[Music] good afternoon everyone today is Friday May 31st 2024 it is 1 p.m. is there a motion to call the meeting to order so moved second all those in favor I this meeting will be a and video recorded please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance FL the United States of America the stand indivisible first order of business is a reserve fund transfer for the Council on Aging we had some issues with some septic and plumbing um total dollar amount $686 76 this request is bring being sought due to unanticipated expenses to the Council on Aging building septic system had not been maintained for over 5 years septic system pumping was overdue as well as the greas strap service a sewer pipeline was completely blocked and overflowed into the men's bathroom causing an urgent request for plumbing services r&m account is in the negative negative by $1 442926995 76 for the Council on agent so moved second all those in favor all right uh next item is fiscal 25 budget review of matters presented votes may be taken gentlemen I believe we had a couple of um budgets that we have to approve there should be two of them page here we have inspectional services for a total of $16,784.23 also Recreation for a total of $2,225 motion to approve so move second all those in favor okay Mr chairman the library bottom line will remain the same but there were some numbers that were transposed and that will be taken care of in the final draft excellent thank you Mr Kelly and we have a small handful of article Les that we had passed over to fine tune to article one to see if the town will accept the reports of its officers boards departments committees and commissions as printed in the 20122 annual report or act on anything relative there to Is there a motion to approve so move second all those in favor I uh article two uh we needed to fill in some funds to see if the town will raise an appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of $3,329 to pay bills from prior fiscal years or take any other action thereon or in relation there to Is there a motion to approve so move second all those in favor I article 11 to see if the town will vote to transfer from free cash or otherwise provide for payment of the sum of $81,300 $1 to complete the participant Equity Fund payment associated with joining the employee health insurance purchasing group Massachusetts strategic health group and take any other action thereon or in relation there to motion to approve is that article what article hold on I got to missed what article did you just yeah it's supposed to be I read 11 off of this but that's not the right one hold on it is 11 that's so evolving yeah no uh that's because you've got a previous draft I've got 11 on here where you just read yeah my article 11 doesn't match match my sheet here remembered yeah here it says soil board but in this oh okay something else I think it changed articles it should be article 10 article 10 it's the revolving fund yeah okay okay so this is supposed to be article 10 to see if the town will vote pursuant to Massachusetts general laws chapter 44 section 53e and 1/2 to set the limits on the total amounts that may be expanded in the fiscal year 2025 and each of the Town evolving funds established the pisp general bylaws article 21 revolving fund is set forth below or take any other action later on uh it was just one line item the soil board revolving fund making sure that uh it was listed correctly uh and I believe it is it is Mr chairman thank you motion will approve so move second all those in favor [Music] I next one was Article 14 the time of uh our last meeting there was nothing appropriated for it uh and Mr Kelly just to confirm this is for the 's community service program senior tax work up yep yep 20,000 you reconfigured the article and you drop the one we were holding for the school I'm assuming Mr KY yes it wasn't necessary according to the business manager what correct so on article go ahead article 14 is to see if the town will vote to raise an appropriate or transfer from free cash to some $20,000 to fund an Elders community service program for the purpose of providing a payment voucher for services rendered for the Departments boards and Committees of the municipality to resident property owners who have attained the age of 60 years to be used to reduce the real estate property taxes the property in which the elderly own owner resides said program be subject to the following conditions in addition to any and all eligibility requirements promulgated by the board of Selectmen after receiving the recommendations of the Council on agent participation in the program shall be limited to elderly residents of the Town who own property and willing and able to provide services to the town program participant shall receive compensation at a rate of $15 an hour for each hour of service rendered for a total not to exceed $1,500 in any calendar year program participants must agree in writing prior to participating in the program to receive compensation in the form of voucher to be presented to the treasur tax collector to be applied to the real estate obligations of the participant for the property in which the participant resides is there a motion to approve so move second all those in favor I okay and then the next couple we have