##VIDEO ID:4Z4G6p2IF_c## [Music] good afternoon everyone today is Wednesday August 21st 2024 it is 4 pm this is a meeting of the bard of Select is there motion to call the meeting to order so moved second all those in favor I this meeting will be audio and video recorded please rise for Pledge of Allegiance Pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America to the for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh first on the agenda is minutes for approval gentlemen I'd like to pass over this until next meeting so I can review them a little bit better okay [Music] I go to an appointment uh we have Town planner introduction Victoria alaro um Victoria if you'd like to step up to the podium introduce yourself uh let everybody know a little bit about yourself Mr chairman yes Mr Kelly uh Victoria is the town planner in mapet this town has signed a memorandum of agreement with mat poet where we are splitting the planner between the two towns in an effort for regionalization and coordination and the fact that it's very difficult to find competent and experienced Personnel to fill these jobs absolutely how are you I'm good how are you good um thank you for having me so um my name is Victoria Al faros I'm the new town planner um I actually live in a Kush I bought a house here a few years ago so it's really nice to be able to work in the community that I live in and you know give back directly um so my professional history I guess I I graduated in college in 2020 with my bachelor's um and then I got hired in Freetown so I've been in Municipal ever since I went to another Community briefly and then back there um so I worked on a lot of Grant programs dealing with um you know complete streets master plan Hazard mitigation um a lot of different projects in addition to you know the day-to-day responsibilities of of Permitting um so I'm familiar with with the process and you know the laws regarding that um yeah excellent gentleman any questions for Victoria no first of all congratulations welcome I don't know if you uh you know one thing I would encourage and ask Mr Kelly to do is really make sure that you know with your on boarding you get to know make sure you get to know the building inspector and you know Board of Health and all that that folks and I would just ask Mr anley at one point at some point down the road that we bring everybody in uh that you know deals with any type of Permitting anything that deals with the town in that regard we just sort to have a a reboot and a reset because we've gone you know gosh over almost a year at least without a planner and you know we had a gap in the conservation office and so I just think it would be really good for the general public to understand where we're at who the Personnel is who's doing their their day-to-day business but clearly once you get your feet wet and you get a chance to figure out where the lights are and uh you know how things operate but um you know welcome aboard and you know we can be of assistance to you uh would like to do that thank you appreciate it Mr chairman yes unrelated to this I know it's on the planning board's agender already and I don't know who was if the chairman had taken the Liberty to do that it says housing affordable housing act right so I don't know where you're at with that um I know that's a discussion tomorrow night on the planning board thing is we we take pride in our community so we want to make sure that if we're going to be doing things and before we apply for grants for anything related to such matters um it be at least expressed in and discuss with the board of selectman prior to anybody shooting off grants um that might be linking us to too tightly to the state and then they have the right to dictate to the town what what is going to happen here right um so I just want to make that clear as you coming in the door I know you've already been here for a couple of weeks so congratulations with that thank you um and just kind of giving you where I'm at with that is it's a touchy situation with a lot of people in this community and I I know it's a touchy situation with a lot of people in different communities too as well right yeah what what I'm going to be bringing up to the board on Thursday is in relation to the affordable homes act there's there's a lot of information that was in there when the governor signed that but what I'm going to be speaking about is relative to to the accessory dwelling units and uh common ownership and what the changes that came through with that that was the only thing I was going to bring up for that great excellent thank you problem Mr chairman yes Mr K Victor would you uh tell the board the various committees and boards that you actually supported free toown oh sure Beyond just the planning yes so I um managed all of our land use boards so planning zoning soil board and conservation I was also the sured commissioner um I was chair of the joint Transportation Planning Group um I was on our sewer lion extension committee um I supported the master plan committee and organized all of those meetings um any of sort of like our Hazard mitigation meetings so any of those special projects I was also managing excellent and why don't you give just a brief uh overview of your philosophy in planning which was what we uh when you you interviewed impressed us especially as it relates to the communities of Southeastern Mass the South Coast yeah so my sort of philosophy with planning is that I really try to work with our applicants and and bring them into compliance you know no one likes permitting but we try to make that process as as you know as simple and to help them understand what the procedures are that's the way I like to think about it I think it's also important to take a look at you know appropriate economic development for our community and to you know help the residential tax base a little bit um I'm also really passionate about accessibility so when I was in my other community I worked towards an ADA self evaluation and transition plan and then got grant funding to actually do a project to make our bathrooms Ada accessible excellent yeah oh very good thank you sounds awesome and this board especially this board we've been working really hard with really working together with similar like boards like conservation and planning kind of have to work hand inand and um to hear that it's very a very positive thing um this way much less a