[Music] [Music] welcome everyone this is a meeting with the board of Selectmen today is April 30th 2024 it is 400 p.m. this meeting is being audio and video recorded is a motion to call the meeting to order so moved second all those in favor I please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands na God indivisible and justice for all the first order of business gentlemen we have is a joint meeting with the school committee to make an appointment to the old Colony representative I know this the agenda says MOS a on but we're going to be replacing justing broer um he wrote I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as a member of the Old Colony Vocational School District committee with heightened professional demands I am unable to devote the same time needed to continue to effectively serve as a representative of the town of aush at my last day will be April 30th 2024 with that in mind we're join Jo tonight with the moderator Mr Les daen he will be chairing The Joint meeting Mr moderator welcome thank you Mr chairman if you like I didn't ask um to open the Jo make a motion to open the joint meeting between the board of Selectmen and school committee and the town moderator for an Old Colony representative appointment second all those in favor okay Mr moderator thank you Mr chairman members of the board uh I need to open we need to open our we well you can you can speak and then have them open okay yeah I need a a motion for the school committee to open the oppostion of meeting okay if I could have a motion please to open the joint meeting between the select board and the school committee please so moved second all those in favor I I and now I need a motion to open the joint committee meeting from someone I'll make a motion to open a joint meeting second all those in favor I we're going to have two appointments we have to have make a motion to open the meeting or no we just opened the joint meeting okay uh these appointments tonight will be for a three-year term and must be completed before May 1st as you know of any year to comply with our contractual obligation now for the folks at home watching as of fiscal year 2024 old colony had 548 students from the towns of Pushnik Cava Lakeville metapo and Rochester an annual operating budget of $8.3 million Kush portion of this is 186 students 34% of the total student body and our assessment is 2.4 m I'm heedless to say this position has a sizable impact on not only old colony's budget but ours before we discuss a vote on the candidates for reappointment or appointment as the case may be are there any additional nominations from the committee none M Mr chairman yes I just want to make a correction I know it says Mo a amen but Moos a amen's willing to stay on until we have a a fill for him we're filling a vacancy for Justin broer so I'll make that motion but my understanding is we tonight we have to reappoint Mr s just for that short Crea that's fine understood yeah so tonight before us folks we have Mr marce San for reappointment uh until we find the replacement and Mr Robert Gomes as a new candidate to replacement Mr Justin broer as the chairman mentioned earlier has resigned stating due to personal reasons he can no longer have the time to adequately perform the duties of the position Mr chairman I make a motion to reappoint Mo honor a second that this is going to be a roll call vote for Mr s Arin selectman W yes selectman Gast yes selectman hinley yes from the school committee Miss Jennifer Downey yes Miss Sarah GES yes Mr John hro yes and I a yes Mr seam is appointed or reappointed unanimously we will now do the same for Mr goes Mr moderator I make a motion to appoint Robert Gomes to fill the vacated position by Justin broo I'll second that all in favor roll call vote roll call vote s W up yes Mr gas yes Mr hin yes school committee M Downing yes Miss go yes Mr hro yes and I'm a yes both candidates have been unanimously appointed I now need a motion to close the Joint Committee I'll so move second and now a motion to close the school committee meeting oh so so move on to close the school committee meeting back to you Mr chairman thank you I'll just make a motion to close the joint meeting with the school committee and the board of Selectmen second all those in favor all we are now back in regular session thank you Mr moderator thank you members of the school committee thank you right Mr Kelly has a [Music] request um for some funding from overlay EXs Mr Kelly if you like I can turn it over to you I can just go through it really quick and speak on it uh an expedites A Matter Mr chairman we're looking for um Town Administrator is looking for obviously some a funding source for pays for the contractual um obligations that we have from ratifying in contracts right now we have um these are um numbers that Mr Kelly's comfortable with asby 10,065 laborers 14274 Steel Workers 39220 Teamsters police 445,000 manages 7655 he's also asking for the board to request an additional $19,990 to use for funding motion of the operating budget to fund the one-time final payment from the oak calling relase purchase and that total amount of overlay excess release would be $676,000 is there a motion so moves second all those in favor all questions comments concerns gentlemen okay very good anything Mr Kelly not on that Mr chairman thank you you're welcome sir um annual town meeting I ask that this be passed over okay pass over I agree can't