##VIDEO ID:o9UEnrgjvlk## [Music] 2024 this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of the wetlands as most recently amended notice of the time and place of this hearing was published in the faen neighborhood news on October 3rd 2024 it was also posted in the town clerk's office and the town hall persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order um just two reminders this meeting is being recorded audio and video and also anybody here if you could silence your cell phones I would appreciate that first order of business no minutes for approval meeting mail letter to Carolyn J Moore 474 Middle Road a cushion at Mass review of matters presented votes may be taken mark sent the letter we have a copy of the letter here y um was there a response to the letter Y we had um uh a resident come in um Tuesday I believe uh and said that they're looking to purchase the property that they had somebody out there uh just a clear brush and when I walked the section I walked it was to the you know dry side of the flat flag the flags seem to be accurate I mean we didn't have soil or anything but um uh the the gentleman said that they were just clearing brush they're going to survey it and they're interested in purchasing it it's a someone that's got an excavation business and it's better access to the to the roads and where they are so but the work seem to be within the buffer zone a our jurisdiction correct yeah okay well I I would just ask them to stop until yeah they properly permanent y us and they they they acknowledge it okay yeah they said so okay uh next order of business storm water continued public hearing storm water amn estate Holdings LLC 39 Keen Road a storm water per application has been filed by amn estate holdings for property located at 39 ke road map 2 lot 16 12g and 13B the applicant proposes to construct a six lot residential subdivision including 702 linear feet roadway with a culdesac turnaround on-site sewage Disposal system and private Wells the applicant is represented by John masi and a fallen cor plan name is drainage map Angelo Drive subdivision dated August 30th 2023 revised March 25th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open is there a second second all those in favor Mr Maran the floor is yours I don't know if it would make sense to move this to after the RDA um I would say it really don't matter because I haven't seen anything from our peer review yet have you Joan have you received anything from Bill did we no no 39 ke we didn't I don't think we have I no and I know I know the RDA was part of planning's um thing so I guess that go there on accident we did receive a letter from JF did dated October 3rd probably it came through planning so I don't know if we yeah I think we did yeah we did I I haven't seen it I know I think I sent it out that's why okay we didn't send it out got all those comments yeah hey things are going to happen with the lot of busyness going on up there um okay was all where all the conservation box check on the stol water end I could speak to it yeah yeah go ahead um for the record John Martian from Farland Corp here on behalf of amn State Holdings um as far as the sto mortar review we had received an initial comment letter from GF in July um we had made a number of revisions to the plan um the resulted in make making the Basin a little bigger um they wanted to see some more uh proposed uh clearing and and impervious on the assumed Lots um so our uh increased the size of the proposed houses added some impervious in the backyard um some pools just to make it more reasonable I guess uh we did receive a follow-up comment letter from them on October 3rd uh there were two remaining issues that they want to address uh one of them was more detailed specification on the HD hdp pipe that we're using um to clarify that it's soil tight uh so we we did that to theise plans and the other was uh adding some detail on the overflows and dimensions the emergency overflow so we added that to the plan all the other comments were were addressed to their satisfaction okay um when's your next hearing with the planning board on this matter I believe it's the 17th 17th when's that next meeting 23rd 23rd so it's in between so then next next Thursday yeah next Thursday man okay I I don't the last I sent to you guys was when the September 11th right the September 11th comments back uh yes our comments back too right I didn't see anything for October 3rd could been could have missed it was it s because it's all going through the plane yeah I have a I have one copy I don't recall yeah see I I didn't see a copy I haven't talked to bill so I don't I don't know that's the thing if it goes through it's going through planning which is a great help but yeah but they need to share they need to share that information she probably did I probably missed it I probably missed it um between the two of blame blame I I would feel more comfortable seeing Bill Madden sign off on all the boxes that were checked off I know part of the planning sign off was the next item we have on the agenda and their meeting is on the 17th and then our next meeting is on the 23rd I I would feel more comfortable continuing this till the 23rd until everything's signed off on I don't have an issue I mean Le we did a site visit on um Saturday I don't have an issue what I saw out there um obviously the test pits were dug and that was part of Bill's comments um I just I would feel more comfortable knowing that that bill mad has signed off on it as up here r view all right make a motion if you like I'll make a motion to have this continued um till our next meeting on the 23rd of SE I mean of October okay for more okay there's a motion a second all those in favor all right so so that on me I guess I'll go see if I can find please get get that out the um yeah I'm sorry about that John I just I oh that's okay you know you got another meeting anyways in between it'll be seven days later I'm not even less than that so okay uh the lak street Reservoir that's continued to our October 23rd meeting as well so so next agenda item is an RDA amn estate Holdings LLC 39 road map 2 Lots 12g 13B and 16 a request for determination was filed by amn state Holdings LLC property for Lo property located at 39 ke road map 2 Lots 12g 13B and 16 the applicant proposes to construct a six lot residential subdivision and Associated roadway and stone water infrastructure with all proposed work located greater than 100 from the Wetland resource areas the applicant is seeking determination that the boundaries of the resource areas are ACC accurately delineated and whether the proposed activities is subject to the Wetland protection act the applicant is represented by John M and A fing call plan name is Angelo Drive subdivision dated August 30th 2023 revised September 6 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing second all those in favor I I okay Mr Mar for the record John Maran from parland Corp on behalf of the applicant um this is the same project we were just speaking of on uh Keen Road it's a 10 and a half acre site on the west side of Keane Road uh we're proposing a six lot subdivision um there are wetlands on the site they were delineated by ECR in January 2023 um and the intent is to kind of um approve the line as it was delated on the plans to satisfy the plan board's requirements John could you speak up just a little bit for me okay sure so the intent of this RDA is to um uh to approve the the watland delineation as it's shown on the plan um it's part of the requirement of the planning board process and we uh we missed that step when we initially filed so um is there anybody from the public he had to speak on this or do this project 39 ke Road no okay um so we did a site visit on Saturday uh this was part of the planning's requirement they wanted a determination from the commission whether the subdivision itself would apply to the Wetland protection act um most of the work is outside of the buffone there is one lot on the property that is has some work within the 100 foot buff Zone um in that single lot will will file for notice of intent when the time comes um we went out and checked the flag line um my observations were that it was it was pretty I mean it was on it was right at the bottom of the slope so I mean it was pretty you could pretty much determine anybody oh with our experience I didn't think you know the flagline needed to be looked at by it's pretty obvious um I I didn't have any issues out there um from a previous site visit um the stone water basins was staked out you can get a better visual out there as opposed to just you know walking around um you can see the locations that the test pits were dug that was requirement from peer riew and I don't you know how those results came out but apparently you know we'll find out soon um I I don't have an issue what I saw out there chairman we also saw all the flags everything looked real good anybody else comments questions anybody from the public questions comments no okay I'll entertain a motion to close the public hearing motion to close the public hearing second all those in favor I okay I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative determination for 39 ke Road so moved second all those in favor I thank you all right we'll see you uh on the 23rd Mee 23d y yeah thank you John thank you have a good evening you to okay next order of business public hearing notice of intent and storm water for whites Farm Incorporated 211 Middle Road map 23 Lots 29 29a 29b SE file number 001 0596 of intent and storm water application was filed by Zachary fars Middle Road acet solar LLC a property located at 211 Middle Road map 23 Lots 29 29a and 29b the applicant proposes to construct a ground mounted solar array on a portion of the Open Fields within the property located at 211 Middle Road nush the work is limited to the 100 foot buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland in Bank the applicant is represented by Sarah