[Music] [Music] okay it is uh 6:40 Tuesday July 20th like to call to order the uh zoning board of appeals meeting scheduled for tonight in the uh selectman's meeting room the the first order of business tonight is to approve the minutes uh for June 18th we got a motion and a second all in favor I so moved okay moves right into uh our first and only case this evening um we have case number 2 sorry 20247 23 a case a Jacqueline Korea Gonzalez of 10A wood wrote petitioning the board to be able to operate her bouncing House business in a residential Zone this request is being made under the provisions of section 331a uh do we have a representative yes podiums yes um here it says it's to operate my bounce house business in factuality I don't want to operate my business there I just want to be able to clean and dry out my Inflatables in the area um I don't want to operate there I I have a a office in New Beford for my business um that I actually operate from but um yes um you would you operating a portion of your business bringing them there to drve them out yeah to dry them out yes I just I I didn't um not no customers um involved or but yes um I just I want the permission to drive them three days a week from the um from the times of 7 to S the noise coordinance to a cushion it um I have a patch area that um that's in front of the yard that separates me and the the one neighbor that I do have that um will hear or see the Inflatables there's a a large wooden um wooden area about 150 ft between us that I can you know inflate these bounce houses that they don't need to see or even hear them um which is what I've been doing the past few weeks with the um complying with I was able to inflate them one time every 3 days for one hour um to function as I you know to the capability that I could right now which is really difficult to do um but I have been doing that and it's been out of the way um I don't know if that's been working for for my neighbors but it is something that I've taken a lot of time to say that I can cuz where it was before it wasn't the way it wasn't indidual and they could hear it I do have a video so you can hear what the with the um what the blood would sound like as well although with the inflatable attach would be muffled so it's a little less but here I have it where it's open in the air so it's a little bit louder but you can hear um what it would kind of sound like as well if they were when the blowers are being used as well but that's pretty much um okay I'm going to I should have started right off with this but I'm going to give you the opportunity um just so you know tonight there's only four is here we normally operate as a five member board you're here for a special permit special re special sorry a special permit requires four yeses um you'd need a unanimous vote tonight if you prefer you can ask us to postpone until we have a five member board at the next meeting or you can ask us to continue this evening but I want it to be your your choice just so you know you do need four out of five um you'll meet four out of five next week anyway but maybe the one person makes a difference I can't um you know but I want you to have that opportunity to ask us to bring this back up next meeting or ask us to move forward tonight um I think I would like to postpone just just um just so you know I you you we can talk about it and then you can make a decision you don't have she doesn't have to make that decision right now does she well I'd like I'd like to get some more information while we're here that'd be great but the issue is if she doesn't want us to proceed as a for member board we can't discuss it because we need the other member to hear all the facts and all the ABS and and her all her stuff so if we proceed we need we need you know we'll vote on it tonight but if you want to ask for continuance which again I I don't want to against what you're saying but yeah we can't add after the fact so we either continue it or we um move forward but we can't stop once we can please ask a question your choice it's your choice um how long would I wait for the next meeting I'm sorry how I'm so sorry how long would I wait for the next meeting the next meeting is August 27th it's for a month that's a month we only have a meeting once a month still you're still so I mean I understand I question I thought the four members was when it was a variance I always thought that the special special prise was three was simple majority and I'm just offering that to you I'm going to take his word for it because he does it day to day I thought I thought it was the opposite but he's probably right sitting in the chair more you probably need three out of five so you need three out of four okay simple majority of the five and I like to proceed okay all right so we've heard what she's asking for um as always we're going to ask for A's opinion I we have the building inspector here so I'm going to allow him to uh we have a a letter from him but that was from when uh I have a few questions Mr chairman when you when you're ready ahead um so I have three questions I work down just listen to the intro how long you been in business um this would be my third full season dur full season and where is your business located elsewhere um new Beford where exactly I was curious um on Bluefield street is where I'm running my business