[Music] gentlemen before we start um I would just ask that we take a moment of silence to remember uh Mr Bob Ferrera and his dedication to m multiple boards and committees in this town and for all the help he gave our town over the years um and i' just like to extend my condolences to the Ferrera family thank you uh first item on the agenda minutes for approval we have July 9th 2024 joint meeting with this board of Selectmen and the commissioner of trust fund is there a motion to approve the revised minutes for July 9th 2024 motion to approve I'm going abstained I was not there for that second all those in favor I I and we have March 19th 2024 regular meeting minutes motion to approve so move second all those in favor all right we have no appointments we're going to go right into an executive session uh executive session under m General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A2 to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions of contract negotiations with non-union Personnel Police Department administrative assistant the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and the board will return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session is's a motion to go on the executive session so moved second all those in favor roll call vote Mr wner yes Mr Gasper yes and I am a yes we are in executive session is there a motion to reconvene so moved second all those in favor I roll call please roll call vote Mr wer yes I and I Imes we are now in regular session uh gentlemen new business one discuss what we just had a conversation about after review Police Department administrative assistant review of matters presented votes may be taken Mr chairman I'll make a motion to adjust the administrative assistant salary to the budgeted amount of $46,800 second all those in favor I I okay uh next on the agenda COA building uh Miss gold I will ask you to come up for the next two uh we have a COA building use policy update and we also have uh new business number three building repairs and maintenance I ask Lauren to put together a list of uh areas of concerns uh we can start with your building use policy please all right so um upon my onboarding one of the things that I did realize is that we do have a lot of groups that utilize the building after hours um so this policy is basically set to make sure that the groups that we do have utilizing the building that we do have you know something that they can follow I did notice that we um have fees associated with um using the building currently the groups that we have coming in are not being charged I'm not sure as to why um and that's okay um but I was just looking to possibly um I was looking to lower the fees number one and number two Implement them I think it would be great to have some money coming in and I don't want break any of the banks of any of the groups that we do have coming in but I think it would be useful to have some you know some Revenue coming in if they're using our building right um and I did make minimal changes I did I hope that you all have the current policy and then I have the newer one um I did make minimal changes to the new one um I don't know if you want me to go through with the new changes that I made or I don't want to or what you you don't really have to go to in depth to it um we've we've all had a a chance to bro and we had spoken a couple of months ago on this and and um I essentially told you that I feel fully confident between you and your board that you can come up with a policy you felt comfortable with um so ultimately it really comes down to that it's something do you feel comfortable I looked it over I think you did a really good job I know we had gone through different communities to kind of get a good basis and a balance um like you said to not take advantage of groups and stuff like that um but we've also got to face the reality that sometimes even if they do pick up after themselves is extended problems that now the town has to focus on cleaning up sometimes and really focus on stuff that you shouldn't have to and uh at least getting something for it and I also like the fact that you have groups and it affects different levels of groups differently and I I I appreciate that I think that's a good thing Mr chairman yes sir if I can just make one comment on the closing time for buildings 11:30 p.m. I think that's a little late for our facilities to be used I don't know if you have anybody that's been using the facility since you've been I know you've only been here for a short period of time Lauren but in great job by the way um in your stat and I just don't know if 11:30 is a little too late for that facility to be used with random groups of people that we're not it's not all Town folks right it could be Outsiders and things all like so I just look at 11:30 and I don't know if there's room for adjustment I I kind of thought 10 would be nice um but I don't know if you have people that yeah to there isn't anybody staying that late as of right now so I think that would be more so if there you know a private function or something like that but I think 10:00 is a reasonable hour to it was 11:30 in the previous one yes that's I just check it I haven't seen this document I did look at the old one and I'm like wow thank God she brought this back to fruition and and going to reimplement it so that everybody is paying something but that's just you know my comment on that um on the time frame I don't know how the board feels of at 10 p.m. instead of 11:00 p.m. so I I would agree with that myself um I can't imagine you know a private function I mean we're not really hosting weddings there so I I can't imagine anything past 10 with the history of the groups that do utilize the COA I I I would be open to 10 as well if that's all right yeah of course and then and then on the end on this new we got a revised one from you Lauren yes and it's not it's part of the other one but I did notice um because I did have a comment on the old one about something if details would be needed right um that they would have to make those accommodations right and notify the police department that you are making a recommendation based on the size of a function or whatever where details needed and we like to be paid in advance for details so that we can the chief can then turn around and give the okay and approve the detail right is that is that proper to say Chief while I have you in the room yes it is especially with um um I say new vendors or vendors that really rarely hire details so the in the back of it on this on this little page it says 90 days prior to event full payment of rental fee all fees and forms I just I just think out windows like I I I might not know I want to do something at the Council on agent 90 days in advance right so I mean I don't know if that just says 90 days for something that we'll use but if we make accommodations if somebody came in and said hey I want to do a small anniversary party for grandma and grandpa um and it's only 30 days out but this policy says 90 are we are we going to stop that person from using a facility if it's available I I that's I just think 90 days is you know when I was looking at the fees for the details I was thinking 30 days advanced notice right so we can get the payment in and the town the check goes to the town and we can notify the the PD and say we been we receed payment for our police detail on xate police schedule details and all set to go right so it's just my thinking outside the box with everything else that I think of that's going on in the town on how we arrange things 90 days is is a huge window okay so I don't know if that's something that you would want to modify as well I'll leave that up to you um if you would want to modify the length of time to even you know 45 days whatever it is right and try to do your best to schedule 45 days again it's it's it your I would leave it up to Y discretion if somebody came in only in 30 days so they can make all the payments and say okay get along you'reall fine with it that's cool with me I mean you can actually work that into the policy too okay changes to time frames can be made at your discretion okay now any changes that we make now do I have to get this approved it once again or like any thing after that you have to uh inform your board okay yeah I just don't want to you know have to come back again and wait like I know kind very valuable so I don't want to waste it it's just a it's just a recommendation on how I view things and looking at if somebody wanted to book at 90 days you don't always know 90 days in advance right your family could contact you and say hey do you have any place we can do this function and it's 30 days away I actually had somebody who just called me up for a child's birthday party they wanted to do it over at the library at the Pavilion I said well we have a nice Pavilion at Council on agent and I don't know what happened but he said it's in two weeks right that's kind of what made me start thinking of that there are people randomly right so we'll leave that to your discretion whatever it may be I mean if if we could just give Co you can make the motion subject to those changes yeah the other issue that you should cover uh that change um so I did um add in that I think that was part of the updated policy um having the group pay for having a custodian or just staff on site