sign it it's not finalized right no we got some work to do so um before we start discussion on oh miss Leon Transportation so I'm just going to jump over to the transportation Bond Bill uh as you know uh this is uh critical for our slokum street project I just wanted this here for the board to be updated tomorrow I meet with representatives from representative Schmid's office and representative strauss's office and our offer Consultants once we finish with that meeting then we're scheduling a meeting with Senator mony's office to make sure that we touch all bases and especially since ref Schmid and R Strauss are retiring that we want to make sure that that Transportation Bond bill of a million and a half is locked up and now that we're going out May 1st also is when we go out to uh publicize the bid for the slen street project Mr chairman um was was literally on the phone with s Mony before I came in not this Friday but the following Friday he uh will be in a cush it and so I'm going to bring him to town hall so any he still I don't if we have once I pinned down a time if we have to post something if anybody wants to come in and meet with him but I was going to bring him over to the Council on Aging just kind of get him around if there's any stuff on the wish list we can tack that on and have a chance to speak any any help in getting that Transportation Bondville that's number one release that's been hanging out there for a lot of years so Al also kind of segueing off that uh I noticed that there's an earmark in this year's house budget for 150,000 from rep Schmid and re rep Strauss uh for uh sidewalks and Ada ramps on slum Street and so uh I'm sure we'll address that with Senator M JY when he's here okay I have a question it's not on my agenda the budgets it's not on the agenda the GU wait don't look not there it's under the the annual town meeting warrant right do you want me to go through those budgets under the annual town meeting warrant yep so the warrant right yep so we can prove put them in the warrant right so they have a whole list from the Town Administrator recommendations for the budgets I'll go just go through them real quick and just say what they're up select board up 3,635 motion to approve so second all those in favor I Town buildings down 35640 motion to approve mve second all those in favor benefits and insurance up 160 321 motion to approve so moved second all those in favor right so just so everybody at home understands benefits and insurance is up 16, 321 but that's includes the schools right Mr Kelly percentage yes it does the health insurance uh and also the uh Property and Casualty Insurance workers comp and unemployment and Medicare okay very good pensions up 12224 um Mr Kelly's got a note subject to change Medicare but we'll see where that goes motion to approve sove second all those in favor I account down $5 5,748 motion to approve move second all those in favor assess is up $516 motion to approve second all those in favor Treasurer collector up $18,000 I'm sorry $1,748 motion to approve some move second all those in favor I technology up $188,100 motion to approve so moved second do all those in favor I Town Clark up $647 motion to approve second all those in favor town meeting and elections up 16,573 motion to approve so move second all those in favor Board of registr is up $ 17,24 motion to approve so moves second all those in favor so the big increases to town meeting and regist is postage and is really due to mailing ballots and the fact uh of the number of elections in a presidential year so just those two budgets from an unfunded mandate is roughly up [Music] 33,824 3,098 but that salaries some of the salary was transferred out of board Health we'll see that later motion to approve so moves second all those in favor I planning down a whopping 108 motion to approve I'm moved second all those in favor police $829 motion to approve so moved second all those in favor firing EMS Up 50,52 3 big piece piece of the increase was overtime light on being unfunded appropriately for The Last 5 Years most M to approve so moved second EMA up 1500 motion to approve so moved second all those in favor inspections which is building department up $1,545 motion to approve mov second all those in favor Animal Control up 2,471 motion to approve moves second all those in favor DPW up 9,000 863 motion to approve second all those in favor Street lighting up 5100 duude to energy increase uh motion to approve so moved second all those in favor I board of health health agents Department up by down 44250 motion to approve so move second all those in favor Council on agent up 4,800 116 motion to approve s mov second all those in favor library is up 9,239 motion to approve so moves second all those in favor big portion of that increase too is energy a lot of these budgets have a big increase I think we went 30% for energy some budgets not so much other budgets like the library pretty significant impact to this because everything um I was unaware of it everything in that building's run out electri it's a w it's it's a they have a they have a who energ B so that clears us from that for now I mean obviously we've approved a lot of budgets gentlemen Mr Kelly's working through them all as much as he can we still have a budget deficit in the realm of in in the excess of 450 like 475 is right now we don't know the school committee's meeting tomorrow night I believe Le to discuss what