[Music] i' like to call this meeting to order it is uh 6:30 on May 28th this is a meeting of the zoning board of appeals um can I get a motion to open make a motion that we open the meeting second all in favor so moved um first order of businesses we do have the meeting minutes from April 16th and actually it's the five of us who were present at that meeting so um I don't know if you've had a chance to look over the meeting minutes for April 16th if there's any questions or if we can get a motion to approve them as printed motion to approve second we have motion a second all in favor I unanimous so moved um we handle any new cases at the end of the meeting we're going to jump right into the first case under new business case number 20245 28a case of Wendy and Alexander barrows of 23 Mor Lane will petition the board to convert a family house to a two family dwelling on a lot with a minimum of 3,000 s ft the request is being made under the provisions of section 3.34 B4 um this Mr or Mrs Barrow here I am do you have the floor and the podium 30,000 you might say three did you say three me 30 is that what he said yeah it's 30,000 30,000 sorry 30,000 foot long I stand corrected just just misread that but um yeah the lot says for 30,000 or more which I do believe they have um so Alexander barl Homeowner of 23 Morris's L Kush 743 um been there for about 15 years just looking to uh add on a in-law suite for my mom I think the total square footage is about 900 900 okay I don't know if um the building department explained it to you or if you've looked at the bylaws um but construction of a two family is not allowed in town um what you can do is convert one and that's what you've applied for but your plans show you're constructing the the B laws clearly State the conversion of a one family house which has been in existence for two years or longer two of two family is allowed by special permit of the board of appeals but you're not supposed to be you're supposed to just be altering the the home not constructing the additional dwelling or [Music] unit else for an inlaw apart which is yes and no he's not applying for an in-law the in-laws are are different you you can construct the in-law but with the in-law you you you're shot on Space you're only allowed to build to 25% so that you can do you can build a building 25% of what you have now and have an accessory structure but the conversion from a single family to a two family is within the construction that exists so you can't you can't add on to it you can't add on to it I'm not telling you you can't put an addition on your house you can but you can't put an addition on your house to add a dwelling unit Why is it why why is the building inspector putting this this in this well dirting this this way I'm I'm not sure if there was uh miscommunication between you or um if if you just got because I interpreted I had asked him should we go in accessory building he says no you're better off going this way okay well the accessory building they're two different kind of animals one you're very restricted to the size of the two units like let's say you have a a colonial and it's got 2,000t per floor it's a 4,000 ft home or something you could like keep the house just the way it is and use the first floor as one unit second floor is another and say add a a bathroom or a kitchen or you know and add this the services you need to split up your your electrical in that then it becomes a tenement house well that's what you're asking for is a tenement house a two family that that's that's exactly what you asked for as as a two family the in-law setup is very restrictive on the size it's limited to 25% so that's which 25 25% of the ex IST which is 1800 1900 that's what you have now so you could have a 450 square foot is tiny thing yeah that that's the town doesn't want two families so the the laws are written so that you can get what you want which is to add an in-law apartment but it not to the extent where it's a whole two family and you're trying to have something that later down the road can be rented you can bring other families into have two families kids in the house that puts a burden on on the town and quite frankly if two families were allowed most of us would put an addition on the house and have somebody in it the reason now we you know get rid of a lot of our tax bill and you know share the bills type of them 25% can the 400 can the square footage of the addition new addition add to that again not really if it's not already there I just I go by a house every day on Middle Road they just put a whole addition on for a family okay I'm I'm not sure of the the one on on middle we did last year I did the job okay it was on Middle Road 188 Middle Road it's a whole addition we put a whole addition on with with a bathroom kitchen orw okay it's yeah are they are they you put it on did they comply with the 25% no they I don't know what they did I didn't come to the meeting they I had nothing to do with this portion of it I can't tell you what somebody did without our knowledge I can tell you that if a big addition if we small addition it's for a whole family it's a big addition I this is just going to be for me I I believe you're talking 188 cross from Whit I believe you talking about over by whites yes so I forget so so I know the home they they have a fairly big home they put an addition on the home and added space for an in-law yeah yeah it's a full it's a full house it's got a bathroom kitchen bedroom correct unit with kids there got to be two or three bedrooms in if it came through here it complied with the 25% I I can't remember I remember the case I remember approving it but it