[Music] evening everybody it is Tuesday June 18th 6:30 p.m. we are meeting here in the selectman's room for a meeting of the zoning board of appeals um like to this meeting to order and and welcome a motion to open make a motion that we open the meeting second that motion a second all in favor okay um we do have minutes from May 28th to be approved I make a motion to pass them as R second we got a motion a second does anyone need any more time on these or are we ready to vote all in favor I so moves do we have meeting mail that you haven't distributed I know you gave us a copy of these uh that came in and uh we're just going to jump right into our new business and our cases the first case number 2024 0528 a is a continuance of the case of Wendy and Alexander barrows of 23 mosses Lane petitioning the board to convert a one family house into a two family dwelling on a lot with a minimum 3,000 s foot 30,000 sare foot thank you again uh this request being made under the provisions of section 334 B5 I will stop with um last week um not last week but the last meeting we continued this to allow them to kind of change this application from a two family into a in-law apartment or accessory apartment as the bylaws call for the accessory apartment is less uh less of a unit and less restrictive but something they could do because the two family is something that has to be in existence already and can't be built um so if we do vote for this this evening it would be um I I'm going to let them speak as well um but we changing this to an accessory apartment which is just a straightforward um I'm sorry a special permit okay so there's not a variance there's not of this it's a special permit for an accessory apartment on this property um so Mr barrows Mr barrows whoever wants I may approach give you guys a copy of these yeah I have a copy um I'm G to just give them back to Andy but you can keep them yes so the last time we were here I was over the um restriction with the bylaws I would think I was over the 25% I think the bylaws call for 25% so since then we found out with the total square footage of the dwelling that is existence now which is 2072 but I'm adding on to my residance which is the 200 square footage which gives me 2200 and some change um we dropped that we we reduce the um addition down to 25% and that drawings that youed to have in front of you represents the actual um 25% of my property that I have now that puts me in the guidelines of the um of the bylaw s 25% the plan looks great to me it's a nice neat plan that fits in with the neighborhood fine um I know you've been working hard over the past month we don't have a lot of measurements or the application on this showing all the square footage um so what I'm going to do is not to push this off again is if everybody's comfortable with the drawings as I am um as I told you I would appreciate when Andy came in if he knew that it fit the 25% he says he hasn't done the Cs on it but I think we're okay to approve it pending that it does if you know where I'm coming from Andy's here tonight so it makes it great um you're comfortable with that right absolutely because basically all it's going to do he's going to calculate the square footage with the addition everything give you the 25% and you know push it and then when you start your construction it's it's him who inspects it and make sure it complies as we're building as well so um I'll make a motion I was just going to say again that's what we asked for when at the last meeting um second the plans look great I don't have all the numbers um so the the motion that you'd be making would be to approve the special permit for an inw apartment providing that the enw apartment fits within the 25% Ru make that motion you have a motion and a second all in favor all so mov thank you very much thank you enjoy I didn't have a chance they were dropped off this morning and one of those no problem and if a little tweak needs to be made to make them work as long as they work I think we're there so we just going to give car a second to roll over the paperwork before we start the next hearing thank you do I have to I have on there I mean once you recuse yourself if you do that's sits up to you but no that's um once you do I'll have to let them know that we're noward for make sure they want to move forward but y okay so that'll become a unanimous requir changes theying the board to be able to park so they're looking for a variance so they need 4 out four for variance all right our next case number 2024 061 18a there's a c case of Richard Freights of 65 Wing Road petitioning the board to be able to park a commercial vehicle on the property due to its mixed use Mr fr yeah I gu good evening but first of all what is the mixed use I mean all I'm doing is looking to keep the truck that's been there I I'd like to correct you on the mixed use as well I'm reading what it says here yeah I don't know where that came up okay I how it came up I would assume it had to be on the application but I didn't put it on the application this is home and Business first premises on the application itself which I should have that's right there yeah reason for petitioning unnecessary fines for parking commercial vehicles in my yach which bylaw States it allows building inspector says Sony board meets in allow use oh oh in the in the present use of premises you put home in business so home and Business means mixed use you're not you're not saying it's residential you're not saying it's business you're saying it's mixed use so that's why she wrote it that way yeah well I know it is residential but been to this before 12 15 years ago to leave the truck keep the truck on that property okay that that's what I was going to get to it it's what you're using it for and what the property is is like you said is two different things it is a residential neighborhood it falls on residential there's this it doesn't matter how long ago you started doing something else the property is still residential if you were running a business there 60 years ago then that business might be grandfathered but that's something that you know I don't see any evidence of but you you can certainly present some um so anyways the the mixed use the reason it says that on the application is cu you put home in business but as we we said we know that 65 Wing Road is a residential property yes so you're parking commercial vehicles on it the bylaw does State you can park one one ton on it you know one one commercial vehicle on