but I had a storage unit out there so you don't have the room there to do what you're trying to do with right um the way that I did there was a lot of like there was a lot of accommodating sacrifices that I had to make the way that I was doing it before there's way you know there was ways to do it but it was it was a lot of labor you know the way that I would be able to do it this way would save my family so much on labor and time um which is why I moved to the location that I was at okay um my landlord she she knew exactly you know me going there what what it was for me the location and the space um okay my final question is how many of these bouncies do you own I I did own eight but I sold them when all this was happening I needed to buy myself some time and so how many do you have now I have four okay that's it that's it what hours were you looking for um I believe the norise coordinance of of kush is 7 to 7 so I figured that that would have been fair not that I would ever really use from 7 to 7 um cuz I don't like Peak Sun hours it's a lot of stress on us you know but um but I I just figured that that's what I would say because that was just Monday through Friday I would do three days a week you know to just lessen whatever to accommodate you know I would prefer five days a week but I would absolutely do three days a week but it would be flexible with the weather because if it's raining I can't you know which I me putting it up for just one hour put such a strain on what I was doing as a business CU now I I have such limited time I I can only put up one you know it it was it's been quite challenging so typically how long does it take to to dve one out or how long does it run you know if I'm being comfortable if I if I can put up two you know I would be up there for two hours you know in my in my nice you know flow of work and not having to be hustle you know and do you do you want to speak uh Mr chairman and board members um this kind of came in under the radar um and I was I had received a complaint from anab butter and the concern was the amount of vehicle traffic at all hours of the night and day the noise of the bouncy house or bounce house uh times 2 three 4 or more all at once um and they did not have a business certificate so we tried to address that when we when I went online to look at the business description uh it was there one day and then it was removed once you know there was a complaint made um but it it's challenging and what I did just so that you're all aware of it is this started roughly 3 4 months ago maybe maybe more uh excuse me maybe 3 months ago and what I tried to do is um Jacqueline had missed the filing deadline for June so then it was going to be this month and tonight's meeting so what I did is I contacted the ab butter that was concerned over the project spoke with both the husband and wife um and what I tried to do was to try to accommodate Jacqueline and what I asked the the butters who are the Lich fields and they're here tonight um would every fourth day for an hour at a time be acceptable to them so I wanted this 5 days a week six days six days a week not to be on the table at that time until they came before you um and from that day to this day there's been no complaints but the Lich fields are here tonight um and to my knowledge Jacqueline has stayed with that you know on every four days she' open it up have it run for an hour and hopefully dry out uh the bounce house um so there are a lot of kind of moving Parts in this particular case um and it's a you know Dead End Street you know very dense part of town if you will um and you know both parties are here tonight to try to make their now when we were talking about vehicular traffic how many vehicles can I speak on that please um there was a police report made on me um I had customer go to I I tried to do a few experimentals where I was at I wasn't able to like I had said there was a lot of sacrificing that I had to do where I the way I was doing it before um this location would allow me some free will to my knowledge at the time so when I had first started it I was doing experimentals do I have to you know you know do as much labor can I leave it up over night can I this was experimental that I did not know that I was going to be disrupting anybody I'm a city girl you know that the I don't and that's the truth I don't think that I was you know and now that I know where I'm at I'm learning very fast where I am okay um I am more than willing to accommodate I mean I come from new ber I do so many things for my city for the schools like if you look me up you will know now the complaints that were made for me that 46 cars I believe the police report was said I had a customer go to my neighbor's house on an accident where there was a a incident that happened between a customer an elderly man Hispanic elderly man and my neighbor and um in the CS were called my neighbor was startled my my customer was startled by my neighbor did you see 46 yes he was about an older older man oh yeah they said that there was 46 vehicles that were came from my that's like the whole whole land yes I know and so then it was said that there was a loud vehicle that was trafficking to my house a black vehicle with a loud exhaust plane loud music now this was fed to be a neighbor that that was down in Mecca's Road um I actually