chance of things slipping through the cracks uh so it's good to hear and we appreciate it thank you well welcome aboard Victoria thank you so much thank you for having me good Lu thank you gentlemen quick executive session uh executive session under Mass General Law chapter 30A Mr Mr K sorry but would you want to uh take up the veteran yeah we can do that uh first before we get into that sure you mind rad nope I'm good all right we're going to jump ahead uh Brad Fish our veteran service officer got a couple of updates for us uh I do first of all I'd like to just uh we have Deon robal here commander of the VFW on KET we have Mike Jenny the commander of American Legion in AET so we're always trying to work together here lately EXC so it's it's a great partnership so far uh the biggest thing I want to bring up is I'm trying to start with a Veterans Day Parade which would start from Town Hall here and run to Veterans Park B Park and have a service there I don't know how that's going to work I know budgets are tight especially with police departments uh as far as road closures and stuff like that but I would be doing it on Saturday the 9th Veterans Day is on the 11th and the reason why I want to do it on the 9th I think we can get more people to participate instead of on the 11th when they're going to new Beford for Haven other bigger towns to participate so so I just don't know where I have to go after a meeting with you gentlemen from here do I have to go talk to the police chief uh do I have to see somebody as far as budget goes I I don't know where to go for you now your budgets your budget I don't know what you have your budget that you can accommodate for different expenses I think we just have to talk to the PD right and see what's kind of closure for how long right what a detail would be okay things of the like right what are we expect in how many detailed offices and then we could just come up with a way to fund that detail but I don't think there's much else involved other than so I should go talk to the chief next please Chief you know actually talk to the chief too but also talk to Chad from the from the uh the park in the Little League I mean they run parades every year so they probably know all the stuff you need to do and it's almost the same route even though they leave from St Francis so it's all the same mechanics yeah I'm actually meeting with chat on Tuesday so about yeah so just ask me about that have template all right yeah put that together might want to meet with Chad Mr wus said right meet with Chad first and then figure it out from there and then have a conversation with the police chief and maybe Mr Kelly the Town Administrator so that he's aware of the budget and funding sources and things of the like okay all right that's one of my questions answer next I'm going to have Mike Jenning come up the commander of the American Legion we have something to talk to you about as far as poke Park goes and Veterans Park thank you very much for having us here um I've been working a little bit with Tom the Costa now everybody knows Tom set up pretty much the whole thing at Veterans Park and um we're in the process of uh trying to install a bell over there so but while I was there I was looking around and I noticed um Brad and I Devin we all got a pushing it doesn't need as a purple hot Community now that is the Veterans Park it's Town property but what we're interested in trying to do when we probably need your permission is to get a purple hot parking space designated um we have the signs they're already I bought three of them already um we already have purple paint what would happen is we would paint of one parking spot purple to match the purple hat but it's Town property so we came to you for per permission Mr gell is it as simple as granting permission make a motion to approve second all those in favor I we thank you very much you I'd like to thank both of you gentlemen for your service to our country as well and de oh and Deb as well too sorry de she's in the but thank you very much you're very welcome and as soon as you get your information Brad just bring it to Mr Kelly and okay um we'll set it up I think it's great when you guys are doing you you jumped into this role and you hit a head on and you know I know I know all of our veterans appreciate you and I appreciate you and I'm sure the rest of my board does as well thank you thank you thank very much folks have a great day have a good night so now we'll jump to Executive session executive session under master chapter 30A subsection 21 A2 to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel to conduct bargaining sessions of contract negotiations with non-un Personnel police interim police chief if the chair declares that an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and the board will return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session so motion to go into the executive session so moved second all those in favor roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes I yes we are now in executive session welcome back everyone is there a motion to return to public session so move second all those in favor roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes and I yes gentlemen first order of business new business appointment of provisional police chief um Mr chairman if I if you'd like yes Mr gas I'd like to uh I move to appoint Thomas Karu as the town of aush and provisional chief of police commencing on September 7th 2024 to be in effect until a permanent that chief of police is appointed and reports for duty this appointment is subject to a contract or employment agreement for the position of professional chief of police being negotiated and executed by all parties second all those in favor I TKS I like to thank Tom Karu for um stepping up and sitting down with us we appreciate you uh next order of business we have a letter of resignation for the historical commission from Mr Robert Gilmore a copy of the letter um what I will say is Mr Gilmore has been pretty active on our community for a long time um and he is actually resigning from the historical committee and the community preservation committee uh is there a motion to accept the resignation with regrets so move second all those in favor I I we also have a COA Outreach specialist letter of resignation um Jennifer Leo has been an Outreach specialist for a while um she did send a nice letter to miss