stern of bills and Thomas Incorporated plan name is Middle Road PV solar development dated September 10th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open second second all those in favor I Sarah FL is yours good evening uh for the record Sarah Sterns I'm a professional Lon scientist with beels and Thomas my colleague Nate bouts is an engineer um who worked in the storm water uh calculations for this project um our uh client and applicant Zach barcus from RE wild Renewables is on his way um so he should be joining us shortly um but we will get started and Mr chair um if it pleases the commission I'm happy to give an overview of the project and the storm water design and then um entertaining questions from the commission and the public as you see fit absolutely great okay um so so we did set up these two boards are exactly the same just so the audience could see what we're talking about at the same time as the commission I'm trying to see you too over there um so the project um as we saw on the site visit with most of the commission um as well as the agent is located um at 21 Middle Road an open field prominantly um at the chrishna New Bedford Municipal boundary um all work is proposed on the chriset side um of the municipal boundary this project has been filed as a notice of intent for work in the buffer zone only um no Wetland impacts are proposed as part of this project um work within the buffer zone um as we saw on our site visit includes a gravel Ring Road for Public Safety access um fencing portions of panels and Equipment pads um we have have made an effort to hold the 25 ft offset from the Wetland land as well um and in supplemental information we're happy to add that 25 ft to the plan I don't believe it's on there currently in the copy that you have but we're happy to add that just to confirm that we are holding that 20 foot 25 ft setback um the portion of the storm water basin and I'll I'll turn it over to Nate in a minute to talk in a little bit more detail about storm water but I just wanted to point out that for this project which is about 14 acres the the array itself of the 54 plus or minus Acre Site um has been designed to meet the state storm water standards um local stormw requirements as well um and just for everyone's um information we understand that the commission has retained GAF engineering as a peer review engineer to look at our work in detail and on behalf of the town and provide the commission with a report and suggestions for us to revise or improve anything that they comment on so you know there's different ways to skin a cat certainly but we want to make sure that this is this design is as good and solid as it can be so having that peer review is just a double check on our work and we expect that um Mr Madden will have some comments so um we're happy to continue to work with him and really do our best to make this project as solid as it can be I know that storm water is a concern in this area particularly in the town where there are some um areas of poor draining soils so we really want to make sure this is looked at very carefully um and I guess I'll turn it over to Nate just to give an overview for the commission and for the public um just to understand what goes into the storm water design on a site where we're not clearing trees there's very little site work but there's still the requirement to manage storm water um in a way that does not increase flows or velocity off the site so as part of the storm water design under existing conditions uh everything is sloped towards the Wetland so to the east so storm water flows towards the Wetland and then is conveyed this existing pond in the corner so Stone water flows all to the east towards the Wetland and that's conveyed to an existing Pond and then piped under Middle Road as part of the proposed development obviously there's minimal change in cover type with this project um the gravel 360 Road and also the equipment pads would be the changeing cover type so to meet the stor mod runoff rates for those changes in cover types we have a detention Basin proposed in the corner of the site also uh drain swes in two four Bas to convey water to the Basin that's pretty much the whole bar okay um that really covers it um I'll I just wanted to keep it brief but again just um to point out to the commission and you can point out to the public um the delineated Wetlands were approved recently under an anrad and an oad was issued for it the wetlands are really on um relegated to this portion of the site um there is a as of right now a um visual screening burm proposed on two sides of the site um that is outside of the 100ft buffer zone but that's something that we'll be discussing in the planning board process which likely hopefully will be happening within the next month or so and for the public too that is another Forum to come and listen and voice your questions at the planning board you'll be notified I'm assuming you're all a butters for this project definitely interested y so you'll be notified again when that um filing with the planning board um gets noticed and that will give you the time and date of the hearing for that review so this process is really just for this commission to make a determination on the work within the 100ft buffer zone to the wetlands which is on the far side of the site but the planning board process is for all the other components screening and and that sort of thing so that's it thank you go ahead Ryan I want you go for I was going to go over to the public but you got any comments go yes um have we determined the the size of the capacity of the U storm water basin have we deter determined the capacity or the size of that storm water basin for the runoff yes and and you could talk about it in more detail but that's the basis of the storm water management report um all of that gets calculated in which that was submitted with the notice of intent as well as a cop to JF engineering so do we have a number a capacity number for that a holding number um the exact you know cubic feet I could I don't have that available it's on the stor my report but it was designed so the health agent reviewed this during the ref filing meeting and he sent over his requirements for you know the foot of free board offset to groundwater all those comments which the uh detention Bas was deigned to yeah we we would email the copy of the uh the Noti in the and and all the St water calculations that yep and that's something that bill um Madden will be looking at carefully as well if it needs to be bigger he'll tell us if it if it's too big he'll tell us um was the drain that we found brought up um I'm going to have to talk we'll have to talk to Bill about that um I believe it's in the vicinity of the storm water basin so for whatever it's doing is going to be captured um as part of that so hold on I need to think how to wear this um well I know I'm not going to be in disagreement that this is a wetland but when they did the peer review did they take in consideration any of this such drainage as we found on site into the calculations the it's under it's under peer riew right now I don't know how far along they are right now with it they just submit it just went to peer viiew like two like a week ago or so we don't have any comments or anything yeah we don't have anything back from I haven't talked I'm sure he'll look at it and and definitely make him aware of it yeah I'll I'll reach out to him cuz I I wanted to ask him about a couple of projects yeah and it's just uh like this thing we're calling a pond in here with something that goes across the road seems more like a storm water system to me already that's existing that's already failing so it kind of puts up an alarm for me especially I went out and noticed it when I walked away from you guys I did my own investigation um this Wetland area on the bottom I believe uh if I remember correctly this was from previous meeting where these people were in here uh complaining about flooding already um even with this burn there not much of a ledger for me to go off of either on this to see like the overlays the landscape and everything but I'm also worried about um the pond the detention Pond just it I don't know it just I know how it's on the other side we got the buildings in the way the old CAD Shack or whatever it is is that is that going to be staying is there any way we can get the pond a little closer to where these houses are maybe you know cuz it's all if you followed the water and the the way the grass was laying so the grass was laying that field has not been maintained in quite some time so you can tell by the way the grass was leaned that the water which way the water was flowing and where this Basin is it's as of right now and if we do not touch the landscape as very much the way that land is Flowing it's going towards that so even with the Basin there from what I see it's still going to get around the Basin it could still cause a problem over there if not more I think well the BMS proposed as well but the burms from like I said there's not much of a ledger here Mr CH and if there's a burm that burm ends over here considering from what I can see they do have like a rock type of formation over here on the bottom but between the denion pond and the proposed BM from where I'm seeing there is it looks like 160 according to the small met that he's talking about sure he's talking this over here so it to me it still looks like there would be a exit for water and even if there wasn't if there's nothing there Water Works un less resistance so if there isn't one it's just going to make the water want to pool there more cuz now it's going to want to run the side of the this burm and it's going to follow the BM down and then it's going to dump into there and then the detention Pond is North so it's no way it's going to catch it did you bring any of those small handouts today that that we were looking at on Saturday just the the AI that the same yeah it is I thought there