um our regular groups I wouldn't be necessarily concerned with that we know that they're coming in for their um the regular meetings the Boy Scouts Girl Scouts this would be more so um just as an example a group had come to me I have a meeting with them next month about them hosting a fundraiser for it's a nonprofit um but just going through the whole motion of issuing a key and an alarm code and the whole nine yards I just thought it would be beneficial to have somebody on site that's there to help set up tables and whatever that they would need so I did add that little piece in that they would be responsible for um the compensation of having a staff member there yeah I agree with that that's similar to what the school does with some of their facilities whatever Miss Golda thinks is in the best interest of the Council on agent and the trustees I have full faith in them Mr Kelly do you need a motion from us a motion to accept the policy as uh with suggested revisions so move second all those in favor perfect thank make it easy on you yeah all right next item building repairs and maintenance I had asked Miss Golda to go through and give me a list of her concerns um I know some of these have been addressed in the past where we had some funds from the state and and the reserve and the reserve um but I want to make sure that Miss gold is in a situation where she feels like this work will be taken care of and I want to update her and also she has other concerns that we don't know about I ask her to write those down as well so um so I think we'll start with the smaller ones I guess so um upon my onboarding I was informed that the roof did need repairs I as far as I know it's not a full roof I think it's just you know small um portions of the roof that you need to be repaired um new gutters and downspouts um and then most recently we were having having some issues with the AC from what I've been told um by the AC company it was just the fan that had burnt out um the fan in the motor so we were waiting for the part Unfortunately they came the other day they ordered the wrong motor so we're just you know kind of hanging by a string right now waiting for them to come back the rest of the building is cool it's just in that one in the main function room we have one unit that's working the other one isn't um but we're able to you know keep the building cool um so I know that it was discussed potentially getting quotes on um um updating the system but when we did further research it was replaced in 2020 so I wasn't sure if that's still something that we want to explore or focus on you know some other issues at hand um and then of course the plumbing my favorite topic but those were the major ones that are kind of just on my on my radar right now I think I think we've had a lot of problems with the septic pipes going out to the septic system and we flushed it we spent an exorbitant amount of money for somebody to come in and flush and I know now we're still having problems um because of the pitch of the Pikes right yes um I guess that's the reason why and I know that we've changed the the the toet balls and stuff and they're flushing less water so maybe the less water is not pushing it down like it used to to the septic tank um I think that's probably something it's it's if we got to start repitching pipes that's a huge expense for us to take on and the only way it won't be a huge expense is if we utilize our DPW like we did at the library building we ran two new pipes from each one of the restrooms to the septic system with Mr manad and his crew and put brand new 6in pipe going in there right so we have that capability in house to do it um but I know that the pipe would have to be changed out in the seller as well but then when you get outside the wall You' have to do the pitch so we'd have to have Mr man go by and take a look at it and see if that's something that could do um and put more of a pitch on the pipe so I I I think that would be the best route to go for cost savings we've installed the the flushometers so flushometers I'm very well versed in the unfortunately right and that kind of that kind of reverses the uh well it gives velocity to the water they were flushing the the new toilets it was 1.5 gallons now it's 3.5 with these flushometers so we're hoping that that's enough water to get everything because the septics on the other side of the building compared to where the bathrooms are has there been any issues since so it was installed on the 7 15 um so knock on wood right now no we're good um but I was told by three separate plumbers that we've had out that that potentially is a a Band-Aid fix we should we should probably have the build the facility looked at by Mr manad Right that we because all you're doing now is using more water right and and I think most of us know water is the most precious commodity on the face of the Earth right so I hate to be wasting water just to get it to where it was going before right so if we can change the slope of a pipe there's an initial cost but overall I think that's the best for the building and the facility in general so we we also have a bunch of stubs on the pipe going across the building that go nowhere so they're thinking that causes some of the issue with on the main line it does wi out so I think everything's getting stuck right at that you know where everything kind of connects into the main line and then goes out that way you could probably chop out a section of where we need to downstairs put in some new piping you know and gets a little cooler and Dan's not doing drainage work and because we we we have certain time frames for Dan he's got to get out M the road do a big drainage project so we can try to fit in little parts of the project and then maybe when we get outside the building maybe if we just do the internal part of the building it works out it's everything's good we can change the pitch from there so it flows something that we can figure out I'm sure but I I do I think we owe it to to miss gold and the staff at Council on agent to address that so yeah I agree get Dan over at his convenience have a look um what are we doing with Mr kelly didn't we have rep Schmid and straon they actually put money we've got towards the AC system and the roof it was the roof and the uh bathrooms that we put money towards we've got 16,250 left yes so that roof I know that roof's not that old and I know that there's pieces of the roof that need to be looked at sections of the roof but not a complete roof right so I think we we need to do that as well the uh earmark was for taking care of that deficient section of the roof and also uh gutters and down spouts cuz they're growing under the roof yeah prior to my onboarding um some of the money from the earmark Grant was used for the um handicap doors so the doors were installed we recently just added in the buttons so everything's in working order but I did want to just mention that some of that money went there too all right yeah we should definitely get somebody down there to take a look at the roof and actually give us a a proper idea of what it's going to cost to fix it and what it's going to entail it's not the complete roof correct but I'm not going to get up there and tell you what it needs so looks like you've accomplished some stuff in the meantime I did add some happy stuff put good some things that we were able to to work on and are very excited about the water Gods just didn't like cool all right right I think we got a plan now and um as I don't want to jinx anything but if anything else does come up just keep me posted you can let Mr Kelly know you can CC me on it let me know or just call me directly if he's busy or not here we'll keep a a running list to make sure that it doesn't get out of control and make sure we can get it fixed all right sounds good than thank you very much thank you keep up to good work thank you uh gentleman I'm going to ask Passover number four [Music] business number five tree Warden letters of interest uh review of matters presented votes may be taken um gentlemen I know you have multiple letters in front of you um I assume everybody had the time to read through them any questions and concerns comments no I don't I know that when I announced the opening after the passing away of our good friend Norman fet I asked for p somebody hopefully that had tree experience I think that's important right um and I do notice that uh Mr Scott Baldwin sent in a very nice letter um of interest and he just and at the end of his letter he said the same thing my wish is for this position to be filled by the most qualified individual who's committed to the town of aishna its residents and puts the town's best interest at hand first and foremost personally I would like to extend to our family's deepest sympathies to the family of late Norman fet were admirably served our town for many years as tree Ward and it is a significant loss to his family and friends as well as our town residents and then we have a letter similar to to that from Mr St Stanley ttz which has an abundance of experience um in tree cutting um and auy so and he also mentioned Mr Norman for that the former tree Ward so to both of these gentlemen I I I thank you for recognizing Mr Norman for that um and gentlemen just to let you know we did get another letter from Mr Eric de baros but it didn't come in after you