[Music] all right good evening it is Tuesday March 19th 5:35 all right this is the CPC meeting um go over a couple articles that we have to go to town meeting go front of the select uh before start we'll just do a quick roll call Chad Clair Park Department anybody Conservation Commission uh Jesse Ella selectman uh Kathy Marie selectman Pauline teera historical Michael mat Park Department Evelyn Boule preservation all right so I guess we'll start with um Pauline and historical you have a couple articles to present start with you okay anyone either one you pick okay the first one is uh we're asking for funds to complete the fencing at the long fing Museum last year we did the north side and this year we like to finish the south side and okay they uh replace the anchor fence I've already got the uh price of 7886 um that comes from the same company that did the fence last year the ABC fence I thought they were really good they did a nice job had many compliments especially through Apple Peach on their work so that's the first one I've got for long playing um meeting Museum okay okay do you mean $787,000 what am I say yeah so so that's yeah it's about taking down labor and materials everything included yeah 7,886 and this is a Shor offence because it's we're not going as far back as we did on the south uh North Side this side will be shorter only because of Apple Peach and the band standand and everything it's in our way sure you plan on adding any more fence in the future or is that going to complete it uh this will complete what we need for now I can't do anything further because of Apple Peach and the bands the band stum and across the back I wouldn't even attempt it cuz there is a old fence there and the weeds and everything have taken over it would be such a disaster to try to clean that out sure yeah so this would be the last one that's what I want to know thank you um Kathy you have the paperwork the from for the funding and everything like where it would come from no nothing in our box I know I just checked too so I don't have any of that right now nothing okay um where it come from histor well I think we did approve some projects at B town meeting so I don't know what those balances are okay yeah I know we were supposed to get that paperwork I don't know what ended up happening and then we lost Nick so that didn't help cuz I'm sure he has all the rest of the paperwork so um I mean I think I mean at this point without the funding information I think we need to grab that but I think we can maybe approve it with the understanding that we'll have that we have funds available and where to put it and then we can go from there yeah maybe like from historical contingent upon on funds and if not undesignated yeah yeah yeah we can always get the funds balance information after the fact and then yes don't need to hold another another meeting for to get these things in front of us as long as we can approve them and we have the funds there I can't see why not yeah I mean this is a project that I think we all kind of knew was coming after we did the other section of the fence and I know that this you know usually I'd ask for a second quote but I know that this company came in at significantly less cost than the first quote that we had gotten and to your point they did do a very good job um given the length of fence I I don't I mean it seems like a reasonable cost to me I don't really feel the need for an additional quote on this but what do you guys think I think I agree because if that's who we used before I think we did discuss that and there were other we looked at other pricing and different things so yeah and if you Havey you know it it yeah exactly I was going to say if it was a mess it's one thing but yeah yeah all right um so somebody like to make a motion yeah I'd make a motion to um recommend this project contingent on us reviewing uh remaining balance in the historical and undesignated funds I'll second all in favor I that passes and you have your other one yes uh ABC fence was it I think it was okay this is for the periel church we're asking for funds for a preservationist to do the uh nomination to get it on the National Historic register okay um I've been in contact with this lady she up near Boston uh she is a preservationist and the good part is she knows a lot of the people at Mass historical so she's been talking to to them with me and they're well aware of the Church of course and um all in all they've given us the approval to go ahead with the nomination okay um I do have a letter here from the selectman giv us permission to go ahead with it this was good and this is the lady uh the preservationist her name is Wendy front herot and I've got a letter from her well it should be attached right to your I believe yeah we have a copy of the letter you got a copy of it the letter yeah yeah y so we um we've got to figure around 8,000 because you know she's taken a lot of time so far just contacting back and forth with mle um seems like you can talk to one they don't know what the other one is thinking so you got to call them all and talk to them all okay but they've all given us the approval to go ahead and get it on the national register then at that time once it is on the register then we can try applying for Grants to get some of the work done sure okay that's the only way you know we're going to be able to do it now the other thing is they