know that that was was her son's friend but it was it was being brought to that it was me I actually offered and gave my um my landlord my cameras access to all my cameras so she can look and see who was in my house the day and I only had one car coming in and out of my vehicle who's the man that I was dating um and that was it and um there was no one else that came to my house I've had a customer I explored that option but then soon realized I didn't even want people to know where I live so I don't even want honestly I don't even want that option even if it was for me um it's majority of the time it's just me and my daughters who live at in my home it's just me and an 11-year-old and a 3-year-old majority of the time um but so a lot of those accusations were not accurate um and I and it was proed to say that and I did go to the police um station and I offer to give them my cameras and to do what they will with my location because that I didn't move to cushion there for any of that you know I I moov there just I'm going to move over to the Abs if you don't mind and uh that's not who no whoever wants to be first I everybody out there I assume you're either in a butter or want to speak far against this and uh one time I'd like to have you come up and give your hello if you if um I'm sorry should have said for us but if you just state your name and address so that uh we have it for the record yeah um I'm Danielle Lichfield tenwood Road and this is my fiance Zach Bean um we also own the property at zero Lakemont and I just mentioned that because we still see the bounce houses when we go to our second property um but we've been a kushit residents for 5 years and we love the peace and Beauty this town provides um I understand and sympathize with Miss Korea's situation and I also understand the need to provide for a family and I'm not here to hurt anybody but it is my responsibility as a homeowner to protect and advocate for my family and our property and this is the biggest investment I'll ever make so that being said we are strongly opposed to the operation of um of the business at 10day and just to provide you some context um which I'm sure you've seen if you've gone down it but Wood Road is a quiet dead end dirt road on a heavily wooded area our home at 10 along with the property under consideration 10A are the only two homes on Wood Road they are separate structures but they were once one property so because of the close proximity we can see and hear everything going on next door as if it was our own backyard because it essentially is um I know there are other abutters here but I did want to point out that we are the only abutter in close proximity we're the only two houses on the street us and 10A um Miss Korea has been operating her business in the residential Zone since she became a tenant at 10A in December of last year starting in April she began running three bounce houses consecutively for 24 hours a day for nearly 5 weeks one of which was only 50 ft from my back door the noise vibration and exhaust from the bounce house from the bounce houses are obnoxious um we've had continuous issues with Miss Korea providing her customers with our address instead of 10A starting immediately after her tency began we had multiple trespassing complaints regarding her Associates as well as her customers some of which involv the police as she mentioned I would like to point out that our on Lane dirt road cannot handle a huge influx of traffic which is often seen late at night um in regards to the 46 cars that's not talking about the cars that are there but the cars that we see continuously coming in and out at night I don't think it was 46 that was it but there was there's quite a bit considering it's a dirt road yeah um and the dust kicked up from the road is pretty extreme the excessive traffic is not helping that we have barely 30 ft of Frontage between one of our bedroom windows and the road and the dust in constant traffic is a nuisance the road was recently graded by the DPW and needed two pot holes filled recently already I feel this puts a direct burden on the town it also appears to us that this business has not been operating responsibly or legally at least in this town it is operating in direct opposition of the Town bylaws which state that a customary home occupation in the ra Zone may not create excessive traffic noise unsightliness or vibration it may not involve any exterior display of goods tools materials or equipment all of which is currently happening there's also a large storage container with bous houses and large piles of trash stwn about the property um it's my belief that Miss Korea has not been able to satisfy the requirements for a special permit by the way that that it's written as her business would not substantially benefit the convenience and Welfare of the community is not in harmony with the attent of the bylaws and is an added bur to the town it is also detrimental to our property value the wildlife and our peace privacy and security it's our opinion that Miss Korea has shown an egregious disregard for consideration of other residents as well as the bylaws of the Town despite multiple enforcements she continued to operate business as usual I feel that the Z zba's issuance of a special permit even with stip ations would be opening a can of worms um again typically I