gentleman saw your book so I don't know if you had a chance to look at that but I I see it right here Mr chairman I didn't get to read it but I am familiar with Mr dear and his and his work as well so I mean this is just a temporary appointment correct right until the next election and I think it's the last Tuesday now by the new bylaw last Tuesday in April is that correct I believe so I think that's the way it goes so it's a it's a shortterm appointment um and then anybody can run for the position is there a motion to appoint any of the particular candidate gentlem just because we had Mr Stanley Tom quitz in before Mr D baros came in after the deadline um no dis disrespect to you Mr D baros but Mr Stanley Tom Quin does have the experience so I feel comfortable with that appointment is that a motion I'll make that motion second second all those in favor I and and to Mr Baldwin again thank you very much for your interest and I know he said something about taking some classes so thank you Mr bald for your kind words for our former tree Warden again very nice to mention agre all right I think I think Stanley's going to be a great great guy to put in and they also have equipment if you need to treat smooth and stuff that's a great choice it's got Decades of experience I know you have you have really good experience too so Eric I would encourage you that if you want to be on the ballot for tree Warden if Mr Tom quartz might do it for 6 months seven months whatever it is until April right he might say I'm all set don't really care about doing this anymore if you know Mr um Tom you can have that dialogue with him and if he has no interest in doing it then feel free to put your name in right on yeah no I honestly just put in cuz I knew there was a vacancy for the remainder of the term it's not something that I was looking to do for a longterm situation it was just something to help out the town and getting through um especially with different uh areas that I know and realize like especially on mle road there's a couple trees there that I would like to make suggestion that might be in the town's best interest to get them on the ground before I mean while the work's being done and that road is shut down um not sure if you guys are still doing biding for like the day raate or whatever but on a tree Single Tree rate as um you know I am knowledgeable about it' be much cheaper to be able to just throw it in the road then it would be to have someone come out with a truck and have to use the bucket truck to go up and dismantle the tree piece by piece there's a few really rotted ones on that road especially that well I'm glad you brought that to us hey maybe they could I think we'll have a conversation with Mr manad and we'll look at those trees if you want and maybe I can go with you we can look at those trees that are on as long as it's on Town property right see that's the key to yeah yeah no they're in within what we got six buff right four or six 46 it depends on the layout of the road right Mr manad has all those documents in the DBW office and and and um the late Norman for that was always good about calling DBW office because that layout of the road does change depending on where it is yeah sometimes it's 5T sometimes it's 4T some could be 10 ft right so that's what you need to know as a tree waren you have to make that communication with DPW to find out where the landmarks out with the layout off the road is right from the center of the road you measure out and go not our tree I know Norman's called me in previous years um when he's been tree war and he's called me up and says I you know I can't get a hold of the office but I need to know the the width of this road the layout of this road C because you know the resident wants me to cut this tree but it's a live tree and I don't believe it's on Town property right and Norman was very very good at doing that he was he was an incredible man he was a great tree Warden um and I just hope that our next tree Warden has that same discipline as Mr fet did yeah and I would just strongly suggest that um even if this you'll see if you call me and we go out and I'll show you a couple that I picked out just driving down the road it's just something that I have a good ey for nowadays yeah oh look at that thing you know but um it might be something in your best interest to just let the let the home even if it's not on there let the homeowner know like hey you guys might be able to get it down now before because even though with the way the law states even though it might not be on town property all right so it's close enough to the road where if it did fall down onto Town property it would be Town's responsibility clean up so say we have a hurricane or something and the tree falls into the road there's an imaginary line that goes up so it might be in everybody's best interest to just be like hey we'll let you do it while they're doing the work here let's set up a date see if you can get a company to come out and take this tree down while it's feasible and everything's shut down yeah you know no more details no more all that stuff drastically cut down the cost for everybody the the Mr chairman through you the tree Warden position position is that even a paid position or is it it's like $750 uh I believe it said a th000 and 20,000 we moved it to a00 so where I'm going with this is you know it's a tree Warden right but you've got you've got a guy like Scott Baldwin who I know personally who was a great guy right there a lot enthusiasm would be fantastic would be a great tree Warden you got Eric who I mean is there any reason why we can't have like a deputy and a deputy you know to volunteer position by and large and you know figure out a way cuz I'm imagining when you got one tree Warden and you're in a storm and there's trees down and there all kinds of Mayhem can one person really handle it but DB when it comes to like a hurricane DPW automatically is activated and stuff it's more of it's more of Maintenance of roadways the tree Wen would be notified of a disease tree an unsafe limb on you know hanging over the road so that's really where the tree Wen plays it's you know is it in is it INF you know is it inconceivable that we look at it and say why not build a little bit of a bench here and somebody you know especially when you have an instance when you got two other people who really want to serve the town and have an interest and like why not take a team approach I don't know if there's a are way to do it or not I don't know Jamie so you have to wait for town meeting and uh budget hearings and stuff like that there's the town tree Warden makes determinations there's an expense budget in that budget for him to hire folks to actually do the work M because you you got to be licensed and insured work why right o approved so anyways that's volunteers I like the concept of the Deputy tree warden for the simple fact that we have a deputy wire inspector Deputy building inspector right so it's not unheard of that you just build something like that in so it's something we can discuss in budgets right and uh one more other thing is I've already mentioned it before I think it might be another asset to the town maybe if we um instead of maybe I think it's a good time to maybe rejuvenate what like you guys are saying make it a team or whatever but also maybe having getting a department just for tree work at the in the barn maybe not not D manad being responsible like for Haven for Haven has their own truck their own chipper their own everything so they can do twice as much work with half the amount of pay out because they're not paying out say 1,500 a day they got four guys that they have pot time that they have and they give them a salary like you get $20 an hour that's huge so Eric we're we're in massive um budget constraints now and to add staff and create a new Department buy trucks buy equipment we're talking half a million dollars the town doesn't have I was just making up the town just doesn't we would never be able to accommodate that as a small town I mean even if you had a small I mean you wouldn't even be able to put a staff you don't have enough work year round to have you could have pot time staff on Call like I was looking at it as an on call thing like you have like someone like me like hey I'm on call like they um buddy of mine used to do it for for Haven he wasn't on there all the time he'd be on call so they call him up and they say hey we got a tree that's going down the road so he clock in he say it took him four him and the crew took him four hours to clean it up they got paid for their 4 hours and then they're done it's not like a salary like like someone like the annual like you're getting 40 hours 40 hours no it's a it's a call as you go you know and you don't need especially something like that you don't need to spend a half a million I just picked up a bucket truck for $3,000 I don't want to interject but this was just an appointment we can't get into too many budget things but I talked to you enough Eric just run it by me give me some details offline and I can bring it up at a future one just an observation great thanks for the input though I know more about trees now than I did 10 minutes ago H gentlemen uh next item on me is uh special town meeting for fall so Mr Kelly as of right now do we have people submitting articles that this is 