was elevations on them I think in the field it appears the topography it's higher on the south side of the Basin what and what is tricky sometimes it's I all right I deal with it all the time and sometimes it will still be but it'll have less resistance and then the water will cool till it gets to that rate and then it will pop off the same way that the tension Pond is designed to work is the way that water works so now if there is some type of failure in there it just would have to go a few we'll use imag right we'll imaginary but it wasn't it's it's lower over there I can just from my trained eye I can stand there and look across the field and I can tell every High spot every low spot I could tell by the grass the way the grass is Flowing different direction the flow the way the grass is laying it all gives you good um logical um way of predicting these things from happening the run off start yeah like is that supposed to be a catchment all those little there's a see the little the see the little the little like Stone looking things on that run the side of the wall that yeah that's the gravel road so that's the road yeah see so that means all right so then it's going to be a perious that makes it even more likely that the water is going to travel this way it's going to follow the road and then the road's going to get rded but on you don't you don't have this strong on the back of that road on the back of that road is a full Bay that goes underneath the road to a to a spill Spillway or there's yeah and there's a four bay right there on the bottom on the back side of that road right where you yeah I'm just going by what I have in front of me I have I don't have we'll let we'll let Bill Madden look at look I we'll bring that up to Bill that that point yeah but there is on the plans that I have there's a four bay on the back side of that road so what are they going to do what are they going to do uh uh how are they going to get over the road under the road probably are they going to put a brid no imagine that that a pipe so then it's going to be at level it's going to be at ground level I don't these plans I got right here don't have don't have elevations on we do have a full size grading plan Mr chairman we are having a pay review by do Madden correct do Madden will pick this up correct oh I would I would imagine you would we can only assume uh we bring it up to yeah I think he could watch the meeting notes or he could speak with the chair or the agent to get the information all of these are very good points that should be thoroughly answers should be thoroughly given to the commission for comfort you want to make sure this I'll I can come to yeah take if it's not in like guy concern I don't I can go to the office okay anybody else uh the other thing was the uh forced the for sewer man the sewer um I went back to the office and it is shown on the plan okay so the surveyors didn't pick that up so we were aware of that I personally wasn't aware of it but the I was I was just concerned with like I don't know if this some sort of easement I imagine this found it would have to go in between a row it's the same owner it's the the private line um and say something about the depth where it was not going to be a problem it get staked out Ian now that we know where it is and you can work around it okay um but it is shown on the base plan and the design plan so understood y thank you I know I seen it on a set of plans but I just want to knowbody would be aware yeah we we're going to really have to get like make sure that these pointers are known to Bill Madden so I have a strong feeling very very strong feeling that there's a lot of water coming from the other entrance that's not from this site sell it to a farmer okay that will CH and then if we start changing phography it looks like that's what I think already somebody already did with that drain was already an issue with something undeveloped I mean underdeveloped for what it's trying to hold right now which is creating a lot of this and I I just I don't want to see it become what was the last one that we just with cuz nobody looks at that and then it gets overseen and then yes this gets developed for this piece of property but then nobody thinks about the thousands and thousands of gallons coming from up the Waterway Sarah I have a question five um did you look into what it's going to be either piles driven or H beams or helic oil I did um I talked to the applicant and he said helical there's they don't want to do any pile driving um given the proximity to residentials and then uh one other thing maybe we should also considering that we do not have um Power of town storm water maybe um this should be transferred over to planning to look over too cuz they're the ones that are in control the town storm water correct the Selectmen are in charge of the towns so maybe they might need a side side note for uh them to take a look see if they got that map they're supposed to have done done and uh I got a 100 bucks I got put on it right now I guarantee you all right I got a note here for Bill Madden bring it to his attention yeah I got you I got to know every you know me I follow on everything yeah no no I don't I not that I don't anybody from the public questions comments concerns sir you can stand you don't have to come to the P you can just stand up say your name for the record yes yes and actually I just wanted to uh I just wanted to reaffirm something excuse me sir can you state your name my my name is John Bennett I live at the lower portion of Mary drive I'm in the last house that you get to before the uh this area here is liveing daylight out to be because of the the direction of these panels and the the flow of water and I think he brought that up say the same thing this all scares me a lot mainly because of the direction of these panels the way the the water is designed I've been there for 50 years in this house I buil it this area comes down and flows This way everything flows down this way and there was a there was I thought there was a stream over here that came over to the end and then comes down it follows if this area I can vouch for my property mainly it follows my property line and there's a 12in pipe that goes through my yard and out to a catch Basin on merry drive that's exactly what I was just speaking all right that scares me I want to I actually this water has been p pushed into my yard Through The Years through uh when they when they uh put the uh driving range in originally they did like a little buffer zone there and made it like a little Hill which forced all this water it actually comes right down to my yard right alongside of that wire fence that he has if there's a storm that water is gushing so hard the Basin doesn't the Basin doesn't even pick it up at the end where that pipe goes through my yard it goes beyond that and goes into my yard I've got a big lot down at the end which follows that lot and just floods it this has been an ongoing problem for a long time let me just guess that little burm that you're talking about it's on the outside of the BM that it's coming down yes same kind of theory is what I'm speaking of with putting another burm so this very good point there's another good point it only works on one side the other side could create a stream especially if there's already a stream it doesn't look like these things that you're talking about and your Basin and all of that stuff isn't even addressing this problem down here it doesn't even address that well it's not supposed to address existing problems it's supposed to give us a Overlook of what the future uh construction supposed to be and uh what they're going to do to contain the water to keep the water at the same flow and no more or no less yeah well see that's the thing that worries me the most because this is not going to make anything easier for me whatsoever this is all going to be a lot more of a problem because this are all this is a big flat surface out there now which is going to just come right down and just be forced down in that whole area I can see a lot of problems happening in in my on my piece of property anyway thank you thank you and the way and the way his photography is if it did fail it will put him underwat uh Sarah that 12 in that he's mentioning is that picked up do you know about that um I if it's on this property yes by the survey crew but if it's on this gentleman's property no but if it stopped on your property and goes through we would have it on our side but not the outlet on we're not going to go on someone else's property goes right through my property right down into a catch Basin on Mary Drive which has been a problem at because that water comes so heavy sometimes that 12in pipe doesn't take it it's just too much this is this is the reason why we really need to get this map whatever this they're doing this stuff needs to get push around I'm telling you what it is I just want to make sure we make a note of that thank you Mr Bennett um anybody else questions my name is Sarah barza I Sarah could you step up to the podium if you would please thank you where did you say right over here yeah I'm Sarah Bosa I will be reading a letter on the behalf of Debbie Cassidy who lives at 1154 Ronda Drive hello my name is Debbie Cassidy I live at 1154 Ronda Drive sorry I could not attend this meeting tonight I will be um reading a few points and concerns that she had I would like to know where these solar panels are going to be placed in this field how close are they to my property lines I have lived here 22 years and I've never had water issues with this project water will be redirected and so will the drainage how is that going to affect our properties never had I ever had a drop of water in my cellar who is going to be responsible if this starts happening your company are Mr White have you seen how high the water table is behind our houses at a wetest I can see pooling out there from my second floor last time I spoke with Mr White at a