don't care what other people do on their own property provided that it doesn't affect us however the tendency next door has been nothing short of a nightmare for us the disruption of our peace has been incredibly stressful for our family we moved here for the quiet and did not choose to live next door to a 24/7 Bounce House operation that sounds like we live in an airport I'm home all day um we used to be able to hear a pin drop and my fiance has worked tirelessly over the past 5 years to provide us with a beautiful and safe property which we've now lost the peaceful enjoyment of our home used to be our sanctuary and is now being intruded upon by noise and strangers all hours of the day and night both on my property and on the street we are very grateful that there are Town bylaws to prevent these sorts of disturbances from occurring we're asking chairman Brown and respected members of the board that the bylaws be affirmed and abided by today we respectfully asked that the board pull the decision to disallow this to continue Wood Road is not an appropriate location to run a business we would be grateful for your support in providing us back our Peace Quiet privacy safety and value of our home we're thankful for your time and consideration thank you my my one question I I had most of the way through but I think you answered it in the end is um I know you you uh Andy asked you to kind of let a little bit of something slide for the last month waiting for this day even with the stipulation you're not happy with it at any time right I no I heard that I just wanted to reiterate what I heard is that under any conditions it's it's it's not for you yes thank you I have a couple questions Mr chairman um I know I haven't been down there in a while I did not go down there because I've been down there million times grind that dirt bike these guys grew up right next door um how many houses are on Wood Wood Road now two there's 10 the whole Ro dirt road there's only two well it turns into Mecca you got all the houses down Mecca right so how many use that alley about you've been down there how how many uses total probably yeah I'm just curious on the total just going by the last one n of us down there but not all them are fil uh like s say Su cages but they now you know David is down there and U whatam call it for's got his camping down there visiting this week I just curious on how much typical traffic is besides anybody that's down there we know almost every single car that goes by there's handful so when you're talking about dust and everything the call in question that they're talking about making the noise jamus gash's son graduated so they had a party for him so some of the guys came in cherine and some came in W road cuz like it was like man night at 1:00 one of them went out and I was like oh man I hope this is a oneoff and not going to be a you and to my knowledge we didn't complain about one specific vehicle so that very well could be there was a loud car I don't sure but okay another another question do you own a rent where you guys are at I own it you own it so you've been there about five years yes sir you're not going anywhere no for like and I know you mentioned it but so there was there's no uh circumstance where if she said I if you gave me 1 hour two days a week that's you're not for that uh no sir your opinion of what you want okay that's I just want to know where you're coming from okay any other about us just me we all know you Gary but for my secretary who's not here this evening so she could get everybody in the minutes properly Gary Ro 74 me away and I big chunk of the land down there so I'm around 10A the only issue I had with 10A was when they first brought the kxbx in it was real close to Caravan Trail so when I was going to plow snow it was going to make it a little difficult so I said something to our landlord and she moved the corx Box far enough away for me and I'm fine as far as the bouncy houses they don't bother me but again I'm down the other end and is uh I know there was an altercation with him getting a trespass on the driveway cuz it was a day I was bringing my mother home from uh the nursing home and so it kind of jacked us all up trying to get in for a minute so if I was under the understanding was somebody that wanted to come down and see the bouncy house so I thought a possible solution for her would be to put the bouncy houses online and then you pick the one you want and you get it delivered and if the traffic's an issue maybe she can deliver it instead of having the customer come pick it up so the real really the only other issue you guys have is uh the noise or whatever but maybe they can come up with some s sort of agreement I know she's moved the bouncy houses from the backyard to the front so there's a much more buffer of vegetation between them for where they got it I'm not opposed to her getting the perent just you should do the restrictions you need to do to make sure it accommodates both of them thank you yep thank you anything else from the audience thank you Mr chairman now we have an event from of the board next month so we're just hear observers okay thank any other questions from the board or do you need any more information yeah on on the uh the traffic now do the people do you deliver these or do people come and get am I to stand up and absolutely