was like a year and a half ago I want to say they just finished it well I know but I think we a year and a half and they have a year to build so it could have been two years ago but I can't remember the details but I can't remember how much of it was new did they convert some part of it I can't remember they moved the garage there was a a garage on the house they took the garage off and moved it aside and that's where they put the addition cuz I know the people that live yeah yeah I can't remember the it's been a while like the one right around the corner hin yeah one over it's one over from that but I can't remember all the specifics I it's no different than what they want to do no no different well I I don't know about that I'd have to go back and look at my plant I keep them all and I I can go back look at we we I don't know what you built and I don't have the plans in front of you the plans for us to approve it would have had to been with the the part that is used for the in-law is 25% of the rest and they're dwelling and that you can and that as you said you can build with the in-law apartment there's no problem with constructing it and then getting the you know the thing there's no 2-year delay there's no conversion you can con constructive but it does have to meet the 25% in that you could get a small variance we've done them for like 30% but very small there isn't a waiver you can I can't get a waiver I can't apply for a waiver well that's what you're applying for okay you're applying for a special permit but we have guidelines for our so if they put an addition on they can't just put can they put a bedrooms with bathroom correct but they can't put a kitchen in no you can have two kitchens that's an inlaw apartment you can have a full apartment do a full apartment too 400 foot I put in a I put a the house I just moved out of I put an in-law apartment it's in F Haven okay I put an in-law apartment 440 Square ft okay for one person a tiny tiny bathroom a semi kitchen it's not even a kitchen a bedroom where she can only put a twin bed and one beer Row in m and that's it yeah that's for you can do that and you can do that I can't live in a place like that well you can increase the square footage of the home also I I there's not an issue we're not limiting the size of your home we just limit the comparability you have to have you know the house has to be or the dwelling unit that you're adding the accessory can only be 25% of the house and you can't add the 450 to the 18 it has to be yeah you're probably not far off but it it's got to be there you've got to build it and then come in for the accessory if it's not there I mean if it's there on paper I guess we're good with it as well but yes it's 25% so now you let's just say you're at 18 and you were looking for 500 that'd be 23 the quarter of that might be 550 so it might be a little bit more you can get out of it again the building Department you know does the math for us on that and and lets us know that yes it complies with 25% or no it doesn't you know as long as it complies it is just a just like you're asking for today a special permit it's not a variance it's not hard to get but it does have to comply within the guidelines just like the two family the the guidelines for the two family say the conversion of a one family house which has been in existence for two years or longer to a two family is allowed by special PR this isn't something that's there do you have the exact numbers for square footage on on my uh residents in front of you if it's on your plan I do or if you put it on the uh we don't have your building permit application we only have we only have the application is that is that including the garage no living area yeah it says 272 ft right on 2 72 on the application it says 2072 so 500 but let's just say that you increased it by the 500 that would roughly give you 125 more so somewhere around the 600 squ and what is the size of the addition they're looking for 9 9 900 so you're about 1 and a half times if you were you know a few feet over we could do a variance and a special permit but not for 50% more 20 25% more of 2072 is 518 just to have an idea what the 25 is 518 if it's 2072 um so what what we can do upon your requests we we don't we don't tell you what to do we're here for you um we can continue it if you want so you don't have to stop from scratch we can dismiss it so you can just like you would never hear we can deny it because it doesn't fit the thing or you can request uh a continuance and you can alter your plans with the help of the building department that may make it fit within the guidelines of the in-law apartment versus the two family conversion can I asked you a question um we were going to put a a hallway so that way we wouldn't be sharing a wall that would that would be part of the dwelling certainly yep if if you're both using that that brings it to 900 you can you can certainly but you can you can add that to the square footage to the square footage of the home instead of to your okay yeah that actually helps you so all I have to do is say all they have to do is say we're going to pay to put a hallway and that's it well you have to show us the plan of what you're going going to build and it has to comply with the 25% the well they they don't right now we already know they don't no they don't comp I'm telling you if you you'd like to continue this and make your plans comply for the 25% and change it to a um in-law apartment versus a two family I don't think we have a a problem approaching it that way because it's in this as far as I'm concerned it's in the same characteristics of what we're here for everybody