[Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this public hearing is now called to order at 6:00 p.m. on March 27th 2024 this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice of the time and place of this hearing was originally published in the fa neighborhood news on December 7th 202 is 20232 better it was also posted in the town clerk's office persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order first order of business meeting mail Boy Scout Troop 11 and a chrisan at fir FS Association invite for the eagle scout core of Honor for Noah Deon April 6 2 p.m. cushioning Council on Aging review matter to V may be taken we got an invitation here for Boy Scout Troop 11 and the accr of firefighters Association C Cally invite you to attend the Eagle Scout court of honor for Noah diome Saturday April 6th 2 p.m. at the Council on Aging dinner reception following their ceremony I will try to attend that [Music] absolutely um okay next piece of mail Urus energy intend to to seel selectively apply herbicides in 2024 along power line rights away that pass through a cret treatments will take place between June 1st and October [Music] 18th and that one all right and eversource line maintenance project 14 new steel monopole structures and in kind replacement of 34 wood monop pole structures with steel monopole structures project will take place between Wing Lane substation and Main Street project Representatives James Clancy evu and Sarah French Sant review of matters presented votes may be taken guys yeah you can go to the [Music] Podi sah hey good evening guys I'm Sarah French I'm with Stant teac here representing never Source um do you guys have any questions do you want me to just kind of um do a quick overview of the project do you have questions to start out uh no just do a quick overview I have a couple questions but nothing yeah so the line is the 241 243 between Wing Ling substation and Main Street it's an old um wood 115 kV line that was built probably in the 1950s um so it's needing updating updates and maintenance um to comply with industry standards um so as you mentioned it is um 14 new monopole structures and then we have um the in kind replacement of 34 structures those are all going to be replaced um with steel monopol so existing is wood to be replaced with steel um so basically it's routine um maintenance um to provide safe and reliable electricity to customers to support um also to support Commonwealth renewable energy initiatives so it's um to to allow for interconnection to um to new solar uh initiatives um so of those um 14 new structures we do have six structures that are within Wetland resource areas um so those are going to result in up to 7 Square ft of permanent impact to um the Wetlands 42 sare ft in total um so basically the way that we are interpreting the maintenance exemption um is that activities conducted to maintain repair or replace um but not substantially change or enlarge an existing um and and lawfully located faciliity so we're basically looking at the entire rideway and the infrastructure that's already there as the existing facility um um so as I mentioned six of those structures will be in Wetland um I do want to make a note that it's not the highest grade Wetland it's um it's it's a full of um invasive FR 9s um throughout most of the line um all best management practices will be used throughout the entire construction process um ever Source has an amazing environmental team um that they work with um throughout the whole um you know length of the project to make sure um that we're properly protecting um Wetlands um there'll be a wetland scientist on site during the structure installs to make sure that soil segregation is happening appropriately that stuff is being receded um appropriately um that's a general overview they any any questions from you guys I guess I mean you kind of you really covered there I guess my my biggest question was what what were your best management practices in that yeah so um ever eversource has a whole BMP manual that will go by so depending on what the site is looking like in in the certain areas we'll be using you know erosion control silk fences um we don't anticipate dewatering but if we do encounter needing to dewater we'll make sure that we're using a a filtration bag and that that's placed in an appropriate Upland well vegetated up area so that we're not getting any sediment into um the existing Wetland areas um we'll also be using construction matting for all of the equipment that's out there um is there anything else to James as far as pmps um no this is pretty um pretty standard work force just P work and that and that's the temporary um the would be would be demanding in the area they all be removed and then there's areas that you know sometimes contractors will a little pay wire and they might flop off and you know we have to like regrade and rece and stuff do that after the yeah every Everything Will pretty much be you know returned to existing conditions appropriately seated with the Wetland seed mix um and as I mentioned the new structures as I mentioned it's up to 7 Square ft of impact it could be smaller so depending on the substreet they might just do a direct ined so that would be an even