their budget um is going to be and then they have to meet with fincom so we'll see where they come in at um we've had some big increases in a in a bad year for Revenue so in the process of trying to work out the numers um it's important Mr Kelly I don't know if you informed the board but I think we ought to inform the public that we're trying to push town meeting out two additional weeks two additional weeks to June 17th to give us an opportunity to see if the state figures will clarify at all and there'll be some addition uh we also are looking at waiting for the schools uh out of uh approximately a million3 increase the schols are 825,000 would you say June 17th yes have you talked to the schools yet yes okay so that date's available for them yes okay just want to make sure put my calendar now all set we're all set we're all set we just have to find close to half a million dollars I've you know I spoke with Mr Kelly today I've identified some potential cuts that are non Ser you know service or programmatic related stuff related that to him um good I'm sure that we'll be able to hopefully we'll be able to get this done yeah I've been talking to Jamie too much but I appreciate you know the efforts that he's put into going through the budgets um you know I'm I'm basically sitting in the shadows just figuring out percentages and making sure some of the numbers that we've done for contractual obligations um I've plugged in and just working with him backchecking things like that to make sure that we provideing his as best we can accurate budget so yeah we just have to keep reminding people it's the board of selectman's warrant and budget it's a tough year I think next year will be an increasingly tough year as well so anyways the next item on the agenda I'm skipping over um Miss Leon stuff for now she can't come in until 5 so we got a Lake Street fishing tournament authorization Lake Street fishing tourn June 22nd 2024 in communication with new beffa DPI on their written approval fishion League stated that they are happy to name the town of lushna as certificate holders for their liability insurance my only question to Mr Kelly is should we be naming new beod as well because they're in the water the when we talked to our insurance company they said we we insure the Lake Street entity so it would come through our insurance okay just want to make sure when we have we got an approval from DPI CU it says on their written approval but I don't know not yet not yet there's superintendent was who who's doing this tournament do we know the organization is it an organization it is an organization I just can't remember off the top of my head um but I've been in communication with someone named Matt from there and he says that he travels all around mass and Rhode Island what like other sporting events uh we'd be invited to throw out the first fish first fish or first line we're going to gget somebody's fish and Chuck it back in so just catch I don't have a I don't have a problem with it I just want to make sure that the city of New beff doesn't have a problem with it cuz it's their water right right they own the water rights and we have a lease what was that 25 year lease for the parcking 25 year lease so we have the parking right the facility for parking and the lease agreement so I get all that I just want to make sure that somebody doesn't show up last minute and shuts them down after we've given approval so I don't know Mr Kelly what's your advice for the board you think we should hold off on this and wait to see contingent is there a motion to approve the fishing tourament on June 22nd 2024 contingent on City new beap approval so move second all those in favor I okay so now it's all set so Sydney whoever you're working with can try to make sure that we commun get Communications with City new be and whoever that Matt guy is that you mentioned all right and you got uh we got nothing other than asby M8 uh Mr chairman um this is working back to something we did approve at town meeting last year um with a new title added to the asme contract along with facilitating uh where it sits in that contract um originally it was aligned with the administrative assistant which upon review of the actual job duties is not possible so it will be placed in the same line of the contract as the uh dispatchers so it'll be principal clerk along with the dispatchers and money far it is here we earlier when we talked about overlay um there is $10,600 the principal clerk is a position okay so any questions coms thank you Bob for your work on this thank so motion to approve motion to approve no we just had to we'll wait and uh now when we get the M MOA signed by ask me then we'll present it to the board oh yeah okay that's fine we'll we got to finalize that for a warrant right so y let's um everybody needs to and that's that stuff needs to be expedited we we don't have time to be spinning our Wheels with stuff like that we just they need to do everything they need to do to get it expedited back to our office so that we don't waste your time my time or anybody else's time now that we've got a funding source correct all right um we got team's Mo MOA back in front of us Mr chairman uh there is a wording issue uh we're going to talk with representatives of the police uh I think it's just a glitch that one word was left out but we will make sure that is correct and has been voted on twice before by this morning with that one