it so has there been more is that the issue well I mean my other son has a trucking business which they kept down here on Main Street and I do work for him parttime and I come and go I me I went in there for lunch two or three times cuz I was working at the king plant and I got a ticket from Andy two or three tickets I was doing some welding out there and I got a ticket I'm just getting tickets like going out of style all right but your application says you're looking to park a vehicle you're right right right but what I'm hearing is you're doing welding and work on the vehicles on the property I do do a couple of things here and there right well in the last year how many times have I welded once or twice but I think that's neither here nor there because well it actually is that's I know where you're coming from you're just a guy with the truck who needs some repair but when you repair your equipment on your property it it's a business use it it becomes a business and I'm not saying you can't do it with a special permit or something what I'm saying is that Andy is doing his job by saying that and I want to go out and say I don't think Andy's driving around looking for it we have neighbor complaints that's that's your problem so when you're in a residential neighborhood and your neighbors are saying you're doing commercial work Andy has to go out there observe what he sees and if he's out there observing you're welding on commercial vehicles commercial equipment it's a commercial or business use so that's where we're having the issue all right that's where we're at there but as far as coming and going with a buddy or a son or something else to pull in for a half an hour or an hour I mean I can't do that I'm getting a ticket for and track the trailer no you can't oh I can't no now you you can you're free to drive anywhere all over town you want in a regular vehicle but in a tractor trailer no you you you can't pull on to private property in a public in a residential neighborhood just to hang out and be there it's it's not allowed that's strange if they have just one vehicle again you're allowed one commercial vehicle for a lot registered what he's saying is if he's there and his buddy with another tractor comes and pulls in he's just hanging out it's just there he's not going to work on him but and again I'm not the neighbor complaining about it but when you have a neighbor complaining about it Andy has to do his job it's pretty hard to believe but if that's what you guys say I guess that's what it's going to be Andy can you spell it out any better than me I'm I think I'm close to you're on the same page as as and again he's not driving down the street saying there's two trucks in that yach I got to pull in he's responding which he's required to by law the neighbor complaints saying that you're doing this I don't know if they would complain if you did it one time a month or but it it appears to be enough of a nuisance to them that they're sending lettuce to town hall and calling the building I guess I just up and parking the street then and walk to the house right that's okay you you can't pop on a public way with a tractor trailer either really that's lot of rules okay I I won't do that then I as far as the one truck there that's all right yes you can the the bylaw states that one commercial vehicle may be pocked on a property may I interject I please Mr chairman um this is an 18-wheeler okay this isn't a landscaping trailer or Carpenter truck plumber truck withal an 18wheeler A lot of times has refrigerated boxes that run 20 on 20 off diesel fuel that's going into neighbors properties that this time of the year can't open their Windows this isn't I'm going to go see Mr Freights and send him another ticket what I've tried to do is express my concerns Mr Freights has um not agreed with me and that's his right what I have also done is I have ticketed at $50 in offense when the bylaw says it can be $300 and offense um I'm not trying to you know make life miserable for the Freights family but it's running downhill neighbors are up to their ears with this so the the issue Mr fre isn't that you you've got a a on ton truck that you go to work with and stuff it's that you're running a tractor trailer that is a business and you're parking it at home and your neighbors don't like it if you were here to and I'll ask the neighbors for their input and stuff if there are any here um if you were here and you weren't upsetting your neighbors we would listen and we could say Hey listen he's pulling one truck in and out and his neighbors don't mind um we're going to we're going to allow it but we're here because we're after the fact and the neighbors are already up in arms in complaints so there's not a lot the board can do to reprieve the situation for you it's that the the use isn't allowed want to see them with the neas we don't know which nebas for what I'm I'm I want to let him have his anything else and then I will ask the floor um obviously I I'm assuming with letters there are a Butters here who'd like to speak yeah well I guess I'm not going to get much further with um this so yeah I guess listen to what they got to say and uh we'll go from there okay are there neighbors who would like to [Music] speak what's the what's the nature the business on the property bus so I see present use of pre premises home and Business on the application bu it seems like a house that that he just poxs his truck at when he's not working right but the bot the back used to be a plumber a plumber back in the day keep his stuff in there he'd go in and out of that for long times when when I was a kid let's let's let the ne just speak on what's going on I've never been to a meeting I don't know what I'm supposed to do no you speak freely but but if you could stop telling you your name and address please sure no problem Raya v i EI i r a I live at 51 Wing Road two houses over from uh Mr Freights I've complained uh to his son actually I was so tired I I just moved here four years ago and I want to say I had only been there a short period of time maybe 6 months to year and I noticed there was a lot of work going on trees were cleared out everything everything else on that property where he is now and I thought somebody was putting up a house well it basically was the back of garage back of the property and there was a lot of work going on there and I was getting aggravated Sunday mornings banging and banging and banging and banging like a sludgehammer hitting them I don't