##VIDEO ID:LEUuXiDJeFk## [Music] good afternoon today is Wednesday August 7th 2024 it is 4 p.m. is there a motion to call the meeting to order so Mo second all those in favor I this meeting will be audio and video recorded please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all uh first item minutes for approval we have July 9th 2024 regular meeting minutes motion to approve second all those in favor I all right next one we have a class two used car dealer license review of manner presented votes may be taken all right uh is that you sir yes uh if you'd like to introduce yourself and give us an idea of what you're proposing here he good afternoon afternoon my name is John tvar I'm the current owner of Miami Heat discount fueld and uh applying for a class two license for Ed car dealership at 62 South Main Street street across from the SC Center um I've provided the best I could as far as the uh the proposal to where I could put uh uh maybe be uh able to put six cars there for sale uh I'm not looking for anything extravagant I'm just looking for something to uh help income uh as far as uh help sustain the property um that's pretty much it anything that uh that would that would uh you know that could be done at appreciate it all right so first thing right off the rip before we even dig in too far um I believe there's a lot more information that our building department requires for this like an actual full sight plan charity bonds workings compensation uh you also have to legally state where repairs would be done for warranty purposes if you don't have your own garage you'd have to be a licensed repair facility you'd have to have an actual issued notorized statement from a repair facility saying they're going to work on your vehicles um so there's definitely a lot of information that we need to even consider any of this in general and then there was also some non-conforming use restrictions in town that may hinder it entirely um if I'm not mistaken uh gentlemen any questions yeah Mr chairman if I could yes the the other part of the problem was on the Master General Law chapter section 140 subsection 59 is it's supposed to be a principal place of business so I don't know how you have a principal place of business when you already have multiple businesses on your property so you have Miami Heat you have a wheel polishing yes company out front which by the way does fantastic work thank you um so I don't know how we would be able to get around just having it as a principal place of business right under the statute of law so it's going to be your primary business which I know it's not because you operating two other businesses already on the on the grounds that's that's one of your biggest um issues right so as Mr chairman has spoken to is proof of a bond of equivalent collateral in the amount of $25,000 proof that a 30-day cancellation notice will be sent to the town in the event of the Bond's cancellation a notorized certification or other form of documentation regarding the Dealer's access to sufficient warranty repair obligations proof that the used car dealer ship will be the applicant's Principal business proof that the applicant has available space place of business is suitable for the principal business which may include a description of the premises along with a copy of the Leisa deed any other information that would assist the licensing Authority in ensuring that the dealer is perform of the statutory obligations pursuant the general law 140 subsection 59 there's a lot of things that go along with it there's there's that all of that which I don't think is you could actually get around and then there's also the problem is our zoning doesn't allow used Cod dealerships anymore in the town of aush so that's first and foremost that's a Dead Issue right so if it's not an allowed use in any District anymore there's nothing that we can do and it's not an allowed use as far as I'm aware of in any District anymore I think that was dissolved decades ago okay so they're not they just want allow for me to have it's not an allowed use so we can't no matter what we we if we wanted to we couldn't do it because it's no longer an allowed use right so if it was an allowed use and you weren't in the right District you could go to the special permanent graning Authority which would be zoning board of appeals go in front of them and say it's an allowed use in in the business district I let's just call you in a res I know you're business Village but residential district and they say well it's an allow you somewhere zoning board of appeals would be able to give you that variance the problem with that now comes is the town of aush no longer allows what they call a use variance so you can't even do that anymore either so it's just kind of like killed de in the water okay it is unfortunately our bylaws prohibit use variances right that's been demolished again decades ago right so it's just it's not an allowed use anymore in the town of AET right and we don't allow use variances which you would have to have and end up kind of getting handcuffed at that point yeah and there just the all the criteria I mean I've done a bunch of homework I used to be in the business right auto repair and stuff like that right and it was just almost impossible for me to get my use car license so what I did and I would recommend to you um is try to find somebody who has a used car license if you're that adamant about selling cars you won't be able to do it on your property but you can always try to bot a deal with somebody else that has a used car license and you can buy and sell cars through that individual right and you give them a small car right I mean it's kind of to the side of a question but as far as a repair about a garage like if I wanted to expand the garage a little bit is that the same uh law for that as well four kind of garage like if I wanted to the garage that I'm working out of there now if I wanted to expand and make it bigger would that is that the same no that's totally separate so this this is just about what kind of business you want right and it's not allow used car lot's not allowed anymore right so it if you want to if you want to expand your garage from a 40x 60 to a 40x 80 again you would have to go see the Building Commissioner and see if it's in here his perview as long as you have the right set setbacks and side yard setbacks and things of the like right and then there's coverage of impervious surface and all that I won't bore you with all that but you go see the building inspector and if he denies your building permit then you would have to go to zoning board of appeals you pay like 300 bucks I think to go in front of own Bo of appeals and you ask for a a variance for that cuz your VAR and from the the specifications within the bylaw so you would need a variance very good appreciate your time thank you thank you um guess we'll take a motion to actually I mean this motion is deny at this point motion is deny is there a second second all those in favor right next up uh that time of the year again uh one day liquor license for the Apple Peach Festival for the Lion's Club um gentlemen do this every year um they will require a one-day liquor license to be issued for both days of the Apple Peach Festival uh we got their application on file it's been signed off by the police chief the fire chief and the building inspector I'll make a motion to approve the one-day Lial license for September 7th 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and September 8 10:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. second all those in favor I uh next item this is just um a little bit of an announcement basically uh we are currently looking for people to volunteer for the finance committee specifically out of Precinct one um but we will gladly take any letters of Interest period uh finance committee as you know is probably one of the most important committees in this town um they are the backbone and they help us do our jobs as best as we can so uh if anybody's interested in sending a letter of interest to the finance uh to be on the finance committee preference to Precinct one uh please send it to the board of selectman's office if you don't know what your Precinct is you can reach out to the town clerk and with your address and they can tell you what Precinct you're in and then next up golf committee we have Mr tibbles here uh we'll start by also mentioning that there is a golf committee vacancy as well um position was held by a finance committee member in the past um so I would ask Mr Kelly reach out to any fincom members to see if they're interested but also anybody else in the public that has interest in serving on the golf committee also send letters of interest to the board of selectman um the more involvement we get