[Music] this public hearing is now called to order at 6:05 p.m. on July 24th 2024 this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth and act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice of the time and place of this hearing was published in the faen neighborhood news on July 18th 2024 it was also posted in the town CL office persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order this meeting is also being audio and video recorded first order of business minutes for approval February 28th 2024 July 10th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken um I had a lookout I don't have any issues I noticed Joan went out of order but because the last one was quick and easy I just figured one um I'll entertain a motion to accept minutes as presented second all those in favor that's unanimous okay meeting mail none storm water public hearing amn State Holdings LLC 39 Keen Road a storm water permit application has been filed by amn state Holdings for property located at 39 Keen road map to lot 16 12g and 13B the applicant proposes to construct a six lot residential subdivision including 702 linear feet of roadway with a culde-sac turnaround on-site sewage Disposal Systems and private Wells the applicant is represented by John Mas and a following quote plan name is drain map Angelo Drive subdivision dated August 30th 2023 revised March 25th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing so moved second all of in favor I Mr Martian yours good evening John Martian Corp skill this easel it's okay don't seem to be working uh good evening John marshan Barling Corp with the civil engineers and uh Lance VAR project um the project site's approximately 10 12 acres um it's comprised of three re assessors Parcels uh including one uh existing single family home uh the s's located in tyene uh residence a zoning District applicant proposing six uh or actually there's the site [Music] has depicted in green here bordering vegetated Wetland to the west and the Northwest uh the Orange is 100 foot buffer uh it's mostly a wooded site the exception of the area around the [Music] house um applicants proposing six residential lots um with one stone water basin toward the west uh it's approximately 700 linear feet of Road 26 ft wide 5ft sidewalk uh Lots will be served by individual septics and Wells and underground electric um we did receive uh peer review comments recently which we are in the process of addressing uh one of the items that they were looking for was additional test fits in the area of the Basin um and we also need to uh have the the weding lines reviewed so we'll be filing a an RDA for that um GL to answer any questions the bo might have questions comments um so all right the commission was out there on Saturday morning we conducted a site visit um the site's very vegetated um we went out to the location of the Basin um the Wetland line we didn't go out to because based on the peer review comments um we got that process going ahead of time simply because we so we could be concurrent with planning in their peer review process to you know not you know who you know which came first chicken or the egg kind of thing we we're doing it together so um we didn't really review the Wetland line um because one of the comments for the planning board was the Wetland line needs to be um you know approved by the Conservation Commission prior so um you know and it was recommended by our consultant that you know there is a filing for the project as a whole you know so um we'll we'll review that W land line and you know when they file we'll have Bill go out there and and check the line you know but you know we did check the area of the Basin um it wasn't really mapped out very good hopefully when we do go in for the for the weapon line that'll be um yeah we'll have staked out at least you know that be good maybe four or five flags of stakes um but uh there's there is a this is quite a bit of comments on the stor water side it isn't you know I think it can all be done the planning I'm not you know it's all green to me that's not that's not a for so um I sent that out to the commission to to review so um yeah that's that's kind of where I'm at uh I guess I'll open it up to the public any any questions from the public on this project okay so um I assume you want to yeah we'd be looking for a continuance um I don't know if we would need to do the get the wet line approv who was hearing before we even revisit Stone water or if we can do it in the same hearing or uh I mean if we get a walk it again we should have everything available one shot yeah I mean you know so if we got the flags for the Wetland we got where the basin's going we got everything we walk back we get to look at everything you know we went there this Saturday and of course with nothing being up we said okay yeah that's in that rough area but when we walk them there should be flags for us to see and if why do it one why do it twice if we can get do the walkth through once and you do everything once it's kind of like I think saving steps you know what I mean right makes sense to me won't impede anything yeah yeah um yeah so um you know either way we can we'll have Bill look at that for w line um and then as you address the peer riew comments you know so I don't know how long if you want to base the continuance on where where you're at with the comments and so the next meeting is August 14th the following one after that would be August 28th at least the 28th August 28th yeah I don't I don't have an issue with that are we going to try