with the Wing Road I know that I told evus already that closure of a road of that magnitude is not acceptable so please just keep that in mind in your discussion seeing how you're a resident down at that end Mr chairman regarding those streets that we just voted on I'd like to have the the DPW Um send a communication off to those those residents just to let them know what the status is right if things are all ripped up just so we can say you know the board voted to put out to bid you know it's our attention have that work just to have it hanging out there I think would be um a BL Mark for us so like to make a motion to direct the DPW to send out a commun a status update to the residents on those streets second all those in favor hi excellent all right I think that's pretty much it on the road paven actually there's one other thing that I want to add because I did get a complaint um I think it's Pembroke or pay right over here by sham Muto up that side road over there where Lebon goes up to I think it's James Street it's about a 200 foot stretch it's just it's crumbled the roads crumbled it floods out when we get rain um I would like to add and it's not part of the eversource mains but if we're going to put things out to bid while they're in here with a milling machine I would like to have a conversation with Dan and do a measurement out there of maybe 200 ft I believe it would probably come out to to add that to the one of the bids of one of those other two projects yeah to just you know it might be you know $25,000 but it will take that from chapter 90 funds to pay that road as well that Road's in terrible shape right there so it is I mean there's a lot of our roads that are in terrible shape I just I went out spoke to a number of residents on the road and I said I'm going to address it in a board meeting and we'll see what the board it's pleasure is on getting it done so is there a motion to have me work with Dan on doing a measurement on that road and adding it's one of the bid specs that we're putting out from the uce second all those in favor thank you gentlemen fiscal year 25 budget and warrant gentlemen I'll be honest we've been going through Mr Kelly and I have gone through the the budget mostly the warrant I briefly went through I just let Mr Kelly know this morning that there's some things that we need to correct within the warrant articles but I will go through as long as I can read them all with a print that's going through them all I will go through the budgets one last time in the amounts that they are at and we'll have a conversation at the end about a balance budget going to town meeting so Reserve fund $150,000 town meeting elections 35 343 875 moderator 273 868 selectman finance committee 2900 accountant 23271 Mr chairman yes sir that one was changed to 23071 accountant 23 after uh we went to pray okay 23071 Town account assesses 187 645 treasur collector 271 821 Town Council 100 technology 23625 town clerk 157 783 Board of registr 42225 Conservation Commission 842 250 soil board 165 planning board 9650 board of appeals 6,150 Town buildings 219 568 Police Department 2,956 031 Fire Department EMS Department 1,131 509 seals awaits and measures 1169 179 for emergency management Animal Control 59 496 forestry 19,000 o Colony 2,99 968 aush school department 16, 393 963 Department of Public Works Highway 1, 6076 snow and ice 110 Street lighting 27350 camass 1, 32262 Cemetery 6,789 water Reserve fund 60,000 Public Works water 1,797 1118 water Debt Service 206 992 Board of Health 158 714 Council on agent 136 678 veterans 177 2117 Library 299 508 pox Department 49967 historical commission 9,160 Mr ellaneous account 10,000 is that one 12 12 miscellaneous 12,000 thank you Mr Kelly Regional government expense 3,748 Town's debt principal 330,000 Town's long-term debt interest 98,3 short-term debt interest 6100 250 pensions 2,062 439 Insurance 2,471 421 for a grand total of 36 million 183 491 Mr chairman Mr reading uh you transpose two uh numbers and the Acushnet school department it's 16 million 393 663 school department huh School depart where is school department again now 3325 again trying I'm just trying to 16393 663 y oh I said something different you you changed a N9 to a a 6 to a nine okay boss thank you for that correction so as you gentlemen know we've had a I don't even know what the deficit was anymore but I think it was somewhere over a million dollars Mr 1.2 and reshuffle in the deck trying to make ends meet for some of the obligations that the town has made with contract negotiations and things of the like and the increases from the school department um it was not an easy process going through the budgets because it's it's difficult for departments that have submitted budgets basically level funded and then going in and cannibalizing those budgets um we tried to minimize cannibal izing those budgets I should say as much as possible so that we're not stealing from Peter the pay from to Paul however we were able to manage that um and raise revenues to a degree on the recap sheet that in my opinion I think in Mr Kelly's opinion is a somewhat uncomfortable level but it was the only way possible to balance a budget by doing certain things with a Revenue sheet the recap the recap sheet um with that said we we minimalize the amount of impact to other budgets to balance a budget as best as we could um there would be no way that we would ever be able to balance a budget as much as we've increased certain Revenue lines on the recap sheet to a degree again which is strenuous on the recap sheet um I don't think we could have done this first of all without Mr Fallen Chief Fallon's help from the fire and EMS because we did