the better decisions we can make thank you the finance committee U Mr ferrera's been doing it um rest in peace Mr Ferrera but he was only on the golf committee for advisory capacity right so a finance member can't be on any other board of committee unless it's for advisor capacity so um it really you know it's kind of like being a liaz onto although the finance committee always has a liaz on likeo Colony budget committee you know school committee the golf um committee so if we if we have an interesting candidate for golf committee out there with some knowledge of golf and things like that can actually help out that would be great excellent all right next up we have appointment of second assistant to the golf superintendent um that's this I don't have anything on that oh that's what we just got here uh Mr tibles if you don't mind can you just let me know is this a just a replacement of a position that was already filled yes this is a replacement of a position um that we had filled up until I believe was December where the individual in that position went for the job inck so it's not a new position was an existing position that had remained vacant you're a candidate in mind or you're just looking oh you do no I have somethingone in mind actually we just got this today then Mr chairman yes sir Steve can you tell me where in the budget we funded that position cuz I've looked back a decade and we have the assistant superintendent broken out you're obviously broken out the second assistance Falls within within the range of I think what they term in the budget uh golf uh what they call Golf maintenance maintenance employees employees yes so you're telling you're saying to the board that that whatever the it's kind of hard to do this cuz I don't know what the salary is right so whatever that salary well it's it's that's an hourly wage position and if you remember back in January actually on the 18th of January if my notes are correct um there was an approval of a salary range and the second assistant Falls within a 20 to $24 an hour range so that's you're telling me Steve that in it's been always been anticipated in that salary range is being carried in maintenance employees and that yeah I mean it was wasn't the same salary range initially no I understand that carried in that lineup the position's covered in that maintenance position so you you I'm going to use a lack of a better terms is you have $32,000 inside out buying item yes it falls within that $32,000 salary rate do you have that capacity to do within that within that range or within that budget for FY 25 I have the capacity to employ that position and I do know gentlemen that there was a second assistant superintendent in Prior years yeah and this individual I think has some pretty good experience and P yes has a range of the individual being considered has a range of experience not specifically in Golf Course Maintenance as it pertains turf management but he does have experience in in landscaping work um he has has experience uh in uh equipment operation large equipment operation he does possess a hoisting license um and from speaking with that person I I think excuse me I think it's you know uh capable for us to train him on our particular types of equipment and then be able to use his skills other skills in equipment operation in in Escavating and so forth um to help us with some small projects that we undertake or to you know to address issues um that we come across you know in our daily operation that are outside the scope of the equipment that we normally use and this is this a recommendation from the golf committee as well yes they voted in favor of the position welll the the well the position itself had existed the individual um went through um the uh the subcommittee and the subcommittee approved and I believe that I don't know if the subcommittee contacted um yourself uh Mr Kelly or not but um in the meeting um that I had with them uh I presented the information you had before you um we had a we had a discussion and then um I was contacted uh I was basically approved at that point I was contacted next day said they you know can move forward in that regard so references checked out everything yes I call excuse me I called the reference reference and and um I my basic concern with the references was the individual a decent employee did he show up on time did you have any particular issues with that person and the folks that I contacted didn't have any any any such issues said he did a good job working for them while you know while he was still while he was employed under their supervision excuse me any other questions gentlemen yes Mr Kelly the title yes uh is really a management title and you're saying he's an hourly employee yeah well we're all you know even though myself and and and Kevin are listed as you know supervisory Personnel when you look at our the way in which our pay is handled out it doesn't mention anything well that's the Harper system but oh that's just the system you're an exempt employee yes your management and this person is not you're say he's our Tech no not technically at this point no first of all he's got to he he would have he would or she would have a six-month probationary period um prior to that and in the event that you know he was able to assume additional responsibilities he might be given one or two people um under which he would be conducting a project or something um you know where for instance you know cutting new edges on on buckers um you know he would be assigned two people to help do that physical work but he'd be the primary person so in effect he's a forign you could say that yes uh yes Mr Kelly I would uh obviously they need them obviously uh he's an hourly employee according to the description I would like uh I have problems with the title superintendent well it's listen second assistant to the golf superintendent yeah you could say second assistant in training you could say assistant you just say second assistant the reason well the reason I use that nomenclature is because that's what's normally accepted in the business yeah okay understood we just went through that with the first deist I know where you're going with it is I'm not going to advertise it so I would say you want to hold the appointment for two weeks or or just uh is there a problem with calling him uh another title like Foreman no again I used second assistant one because it's nomenclature of the business so is Foreman but also because second assistant was a position that exist call you can call him a lead person whatever you want to call him right lead uh lead Foreman whatever you just a lead person arve in title so they could yeah take it so whatever lead maintenance employee yeah there you go yeah is there a motion to Appo that's what we're calling a lead maintenance employee here we go is there a motion to appoint Nathan denucci as lead maintenance employee so second all those in favor all right so now Mr tibbles will move on to a 60-page document uh want to give us some background on the RFB for the bunker repairs yes we were um actually we've been um going looking into this oh probably for about four or five six months now um initia initiating the process of what particular bunkers we thought would need to be repaired for creating a priority list putting those particular bunkers on the priority list what that document in front of you is is the format through which the bunkers are going to be reconstructed specifying the approach the materials um and other portions of the work as far as timing is concerned and so on and approval of particular stages um we have as you well know the of course is uh in the neighborhood 27 years old and bunkers are usually replaced or repaired anywhere from 12 to 20 years uh especially in the public golfing circumstance where you have a significantly greater number of rounds so we looked at the list uh a list um and we prioritized a the rights one bunker on the seventh hole two on the 10th one on the third and one on the sixth and what we did is um sat down with the architect to get some conceptual ideas of redesigning the bunkers um one of the important things about not only did the bunker work but also um any other type of golf course U uh change or um Improvement or renovation is that it has to meld or fit in with what's existing there so what you really need is someone you know you need a golf course shaper who can can take that shape and what you want to do and fix it or make it fit into what you already have but also significantly being aware of equipment how equipment operates the slopes on which equipment can operate safely and you also have to take into consideration that you have people out there playing golf and you just can't put something in that has an improper slope or an improper design