100% definite needed we yes we have articles coming in from the school especially the authorization to do a 5-year bus contract to say money gentlemen any questions comments concerns and there's uh there potentially could be articles because of the building issues that the school department yes okay we're waiting on those I mean if this what it feels kind of ridiculous to already be talking about a fall town meeting when we just got out of the Spring Town Meeting basically 30 somewhat days ago right and I know that this year is the primaries in presidential elections with the town clerk availability of schools and things of the like I just don't know what funds would be available um in if free cash would actually be certified by that time so you know it's it's it's not I don't know how you would what we would be expending for funds at September 30th does feel early it would be articles even the tax rate right isn't the articles for what if you don't have money though that's my point right so if you don't have free cash normally you do fall Town meetings to fund things of the like go is from free cash free cash hasn't been certified right free cash from last year is gone so what funds are available to expend outside of some emergency if the school had an emergency the fund you know building problems and we take that from stabilization more authorizations complying with the the mandates of state law that it has to be from a town meeting to give the approval to do those for example The Five-Year contract which would save considerably amount of money over the five years I it just it wouldn't hurt setting a date and if we got closer to the date we had to we didn't need to do it we do what we did you just cancel it annual we can you just cancel it if there don't need to do it right if there's nothing of urgency right yeah um I don't get into too many details on a subject matter that we didn't Fund in the spring town meeting but you know if if we don't have free cash there's no there's no way we can do that either so we can have that dialogue offline yep all right we can always extend it later like we did with anual to if we need to again I think they went with September 30th deadline because the today and she was doing ballots for the primaries right and then you have the presidential November put it back to the end of November it could end up being December Well we'd be talking and there's any issue that Judy needs rectified before you set the tax rate we could do it at this town meeting as long as you was sent a tax rate lower not up that's the other problem more you spend the more your taxes go up I don't want to put any money articles on that's pretty boring be a quick meeting all right uh is there a motion to set the date for the special town meeting in the fall I would move to set and call the fiscal year 25 Christian at faults special town meeting to meet at the Albert Ford Middle School 708 Middle Road kushna on Monday September 30th 2024 at 700 p.m. with all articles and petitions to be submitted to the town clerk's office and the board of selectman's office by the close of business 4 p.m. August 26 2024 second second all those in favor I uh seven finance department fiscal 26 budget review of matters presented Mr Kelly uh this is a draft I'd like the board to look at a a memo that would be sent out to all departments uh I don't need any response from the board I just want to start the uh conversation my very preliminary Revenue estimate from fiscal year 25 Revenue to fiscal year 26 considering that there are a couple parts of the fiscal 25 budget that were one time cost one time being money from the overlay that was used for a onetime Old Colony cost Etc uh you're looking at a 1.46% increase uh and I'm surprised at this number but just the quick back of the envelope estimate 527 ,000 and 527 it's it's not good you're in bad years you've looked at 700 to $750,000 increase the problem is uh as far as your Levy re Rue you're looking at probably 3% is the rosiest depending on the new growth figures as far as uh local receipts you're looking at maybe 4% probably 3% uh when I look looked with the Mr Gaspar we were looking at the various categories and other then that one year that they added 700,000 to Chapter 70 you're looking at the best year is 1.5% increase in local aid for the state that's where you're getting hurt Y and then the other sources like I said will go down because you're not going to be putting 132,000 in change from the overlay so so I think this discussion has to start now because the Departments have to know that I'm going to be looking at a zero level funded salary budget to maybe a 1% increase salary budget depending on mandated contractual increases and that's bottom line budget right and and I'm looking at a level funded bottom line budget of level for expenses or a 5% decrease bottom line level budget and that includes increases in utilities Etc y I think it's important to T start tackling this now and I agree um this way we don't have to go through what we went through leading up to this town meeting especially Mr Gasper um I know he moved his bedroom out of that office so we could go home for a change so getting on top of this now is is definitely going to help lessen any problem we're going to run into so think it's a good thing to start pay attention like you said now Mr chairman yes sir it's it's a the last year was an extremely troubling year um to balance the budget as you gentlemen know um and when I was looking at all the the recap sheet and the revenue numbers with Mr Kelly and we've we've changed some of the onetime revenue line items to try to accommodate that deficit last year and accommodate some of our budget increases that we had last year it was extremely difficult year um we don't have that flexibility in Revenue line items again this year I think Mr Kelly and I um we agreed on certain line items that we have in Revenue um and again it's one of those things where you only it's only good practice to a budget in up to maybe 75% of those line items we we've hit that marck we've reached that Mark um Mr Kelly and I were uncomfortable doing it but it was the only way to accommodate some of the budget increases that we had o Colony being the biggest school being second police being third health insurance pensions those are fixed costs that we you know we had to swallow we had to figure out um how to fund it um we we I think we the board and the Town Administrator and the fincom did an excellent job um getting rid of that budget deficit um but it was extremely difficult and we'll face I think more difficulty this year if we don't get everybody on the same playing card and make everybody in this early conversation understand where we're at um with revenues and we just you know we're kind of being handcuffed right with revenues and with the state pulling back as Mr Kelly alluded to it's making it even more difficult on smaller towns like us that don't have a lot of opportunity to increase Revenue so correct you know with that said we'll hopefully we'll just every month we'll have conversations and see where we're at and you know the state is always trying to they're trying to retract as much Chapter 70 as they can so it's no no longer you know we're getting an extra $9 00,000 a year they're starting to pull that in and they they quite honestly I think they have a planned um State hasn't planed to try to eliminate State funding right at some point you know it might be a decade down down the road but they're slowly weaning us down on the percentage of money that they're giving us and it's making us more reliant on the local taxpayer um which is extremely troubling so hopefully we'll be able to figure it out again this year but we all have to do our due diligence with our budgets and you know somebody asked just won't be able to be provided this year right so everybody's got to play their role MH thank you Mr chair thank you all right moving on staff appointments I'd like to have this uh passed over certain and we discuss another excuse me uh General Law chapter 268a section 19 declaration uh gentlemen we have a disclosure um from s wer uh we have to vote to accept his disclosure um because he does have family members that work for the town um all I really need from your gentlemen because we did approve this months ago is a vote motion to approve the disclosure I'll second it all those in favor hi hi I'd also like to bring up one other one that you don't have in your book we don't have to vote on it but I want to acknowledge it um our town clerk also gave me a copy of a disclosure form similar position she has trouble every year finding election workers and ends up asking her son or daughter to show up and help break down machines and stuff um she just wanted it acknowledged we don't need to actually vote to accept it as long as we acknowledge that she submitted it to us that's all we really need are good all right going to end new business on a good note annual Cru KN discussion uh I'm going to leave this to you Mr Gasper well it's uh it's nice to be able to have Cruz night again we've uh we started that on the 150th birthday of the town of aush the centenal on birthday of the town of Krishna in 2010 it happened to be the year that I was elected to the board of Selectmen um I worked with Mr Cino as a Town Administrator he was always a a critical component