are quite backed up on um on these um what I want to say on the um processing the applications yes for the applications thank you yeah um so it could take up to 2 years wow to get everything through and approved okay but I feel quite confident about it I mean I worked to get the long plan Museum on the register mhm we got that through also the riv in historic district MH we did a lot of work on that one got it through yep so kind of confident this time it'll work yeah I mean I think you answered my main question too which was what's the benefit of it and if the benefit is that you can start get some grants once it's on there then that makes sense cuz I know there's some work that needs to be done you know quite a lot yes and you know there's a there is a lot of issues there we're still kind of um going into it somewhat blind I should say because we're not sure about septic system you know and the building has no heat m i mean it needs to shap rock there's quite a bit of work that needs to be done and right now the two porches on the front uh when that work was done when Jim Meritt was here the two porches are now the steps are rottening away they need to be rebuilt and I'm told that we cannot touch them in the time being okay so they're going to have to uh stay that way we've got them roped off so nobody will go in and out really nobody goes in the building except myself and my husband to check on it yeah okay I don't think uh they may have a key here in town hall but say it's only us checking on it mhm we check on the museum and the meeting house too sure yeah got to take care of the build can you tell me what what it used to be a little bit about its history just quickly like was it was it a church the time oh yes the church well they digs back and you had to ask me that my I didn't want to get I just wanted just a little I'm sorry this says 1840s right well well this is 18 time yeah it dates back or 1871 is it mhm thank you for all you do yeah really yeah and I think that hopefully with that maybe we can I know the biggest obstacle is the bathroom right we need the septic and a bathroom in order to move forward to be able to utilize the building so and another good thought I brought that up to uh the gentleman I talked to up at mass stal and I questioned him as to why the building inspectors are telling me I need three toilets in that building M why there's not room for one mhm unless we put on a little addition on the back and he told me is that what you're being told I said yes sir I'm being told this the code has changed and they're saying we need a men's women's and gender related gender okay he told me he said don't worry about it when the time comes you talk to me and we'll see if we can work this out yeah I don't understand why these old buildings are not grandfathered in M like the meeting house is another situation another problem MH they won't let me use the building they won't let me use the grounds mhm nobody supposed to be in the building because there's no bathrooms no heat there was never any heat in that building I mean there's cast iron stoves in there you know whether they were ever utilized good question but there is no bathrooms there's no running water and there's no heat yeah I mean I remember going on TS of that building when I was a child with my mother should go and volunteer there sometime you got 10 minutes to get in and out cuz you can't use the bathroom cuz there is none yeah it's just the way it is I mean there there's plenty of room to put a septic system in yeah you know in fact the DPW once told me that we can dig it for you you know and put it in the place is you would have to find the place to put the bathroom you know yeah in the B but that's what I'm up against with these old buildings yeah and I mean I think that you know if it does get designated as a you know National Historic Site that's going to bring a lot of additional resources in terms of you know logistical stuff and making sure that we can get waivers to work around code when needed so that the buildings can be even utilized as a you know a stop-in museum with no actual events taking place there bringing tours there I mean all that kind of thing I mean the meeting house I mean that building is is very safe yeah you know the flooring's been when they remodeled it in 1980 mhm I think they made it a solid building I mean you you walk in there you're not hearing no flu creeking or anything like that whereas the church that there is a dilemma there with the church yeah they need it to be reinforced underneath yeah y all um an ongoing project any other questions do we have a motion I just want to make sure I'm clear on the expenditure here so it shows here in The Proposal proposed fee is $8,000 payment required as follow 65% for $5,200 will be invoiced upon my submitt to you meaning to the Historical Society in the town uh for draft nomination form review and comment and then the remaining balance 35% or $2,800 will be invoiced upon submitt to you and um Mass historical commission that's MHC right Mass historical commission uh the final nomination package okay okay that's why we were asking for the eight was to you know put aside it y okay yeah I'd make a motion to uh recommend this project for funding again contingent on us reviewing um open historical and undesignated funds balances second all in favor I all right so moveed all right next up and