[Music] afternoon today is Monday June 24th it's 400 p.m. this the meeting of the ACC Board of Selectmen is there a motion to call the meeting to order so move second all those in favor I uh this meeting will be audio and video recorded please stand for the pledge of allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance flag the uned United States America for stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay we do have an appointment that we will get to at 5:00 pm so we will start with new business uh we have to do our annual appointments bear with us I'm going to read the committee the name and we'll go right through them uh first up agricultural commission Richard Miranda is there a motion to appoint so moved second all those in favor I agricultural commission alternate Thomas Whitehead is there a motion to appoint so move second all those in favor American Disabilities Act coordinator Andrew babola Building motion to appoint second all those in favor I Animal control officer inspector Rebecca Tomlinson motion to appoint second all those in favor I anal control officer assistant an esbrook motion to appoint second all those in favor I beautification committee Eric James Kelsey janick you're going to do Eric James Kelsey janick Janine Perry and Nancy FES motion to Point second all those in favor I bicycle and pedestrian Safety Committee Lori Bates Eric James and Cheryl Hall motion to appoint second all those in favor I I board of appeals Robert Brown chairperson motion to appoint second all those in favor I board of appeals alternates we have two Jeff White and Kevin Smith motion to appoint second all those in favor I uh Board of selectman administrative assistant we have Tanya tar and Sydney VES motion to appoint second all those in favor I bylaw Review Committee one two three four five of them Robert Brown Mark Francois John HT Robert Hinckley and Pamela labante motion to appoint second all those in favor I Community preservation committee from the park Department Chad lir motion to appoint second all those in favor I Community preservation committee Kathy Murray motion to appoint second all those in favor I Conservation Commission Eric de baros motion to appoint second all those in favor I Constable Joseph C ladimer motion to appoint second all those in favor I Council on agent board of directors Council on agent Board of director board of directors pette Hudson Mo to point second those in favor I uh cultural Council we have a multiple Britney Batello Kelsey janic Simone Dalton and Charlene Korea motion to appoint second all those in favor all right Mr chairman yes sir we're we're appointing Simon Dalton for a oneyear term I spoke with our office I spoke with v Leon she can only be appointed for a one-year term you can only serve two consecutive terms okay okay uh Deputy building inspector Nathan darling Mo to point second all those in favor I wire inspector Frank Knox motion to app Point second all those in favor wire inspector Deputy Doug Corgan motion to appoint second all those in favor election member regist jeie G Susi motion to appoint second all those in favor I EMA director Thomas Farland motion to appoint second all those in favor I EMA deputy director Ed Karen motion to appoint second all those in favor enforcement agent for the board of Selectmen Andrew babola building inspector motion to appoint second all those in favor I all right uh finance committee to the chairperson first Mike Michael RB motion dual point second all those in favor I the remaining members we have Peter beroy Eric Chu and Susan M Delgado motion no point second all those in favor hi golf management and operational committee we have John Aber Jr Robert Ferrera David Flynn Manuel gouard and Edward Isaac motion to appoint second all those in favor I historical commission we have mateline gush and Richard gush motion to appoint second all those in favor I inspector of garages Thomas Fireland police CH uh fire chief motion to appoint second all those in favor I Insurance advisory committee retiree design Suzanne peard motion to app second all those in favor I moth superintendent inspector of test control Daniel manard motion to appoint second all those in favor all parking Officer James Kelly motion to appoint second all those in favor I portable sign committee Andrew Bola motion do Point second all those in favor I sealer of weights and measures Theodore Machado motion to appoint second all those in favor I shellfish Warden Harbor Master Robert madus motion to appoint second all those in favor I Soil Conservation board Robert Hinckley Kevin Gasper Senor and David wer motion to appoint second all those in favor I special police officer for New Bedford Waterworks Daniel manard motion to Second all those in favor I Ser to representative David Warner motion to appoint second all those in favor uh Street naming committee we have Thomas barin and Christopher Richmond motion to appoint second all those in favor I tax title custodian Jennifer garant motion to appoint second all those in favor I interim Town accountant Judith Mooney motion to appoint second all those in favor I Town Treasurer collector Jennifer garant motion to appoint second all those in favor assistant Town Treasurer collector col Moro motion to Appo second all those in favor I Mr Kelly on the next one here do we have to do that that as an interim no no veteran service officer Bradford fish motion to appoint second all those in favor I uh then we have the weers at tilon Capaldi PJ keing Nancy Franco claudo moo Jen olera Bryant robero Hugo Pereira and Lenny K motion to app Point second all those in favor all I completes our yearly approv uh chairman if I if I could just take a second we have a veteran service officer here Brad Fish I just want to thank Mr Brad fish for uh expressing his interest in being a full-time veteran service officer for the town of Acushnet and stepping up to the plate when we had that vacancy so to you Brad thank you very much for your service um and thank you for your continued