know what you know metal truck of some sort I never went and investigate it but I just got tired of it so what I did is I watch for a while and tractor trailer come in go down so I take pictures just so I could have them in case something come up and uh I'm sorry I can see OPD so I have talking so I was approached after I took a few pictures I see this white truck come pouring out of that same property I was just walking in the house and uh pulls in my driveway I I thought it was going to go right through my garage and uh I come walking out I says can I help you with something and it wasn't Mr Freights I believe it was his son I'm not sure cuz like I say I'm not familiar with Mr fre are his kids but anyway guy approaches me and he starts running his mouth for whatever reason and I said what the hell's your problem he said you taking pictures I says yeah I said I'm sick of I me I'm sick of the baloney uh you know with the trucks all the time I said you guys come out of there I said there's rocks all over the place I have to sweep my you know front of my house I've got a beautiful home beautiful grass everything I put a lot hours in there sprinkl system the whole nine and they're going to go clean rocks from his property that are stuck under the 18 rivers and as he pulls out he's pulling up rocks I'm sure in between the Treads and they all end up in the street and most of the time in front of my house I'm out there probably 10 12 times 15 times a year I mean a week a month excuse me to get my area cleared up and uh it just keeps going on so I told the guy what I thought I says how would you like all this stuff in front of your house I said you wouldn't like it so we had a little few words back and forth and uh he ends up leaving about 15 minutes later he comes knocking at the door ringing the bell and I says what's your problem now is I just want to let you know he I see a wheel Bell out in front he says hey I swept up the front he says for all these rocks I says you don't have to do my work I I have no problem with it just go the other way if you can you know what I mean I'm just tired of picking up after you so that kind of let go and now quite a while nothing's happened but every I don't want to say every day quite often I see his truck come in beautiful truck lately up until I got this notice to for the meeting just prior to that that Jake breake at 8:30 9:00 when you're trying to watch TV with your windows open and long like who the hell use a jake break on Wing Road has they're making a turn into their property so I get out you know and it really pisses me off to be honest with you so I I go to take pictures of something so I can have pictures again in case this happens here and you want to see one I got a couple of pictures on me now you're going to see a red truck there you're going to see a trailer you're going to see a trailer and it's not just that hey maybe has friends everybody's entitled to have friends I have no problem with that I have friends over my house they po my driving not a problem but the trucks that go there they work on the trucks he is not going to tell me I going to blow their face it's not a chance in the world he's working on just his trucks at home unless he has four five six trucks and that's where he's doing his work I think he's running the business my opinion you get dunk trucks you know the regular dunk truck that when they go I get big dip in front of my house because of the road they never fix but every time one of his trucks come by there or other trucks too not just his but I've seen the truck come out of his place he's got a black truck big black uh eight U 18wheeler I guess it is with a yellow stripe or reddish stripe I'm not sure and a different cab the truck that he's probably talking about he's got a beautiful red truck I I love it sounds great looks beautiful but he's always pulling a huge trailer that's probably the longest one you get 48 or 50 I don't even know if they get bigger than that but every day they leave and they come back not every day I'm sorry probably twice a week from what I've seen they leave they come back they're back at 8:00 8:30 9:00 it's already dock out you can't hear nothing with the jake break dropp and stuff all over the place and it seems like they're not really I wave to him just to be nice guy hey people get on a good side it's like you're not even there they don't care they care about nothing but their business that to get going and like I say besides that they got a regular dump truck to kind of drop a black Tong that's the quite often don't know if it's a friend going and say hello but once they're there and they're banging stuff all over the place the garage is open you got a tractor trailer here you got a tractor trailer there you got a trailer sitting over here you got a dump truck I'm like what the hell did I I paid $400,000 in my house which is a lot of money four years ago 5 years ago and still a lot of money today and I I'm so sorry I bought a house there because of that particular thing but let me back up a second when they said they cleared off the property and they were working on the garage that I says well I thought somebody was going to put a house there no but I think kind of like a decoy they bring in a modul home I see them p a cement slab they put up you know one one pound of the house and the next pound of the house and very s them I saw anybody there for a long time and I'm say what the hell is this house for then they started thinking oh it's probably to make people think it's a house but it's actually a business that order and like I say for the amount of work that comes out of there not so much since we got this notice that this meeting was being held everything stopped I don't see any more trucks around I see the trucks but I don't see other stuff in and out in and out in and out I don't know what to tell you but it AG say h to me that I have to go through this no peace guy next door to me same thing guy across the street just bought a house they pull out of this truck I've seen it myself they pull this huge you know 4850 uh Foot Truck tractor I seen him drive right over the guy's driveway and Popp me in his grass not that he has beautiful grass but it don't make any difference it's his grass not his you know what I mean I don't know what else to tell you other than it's aggravating as now to go through this thank you and like I say when I told the guy if it was a funny our house what would you do he didn't even have to answer cuz I