Final on thank you the project is Park department and Mr Mike m how you doing um thank you let me come today and talk about this uh just keep those who don't know me a little background that would be uh important for tonight's meeting is I was on a police force for just over 23 years recently retired um in that time I was for many years I was a fleet manager uh took care of all the cruises unmarked and mo cruises mountain bikes motorcycles and ATVs there um you know we when the change of chiefs uh when uh Chief frond took over we hit with Co and uh the fiscal year 20 uh was a scary one so I was able to uh he he allowed me to really dig in and kind of move some things around with uh as far as who we were dealing deal with I was able to um cut the the price of the cruises by almost 12,000 a piece and we cut down to one that year we repaired the others um in that time of my Police Department uh as well I was uh deemed by the training Council to be the uh area expert on ATVs and side by sides and I developed a training program uh for it I did all the training for the police department on the uh ATVs that we do have uh we have 2006 uh Yamahas and they're still up and running um that that's important because why we're going with the side by side ATVs which are cheaper the side besides just a lot safer need lot less training and and the strength of them um now fast forward to the par Department we're using golf cart we're using um skid steer style a zero turn lawn mow to do some of the uh projects around the park that's not what meant for we're putting a beating on some of the equipment there and just making do as you do with a smaller budget U that said uh Chad and I um were talking and he had asked me about side by sides I started looking into it you typically farm work and that sort of thing utility work you're typically looking at um kotas uh the the mules the mahendras they're vastly underpowered for the amount of weight you pull them with the stone dust and that sort of thing in the clay um and they have about double the price of the uh machines I've looked at um I've been riding ATVs side by sides my whole life uh I know I tell you right now the yamha is probably the most reliable one I would go with MH I'm a little biased towards them but price-wise um the other two machines are are just as good um I did uh forward a rough estimate this is the time of year this is uh atbs are not quite like Motor Vehicles so the 2024 machines still haven't fully arrived in the stores yet because they're still trying to get rid of 2023 so nobody really wants to deal with you on a 2024 problem is the stock on the 2023 is is very low so to find a machine the size we want um without going to the big giant machines a big giant machines the expensive ones they have plenty of those left over besides we want the uh we're looking about a 700 C machine will have enough HSE power and uh payload that we can haul uh dust uh stone dust the the clay and that sort of thing uh trailers um accurately and safely um you can go down to like the 570 range which you see there with the Polaris uh 570 um however you just you can't find the 570 right now Polaris that's in stock for 2023 so I'm looking at the 2024 product line um it's going to be a slight bump up in Pay but um I'm going off of the one quote I did get from Yamaha uh and Polaris gave me a quote for the 20123 model but nobody has one in stock so it didn't me all good right um so we're looking the Honda and the Polaris are going to be the best priced in that power range MH okay um and both perfectly acceptable Vehicles now with that that's just a machine there's no winch which you need to operate the plow there's no plow there no safety lights uh the reason we want to plow is a town resident did do some plowing in the pot this year uh um against uh uh wishes however um it was a great idea it's nice to have problem is is when you plow you know have a spot for people want to walk it's going to be icy slippery you have to maintain it better than just going through it once you have to put down some uh salt or whatever to keep the path clear and that PO is u for walking quite a bit so between the season of baseball what we would be using it for to haul it would be very handy but also for the plowing and you can even throw an attachment on the backat for to spread the salt um in sand um on the Walking path um to fully outfit it with uh all the pieces we need we're looking at about another four to uh$ to $5,000 um and I'll tell you right now we can go to One-Stop shop tell them hey upfit it with this we're going to spend over 20,000 try closer to 24,000 honestly with what they have um we are we are able to I have the time I can shop around and find some other uh better deals uh for the lighting and upfitting of it along with the plow and the winch um and and some of the dealerships that are on the state bid list and stuff they're willing to work with me too on some of the items so we'll you know build a report and see what we can come up with so in total we're looking for approximately $17,000 uh to get a machine on the ground um and running with the equipment that we need to to make it utilize um these machines are extremely safe they the machines we're looking at all have safety belts and that sort of thing um but they they have a little wider stance they're not Tippy or anything like that and they're not like what you see uh kids