smaller impact um if they do find that it's kind of um you know more boggy soil they might have to put a CT and then back fill with stone just to make sure that that steel structure is stable um but that that Culver and the stone that's the 7 Square ft so it could be smaller of impact we just wanted to calculate um the total up to amount El question I I can get you guys a copy of that PMP manual we have a pdf version so I can to it's a big document but it's it's got a lot of good information on it also to mention too there there will be an environmental monitor out there weekly um that is required under the epa's uh Construction general permit so they'll be monitoring the site weekly making sure all the bmps are are working appropriately nothing's damaged um making sure that there's no you know runoff happening anything like that after r storm um what what's the um impact of a existing pole there now compared to the 7 square feet so it'll be the in kind replacement so no change okay on those it's just so out of the 14 new structures that they're needing to put in place basically to adjust for um span lengths to to comply with new industry standards from the 1950 s um though out of those 14 six of those structures are going to be in in Wetland resource areas so that's the only the only permanent impact that we have is is a total of 42 Square ft but it's individually up to 7 Square ft right separate so it's not a full 42t [Music] impact any other questions comments concerns any public comment on this well I just you know I I read through this and um it it said the burden of establishing that the work is not subject to the regulation it's on you guys and I I I mean this is pretty thorough and it's in the law that you don't have to file with this so I just I just hope that those bmps are yeah like I mentioned ever Source has a pretty incredible environmental team um we work very very closely with all the contractors um you know and then they have us as well Consultants that are out there I'm a wetland scientist so um we'll be out there making sure we're uh training the crews making sure that they're all the bmps are in place where they're supposed to like I mentioned weekly construction oversight um likely full full oversight for those structures that are in Wetlands to make sure that soils are you know getting segregated appropriately and whatnot and anyone on our sites have work stop Authority so for some reason Sarah's out there if I'm out there if something happen we can shut it down immedately to figure it out SOC pretty about [Music] that I mean I it's in the law it's right you know I I cuz it is it's it says it it says it's routine maintenance so I just wanted that you know exp the commission and yeah understand I I really appreciate you guys coming in to us and if you could get that that manual I'm just you know interesting to have you have an estimate on the length of the project I did like the time like the amount of time for construction probably probably the summer yeah like as far as you know doing all the work and clean up restoration pulling everything we do have a few other agencies to go to for approval so thankfully for you guys the burden is not all on you to deal with permitting so we we also have to go to D still um the Army Corps EPA we have to file our instructure general with them and then we s to do consultation with natural heritage and dangerous ping program um there's going to be a lot of review we're hoping to get that finalized over the next few months so we can start construction in the summer so then you know we can kind of get all that dirt work done before the wet season and then they're in in the fall right and uh I mean this is a huge reliability project too for the town uh Wing Lane's like the main sub that you know fulfills your guys's energy needs so having this as a more robust circuit that's just going to you know we want as much as you guys probably want it so yeah so likely the length of the summer I would imagine yeah the actual construction time yeah I the only caveat to that is the the overhead work I don't know how long it's going to take us to P yeah sometimes mats are in place for you know a couple months yeah it'll be the mats will be in for less than a year just cuz that's what the regulation requires but I I don't assume that we're going to be in there for more than the summer summer or fall yeah should be getting everything restored and pulled out by the Curious for followup reasons you know follow up at some point maybe that re's been yeah yeah you're welcome to reach out to myself or James Dan um n is the one he's the project manager um he's the one that submitted that notice so you're welcome to reach out to anyone of us we can come down we need you for a site walk um yeah whatever you guys anything to get me out of the office will be fine I'll leave a couple of my cards my cells on there too so for some reason you guys want to go look give me a call and give get you guys down there or if dur in construction you see something you don't like if you call me first it'll get done in like awesome well I appreciate it thanks for coming inate thank you you [Music] I don't have you already I lost that paper but all oh the the the the edit