##VIDEO ID:GNHBuMBBtgk## [Music] okay good evening welcome everybody it's 6:30 September 24th 2024 we're in a selectman's meeting room with a scheduled uh board of appeals meeting I'd like to call this meeting to all can I get a motion to open make a motion second we have a motion a second all in favor I okay first item our business this evening is to approve the minutes from the August 27th 2024 meeting is there a motion I make a motion to approve as written second we have a motion a second all in favor I I will abstain just as I wasn't here at that meeting but we have four and the motion passes the the minutes are approved um we do have a little bit of meeting mail um I don't think we've got to get into it but you guys have it in front of you it's listed here as the uh two different case numbers um the 326 uh the actual the second the second uh part of this meeting me the first one's just uh stuff from the lawyers so we don't have to go over it but the second thing here that we have regarding this uh old case number 22309 26a um we've got a letter here from Schneider de vinion and Leone in corpor uh to the board of appeals it's requesting a 6month extension for variants the site is 14 ol Vera Avenue the applicant is Robert Boer Ryan ran I'm sorry it does say Robert here but thank you Ryan so you are here this evening and it does say it here so that's just typo one that's actually uh on Deion's letter that they typed it wrong not not our office my apologies I do believe they have uh more mistakes on that letter because they said they're looking for an extension of the variance decision issued on September 28th 2024 and of course that's about a week away so I do have a copy of the um original letter from the town clerk on May 20th 2021 uh saying that no notice of appeal was received within the 20-day period after receipt and recording by me of notice from the board of appeals um so this decision was gone through we did approve it on January February March on April 20th 2021 um am I looking at the same is you 23 same why did you say 21 what do you have there see okay that's in the letter what does it say 2021 my no it was appealed uh the 28th of last year September 28th of last year okay I do I do have another one okay my my DEC my decision was April 2021 the cell tower so bet you oh all right I got the wrong stuff mixed in here my apologies okay okay that's why so all right this was January 28th 2021 and you got this October 19th 2023 state that there's no okay this booken page that's nothing this decision was October 20 October 19th 2023 that's when your time that's when your time stops it so I guess the only question we have um we did Grant you the the variance so why haven't you begun you want to step up to the podium and announce yourself you can explain what's going on here that's just last I'm Ryan Boer um times right now with interest rates and the election to be honest with you depending on who wins it's not good time for me to pull that crate out of my house and uh and build an addition okay very good exactly nailed it um so you're looking for a motion to extend another what they looking uh for an extension of 6 months I I'm looking to get as long as I can but uh six yeah they we can't really do these things in definite um the rules change the bylaws change people's attitude and perspectives change yeah so you're giv the 2 years so that after that um you know you can start over I don't have an issue with uh 6 months I I so it's only been one year my uncle telling me that state law says that is only the variance is only good for one year and that's why I'm back cuz when I originally pulled this I I thought I was under the impression I had 2 years so talking to the town clerk today she told me you have two is so um I'd like to just cover both the resident and ourselves and tell him he has one more year a year and a whether it's with an extension or by right we're going to give him two years from the original date I make I'll make a motion on that give you a two years from original date because the conflict with G you instead of giving you a year and a half we'll go from two years from the original date and we'll we'll vote on that you're looking for a six Monon extension according to the engineer um it sounds like this is only one year old we're going to give you two years from from the original Daye according to the town clerk I spoke to today that's what you should have anyways if that's not the case we're going to make sure by our vote this evening that you do is that a make a motion as a second we have a motion and second all in favor all right you have a unanimous decision thank you for your time guys appreciate good night am I good to go yeah I don't think you need anything because again I think you're covered if you're not do me a favor just check in with the town clerk next week she's not in the office this week my uncle had me go there and sign something the other day okay do it again she'll she'll know that we voted this so if you need extra paperwork Carl will provide it to her but she'll let us know what she needs okay all right thank you for your thank you very much all right moving on we have a new Case Case 2024 0924 a the case of vertex Towers