of our cruise night um when he announced his retirement I kind of jumped in that seat for Mr Cino and took over some of those responsibilities along with Mr Matt Lopes that's been doing it since the start and his family was instrumental in our sentennial ceremonies that we had as a town which were beautiful SE um ceremonies and we've continued the cruise night on as a tradition and we you know we couldn't do it in 20120 and 21 I think we did it in 22 but then in 23 Mr Lopes was having uh knee surgery um he just couldn't get out and about to do the flyer things and and attract the crowd so we put it off last year um and he called me up and said he's good to go this year and I said well they said we'll put it out on the board of selectman's agenda and see if we will approve the uh cruise night I but I know this year we're going to be doing a DJ instead of the band um so we're going to try to change things up a little bit this year um and hopefully we'll like all other years we'll have a very successful cruise night so I think I think the entire town appreciates it it's nice and uh I know I myself I appreciate it and thank you for making sure it came back and thanks to Mr Lopes for yeah his recovery and getting right back into action couldn't do it without Matt right um and I think it's kind of we want to I know you're going to be involved with me this year and getting car parked and things of the like that's probably one of the more difficult things is getting everybody to listen to you right get those car poed without creating any damage to them um I want to thank Sant Tommy Karu for meeting with Mr Kelly and I and Mr Tommy Fallen Chief Fallon from the fire department meeting with us the other day for a public safety meeting and how we're going to coordinate make that function um Mr Karu was great Mr fallin's been great to us Mr Kelly's been great um we're all on the same page so all we need is I I I definitely want to have the board's approval to have this um cruise night so it's uh Thursday August 29th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. we will par car we will block the road off over here in the center of town we're going to we're going to startop blocking off the road I guess at like somewhere around 4:15 so our employees can leave the buildings and in right around 10 44 4 our police staff will move in along with EMA um and stop posting up and blocking off the road and then we can stop once the roads are blocked off and we get an all clear signal from our PD whoever's on staff that night the details in in the officer in charge will give me the heads up and we can start rolling cars out to the street and parking them so even after that it's just everybody has fun yep sounds good is there a motion to approve the annual cruise night so moved second it all those in favor thank you you already did enough work you don't need to Second thank you Mr chairman yes sir you think we could ask the chief of Poli to uh give uh you and Mr Gasper a a whistle so you can park the cars I have an internal I have an internal whistle that I communicate with all the drivers so I don't need a little ReRe whistle um and as long as the the drivers are always very good to me I I make sure that when they're coming out of the St Francis CH which I will notify the pastor I will notify blue point of this function Mr chairman I made a mistake as far as uh number eight there's a gentleman here I'd like to that's right um staff appointments jump back real quick uh conservation agent here the other parts of the agenda i' like of that four score uh Mr Minon if you'd like to introduce yourself and uh Mr Minon uh has been uh interviewed he's been recommended to this board by the Conservation Commission it's a part-time conservation agent position and we are uh very impressed with his background and we're also uh very impressed that he is is uh wanting to take the bull by the horns and get started and take things and go forward and uh I think uh you know the chair of the uh concom is uh very pleased that we have got this be good to have an agent again well I'm excited to start I was happy to get the call back um I don't know how much of my background I need to go into but I'm excited to to be part of the town of um kushit working on conservation Wetlands tell tell the people at home a little bit about your background uh I'm a retired Federal uh biologist I work for Noah um not the boat guy but the national ocean graphic Atmospheric Administration over 30 years and I did a whole range of things for them including going to Sea uh I worked out a New Bedford for a number of years on draggers scallopers uh done uh worked in Alaska doing biology at Sea um worked on endangered species um disentanglement uh have a background in fishing gear analysis so uh I managed the warehouse down in Rhode Island whenever this gear is pulled off these entangled whales um I'd be the first person to get it or one of the first people to get it and we work with the fishing industry it's not really an industry we work with fishermen small business owners and we take a look at the gear and try to determine where it was from is it fishing gear uh is it Canadian is it us uh I've got a um I went to school many years ago for aquatic biology and chemistry and I went to grad school down at uh University of Rhode Island and I that was a a policy uh degree but while I was there I ran into a uh Professor Frank golette who was the uh Wetlands ecologist that one of the authors of the Cordon at all that was the classification system for wetman so uh spent a little extra time down at uh URI and uh during that time I worked on the Galilee salt marsh restoration which is uh the it was salt marsh that was cut off by The Escape Road From Galilee back up uh to Point Judith um and we reintroduced water but I did a bunch of the we did a bunch of the pre-restoration biology you know just what's there you know so are we going to have an effect um it's kind of ironic when I got out of grad school I wanted to work in Wetlands I was kind of inspired and the only job I could find was going back to Sea so many years later here I am um and I just saw the the posting and I I do um a lot of the work I did was whether it was worth working with the regulated Community whether it was fishermen I worked on salmon restoration up in Maine where we were working with blueberry Growers uh forestry people um trying to develop strategies to recover wild salmon up in Maine um I think I said this during the uh interview that I I in the years I've worked in conservation natural resource management the real the real work goes on locally you know we we would write these regulations and and I I've already said this but we we'd call it shelf art you'd spend three years coming up with a strategy it would go on a shelf and no one would ever look at it again and that's a little bit of a frustration a with with any job but you know we did a lot of good things for natural resources so uh as a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago um I live in New Bedford uh my office was the customs house downtown and I was in the federal building for a while um I've been I I grew up in in Texas uh I haven't been there for quite a while uh just from work um still have family there but I've I've been in and out of uh um uh well I've been here in New Bedford for quite a while and I first moved to New England I lived down in Westport for a little while and up in Maine so um uh had quite a a vared career but I'm excited uh and I was really again um you know I um um yeah I I still you know just working on natural resource conservation I used to I I I we would tell people you know we don't manage the atmosphere we don't manage the ocean we don't manage fish we're trying to manage people's behavior and you know trying to work with people to you know come together and find a solution obviously there's regulations that you got to and and I'm going to come up to speed with with those as quick as I can um and I think I'll do that pretty quickly but yeah EXC yeah I appreciate that Mr man I want to very very much say thank you for uh answering the advertisement and utilize our commission learn everything you need to learn um they are a really good commission that's in place right now and they've been at the mercy without an agent for a while now um so I know they're looking forward to having an agent um but it's a Great Commission um I I frequent their meetings and they're very passionate about our community and making sure things are done the right way but they're in a situation where we're not going to shut people down we're here for conversations and we're here for respectful progress but follow the laws follow the Wetland protection act to the tea and have the conversations well and again I'm I'm excited I just kind of um you know I just saw the advertisement and answered it and I'm excited and I thank the board and Mr chairman chairman yeah Mark welcome and you know regulatory piece of it obviously very important but I think what would be helpful in you know working with the commission is we've got Lake Street which is a great natural resource but it's it's buried in Weeds and there's problems there and we're trying to do it on our own um you know with the volunteers but if there's if you see opportunities you know as an agent to with resources that are out there and things of that you