to do the walk through before we'll do it Saturday well I mean it depends where where he's at if he files an RDA by then but I figure we could do do it with the RDA process I guess yeah the next that would be our next side visit and we can and it also depends where he's at with you know the checklist what he's done for the storm water yeah that would be the other thing too we need to yeah we need to review that yeah cuz I mean if if you know half of that's only done then I AG I would like to see the yeah full extent of it yeah I would definitely but you know before the storm water hearing is is complete I'd like to get out there you know yeah but I'd like it to be closer to the time where all the peerie questions on the boxes correct so you know kind go inside with that so for now you know we can always ask for another continuance if you're not ready yet but uh I'll entertain a motion to continue this until August 28th meeting so moved I second second all those in favor I that's unanimous thank you thank you thanks okay new business public hearing notice of intent NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy SE file number 001 0593 a notice of intent was filed by NSTAR Electric Company doing business as Eva energy the proposed work in the town of aush includes the construction of a new 115 kilovolt overhead electric transmission line with the existing RightWay between eversource industrial pack tap and cushion West West two new bed cushion Municipal boundaries the proposed activities include installation of 33 new 115 K kilovolt transmission line structures installation of new 115 kilovolt conductor Optical brown wire and shield wire installation of stone and Timber mat work pads and wire pulling pads Improvement reestablishment of rightaway access roads and installation of new access roads storm water and wildlife habitat documents are on file the applicant is represented by Karen Han hanich hanich thank you of powers Engineers plan name is a cushion toall River reliability project dated June 18 2024 review of matter is presented votes may be taken um I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open second is there a second all those in favor hi okay so let me um let me just update everybody on this um we have been we have found out that there was an issue with the abutter notifications for this project um there was a you know I don't know where what caused it but it was with the assessor's office and and then the linear of the project th000 ft from Wetland disturbances so there was over like 200 AB Butters to this project essentially um so that was an issue there was some that were Miss in that um notification process and there was also some uh a butter notifications that were sent out not in compliance with the Wetland protection act the mailing um at least 7 days prior to a public healing shall constitute a timely notice so there was some some that weren't noticed in notified in a timely manner so um I had spoken to dup and I was advised by the circuit writer to open the public heing and not discuss the project give the abuts enough time to get proper notice and to continue the hearing to a date and time sing that that was the advice I was giving so um our next meeting which is in 3 weeks right as opposed to two August 14th correct okay so our next meeting is August 14th you you guys would request that continuance yes we would and we can certainly work with the assessor's office to make sure that you know the butters that were missed on the certified list we make sure they get on there we kind of walk them through the process and why those people need to be on that list so that we get a proper list we can get those a butter notifications out at least seven days in advance so that they're delivered with 7 days notice and um and be back on the 14th to present the project excellent so where do we stand though with holding that like are they supposed to start already or what's that were they supposed to start already without a no not at all no no then then they're they're just yeah they they're still waiting on permitting there's a lot of other things they're doing they were just get in this process cuz it may change some of their other perits I see them doing all kinds of work all over the place and I got confused for a minute that's all oh you know they they were replacing a pole on um Two Poles uh off of Main Street well we uh Ling Lane's done Main Street they're all putting yeah those those projects are they're not the Wetland protection act doesn't apply to them because it's a it's a remove and replace they're not involved in this yeah this is this is a total separate F yeah no I was just like wa a second no this is a different this is a different what's going on here I hear about back out already um so um yeah and also to to continue this T I mentioned we typically send we don't you know projects of this magnitude go to peer review so we're going to have Bill just look at the application look at just an overview of the project and just to have give us his input on any potential concerns so um the project has been forwarded the bill just to you know so that's going on in the meantime before the next meeting not to say he'll be done with with his review but it's already started the process don't you get a quote on what it'll cost so with that um I will entertain a motion to continue to the August 14th meeting motion to continue to August 14th second all those in favor that's unanimous and you're okay with it here Ryan where there's not many people here tonight yeah I mean if if