you had in red must stuck in my St oh it's a revision of 31924 39 okay old business a notice tent was filed by Kenneth and jelle C property located at 12 Ares way the applicant proposes to construct a new garage with C patio access driveway and related site work within the 100 foot buffer zone to a bordering vegetated Wetland the applicant is represented by Rick Sharon a Sharon Associates Incorporated Engineers plan name is plan of site improvements and new garage dat is November 9th 2023 Revis 319 2024 um this is a continued public he no ATT 12 way map 16 BL 18 F SE file number 001 0590 is I entertain a motion to open the public hearing so move second second all those in favor I Mr Sharon thanks Mr chairman floor is yours first I want to say I like your new venue comfortable the chairs are comfortable very nice um I Pro I printed up some of these plans I think we said that in his PDF uh I'm not sure if the print copies got here or not but I noticed when I was sitting down in here that you'll see a lot of little extra numbers in here by the edges of the of the new building and that's the data layer for the point layout to L set the stakes we set the stakes for you for Saturday site visit and I didn't turn that layer offer and printed these so you got a little bit of extra uh data in the here you don't need to have so you see nor and easting numbers after the survey U so the last time we met which is I think fly two months ago uh there was question about the Wetland line so we had that delineated again we use the original line from when the subdivision was used years ago we had it redone very very little change in all right but we do have the uh uh the cards the upin and uh weapon field cards for two locations all right uh we had this done by sebia and he took one down by flag H which was the closest to the proposed building at the time and we haven't do another about the middle of the line over 14 so that that confirms his location on the flags as you saw them out there on Saturday uh since we met however the change the big change in the prop in the project is just eliminating all that driver we had if you recall the original proposal was to put a a new cination garage and uh play area Recreation Area down here at the bottom of the property which required does because of the change in grade there's about 6t change of grade in here on this particular retaining wall uh and and that required a long driveway coming down through here so that's all been taken out he rethought this thing and he's gone to a a 32t wide garage a 2 and 1/2 uh C wide garage uh right at the end of the existing driveway and 12T off the existing house right so there' be a 12T space between the house and the new garage and it only requires he's got to take some of the retaining wall out and relay that so we get into the end of that garage and it adds about 200 ft of actual asphal compared to what we had before which was coule thousand couple thousand square ft so sometimes it's good that these things don't happen the first night because people get a chance to think things off a little bit so uh he's also come up with a plan where that because he's going down the grade you see the stairs coming down there's about that 5 and 1/2t difference between the the front yard and the backyard uh the lower level has that extension at the back of the garage which is a kids playroom so that's the grandchildren's playroom that he wanted to build into the other place so so we got that and then uh they also had an area that you probably notice it was all sandy back in the in the backyard where they had an aboveground pool before that's been taken out they want to put a gazebo in that location so I think you might have seen a center stake for the Gazo there and now you know the nor and easting has numbers for so that's that's the proposal so it's Chang for the better I think a lot less uh disturbance a lot less worry about storm water management uh a very minimal increase in the size of the driveway and uh he ends up with something that he's looking pretty much the same Finish Line except you know modified right yeah a little easier route I think disturbance yeah I um I appreciate um you know it all sted out that that's great it gives you know a visual to to the commission and um the flag line was clearly visible you know mhm um I I you know I looked at over while at moment so I didn't see any very pleased with the the whole layout say I thought it was great really any anybody from the public comment yeah I don't I don't have any issues with the project um I guess you know maybe maybe just a condition of just not staring equipment you know in the buff zone or I think that's in the standard one that's that's standard um all right well I'll entertain a motion to issue a positive order of conditions 12 Ops right make motion is there second second all those in favor that's unanimous excellent thank you have a good night thank you very much good thanks Rick um we going to close the public he uh entertain a motion to close the public he so move second all those in favor okay we have a continue public hearing R Paul Paul uer S more Lane map 14 Lots 15 in 17 a request for determination was filed no by Paul bé for for property located at 7 Mor Lan