know please keep your antenna up for that or other projects in town where you know you might have sight lines into how to solve some of the problems that we have especially on Lake Street there I think you know if you could lean into that that would be great you know and I and I appreciate any direction that that you have or suggestions for things like that I think uh talking to Mr Kelly one of the things we spoke about was uh I did some Grant riew we uh the shop I was with with Noah originally it was very small so we did everything from permit review to Grant reviews and and so I'm you know since we I had the interview thinking about possibly different sources of funding I don't know if they're out there but I know than River Herring I worked on um some of the um not directly with the Sawmill restoration project but subsquently you know this restoration of Herring runs and I know that there's money out there for that kind of work and I I think you know you get into the wated it's all connected so I think you know some I'm I will say I can write I I think I used to be I used to be able to write you know I still can and I think some creative writing looking at pops of money and I still know quite a few people within Noah to reach out like what's coming where you know is there money out there no guarantee but you know someplace to start and I'm excited about a cush I just you just see the changes going on down here on the south you know Coast everywhere you know development and just you know the need to you know stay ahead of that you know and you know it's great town I love driving I go out of my way to take the back roads home anytime great restaurants great ice cream oh I got to stay away from the creamy I I just we got a couple of different facilities here that can accommodate anything that you want right and we have some great restaurants as well for a small community we do we do things right here yeah I I know of cap the captain's place and uh but I know I can't go to the uh the premium any there there's another one for other not that you want to try got some clam cakes over there just say so I mean it's just just we and we have some really good people owners of our um local eateries too so we got some great Farm stands in the cushion as well um to stop by and pick up some fruits and vegetables and things of the like it's and and all the owners are just great people so spend some of your money here in a cushion it don't be afraid to take out that wallet always I um I I um in my career I think um and I hope you know continue I think one of the you know I enjoy working with people you I like to think that I get along with people and you know so looking forward to to you know working with the community so thank you thank you thank you uh Mr Kell do you need a motion do you want a motion to appoint uh can I just speak yeah you actually the reason I came even though the street thing happened from the conservation I just wanted to say thank you for coming and then I think I can speak for everybody and that we're looking forward to having like they said we've been way underhanded and it's going to be a great and now we got two sides because I was a fisherman too nice to meet you nice to meet you I need I subject to the recommendation of the Conservation Commission I need a motion to appoint motion to appoint Mark Bon as the conser part-time conservation agent second all those in favor all right congratulations you just been appointed all right all right I'll see you at the beginning of the week beginning of the week what are you talking about I thought Eric was going to bring him up the hill and show him his off right now time they got a meeting in 26 minutes so U probably can we don't have believe that all right we got to get the busy with the police yep uh next item police chief assessment send discussion review of matters presented Chief evening see we have some updates on what we talked about at last meeting more information here um yeah we uh just to recap um at the last meeting when we discussed it the the board had voted to um um put in a requisition uh for a department of promotional exam uh with the education and experience attachment uh I was able to put that requisition in through Civil Service um they have sent back a delegation agreement um for the town to examine I guess the process is the town reads it over reviews it uh signs off sends it back to Civil Service uh they sign off and send it back and that ation agreement gives the town the ability to contract with a um a vendor that would actually give uh the assessment center uh for the next police chief um which for those of you that don't know the assess not necessar you but just maybe people that are watching the assessment Cent is basically U um a pretty intensive dayong interview where there's a number of uh number of exercises I'm sorry about that uh number of exercises and role playing and things of that nature um there were a number of question questions that came up last uh came up since last meeting in regards to how the town would proceed I have brief conversation with with Mr gas Mr Kelly a few times as well um unfortunately some of those questions I don't have answers to um I reached out to the five contacts I have at civil service and no one has responded um as of yet um I guess the biggest question um you know I I think we need to finalize that RFP um to put that out and the question was do we have to wait for the delegation agreement to come back from the state to to put out the RFP um and and the simple answer right now is I don't know but the RFP actually is not I haven't reviewed anything we've have a number of samples including the one that was done five years ago um from from the town of aushia Mr Kelly found some more recent ones um so we just got to you know pretty much finalize that I anticipate getting these answers you know relatively soon um but if the delegation agreement you know needs to be reviewed you know outside of outside of this building stfe Town Council I would recommend that you know we we put that out to them uh so we can we can move as soon as we get these answers from Civil Service my my guess and again it's only an educated guess is that um we this Civil Service sent us a delegation agreement is that we we can move forward on that um you know to get that they G squared away but that again that's my educated answer without having the answer directly from civil service we don't want to get ourselves into you know a Snap Pool like some other communities have recently so but I would at least put it out for review um to uh if if need be the Town Council it seems like it's pretty much a boil boil plate document um I do do not have a copy of the delegation agreement that came back last time you know five years ago you know to compare side by side to see you know what's changed what hasn't I I would suggest you that probably not much has changed um but that's that's pretty much where we're at uh at now Mr chairman yes sir so while we're on the subject matter of the delegation agreement I I did get that copy from you and and I I did read through it pretty thoroughly and this obviously Town Council is going to have to take a look at this gentleman and get back to us but it does name Mr hinley the chairman of the board of selectman as a delegation administrator inside of this draft I'm going to call this a draft and I guess maybe you just used the name the plug in there but it's named several different times honestly I don't believe any any member of the board of Selectmen is qualified to be part of the delegation administrators as the appointing authority when I put the requisition in with civil service um they just pull that from the head of the appointing authority which is which is the chairman we can we I'm sure we can alter that I would imagine Mr Kelly U I don't want to speak for anybody so I just I just want you know I think that's important and then and then I know that through an email that sent out the we we the composition of the you know the the D820 thing goes along and you gave us some chots that doesn't show police chief and I know you said something about a September 1st deadline because hrd is waiting to develop those standards in you know the rankings I guess and is it going to remain 8020 so that'll change in the delegation agreement if they change things potentially yes right so I think if we if if Chief it it's you're the experienced one here if this is something the Elation agreement is something that you know outside of a few modifications that need to be made if we want to be proactive and send this the Town Council to review it and let him take a quick look at what the language is inside of this and then at least when the chief gets a response there's only a couple of things that we would need to change to expedite this process right um as far as a delegation agreement I did have a conversation because I'm very concerned I mean the chief's departure I think is September 6th 5th 6th right and in his email he gives us that they might get not get back to us until September 1st that's a huge concern right so I was trying to coordinate with the chief figuring this out and I'm like well we're not getting a new Chief until you know November which is you know pretty far away probably kind of puts us in a in a bad position so I asked the chief if he could contact civil