word yes I did speak with uh with uh Jeremy and it was uh yes and it was clearly inadvertent and he'll talk to you and uh resolve it all right good I got I got copies of it it's it's it's on tape so as long as he says the the shops do it is good we should be good y right um steer workers I'll postpone that uh Mr chairman uh their vote uh there the mo MOA is being presented to them tomorrow so as long as they sign it then I feel that then it can be presented to this board well make sure but I want to see the exact wording after they ratify before I present it to the board I I understand we'll put that on the executive session Mr Kelly yep in case is any part of contract negotiations it's my it's it's always gone into executive session for that so all right that's that oh boy is the bad news gentlemen so from the treasurer collector she's looking for an amount Bristol County Retirement sent an invoice for three employees that were out on military leave according to Master General law to keep our employees whole the town must pay the required pension portion for these employees and she's looking for a reserve fund transfer in the amount of $3,596 4 as you know gentlemen those are three of our police offices that were out on Military lead we don't have a choice yep is there a motion to approve no move second all those in favor all all right so then get through all those stumps we got from the fire chief necessaries repairs and maintenance of the fire department Fleet of vehicles there is a current deficit of $761 16.90 due to repairs that occurred throughout the year the fire department is also an has an estimate fpr an additional repair to the primary engine Squad 2 in the amount of 7,352 to replace a transmission control module also the fire department is waiting on an estimate to repair the issue between the diesel exhaust system and fuel injectors on rescue one these repairs are necessary to keep the fleet in service and an oper an operational so this is a fire engine e000 is one of our fire engines um it's we bought it in 2007 I remember that conversation correctly from the chief and we had a transmission control module go on it that was one of the expenses the chief then brought the engine back to town and found out that the water pump in system wasn't working properly because of when the batteries were disconnected for the transmission control module it affected something throughout the chassis which is the transmission is Allison's problem then he went came back and it's not pumping water accurately and it's because the batteries were disconnected and something happened to control modules on the chassis system which is owned by International so now the truck's sitting in foxb at the international facility for repairs on that end of it which isn't good um it's unfortunate but it isn't $188,000 repair so is there a motion to approve $18,000 Reserve fund for the fire department so moved second all those in favor and then it gets worse the chief is looking for $177,000 for Reserve fund transfers for a blown engine in our ambulance which isn't good news but that's what he needs submitting the one amount for 17 to replace the engine in Rescue 1 2016 Ford F550 ambulance there is a mechanical issue with the truck and the only remedy is to replace the engine similar to the issue with rescue 2 two years ago so these engines have a 6.7 L Ford motor it um and the the diesel engines and because of the fluid special fluid they have to dump into the diesel fuel tanks it's burning up engines and the 6.7 L Ford engine is known to be trash MH so it's extremely unfortunate it's even more unfortunate that town meeting and this board got an ambulance approved that the priel meeting the unfortunate part about that is the weight is 2 to three is MHM so the chief is working with another company he's identified another company he's trying to see if this company that we ordered the ambulance from town meetings approval last year if they can't meet a deadline CU they're having problems with chassis from Dodge and da d da he's got another company that he's looking into to see if they can do something because they're rapidly building ambulances for other people so he might be able to maneuver but neither here or there um the two ambulance is bread and butter for that department roughly 50% of fire is funded from the EMS Reserve receipt account and that's accumulated from ambulance so we desperately need our ambulances not only for our own residents it's it's a huge Revenue um for the town um God bless on fire and EMS workers they do a great job but we need to keep them up and running and unfortunately we're going to be down for several months with this ambulance that's the bummer but we need to do it so it's a big hit it's 35,000 bucks in total for the for the Fire EMS but it's an absolute necessity so is there a motion to approve the reserve fund transfer in the amount of $177,000 to replace an engine and rambulance so mov second all those in favor all right Mr chairman if I may on that same note um I sat down with the chief the other day and he's doing a really good job at putting together a preventative maintenance plan I think a lot of the history and knowing what these engines are capable of and what they're not capable of I think putting together a plan to make sure they maintain properly will help hopefully prevent something like this in the future I don't want to say it's going to guarantee it but