you get we still have time to you know they'll be notified properly you know if if if you start getting a lot of calls saying hey you know that's true right okay great is is there any is there anybody here for this project I should I should ask no not yet these are all other source employees or Consultants yes okay all right so it it it very well may be here I mean I haven't heard any Outreach you and if that changes obviously we'll be in touch before that just to confirm the venue so I would assume depending on what of the filings we get I assume as of now it would it would be here excellent thank good night thank you okay discussion none agent updates ah uh other business any other business um selectman just had a meeting and um our new conservation agent has been pointed no SW in nice he just needs to be SW in yeah um yeah you want to introduce yourself sure oh great uh hi my name is Mark mitton um I've met uh Everett and Ryan and Eric um it's nice to meet you all um little bit of my background want to know something about my background yeah uh undergrad many years ago uh aquatic biology and chemistry um and I've worked for a number of years I'm I took an early retirement from Noah um a couple years ago um I teach part-time at a community college up at Boston that's kept me busy but I'm not busy enough so um got a background in Wetlands ecology I went to grad school down at uh University of Rhode Island and uh it was a policy regulatory program but I wound up in the natural resource science department working with um a Wetlands ecologist a guy named Frank golette who uh was one of the authors of the U Cordon at all the classification system so got out of grad school actually that's been a while ago too now anyhow uh um I really wanted to work in Wetlands but at the time a lot of this stuff was really pretty new uh I'd been working at c as a biologist for Noah and went back to to do that um went on did a lot of different things with the government uh worked on Atlantic salmon up in Maine and a lot of that was is is relevant I think it was a a lot of habitat restoration a lot of in in water work but the other really relevant part I think was uh working with land owners and and um you know the affected public uh P public uh blueberry Growers for Street folks uh spent a lot of time working with fishermen a lot of my job was kind of that Outreach with uh with people so um I'm looking forward to the job I'm excited I just just got a call I just got the call back a couple days ago so um I'm excited to work with you all and get to know all of you all and and come up to speed um I think I said this in the interview one of the things I um well I I I'll say one other thing I was a Peace Corp volun here but while I say that it was working with local people and it you know it was a 2-year deal and U it's like two years was just enough time to get to know people locally so not that it's going to take me that long here but you know it really did successful conservation stuff I've learned is is like that relationship and and being willing to work with u you know people that that I'm I'm assume you know that that I'm here to help support and all those kind of things so I'm happy to answer any questions that you have but um it's great to the only comment I have is welcome aboard and uh I look forward to uh working with you sounds like you'll be a huge asset to the town in my opinion from what I'm hearing yeah got a lot of experience yeah and I'm really looking forward to it there's a lot to be said for experience so yeah well thank it's nice sounds good yeah I I live here in um I live um locally New Bedford but um I I've been in and out of New Bedford for since early 90s with with the fishing industry when I Noah yeah it was Noah no I understand yeah yeah U and I said industry I I more and more I correct myself because I don't really think it's an industry generally I think it's a small business this has been my experience you know I was working with owner operator that's very good what what really perks your interest in uh the whole Wetland I well going going to grad school I I um I wrote a thesis about restoring wetlands and how you could impact fisheries and um there was a restoration down in uh Rhode Island uh Galilee Point Judith Salt March down there was cut off by The Escape Road whenever they built that night after the 1930 whatever hurricane yeah it was an all I think 38 I think go ahead sorry that's Sor right it's uh but it was all an impounded Wetland so the professor of this guy I mentioned Frank golette who was just a great guy he's just really kind of inspired you and uh I I I worked for him I did a lot of the pre-restoration U like you know collecting data what's here what does it look like what's the vegetation water sampling I've done and that's another I've done some water sampling stuff but that's the Wetland see you know it got me all fired up about you know doing Wetland stuff and again I got out of grad school and was calling around I did some volunteer work for Noah cuz they reached out to Frank golette and he said I'm too busy but I've got a student that just finished so but really what I found to pay the bills was going back to see which it was a great career I really was a lot of fun enjoyed it but uh you know I it was just funny I think it was a little early on that was The Point Judith that the Galilee restoration was one of the first big ones here in the Northeast and and now it's you know it's everybody's working on it or more and more and so it's just a um you know I just you I still try