LLC represented by pery Law Associates who's petitioning the board for a special permit and variance for construction of a wireless communication Tower located at 112 break L Acushnet owned by the thrall Family Trust this request is being made under the provisions of section 3.3 C10 and 3.31 E4 I could be wrong but I believe this is more or less the same thing that the time ran out that great um again my name is Francis pry representing vertex Towers we were here in April of 2021 seing that's the one I have in front of me EX l a special permit and a variance to construct a cell tower at 112 Quaker Lane um the board approved it in April 21 due to circumstances beyond our control mainly the pandemic and supply chain issues we weren't able to build it in time um and mine expired uh because it's more than two years so April of 2023 it would have expired correct um so we are here tonight um and in speaking with the building inspector and the town clerk we filed a new application we notified a bu and uh put the ad in paper and all that stuff but it's it's really the exact same application so we're really just seeking a 2-year extension um uh we should be able to build it next year but uh um uh really nothing has changed with the project since the the last time the board approved it I got lots of pictures I know you all weren't here two years ago um so we did approve this three years ago three no 21 no 21 so three years ago thank you over three years ago so again a lot you weren't here um we did approve it this was a fairly easy one we didn't have opposition to this one um because it is so far off the road and out back where I definitely saw that um where where this one Falls or anything or view um at the time there was no opposition um this did have to go back to all the abuts because it is a new application I don't see anybody else here to speak but again you guys weren't here so I want to give you full opportunity to ask any questions you have of the appan yeah no I the biggest concern I had and he's showing it right now and it's where the street is there's the lane that comes down with the last couple of residents you see on the left and then the tower site is down yeah right there and just looking at my overhead view I'm seeing that's probably a quarter of a mile at least away from any house and that's just a big thing for me I can you want and it's on the plans but yeah we're we're way back uh and and we're not um the there's a a Farm Road that comes off the um cler lane and then goes back and he's got a barn back here and then he's got a continuing Road and so we're really not even building an access driveway it's all built out for us already right so it's a my perspective it's an easy build um got to bring some utility poles back there but um but they're already off the street so yeah there's one G garage it looks like to the right he got a big bar in the garage right no on the other side of the tower on the other lane that that this down behind the horse farm they live on the um property so he's talking about but is on the other side right over there that's a huge look like a commercial there's a lot going on back there that coming that's coming back towards correct yeah that almost a well if you go through Quick Lane you go the bottom of that picture is yeah against Gilmore's Tower Gil in the back of Gilmore's Fields little better picture there one Tower was one Tower is that's on the thr side so that's going to be pretty close to that Tower my understand that Tower came down is it yeah it's gone is it yeah yeah we're still standing at the last at the last time when we were here we were talking about that hasn't been used in years we talked he didn't want it so uh he just to the throw balls but uh that that tower that that Tower was right here okay we're just going we're just going here again I I did review this application it is the same application as it was back then um it it's a good spot for according to everything I remember then and we didn't have any opposition I don't see any here this evening I don't um again any questions you have but it it it ripped at the time has any questions I see no point in not renewing that for the two years I make a motion on well this is just a new new application so you have a form a decision all you got to do is redate it and a motion to make that the new two-year permit the motion would just be to approve this variance again and umal this is both a special permit and a and a variance for the height exective yep I make that motion second we have a motion we have a second all in favor thank you very much thank you I have a 38 page slideshow if you guys want to yeah I've seen it good than big packet going over it th holy okay so um if you can just sign I'm going I don't have my phone on me did somebody tell me the third Tuesday oh is there any case for next month there is not any complet so we don't have to take up a date at this time [Music] um we probably won't have a meeting in October because there's nothing in now unless it comes in within the next uh few days and then um you know we'll probably go for the third week of November which it be before the holidays okay that being said um in a second all in fav [Music] [Music] oh