absolutely you can re address anything I would like to add that where I live I do plan on being there for a long time I don't plan on going anywhere my my my landlord very me and my landlord knows that that is the goal for me and my family that is something that we're working on together um so I I do want to say that I do plan on being uh a PR of a cushion for a long time um whether I am running my bom's house business or not but um also you know it was said I I believe that a lot of a lot of like the noise coordinance now or what bothers my neighbors now is just because her mind is already set up it's not Bo the noise if you listen to it and you see the area and you see how much wood is between us there's no way that she is seeing it there's no way that she is hearing it she told me which I have on video you're not going to be here for long her goal is for me not to be in this here you know so there nothing that you know is I don't think that anything that I would do you know but to me it wouldn't be fair based on what the noise or the visual because there's no noise or visual where it's located if you take a look at the pictures you can see there's literally 150 ft of of wood of trees between where the bounce house is at and where their house is at and if you look at the video and as I walk away from it you can see you can hear it the M it sound sounds No louder than a lawnmower which you know that I hear that all the time you know it's no louder them what about go back go back to the traffic now how do how do these do you deliver them or do people come and pick I deliver them okay yeah no I don't have anyone picking them up that's why the traffic that was said that was mine that wasn't my traffic that was just being said that was my traffic I think it was just what was going on at the time um 24 hours a day seven days a week that that's a that's an exaggeration and the the 46 cars that's on the police report I read that I didn't make that police report um I didn't make the police report describing the vehicle you know that was my neighbors so the exaggeration of 46 card just goes to show you enough of the level of no we heard that there was other things going on at the same time that there was a bing some the traffic's not really my issue because I don't because the tra I just want to say the traffic wasn't my traffic like I had my landlord go through my cameras and check how many people were even coming in obviously you can come and go from your home as much as you want anyways regardless of what you do but the what I want to State uh you know for everybody is when you ask for a special permit to run a business it it totally unfortunately requires the cooperation of your neis and because you started this business prior to their approval and made it a nuisance um you it might not have been a problem for the past month because you've only been running one hour a day but in the past you had full going at all things and I think the neighbors see that you know that can just start reoccurring and reoccurring again so um it as uh our building inspector has explained it's not an allowable use you can come here and ask permission but our permission really comes down to is this something that the whole neighborhood stands behind and unfortunately it it sounds like the the noise again I I'm not even listening to the traffic in my hair I it sounds like that was a a one time thing maybe you you had a a bad customer and they had a party down the street and it all came the same day there was a bad like but it does sound like these things running all the time and I've had you know I rented them I got four children we I'm sure overnight it it did but you know during the day I mean but but if people are at home during the day it's still something like you say it's like a lawn mow but if your neighbor's cutting his grass four times a week it is it's it's intrusive it does Dev valuate their property and this board is supposed to make sure that that doesn't happen so um I don't know I I think I've heard plenty but does anybody else need any you like to speak again um regarding um the delivery of the bounce houses we have seen numerous times more than 10 of customers driving by with bounce houses in the back okay so I just wanted to add that it's not always a delivery no sometimes they pick them correct chairs tables and chairs those types of items as well I if she's talking about several people B houses I don't I haven't I can show you my my I can show you my invoices I haven't even I haven't even rented them out like that um I've had one rental a week like literally I've only been to just one unit because I haven't been able to clean them what do you use to transport um I have a SUV they fit right inside yeah right now um I do have I do have people who would work for me that have pickup trucks that would work for me that's that's the people who work for me not my customers and according to the bylaws uh customer a home occupation cannot have more than two employees either coming and going from the residence I don't have two employees I only have one okay and just to reiterate the the customer that um wound up on my property when I was doing yard work um was given my address it wasn't he showed it to the police okay and then called the police on me and filed the false police report in my own yard that's not