service to our veterans absolutely we appreciate the fact that you jumped right in and there was very little to no lack of attention to our veterans in town so we appreciate you and I'd like to thank the board and the TA for uh having the trust in me to actually give me the job I appreciate that absolutely thank you sir thank you next up we have deficit transfers review of matters presented votes may be T taken uh Mr Kelly you like to run through this sure uh this is the typical at the end of the year the May June transfers cover estimated Department departmental deficits I've worked with the uh Town accountant and this is what we consider the best solution uh I'm asking that for the legal deficit of an estimated 87,000 which we've looked at the bills outstanding for uh KP and for other uh legal Consultants that uh we transfer from accounting account number 01 01110 the amount of $887,000 motion to approve second all those in favor I the second uh departmental deficit involves the fire department the fire OT the estimate is 118,00 and then there's the for certain details involving the Apple Peach $225 for a total amount of $1 12,25 now of that we propos to move from various fire accounts the amount of 47,52 to do that internally and then then from the town buildings account number 01011 192 to transfer the remaining 72,5 motion to approve the transfer is in the amount of $12,250 second all those in favor I I I know it's uh gentlemen I know it's a small detail but uh moving forward after considerable conversation um I've discussed with the Apple Peach Festival committee that we will not be able to absorb any more detail cost as everything is rising um and I kind of pointed their committee into a good direction so I think moving forward um I got them in touch with some grants available and some other avenues um so moving forward I don't think we're going to see that anymore um I know it's not a lot of money but you know every little dollar counts in this budget so it was some significant I'll call them donations from Fire EMS as well as police um that would've been forgiven so it's not just a dollar amount that we're looking at now as well so I like to just to thank the fire and EMS and police department for those donations I'll second that all right the next department is the police department the deficits are in place overtime 180,000 Place cash out for buying up uh Cashing Out vacation is an estimated 35,000 Police Academy because we put the people in earlier than we expected 39,800 there's a uh cash out for the chief of 3,000 and town d Tails which part of it is the Apple Peach 5,000 for a total of 262,000 we are proposing to transfer from the Patrol salary account 100,000 and transfer from various accounts the planning department 65,000 the veterans 25,000 technology 25 ,000 Town buildings 25,000 soil board 12,800 and the health department 10,000 motion to approve the inter departmental transfers of $262,800 second all those in favor all right next item on the agenda we have a letter of resignation from the coun on Aging board member Rod berson um dated Wednesday April 10th 2024 Dear Miss Golda and the ACA board of directors I regret that I must resign from my position on the aush Council on Aging board of directors I am doing so because of other commitments and I am often out of town and not available for board meetings I've truly enjoyed serving on the board the ACA offers many valuable regularly scheduled programs and interesting enjoyable events members and particip are very lucky to have a dedicated director of the board of directors I wish you miss goldo well in your position as director at the council I know that the Acushnet senior cent center will continue to be a valuable asset to the town of aush sincerely Gerard bers is our motion to accept letter of resignation motion to accept the letter of resignation from Mr berson with regret second all those in favor I and I think as everybody in this room knows uh Mr berson has served this in many capacities over the years and he is an asset to this town um so I just want to say thank you for all the years of service you gave to us we do have a letter or 52 I was going to say it's 40 plus right been around and done a lot of things done a lot of good things for the community um we do have a letter of interest for a COA board member um Patricia maderi and letter reads Dear Miss gold I'm writing to express my interest in joining the board of directives for the Acushnet Council on Aging as a longtime supporter of the COA I have been impressed by the positive impact that has had in the community and would like to contribute my skills and expertise to further its Mission as a lifelong Acushnet resident I am aware of the vital role the COA plays in the community during my 40 plus years as a registered nurse I had multiple opportunities to interact with the COA staff upon my retirement from a local Visiting Nurse Home Care Agency I worked at the Kush COA as the Outreach coordinator I also worked at Coastline Elder services on an mcoa Grant project most re recently I worked at the association for age women as a beneficiary advocate for older women in the greater new bford area I believe I can assist the COA in achieving its goals I'm committed to the values and mission of the COA and would work to ensure that it continues to have influence in the lives of those it serves thank you for considering me for the aush COA board of directors sincerely Patricia maderi is there motion to app Point second all those in favor all okay all right next on the agenda we have golf DPW offsets review of matters presented votes may be taken um I know Mr Gasper and Mr Kelly worked hard on putting this together [Music] um see here we just need a total 18, I the board should uh approve the uh work scope first and then approve the transfers okay as far as the cart yep is there a motion to approve the cart path work totaling $1,488 129 so move second all those in favor all right and is there a motion to approve the total charge back amount