because it's if someone were to become injured or a piece of equipment where to malfunction because of that design you're going to have a issue on your hands so what we do is we speak with the architect the architect gives us takes our ideas puts them down on paper looks at the slopes looks at the angles um present something look at it say okay that's what we we'd like to have or that looks what fits the picture um we're considering things St St excuse me such as stopping wash out and the bunkers from significant rain which contaminates the soil but also making them more playable for our the you know level of range and level of golfers that we have there so that's what that document does it does that to be thorough so when we can you know when we present that to someone they're going to come back with us and they're going to give us their estimate of cost to do that job and really in as far as Golf Course shaping and Golf Course Construction it's not like you know building a building where you're going to have you know 25 30 people maybe look at it uh there's only probably six or seven maybe eight qualified companies in the Northeast you know unless you want to go outside to Florida California and I don't think you really want to go pay so um but that's why it was put together um then the uh we had the Mr Kelly took a look at the specifications and you know the document is a whole MCE of suggestions for changes the changes went back and I you know Tim garish who's our architect who was actually one of the original Architects um of the original architectural team which did the golf course work initially um which I thought would be good because he would be able to blend what we're asking for into what was initially done uh he's also helped us with some other projects on the course and he's also a the architect ch by the National Golf Foundation to contribute to the report that they produce for the golf committee uh Mr Kelly yes uh the town administrator's off office looked at the document as to form to comply with the procurement law we have no real knowledge about anything with gol course decide so what's Mr chairman yes Mr Casper I know there's been some debate back and forth between some of your committee members on whatever this document's doing for Bunker fixing we'll call it and there's some people that are concerned about the high cost of I think it's uh penetrating concrete versus line versus ler bunkers and some people want the expensive $20,000 bunker replacement which is getting out of control versus whatever the other one is is and that one lasts 20 years and whatever I've just heard a bunch of wrong well the the question you're referring to is the lining of the bunkers um which most um most if not all um construction folks will do in some fashion when they re whether they're redesigning or rebuilding the reason for the liner especially in our neck of the woods I mean you know let's face it New England soil is Rocky freeze thaw rocks push up from beneath contaminate the soil and people don't really like to hit rocks off the golf clubs second reason for it is if you use the proper proper insulation using the proper material you can alleviate some of those the washing out on the embankments of the bunkers by preventing the sand from going down one of the best products out there on the market is a material called capillary concrete basically what it is it's a proprietary mix of concrete that's applied by can be applied by by probably two or three in our area maybe two different um contractors um what it does is it puts a thin sheet approximately the height of a hockey puck maybe a little bit higher on the base of the bunker water penetrates through that goes into the drainage system that's designed in the bunker and um exits in the proper location you can have what they call a flashed face a little bit higher with the capillary concrete if you don't have some type of lineer similar to the capillary concrete under the flashed face as soon as it rains all your Sand's in the bottom of the bunker and it takes a significant amount of effort and time to replace once the soil gets into the sand it contaminates it the sand gets hard it doesn't play appropriately so the other thing about capillary concrete I looked at you know I asked about capillary concrete we have one bunker that has capillary Concrete in it already and it's one of the few if not the only bunker on the bloody golf course it doesn't wash out when it gets a 1 to two in rainstorm yes it is a little expensive compared to some of the other liners not significantly so but if you want to have a bunker that's going to last longer drain properly not wash out you're going to have to put some type of liner in it doing the old school way of just packing the bottom with Clay isn't going to necessarily work because the clay itself absorbs moisture and sits there and stays wet doesn't drain properly so you can't cover the the drainage in a bunker with Clay because it's not going to go through into the drain tile so you have to leave the drain tile open which can cause you some additional problems as well as the sand settling into the drain tile and and possibly clogging it up so sure so the question is thanks for that lesson the question the question is is that inside this bid speec it do do are we getting options when they do this guy comes can do with they can they can quote make their quote on capillary concrete or an appropriate substitute of equal or greater quality that can be approved by golf committee architect or what have you ultimately it's support a select because it's a it's a reserve funding that's going to be or tical funding that's going to fund this right well is I would assume so yes Although our current article in place has approximately $1,576 left that needs border of Select approval that needs approval so that's what I'm trying to say is I I'd like to see an option in this bid spec if it's not there I'd like to add that in there where there's something in the bid spec that gives you options of these liners so that we have options right we don't want to just go with a $50,000 bunker replacement if the other one just as good up or almost as good for half the cost right that's what I'm trying to do like it's yeah no I mean you know that can be put in there I believe it's already in there but I'll check and make sure um as I mentioned to the golf committee I mean that you know the days of five and six and seven and $8,000 bunkers and $122,000 bunkers is gone especially when you have to be quoting at prevailing wage if I wasn't prevailing weight I mean right now I mean if you go down the street five or six miles the Country Club of new bed put in a bunker probably for about 10 to 12 grand less than I can or we can in town simply because you're not quoting prevailing wage but that's our current situation based on the cost per bunker so any you know you're probably looking anywhere in the neighborhood of I'd say you know 15 to you know 15 to 20 $25,000 possibly a bunker depending on the amount of earth work and so on so it's not you know it's is not an inexpensive proposition but cheaper to put in the pool like pools well see that's the problem again it's not so much the materials you're using it's the fact that we're Bound by prevailing wage I've could we hire excuse me could we so how long would the project like this take place you know the other thing about the project is to the contractor is required to do from a you know from a to z um and the question that I often get is well can't you hire somebody and you guys do the rest well with the exception of Kevin Perkins after the 28th of uh August you're looking at the youngest guy on the crew after the 28th of August when our our high school students go go back so why don't we no we can't we we are Golf Course Maintenance Personnel we are not Golf Course can do to beat that prevailing wages will just lease the golf course from the month of November to April to Dave wer Enterprises and then he'll hire someone I know whatever whatever works yeah all I'm interested in doing is getting a few of these uh terrible bunkers fixed so golers right I mean c us makes progress but enjoy the course even we need to figure out what you know the finances right we don't just appropriate money and get money appropriated just go out and spend a ton of money and blow all the reserves right we got to be keep keep a cable line on reserves right there was some plan a few years ago was just in 2028 going to have nothing left in reserve that's not happening right buying equipment fixing bunkers there's things that we need to do the things that we need to do we we we have to do um to take care of the course so that we can keep making money right and by the way um I've been out on the golf course not golfing but looking