whipping around in ATVs and be flipping over or anything like that so um these uh these are Farm tough machines that can kind of haul around and do quite a bit um without the speed and that sort of thing so pretty strong vehicle though M um so again we're looking at about 177,000 in total to to get one up and running yeah and if I can add to that a little bit too like like Mike said we do use we have three moas there we have an old diesel tractor um we do what we can with the diesel tractor the the three lawnmowers I mean with dragon Fields with dust and dirt everywhere that go in for maintenance a decent amount because we're using them for things that they're really not supposed to be being used for but that's what we have for um for our usage the golf cart's not even a town golf cart when we have tournaments from the fav and a push it little league we have two golf carts that are owned by the league they're kept at sha Road somebody usually brings one here and we get to use it during tournaments so that we're not driving around golf carts and I mean driving around lawnmowers and all that to get from point A to point B cuz that's what we end up doing um the the kids that are here they'll use one of the sit down the slower lawnmowers to drag the trailer with all the screen and all that to work on the fields during the tournament so something like this would allow us to get around a lot more and I would I've always wanted to like plow the walking path but I always knew yeah we have to be able to get there and sand it and keep it from being icy then when the resident did it like I had all these compliments on Facebook showing pictures like wow thank you for doing the walkin path I'm like okay I guess people are really getting out and using it when it was done even though it wasn't done great it was kind of a go quick through um and there was no sand or salt or anything else we do also maintain behind the school and they have a Walkin path too so if we get a trailer if we can find one or you know use the one that we have if it fits and we can reinforce it we might be able to take it to the school and do the walkin path there now we have you know access at both locations so the the only other thing I would add is if if getting a trailer was needed as well um you don't need anything fancy the the machine most trailers you can get you know for a couple ,000 will suffice and that's brand new trailer and we have one it's just the probably need to put reinforce the the bed okay but yeah as Chad said it's it's an appropriate tool for the job um sure many of us have tried to make a tool fit the job and get rather unsatisfied with it well that's a problem and the ease of use on this uh the the old diesel tractor is extremely difficult to even operate the levs I mean it's very old the 70s or something and it's just very old and and for who's using it it's just we're better off having the right machine for the job and this would be the way to do that yeah and I'm sure if you were to bring on any new employees just trying to get them trained up on how to use that old took me a while and I got caught I got caught out in the field trying to lift it cuz the the shift slips out slips out quite often so you got to know how to get it back into place so um but I mean it does the trick for what we need it for so yeah we haven't ever looked to upgrade that and this I think would take some of the load off of that and use it only when necessary make all our other machines last longer and this is as I said we have the the town has um stored at the police department as those two Yamaha 2006 Yamahas we have 20-year old machines still up and running and they they're it's a good they're good machines the three machines I went with uh on this and I'll get the official quotes and everything going forward as needed uh but if we can just appropriate that that would be and I've asked for a pick up truck numerous times and we can never get one and the ones that we get are hand-me-down downs from the DPW that they don't feel safe enough to drive they give them to us and we don't feel safe so we give them back now we have a sheriff's van that people think uh we need to put a sign on cuz it's a big white van in the parking lot so um that's what we get to get around with but you can't plow with it you can't pick up dirt with it and like I said if we had a pick up maybe this wouldn't be necessary because we could throw a plow on it we just don't we don't have that either so um and this would be housed at p park and then you know potentially maybe able to transport to the schools at a later date yes yeah and I know um at selman's meetings stuff we Flo around the idea of uh more properties coming on board for the Department this is something that would be able to be utilized at pretty much anywhere we go so it's a very easy thing to load onto a trailer and move yeah yeah and the trailer like I said that we have has everything we need to for the most part to get it on there it's just reinforcing it cuz it's really just used to throw stuff on out at the park and leaves and whatever so okay I guess this would be the one that funding wise going to make sure we have around too but um I was hoping enough like 17,000 is enough you really yeah oh yeah yeah and you you don't think that the I mean given the amount of work that this thing's potentially going to be used for um you don't think that