could tell by to look on his face but I thank you for the time Mr Freights I'm sorry for aggravated you you're Mr fr right yeah I'm Mr fright okay you know what was your name again Ray great yes I'm Rick great what really gets me here is that you live I know where you live of course but right behind you you have six eight trucks that doesn't bother you why would it bother me you're not throwing anything in front of my house and making all noise working the meeting needs to come through up here and um you know I'm not here the oneon-one isn't what we're here for any other neighbors would like to please so my name is Jamie pental uh with the tranm family I live on 60 I'm literally directly across the street from him uh Sam trm used to come here all the time that was my grandfather so yeah probably know but either way I have zero issues I'm sure every's going to have their own opinions about it and I mean at one point I could hear it in the morning but I could always tell that he was trying to be quiet you know me living directly across the street I have zero is zero zero issues with it it's you know I just I don't really understand all of it to me he's doing his own thing you know I got a commercial vehicle I work for a firearm company so what's the difference he's not running a business he's just working on his vehicle so I I don't I don't really understand it so me directly across the street from him I have no issues whatsoever the guy's he's respectful he's living there he's on his porch on his own doing his own thing you know I I don't see a problem with it I appreciate your in as well um just the fact of running a business just so everybody's aware it's not he doesn't necessarily have to be working on these trucks for paying customers but he owns the trucks and trucking is his business if he's working on them it's part of that business so what's the difference with my my fire alarm company and vehicle you can't take your fire alarm company from your your work and bring them Vehicles home and work on on them you can't do it it's not legal that's interesting okay I don't I'm not saying that it doesn't happen I'm saying if the neighbors are complaining about it it's becoming a problem and it's not legal it's not me complain miss my name is Pat dagel I am at 64 Wing Road directly across from their property I've been there for 37 years okay 35 years ago I was upstairs because there was issues they had had a business there there were four or five tractor turer trucks and there was a business with um with tires and everything and they would talking so we had a problem with that that was taken care of and then I wanted and because there are no minutes to this other meeting that happened about 12 to 15 18 years ago and it was said told us CU we all went because they wanted two trucks at the time at that time there there was nobody there the property was overgrown and they had the one truck there they wanted to have two so we went and because there was nobody around we really didn't want all that we were all told that that night they could have one commercial vehicle and I'm going to say this I live right there I do not sit in my window like other folks might do and watch everything but I and I worked all that time but I can see what goes on and I can also see that the um I don't hear anything anymore and my bedroom is in the front his son goes out sometimes at 4:00 a.m. in the middle of the night whatever I do not hear it I can't hear a thing I didn't even know he would come in it sometimes because he's very considerate of his neighbors excuse me I'm speaking I'm sorry excuse me and if somebody has some grass cut well I'm going to tell you that's it's been like that for 30 years all that that that I can't even grow grass on my property cuz there so much sand but they have and my my question to this board is if this has been okay up until the time they were they they put their house there which was I don't know 2019 okay 2019 that everything was fine and it and we never had there were never any problems about um the other building inspector coming in and and having meetings about anything they were fine everything was good there I don't understand why now we're getting this so many complaints now Mr frights did clear his property he cleared probably in oh I'm just telling giving you a little bit background he cleared his property in the back and that seems to be when everything started and unfortunately yeah you do end up seeing things that you may not want to see and I mean I wouldn't want somebody to put up a a fence on my side of the property but things change over the years what I'm saying is they have been very considerate they're very consider it to me that they don't even come out the driveway in front of my house um they have been very good neighbors and that's all I want I just if you have any questions for me but I have been here for all three of the meetings over the last 30 years for that property and to me this is above not necessary I appreciate your input as well so I'm I'm not trying to say we have numerous numerous complaints we have one in the building inspector doing his job I'm very happy to hear the other side of the fence that there isn't as much issue as what it seems from one but let's hear from the rest of the room I don't uh Josh Hedges 18 Village AV um I live directly behind them uh I will say recently like we had a meeting recently things have gotten better as far as noise and stuff like that um there was some work where they were backing all the way back to the wall and doing work um they do work on multiple trucks out of that garage it's not like a park and you know driving part kind of thing like there's there's work going on on those Miracles like I said they have been better recently but um as far as like I mean just yesterday there was two car two trucks that get worked on a residential area is a residential area you want to stop bending for one person or the other person what's the point of having a residential or commercial Zone what's the difference then you know we all live in residential air because we don't want to live near all this stuff and if I'm getting woken up I can't open my windows it's make all the noise you want I don't care hey this is going on this has been going on it's not yes it's not like oh this is I've only done this once I've done this twice I I get it people trying to make money people trying to live I got this little little plot of land that's all I have and I should be able to