raise revenues in roughly in the amount of $36,000 from the EMS Reserve receipt account to balance the budget we increased excise tax usage on the recap sheet by $50,000 um and the investment income interest income line we adjusted that up quite substantially and that's the one that I'm I'm not particularly comfort able on so without the cooperation from Chief Fallon and um throwing in that additional $36,000 from the Fire EMS Reserve receipt account every year we normally use $514,000 out of EMS Reserve receip account to balance the budget this year we increased that to 550 um thanks to the cooperation of the chief fing so um again it's it's been extremely difficult financial times for The Town um but we've managed to redo the recap sheet and redo some of the budgets to the best of our ability and it wasn't until yesterday that Mr Kelly and I sat down with some fine tuning of a few thousand bucks here and there from different departments that we were able to balance the budget so I've spent an exorbitant amount of time over the last I'll call it two months with Mr Kelly looking at things and getting beat up on things and things of the like but Mr Kelly and I have a lot of hours um booked into this and he's thrown a lot of paper at me as most of you can see this is basically all the paper that Mr Kelly's thrown at me over the last couple of months and I have to back check everything and make sure the numbers are right and you know we've done our back and forth but I'm proud to say to the town's people that we actually have a balanced budget and we can continue um government operations into the new year as long as it's voted on by town meeting so I don't know if there's any other questions about about the budget and how we balance budgets but we're we basically down to the last dollar Mr chairman I'll just say this first of all thank you to you um as the chairman uh this year and working with Mr Kelly um not easy circumstances given the fact that we've have haven't essentially not had a full-time Town accountant um you know we had somebody they moved on we brought on an assistant an assistant um so thank you for your for your service um you know I think this year we just really had to put the finger in the in the hole um but moving forward you know once we collect our breath I think there's a few things I'm hoping you know we'll have some other um methodology right the meals tax piece passes um you know not ideal but something you know it's a tool in the toolbx you know we've talked about solo revenues and how we view those with Pilots um and you know one issue that I really you know want to lean into is how we utilize Town Council um we funded it at $100,000 um I'm not willing to cut it right now because I think we have some outstanding you know lawsuits pending but you know substantial I I think at times unfortunately we've weaponized legal councel and some of the decisions that have been made you know that may have been too aggressive towards either homeowners or or people just trying to do basic business in town and I hope we get away from that because it's not a it's not a piggy bank that we can just keep relying on go to Town Council go to Town Council go to Town Council go to land court go to land court it's not a way to to to do business um so those things and then lastly not ideal but look at Staffing levels um whether the you know things can go to part-time or can we use technology um and you know I think that's probably a bigger issue that requires more thought but something we should think about in the offseason so again hats off to you to Mr Kelly and to all the department heads uh who really stepped up uh great job it's um look it's not the ideal situation right I mean we've uh I don't know we've made some Cuts in overtime that I know certain people aren't happy with right but it's the only way to get the budget through and balance a budget there's nowhere else left to go we've been at this for a while right it's basically budgets of skin and bones other than salaries um so when we went through the budgets and it was even getting difficult finding 1,000 bucks because it's most mostly pertaining to salaries if you add them all up it was it's it was a difficult process I think next year is going to be a more difficult process and one last thing I will say about learning more about the recap sheet versus the budget um that was really my experience over the last couple of months and we' gotten a lot of knowledge on that is what we've done this year to balance the budget will take away from free cash in the future right so you know we heard certain things from school department and things of the like about revenues that we're using well look we just demonstrated we we've done that I don't think there's a lot more room left on the recap sheet in revenues to just keep saying up up and up and up right it's not there but we did it this year to the best of our ability um we we definitely have to rethink the way government is being operated I guess but I don't know what that answer is right now I've been too focused on numbers so I think it's a dialogue from just a inkley as the next chairman to start having and start scraping up some ideas and of course we'll always be on you know to discuss those kind of changes because it takes a board vote but it's getting more and more difficult um with expenses the way they're going so all right is there a motion to approve the budget part of the the warrant so second all those in favor I Mr Kelly did you want me to even start to go through articles uh you might as well because there's a lot of them are pro former uh and so the uh for the board to know uh the difference between the