at the bridges um trying to help you out with that situation Steve and I can tell you this that the golf course is always extremely busy and I've gotten a lot of people that is extremely Satisfied by your work and the maintenance staff's work that's the the way the way the golf course is being taken care of and the condition of the golf course excellent job thank you so I just wanted to say that but I just I I've got we got to be careful with the money thing right so well you know it's you you we basically getting older and you know and keep that things are wearing out and if we want to maintain that volume and attract new people we have to make those things appeasing to the people who absolutely do we need to like once we get through this or figure this out can we develop a schedule so like every year there's a bunker being repaired or you know so it's just not well I I've discussed it with with the golf committee numerous times we need to have that type of plan in effect because things wear out and not only that but we also have to understand you know teeing teeing spaces is is too small and some respects not large enough in others these are not you know these are if we have a planned approach to these projects then we won't you know as Kevin referred to be you know just you know pulling it money out of the air because we want to do this that and the other thing I I agree with select I mean I I was going to actually say that we need we need to come up with a plan as Mr woman just AUD to is you know maybe we do get on a plan where we do two a year right maybe it's one a year depending on the cost but let's not commit ourselves to doing all four of them in this plan right let's figure it out what it's going to be well that's the idea I mean the you know the the the bunker on the third hole is basically a disaster that there's not much I can do with I don't have the equipment to do it and you know the the slopes because they're they're so old on the tenth hole have have worn out and in order to get in there and Sh I mean these are you know the committee asked me the same thing well do we have to do all four do we have to do all six I don't think well there's one 2 three four five yeah there was six total I said you don't have to do all of them but that's up to you and you're not going to find out whether you can afford to do all all them or not until you put this out there and get responses back from people about what it's going to cost there you go perfect is in this document there is there a provision where they have to do all of them or we'll have the opportunity well they're supposed to quote all of them okay are they going to can if it's not in here if it's a possibility to just do the problematic ones depending on cost obviously I just want an out just in case because I don't want you to go through all the work of getting an RFP finding a good quote we like the price but then they say sorry we have to do every single bunker on your golf course this is the price take it or leave it well every single bunker in the plan you don't do every one of them at one time yeah either way but I mean if it comes out we we don't know what we we can't commit to a total Reclamation Project without seeing price first but I would like the option to say okay well we can't swing all six of these right now but we can do three of them I'd like to have that out just in case not necessarily saying that's the case if it comes in at the right price and it looks feasible to do six well I can ask you know I can um one of the things that that I can do in that respect is ask that um we change the the the document somewhat to have them give us a particular price per whole and then a total price overall and if that's possible I think that would be helpful more helpful for us to to digest it and just make sure I mean we're really really focusing on proper financial due diligence and we want to make sure that every decision we make benefits ultimately contrary to popular belief I don't like the waste money and I normally I know you don't really so it's same it's the same it's the same thing as everything else in business right if you go out and you buy two things it's going to be X doll you buy Six Things the price comes down right you buy 100 things the price comes down into the bu price right yeah so I mean we got to look at it and and the price is going to change a little bit but again we don't know what the price is so we we would never commit to doing four or six when we say hold back it's 25 apart we're doing two have a nice day well that's why that's why we need to get that's why we need to have all these things in place because you know the committee said well why don't you get us a price and I can't just call out you know contractor Z and say come on over and give me a price on this yeah you're not going out to buy a couple bags of sand well that's the thing he's not going you know he's going to ask a series of questions that I'm not going to have you know the answer to in that particular I'll have the answer in that particular circumstance but what I need to do is give him a sheet okay if you here's here's all the questions that you might want to ask materials labor you're responsible for everything I'm responsible for moving for instance removing irrigation or something like that you're responsible for everything else you hit a pipe you have to fix it y you know you're responsible for cleaning up when you pull out so on and so forth so that way they know soup the nuts and then they may ask questions um you know off of that to make sure they're they're clear but I mean you know two or three of the guys I can think of been doing this for 40 years plus so they come in pretty you know pretty square one of them has extensive experience doing you know projects for municipal courses okay so but um hopefully we can get that you know I can talk to Tim look at these other um these ideas that you presented and um have them included and see if we can get an updated you know document back that shouldn't be a difficult thing to get done I me he could again he's quite experienced in doing this and you know few few changes here and there and he'll be ready to have it right back out excellent just try to get the RFP right right where we're we're not committing to all six if that's what you have in here to quote do six that we have the option to do two four or six right and you want to make sure that we have that option because the last thing we want is to do all this RFP have these people spend their time doing it comes back to us and it's 200 Grand and we say forget it we ain't doing any of them right we want to be able to have the option to choose option a option b option C and we'll go from there depending on cost I think you heard that pretty loud yeah I'll sit down that's what we want right it's option a option b option C pricing accordingly 246 right however they want to do it yeah but because the you said me you have mobilization costs and stuff once you start breaking it down change yeah thanks Steve sure not a problem all right so have this moment no action taken on that we'll just wait for the uh RFP to come backis and send it over to uh Mr Kelly yeah and take a look and then we'll bring it back up okay thank you Steve thanks Steve keep up the good work out there Stevie thank you right Town election warrant approval this is Cam looks like this is an announcement from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from William Francis Galvin the secretary of the Commonwealth uh Mr Kelly I got to read all this yep senator in Congress read it's for the primary election okay uh for the primary election okay to either of the constables of the town of aush greetings in the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in primaries to vote at precinct 1 Kush Elementary School 800 Middle Road Precinct 2A Kush Elementary School 800 Middle Road Precinct 2 kushna Elementary School 800 Middle Road Precinct Three Kush Elementary School 800 Middle Road primaries on Tuesday the 3D day of September 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the following purpose to cast their votes in the state primary election for the candidates for the following offices representative in Congress for the Ninth District senator in Congress I'm reading one it says representative in Congress the first one oh I missed it all right well Senator and Congress for this Commonwealth all prings representative in Congress 9th District 1 2A 2 and three counselor First District precincts 1 2A 2 and three Senator and general court second Bristol and Plymouth District presents 1 2 a 2 and three representative in general court 10th Bristol District 1 and 2 a representative in general court for the e8th Bristol District Two and Three Clerk of Courts Bristol