meeting for the builders for his daughter's Salon Mr White stated that he was not going to do anything with the land next to Rhonda Drive has anyone looked at the long-term health issues people may have living next to a solar farm living next to a solar farm gives off electromagnetic radiation which may reduce life expectancy the panels also contain harmful chemicals which can leak toxins you have mentioned in your letters that fencing and Landscape has been approved along with this project I would recommend a 12T stock aade fence not chain link as far as giving us up to 5,000 for landscapers for our property then that is the respons responsibility of your company to maintain I would say along with the projected approval for the fencing and land Landscaping that will be put in place I think you should also give us the $5,000 each for landscaping none of us want to look at this in our backyard tree fencing is not going to help all of our homes are two stories also there is so much Wildlife you will be disturbing I have at least 8 to 12 Deer a few times a day out there okay you can't hear me it's okay yeah I can see your facing that way that's okay solar Farms adversely affect Wildlife with the loss of habitat along with the native vegetation they affect habitat degradation I am concerned with the interference with rainfall and drainage how are you going to make sure about the glare up of the panels the noise levels the heat packed and our property values going down during construction the noise levels along with dust issues are of concern I am not for the solar farm at all I hope you listen to our concerns as this is not in your or Mr White's backyard let the projected project be moved closer to the back of the old Whit's Farm Center personally this is farm land and should stay as such as should the other properties in town a cushion it should preserve land instead of building unsightly solar Farms on every parcel it's a beautiful field with lots of natural beauty that you will be taking away for a solar farm Deb Cassidy thank you you said your name was Sarah yes Sarah thank you s I live at 1028 R um I so just just a comment on that letter I I agree with a lot of it um you know unfortunately you don't have a say on what people do with their land so you know there's not much as long as they they follow the Wetland protection act and then the storm water which is getting peer reviewed by our engineer so we're going to ensure that the the storm water is taking care of one way or another um the other the other items on that letter I would I would suggest you bring it to planning and and voice your concerns there um but it it was well written and it's noted so thank you yep I'm Maran bza 1028 on to drive um like my daughter had said and Debbie has said I've been there over 20 years um my morning coffee with a grace of God and the sun coming up from the East um is my my Haven um I want to know too I've never had a drop of water in my home and in my Celler um I called my insurance company today to see um what's the possibilities and how much it would cost case we have flooding um and that's going to be a burden on myself and my family so I want to know with the project going forward is there going to be a guarantee that we're not going to get any flooding in our homes and why and so much open land on the other side why are you going so close to our homes on to dry right around yeah this is our house because it's probably the driest land the driest spot and I've walked from one my house across and you sink so that's exactly I mean makes no sense to me all that land and you want to go right behind our homes the other side of middle Ro right so so for the drainage I like I said it's it's getting looked at by our engineer he's very conservative with his um calculations working with him um I I got a lot of um respect for the guy he he's been really good for us um I I take his word as it is he's never you know shown shown otherwise I I got a lot of respect for bill so I know he's going to be working hard for the town and making sure every no no Stones not in turn so I can say that um as for the setback what is it is it 150 ft from the property line or the is that what it said on the plans the the panels are 150 ft 150 ft yeah um that that again is with planning they're in charge of the zoning and and the um solar B so that would be with planning the how far the panels are from be a proper length um we we're pretty much just dealing with the storm water and the wetlands um at the moment so that would be a good question for planning U one more question for you guys what do you plan on doing with the soils that are there right now are you planning on stripping it and putting in a different soil you're going to try to use the same Farm loan that's there right there and do construction on it so for the storm water purposes the detention base is going to be predominantly fill soil water basin um because the soils are like you said not well saturated um so that will be filled for the deten Bas and then really it's just minimal grading for the access road every everything else is going to kind of stay the same terms of topography what about the um the plant the plantings um not not so much like the grass that's that's existing are you using going to try to maintain it Sim similar BL or you using like a pollinator mix or um yeah I can't really speak to the construction means and methods but it will be Lo and seeded after stabilization well it's going to be the whole underne up the panels so have enough room to I don't think the Topography is not going to change they're not they're not they're not like stripping not going to be any they're not clear dripping yeah the coil right there's it's already stable so we don't need to strip that off and start from scratch let's use what's out there it's not meaning I'm not all right maybe I read it WR I spoke it wrong the only thing you're going to have is the soils from the helic oils well and you're going to have everything turned up from the Machinery going in and out to do the work right yeah which is going to create better be touch you on when you do it has there been any uh test pits out there yes we did yep so more test pits for the detention Basin and there was yeah three test pits done by a certified soil evalu about outside in the field itself yeah I think we saw a couple Stakes when we were out there that was locating where those test pits were one of the ones that we saw I thought that was just for the detention Basin yeah I mean I think they were mostly focused in there yeah yeah test fits were dug obviously for the detention Basin and then a few also um in this general area cuz I'd like to know what the soils are out in the field right so if you only got 4 in of loom and then you already hitting like a rust line or something that means things could change no right that's why I was asking that's going to be like 14 14 in of long at least at least they don't know you dig oh I know I've been back there all right anybody else questions comments concerns uh my name is Dolores Fano I live on 11:30 Ronda Drive I've been there 26 years my house was the third house to be built before there was a fence there we used to fly kites and walk the dogs run the and we would literally walk from my house across the field to get to the water and you could literally as you get close you would literally sink to the ground and that's when I would tell the kids okay you can't you got to come back because you could feel the moisture in the so my concern like she said we have we have a lot of wildlife we have turkeys we have deer I have at least 10 deer three times a week coming out in the field it's it's Wildlife my other concern is what is the purpose of these solar panels who is benefiting by it to take our beautiful field and make it into a solar panel field for what reason and I'm not trying to be fresh please don't take it that way I who's benefiting it's the owner's decision I didn't say it decision that's that's my thing is um personally am I a fan no not really but I can't tell somebody what they can and can't do with property you know it's the only thing to me that that is Farmland that was Farmland it should stay Farmland if anything and I'm totally against it I mean it is total Wetlands I mean we all know that we've been living I've been living it 26 years and when it rains and even now if you were to walk across there yourself with all this rain this whole summer I can imagine how much more the ground is is totally saturated cushion residence a cushion well they cushion it and strongly suggest you bring this up question is itam grandfathered in is that not way back um I don't I don't know I don't know if they have it in chapter 61 or I don't know how I don't know his situation that that's irrelevant though he can change he can change his Z he can change his zon there because was Farmland ex always be grandfather excuse me excuse me I'm up here trying to answer your question so it doesn't matter if it was farmland or it wasn't Farmland um any right of any property owner with large enough land to be zoned as a farm land also has the right to have it unzoned or res rezoned or whatever way you want to say it's the pro the biggest problem it's at the end of the day I know everybody has a concern but it's his field like Ryan keeps saying it and we can't tell people what they can and can't do we can only just try and benefit everybody and make sure the Project's done to the best way it could possibly done so there's the least amount of impact if any impact to anybody surrounding none of us can tell Mr White what to do with this land unless it falls under one of the bylaws such as 310 CMR um or store model or or store model law um if it's not um zoned this was done by a Bist and we have to try our best to agree with his studies and what he's done in all his schooling um they do go through significant schooling to be able to identify these um do they make mistakes certainly I