golden and Mr Kelly uh this letter is to inform you that I am resigning my position as Outreach specialist for the town of Acushnet Council and aging effective September 12th 2024 uh the past two years years have been a wonderful experience serving the senior population of this community has been my pleasure to meet with the residents and assist them with referrals to area resources and Medicare counseling I've made professional relationships with area providers where I've gained knowledge to share with members of the community to assist with their needs uh she will continue to manage the Boston food Brank program and tenor senior tax workof program until her departure and will assist in any transition of training or replacement uh she'll also notify regional directors of her departure and the resident she's worked with is there a motion to accept the resignation of Jennifer Leo as outre specialist with regrets so move second all those in favor I all right we have some preliminary review of fall special town meeting [Music] articles um Mr Kelly uh Mr chairman there number of articles that have been submitted that are capital articles however in uh consultation with the uh part-time interm Town accountant we are not going to have free cash certified before town meeting because town meeting is September 30th which is uh arranged so because of the two elections the primary election ction and the presidential election and all the early voting uh the board will receive copies of everything that comes in uh it is my advice that any of the capital articles be held uh unless there's a separate funding source other than free cash than Mr chairman yes Mr G are we going to go through the ones there's only a couple in here but I have I have a concern you have any concerns I'd like to hear concerns I I I I'll go through the ones we had so far yeah cool uh there's article one is the uh typical paying P bills from past fiscal years there are two bills from the police department for WB Mason ones $175.3 and the other is $12.97 uh that is uh you see those every year yep uh is it anticipated that there'll be more Mr Kelly one of my questions is on his motion you don't have any amounts filled in and it's $188 and10 I uh have there'll be none from the Town Administrator or the town accountant if we I'm waiting to see if there's anything at all that needs verification from the schools okay very good uh article two is in there now to see if there'd be any amendments to the budget that we're operating under right now transfer interde departmental transfers there is one possible be advising the board but we are waiting to see uh what happens with a new hire in one Department if that person comes on it'll there'll be a substantial amount uh this early in substantial for this early in the fiscal year that you could transfer out of that department Mr chairman yes sir so Mr Kelly it says under the article two as all other artic normally say but based on what you just said it says to see if the town will raise and appropriate we're not raising and appropriating anything right so that article the way it's written scares me so wouldn't it be to see if the town will amend certain budget to would be the transfer something like that right not raise inappropriate because there's no nothing to raise inappropriate from anymore right we expended all the money last well the state gave us change the assessment gave us an extra 5 grand but that's still no cushion we get it fine now so that's that's just my one of my questions yeah thank you cover the WB Masonville with that yeah 5 article 3 is when I first got here uh the town accountant and I and Mr Gasper uh went through a number of old articles you had a whole bunch of money just sitting in them uh that it's crazy to leave the money sitting there and not bringing it back in so this would be to resend those articles okay Mr Jim yes sir so on article 3 it makes a lot of sense the way that the article is written the second page following article 3 before Article 4 and it says the dangerous words of and transfer the unused funds to the following fiscal year 2025 accounts so again if we have Capital budgets that were paid for by free cash it would be inappropriate to use for a fiscal year 2025 accounts depending on what kind of accounts we're talking if it's budgetary purposes you're setting yourself up for whatever we retract in unfunded articles and if you're spending a ton of money for accounts meaning budgets you're already setting yourself in deficit for the following year correct Mr Kelly wants to respond I don't want to respond I want to say uh Mr gper and I philosophically been on the same page I'm looking at very possibly using it uh the money to possibly if the board wants to retire uh this be part of the retirement of the school ban so again if if we're dissolving article say that's $150,000 we dissolve and some other Capital things the board has the pleasure of saying well use 50 grand for that but that's it and you're saying let's take that 100 and go we know we're going to discuss that right the be that we dealing with with solar Revenue right Y and paying that down that that's fine because it's going from one Capital expense to a different Capital expense it's not going into what that wording says fiscal year 2025 accounts accounts that scares me right it would be our debt account that's beautiful thank you we hav't bit off the same page the next one is Belton suspenders because the millionaires tax or whatever the Comm greaton General Court called it the fair share Amendment uh we get 177,000 Etc uh it's similar to chapter 90 but it's a different uh statute so Belton suspenders in my view and I talked to the town accountant and she's agreed we have to just do the same thing we do with chapter 90 money every year and accept and vote to expend and I know Mr Gasper and uh the board has talked about a number of projects that it can be used for MH yeah especially I think we mentioned you using it towards projects that were already out to bid that we have options on we do this they just open bids Wednesday Jam well today is Wednesday Monday Monday morning they open bids thew and you and the bids came in and for what we were allocated for 50% of the share from urce from the gas main trenin um they didn't allocate 50% so it's going to open up some dialogue with Dan Kathy Mr Kelly and myself to have a discussion with Anthony from meour and I