County precincts one 2A 2 and three Register of Deeds Bristol County 1 2A 2 and three County Commissioner Bristol County presents one 2 a 2 and three motion to approve second all those in favor all right all right sorry I missed that one Mr Kill r a little too fast all right we are going to go into a couple of executive sessions before we resume our Open session we have two first one's executive session under Mass General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A3 to conduct discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining police Personnel if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the governmental body and the board will return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session an executive session under Mass General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A2 to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct bargaining sessions of contract negotiations with non-union Personnel I police and interim police chief if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and the board will return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session is there a motion to enter executive session so move second roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes I a yes we are in executive session motion to return to public session so move second all those in favor all could I have a roll call uh Mr rer yes Mr Gasper yes iy yes you're in public session uh we are going to skip over the whole agenda number five and move right to the DPW uh perfect time uh Kathy or Dan nice to see you both nice to see all of you Kathy I know you look forward to this every year I my favorite time of the year so unfortunately we have talked about water and sewer rates and the good news always State the good news good news is that new bedf is going to increase well this isn't the bedf is increasing their rates 22 cents 4.3% the DPW is going to um recommend only increasing our rates by 11 cents so if you look at the an do you all have the analysis I gave okay so what I did was I took what we have is the FY 25 budget and then the usage we expect to buy from New Bedford take that and then we come out with our estimated billing income our budget which we have to cover less the reserve the 60,000 because we try not to use that so then your extra Surplus is only going to be8 , 449 um that's really not enough of a buffer to have in the account so we obviously have to increase the rates um I gave two choices I gave the 22 cents and I gave the 11 cents the DPW fails like with the 11 cents you're going to estimate an increase of about 32,000 I feel comfortable with that this year I'm estimating the town account will probably tell you you're adding about 35 of 40 she hasn't completed all her analysis yet but I tried to go through what I know we did to come up with what we're going to add so I think we're definitely going to add this year which is good but based on the increase in new bedford's cost and the increase in our budget we do have to increase the rates okay gentlemen yeah I sat down with Captain D like I do every year right it's uh we've built we spent the last decade since town meeting turned over the BPW to the board of selectman and we've done an excellent job at building Surplus but we're at a good threshold for Surplus that we don't need to build an exorbitant amount of surplus right it hurt the rate payers and we've done a good job keeping the rate down um we're trying to get to a point where we can just stay even with the city of New be whatever their reate rate increases obviously this year we feel that we could just do half of that rate increase um which I'm e static about but you know we got to keep that in mind that we have a lot of other things that we need to be doing for water infrastructure right so um we're we're comfortable now but we got to keep an eye on it and I'm I'm fine with the 11 cents which is 50% of what the city of New beff is hit us on right I think it's important to note that the city of New beff has gone wild um in the last six seven years with rate increases both Water and Sewer so it is it is troubling but um that and fix cost right so the only other thing that we can do to keep rates down and not go up on rates in any calendar year is look at our fixed cost right because the difference between the city of new bef's water rate the town of a kush's water rate is there a good amount that's there it's due to fixed costs that we have in our budget and I've had some dialogue with Dan and Kathy about the structure of our water sewer department with our Manpower versus DBW Manpower right and I think that we need to take a good look at that this budget season because we're not utilizing our water and sewer guys to claim that whole salary and water and sewer because we're using a larger percentage of their time in Highway work right so I think we need to look at that shift and maybe take some of that salary and shift it over to DPW um because it's not fair that we're charging Water and Sewer the full salary and we're using them in DPW and it's it's not anybody's fault it's just the structure of what we have right so we have four employees in water and sewer and we have five in DPW does that make any sense like how does that make any sense right your your DBW is doing the whole town right and your water and sewer is doing a a lot of water but a fraction but they're not always doing anything really in water particularly anything really in sewer but yet we're claiming that whole salary Y and that affects rates right y so I think we need to look at that over the budget season coming up have a little conversation on salaries and how we diversify that a little bit better and that'll and that'll help rate pairs certainly I agree the only thing is when they do work over time we do make sure I make sure that they get charged back to whatever the over time was for so if it was a waterm Breakers last night all of them will be charged to water if they're doing something on the road Highway they do get charged there but they like Mr gas was saying during the day from the regular hours they're all being paid out of just their one budgets there's really one employee that we utilize I'll say 90% of that individual's time is Mr abre right cuz he's a water meter replacer right so his salary 90% of his salaries needs to stay in water because that's really his job his meter Replacements right and he does a great job at that so we got to look at that structure and maybe do a little fit angling this year round but I think it's going to help out the rate um payers in the end I make a motion to approve the 11 C increase second all those in favor thank you K you're welcome next we're going to talk about the sewer rate yep so the sewer rate what was happening over the past 5 years we were able to increase the amount we were adding into the Surplus so we did not really increase the rate actually we didn't increase it at all since 2020 so now when I look at the analysis what we again what we're going to spend next year what we expect our income to be based on what we expect to sell and buy from New Bedford we're coming up with the fact that we have a netive 16,000 so we obviously have to increase the rate of a sewer this year m when I did the 40% increase it only add 6,917 I don't feel comfortable with that number we increase at 50 cents it's only 12818 I feel a little more comfortable with that and I'd rather not go much higher than the 50 cents but I do think going forward instead of having to do a large increase like we did a dollar back in 2020 I'd rather not do that so 50 cents I think is a good minimum to do this year but then every year we should be doing it consistent with whatever new B is doing or close like look at it and do an analysis but if they're they're going to increase it we want to increase it at least half or more than what they are sure so I'm recommending 50 cents I'm sorry so if you look the surpluses in that great Mr Chim and even on that um but it's it's fine because again we we have a a good Reserve built up right it's not like we don't have a good percentage um built up for unforeseen emergency uses right um in The Last 5 Years we're Bas four years from including this years of 5 years we're up 5% on sewer rate the city of New be's up 35% so obviously we're doing something right and trying to manage that account as best we can um but again the city of New Beford up 35% we're up 5% in The Last 5 Years so can't really ask for much better than that and that's that's an even 50 sents all tear correct so sewers is where we really need to dial in on because sewers water's cheap right sewer gets expensive depending on how much water you're using in a household so that's really where I we need to focus our time and energy is looking at sewer uses we have