go outside and enjoy my my time there I shouldn't have to worry about someone banging on something someone running a truck um I just think it you know if the laws are there the rules are there stand by them instead of animosity get caused between neighbors I don't think it should go that far we continue I just want to clarify something so we have like when when you come before the bo board you're asking us to vote on something usually to approve something um you're essentially this petition is asking us to approve uh something which does not need approval so what are we actually on it certainly does what what they're asking for is the addition to park more than one vehicle no no no what what I'm reading here is uh for parking commercial vehicle coal in my yard well then then again see they're asking to pack an 18 wheeler which isn't if you look up the definition I didn't bring my book can I check into yours real quick here I believe the definition says one ton maximum or something like that is in the it is in the B one ton to one ton one ton so commercial vehicle means basically what happens is um you're a plumber you're a carpenter electrician you have your half t you have your 34 ton you have your one ton pickups they're registered commercially they have stickers on them that's the max is the one ton we've actually brought it to a point where it was still just a dly a little oversized but the the the the uh the 1500s or whatever they were the the the 4500s verus yeah the 50s the c50s them aren't even uh within the one ton and then Auto out so when you talk about a tractor trailer you know they they don't meet the requirement of that commercial so the petition just isn't clear we're trying to approve a little more so we could approve for more than one or we could approve for the 18 wheeler but that would require the support of of the surrounding neighborhood type of thing um okay now it's it's it's clear that it's not just the parking going on so I don't think we're really considering it because the problem isn't that that one truck was going out and the neighbors across the street don't mind it it's that you're backing them trucks in and working on them and you I I have one of my best friends is a 18-wheeler mechanic and I spend plenty of time in the shop we went all through mechanic school together I know what it sounds like when you're working on that heavy stuff you got to you got to beat it and you got to loosen that stuff and you got impact wrenches that a 3/4 inch drive and they make a lot of noise it's not conducive to a business that the guy behind them with this half AC a lot can can tolerate so the the application isn't non-legit we can we can we can talk about it and we can grant it we can not Grant it but what needs to be known is that the business cannot operate as a business that these trucks go into multiple trucks not just one but multiple and get repair you can't repair your own vehicles on your own land if that's a if that's a business truck the parking of the commercial truck is one thing the repair of it is an entirely different animal so I I do have someone wants to speak and I want to give an opportunity Rose Barrow 14 Village Avenue I live directly behind Mr and Mrs Freights I have no problem I'm outside in my backyard every single day I do hear a little bit of noise it doesn't bother me I have my windows open when I first moved in 28 years ago the property was loaded with trees all kinds of stuff he cleared the property it looks beautiful back there we have no more mosquitoes it's it's it's gorgeous can I ask you guys a question absolutely have any of you guys gone onto his property and walked his property before this meeting I only drove by not walked on it I wouldn't walk on to somebody's property without checking with them I don't have that Authority but I did go by and take a look at it I see the house I see the garage out back I see the trucks on the side of it everything's neat you guys go and take a look because I asked him to come on my property and view Mr Freight's property from my property and he couldn't do it why cuz you have a six fencer you can go right through the back of my yach Indy needs to do his job in a legal matter he there's things he can do there's things he can't and the biggest thing he has to deal with is the complaint has to he has to go by that complaint and go see if it's a valid complaint and then issue whatever response he needs to to the complaint and again I can promise you we wouldn't be here if there was wasn't a complaint that's that's what it comes down to can you tell the Freights who complained well they they're well aware the letters are here and we have we have the neighbors raising their hands there you you say you live right behind but he lives right behind and she me he does have a problem so I don't have a problem I understand and I I appreciate your input and your input really goes a long way to me I don't know about the rest of the boat as far as parking the truck there but I I do have to really get into even if we allowed them to park the truck there none of the work that's being done could continue so that's really I think the big big issue here is all this work and all the multiple trucks not one guy parking bringing his truck home at the end of his you know night or the end of his three-day or at the end of his whatever uh there are people in town who have done that and have gotten their neighbors to say it's fine when he comes back from his long haul and he can park his truck in the driveway cuz that's where he goes home to his kids and the next day he leaves and he's gone for another week it does happen it is allowed but it can't become a nuisance to the neighbors and I'm hearing some say that it's not and I've got equally as many who say it is that is a problem may I give you this to you absolutely two weeks ago that's to look at it that that's one truck bring in and and as the building inspector said it is a refrigerated truck I don't know if it's running or not but if it is that's another issue but the the work on the vehicles cannot take place there it's not the commercial property this is a commercial operation this is a business operation it cannot take place there I I don't know what else the point is do we have a question four wa some I got to myself every I'm sorry I wasn't aware of that before we started the hearing I I won't be voting on this I'm refusing myself cuz my son is friends with Tommy okay he's been he's he pared his boat at Mr Freight's