think every one of us here makes our own mistakes in every um area of expace we work in or have worked in um we just got to try to do our best to make sure that um no no larger main thing is no larger problems occur you know we it's and like they were stating they got to try to keep it the same no more or no less and it's not right to Mr White if we all come together and say oh well you have to fix the storm water problem that another another source is causing that's not his Mr you mind if I say something to the public you're good one thing is if you got more concerned you should go to the planning board meetings the other thing is we hired but the town has Bill Madden um checking this out far us doing all the calculations I mean don't get it wrong it doesn't mean it's 100% guaranteed but we're not just going by what they're saying we put it out for a Peay review they're going to probably butt heads a little bit things might have to be changed we're not sure but we do are trying to do our best to to make sure that things don't go by Wrong by hiring an outsider so that's the best we can do right now is we handed it to an an engineer that works on this he's very good with the town he's very good with us um I really feel very confident what he has to say so I think the planning board and let's see what Bill Madden has to say and then we can go from there right there will be more public hearings on this right now we just open this public hearing up to to introduce the project you guys we're going to get the peer review comments back from Bill and we'll have more more to discuss and we can give all the results from everything to you guys so this is pretty much preliminary we we're just starting the process and we'll let for transparency reasons we want everybody to know where we're at in the project so the peer riew for everything for the planning and for for storm water has been sent off to the peer viw at the moment um Mr chair um does the commission typically have the peer review come to the hearing once his review is prepared typically he does okay I I was just thinking it might be helpful for the public and the commission to be able to ask him questions I mean we can all read a report but sometimes it helps to be able to ask the person questions you know in a live way yeah he know normally normally like at like he came for the um for the anr he was there for the for the anr okay and pretty much once all his comments in complete and he's satisfied with with what's you know the back and forth you guys comes to we can work on the technical aspect of it but I think it would be helpful to hear it straight from him in the public for great at explaining yes you know for sure everything down to to on all the lels you know he breaks it down pretty good y agree I mean we as a commission do trust him so I think it's a great choice I think he will represent the town he's an expert in his field of what he does so we're we're pretty confident for sure any other questions concerns comments All right so that's again that's where we're at right now um all the calculations plans everything from our end has been handed off to bill and his team and um at the moment we're waiting to hear back with uh what he's got and I think as the applicant um we would be amenable to continuing maybe beyond the next hearing if you think he needs more time uh not sure what the schedule is but we're open to that if he needs the time so what's what's our November meeting so in November we have one meeting the 13th and then December we have one meeting on the 11th due to scheduling with the um ads and stuff from holidays and Thanksgiving all that it's always worked that way the past so what do you think November 13th I mean if you think he can get us comments and we we'll do our very best to respond to it so that we can have the discussion on the 13th it's more than a month so I think it it seems feasible right I don't know what his workload is like but the one bill is heavy so Mr chairman I'll make that motion to continue this for November 13th all right there's a motion in a second all those in favor thank you all right so folks um the you guys got your ab notifications um just make mark it down on your calendar that unfortunately you won't get another butter notification since the public hearing has been open so um just wa watch our agendas it's not going to be the next meeting it'll be the meeting afterwards that we have commission planning the planning board meeting you don't have a 17th yeah why don't we is is it on the 17th no it's not you'll get another um a butter mailing when that is accepted by the plan board with the date of their hearing we will get one yes if you live within 300 ft of the property line you'll get another the but notifications that you got were for concom planning sets out sends out another set of notifications and then you can put in your notes that as is and uh okay so ready everybody listening carefully go on to Fish website town website and you can go on there and it list it right off the hom page yeah right on right on the bottom the homeage on the cushion website you can sign up for email notifications I try to tell everybody to do that you can choose whatever you want you can choose concom you just check the boxes concom planning select board whatever you want to do probably don't care about the selectman if you're in New Bedford but definitely this project pertains to you planning conom you get an email it's yeah us oh yeah that's right ma. us and you can call my office and time leave a message and I'll get back and I can find it out I can look on the calendar it's relatively easy and quick and just um cuz the website at the bottom when you do click on it it will give you different like options like agendas meetings you got to make sure you check the agenda box so just clear that up too because there's different options they can like it could be an events calendar it could be the agenda calendar it could be the minutes calendar just make sure you click all the way through everything you do what I did I clicked all of them and I just delet them when they come in if I don't like them thank you you're welcome you everyone good night thank you oh you want you want your full plans you the extra C we have a okay public hearing notice of intense Justin Lawrence Lambert Street map 18 4 g4h 4K SE file number 001 0597 a notice of intent was filed by Justin Lawrence the property located at lamber street map 18 Lots 4G 4H and 4K the applicant proposes to construct a single family dwelling and gravel driveway an installation of underground utilities together with filling grading within the 100 foot buffer zone to Bo bordering vegucated Wetland the applicant is represented by David of PE of schne v and Leon plan name is site plan for property located at the end of Lambert Street and efficient at Mass dated September 25th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open is there a second second all those in favor I Mr div FL is yours thank you Mr chairman I have extra large plans if you need them um so for the record da Schneider de Leon I here I'm here representing Justin Lawrence who's also with me in the audience as well as um a at least one family member he's a he's an a butter as well um and uh also with us is a another director but who is kind of key to the whole project um this is um to me you know when you look at it on paper it's a straightforward project but it's it's very complex as to how we got here um so the uh the property is located at the end of uh Lambert Street um the lot was created sometime ago I think 1982 um the roadway was laid out and um the abing uh there's one house on the road now the road as it exists today is is uh is basically a gravel driveway um but it does sit within the road layout and when you get to the end end of the road layout is this property which when it was originally um created was uh slightly over 55,000 ft um so at the time the lock complied with Zoning for um lot size but it didn't have quite it didn't have the frontage it basically sits at the end of the road and it has uh 50 ft of Frontage at the the end of this 54 wide layout so uh when Mr Lawrence approached our me and and our our office you know the idea was uh how do we create um a buildable lot of uh parel um so the first thing uh that we looked at was uh the lot doesn't meet 60,000 ft which the minimum lot size um so uh the abiding property is owned by family and so we carved out a piece through an anr plan to to provide more area to the lot create 60,000 Square ft then the next issue is uh is Road Frontage uh currently this is not the site plan that we're we're here to discuss what this is a preliminary subdivision plan that was actually developed um with the intention of uh building out the road in full and this is what it would look like uh with a hammerhead to create the frontage um so we laid this out uh the triangle piece that would be added or is will be added to the lot comes out in this piece from uh family from of the abing property we went to the board of appeal after laying this out with a culde saac a hammerhead type uh turnaround I should say um we we looked at what's left after we had the wetlands flag for Upland area so we were short um the Upland area uh you need 40,000 ft out of the 60 and we had 31,000 of of uh 30,056 ft of Upland um from so we're short from 40,000 to meet that so we the next step we did is we went to the board of appeals and we we went with a lot layout that showed what what the lotting would look like um the abutter showed up he had an attorney representing him and his concern was a full buildout of what what this would uh result in you can see the house that he has is fairly close to the road layout he has a a driveway everything going on right out front is actually a drainage ditch U that is shown on the site plan that actually takes the water from this Wetland it's like a wetland finger light projection and drains the the water back in into the Wetland