roughly 980 now sewer uses so you know it's either we can expand somehow if we could do it cheap enough expand sewer right cuz the more users you have the more dilution you have to the fixed cost right so that's something that we also looking at and having conversation we did the cwmp back in when we finalized that 181 19 or something yeah somewhere around 18 or 19 we I've identified certain areas just everything's so damn expensive right now I mean you can't go and ask somebody hey give me $330,000 so I can plug sewer by house right it's just that's not affordable to anybody quite honestly I wouldn't do it no right correct so there's a bunch of things that we need to look at as far as infrastructure goes and how we do business in the town right but we're doing the best that that we can I think that we've done a pretty damn good job over the last decade that we've been managing the department so and I believe Kathy's always been a straight shooter so she says something's needed I have a tendency to agree she she figures it out pretty close every year that I sit with her right y so she's always got it pretty well dialed in right it's never we never we're never shot but we're never like screaming on the opposite direction and go oh we screw that up right we hurt everybody right she's got it dialed in pretty well so and it's a moving Target anyway right it's the water the PID to the city of New Bey that's that's just a guesstimate right that's all we can do right we depending on the season of what's going on this year is a dry season people might use more water next year is a wet season people use less but it's that that's always so and it can fluctuate pretty dramatically too so given all the variables we've done a pretty good job managing agreed that keep things pretty close and in check right thank you we definitely can't be under budgeted right no the say uhuh so I've wed Kath and that it's not like the old days the the old BPW used to say we have Surplus let's use that to lower the rate right they pull 50 Grand and AR officially lower the rate that was a lot a decade two decades ago I was just telling Kathy and D when I was in there last week with him I said that's not allowed on a do anymore you don't make your budget we're in trouble so you have to have something built there yep all right is there a motion to go with option two 50% increase on50 increase 50 Cent increase 50% I make that motion Mr chair all those in favor all right all right good catch next we have the sewer connection fee so the bylaw was changed um by the select board um to include a SE connection fee we have we we have betterment fees that are there are no betterment fees out there but the town is paying off the loans and the people still are paying off the vements when we did the sewer extensions we had two one has been fully paid off one phase the other phase has not the other phase will be paid off in 2027 okay so anybody who's tying into sewer meaning tying in if their line is down the street but they broke apart their property and they added a house so now they want to add into the add the sewer line and they if they are in the area that has a betterment right now they are going to be hit with a What's called the privilege fee which is 90% of the cost of the bment anywhere from 12 to $14,000 if they are in the section that was already paid off they're not getting charged anything except the $675 permit fee that we have so to make it fair to everybody going forward especially in 2027 when everything is paid off most towns have what they call a sewer connection fee so you have to pay to connect to the sewer and that's that so if you're in the area right now that has the privilege fee by law you still have to have the privilege fee until that's paid off but all the other the rest of the town will now have a cons sewer connection fee if you vote this in tonight so that everybody will pay something to connect not it was very unfair yeah so I came up with a $6,000 figure based on generally the the privilege fees right now are about 125 so in looking at some of the other towns I gave you a few examples I felt like $6,000 it was like half of the privilege fee right now that seemed fair to me that being said we usually have between 10 and 12 properties that tie into sewer every year either new hous is built they put in a new Street and they're tying in sewer down the whole street um so we usually have 10 to 12 just just to clarify too cuz I remember I was a member of the board when we did this and we talked about this this alleviates some of the issues where you know like you had mentioned a resident splits their property up they're paying betterments on each one of those correct so yes pay the betterment for one but remainings are just connection fees correct whereas like you said then there was others that were nothing almost nothing right so okay yeah this is a good idea I think it's a fair price it's the whole the whole purpose of me working with Kathy and Dan and David gatski to change the sewer um by law was for this purpose in general right cuz there was an individual on mlo street that inherited a house that individual paid $330,000 to get the pipe in a in a pumper to go up the road a little bit and TI it to the side of new beff they paid $30,000 for that project the two neighbors across the street walked across said how much for me to get into that pipe and contractor said oh let me let me find out 6 675 bucks right I don't think that's very fair then we had another contractor on this side that tapped in he paid the 90% to 12,000 and change to tap into that betterment which that's what the old bylaw read drove the pipe up the street call it 100 ft hooked to the right by another couple hundred feet built three houses he paid that same $122,000 and change betterman right so that individual basically paid $50,000 to tie in which I think is unfair too right you paid once the tie in to the original B once you run that pipe up now it's $6,000 per house right it's no longer that 12 and change so that person paid for the infrastructure and labor to run that sewer up and then we benefited off that privilege fee 12 Grand 125 each one of those houses that's paid an extra $36,000 for something that that end of that contract put the pipe in yep right so it's all about balance and and fairness is what I tried to achieve with Dan and Kathy and David gatow and I think Jamie helped me out a little bit with David on that byw as well and that's we looked up and we found we could do a connection fee and that's the fairest way across the board to do it um and it's and it's good for again the right uses right so I make a motion to approve the $6,000 as recommended connection fee all those in favor thank you thank you your turn Dan good evening good evening Dan how are you good um I don't know if you guys all got the pamphlet on you did okay um just I'm kind of looking for something that you know we've had problems in the years past um just shutting down meain so we can you know fix them because it breaks and you know where this infrastructure is very old especially in this section is over 100 years um shutting down the gates is is a real issue um by putting these insertive valves in you know strategic places we'd be able to isolate it so I can shut it down and it' be less houses being shut down and I can repair it faster so that people's water wouldn't be off as long um you know we just had one last night I was able to shut the water off within 2 hours I had it done fixing people back on water um some of these over here it takes me 2 hours just to shut the water down plus you know what I mean so it turns into a lot longer process that people um Out of Water um I mean I don't see us you know it's going to be nice when slokum gets done because we're going to have a lot of new shut offs over there we'll shut off some of that area but on the other end we're going to kind of need so that's I think I'm going to concentrate on this area first um the problem is the cost of the these Z cheap uh we do the excavation and um I was talking with John holy is the company that does these things and he's said um for every inch a pipe is roughly what they charge for these valves so a 6in pipe would be 6,000 8 in pipe would be 8,000 so on so on and that's the rough estimate number for for putting these valves in so I'm kind of proposing to see if I can get at least to do you know either two you know two or four a year or something at least a couple of year we're getting you know all this old pipe at least I can concentrate at least two a year would be nice I can isolate once section this year maybe next year put another couple in type of things so we have something to be able to shut down the water Mr chairman uh Mr gasby yes so obviously you know I've been working closely