know that the allocation that they've allotted is it's sufficient for what needs to be done so we'll be asking them to Pony up a little bit more money sure right and then that 17 77 that Mr Kelly's alluding to for this the the fair share act money 50% of that those two projects we put out the bid this money could just easily be thrown right to those and get them done and out of the way and it doesn't come out of any of our chapter 90 or road paving budget so this this options open it depends on how the board wants to skin that cat and so the board knows chapter 90 money you can Bank this money you can't you have to spend by June 3D 30 mhm right enough the next article is a minor uh Amendment to the soil conservation bylaw and it's bringing us into compliance with do Rigs and removing a weight limit that doesn't make sense and that's all that I have from the town side other than what the Departments are putting in in capital articles and unless they have a funding source we don't have like Mr Gasper said we've got five grand in the wallet and that's it and we don't have free cash now the school is told us they're coming in with one to tap the special ed education Reserve fund fund and that's because they've had someone move in which is an out of District placement and that is uh what the special ed Reserve fund is for so we'll get the final wording from them on that the school roof band payment and rollover uh is something this board has to discuss uh we get the treasur collector looking at exactly what is in the account and what is we all in the ban and how we want to do it Town count I talked to Town Council this morning and we're talking to bond Council I think the beginning of the week so we'll know exactly what we have to do on that Mr chairman yes sir on that school roof band we we had discussed it prior I think we left with roughly 950 970,000 left on that band and we discussed using the capital fund from solar revenue and I think when the treasurer looks into it will be somewhere around 400 or 45,000 that we have in that account um and we reband it already once and the next time it comes up I think is the expiration is November so this is being proactive for town meeting to appropriate funding and as Mr Kelly alluded to maybe if there's some extra capital from dissolving some old articles right we can allocate if there's 400 there and maybe 100 out of the old we'll get rid of 500,000 we'll be left with 400 and we'll redo the process again after we reband one more time and get rid of that debt off the books I'm off for get rid of debt so yep it's working the uh school is also going to come in for there is a uh provision in the law that if you go to town meeting and get permission to do a maximum 5-year contract versus a maximum 3year contract they're looking to do that with the school bus contract to end up getting a discount Mr chairman yes sir it'd be nice to know what that discount is moving from a threeyear to a 5year right we haven't seen any of the wording from them their council is uh uh drafting the article cuz I said our council's got a lot to do so they can pay to have their Council draft their articles just making sure that those Provisions within that 3E contract like fuel cost and everything else we got to look at all that really goodal I would I would like for you to be able to look through it as well right to make sure you see in the threee the current 3year versus what the future 5year would look like right to make sure that you know we're not being led to dirty water we haven't seen anything in the language yet and the last one is a they have given us notice they don't know if it'll be ready for this town meeting but they've given us notice on the HVAC uh mold mediation uh wall repair for the uh schools and they're looking at a potential borrowing up to a million and a half and I've seen no language on it yet at all and it's got to get in quick because if it doesn't we won't have time to send it to bond councel running out of ideas on how to come up with funding sources outside of debt exclusion yeah I mean the the cost are just adding up adding up adding up right there's only so much creativity you can have and free cash sources that you have for funding sources to be able to keep I just I I I'm not sure that this will get in in time for this town meeting because and the conversation I had with Bond counsel because this is one of those packages with the state and the state wording and the vendor wording with green communities and everything else I don't know if it'll be there be nice if they they had some time to look for alternative sources of funding right pick up some grants top to the state see what they got I don't know that's part of what they're trying to package I mean I don't know what's available msba like we did the roof ban right maybe there's some funding there that they can help out and reduce the cost of the taxpayers right we'll see see and other than the capital items that's what I have just um to get back back to that have you had a conversation with Patrick um about the final report from that company and all the yes last time I talked to him they were they were at some seminar or something this week right last time I talked to him it wasn't ready yet did the did the state do any of their own investigation at all like with OSHA or any of that stuff is there any report on that you don't want you know what cuz you got you got a certain period of time to fix it see if we can find the funding before we make that decision any other articles that the board want to throw out well Mr chair Mr chairman yes so I've been thinking about this a lot like our overall Town operation how we do things right we just met with the new planner and that took oh I don't know cl to a year yep to appoint a planner we in the conservation agent left that was month six months easy um and so I think you know as we're trying to be creative and increase our our hiring pool I think there's something we got to look at which is you know we've got a bylaw on the books I don't know if it's part of the chart like I don't know the history of it but it says that if you're an elected official appointed official you couldn't serve in a paid position until two years expired I think that's something we should examine I do the research on and figure out the history of it I can see you know in a bygone era where people were concerned about nepotism and this and that