are in regards to sloping the uh sheet the sheet the numbers have changed to the final cuz we removed some articles so uh we are looking at in the new version article 22 23 and 24 the old article CL are 24 25 26 okay and Mr Gasper I believe you and Jamie sat down to verify numbers are you comfortable with those yeah we we um I don't know what numbers you're all looking at Mr chairman um we had some discussions on what we felt could be taken out of water Reserve in the amount of 600,000 so the capital first one of the old article 24 I think Mr Kelly is 600 the number year the original number we plugged in was 500 but 600 600 600 should be for the new article 22 uh three okay and so Capital expense stabilization funding that's correct 600,000 it's 600 also okay so both of those and then the water your old 25 striking out the language of sewer infrastructure in article 25 because you can't use water revenue for sewer infrastructure so that was done in the new version okay um the same 600,000 so article 22 and article 23 are both going to be 600,000 correct that's out of the water the last one is water Reserve okay okay all right article 22 to see if the town will vote to transfer from Capital expense stabil stabilization fund or from available funds or to file for except and expend grants and or matching funds provided by grants or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money not to exceed $600,000 to repair and replace the roadway sidewalk water infrastructure infrastructure inall infrastructure for slm Street would take any other action thereon or in relation there to motion to approve so move second all those in favor I article 23 is to see if the town will vote to transfer from the water Special Reserve Revenue fund or from available funds or to file for accept and expend grants or batching funds provided by grants or otherwise provide a sum of sum sum or sums of money not to exceed $600,000 to repair there Andor repl the roadway sidewalks infrastructure for water storm water drainage for slm Street motion to approve so mov second all those in favor and 24 was to see if the town will vote to trans is that supposed to be transferred transfer yes to see if the town will vote to transfer one 1,200,000 from available funds borrow file for accept and expend grants and matching funds provided by grants or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money not to exceed 1,200,000 that is the amount is a placeholder correct to repair and to replace the roadway sidewalks water infrastructure sewer infrastructure and storm water drainage drainage infrastructure for slokum Street project or take any other action there on or in relation there too Mr chairman yes sir you you used a number of 1.2 what's what's that that was a placeholder the 1.2 is this the borrowing one yep so we gentlemen we just had a meeting with woodwood and Curran U we got some bids in they're going to come in in the June 4th meeting and go over um the slokum street project um be a small slideshow and and take any questions from the board uh we have some funding available um the borrowing article I I'm not a big proponent of borrowing but the 1.2 needs to be 1.8 in order for us to meet the funding of the eligible bids that came in that being said um I had a quick conversation with our state representative um Paul Schmid um he's informed me that the transportation Bond Bill Mr Strauss had put in representative Strauss had put in in 201 14 it was dedicated to slokum Street um he's recommended that we submit a letter working with his staff I think it was Jessica Kon from his staff would prepare a letter help us prepare a letter send a letter off to mass do um informing them of the project but also a letter from uh state Senator Mark M's office rep Schmid's office rep strauss's office all in support of the project and submit that to the governor's office because that's who needs to be release the the funds from the Transportation Bond Bill and then he said he kind of use terminology well that's the 1.5 that rep um Strauss put in in 2014 is up to negotiation so my recommendation when we just had an internal meeting with Mr Kelly woodwood and current and DPW staff is let's ask for more right it ain't going to hurt um we got a shov ready project and the the borrowing an article is is for $1.8 million that's not even taken into account the 1.5 from the Transportation that's why it's as high as 1.8 um we need to expedite that letter um get that letter in form um through um rep Schmid's office he said Jessica kon's really good at preparing these kind of letters to us we can submit something to mass do um and then send the letters off to our legislative delegation and have them us pitchure to the governor's office um with their support letters alongside of our letter and hopefully she can expedite the release of our transportation money excellent that was appropriated for all that so literally I was on the phone with Mike monan from Senator wy's office before we came in they're working on a letter to the secretary and the governor we should have it for Tuesday's meeting excellent um thank you thank you that's actually I know you guys are working on it so yep so I mean the the one point for everybody at home that think you know when 1.8 million borrowing the other 600 the