if you stay on top of the maintenance and um are some fixes for the various problems with the six sens and he's looking into them so I just want to say thanks to Chief Farland for uh thinking about the future as well yeah I think that's when you're running a fleet of vehicles right whether your police fire DPW with a fleet of vehicles maintenance is everything right you and I have been in the business long enough um you don't you don't do your maintenance preventive maintenance you're going to have a crowd yep hey so I think it's great that he's developing now play for all of his Fleet um and keeping maintenance logged I talked to him about that a couple of years ago as well to try to start developing that long so I appreciate that he's actually following through with it he's going to keep everything up to par and keep everything in good work in order that's that the uh Mr Kelly's got storm water bylaw review I know that the planning board in conom and B of Health chair all three chairman from those three committees and Boards had a zoom meeting together and and went through some changes that were made and they all seem to approve the changes we just don't have a final copy in front of us to say Mr chairman the planning board sent a memo to us uh the board is Select about an hour ago wow writing uh I am writing to your office regarding the planning board's endorsement of the storm waterer management bylaw at town meeting the planning board has conducted one public hearing for this article the public hearing was conducted at 6: p.m. April 25 2024 at the public hearing the planning board voted unanimously three4 two abson to endorse the article for town meeting the staff is not had a chance to look over the actual article if we have any recommendations to the board I ask that we ear love to present it at your next meeting what stuff I I got a copy of it but I haven't looked at it because I've been busy with other things with you um Jamie so as you know right I everybody knows how much I'm here doing what I'm doing but um yeah we'll take a look at it I know everybody else SE there's one sentence I want to look at and then we'll yeah I think they discussed that too I think they were pretty happy with that change it had to do with &rs an anrs that's correct and I think they was happy with that language so all right we got uh the MLA Town planner uh you pass the budget today so I could send that off to uh the fact that you have going to present the planning budget with the provisions that we needed to comply with the m that to map pois it and they probably hopefully they'll have something back to us at the next meeting to sign okay you go to advertis they they'll go out to advertise at that point everybody was waiting on the uh funding determination from both sides and yeah we just got to wait for town meeting but it's okay they can go out and advertise by the time we get anything and then you guys screen and all of that stuff candidates and all of that will be by town meeting so y we'll have to go ahead at that point right y all right very good here we we have uh DPW new highest vacant water positions Josh Dello and David gford I had a conversation with Mr manad DPW director Miss Kathleen Silva and this is a a two needed positions they're currently funded in the water um account so Josh Dello to replace the open position that was recently vacated by Justin Ms his position is fully funded and fiscally 25 budget Dave Giver to replace the open position that John Westgate held but has retired in the past year the DPW has been lucky to keep John in the water department to complete all water testing as necessary the plan is that have Mr gford replace Mr Westgate the the salary changes will allow a small portion of the salary to carry to keep Mr Westgate on board to train Mr gford to do all the paperwork for water testing and things of the like and you know introduce them to the folks up at d y that sweet agency um so he'll get acclimated that way and we'll figure out how long the board can decide how long we want to keep Mr Westgate on based on how well Mr gford um trains and progresses with his training and we'll figure out what we need to do right and we can let him go into retirement for good so is there a motion to appoint Josh Dello and Dave gford to the water department show move second all those in favor all right um Town administrators report Mr Kelly it's all the budget that's all I've been doing I know I get it it's uh it's crazy but so Mr Leon oh uh one one quick announcement uh the annual open enrollment for health insurance is starts on May 1 and it continues to May 24 okay we don't qualify but uh I just take the opportunity to make sure that all our employees know we are sending out uh a communication to all employees that are eligible I just want you selectman's announcement I want to thank the board of selectman you approved the board of selectman's budget with my um part time Town Administrator assistance position so thank you guys very much for just joking just joking I'm I'm trying to like kill some time it's 4:40 Miss leony said she can't make it till 5:00 she said she'll put a sign up so she'll be here shortly all right is there a motion to recess second all those in favor now back from recesses their motion to reconvene so move second all those in favor and Miss Leon the town clerk is here to join us for a couple of issues for elections and election hours we will discuss