with DPW for a long time and we talked about I talked about it a long time ago years ago about the 43,000 Ft of 100 year old water pipe in this town right and it's very expensive as we learned when we started studying slokum Street project how expensive it is to replace that water pipe right and plus ta to everybody's houses um I'm not happy you know putting Band-Aids on things but I I think this is something that we have to at least look into and entertain um because I've been out with Mr manad in the cruise with water main brakes and it's extremely disturbing how much Panic we actually go into with the crew to try to find gate valves when you have a water main break and how long we're shutting down and how many residents we have to shut down because by the time we find a gate valve that's going to work you know with 300 homes away from where the actual water Bean is right so um I think what Dan's trying to do is essentially what he's trying to do is there's a lot of these things that going be necessary they're very expensive so I wouldn't be looking to do a ton of them every year but I think like he saids focus on this one little area over here where we know we're doing slm Street maybe look got Main Street he knows the flow he's got the chots and all that stuff get a plan identify where the gate valves aren't working that's obviously where he's going to go with them so that we can shut down segments of neighborhoods instead of whole neighborhoods right yeah that's the idea right Dan corre so he knows he's got a mapping system him in cambalo that works in the Water and Sewer Department he does a great job he he's got his own little sketches that he does he's he knows what gate valves aren't working and which ones aren't serviceable right so based on that we'll make a map we'll identify certain areas that's where I think Dan's going is he wants to be able to say okay these don't work I these work I don't have to worry about that these don't work in that neighborhood I need to go put one or two over there and be able to shut down that segment of the neighborhood I think it's you know I don't know anything about this pump this is the first time I've read on it um it seems pretty cool the way it works the I know we need to do something to shut down water instead of killing 400 homes we can just knock off 100 homes whatever that number may be right isolate the problem to a smaller area right um I just don't know it looks looks a little bit convoluted and once this pump is in this gate valve inserti valve is put inside the pipe it's pretty cool cuz it could be put on with the water flow still going right just Taps itself into the hole y the problem is is there's got to be some kind of a sleeve that would go over this and bolt up or I don't know how it's going to rest I wouldn't want it to rest on the existing water pipe cuz it's so L I wouldn't want it car driving over and putting that pressure down the pipe so there got to be something that protects this and sleeves up to the top of the street right that like the gate valves are no gate valves actually just sit right on top of the gate Val yeah there nothing that really hold but the Box the gate box itself does not sit so it's able to move it won't press down on the thing cuz it's the box is a a pipe inside of a pipe this how the gate boxes work so they made in two pieces so the bottom half stays 2 ft and the top prob be 3T tall so it slides inside the other one so how does this stay how does this stay clean and free and clear of dirt and debris when you back fill a trench it's a gate box it goes over this it's a gate box right that's what I'm trying to ask that's what we're going to be turning the valve on it's a box that goes over it but you're not pushing the Box ain't the total L see this is 5 ft deep the Box ain't 5T the box would be split in two so it's got two pieces so the top piece the top piece telescopic slide down that won't put pressure down onto the on the bottom one stationary on this the top one floats telescopic right like the one that they put in my yard the plastic one from the gas company yeah correct um I don't know why I was the only one that got a plastic one but I got a plastic one not they actually all gas now metal now he put a metal one in my the gas company came he even said to me how'd you get a plastic one I'm like I don't know you the gas company I wasn't I didn't put this in my yard you guys put the new main in put a cheap little plastic one right out of your Lego set in right and it kept going every time the Walmart ran over it just slides down the hole I'm like it thing's going to go and they put in a metal one right the the real deal they have to redig the hole but you know I got the real deal and it doesn't move up and down anymore like a like a toy so you know I I think that you know we should sample it right probably do two wherever we need to where we know we can get a plan we're going to do these in isolate neighborhoods right buy two of them yep and let let's see how this works out right before we go spend a ton of money because this is expensive right I mean you're talking and again I want we got to check and make sure like you said I I've got neighborhoods the gates are working C so I want to make sure we got which ones ain't working which ones are not and then we can make that decision so you'll come back to us with a plan yes I can do that yeah so I want to go that with Cam and we're going to go over it and we're GNA because he's out there actually uh doing flushing and stuff now and so he knows which ones ain't working which ones are bford have these you like other municipalities have oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah they put them in a lot of towns different things where they can't shut down mains you know especially new beic too they they got a lot of old uh infrastructure as well we're not the only ones just like there's a way to do co-op buying if other towns are buying them can you check that's a good that's a good point um I can check with him he might actually know you know maybe get him cheaper you're right maybe I'll talk to um Jamie Pont from the beff and see what they you know they might have a company that comes in and maybe if you get mixed in with that you get a cheaper price yeah making a tough huh we are their customer yeah yeah no no that's a real good point yeah that's another thing I I can look into as well good point yeah I can do that I'll check with Cam in the meantime let's get this together and then uh I'll check with the city as well got a big get a big map y identify all of them right and how we're going to do this so that we already know where we've been right and where we haven't been and just keep knocking it off every year and if just wait here we know where we've been and where we haven't been right and you're going to need that map anyway cuz you're going to know which On's the the new ones right you don't want to be guessing especially with snow you have to do something right where is that one now you at least you get a map right so many feet off this street out from the curb that much and you mock it off you put it on the map at least then you you get isolated pretty quick I mean that's the whole thing why they go around and put the yellow dots and yep they just did that I don't know a couple weeks ago right so people ask me what are the yellow dots in the street for and I'm like so that's when you're snow plowing you know where the storm Basin is well get sometimes if you can't the snow comes out further basins you got to open them up when you kind of know where they are so when the plows go by they look for the yellow Dot and all you do is follow that back to the curb and you know that's where you have to shovel and get to S water right makes sense cool all right guys thanks thank you right one more Jamie fair share Paving uh Mr chair for you to the board the state a state has announced that our share of the fair share which is their terminology it's the millionaire tax okay uh is 177,00 Formula 78525 the other is road miles 98837 it's a different way of doing business uh they are not looking to have uh any reimbursement requests come in they're looking to have a report filed within 30 days of the expenditure once we once we complete the job so they what they're saying they are they already we have the money the town accountant has this money y uh we cannot use this money until the board the select board votes on how we're going to spend this money I do not need to usually I need to at that point once all of you say yes I go to um the state and ask chapter 90 this is what we vot what we would like to do here's our proposal we wait for them to say okay we don't have to do that on this one so we have the money we just need the board to vote on where they' like