but if you're looking at how municipal government is going and I and I tell I 15-year-old twin boys guys if you want to have a job for Life figure out how to get a certification in some type of Municipal function whether it's accounting whatever it is because I think it's a collision course that municipalities are going to be on which is I don't know that there's going to be Talent out there to PE people that are hirable um who want to get into Municipal service but I do think in a small town like a kushit you've got people who serve on boards who've been elected to boards who've been vetted by the public who've been doing their work in the public domain might be a natural fit for position whether it's on the planning border or conservation or Board of Health or whatever that may be I like to at least explore it and talk about it have a conversation if it doesn't go anywhere it doesn't go anywhere but the more tools we have in our toolbx and I hate using that cliche um I think it's worth discussing you know we're looking at regionalization we're talking about we're just going to look how we're doing business I know this as a taxpayer I'd rather have somebody who's from the town doing a critical Town job who's also a taxpayer who's got skin in the game that I know and the public knows versus with all due respect to any Town employee somebody who comes in looks at a cush it as a stepping stone to go to the next job or is going to get poached by somebody in the next town um because we're not we don't pay top dollar we know that we to get there but we know we can't do that so we got to look inh house you know so anyway I know it might be politically incorrect to look at that and people say oh you know people might complain about it but I think it's worth examining and I'm willing to do it I'm willing to at least have the conversation um and if the voters say you know we take it a town meeting and they say no we don't want that because whatever y um so be it but yeah I'd like to at least have a conversation about how what town government's going to look like in the next 10 10 years cuz I'm concerned there ain't going to be enough people to do the job I'm concerned about it in 5 years let 10 so I'm concerned about it right now and I know what Mr W is talking about I actually know the gentleman who put that in the chatter um and it was it was actually put in as an attack on certain elected officials in that era right I didn't agree with it then I don't agree with it now I I I was the history I don't was that was it m goule yes of course it was right yes all God Rest the soul correct rest in peace correct very intelligent bright man knew knew a ton about the town right they used to call him the mayor of Acushnet um not discrediting his intelligence by any means any stretch of imagination but it was a political tactic back then right and I don't think I think um Mr L spoke perfectly on the issue I'm open to that dialogue to look at that clause and you know I know there's in another town there was someone who applied for the job and the Attorney General I think said 30 days or 60 days or was no more than 60 days cool off and you'll be fine you can take the job right but standard but with us having it in a chatter which the 2-year thing they would look at it differently they say nope your town chatter says X Y and Z so other than that I think it's just a 30-day 60-day cool off period there's there's different cool off periods depending on whether it's something that you had you were involved in directly or something you were involved in indirectly this was a high ranking position um and a high ranking elected official I'll put it that way so gentlemen if you're okay with it I'll get with Town Council and come back and just figure out what the what the state laws are if there are any other towns that have experienced this but I agree with Mr gas I forgot about the history this was weaponized yeah and we don't need that no and disarm right right Mr hor I would suggest um if you can do that as quick as you can because that would I believe have to go in front of the bylaw Review Committee and we're slowly running out of time to get it on the agenda for special town meeting it's a charter change what does that mean that means you have the should be the methodology for amending the charter in the charter if not it defaults to the methodology set out in State Statute that refers to Charters right I have no idea i' have to I'd have to look at that if it's in the charter that's I got the message I'll work with Town Council come back with something yeah it's kind of like Civil Service he the way it came in is the way it's going to go out if it's not this fall it's next spring whatever it is like but you know it is what it is I want to at least put the com get the conversation out there yep um and we should be looking at every aspect of town government um on how we do business because the talent it's not that there's not talented people out there I don't know that there's enough people that are interested in doing Municipal jobs nope going to more that's it for that Jamie that's it for the uh four I have some homework to do uh next on the agenda appointment of special councel for personnel David marcielo Esquire is there a motion to appoint David marcielo Esquire Mr chairman I move to appoint David marcielo Esquire a special counsel for personnel to conduct personal investigations and to report and make recommendations on Personnel matters second all those in favor I think all right uh next formal action on call Fire Chief Deputy uh Mr Kelly this wording was returned by the legislature and asked the board to affirm the uh wording that came out of I assume house or Senate council to uh put this further along they finally are taking it up and this is the language that the legislature would like the board to vote to affirm it is not unusual to have this language which went through town meeting Changed by house or Senate council and then come back to the board to have uh the board set affirm that language can I make a motion to approve as presented yes I make a motion to approve as presented Mr chairman is there a second second all those in favor all excellent uh gentlemen NE next item um Steve was able to get an updated copy of this he couldn't make it tonight um but I just wanted you guys to have this it it's pretty extensive um so it's more so so you can read through this um I