revenue figures and the budget is less than [Music] $250 that's very close doesn't get much closer I'll give you my first month salary to close the to close that $250 no we have it we're ahead 250 I actually thought we did it to the penny but he told me we have an extra 250 bucks so maybe we'll have a cookout if we can afford it I just want to see Mr K all right I'm just going to probably go to postage for somebody I'm just going to go through the warrant quick then you know Mr K Kelly's not feeling well article one to see if the town will accept the reports of officers boards departments committees and commissions as printed in 2021 annual report act there's any other relative there too we might have to fix that article two to see if the town will vote will raise an appropriate trans available funds a sum of x amount of dollars I ask that that one be passed over we have none yet for deficits you have one for prior bills article three to see if the town will raise and appropriate a transfer from available funds looks like 3,329 to pay bills from the prior fiscal years which is something that we do every year if there's prior fiscal bills that need to be paid it's a small amount of money article four to see if the town will vote to appropriate the sums of money from the peg act consent agender Mr chairman yeah can you identify the ones that we just do every year that are the same things well uh this one has changed somewhat okay the cable access one that's all that one is it's just how we fund our cable operations via an article Article Five that's just the for the board of selectman to apply for state federal grants article six yeah the only change that's chapter 90 funds it's every year the next article 7's just the vote have Town Treasurer to borrow money from time to time it's on every year article 8 Cemetery board to allow the board to select and determin compensation article 9 Recreation Commission to perform work in the Parks and allow the board of Select them determine compensation article 10 to vote to allow the library Board of Trustees to sell the sum of do you discounted books for a buck it's on every year out at all 11 uh Mr chairman yeah uh Article 4 is the only one that changed on the cable we added a reserve uh cable Reserve fund Y in case we have any equipment uh kep that's that's correct so what we did is the same thing we do in golf Enterprise sewer Enterprise water um we did the same thing with the cable um account we just put a reserve Fund in in case we have a crash in service or whatever we have a $50,000 lump sum they had to go after without after they go to town meeting because everything's being held now on the town service with the new fiber optic um Network article 10 is to buy books for a buck from the library but authorize the library Board of Trustees to sell books for a buck article 11 general laws that's all the revolving funds that we do every year recycling looks like it's what's that amount I got red lettering going through a 10 grand 10 grand 10 grand 5 grand for conservation soil board is 20 grand we have to talk about that Mr Kelly Parks and Recreation 125 Council on agent we up to 45,000 Public Library 6,000 the next one it's I don't know why you don't have an article here is a breakdown after special tell me the am of free cash so under this warrant Jamie there's no article I guess it just says what the that's an explanation for the free cash free cash article 12 is 81301 for the payment associated with joining the employee health insurance purchasing Group which help us reduce our health insurance line item this year Article 13 is to pay transfer free cash 74 17877 for a settlement to the School District ameral bus company article 14 is for the school that's a hold right now Mr Kelly article 14 we don't know there's no amount allocated to article 14 in case they needed something in capital expenditures Article 15 and see if the T appropriate 145 from free cash for the following Capital Improvement projects um that's upgrading Vision 221 radio box fire alarm receivers in the amount of 105 for the fire department and up grade radio system repeaters associated with equipment relocate on the 143 pekham Road tower for 4,000 for the fire department article 16 is for $20,000 for the elders Community Services Program something we funded in the past it's great program article 17 is $30,000 for the youth program that's another great program that we've been doing and we've funded it in the past article 18 is $100,000 for the stabilization fund um Article 19 is a breakdown of CPC funds we've already been through that article 20 is for a local meals excise tax we'll see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of Master General Law chapter 641 section 2A to impose a local meals excise tax of 75 or take any other action there too Mr L just talked about the meals tax overlay Surplus funded article is a article from overlay Surplus to fund some of our contract um negotiations from the past overlay funding for Collective bogling agreements asme 10,065 steel work is 4,830 Teamsters police $445,000 the total from that is$ 496 645 and then we have an O coling lease purchase of$ 132 823 that's the other thing how we Balan the budget as well right we had o Colony back in and he talked about the last year on the lease that overlay amount of 132,133 came off the budgets to balance o colony's budget out cuz it's the last year of the lease so again if we we didn't have that um we would be in big trouble we would never make it and that'll be in the funding motion for the budget that's correct to offset the budget article 21 in the amount of $1,654 so I already just went through this that's just for funding