like the yearly maintenance costs or anything like that would be um exorbitant so uh as I found with uh these side by-side machines that the the normal wear and tear on them is not very very much especially now with fuel injection the uh four wheeels we have the ATVs carburator was last year for carbur I wish we had waited one more year um that's the biggest problem with today's fuel yeah other than that if you keep it clean which is not difficult to do when you're not going through the woods cuz it's not what we're doing with it um you keep it clean it runs forever you keep it clean keep the normal maintenance which is not it's cheaper than a vehicle for oil changes and sort of it's just like another laot as far as maintenance wise uh as long as you keep it clean and keep it going it's it's fine cool yeah I I didn't have any more questions sounds good I obviously don't have any questions that was very thank you yeah it was yeah I mean it it's pretty obvious that Parks is going to need better equipment to continue to do its job and if you're talking about using tractor from the 70s and a bunch of golf carts I mean that's especially because your is so utilized pretty even the moas I know cost more than you know what I mean they cost more than this and we have you know what I mean so to ruin those we've already had to replace one because you know over the years just using it for that you know so yeah i' I'd make a motion to uh recommend this project again contingent on reviewing um open balance at 17,000 17,000 y second all in favor I I so moved thank you Mike thank you forar thank you um all right so other than that so we'll have to reach out and um make sure we have the money available in for all three of these um other than that I don't think we have anything else on the agenda uh I know it does say to approve a CBC fy2 budget but I don't think we have that either I guess not I did talk to Jamie and I told him last Wednesday and I told him that we were meeting but I don't know what happened I did have some like rough figures from Nick before he left which I don't have with me but the one thing I spoke to Jamie about is they had estimated like 40,000 from as the state match and I had got information that the state match was expected to be maybe 20% so I thought that number was a little bit high but then our priate interim accountant here Works in Lakeville so I actually asked him and he said that they are only recommending like 23,000 and it's roughly the same kind of amount same amount of Revenue so he said but you can always correct that in the fall fall town meeting but that's pretty much all the my I'm so sorry yeah I mean that's all right if if if we didn't get a budget then you know we may just have to push this off to another meeting no fault of yours by any means yeah yeah certainly not so if we do have to approve a budget before town meeting we can even do like a quick Zoom yeah yeah we can always do a you know inter meeting if we need to we can all connect yeah yeah yeah would that said can I make a suggestion sure sure um I know Kathy goes through a lot with all the emails and us together and whose schedules what and who's where and that's um that's pretty stressful anyway I was thinking if we met and I'm not sure this is okay but four times a year because there's four seasons pick like a Monday or or a Tuesday or Wednesday and let's say we meet at 5:30 every second Tuesday of the month or the third wedes whatever whatever fits but we got to start with something and if we put something down she won't ever have to we'll always know when we're supposed to be here because any board that I'm on I know when I'm supposed to be there MH yeah I know it's the third Wednesday of the month or it's the it used to be the first Monday we used to do with Jerry way back away sure yeah and I just think it would take a lot of wear and tear off Kathy and all of us because it'll just be what we do and if you if we need to meet more often we can sure you know but just a suggestion so yeah and if we ever have a scheduled meeting and there's no proposals we can always just cancel the meeting the meet but having something a little bit more structured I think is is wise right and now your town meetings are twice a year see like May and October April octob are we doing this year is that what I'd have to check the town Town calar may I can't remember well don't we have one next month or May so we have a time yeah so the other one must be it's going to be November yeah it's usually May November okay so that's what we'll do so if it's in let's say may that's already the fifth month so let's go because we need it done before town meeting so let's go in January April right and then well the only issue I would have with the April so we might push it do we push it back is like this is March because they want it in by March for the May meeting okay you know what I mean like that's why we're yeah it takes a certain amount of lead time I'm just thinking if we did my first first Tuesday of the month works you know what I mean want to do that let's take it I like it you said it first Tuesday in the month start somewhere what are we in March now so we'll say are you good with that you guys yeah yeah you know we can tweak it we can move it we don't you know we don't need to set the date specifically now we can you know we can get some guidance and say okay well once we suggest