other 600 the water Reserve fund that's what the money is there for we're replacing a 2200 roughly 2200 ft of water main up slokum Street that's 115 years old um that's not good right that that we need to start replacing our water infrastructure so the project is is an important project um trying to help beautify our downtown town area and Mr W talked about South Main Street slok streets a major Ry connecting into South Main Street um getting those sidewalks up to Snuff um and kind of beautifying that area along with upgrade in that water infrastructure is critical to the town's people especially all the town's people over here in Precinct one um we'll see what that water pipe looks like but so hopefully if we get to full 1.5 the borrowing article will never need to be acted upon right it's up to 1.8 we can borrow up to um I don't know if we have some contingency that have a significant buffer um in the project but I don't think we're going to need those big contingencies but right now given the numbers we were given by the engineering firm we stuck by that number and that's how we hit the number so I'm hoping that we never have to act upon that 1.8 million borrowing right and we can get our Senators and state reps to get us some money for this project absolutely it's a shovel ready project so hopefully that's what's going to occur so I would ask that that 1.2 that you read be changed to 1.8 Mr chairman and I'll make a motion to approve second all those in favor than the last one Mr chairman is the enabling legis uh language for the storm water bylaw and where it say say XX for the article number it should say that article number 28 Mr chairman on the on the storm water yes sir management uh bylaw you had a bylaw review committee meeting you've gotten the language at the end of applicability article three section B1 did you get that last part of that link anguage out yep voted to made a motion to remove the last part of the language um passed at byw review and it was endorsed to send back to us with updated language excellent thank you Mr chairman very welcome is there a motion to approve Article 28 so second all those in favor I staff will now uh put the letter in uh to the sary and uh do the index and it'll be ready to go to uh print the beginning of the week excellent um and if possible have the staff review a couple of the uh budgetary numbers that are written in it I noticed a couple had um some extra numbers in there it was the the golf one had extra three placed on the debt service line um so as long as the uh eyes are do across I think we're good I did not review that article Mr chairman with Mr Kelly I did did review the SE when Mr Kelly was working on the golf budget and fin was a uh multi strike on the letter three I'll take a look at it after yeah I just wanted to make sure everybody that does see it on the corrected version I will look at the numbers in the new warrant Mr chairman but I can do that after the meeting with Mr Kelly just make sure I need new copy of that budget anyway he's made some changes to it and we've done some uh additional back charging for to the golf course um as we said we would excellent um so I'll take a look at those numbers with Mr Kelly after and make sure before we go to print that the numbers are what we say they were and we found a couple uh spelling mistakes but that was it sounds good hey gentlemen selectman announcements chairman I do um this is in regards to West Island beach passes I know there's been a lot of chatter on social media some misinformation that's out there but this goes into effect June 4th and the process is and we will let everybody know once it goes live but I just want people to understand what the process is passes are to be purchased in person at the fa Haven BPW 5 Ren Street fa Haven there's not a portal support purchase these passes so you must go in person to the F Haven BPW 5r scene Street a christant residence must demonstrate proof of residency by showing their vehicle registration name address and license plate number residents whose vehicles are registered outside of a kushit will need to provide alternative proof of residency example a bill matching name and a cush address in addition to the previously mentioned requirements so that's the process you got to go in person to rine Street unfortunately 15 residents have already purchased their passes cannot provide some type of rebate sorry about that next year we'll try to figure this out um you know but we we've done this we're doing this on the Fly really we're kind of building the plane in the air to take advantage of the season um but unfortunately there's been a lot of misinformation out there but this is the source of Truth so we will type this up once it goes live we will post it and hopefully people will enjoy themselves have a little bit of patience have a little bit of Grace trying to figure this out but to be honest with you to get it done in a about a month's time you know was wasn't too shabby so any that's the situation thank you thanks like my morning s like MEC Gasper or anything I don't believe so and I don't have much either so we'll just go on uh future business our next meeting will be Tuesday June 4th 2024 at 400 p.m. and is there a motion to adjourn so second all those in favor all I thank you [Music]