map 14 Lots 158 17 the applicant proposed to construct an 8 fo by 12T shed within the 100 foot buff Zone to a border of vegetated wetland plan name is topographic G plan dated March 15 25th 2023 review of matters presented votes may be taken this is V to be ConEd to the April 10th conom meeting is there a motion to continue to the April 10th meeting so moved second all those in favor okay new business certificate of compliance Ray White 211 Middle Road SE file number 001 0569 a certificate of compliance was filed by Ray White for property located at 211 Middle Road map 23 Lots 29 29a and 29b the applicant constructed a 3200 ft commercial building with Associated parking lot grading drainage utilities and Landscape within the 100 foot buff zone of Border bordering vegetated Wetland asilt provided by Zenith Consulting Engineers LLC dated February 21st 2024 um Mr wait how you doing good haven't seen you in a while yeah um yeah it it looks great it's a huge uh huge upgrade great facility um I don't have any issues I no thought everything was in accordance yeah I don't see any anything wrong no so um that being said that being said somebody want to make a motion a motion second to issue the certificate of second um all those in favor I all right that's unanimous Mr White you're also um I'll reach out to the bilding for you to let you know that that's been issued and a thank you all right thank you guys all right COC Carlos and Bella FS 27 Peach Blossom Road SE file number 001 0166 certificate of compliance was filed by kis and Bella font for property located at 27 Beach Peach Road M 19 lot 226 this is a partial release under the D SE file number 001 0166 for s for a sale the applicant constructed dwelling and garage Board of Health as built dated February 6 2002 um this is pretty standard for our commission to get these you know in need of a sale it's been well established everything's um you know um we is um yeah it's just a formality I guess I I'll take this opportunity to just remind people that if you are permited with us and you need a COC to when your Project's done and the site stabilized to come to us and get this so that it's not a rush cuz this may have you know delayed a sale or or whatever and you know all these these filings come up on you know title Searchers so just try to remember to come to us for a COC when your Project's done I guess that's kind of one of them public service announcements I can't express it enough you know um so so with that I'll entertain a motion to issue a cooc to caros and bell at 27 Peach Blossom Mur map 19 lot St map 19 lot 226 so moved all those in favor okay that's all set and we have an announcement in anrad for Ray White 211 Middle Road SE file number 001 0591 an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation was filed by Ray White for property located at 211 Middle Road map 23 block 29 29a and blot 29b the applicant is represented by West Samson Engineers Incorporated plan name is existing conditions plan dated November 2023 engineer has to R notify a Butters regarding the correction in the newspaper ad publication so this is just a public service announcement as well um the butter notifications that were sent out there was a minor um error in them we no longer use the paper that it was advertised in so the actual public hearing will be held on April 10th 201 24 that's our next scheduled meeting so that was for the people that didn't reach out to conom to wonder why what the project was so I think it's good that it was it was on there you know it there anybody here for that so that's good okay star nothing discussion nav 550 Main Street site update review matter presented votes may be taken Mr Campbell floor is yours no very again Steve K chief operations officer Evon thanks for the time tonight um I after an email from uh Joan today um Ryan I got that's a check for $5 $5,000 for um JF the men so that is now all set up um we're also working with planning board to work on decommissioning bonds and bill is going to do that as well set up the estimates for that when also going to give me an update on that and we'll get a check there um so we have almost four Ines of rain on Saturday night at Sunday um as far as I know we held we we went out there Sunday morning we continue to operate like we're doing it with the pump over the the northern Basin um into Mr Walsh towards M Walsh through the approved methodology we did that to the west and then we maintained on site um we currently have eight Frack tanks that are sitting on site six of which are empty um and as of today in preparation for tomorrow storm all the basins are empty so we've kind of worked through and we've gotten into a rhythm here about I think what we discovered over the last couple of weeks is we were waiting for the water to get into the basins and before we started pumping on Saturday night what we were doing was pumping as it came up to a level where we could start the pumps and were able to stay kind of ahead of it and and just dissipate out and then um I have some pictures I could share if you're interested about what happened and what the site looked like on Sunday morning which was fairly benign even though we had about 4 in of ramp um I didn't see any um emails from