something it has to go before Finance it has to go before select board so get at least getting a time frame of how much time do you guys need before a given town meeting so that we can plan our meeting around that is is I think reasonable yeah yeah okay but at least we have some base okay so we'll go with the first Tuesday of every month 5:30 is that good you want earlier no that yeah good job no that gives everybody well I've been talking to Cathy and she was pretty last week you know and what doesn't help too when we have changes in the town hall and you're trying to get like you know Nick leaves just as we're trying to have this meeting and that's kind of tough wrangling that information together and obviously everybody else is trying to get you know the selectman stuff together and it just it does it does get difficult to it would be easy if you could just Reach Out say hey what do we need they give it to us and we're done but we can just tell them our next meeting is date being here yeah we can post it much earlier too if necessary and people can throw stuff on there and all right so we'll look at some dates we can get that out I we can do that Emil you tomorrow yeah I was going to say the next meeting then would be April 9th okay tentatively awesome as long as it's not school vacation I would good it's not and then maybe that would work because if we do have to approve a budget we could do it then so set April 9th for now well we're doing the first Tuesday or the second Tuesday first Tuesday so would be the second April second I know yeah so April 2il thought I know that one being on on relatively short notice I can say with certainty I almost 100% cannot attend in person on April 2nd uh if there is an opportunity to zoom in I may be able to do that but in subsequent months I don't think it would be so let's keep it I mean yeah I mean because even if we go up three months later we're talking almost July 4th weekend so we might be we might be you know what I mean that it just depends even if I can't make it as long as you guys have Quorum then we're fine yeah yeah worse comes to worse if we absolutely had to postpone that meeting because it's on short notice we could always do it the week after and I'm sure it would be fine and that one but moving forward but at least we have a an idea yeah essentially two weeks weeks from today so it is kind of short but um we can at least double check see if we need to me I mean you never know we might say we need to meet just to say designate which way to put it you know what I mean so then we exactly I mean that'll give us time to check those budgets and we can you know fin get final approval if needed we'll stick with this for now we'll talk we might not need it at all and then we can skip it and move on to the whatever the next quarter is and go we have some because I'm going to go right home one immediately on my calendar until I hear different from Kathy or you okay okay I just have to look at my baseball schedule but April second we I have baseball just yet okay baseball's important it is we'll work around so uh anything else any other this was excellent just a CPC Plan update there's not much to update I did reach out to committees I gave them some questions but there was like no official vote except for housing so it's been super busy the last few months I'd like to get back in that and then I'd also like permission from the committee maybe just to reach out to serp it just to get a price on to have an outside to to have them take a look at it and see what they would charge yeah just for an idea I mean we have the money in our admin so if we could get it done fairly quickly I think that would be wise having an outside professional take a look at it especially with so many CPC communities around here it's certainly not the first one that I'm sure they would have taken a look at so that's okay with you I'll reach out absolutely one more small little detail do we have a certain room that we can report to to will that be a hassle or do we have to call every few months and ask or you have a suggestion yeah maybe some place that we are out of the way and bother them anyway you know we don't always have to be down there or maybe he can make a suggestion he does them all I don't know I I reached out to select board's office and she said that that room was booked so yeah that's we don't have to be we've got the yeah I mean I I think this room is fine for the our board if we don't have any coming in to present it makes it a little tight when they're you know especially if we're all here and so forth but but I mean we've got a meeting finan has had one at the police department before they have they got their area too right we have places but um room if I I like this room if it's just us and then if we have people coming in to present yeah I would think a big bigger space is definitely a little bit better the thing that really would help hold us up is if there were members of the public that wanted come OB serve comment that's that's when it's like this space is not really we need to do something else but yeah okay going cross that bridge when we get to it but at least we have I like I like the idea I like the idea I'm all for it thank you that's Kathy and I it's not just mine do we have a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn a second on in favor 513 we are out of here 6:13 excellent e for