haven't had a chance to go word for word in this I know that it's changed a bit since the last time he presented it Mr chairman yes Mr Kelly and I suggest to Mr tibbles that he either underline or highlight or something so we know what the changes are yep cuz I tried to read it and I don't understand it yeah I have I have the same concern Mr Kelly just mentioned I I I think when uh documents presented to the board of selectman originally and then the board of selectman makes recommendations for what they would like to see if those changes were added to it or anything was subtracted from it it' be highlighted right so that we ain't reading 50 pages of a document and trying to decipher as Mr Kelly alluded to is what was the change right so there's a lot of pages here it's it's golf stuff right I don't think we all understand some of this terminology that's being used so a nice little highlighted area of this is what was added based on the board of selectman's recommendations here it is identified have a nice day makes it a lot quick for the board to expedite itself so absolutely I don't think there's a sudden urgency to have this done tonight so for the next meeting I would because I know you know he probably wants to get this stuff done through the off seon y so if you can have him take this document and highlight the changes that would be awesome Mr Kelly if you can reach out to Mr tibbles Y and get a update on that one sure thing thank you sir next up uh fiscal 24 transfers um this is something we do pretty much every year Mr chairman yes Mr G where you get going I spoke with Mr Kelly today in in the town accountant today um and I think it would be in the board's best interest to resend the prior vote on June 24th so I'll make a motion to resend the inter departmental transfers that were made on June 24th 2024 for a second second all those in favor all right thank you Mr chairman and now we'll redo just for some yep budget lines were changed from the previous there's a copy on the back side of the sheet um some of the amounts were a little bit different not much yep but there's actually a savings from the last time to This Time by 107,2 43 of those intermental transfers so um it's less which is a good thing right but I feel better resending the vote 100% And then putting out a new vote with the new transfers y thank you Mr chair you're very welcome all right uh first one sorry I did get another one right before we got here it's all on this sheet see it's all right here you can just go right there ibers according to the accounts are there um account 010 4422 d511 0000 DPW salar going to transfer from there the amount of $101 7043 we're going to transfer it to count 01044 23- 52900 snow removal ice control is there a motion so moved second all those in favor I next one transfer from account 01 01135 d511 000000 Town accountant salary for the amount of $38,750 from account 01 01135 530000 Town accountant professional Tech $1 6,792 and account 010 5543 57700 veterans benefits 33225 for a total of $ 88,9 be transferred to account 01 01151 530200 legal is there a motion so move second those in favor transfer from account 01011 92- 51100 Town building Sal 70,000 in account 01011 92- 511 0000 Town buildings custodial Services $255 for a total of $725 two account 0 1 0222 0- 51300 fire salaries overtime is there a motion so move second transfer are from account 01 01155 52430 technology software maintenance in the amount of 10,000 01 01172 D5300 soil board contracted Services $5,000 01011 75- 511400 planning salaries 50,000 01 0551 0 - 511 210 Board of Health 10,000 0 1 055 43577 veterans benefits 25,000 for a total of $100,000 to account of 01 0221 0- 51300 pleas salaries overtime Z motion motion to approve second next one is answer from account 01 04422 d511 one10 DPW Highway salary we did this one yeah we did we did this one first so I passed that I passed I know it's in our book too that was the one that I didn't realize I had out it already uh transfer from account 01 01155 - 52430 technology software maintenance $481 two count 01 06650 51100 Parks salaries is there a motion so move second all those in favor all Mr chairman yes Mr Kelly there might be one more the next meeting okay I've refused an invoice from an engineering firm because they put multiple [Music] jobs on one invoice and they come from various Department departments and uh the way it was set up when we looked at it uh that we're going to have to verify our ms4 expenditures and the way the invoice was set up that would not make us able to verify try and segregate our ms4 expenditures we just got a bottom line Bild invoice okay good enough I'll take you that doesn't sound good no take a brief brief look at it it's all over the place next on the agenda slm Street update can uh we're progressing can we pass over this sure uh Mr chairman yes Mr G Mr Kelly and I have met with a property owner and and the attorney um Tuesday Yeah Tuesday um great conversation very um productive conversation is just we when we talked about the alternate bid on the storm water drainage being on this side of the road the property owner um would like us to explore with the engineering firm to merror image it and flip it to the other side of the road so that's pretty much where we're at uh Mr Kelly put it on there but I figured it's worth mentioning to the board so that we know that's going on as you know we didn't approve the alternate um we I think we did to award but only by a certain date and things of the like so it's all about getting with the property owner and discussing things and again the the property owner and the attorney were um very Cooperative with us and I think Mr Kelly and I are going to schedule a meeting with them in our MS uh ms4 Woodward and current engineering that did on the 9th and do a meeting um with them so they could be involved in a meeting with the engineering firm that designed it right to to bring up some concerns the property owner should just be there on the floor doing it with us instead of this back and forth thing and you know things don't get done the right way we we rather just invite them into that meeting with the WWI Curr so excellent we'll see what that goes from there good to see the progress uh next item staff appointment um we're still waiting on a couple uh interviews for the assess department so we can pass over that um that's all there yep and DPW resetting structures Paving