Mr hinley or anybody else on Sunday so I knew I was coming today but I was going to talk to you um what I just gave you is an aerial image and so what we are doing right now is Meridian Associates did a liar flight of that area so we did that entire area off site to the north Southeast and West including um the maderas property including all the way past Seth way almost down to the the West Gates entrance into the Wetland to the South and then south of us off property so we try to get a a handle of what's actually happening um that was a high resolution Light art that data was done on Friday which has now come back they're processing it I should have Topo back tomorrow and that's going to be the level set so we can kind of understand what's coming off site what's coming on site where where things are going and have a more robust discussion I think over the last couple of weeks what we have figured out is the way we have it currently there's not a lot going north like we talked about on the S sidewalk we have that bait that sale we've blocked a lot of that going off towards the north that seems to be operating now we're still going to probably propose a tweak to that Outlook control structure and especially on the downstream side with the with the um the little spreader or something like that to spread the water out once it gets discharged um maybe go to two two three Bas outlets in that area so that we can kind of not have a single pipe just pointing there on the western Basin I think it's it's getting pretty high however it's still holding and we're going to rework that like we talked about in the field rather than um anything the perception or anything that looks like it's going towards Scotts way we're not going to do that we're going to discharge it more to the Southwest towards the driveway and we think from the too we'll be able to figure that out and then what we're going to be looking at is probably a larger Basin on the south side where the the Basin is capture that and then go to the South into the Wetland discharge well outside the resource area and protect it through a series of um you know rip ra channels and dissip energy dissipators to slow it down before it goes out there so um I needed the lar really really quality lar to know what's going on that's now done it was a little bit we had to wait for some weather we got that last Friday and so now we're in the process of um compiling all that and then I'll come back and give you an update secondarily we have scheduled we are going to array and oversee the entire array in the beginning of April inside the fence and try to get some grass growing there again we think we're going to aate it because everything's been kind of compacted with all the stuff going up there we're going to reive with a Better Mix try to get some growth in there at the same time which we think is going to help all of this while we're trying to work on the the the Southern and Northern sections and then what we want to do is be able to do that so that we can do the South and get some grass growing there now then obviously we'll wait then we'll probably have to go back and touch up in the fall but at least we'll get something that we can all feel comfortable is going to be uh work along so that's the plan I'm hoping to get the design into you within the next two weeks so it might not be on the 10th but I want to try to have that discussion with Bill have Bill look at at it if we can reach out to Bill I would love that so we could start that process and get the two Engineers talking um cuz we do want to get this done so we're not doing this amendment and constructing in the middle of summer and then we're going to end up not getting any stabilization of grass which I know something long right that makes sense so we're trying as hard as we can but that light R is going to be key because we're trying to look at where things going so that when we come before you Bill and us can say Yep this is where we think it's all going and do a little bit better explaining than we did the first time so understood any questions no I I appreciate you you know going straight at this to make it right you know yeah I really do yeah I wouldn't buy this one I thought it look good it look like you had all quite a bit of controls in place already so I'm sure you know and the one you were more than prepared I'd say we were out there I see the controls were ready everywhere overnight we were out there we had guys out there you know I could see like you said how you're moving it up to the southwest and so forth um that seems like a and now we're just trying to figure out how to do that so it doesn't get down and have to pump it up we're going to try to capture it up the top and right right so I think that that's the game plan um I appreciate you said one thing that we wanted to get done was all that hay went down and it was stabilized on that main entrance so when you you guys walked there that was they kind of mucked that up a little bit that's all rehydro and it went into that store pretty well did it yeah and so the the pictur I thought it was pretty the pictures we got on Sunday were actually fairly clean water so I think we we did what we wanted to do so and then Ryan one other