house so it' be very inappropriate for me to vote on this so before we go any further and do any voting I I will let the Freights know as the petitioner um think yeah they're the petitioner um we do have a man down this evening we have one of our board members who's been hospitalized and can't be with us this evening um so without the all the the opposite vote yard vote yeah what I'm trying to say is without him here and one recusal you have a four member committee here and you need for any type of uh this you'd be asking for variance in order to ask the par so you would need a unanimous vote between the four for this to move so if you want it to continue to another night I have to offer you that because I can't give you a fiveman board this evening because you have a friend who's recused himself so you may choose to ask us to continue this to the next meeting which we have one coming up in another or you could choose to ask us to take a vote on this one way another and that would be your decision but I have to let you know that it would just be the four of us voting because we have a m who confused himself as a potential you know conflict so so what are we voting on here the we're voting what we would be voting on is is you asking to park your tractor trailer there it does say commercial vehicle here but it's come very clear to us that it's not a onton truck that's allowed the truck that you're parking there is not allowed I'm going to take this as an application that you're asking for that that's the best I can do with it [Music] um can I just say a couple things and I'll sit down absolutely so I think what everybody here is looking for clarification of what is allowed and what isn't and up until tonight I don't feel they did because I certainly didn't know that you can't work on it which I understand the language of it now where if it's a commercial vehicle if even if you're putting air in the tire you're working on a commercial vehicle I understand that now so up until this operation of a business at that point at that point cuz that's the flying line so what we did 15 18 years ago what was what came down and them being allowed to park a commercial vehicle which was that truck that still would not be in existence even if they didn't do anything else any any special permit granted in the past was for that business for that thing it doesn't stand with the property through eternity it goes away as soon as they stop doing it so let's just say there was a there was actually three tractor trailers on that property for 30 years and it was allowed or it was started before 1970 blah blah blah and it was grandfathered as soon as they stopped doing that it went away you you got one year to uh continue your operations once you abandon your grandfather's rights they do not come back you would you would come back and and ask for another they put a house so I just want clarification no just just the stop let's just say during from the time the last person stopped operation to the time they started operation it just the transfer of it makes it n and void without coming back through um but the cease of operation really makes it go away I just think that a lot of this could have been eliminated if they had known all that information cuz nobody knows this it's you know what I mean it's here it's it's when you buy a piece of property in a residential neighborhood you got to you got to do your own due diligence I think most people know that you can't just up and operate a business anywh you want no it's but if they just parked it there that's fine that's the again with an 18 wheel up that's not parking a truck that's operating a vehicle that's operating even if you're just pulling it in there and leaving it overnight I mean you you got to understand there's a lot of operators that live in a Kish we have one on the other corner there's a lot to Mr so a lot of them like if you if you go by Whit's Dairy you'll see a 100 Vehicles there because because they pay to put their trucks there because they have to that's that's what you have to do to live in a residential neighborhood and operate you go to the closest place you can and packia truck there that and that's what it comes down to may may just quickly I'm sorry I'm not same you know I'm not complaining because he po his truck on his property and you know I think you should be able to a nice big piece of property good room to leave there overnight so we can go to work lat you know whatever the case may be but it's the work that gets done there and maybe it's the friends that come and visit that are in and out of there there's always trucks Here There and Everywhere You know what I mean that's what I was complaining about and of course making a mess all over the place so while you're saying that I'm I'm just going to speak quickly here and say that the reason for this meeting is to allow the truck to park there or not I'm hearing a lot of neighbors who are fine with it I'm hearing you might be fine with it I don't know about we can certainly say and the building inspector will follow up and make sure there is no work done in them premises and that is only one vehicle there but that he can allow that one truck I'm happy to do that but I'm not happy to do that unless all the neighbors agree on it so that's what we're here for the only thing before us this evening is to allow the truck to park there and I thought it was for everything else to be honest with you you know what to working in the end banging at there should be compromise whether it's Saturday or Sunday there's compromise you know there should be me there should be a compromise I'm here telling you I'm to compromise but not unless the neighborhood is happy with it right to me and to me nothing against you but I almost feel like we're talking about direct directly around you know and think anybody's complaining about them parking it there the work that goes on in there the other trucks that are in and out of there three four five times a week let me say this one more time again the only thing on the plate here tonight is to allow him to park one vehicle one 18 wheel one one heavy duty vehicle on that property at a time and I I believe we have one more we haven't spoke from and maybe there's a problem there's a list of the police blogs and I want you to read the bottom one there that's after the San's office came and said there was nothing they could do when they found out they could all right and you can see how he well the police officers