system um so after the first zba meeting you know we met him on site we talked about what would be best for for both neighbors and what seemed to be best is uh theyy put forth to the zba um can we we'd like to see less roadway more of a singular driveway concept um but in order to do that uh they'd have to give us a variance for the frontage so the concept was eliminate this and let us just use what's there 50 ft of Frontage and leave the lot in its current state um so the board of appeals approved both the variants for the area lot uh the Upland area which was less now that we we added the Hammerhead to it and uh they thought best for the neighborhood just to and the wetlands and the surrounding neighborhood to Grant the variance for the frontage so this this plan went out the window and we came up with a um much more subtle entrance to get to the lot which is a singular driveway which comes off of basically you come off the road about 75 80 ft and then the driveways would split the abing property would keep his driveway keep his Park area um the the stream exists right in this location we shoved the driveway all the way to the West so that we can leave that stream in in place and so basically this finger like Wetland uh would stay in place all and this would all be natural the green represents the dark green represents uh that which would be still wooded we'd leave it alone the the lighter green represents the current Wetland system so proposing a natural buffer zone between the Wetland system over here be a wetland that would be preserved and all this green would stay in there and everything is pushed to the other side so we are crossing uh a narrow this narrow strip of wetland uh which requires us to uh alter 2290 ft and proposing to replicate that in this location adjacent to this Wetland this Wetland system is the same as as this Wetland system it actually wraps around the abing property so it hits one Gant what Wetland system we have coverts in place over here to keep the connection on both sides and as we cross the wetlands we're going to do so without having to put any utilities in um they have um the availability of sewer and Municipal Water and that's all going to come in um heading in a westly direction through an easan through another family member which is page two of the site plan um heading out to CK Street we're going to create a 20ft wide easement um both houses on both sides are uh family members of the applicant we're going to create a 24 white easement through an Upland area bring in a SE which was already brought in from Leu Street uh to Street to this house we're going to bring in a force Main and water line and electric right down the middle bring it onto the lot so that the only activity that would occur through the layout would be the construction of this uh 10-ft wide we have a label that's paved or gravel I already received a call from the abing uh neighbor's attorney requesting that it' be gravel and uh we don't really have an issue with that um we would change it to Pavement right here um so that they have a parking area going into the garage that that's paved um so all the utilities would come through that easement and enter the house in the Upland area over here it's it's Upland to the West it's up to the South um prettyy much you see the bubble line of what would be uh the limits of the activity um and the total uh area including the driveway entrance would be uh 33,400 so we're actually less than well less than 40,000 required for a storm water permit um and it is a single family home um the hes essentially located on the epin area um the oil line was flyed by Brad Holmes of uh ECR uh very reputable company um we've detailed in the uh the noi how this uh replication be built essentially we dig out the spoils through the wetlands here this would be pre pre-dug before any activity happened in this area so they clear the trees in this area excavate it out to that it's 12 in below the finished design grade of the wetlands and then start digging through here as we remove the spoils put that into uh the weton system as the base uh for that new area that that area be graded down so that it Blends in and matches in slightly less than the Wetland system uh adjacent to it so we meet the one: one for the wetlands we have hydraulic connection um from this Wetland side to that Wetland side we have extensive erosion control running along both sides of of the project as well as the Wetland system uh where the replication would occur the erosion control actually when you get onto the site comes and wraps around all the way through and ends in here because this is all Upland to the South um if you would have visited the site we did there were some staks that were floating around there that weren't labeled probably uh that was when we met a couple of months ago back when we were doing the CBA we met with a neighbor and we were kind of putting some steaks with some eyeballs but then our survey crew went out and we did put a Centerline steak that should have been marked um where the center line that driver would come onto the property and then uh the house St as well for you view and if you saw that that ditch it's a man-made ditch but it looks like a string because it really takes the water and kind of funnels it away um so we did receive a DP file number and uh it basically outlined that we have to comply with the alteration Wetland uh replication and we do we identify that in the uh no of intent um not sure if there's anything more add um if there are any questions thatd be have to answer them I uh I found every one of the flags um found the stakes for the for the property um it's it's pretty distinguishable the you know the the flagline CU there is that like ditch it like kind of like drops off so I I I see it what's the the cor the so that would be the uh uh West East the eastern most corner of that building how far is it from the wetlands I Believe In The Narrative we have 36 ft um Dimension 36 ft okay and then um we have 60 ft in this direction yep and obviously it's up one in these two sides but we're showing a um 15t no closest point for no activity and then it actually gets lighter as you go around the corner and obviously it it it pinches down as you get to the Wetland system as it comes in this direction Mr jamman y so Dave the uh area you have at the um top highlighted pink that's an existing Wetland no this this pink represents uh the area that we're going to replicate so your replication yes okay so so in that area what are they going to rip they going to take out all the Pines that are in yes the are clear trees unless there's a wetland tree that would you know be useful as part of the new Wetland system generally speaking if it's all pinees be all cleared out grubbed and then lowered and grayed um so we have it set so that it's slightly lower than the Wetland grade so it'll always be full of water and the plants will take and then we have a a planting schematic for so many trees and so many shrubs anybody else questions comments concerns anybody in the public questions comments concerns yeah it's time Howard Allen I the abutter was talking you out I wish I could have seen what you as you were showing now on this would you mind looking at this with me for a minute just just to kind of clarify this okay so the the pink here is that's your gravel area right there some Stone over here and that's your your driveway which transitions from gravel to Pavement yeah yeah I recognize all that yeah that's saying this right here is the ditch that remains right and everything is pushed over okay I just I we appreciate the moving this over and all no objections to I think that's what we' asked for but I just want to clarify something this is this is a wetland we call this a Wetlands right and these gentlemen were all you all went out and looked at this last week right um just to make sure this slopes this this starts up with the beginning of our Gravel Road starts and it is all downhill pretty much following this and this is the waylands and that's true now my question I guess where where is the intent for all the water that is going to end up in here both sides of this of of this Ro where is It ultimately going to go the intent is to pitch the the run off from the road into into this Wetland system into this dire towards my house yes and and the water is well into the Wetland system okay and it's all and it's going to go where the the grades go up as you go to your house so the won system is the low spot okay it's going to go where it goes now all right I just want just to make sure everybody understands where the intended is to go this is our this is our yard and our our cleared what we call our front lawn basically ends right at the edge of this remember this little ditch you someone yeah aad way back in the road of dendrum that we located in front there way back in the day someone build some kind of little tiny Channel all the way along here but just to make sure everyone understands that's the edge of my front lawn is that little that little channel that they dug where the water flows and I have seen in heavy rains we get maybe once twice three times a year I that that channel can doesn't even come close to carrying in the water that that flows out of this whole area and across the edge of my front lawn and I have seen that water flow in a stream that went from the from the edge of my yard halfway to my house maybe 12 15 ft wide sometimes during the heaviest rain and my under my belief looking at all this is no matter what that's not going to change because you don't intend to do anything with any of this water except keep on sending where it's all is gone which is basically across my yard I just I just want to be clear that so everybody understands that's what you intend to do and that's what's going to happen am I right am I correct about that this is where you intend I'm exctly sure what the question is I mean all over the place the question is where you