election our reduction her proposal first welcome Mr bnie hello thank you for having me um as you all know the election is scheduled for May 18th um and what you people may not know is that we do not have any contested races um the only other time that this has ever happened since I've been here uh was back in 2020 during covid and um we did reduce the hours um down um what I did was I kind of gave a a comparison there's a couple of reasons that I recommend us reducing the hours typically it would be 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. um not first of all it's always a struggle to get um election people and I do have to say the senior center has been very helpful in referring people over um it's a long day for people specifically if no one is coming in if it's going to be very quiet um we did see with the 2020 we did not have a lot of traffic most of the ballots were processed through early voting which was through the mail uh so I recommend the reduction of the hours um for that reason um and also it's a cost savings um it may not be huge but right now we're we're looking at every penny that we have and if we can save $2,000 on an election or $3,000 on an election that's the town's better for it um my my proposal originally was to go down to 6 hours because I thought that that was the minimum hours that we had to be open um but I found out that after covid it is a minimum of 4 hours that we can be open so I did the calculations um I did um if we were open regular scheduled uh the cost of now keeping keep in mind this is only payroll not anything else not the electric or the heat at the school anything like that um it cost us roughly $5,060 to run the election um if we were to close the polls at 2:00 which was my original proposal um we would save uh just about a little under $1,500 if we close the polls at 12 and did 8 to 12 um we would be saving roughly uh $2,200 so in the grand scheme of things it may not mean much um but with vote by mail we have picked up so many more people that are now voting by mail or that they've requested a ballot um I have already sent out Precinct one and we are getting so far a a fairly good response back and I just sent them out on Friday um so that's hopeful um one of the things that I did mention to the chairman earlier is uh if people know that there's no one on the ballot they're less apt to want to go out and vote because they know that the it's only the incumbents that are on the The Ballot or if it's a new candidate they're not running AO un opposed I'm opposed so uh with that said you mentioned you had some comments I did because when we first talked I was like you know what I I this is the last Saturday for Town elections that's correct right right and then I started thinking about it when I was home getting ready for the meeting and I started thinking about it and I was like well if this is the last time for Saturday and I'm I'm fine with the 8 to 2 right changing those hours from 8 to 2 from the 8 to 6 I think it makes a lot of sense 6 hours instead of the you know 10 hours whatever is right yeah so I said you know what that makes sense but then we talked had a conversation about the 8 to 12 and I started thinking about it and I'm like wait a minute there's there's a lot of people that don't do vote by mail and there's a lot of people that do work 7 to noon on Saturdays yeah so I I would be shutting those people out on their ability to vote and I just don't feel like that's the right decision to make For the Working Families that want to go vote and they're going to show up at 12:30 quarter of 1 and everything's close so with that said Pam I just thought about it from that standpoint and I said you know what I think 8 to2 is fair yeah um but I I don't want to shun anybody out and take away their right to vote on the last Saturday that we're going to have elections because it's going to town meeting changes to Tuesdays I believe uh yes Tuesdays the last April last last Tuesday in April last Tuesday in April yeah so this is the last Saturday or I'm good with 8 to two but I I I firmly believe there are probably going to be some people I could be wrong but I don't want to be that person that takes away their right to vote for the work for the working family right right let me also add in one thing that sometimes gets forgotten with this vote by mail and early voting that there is still absentee voting that can still be done in our office up until 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election the message is getting out there yeah I guess so no the message no the message is just getting out late right we're May 1st is tomorrow right so you're only talking a couple of weeks away and I just for the last Saturday Rodeo like I I'm I'm great with the 8 to2 um but I just don't want to hurt anybody take away their right to vote I I think you know I'm I'm against those mailin ballot things right I I understand the early voting for people that are doing different things with this schedule the oppsite T B things like we used to have but this mailin thing it's costing us I think you two election budgets of regist as in town elections I think I read it off it's up 33 $33,000 yeah yeah for all because of Elections on it's basically an unfunded mandate from the state right all this this mailing crap and they're not funding it so um I don't know I'm just not a fan of mailing votes right yeah early voting oppsite like we've