aren't really bylaw protectors as much as our building inspector is his his job is building inspector SL zoning officer the zoning officer is who does this so and he's doing his job when he does it all right so I'm Ste mki I live at 22 Village app so I'm southeast of them I mean Northeast so when runs that rig during the summer it's usually prevailing wind south or Southwest so I'm getting the smoke at Southwest every he gets at South so ACC company with that is the noise the banging so some people say they can't hear it well maybe they're up the street you know so across the street or it just doesn't bother don't don't get me wrong a lot of people that stuff doesn't bother me CU I'm I'm in construction and I hear it all the time we're taking away from somebody like we all have our own properties why are we so worried about everybody else because it's interfer on my please let him tell me to sit down dude one at a time guys you have the you have so I I'd actually like to ask you another question or two because again you're a neighbor this is bothering I'm hearing about the bang and I'm hearing about the when the truck's running is it because they're working on them and it's running too long he starts it up like the other day he started up four times now granted he only ran for about 15 20 seconds but this is an Alaska there's no reason to keep stopping it but when he does run it sometimes it's a half hour and the smoke comes right into my windows or errands and then he'll he'll back it up to the truck and then he'll run it again till they mix off air and sometimes it's run before it was even worse all right so I mean as far as that there's a 5 minute Idle Hour in Mass which is enforceable all right so again all I was trying to do is read the room on whether parking one vehicle would be considered I I'm hearing mostly yes but it sounds like you're still in no regardless of any kind of other operation see there is no compromise because he starts doing well then all of a sudden back to the same thing well you say oh I get a well for a couple days that's two weeks come on it doesn't belong there it's residential and he's got a ceas and exist now already I think I'd like to hear one more time from Mr Freights because um obviously your neighbors don't want you working on the stuff over there you're doing a lot of work work you get multiple vehicles um I don't know if you want to talk to them about the possibility of parking a truck but that's not worth it to you because if you can't work on it it doesn't work for you anyway no it's a high-end truck I I want to keep it there beautiful I don't want to start trouble but apparently I am I mean I wish these guys would have came and seen me like drove I'm disappointed to hear that you really need to let them speak can you get to the podium please I'm sorry Mr fr I just we have to run a meeting here that people you know everyone can hear yeah I wish it wouldn't have got this far actually but we're here because it did so yes I do want to park that one vehicle there I mean the welding let's take a year example I mean how many times did it's not I realize that now I never I thought because I had a big Bond there I could do as I wanted with my pickup truck all my I didn't know I didn't know I big it took it for granted got a garage full of tools weld as compressors I've been using it forever nobody's ever bitched like this I understand so I want to keep the truck there if I got a compromise I will the there's on our part there's no compromise it's either you can park the truck there you can't but all the other stuff related to working on the trucks and the noise can't happen even if we allow you to pop the truck there you got to understand that so how about this motion and make a motion he's allowed to keep the truck there that one registered commercial vehicle and maybe we revisit in 6 months to make sure he maintains that and works with it I say like that we don't generally do that we allow it or we don't but I I do like the fact mons so it doesn't happen for two weeks I like fact and just you know get an update so what he's going to do he's going to lay low for a couple weeks and then when and done you can look at that thing there's nothing you can do about it I said six months 6 months either way well then we're going do another six months so he violates it within that if he violates it within the 6 months then we're going to have an issue that then we're going to have to really the the thing is I really don't think we need to do because if he violates it is an issue but I like that if he violates it that we actually remove the right to park there is what you're saying suggesting a great idea violates what the working on trucks the correct all the most of most of all the complaints here on Saturday Sundays and you know of course Idol and late at night if we have more legitimate complaints we would remove the right there is enough complaint sitting in front of you there's going to be 30 40 complaints I gave you but it sound like there's a lot of compromise in this room I don't we have one written complaint and we've got a couple of people in the room here to say there's an issue but I also have four neighbors saying it's not an issue so I I'm listening to everybody here well and I'm and we're not done is there anybody else who' like to speak please do you want me Tove to the Pod please yes no everybody's opinion counts here we're trying to make the neighborhood better for all of you Aaron Hedges 18 Village Avenue um I live directly behind the property and and I started complaining about the property to the town in 2019 okay my house has been in my family since 1967 this was never a problem before them um and as far as me you know speaking up here I just want to Second what the other neighbors that are complaining said I don't really have like a big speech to give but that's it it's a problem because of the noise of the working do you have a problem with the parking as well I don't have a problem with him parking that truck there I didn't even know that that was the rule that obviously he's got to stop up for a few minutes before he pulls out I don't have a problem with that it's it's the working it's it's the noise the working the fumes is still going to come when he starts it right but he can't he can't run it for more than five minutes by the he should be running it just to get air in his things and pull out and I I think he's going to get the picture because he don't want it to go away we're