true okay number 10 I say 10 it's 10 a I can see why yeah yeah I never give 10 but you know it's very our our packages everything gets which they come on to the property all of time to get their packages we're happy to work this board I've seen it happen a lot that we're happy to work and try to get to a common ground but I think what Bob's trying to say my neighbor is just not going to I know just if we can't find common ground it's going to be very difficult for us to in the future I'm speaking for myself but it's I mean we love to to get I have to state that my business does also offer plenty of other things that I can invest in that doesn't even have to go towards um bom's houses and I'm that's why I started selling because I am I have a plan B and a plan C um so if I am not going to uh apply for a bounce house business I would like to apply for a rental business um where I can be able to still function and invest in a lot of other things that I can offer my customers without any kind of noise coordinance needed and no kind of chem you know any kind of noise or visual for anybody that's renting that's basically running a business out of your house residential so say you going to Tails and chairs right but if if I don't cuz I I'm under the impression that this is more of a noise coordinance and if I don't have um customers picking up the the issue is you're in a residential neighborhood where your neighbors don't want to see business and so the noise is a big thing obviously but traffic will be a big thing uh deliveries this again you're in a very wooden dirt road area any business that is going to be a problem for your neighbors is going to be a problem there's nothing you can do there other than like she said a customary home occupation which has that you know there's a list of things that you can do there but it's it's very limited it's limited to the traffic you can have it's limited to the noise you can make it's limited by a lot of things um you know a a rental business doesn't I don't think is very well suited for that and as you said you have a business location so if you're in the city running your rental business that's there but if you're bringing your stuff stuff in storing it in a residential area that stuff's coming and going all the time that's not the type of business that is a customary home occupation that's the type of business that you have a warehouse on and you know I mean it's a small bracket but I see what you're saying yeah we might grow oh well then I wouldn't be on my property it's just it's a very small business it's not I'm not I don't have like a my father was a had one rer at that point in time a storefront will come into play you know but at the moment it's a small business it's not it's not a big we we wouldn't be here if there wasn't an issue with the type of business there was complaints from the Geto which caused you to go after the fact to to do it properly but we still have the the complaint that's that's the problem um I don't know I mean I don't need any more information here I don't think there's anything we're missing but I do need to uh as well enjoy no compromise at this point like we did we've done in the past I love we we can't insist on no I'm just saying have they make like I said which we decided listen to all the everybody's um position and the aspect of it what's going on already I make a motion to deny it we have a motion is there a second I second there's a motion a second for denial of this petition all in favor all against I appreciate you thank you okay we wish you luck I me love to work with you it's just we got to stand for residents I you know honestly I have to say that I will respect that because I do tend on being here for if you was on the other foot and your neighbors were causing you not to enjoy your place I'm a very humble s City girl I've lived in both so I know the difference that's that's the only reason I voted against it is I think love to have should try and work it out I would love to see even you know no fair enough could I get a signature from you thank you guys we appreciate it thank you so much you're going to take a copy too but what happens is this will allow you to challenge our decision if you so choose you would to the town absolutely she all the you a doctor and she would she would tell you how to I decision just so you know you only have 20 days I believe but it's it's right here on it all the information you need is is listed here okay unfortunately you need to be on a property that's going to allow you to do that so I know it's nice rented down and that's what's it's a double as H that's what's preventing you from we three of us grew up I just my person I'm not going any they going to have to do with me deserves the right to have I love that about that thank you so much gentlemen luckk think well that's like I was telling them my thing I live on Loston Avenue and B is the last Al on the street when I moved in he he come we're still in open so I just want to we've got everything signed I just want to close up the meeting do you have any questions in the back you're just here to observe yes chairman uh we actually have an event coming up for next month okay okay make a motion that we close the meeting we have no further business we have a motion to close we have a second all in favor [Music] [Music] oh