always had great but other than that I I think in my personal opinion I think staying the two is fine okay I am good with with either one with any of them uh I just I know that things are six doesn't make sense anymore on a Saturday right no I'd be the first to tell you and I think any one of us that stood out there on a Saturday yeah um you know after the 3:00 you know you might you might have a few stray people walking through but you're basically standing there talking to yourself because there's nobody really coming through the doors right right and that was with contested races correct so imagine without without um yep I get it 8 to2 I'm fine if if that's fine with the bo yeah 8 to2 makes sense to me and just to touch base on that I know it's uncontested but as somebody who spent my entire adult life working on Saturdays a couple extra hours even if it's uncontested I'm the guy that always showed up and voted for the uncontested races just to vote that's fantastic and there's a lot of people that do feel that way whether it makes sense we'll find out on that Saturday I guess but I I I'd have to agree with the 2m okay y I just wanted to put the options do you need a motion from this board yes is they a motion to have Miss leani hold the Saturday elections May 18th 2024 from 800 a to 2 PM so moved second all those in favor hi okay okay thank you now this warrant is good that warrant is good yes yes so now I'm going to take you over to the annual Town election warrant agenda item from Miss Leon um in the name of the Commonwealth you hereby required to notify and one the inhabitants of the Town who are qualify to vote in elections to vote out Precinct one aush Elementary School A8 under Middle Road Precinct two aush Elementary School 8 under Middle Road Precinct 2 A kushna Elementary School 800 Middle Road Precinct 3 A kushna Elementary School 800 Middle Road on Saturday the 18th day of May 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. for the following purposes to cast their votes in the local election for the candidates for the following offices local offices selectman one opening 3 years assessor one opening 3 years Board of Health one opening 3 years school committee one opening 3 years Commission of trust funds one opening three years Commission of trust funds one opening for the remainder of unexpired terms set to expire April 29th 2025 planning commissioner one opening 5 years planning commissioner One open for the remainder of the unexpired term set to expire April 20 8 2026 Cemetery board one opening three years Trustee of free public library one two openings three years part commissioner one opening three years Housing Authority one opening five years is that all you need Miss leani yes I would like to add in if there is anyone that is interested in uh writing having a wrin campaign for any of the openings that I asked that they please give me a call um or stop by the office uh last year I believe it was last year we had an individual that um attempted to run a sticker campaign but had not contacted my office and unfortunately the stickers that she was using were not compatible with our machine so we had to tell her to that we couldn't accept them um so if we can talk about it beforehand I can make sure that if we're doing a writing campaign and we're going to do stickers that they're the proper size to for the ballots so you could I mean you can do a right and if you have 10 people both for you you're in right right the other thing that you need to be wary of is if there are two people in town with the same name and I'll use actually both of you um if somebody just put Kevin gaspa or Bob hinley um we can we can assume that they're voting for one of you um but it could be that your son or you know another family member that has the same name um wants to vote too I didn't vote for him I voted for his dad yeah okay I did juice yeah so I'm just making sure that you have the full candidate name and if there's someone else in town with that name that you use their address as well so can we have a vote yeah is there a motion to approve the warrant so moved second all those in favor all all right thank you very much gentlemen thanks Pam okay appreciate it thanks P all right so gentlemen we've gone through everything on the agenda I'll run back to selectman's announcements if the board has anything Mr inkley uh still digging in on the solar project um involved in the fire station okay to make sure what they it's called the schedule Z it's the form that allows them to do their solar system and connect it with the grid um so I'm waiting to find out how many leer numbers are attached to it and that'll give me a little bit of a better idea and when I get some info I'll update you okay excellent Sil W uh this past weekend for Haven a cushion at uh Youth Baseball had their grand opening again just a fantastic job by the league Chad and Matt Pont but really Mike Ashley who keeps that uh field that whole complex um it is by far the best uh bball Park in the whole area I mean it's absolutely incredible everybody just Raves about it so thank you Mr Ashley thank you Mr wer for representing the board of selectman unfortunately that week I had a conflict in my schedule last minute one that I could not change so I appreciate your attendance there as well all right no further business by the board motion to adjourn move second all those in favor all right you're now jour [Music] [Music]