service and as he alluded to to see if we could put out an RFP you know maybe we leave out the 8020 thing cuz we're not sure about the composition of the 8020 but can we go out for an RFP get those in and start processing that because that's a 15 whatever day we put on an RFP I don't know if there's a time frame that exceeds 15 days or can we put a minimum 15 days for a return on an RFP but then there's a period of time from what I understand advertising that's the advertising period of time is what I'm talking about right for how long it sits out there for an RFP so if it's 15 days if that is it mandated by somebody that says 30 30 days that we don't we're not aware of right and it's just we the can's getting kicked out too farou based on the conversation that a chief and I had I said well it maybe it's it it's in our best interest if we can go out for the RFP you know the 8020 thing I think we can incorporate incorporate that once we figure out who is going to be the assessment center right and then we give them the delegation and say cuz I think it says in here that they have to abide by all of this and civil service and everything else so at that point once we pick some somebody right we give them this and say this is the rules of the assessment center this is what you going abide by we can plug that in some once the chief gets that response but we need to be able to you know walk and chew bubblegum at the same time here we can't wait for civil service to give us the ranking composition of what if it's going to be 8020 it's 8020 fine but let's get the RFP out cuz we have time we have deadlines that quite honestly our backs against the wall right the ties not in our favor so I I I'm just trying to expedite as fast as we can get this over to Town Council for review as a draft to see what his comments are if he's got anything to add or subtract get an RFP and I guess I'm going to I'm going to have the conversation that I kind of bed around with the chief right is is if the board's it's been brought to our attention a couple of different times about um you know second in command um I know um based on my conversations with Chief Richmond that if if we were going to going to do a consider um in the assessment center it's a lot less money to add that into the RFP far as second in command then they add in a couple of criterias I guess for the chief I'll let you speak more on that in a second the Board needs to consider that before we just send out an RFP for an an assessment center just for chief what I'm bringing to the table right now is the the concerns over numerous Chiefs as the chief alluded to in our last meeting several Chiefs have been talking about second command if it's only an extra th000 bucks to do a second in command versus another 10 grand somewhere else down the road does the board want to as long as it doesn't hinder the timeline of us getting this thing out by adding a second and command if it does forget about it now but if it doesn't and we can bang this all out at once is there an appetite for the board to say and you don't have to be known tonight for a second and come in and I talk to the Chief and just because we do the assessment center for the chief in the second and coming in doesn't mean that the board of Select have to appoint a second and command that second and command spot again is I believe it's the same two years as a sergeant exam would doing a sergeant Assessment Center it allows us to hold those Sergeant the ranks of those Sergeant for at least two years if we if we don't have the funding or we don't feel it's appropriate to a point it's on the table for two years but we're open to do it whenever we want the following two years I think that's a great idea yes okay so I I think that we need to look at that na because you just heard yes and yes right yes for the second come in if as long as it's not going to hinder our time frame and make things more complicated for the assessment center right and H and H because you also said because we don't have a job description in place for whatever we decide we're going to name it is it going to be a captain is it going to be a lieutenant is it going to be a deputy chief that's at our privilege somewhere else down the road but we has to be described in the assessment and I would imagine a position but we also going to forward that to civil service for approval because we're a civil service dep that's what I'm talking about time frames if civil service is going to make this into a 9020 day Guessing Game Pass a document Back in Forth on the description of second command have a nice day we ain't doing it we we need a chief right but if we can if we can do both parallel I think now might be that opportunity to have that in our tool chest for down the road so if we name a new Chief we'll give them a little time to be in that position right without confusing the the conversation and then maybe six months a year down the road we do want to name a second in command and put somebody in there for the assistance of the chief right but they're try to do both at the same time it's just too much reshuffling of the debt but I just wanted to bring that up because it has been something that's been discussed with this board previous boards and things of the like and I know funding is an issue but we can have that discussion offline with the Town Administrator as well I I think now is the time to do it um based on what I know about the police department and and the accreditations and the certifications that we've just gone through post it's going to require a whole another position quite honestly with post and the day body cams come screening video footage that's a job all in itself right so I think that that second in command you know might make more sense today than what it would have made two 5 10 years ago so if if the board and I think we said yes to that so we just need answers on whether or not we could do an RFP I think now we need to look at the RFP that we got from you from 5 years ago right um and we might have to modify that however we do that we have to I'm going to leave that up to you Chief to figure out how we do that in the time frames and come up with a job description I think this board's going to need to figure out you know what is that job description because you can't just do a blanket though you know it's going to be you know blank position civil service is going to know is it a captain is it a lieutenant is it a deputy chief right y if if I could Mr chairman I'll speak to that se first deadline um the September 1 deadline is not we don't have to necessar till September 1st uh to geted that September 1st deadline is saying that the their uh guidelines will be available for uh assessment centers being held after September 1st so we may we're going to get notification earlier now to your point on the assessment center we're adding potentially adding we'll call an executive officer for lack of a you know title for for EAS for easier um that is among the questions that I have that I that I that I have not got an answer on um from civil service is if we decide to even pursue that right now was that going to delay our attempt to um uh to try to get the the chief's Assessment Center done in a timely fashion but certainly that's something we're going need answer too because that would have to be part of the RFP that went out case in point when we did the assessment center 5 years ago we had a conversation after the assessment center with the assessors and the facilitator just you know was given as as a chief example we just asked he you know out of curiosity what would this taken to make it you know Chief Deputy Chief and we were told you know it would have been one more it would have been one more exercise we did six exercises it would have been a seventh um um it would have cost the town you know the about that that that number around ,000 more $800 to $1,000 more it would have cost the offices um an additional test fee like if they wanted test for Deputy Chief and chief it would have been two fees instead of one so we're talking you know another $150 per per person so um I'm not not sure if we can uh say waiting on the answers um the to create the position there's a little bit of there's a process that goes with that there's a form we send along our own job description um to be honest with you there's there's boil plate stuff for for for uh job description for de whatever you want to call Executive Officer it's going to be basically the same job you know it's going to be you know it's going to be a non-union managerial exemp position uh with all the responsibilities that that the chief currently has um no matter what you call it so so um that's again those questions are out there um hopefully we'll get answers relatively soon I'll follow up with some phone calls tomorrow if I don't get anything by midday um and hopefully you have some answers but in the meantime I I would strongly recommend like I said send send the delegation agreement with Town Council to at least get that preliminary um if we need to change you know U you know the the contact person on the town side you know we can always do that on the fly when we send that back to to um to civil service if we got to change the percentage we can do that ourselves like that's not necessarily going to be determined by Town Council but there's a lot of I guess lack