you know I don't see any abuts here but if they were you know they would get what we're doing we're not we're not trying to uh circumvent anyone from coming in the the difference between the two family or the um in-law apartment I think it's less intrusive so I don't have a problem allowing you to continue if you want to try to work the plans out to make them work or you can just ask us to dismiss without any Prejudice and you can come back when you're ready but that that's with you do that you have to repply we have we have a case next month so we're going to be here anyways so you know you have three or four weeks to you know give us a sketch of something that complies and bring it to the building department if he tells us this Falls within the 25% we you know we can move forward with that with the assessory Department ask go to Board of Health right so he does with anything okay well B help we okay it's a four bedroom system they only have c three so good with B help yeah that that needs to be approved by the building department and separate and yeah so there's really no more steps it's just right now the two family thing doesn't work in your situation the accessory may but not with the size of the structure you want and the plans you're submitting but if you can shrink it down and or add more space to the house and and show us on paper that you you meet the rule you know we can we can take a another look at that next month okay thank you sir thanks we're g I have to have you formally request an extension yeah it's using this is there another issue no no no that's just a square footage yeah the bo yeah yeah that doesn't include a basement all right so at this time I'll I request an uh continuation is there a motion I'll make a motion continuation second Motion in second all in favor so moved um if you hang around uh just one minute we can give you a date they want to that's right I don't know good point June 18th would be the the regular third Tuesday to get back on schedule if that's okay with [Music] everybody goes for June 18th would be the regular third Tuesday to get back on schedule um signate you keep one and both the barrows and the general public our meeting next month in June will be June 18th same time 6:30 and hopefully in the same room but if it's in another room in the building we'll we'll let you know thank you okay that is our only appointment this evening um so we we did um post for executive session just to go into quickly to discuss the pending case we have um so at this time um I guess no matter what we should rejourn um in Open Session to close after we're done so I'm just going to ask uh for a motion to um suspend the Open Session temporarily and go into execu session I make a motion to uh suspend the open meeting and go into executive session is there a second second okay I to do that I need a roll call vote Mr White Mr Mr Whitehead yes I yes and myself so we are in executive session executive session and I just want to discuss an open session um what we can discuss and uh I do need a motion to uh reopen back into Open Session make a motion to reopen second session we have a motion and second all in favor so we're back in Open Session I just want to say that during um executive session we did take a unanimous vote to um make sure and ask that Town Council is representing us properly in the the case before us and that we stand behind our actions and we we as a board agree we have no wrongdoing and ask the town and Town Council to support us on that and to do whatever they have to do to uh protect the town and this board and we voted unanimously on that in executive session um the next thing is um we just have a little bit of paperwork to clean up um regarding uh clerk K Costa um I signed as chairman on this um there was an issue with um the amount of pay um I believe it is uh come to my attention that the pay was incorrect um dating back a year year and a half maybe maybe two um we signed paperwork back then but I guess there's problems because we didn't maybe do it as a board I signed it as it and I believe that all the boards signed it back then two years ago but maybe we signed it without addressing it as a public vote um so you've all got the paperwork you all know that um there's a there's a small discrepancy in the amount you all see the amounts I don't think we should discuss them in Open Session here but um again this is based on the job description that the union provides to us it's not something that we've made up in our head this is what um the previous Clerk in the selectman's office told me was supposed to take place uh based on her and the um Town Treasurer saying that you know this is the according pay I just want you guys to uh ratify with me that um this is correct and we need to we need to get it corrected in the payroll office is there a motion yeah I make a motion to uh accept the correction okay second a second all in favor so move so car just if they have any more issues come back to us tell us exactly what they want said but um what we'll do is we'll we'll I'll initial this paper here I have a memo and uh we'll initial that that we voted to approve it as a board and hopefully you can get it clear up um there is no further business other than we do have a new case pending for next month we do have a case continued for next month um hopefully they can get some plans and make that work for them um so the date for next month is June 18th um unless anybody has any other business I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I'd like to make a motion that we adjourn till June 18th second second motion a second all in favor we are adjourned [Music] [Music] w