as me the article 22 is for the steel workers article 23 and the amount of 44575 is Teamsters article 20 4 hold please we're going to hold that it's a conversation over slokum Street um in funding article 25 is the same article 25 is the same it's funding for slokum street trying to fix that nightmare Road article 26 is a hold for the same reason the bids on slen Street came in today correct an hour before this meeting so we can we're going to there's no dollar amounts plugged in so we're going to we'll make adjustments to it and take it up in the next one the operating budget that we just went through is article now article [Music] 27 and that's it and the uh and article uh oh and then there's a storm water article I'm assuming that would be 28 no it'll be 30 because then you have the article 2829 will be Golf and Sewer oh that's correct we don't have those that's right we have I'm sorry yep Article 28 Mr Kelly and I need to review those numbers we did the budget we did the budget um but the numbers are changed so that we can't plug them into the warrant article 29 is sewer Enterprise and I can tell you by looking at that number that so I to be held and then there's a bylaw review committee meeting I believe today at 3:00 Mr inkley correct Mr inkley will be is is on that committee to go through the ms4 storm water bylaw just so you know Mr inkley I did make a comment I did not read through this whole thing I know Mr Ren is the chairman of the concs done a phenomenal job Mr Fran sis and Mr Dave Deion from the Board of Health had a meeting together and vetted this thing out um in a public and then they the planning board had a public hearing there is one spot I don't think something belongs it's under article three stor water management and land disturbance section one applicability there's two different applicability sections there's an article two there's an article three um the second one letter B I think it needs to be the last the letter B it says the following activities are exempt from the provisions of section 1A any activity that will disturb an area less than 40,000 square ft provided that it is not part of a laric comment plan development plan I think it needs to be period because then it says for any large scale ground mounted solar fot felic installation I do not believe that that last sentence belongs there they are not exempt I think it was a uh cut and paste mistake because we want no exemptions for the solar correct so that's the only comment I have on that I'm going to leave it up to the bylaw Review Committee I left it up to conservation planning and um Mr Deion I'll settle that thing up and then they put it to a public hearing um and I'm leaving it up to you to make sure the balar is correct consider it done thank you sir all right so we'll do something next week uh on the warrant but the budget sets so next we have a we all set gentlemen yes sir Mr Kelly you all set with a warrant budget yeah I wanted forward off what you've approved can uh did we have a vote on motion yeah we did a motion to approve the budget but we ain't doing the warrant yet we War articles that are not held yeah do that well we got to hold Golf and Sewer then yeah you already held that there's five uh articles that were held okay whatever ones we held is there a motion to approve all others I'll send those to council then all those in favor all right Mr Kelly whatever ones you need help and you can put it on Mr hinkley's next agenda Jamie whatever ones we all help you keep you keep track of that right you might want to hold a storm water Bon until that until that yeah so they the B review in case they have other any other changes or whatever all right so we have an appointment for ser B joint Transportation um appointment Mr wner I see your name over here so it looks like you're volunteering yourself so is there a motion to appoint selectman David wner to the jpg so move I'll second that all those in favor right Mr chairman yes sir and Mr appoint Mr James Kelly as the jtp alternate Mr chairman this committee is extremely important because all of the do funding goes through it okay very good well we got the right people on it so there's a motion to appoint selectman W to the as an appointe to the jtp G and is there a motion to appoint James Kelly as the alternate to the jtp sove second all those in favor all right this was the one that gets a little tricky I did call again thank you to Chief Fallen um I was looking for run numbers how we normally approve this gentleman so instead without mentioning any names and any perent information protected by hipper I am just going to read off the invoice amount um for a hardship abatement which is way past um Chief Allen's time it was under the former fire chief's time so was a balance of 15 3577 1,500 $ 35.77 invoice number 21-28 one5 is there a motion to approve second all those in favor finally next one the next one is in the amount of $338 182 and that invoice number is 19-16 3452 is the motion to approve so move second all those in favor okay thank gentlemen we usually do it by run numbers vacation carryover I've had a discussion with three of the employees that I called the chief chief fing um notified me that he's had um one of his staff members out on engine on duty um so in the contract it's either a motion to buy out or carry over I have um concerns about carrying over vacation time seeing how that person's time was already filled by time and a half half you carry it over it'll be filled by time and a half again I don't think that's the best thing to do so I would make a motion to buy out the fire um individuals overtime um vacation time I'm sorry so second all those in favor all right then