intend to send the water it sounds like it's right across my front lawn Mr alen let's go back to the original plan all right I you like this plan okay this plan just so the commission understands this plan proposed a full blowout of a road and also proposed a drainage sale along the his side running the whole length all the way out past your property and but in order to make all that flow go for the bigger Road right twice the size counting this is probably three four times a size we're going to build an earth BM between that and his house running the whole length as well that gives you 100% insurances all right well see but but that involves taking out the whole layout I know we're not we're not doing this let's put you objected to that when we went to the board of appeals and and we came back with something that is right and I I don't to like I I said we're really we appreciate what you're doing here all my concern is only that where this water ultimately looks like it's to me is still going to go is right where it always has which is right across the Ed's mind what can you do to mitigate that anymore just it looks like the water is going to come off of this and it's all going to run this way you if the commission would allow us we we could clean out and the stream and make sure that it has a continuous flow past your truck well like maybe enlarge it or something or do whatever to make sure that if there are Roots trees stumps uh you know anything's in there blocking it rocks um that's right cuz the reality is no matter what that's where the water is going to go it's going to go right and it's basically Ed of our lawn yeah and I mean it may not be any worse it may not be any better but that's where it's going to go there's there's really no because water doesn't flow uphill it flows down and downhill is exactly where your maybe I didn't bring that up to to be a Jer to kill this I just want to be clear where that that Wetland is it's the edge of our lawn and it it spreads out across it and it it does on really heavy rains and it looks like it's still going to maybe this should be brought up to um on another board where I'm you know um for the storm water aspect if it's a problem already maybe um I don't think it's going to be right for the the owner of the property to try to take care of a water flow issue that you're explaining is coming from a known Street that's a a a public way um maybe that might be something you want to address I don't think that's where it coming from it's coming it comes from yes so you're telling you're saying it's coming off the road you're saying it's coming off the road I I I don't know where it comes from well that's we're talking I'm going to tell you you're saying it's coming off the road and it's going down into that stream maybe you need to talk to the town about stopping it from coming in that way off the road and might have a chance of going that route I don't think that's going to con with this project is on their end Stone water coming from the upgradient road I mean I brought we don't have years to wait for the town I'm not saying I'm not saying I'm not saying that what I'm saying is it sounds like more of it's a town issue well then I'm not saying that I I wouldn't go toward in respect to the the abutters I I think right here I sure 15.0 activity Zone with the commissions uh okay you know we'll have to cut into that but we can create a Swale back here and run it in the Uplands adjacent to the wetlands to get over to here and and get that water spill out faster yeah that might be the I I understand what both of you gentlemen are saying I'm just we're trying to coexist I'm just I'm just trying asking for mirac I'm not saying hey Dave it's you say I know what you're saying Mr Mr that that there is obviously a drainage issue that's coming from so it's irrelevant what I'm trying to get at is his question is kind of irrelevant from the project at hand that's what I'm curious Dave could a BM be created on that curb better answer they he just explained on the other last project that he put in front of the pl planning board that the gentleman did not want to see the BM and he didn't want the plant life to be taking out so in results theyve designed this right and but we can enhance it we're willing to work with the neighbor so yeah you know we were going to ask for continuance for two weeks anyway because we're going to go before the planning board and make sure they're okay with everything week I I I don't know if there's the only reason I was mentioning that might be a storm waterer system in that area already from the town I don't know I don't have the plans didn't like it I know but but on I did see a lot of water on lber Street either pitches towards towards the whites or pitches down that way right the peak the peak is somewhere you guys that's one of the big problems we have coming across is that they they're not responsible to look at that we're going to try to again make a better project I'm listening to I have no problem looking going to take away some of that 15 for no activity Zone but yeah if it improves I mean quality of life for neighbor I think minimize the impact Dave you know what I'm saying try to maintain some of the what you got oh so so what's the elevation difference south of where that water is already flowing versus South to the north because if if it's creating more flow it's going to go to the I I don't know if on the South Side the elevation you're saying's property is the grade about 133 up here and then you it flattens out to 132 somewhere about right here and then it it's fairly flat which is somewhat of the problem as we get towards Downstream over here we still we have 132 here so throughout here not much there not much great change yep no right so but we do have a 131 down here so my thought is take the 131 and and drag that up to the 132 over here and and get a at least if it's if the water's sitting in here and then it goes into the ditch instead of pulling up it'll have a place to relase what about with that elevation what about redirect will you have will you have the replication right now they also are a family-owned all through the back there right yes they own the family used to own this property this the only one that they have the family owns property here is there any way you could maybe do something in that section to C to try to catch the water it will it will keep the Wetland it will help the replication so now you don't have to worry about the water not getting to that level and and maybe you could do a different there's all kinds of different types of wetland uh Wetland storm water systems maybe something throughout that nature to go off before it gets down there problem is it's too flat right you have a 1303 that you can't pipe it into the back to the in order to to capture the water like say right here that's the best we could do to get it over here we have to install catch bases and we just don't have the grade difference yeah you get your Rim you get 12 in of cover the pipe is another foot down because you got a thickness of the catch Bas so you really from rim to outlet pipe you got about 2 and 1/2 ft if you don't have that yeah what what what do you have it if you move out they got they got 2T difference from the top of the road the houseing what about see where the 133 running through here see where the green is over here where the Wetland line is right here over more over more in there yeah how what's the elevation in there they drops down 130 do you have room to go that complete route with I why would that be more harm than fou it would be we'd be fighting the gray to go this way to get there yeah well I wasn't talking the lower half I'm just trying to stop the top half from coming down well he's concern he's concerned about the water near his house well yeah the focus is because this comes down and it's not a problem going by the driveway it's a problem when it gets on this little corner here so we'll look at picking it up from right where this stream is and getting it over to here as best we can yeah yeah see that could be possible we'll just end up going into this green that's all okay any anyone else questions concerns comments okay I just do you have the green cards oh I'm sorry was that put his hand up right no I just I don't I I did have a question but about the replication but then I you have a pretty detailed description of what you're going to do what you're proposing you know the mix of the the plant is going to be 75% so it answered my question excellent didn't remember see well I did remember it but it was easier so never mind I don't have a question it's a tough project day it's it's flat flat well it's this nice piece of property just getting to it is proba I just I know for a fact I saw a lot of rooting and stuff going on going out there so I can understand where his concern is there was a lot was there a m me ditch du yes was there also naturally made rooting going on in there yes so I can see where he says when it RS really hard a lot of that flow is coming out of there the only you know and that's something that I to put in expect you to look at or anybody cuz that that's a problem that would be UPS farther than the property we're looking at that's why I kind of was tracked myself and said it was somewhat irrelevant but it is cause I just see it helping and causing more of this problem to happen that we're trying to fix right now and what's funny is there is a catch Basin up on top of that road Christian and I will park right next to it so there is that's why I said to talk to another boy cuz I also did visually see another catch Bas and maybe reach out to them and maybe they can put another catch Bas in there to help catch the water before it comes in there it's always a possibility cuz it is it is something that us at the town is trying to take care of right now no I agree I've seen it does take a while it takes a while oh it analyzing wherever that nearest manhole is if you can