hearing neighbors say it's a nice truck it's there he wants to keep it where he can keep an eye on it and stuff so I'm a little on the fence thinking it's not necessarily a bad thing and I love Chucky's suggestion that if he if there's more complaints in the next 6 months we just pull the thing and I have to say we did have a private meeting with them um and they have been a lot more considerate since we had that meeting and I do appreciate that great um so yeah I don't have a problem them parking with the truck on there I just have a problem with all the noise and the orders good seems is that Mr Freight is a neighbor that work with you I I'm willing to approve the parking of that truck no excessive idling uh no working on the truck other trucks or any other trucks but you the parking is for your truck because it's your home and and this board is sympathetic for the fact that you want to keep it at your home but it's not you cannot run the business out of there you can't work on these things you can't have other guys pulling in and out of there and Mak problem motorcycles I see two more people want to whoever whichever one of you guys want to step to the podium please just it's only going to take a second like I say the big thing is is the working for me anyway and I I told you I noticed a difference already I got to give him credit I'm not even sure if he's the one that drives a beautiful big red truck but when he leaves in the morning I can hear him shifting nice and quiet he's beautiful you know that's if it's him driving to somebody else I don't know coming back that might be a little bit of a different story like I say the use of the Jake gra is a pain in he has P I'm sorry Jake breaks down allow in town just so everybody knows please Cur that trying anyway the past few weeks so she I thought else um if it is approved does that mean that he could have the refrigerated truck on there also because that does run no it doesn't it's empty all the time I I think this board was going to say that absolutely several complaints of it running in that police so chuck if you're going to make a motion I would strongly suggest that we make it that there's no noise when these trucks aren't aren't leaving the driveway I mean definitely no refrigerated use quick thing I won't be so when you say complaint do we see complaint from one person well this is the other thing I was going toiz one person's complaining six months everybody's going to get together and just start calling complaining shut them down anyways has be legitim no the only reason we're we're allow considering this is because I'm hearing the neighbors say that it's really not the pocket the pocket it's the noise so the hammer it's the noise and the fumes I'm concerned about lights off that you can see it right over the top of the trees so I the fumes are for so as long as you're pulling it in or if you're starting up for 5 minutes I think anybody can live move out as quick as you can get out as quick as you can but stuff running continuously I I I don't want that to happen so I'm those are the two things as long as you're not working and there's not a lot of continuous running then then I would be good with it as long as I make that motion again there's a motion made to allow the parking for one 18 wheeel vehicle tractor trailer combination one tractor trailer combination not excessive trailers not another truck not any other trailers none running at all other than when they're warming up to take off in the morning and when you pull them in and shut them down there's a motion on the floor and was there a second a second there's a motion and a second um this is for a six-month trial period if if we do have complaints we are looking to uh basically take away the right to back that truck there because it isn't granted by law it's granted by the board here and we're willing to take a chance on you so um one comment Mr chair please um I just want to make sure through you that Mr Freight's that includes that black 10-wheeler okay that we've had problems with black y i' I've got photo library of it for since December it comes periodically it's not their fre okay but you you can't have two you can't have two so I just want to make sure you understand that part of it you D coming in let me just make sure cuz I'm on probation any other vehicle in that yard should have a a regular plate on it and be a car you can't have another the truck period with a commercial plate I I just want to ask a question and get an honest answer while everybody's in his room I told you if that one truck is gone yeah let me rephrase that one truck whether it's pink yellow green painted like true story you're allowed one truck one truck I'm understanding that correctly basically by saying 18 wheeler we allowed you one truck unlimited but it doesn't you you still can't do the one ton and it or the six wheeler and it or the this and it it's one commercial vehicle but up to whatever size basically you know can can be there without us getting right so if the 18er is not there and he's in a tri he wants to bring one truck correct bring home whatever truck you want one license PL minimize it at one commercial it's far you I do come in with that black it's an 18wheeler okay but like I said I came in there I was working at the king plant to get a sandwich and I got a ticket I if you have another vehicle in the Y no other vehicle there but neither here nor there I understand okay I understand so there is a motion in a second and I think I'd like to vote on it if we're all ready m all in favor all right thank you I I do hope the entire neighborhood uh prevails by this yes I hope that everybody's honest and and if you are going to start a complaint then it's totally legit you know that's all give it a chance okay I bet this log here if you wanted back I don't want to take your paperwork I think things are going to improv if they don't you come see us okay thank and I have his back I have I have his back all right young lady thank you all right guys thank you I saw that and I'm like you got to be kidding me show I show I hey look at this I'm easy to get a hold of you can yeah okay okay [Music] everybodys make a motion to close the meeting we are both our cases are adjourned we do have a date that we set um July 23rd 6:30 meeting we do have a case for that evening that we okay make sure we it's once a month or twice a month I came in and there was a motion to adjourn is there a second all in favor so move we are [Music] oh [Music]