I had a conversation because I know there's Staffing problems in the conservation department we haven't had a department there for 5 months I spoke with Mr melow um she said she's trying to do what she can to use up her vacation time she does have 5 weeks um and I explained to her I know it's been difficult and we've always made exceptions to the rules about vacation time because I believe everybody can use it however she hasn't had a department head in over 5 months so I she said at least a week um and I said I would give her up to seven days so she wouldn't have to lose any of time and try to burn up her time from now to then she does have a couple of planned vacations hopefully she can use it so is there a motion to buy out up to 7 days for Mr mow and conservation so second all those in favor all and then the last person Mr Kelly talked to me about yesterday was the uh guy Dave in the maintenance department um because he's training the school kids and things of the like and we have elections coming um Town meting coming up in June that they don't have staff over at the school um to help us set up so Dave will be spending some time over there right I talked to him he claims he has one week's vacation um and that's all he has but he hasn't been able to use it and he's got three personal days I told him to burn is three personal days so he doesn't lose it um and I would allow him if the board so choose to either buy it out or carry it over cuz he's only got one week so it's to the discretion of the board if we want to let him carry over on this one individual cuz he's only got one week vacation and there's no overtime created if he takes vacation so him be in only one week vacation time it's not a snowball effect in my opinion and we have to work a little bit better with staff to make sure that they're taking their vacation and not burning them out so whatever if we want to leave it open to Mr Kelly and and the employee whether or not we buy out the week's vacation or carry it over if there's a motion to do so yeah so either second all right he's got to burn his personal days so up to five days all right all right I don't know and haven't I talked to some people earlier on about that Mr Kelly we got fiber otics in cameras on but we also have something under executive session do you want to just pass over the Open Session do you want to speak on fiber optics and cameras no we should do the executive session and it we'll pass that over to the next agenda okay boss ausnet for Haven intermunicipal agreement golf beach pass selectman W you've been working on this I'm going to leave the discussion to you yeah thank you uh Mr chairman um as you recall the fa Haven BPW voted to award to allow 100 aush resident permits for West Island at $40 which is the fa Haven rate um thanks to Sydney's help we crunch the numbers on our end um it's a significant savings for our resident if all 100 uh took over uh So based on that analysis I think for this season to make it easy from easier from a um you know logistical standpoint to provide the same to allow fa Haven residents to Golf ac cushion it at the ACC cushion it rate um for this season you know we'd have to get close to a th rounds and I think it' be impossible to track that so I'd be surprised if we hit that number but um we will monitor it um this is a pilot program and we'll see will we visit it at the end of the season if it works for both communities great if it doesn't it doesn't so that I just make I'd make a recommendation that we um uh allow for Haven residents to golf cushion it at the acision it rate is there a second second all those in favor thank you so Mr Kelly I guess we just got to contact for Haven to let them know that we've done this I don't know if it requires some intermunicipal agreement or if it's just an exchange of policy and then we could do I would suggest we make it effective June 1 just to make it simple for people sound good fair enough yeah yeah y the Mr Mr hinley as our uh you just you need to I'm sorry Mr L I think we need to communicate with f Haven right when when that message goes out to the fa Haven people because I don't know I'm not a golfer but I know that there's you know cushioned people have talked to me where you know I call for tea time and it's not available right so I think that communication they can't just show up and expect the golf same rules apply yeah just making sure that they understand and they whenever if they're going to do an announcement they need to give a proper announcement so we don't have a flood of people showing up and oh no you can't golf what do you mean I can't golf I don't know much about the sport but I know that's people gol who golf they get a tea time okay just making sure that we don't have people throwing snowballs at Dana all right um so we have a resignation letter from a veterans officer after 15 years of re rewarding work assisting veterans at local state and federal levels of Financial and medical needs it is with mix of motions that I present this notification of departure from the position of veteran service officer the town of aush has treated me and my clients recipients with the utmost consideration many appreciate the town's diligent policies and concern to them I could never have handpicked a more friendly knowledgeable and considerate group of fellow employees who bend over backwards to help me when I require their assistance this includes everyone from the town Administration select board co-workers and every department head and Personnel I have relied on and enjoyed sharing duties with I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity and in many ways wish that it could continue it was a