to spend it once we spend it and complete the job I will submit all the um bills of what we paid so we'll show that we spent the $177,300 how we spent it where we spent it um and then I think there's a report that the select board will sign saying yes we did spend this money then we did spend it the correct way so it's it's a little bit easier and that we don't have to do all the pre-approvals and wait for chapter 90 to say okay we now have the money we can make some decisions we do need to spend this money by June 30th of 2025 so we have a little less than a year and I would like to put an article on the fall town meeting it might be built in suspend but you only have authorized the chapter 90 money in the annual town meeting in one of the Articles you do every year I would like to specifically put an article in for this fall town meeting and then included in the annual every year similar to that chapter 90 article authorizing the town through the board of selectman to spend the fair share money okay Mak sense to me keep it moving so Captain you said we have to spend that fair share of money by June of 2025 y yeah so you received it on July 1st well right around there we did wece I've already verified we have the money in our account now so we have the money and yes we have one year to to spend it and obviously you don't want them to take it back yeah and Mr chairman through you just it's not specifically for Paving it's uh for uh covet repair Bridge repair anything to do with the transportation system so that window is not a very big window it sounds like a big window it's not a big window right because Paving it's only going to be done in so many months right and and that's why the window shrinks right we don't PVE in November you don't PVE in December you don't pay in January March April May's really when you come out and pay so you really got May and June so I think the Board needs to try to calculate what do we want to use that 177 project that money for right and then you got to go off a bid cor right put it out to bid so you want to be out to bid February is marchish the latest right so you get all the bids back in you can make the decision on what needs to be done and you can spend that money because if you don't ain't proactive and you don't do this 90 days early 120 days early for a bid yeah you're done correct so and and if you're going to do covers or Bridges or anything like that I would say you have to even do the put out to bid two or three months before that I'm just I'm just putting up a red flag for the board to understand that if there's something that they any the individuals of the board would like to do they need to identify that and have that discussion earlier on right for year I got I got a question um could we use it on the projects that we currently have now so you wouldn't lose the money we got we got all these ones that just went out to bid Earl and all that money could we use it kind of for that and now you're not we w we taking any extra out of our chapter 90 funds which that's good for ever where this is not you know I mean because I don't think you're going to be able to get any kind of drainage projects or anything done in that time frame we we absolutely can't supplement that one 77 can be supplemented for any road paving right so I was just thinking saying to the board if the board had a you know that put it this way 177 basically what you're getting is you're going to pave a half a mile a road right yeah yeah that's it not even I bet it's not even but I'm saying that would definitely help on them streets that the ones we get that b six out to bid right now so that's what that's but if there was something else that say you had you know a quarter mile stretch of road and the board said I you know this is really bad let's get this done right then we could do that if the board had that thought but if not I mean I already know what I know I'm thinking ahead and I know that we have like Dave the Earl Joseph and Earl one right so we already know that that is so we have to supplement some funds towards the osource funds yeah we can absolutely use that for that right I think that's a good idea and and so the board knows this is money that will come in every year on the same schedule because it's part of the uh whole statute that was passed for the millionaire tax right until all the millionaires move out of Massachusetts you don't have a Millionaire's tax anymore just like all the Millionaires and billionaires are moving out of California and going to Texas right so then it'll be a thousand year check you know take we can they just find a reason to tax you up a little bit more right right good thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you very much thank you I think we'll all dig dig into it and probably have some conversations over the next uh when the bids in I think once the bids come in with what we have out and we understand whatever source is going to fund for us we we can come back to you with what we know with we're going to need as extra and you might want to vote that in we can see how much extra we have to spend cool okay all right going to be we are going to have a request anyway because when we put them out the bid the fixtures in the in the street right so Dan and I went out and we did the measurements with with the keing for the road stuff over there the last source project and then they put in the bid spec I was actually reading through some of it and we were talking about it so it's like 1,100 bucks per fixture structure right fixture which is B holes right so I said well you're not going to charge me $1,000 to do a Watergate valve versus a a storm water basin right to Triple the size and he goes no it won't be that it might be 400 bucks for the the gate valve the water gate valve and it's 1,000 foot that's that price is for the storm water basins right so we know based on how the bids just came in and we looked at the bids for the really a change order but they didn't bid that out we know that we're going to be shot $115,000 to do that project right so there's a little chop off that 177 if you say that 17 grand becomes 160 right whatever the other projects are we're out to bid if we need you know 100 grand for both of those to complete both of those you're down to 60 Grand right and we'll figure out what else we need to do it's August 19th I believe the pit opening so we'll know that day yeah we got both of those bids coming in shortly so cool and that'll be more than likely they won't PVE I don't know if they're going to be able to get out there hopefully they'll figure that out right was I'm still trying to get to to Middle Road in and Cory McDonald that were done two years ago for groud the neighbors are all yelling and screaming and jumping up and down but well I I talked to so that was like a small window so we got to kind of get that done like sooner than later um because he said he was he was trying to like the end of this month actually get and do that project so but he said he's busy way before and he's busy after so it's like the last week of August he's trying to get that in and done so I got to kind of get back to him and we got to just move on that one as well so at did look at the paperwork over there yeah I'll talk to you tomorrow about the paperwork cuz I had some questions with Kathy on the paperwork and I said there'll be fair D you really look at that what us and have that discussion but it's all been preapproved by the board I'm just talking about those fixtures right is you got to reset you can't leave them below the surface right okay thanks thank you all right Mr Kelly old business we're going to pass over you said yeah select Mr chairman I just like to remind everybody that August Thursday August 29th at 5:00 p.m. the cruise night starts here uh we will be putting that on again this year the classic cruise night it's a great um thing that we do in the town center of town a lot of people have a lot lot of fun so come on out and enjoy some uh some classic cars and some classic music with everybody and great food and beverages from our local businesses nice Mr Warner I'm good all right and I'd like to remind everybody out there that next Friday on August 16th the Acushnet Police Department is having a softball game against the Acushnet fire department uh last year they did it it was pretty fun this year they're cooking burgers and dogs and they are selling some fundraising t-shirts and should be pretty good what time is that at Mr chairman I believe it was 7 700 p.m. 600 p.m. I'll I'll confirm with the fire chief and uh verify show up at 6 and wait till 7 eat burgers and dogs I'll be there helping cooking so uh I'll serve some burgers early who great all right is there a motion so move second all those in favor all right [Music]