project Mr Jim and I Orange is the New Black I asked for this to be on the agenda because I was the more and more you get involved with things in the town right the the smarter and smatter you would hopefully get right and I've learned up it's a big learning curve for me with Paving um with the company that came in and did it right and the structures we talked about DBW doing it because of Manpower and Dan being out with the crew at mendle road we don't have time for Milling um to Paving so it's been requested there was nothing in the bid specs that says how many structures because it's unknown until you do the Milling so we we actually got a meeting to go back out there with the company and Mr Manaj to check on what the ones they're going to rem recommend structures being um reset yep right that means say structures what do you mean re reset the structures means when they Define structures it's storm drains the Water Gate valves that are sticking up out of the street um if you notice sometimes when in the past when we've done Paving they're 2 in below the surface of the road it creates a pole it's definition of insanity to continue doing something like that um so it's kind of you know I said we need to make sure the structure is a maximum a quarter of an inch below the road surface and make sure they're not sticking Above So inside that bid spec they did say up to 1,100 for the bigger structures the smaller structures could be four five 600 bucks so I had a conversation with Miss silver Mr manad from DPW and I said I we're going to need some an allocation for funds for them the company to do it they come bring in the company to do it um and reset the structure so we'll figure out what that count is I kind of did it with my imaginary head when we were just driving over regular plane road but now that they're sticking up out of the road cuz if everybody knows we M Middle Road um Cory Bano not the Anthony Henry yet or a small section of that um the structur is all sitting up painted orange so we'll figure out what it's going to be so what we do need is an an appropriation of funds um because Mr Kelly um the fair share act money we should hold off on so I would make a motion to approve up to I it's a guessing game right now I was going to say 15,000 but it doesn't matter cuz whatever we don't expend I would say a motion to approve up to $20,000 from the dpw's road paving line item in their budget right there's money in that road paving line item so I will make a motion to approve up to $20,000 for structures resetting structures out of the dpw's road paving line item second all those in favor by I perfect chairman through you a gas while you're out driving around would you go check out Keen Road and report back what's going on there CU I've received a number of calls and text messages about the condition of Keen Road and the still needs to be what's going on over there but I said I would follow up with that it's our DPW guy here i' uh appreciate it yeah I can uh give you an update I mean I know we had a watermain break on wesland street that trench is still open and debris on the road um don't know what's going on with that one yet and Keen Road has been repaved with the storm Basin in we put a bunch of storm Chambers in then that didn't work and we put a overflow pipe in and we ran it down wood duck quite far down the road and that trench is still open as well yes right so I did have a conversation with Mr manad over the trench that we did a sewer main over here on South Main Street that's collapsing and in our trenching policy that we call out for developers is they're required to use what they call fillable flow so that doesn't happen right there's a it's a there's a large expense I guess to fillable flow is what I was told and I said it doesn't matter if we're going to do something we need to do the job and do it right right it's not it's not just patty cake it throw tide down it looks good for a year and it's going to sink we all see what happens to the mains that urce has done on how how dramatically those trenches have sunk over a year it's been a prolonged period of time since Middle Road the pot that's being paved now Cory Bono North Anthony Henry um at a drive has been trenched and I can tell you right now by living in that area The Trenches are horrendous right and I've got a lot of complaints so I would say that if we're going to be doing things like that you cannot use fillable flow over gas bains I've learned that by dealing with Mr Kelly and Anthony from urce fillable flow because you can't detect OD through it right the smell of the leak of gas right but as far as we're concerned I I will have a conversation with Mr NAD and figure out what that cost would be versus not um and look everything costs a lot of money it doesn't mean that we stop doing it because of that right if we're going to do a job we have to make sure we're doing it right and and that's what we're trying to demonstrate now with Paving um and resetting these structures so we can demonstrate that this board has its stuff together and we say this is the way it's going to be done regardless of expense we have to do it that way we get a lot of you know for instance Hamlin Street bridg is being done right now we're going to have that that's a large expense right I'm going to say probably half a million dollars to repave that whole Road from middle to main right that's a wild guess I'm usually pretty good at guess the naations but it's a half a million bucks right it's it's a big expense but if we're going to spend a half a million bucks if we spend an extra 50 to reset structures and everything else and we get it done and done right isn't it worth it of course I mean anyways down the road so he's he's doing that he's trying to get that drainage done on menal I get that but you know we can't leave trenches open for 60 90 days right okay so bottom line is it's trench we're working on a you know wood dock that's where the trenching is we went into the side of the road and some some repairs is actually a big ditch near one of the individual's driveways right after where we put the storm I noticed that cuz I do travel that road a lot and it's um it that trench is starting to sink pretty hard where it's getting a little dangerous if somebody goes off hits that with a car so I'll um I'll have a conversation with DPW um to whatever we're doing over there we'll figure out well how we're going to