difficult decision wishing all the best to each of you and your future endeavors Ron Kia um to Ron Kier thank you for your years of service as the veteran service officer um you know it's our veterans deserve the best they they can get and the best that we can give um you know we've done a good job of it I hope we can continue moving forward and do um a great job moving forward to represent our veterans so with that said is their motion to accept Mr Kia's resignation as veteran service officer second all those in favor next we have a appointment of the interim Service Officer I've had a conversation when I seen this letter um I made a quick phone call he's actually here in the audience right now it's Mr Brad Fish he's uh he's um retired from the town of fa Haven as their veteran service officer I can't fathom having that office vacated for any amount of time to go off for posting We cannot leave our veterans um out in the do so I made a phone call to Mr Brad Fish and asked him if he would be willing to fill in as an interim veteran service officer um and we the board could go out and you know advertise for a part-time veteran service officer Mr bradfish is welcome to um apply for that position I've alluded to that to him as well he's an outstanding individual and he's an outstanding veteran of our Armed Forces so um Mr bradfish if you want to just take the podium real quick and just you know give the board a quick idea of what you've done in your past in for Haven whatever you want to do just you're here you're on thank you gentlemen for having me thank you for having the faith in me to do this for you intome uh yeah we've already gotten started with the flagging in the cemeteries we did that with the American Legion on Monday and Tuesday so we're all set for Memorial days a few more Flags I got to put out there but I'll take care of those on tomorrow tomorrow during the day um hopefully uh we'll get the ball rolling rolling right away as far as the veteran service office and kushit and that's pretty much it I'll probably do a lot of events that's my game plan uh we haven't had a lot in Acushnet I'm a kushit resident so I'm already planning ahead for like Veterans Day there's not much I can do for Memorial Day but Veterans Day we're definitely going to have something going on in the town of a Cushing so I'm gonna St to bring that back as it used to be I think I think you've already done things right you hung Reese the legion donated I did I did all the re in town last week that the American Legion actually paid for uh for Memorial Day and so like I said we've gotten the ball started for Memorial Day just is too short of time to do any kind of service or anything else but I will have that in the works by Veterans Day if I did get the job if not I would help whoever got the job as far as doing something like and planning something like that thank you Brad I appreciate it thank you the opportunity I appreciate it thank you for the quick response to my phone call too problem so iate thank you um is there a motion to app Point Brad Fish as our interim veteran service officer sove second all those in favor so we can just run a quick ad in the in the fave and Neighborhood News if you want 30 days anybody that wants to apply more than welcome to apply um we'll go from there Mr Mr B fish can you I know this is tough but I'm stuck in a bad spot right I have an immediate resignation I made an emergency call to the one gentleman that I knew could step up to the plate and walk into that position being from for Haven Brad I commend you in your heart for one in your passion for doing what you do for veterans but I don't want to put you on a bad spot right now but can you start next week I can yeah I can start next week I can start tomorrow if you need to good uh so I go through the office and look and see what's going on and try and figure things out so today's Thursday Our IT guy comes in Thursday afternoon at 1 so I going to be here Friday Friday tomorrow yeah that's what did I say Thursday Thursday oh today's Thursday yeah I said today's Thursday whatever I can meet with them tomorrow at one that's fine so if he he's going to be here right should yes so the reason why I say that is I don't know anything about what's going on in that office past word protected and things like that but if our it guys is going to be on grounds y if you could show up I will um I'll communicate or Mr Kelly can communicate with him to let him know that he needs to make sure he gets inside that office and and he can get you access to the computer so you can start looking and getting yourself acclimated and at least next week I think Ron's hours were Mondays and Thursdays morning correct correct so I I would just ask that if you could accommodate that I know I'm asking a lot from you Mr fish but you're a great guy I I just don't want to see veterans walk through the door on Monday morning and not having somebody the service their needs if they need something neither do I and I will be here and I'll probably put a lot more hours in but that's on me just to get everything that's that's great I I I truly appreciate your dedication to the veterans and and the services um that you've done for this country Brad so thank you thank you thank you Brad all right that's done United Steel Workers Union contract we have that in executive session Mr Kelly you want to talk about anything on that or yeah the MLA uh which was just a quick agreement on verifying the membership of the unit and uh the verifying the agreement to withdraw the various uh Court actions and board actions and I signed it on behalf of the town at direction of counil yep we we have uh we just have some small