put some Basin in and get gravity to it whether it works or not and I wouldn't expect you to put that in your plans cuz that's not what you're hired to do that's why I was stating that maybe he would want to go to another board and approach them about this issue also I'm not saying anything I'm just trying to broaden your thought process of not just pointing it towards this project and to try to take the whole concept as a whole into consideration and not just because I know others that have water problems in that area also so like everybody else in the cette yeah old toown um all right so so Dave you're asking for continuance to uh our October 23rd meeting yes please okay is there a motion to that motion to continue to the 203d second all those in favor all thank you see 23r yeah it's going to be a big meeting I think there's a lot of stuff going on bring a launch CH all right just I I don't see all of these that's why the white slips are there some of them were in return yeah whichever green cards we don't get we add the white slips because those that that's the date they were sent out some people refuse to go to the post office thank you Dave have a good even Lu all right uh discussion 324 Main Street progress updates review mattered votes may be Tak Mark 324 Main Street discussion progress update so on Friday um Mr Excuse me excuse me by the door we still have a meeting going on please Take It Outside thanks welcome so Mr Roman has retained uh Brad Holmes to come out and he's going to delineate the Wetland area on his property um I think Brad was trying to do it this and carpa is also going to we're going to go walk that on Friday at 900 and then we're going to go from there over to 3:24 Main Street okay so that's the progress the last time um um week before last it got cancelled so I'm thinking that if um for some reason the concern is triple and if we get canceled again on Friday I'm going to see if Brad we'll go straight yeah he can't just go over there and get that done because we need to get that was anything mentioned about the manure on site um no but going to bring it up it looks like I've I've been buying it looks like there's some some cable that's been put up by with those trees which I think is his padic so I'm going to see I mean if the wetlands are that close we do have to look at where all this maneu is going yeah extrem High nitrogen and we got enough nitrogen problems already so he might have to be might have to compost that somewhere truck it off there's a few farms in the cushion it now that do that now they put it in dumpsters and they get rid of it a line dumpster they get it out of here so it don't run into the property so that's just something we to look into we'll be looking at that also what uh I think it was dark who which one we were supposed to talk to the DCA d d was that ever reached out too did you call the D on that property yeah you I did I reached out and and they they agreed they agreed that trying to deal with it informally was a good way to go as long as there was cooperation and he's been cooperating up to this point so I would I would recommend they try to let us handle it yeah yeah and it's it's the way to go well at least it's I don't have an issue with that no we have the closest eyes on it I just know that that was brought up last right yeah I reached out I reached out to D and for for a couple reasons on that property went back and forth but yeah they're they're that's they they felt that was a good approach if you got cooperation yeah as long as he's cooperating and willing to work and yeah beautiful okay moving along uh agent updates any agent updates um maybe quick uh I I took couple um I just mentioned these site visits I've been done couple other ones this 474 Middle Road walked that sent that letter and we've kind of got a response to that um Chris siano was the the person and he he came into the office he said I just saw the letter um you know said we're not going to do anything else we were just trying to clear it to get it surveyed I guess the owner uh Mrs Moore is interest or wants to stay she's got a house on the property she wants to stay so I think part of the survey is they're going to have to subdivide it if um you know so she can you know maintain uh the house there yeah and he He also mentioned that he thought the town had right of first refusal I don't totally U but so that that came up as well I said well you know I you know I don't know what's up with that but I yeah I haven't heard anything don't we get a letter yeah all right that's new to me you can left a card I've got that information if anybody yeah he he said and I forget the road but it's directly across uh Middle Road right there yeah it's narrow he's he's concerned you know L it is Lane yeah and he's concerned about affecting Neighbors coming in and out with equipment I think he's already done that yeah I think so but couple times maybe yeah um I think that was hypothetically you got yeah all right other business are you here for something sir I was listening on the um Keen Road and then I'm new to the town so uh Eric actually invited me down he came over to take a look at some trees I take down and told me I should just come and listen and find out some stuff after that I just want to see if there's any literature I could have on that project or anything like that okay um all right uh other business I just want to remind everybody hunting season started on Monday get your best keep your dogs on leashes Hunt is are responsible with identifying their targets but I just you know remind everybody if you're out in the woods try to keep your dog on leash it's not required but it's you know for their safety and everybody's safety um arery season so safety best forite yeah yeah we we've all been on a site where we've heard some gunshots yeah well it's it's ay until um I found arrows till December so we a while have do we or as anybody actually we were driving by the um Street on Middle Road and I can't remember the name of the project and it was the project where they were going to put the um two-car garage with something above with the patio in that backyard oh a way have we heard anything on that project as so I was actually having breakfast with Kenny I know Kenny very well and um right now it's still pretty much all stopped he really don't know what he wants to do now yeah he's thinking about going in a different direction so it's I think it's that's still up in the air I'm not sure what his real plan is but we still haven't heard from his Engineers he doesn't come back in right I know we were waiting to hear we haven't heard anything from Rick no so he's still waiting to see what he wants to do I guess and I guess he was um uh talking I mean he heard about the last meeting when we were saying that that is kind of close to that wall so's kind of changing little bit but he's still not what he wants to do so I mean until we hear from his engineer I think we should you know I know we continued it a few times and then it just like disappeared so we'll just wait for Rick to come back and bring it up Sleeping Dogs life uh I had one more other thing too on do we can we have any say on what these solar Farms do afterwards no no we're we're specifically and so but but the vegetation so now if they all the screening and everything through planning oh saying everything had nothing to do with us yeah it's just I mean we can we can ask for a pollinate a blind of grass seed planted I mean well my pretty receptive to conc my uh my concern would be like I see a lot of them that just get maintained like OB for an example it had th trees all across the front of it which are no longer there but with that said with them not there they are not soaking up the water anymore that could have been in the original plant if that was taken into consideration was the the plantings to for slowing down flow off of these properties now that's where I out of dwelling like maybe cuz it seems like a lot of them they just after they're done it's just like it's done now we don't touch them now we don't leave them the Grass Grows High the the appes die the trees disappear now we don't have that like the one on Main Street we don't have that startop now that which which was C but I noticed the erosion controls still up there the other day and I don't got a COC so it's already stabilized yeah like so but I'm saying is you know you're taking and I when those concerns were brought to me I reached out to the solar companies and I was told that I didn't need to do that anymore that it falls into the hands of planning right so it's outside of your uh it's it's yeah the plantings have nothing to do with us so be good concerns go to the planting s in a meeting no I was just mainly I was just concerned are we this is what I'm concerned of are we taking these plantings in consideration when Madden's going over all these projects and looking at the water flow the water system how fast it flows off that would all change I think the a lot of the plantings are outside of the right right outside of the development I think it's just for show yeah it's for screening purposes but is still something that I mean should go planning board that these people have to maintain these screenings right so even you look on um Robinson Road same thing there's a lot of plants that are dying falling down so that's something yeah that's something the planning board would have to get involved but I I honestly think we maybe you should go to a planning board and say listen this is something we should think about in the future that we hold them liable to keep these screening plants alive because that's what they are as screening plant right okay uh no other business future business next meeting for the concom will be on October 23rd 2024 meeting is to be held at the town hall meeting room right here located at 122 Main Street effici at Mass I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all those in favor [Music] oh [Music] [Music]