of $8,498 129 to the uh to the highway department line item 04422 in the amount of 11,900 $ 4422 the water department line item [Music] 27445 in the amount of $ 42677 to the sewer line item 64440 in the amount of $2,276 128 that motion's made second all those in favor all right Mr chairman that'll be accomplished by a Jour Journal transfers by the town accountant uh also you might have seen in uh the deficit uh transfers there was no uh deficit for snow and ice uh that will be done through a journal transfer with this amount or other amounts in the DPW budget so where we've had it in the past we didn't need it because we've at this transfer that was done as an offset from the Enterprise account perfect Mr chairman we probably should have the remaining article expenditures from the golf put in front of the board select them for approval as well but I don't think we technically approve those expenditures so I think we should have that I gave a breakdown of the article I have another copy of it I gave it to Sydney I don't know Jamie said he doesn't believe he's seen it but if we have that rest of that breakdown so we can just back out the expense that we back charge for DPW water and sewer and then we'll make the approvals for the remaining C path work on a forward agenda yeah I agree just way we keep that cash gr rate down to all right uh old business we have a vacation carryover request U from Mr Jennifer I have conversation with her um she would like to request to carry over two vacation days for total of 14 hours into fisal year 25 um she explained to me the reason why she wasn't able to take them uh she's been covering some uh personal we had some Personnel that had to take some extended time off so she was doing some coverage and she was also waiting to make sure she could get real estate bills out and was not able to take the time off to make sure bills went out on time um so me personally um once again I always like to make sure everybody really tries to get their vacation days in but um I think this one might be necessary so I'd ask for a motion to approve I've had the same same dialogue with the treasurer Mr chairman so um I make a motion to approve the two days of carry over to be burned in July second all those in favor all uh moving quickly selectman announcements so I would just like for the next agenda I had a conversation with our police chief after his announcement on town meeting floor I asked for um on the next agenda that we have our police chief to come in and explain the assessment center process to the board I think it's um extremely important we get that process going because it will take a couple to several months to complete that task with civil service and it's a little bit lenty process to get Civil Service going um so I've been having some dialogue with the chief on that so if we could do that on the next agenda to get that process going in respect to our police Personnel and the only other thing that I'd like to talk about is Fourth of July fireworks so fireworks are technically legal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and some people that just dumb asses out there that like to do it any random time other than Fourth of July we get Fourth of July is Independence Day it's a celebration day no problems with that but when you're disturbing the peace in the middle of the night after 9:00 p.m. whatever it may be not on Fourth of July with people that have animals small children and some of our War veterans with peace suffer and pdsd um it's very rude to be doing that off the 4th of July day so for those of you that may be doing that stupidly I may say um please stop because it is aggravating a lot of people within our community I've heard from a number of people that have either small children animals or veterans that suffer pdsd so have some respect for your neighbors and please do not light fireworks off other than on Fourth of July if you're going to do it at all thank you Mr chairman um and I have nothing um Mr Kelly um because I'd like to thank everyone who came to town meeting and helped us pass the budget and the various articles including the storm water bylaw it's been a lengthy exercise to get that pass and for the folks sit town meeting I'd like to congratulate them in that they've done a rewrite of the soil bylaw they've done a rewrite of the storm water bylaw and they've uh passed the over 55 zoning that is a tremendous accomplishment and I think everybody who shows up at town meeting should be proud of that agreed um we have to wait for Miss Elder to show up we just do a recess recess motion to recess so second sove second all those in favor all right uh gentlemen um we have an eversource poll hearing petition uh this is a public hearing eversource poll hearing condition wo number 124 57056 to install approximately 7 142 ft of conduit and three new man holes in Wing Lane 322 ft of conduit one new joint owned pole and two new man holes in haway Road these proposed locations are necessary to provide a new circuit installation from eversource Wing Lane station is there a motion to open the public hearing so move second roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes and I am a yes public hearing is now open um Miss Elder uh if You' like to introduce yourself where you from sure representing alaur good evening and thank you for having me this evening um so the petition that was just mentioned we are asking to continue this until September 17th uh along with the other hearing that the other petition that we uh proposed um we're hoping this allows enough time for uh Verizon to address the concerns that you have excellent and we do have the concern so we appreciate that sure no problem thank you thank you you're welc uh is there a motion to continue the public hearing to September 17th at 5:00 p.m. in town hall meeting room which is the room where we in so move second all those in favor thank you very much thank you as well thank you is there a motion to adjourn so move second all those in favor I [Music]