discussion on an amendment that we had to make to sick leave so we'll do that in executive session that's in the contract is this the M MOA on uh getting rid of all those charges okay I don't have that but okay I've seen it before I got it you need any motion on that no council said that it was just so we could have them withdraw the charges okay all right so I'm just going to real quick you know the next thing is reor but this a vacancy of the tree W if you don't mind Mr hinley oh go ahead I'm going to just I don't think there's anything even in my book about that vacancy tree warden so obviously everybody or most people in the community know that we've lost our tree Warden Norman fet good friend of the community myself and members of the board um with that said we we'll advertise now it's an appointment by the board of selectman um until the next election um so we will have to appoint somebody so if there's anyone out there interested in being a tree warten for the town of aush It's a small budget it pays I think $1,000 in a salary for the year um it's a nice little position for somebody to have as long as you're knowledgeable on trees and and Roads and things of that nature it's a great little job for somebody to have so there's a vacancy there we we'll accept uh until we get a qualified candidate for the position I guess um and then the other thing that I had on the had added to the agenda was a golf course cop path work U we can have a further discussion on how we're going to charge cuz we have to we improv some but um we're now back charging for our DPW staff labor so we'll have DPW put those numbers together we'll put it Forward before the end of the fiscal year so we can get that money back I know Mr manard and his Crews been out on whole 18 and N did a phenomenal job out there for the golf course um given all the rain and everything else that we had da da da um some great work and and and one of the issues here was something about a road access road that we used um with an abing um resident I have since found some information through Mr Ed Isaac and Mr tibble so I am working with Mr Isaac Mr tibbles Mr Kelly um and the resident um I'm going to go speak to him about some paperwork that we have on file and just see what the opinion is of the resident but for right now I'll just leave that as a mute issue no actions needed gentlemen and now I'm going to go back to my favorite moment of the meeting um it's a reorganization of the a selectman every year after election day we do a reog um the next person up for election um is the chairman of the board of Selectmen so it's been a great honor for me over the last year um and thank you to everybody that came out and voted or mailin voted um taking the time to vote quite honest um for those of you that did that great job thank you very much um and with that said I'll make a motion proudly make a motion to appoint Mr Bob hinley as chairman of the board of selectman second all those in favor hi all congratulations he hey hey you can just take that so I don't have to move all my junk and you can do that cuz now you're Champion first practice uh just quick segment I'd like to thank you both for uh working with me over the last two years and really uh showing me some guidance along with Mr Kelly as well so I appreciate all of you no problem all right nothing else on the agenda um we do have two exective SEL announ under select announcements I one I just want to say as a reminder for perhaps a meeting an upcoming meeting Mr chairman um last night I was at the Old Colony baseball game and it was senior night for the baseball players and it occurred to me that we've got a couple Co-op students who might be senior I think are seniors that are working uh Brady and I think the other gentleman and for them I don't know if they play sports or not but I think they're experien here at Town Hall is their team sport it's very important to them so I'd like to invite them in to a future meeting where we can Rec we can recognize their work that they've been doing for the town yeah uh especially as seniors in high school I think that'd be a nice touch so absolutely want to put that on your radar absolutely and uh my my turn on the select Miss announcement you're going to get used to this don't worry about it um I just want to wish everybody a happy safe Memorial Day weekend please be safe I'll make a select announcement as well um happy anniversary to my wife uh 15 years married today great Mr chairman I just uh would like the citizens to know how much we appreciated the staff here appreciated the tree Warden Mr fet and uh we have collected some funds and we are going to plant a tree in his memory over in The Parting way building area thank you Mr Kelly on that note uh two executive sessions first one uh executive session under General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining uh United Steel Workers Union contract if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the chair so declares and the board will not return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session is there a motion to go on Executive session one so moved second roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes and I yes number two executive session under Mass General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A4 to discuss the deployment of or strategy regarding security Personnel or devices if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the chair so declares and the board will not return to public session at the conclusion of executive session is there a motion so move second roll call vote Mr Warner yes I'm a yes and I am a yes we are now in executive session [Music] now [Music]