of a better term legal ease in there that I think would be better suited being reviewed by um by Town Council and you know get a proc get that process going Y and then Mr chairman just just bring one more thing to the board's attention for consideration while I have the chief here as well so Chief you're working on all these components right figuring this out to try to expedite the process as fast can stay in communication with the Town Administrator if we need to do a future meeting we don't need to wait two weeks Mr chairman um on the yard watch you can call a meeting whenever you want as long as Mr ler and I can be here especially if something as important as this yes sir and then the other thing that I had a conversation with the chief on is the we had a conversation last meeting selectman W had had brought it up about you know not having one of the sants that are in going for the assessment center as a you know an interim Chief and I agreed wholeheartedly with that for the Optics whole part of it right and leaning tilting the scale one way or another and I know it's such a minutia you had talked about it's not even a point might be a half a point for a two-month period it might not even be that um and then I looked into the Civil Service stuff CU I I'm not you know obviously at the chief's um pedigree of civil service experience but after doing some due diligence on it I I asked the chief if what I found was to be correct um and he believes it's to be correct and you can just let me know if I'm Miss speaking in Chief is for somebody to act as an in Chief interim Chief however we want to call it um it would be the most senior Sergeant by Civil Service standards it it certainly looks that way and and to be honest with you in my opinion like from my point of view I consider a move point because the senior Sergeant in the rare instances that I've gone away in the last four and a half five years uh where I've you know I've traveled um I put the same person in charge and that's the senior Sergeant uh sergeant Tom k um I put him in charge and I do that you know well I have confidence in in in in all all six of my Sant that to handle you know operationally um things that come up when I'm not here but I I like to stay I like to stay consistent um I just you know my own logic was he he was um you know he was number two the last time you know you know on the on the on the list when I got the job it just seemed it seemed like the logical thing to do and so um my point is that it's a move Point that's who I if the board asked me on sth who I who we need who the actor should be it should be him staying consistent and I don't want to speak for any member of the department um you know um you know other sergeant and whatnot but um the consistence is let let's just you know keep going kind of keep things consistent as what we're going there's no you know you know I don't think anybody sees it as a as a leg up or favoritism or or trying to hook somebody up or something like that it's just keeping things consistent so again Mr chairman I would I would ask that the board consider it have the conversation with the with the Town Administrator um to to have a conversation with the chief in the future about um when we would put that timeline in I don't know if it's fair to the chief or somebody that's going to be an acting inum police chief to stick him in there the day he's leaving right I don't think that's in the best interest of the department I think maybe a week or two early might work out best for us so it gives us a small window of opportunity to think about this but not a Long window of opportunity so again for consideration by the board I would like the board to at least have that consideration and chief if you can just when you you're in contact with civil service um I don't want to get in trouble um doing an appointment with the board and then one my questions that's outstanding with them right now for the theor the acting chief of the process and what we need to do okay so just if we can button all of that stuff up and try to expedite that information over the town administrator's office for him to speak with us and we can keep this ball going um I don't want to be playing a game of golf with trying to find a um replace you the police chief I'd rather be playing a game of ping Pon right rapid fire just keep going and get keeping the ball moving we don't we don't have time for delays right it's it's not in the best interest of V department so thank you Chief thank you Mr chairman thank you thank you Chief uh and Mr Kelly's uh yeah go ahead uh just so the board knows the chief and I have met and talked a couple times uh I I found some Modern rfps I put notes in it I made copies of it I gave the chief my copies with my notes and is going to look through it and go through and see I would suggest that the questions that the chief has asking civil service we also send over to Town Council okay and have him weigh in on it because he might be able to answer something a lot quicker than civil services Y and he's dealt with civil service a lot in his career and for the email that I that I sent them I'll for that to you so you have those questions and the the whole issue is like Mr Gasper said to get uh the ball rolling down the hill as quickly as possible because uh we've got we've got a hit an advertising time that will put it in the various Publications and then have the 15 days for the re review and reply yep because they don't publish all the time immedi mediately okay so Mr Kelly so the procurement laws don't allow you to just go solicit three bids if this is under certain threshold or is this because it's Public Safety it's a different it's there's a specific uh I know that the Civil Service references a specific Statute in uh when you're using an assessment Setter you have to comply with uh everybody does it the same why it's in the uh RFP the statute I don't know it off the top my head but what you do and uh you've got to there's I think the chief and I went through there's a list of probably six posses okay yeah we can discuss that out of respect for the meeting that's about to start in four minutes I uh I want to just say Mr Kelly contact Town Council get him the delegation letter change anything you need to do and chief just back and forth with Mr Kelly and we'll do this the best we can to make it happen as soon as possible sounds good thank for your Chief thank you Chief thank you thank you chman have a good night any quick select announcements um quick select announ I don't know what happened to my thing but I did get a phone call and to contact uh Mass DOT I think it's District 5 of South Main Street people are complaining about the weeds down the sidewalk on the west side of South Main Street and just quite honestly the condition of the sidewalks and the Leeds that are I said it's not a town on road I get it but we can have DPW contact Mass DOT District 5 and see if they can get somebody out here to clear the sidewalks in debris cuz it's becoming a safety issue with children absolutely thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr W it um I got a quick one I just want to say congratulations to officer Colin Manon and officer Adrien font who graduated from the police academy today um and they officially start on the accrate police force Monday so congrats to both those gentlemen for putting in the hard work Mr chairman in your packets you have a confirmation the board had asked prior that the uh articles concerning storm water over 55 Etc the three artic Les have been approved by the AG and so we're all set with that the town clerk sent us notification excellent um so Mr chairman I don't know if that memo that we got sent is current for this town meeting that was just passed the storm water the new storm water bylaw that was just passed that's referring to the older um and I don't think it was even stormw I think that was a sewer bylaw a SE bylaw so I think there's a correction to that memo that needs to be from from the town clerk's office to our office I think there was a the correction needs to be made to that so I don't know if that was done in that because the town meeting just ended a 30-day period too the Attorney General normally takes 90 days so just just for your knowledge I was going to bring that up to you later but see now you brought it up I think that needs to be done maybe the Attorney General's office is actually doing doing their jobs maybe all right uh gentlemen we have two executive sessions uh executive session under Mass General Law chapter 3A subsection 21 a six to consider the purchase exchange lease or value of real estate eminent domain 157 South Main Street if the chair declares the open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and the board will not return to public session at the conclusion of executive session and we have executive session under Mass General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining of the litigating position of the public body asks me Steel Workers if the chair declares that an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and the board will not return to public session at the conclusion of the executive session is there a motion to go into both these executive sessions so move second all those in favor roll call vote Mr wer yes Mr Gasper yes and I am a yes we are an executive session [Music]