fix that mess over there as well and we'll get prices I think best thing for us to do is for the board before he goes out and expends any money from the DBW line item that we just discussed that we freezed at because that's something that he doesn't need chapter 90 they have to come in front of the board for spending I think that we should freeze the remaining $80,000 in that budget line item so that we can have a discussion on what we are doing with these trenches that we've opened up and if we're going to need to use fillable flow then that's what we're going to do yep before we start spending that extra money on other things yep right Mr Kelly do you want to put the same uh restriction that he has uh any expenditures from the fair share have to come before the board I think Miss Silva alluded to that last time it's part of what we would call chapter 90 it's a supplement to the chapter 90 but technically it's a different statute so we still have to authorize to spend if the board of Selectmen are waiting for an article for Town me for the fair share nobody else can spend it right right but after after that article passes I think it should be written in that article that that's that's treated the same way as chapter 9 it requires a vote by the board of Select we're responsible for chapter 90 expenditures we should be also um responsible for that fair share or whatever we're going to call it supplemental chapter 90 funds however you're write the article well amend it and I just want to I want to be careful of what we're doing with that the remainder money and that road paving line item again we got the other ones out to bid we got to figure all that out and that fair share money I just don't want to be out spending money and not knowing what we're doing with the money prior to so I just want to put a hole on that for now and and have that discussion on where we're going and it's important because we're going to have to have a conversation with Mr manad about this trench going across South Main Street cuz that's our our trench right the sewer main that was put in and it's sunk it's right by Chuck lias you see it going diag heading over to JT's Pub that's our trench we're responsible for that trench and it's it's sinking because we didn't use fillable flow so what are we doing my eyes we need to fix it 100% so we'll figure it out excellent gentlemen San's announcements chairman I do I usually don't but I do uh apparently last night the South Coast best of the best was a big event where a number of Acushnet businesses or people from Acushnet uh were recognized as the best of the best and Acushnet creamy Sentry house our own a cushen river valley and two that hit close to home here McKay Insurance Kim McKay Mr Gasper uh and Isaac s Sola Bob hinley I can attest to Bob and Isaacson and I know Kim has done a phenomenal job over the years in McKay insurance so Bravo thank you congratulations and congratulations to all the other cushion businesses it looks like we really cleaned up last night which is pretty cool to see it was very nice to see a lot of a kushna representation rep representation there it was nice it was gas for no cruise night next Thursday night right um food milkshakes no beverages cars lot of lot hopefully a lot of cars hopefully Mr Lopes got his message across from all the other um car cruise nights that he went to and uh I'm going to spend a little bit of time I think this Saturday cleaning up some of the trees pruning out some of the Trees of the Ping ways property over there um maybe we can do something early in the week with the maintenance kids right and get them over there and help me out but I'm going to try to get rid of some of it while the recycle center is open on Saturday I'll come up here and do a little bit of raising those branches up and trimming them up to make them look a little bit better so people can walk underneath of them and get some shade um hopefully we'll have good weather cuz if we don't um we don't have a rain date that'll be a bummer don't bring you canvert so I can tell you right now anybody has a a nice classic car you know as well as I do they're Fanatics as they should be and they will not bring it out in any kind of inclement weather so um if we do get rained you it's it's just not going to happen we'll have to make that call right and I usually coordinate that with the police chief on the day of and figure things up but hopefully we've been very fortunate to have extremely nice weather some sometimes very hot nights but we've been having some cooler weather so hopefully we'll continue to have the cool weather next week and everybody can enjoy themselves it's a hell of a time it's great for the community um and I will say this that I think Mr W brought it up maybe a year ago maybe you know we're talking about recreating and looking at different things and I'm going to have a conversation with mt Lopes because and we have to obviously have some dialogue with the school department right but the town of uh the board of selectman are responsible for Town grounds I I just feel if the size of this cruise night is getting bigger maybe more appropriate place would be at the school grounds right we have the parking facilities there's parking spaces don't have to worry about any of that you have off streak parking enough for everybody to commute over to the schools and enjoy themselves you got hundreds of parking spots there I think maybe the school might be a I know this is tradition I don't want to break tradition and so if anybody's watching this don't get upset if that's what I'm saying just something that we could explore perhaps to expand it right we only have so much room here we can't go any further up the roads and only have so much parking and we've been there's been years in the early days where we first started off 130 cars there's been years where we've been close to 200 Cars and I'll tell you right now it's difficult to cram 200 cars in here especially those kind of cars right people like this space it's getting difficult so if it if we plan on growing cruise night we might have to grow in an alternate location right so I I'll be discuss an alist the Lopes while we're up there doing some clam cakes and Fries tell them to think about that right yep it's good idea like it uh we can pass over our last executive session gentlemen is there a motion to a journ so move take it all those in favor all right bye [Music]