to spend some time out in the woods walking I still bring a field guide try to jog my memory I I know that PL now they got the guides on your phone yeah that's right so all that education was wasted again yeah perod a lot to be said yeah oh we look forward to working with you that's what sure one more question do you have a you have a lot of uh knowledge about salt water it sounds how about the fresh water like we further we're talking in selective meeting about the Lake Street project and all that what's your background against uh freshwater fishing fishery do you have much of that uh a lot of it a lot of what we did in grad school so it's the academic piece but was freshwater wetlands too so we did salt salt water you know esterine but we spent a lot of time in Atlantic White Cedar swamps and bogs and marshes and red maple swamps so um and then this the stuff I did with um for Noah working on Atlantic salmon we wrote a a strategy plan it's called a recovery plan it's part of The Endangered Species Act to what do we need to do to get salmon off the endangered species list um and uh so that was you know spending a lot of time just in each little Watershed for each stream up in Maine that still had a Remnant population it was like you know working with local people identifying culs that weren't you know there was no passage and it's all cohesive so yeah I mean it all it all works together Y and and reintroducing you know some of the forge fish and so that that's um um I that's kind of the freshwat background and the undergrad which was distant you know but it was aquatic biology it was fresh waterer that was in at a state college in Texas I grew up in Central Texas near San Antonio Austin so I'm very familiar with URI and I I I hold it in pretty high regard I I think it's a tremendous uh I I think it's great it really is I I've spent a lot I mean I was working there but just I was impressed with the whole yeah and I was lucky you know that this guy Frank golette I keep brought him up he's retired was just us work for to see a lot of the botney work going and you know a lot of the uh you know different plannings and the green houses and such when I was out there it was pretty impressive yeah yeah yeah I I I had a good time U one other I I don't want to take a off no keep going keep one thing that we talked about this interview was possibility of like grants and with the feds yeah is a good point with with the feds I we I reviewed grants but you know but um I do know there's money out there or there has been money out there for things like uh River Herring you know like the Sawmill down here uh I was some somewhat involved with that but to look for money like that you know I'm I'm kind of fired up a little bit I didn't you know it's taking me a little while to get ramped up here I just heard two days ago but but but it's Watershed money you know it's creative riding like to tie it to what is needs to happen here you know cushion it if we can if there's money out there we you know and that's one that comes to mind I know there was a lot of Mone with for for River Herring yeah that Herring run has always been you know and and yeah just it's a water issue it all applies I agree I mean that right that goes all the way up to snipper to it for excellent so but I'm excited we are too we are you want us but we need you I'm not Uncle Sam well I'm going to be looking for a lot of Direction like where where's the where's the guy to I'm going to reach out to you know hey we looking for the same thing you know I know Mass D has a or on paper online has a bunch of resources and you know so we'll get everything for you you can reach out to us individual like me I'm retired I know you know some of the guys are around you need us during the day you need something don't be afraid to call us you want to you know me you want to go for a ride with me you can give us a call we'll be glad to get with you and look at it together and yeah because I don't have a problem with that yeah yeah no know you get Jo and like I said you know you want see whatever don't be afraid to reach out we're here for you too I think the only full-timer is Ryan all all the rest of us don't have my full-time job now do we he does yeah I mean she can bend it well Mark we look forward to working with you thank welc see you in there you have any questions I'm your oh yeah that's everybody yeah it's always okay always need I just got one thing I just want to take a minute and thank Ryan for all of his high you probably don't get proed a lot really it ain't over yet Ryan just think I'm not done I'm not done yet let him have a little bit of a yeah you going give him the rain slowly right can bring out the cake but it was a lot yeah it was I agree you're absolutely right I give him credit we powered through yeah okay future business next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on August 14th 2024 meeting is being held the town hall meeting room located at 122 Main Street chrisan Mass uh executive session executive session under General Law chapter 30A subsection 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigation sinara Park Drive LLC if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares and the commission will not return to public session at the conclusion of executive session votes may be taken uh is there a motion to enter executive session for executive session is there a second roll call vote I James Su hi P here Douglas dromas hi R Indies I Everett Phillip hi Christian we are now in executive session [Music] oh [Music] [Music]