thing I wanted to bring up because I you and I have talked Andy babola asked me this too he's like I know you're dealing with the storm water but we had committed to actually when we turn this on to kind of well they kind of left but to deal with kind of the eversource polls along Main Street which had nothing to do with us but I think everybody in town needs to know that we're doing some stuff in the background my consultant like I told you guys at that meeting she's reached out we're starting with Verizon because we think that's going to be a good spot try to find out where they are in the process cuz Andy reached out and he's like it seems like there's more Poes going in than removal so I was dealing with this but I think I was at a point where I could start that process so I think everybody in town needs to know that I'm doing what I said I was going to doing we're going to and we're paying for that consultant in the back there's no exposure in the town to try to at least find out what's going on because I think everybody knows but it eversource does it when systems like ours or others in town cause an upgrade like that but then there's a breakdown sometimes it's ever source's equipment but it's Verizon's poles who owns the PO then there's the cable company and there's a process internally on all those guys that if check box doesn't get checked off the other company doesn't know it's done and they won't force it so what we're trying to do is we're trying to at least get an update for you guys get you guys talking to the right people which we've committed to and we're going to do that we did that we said we would do that both for Main Street and halfway Road um I'm focus on Main Street just because that's part that I'm closest to but we will get to the ball that so I want to I think everybody in town needs to know we're kind of going up be out there this thank you yeah I know it's been an issue it's been brought up at select meetings um and they were thinking about making a policy that you you can't put a poll in unless you remove one you know but again it goes back to the same issue that you just said if Verizon's not done with the poll or comcast isn't done with the poll then yeah and I I drive down there all the time now and I look and the new polls are in but all the equipment is still in the old pole which means it hasn't crossed over in between companies yet so we have good contacts and all of them so we try to find out what's going on at least kind of let people know here's who you should be talking to it might be Verizon it might be everything um yeah we we've committed to that we are excellent okay any other updates any questions I am away the 10th so I don't know if if I don't I think we have a full agenda on the 10th a yeah so I making a pretty big assumption that because of the 4 in and we're not hopefully we don't get another 4 in that we're probably going to be okay between now and I think we get a pretty good management system going on the existing storms please let me know if you don't we're all we'll jump on anything um and then I think if I can get it in when we get it in maybe I can be back on the agenda like the 17th as a as an amendment I think that might be a good Target we get this all wrapped up if that makes sense to 21 sorry 21 24 yeah cuz yeah that'll give Bill time to to review it and I'd like to come in present we'll see Bill Madden's going to be a busy man yeah I'm going to share the love with him um all right yeah that sounds good okay we'll be in touch I mean we have each other's numbers and everybody knows where to find me and so I like not having to call you but I do appreciate the updates so yeah no I think look we know where we are said we I said last January we're going to fix this I appreciate your commitment I really do and I just need if anybody does comment just send it to us and we'll deal with it I'll reach out I think with Mr Walsh gave my phone number I said call I haven't heard from him I'm here he has my understood all right thank you Steve all right [Music] thanks uh all right need and updates there on other business any other business um I oh you me so I'm just wondering is there any um updates on the Park Drive solo F where was it right now it's in it's in litigation okay yeah they I don't so once it proceeds they'll be we'll be notified or we'll just look at meeting [Music] agendas yeah because that's the access situation but is it with this board or is it with planning board or I think I think it I think it's just with us right they have their they have this special you're going to have to review you're going to have to review whatever comes of that I think right I think I think we might be having an executive session on it an update for the commission from from Town Council next next meeting but that wouldn't be open to the public so if I just keep checking the bi-weekly agendas or just if there's anything on there I try to come to the solo meetings I see what's going on with the other sites you're going to be busy yeah we got a lot of meeting come I I've been trying I'm trying to stay up because I'm afraid that we're going to miss something yeah we're going to have um already there's been so much flooding on our street from the neighbors that are [Music] abing the Solon running Park Drive I mean they're pumping out their basements now and there's nothing back there so that's all I just want to make sure I don't anything in in general we have some solar stuff coming up um well really it's just the delineations for potential solar Fields but um as of right now there there's no updates on okay how about the me I I didn't follow any of that I'm going to be honest with you I didn't I didn't follow any of it I think there's like a portal maybe there is okay yeah it's just so difficult to maneuver through that portal yeah I don't I didn't look I didn't follow anything with that process okay um yeah long that's why we need an agent research all this stuff all right good job hopefully we get you know get an agent sometime soon yeah yeah I'm hoping get some money on payroll so people can get [Music] paid all right other business um I'm just I'll just update you guys I I attended a um a sered meeting with um the chairman of the planning board and uh the Town Administrator and um Grant King from SED and it every 10 years they um they take a map of the town and they designate priority areas for development and priority areas for conservation or open space or protection for that matter and um and what that does is if there's funding available and there's a conservation or yeah I would say a conservation or some sort of development grants could be given to the town for if those areas are in designation so that they update every 10 years this was a 10-year update so we sat down with with uh Grant and um it was a good meeting so there's going to be updated he's working on updating all that stuff I made a couple comments just you know to put like um changes that have been made with with land purchases in town from bu Bay Coalition favorite Land Trust whatever may be so the the map from you can go on the website the one from 2013 is there but it's going to be a little more green that's green is the area that that pertains to us and um yeah it was a pretty informative meeting and I I had requested that he he makes a map of areas that are in chapter 61 so that for Grant reasons we could if a desirable property comes before town with the right of fresh refusal we have and we don't have the money in CPC we would have an Avenue to go to to say hey we we need some yeah try this is this is desirable to us look it's in that green area you know we have the option to purchase it where could we get funding for that yeah so he said he'd work on that that was one thing I brought up to him and um I I told him the jokingly I said paint the Hope in green was what I said um but no there wasn't much changes on on the um development end we do have some areas in town that are able to be developed well I just wanted to update you guys on that s in on that that was it was pretty good anybody else all right future business just I did go out driving around looking looking at what what places that we've been alerted to yeah and went by 1050 1050 had a very small puddle at the end of the driveway yeah across the street the tree farm there's a whole track alities of the drowning I seen that yeah up a little up a little bit further yeah but and the the pawns are pretty high yeah pwns are really high pawns are pretty high yeah GL I didn't see any like other normal why you see on top of the ground this time of year right yeah nothing raging down the sides of the streets or anything which is good um in uh selecting meeting yesterday uh carnico um worked they constructed a bylaw well there wasn't much changes to the to the one that that we had we had all agreed on oh yeah but the the bylaw I think I think I have it I'll um it's going to go in front of planning board so you know some of us can attend preferably not a quum you know but uh I I'll get it out to the commission so so that when planning is going to have a public hearing on It ultimately you know they decide we can chime in on it we can have our own we can add it to our agenda we can go through it pick out what we don't do and don't like you know um ultimately I think it gets it's going to establish us as the authority but because it's been delegated us to us from planning as the as us being the authority it has to be approved by planning I guess and then it goes to the selectman but the selectman will listen to our takes on it as well okay yeah so I understand that that's the process and also they did U carico did the towns ms4 all kinds of reporting and there's going to be an updated map of all the outfalls and everything um they kind of gave us a show in the meeting I didn't attend but I did watch it and there's that information too and they're going to be doing some testing at these outfalls and testing along the ACC cushion River in the future so that they can't blame you know the uh nitrogen and the water on cushion it yeah just kind of being preemptive with that nice which yeah it was a good meeting um Kevin McHugh did great job I thought he did a great job um yeah so there there's that as [Music] well uh future business next Conservation Commission meeting will be on April 10th [Music] 2024 I'll let detain a motion toour so move second all those fav right meeting your [Music] [Applause] J he