##VIDEO ID:-tE4WRcctwQ## [Music] hey good morning today is August 14th and we're here at the Council on Aging having our monthly board meeting we did not have a board meeting last month because many of our members could not attend and we would not have had a qu I didn't know how to spell quorum so I just wrote down no I couldn't my Alexa wasn't working and I was saying Alexa how do you spell quum I can't help he would that well anyways so many of my members could not attend be that merury thing yeah right um it's just a little bit after 10 o' um we do not have any mail uh but we do have the M uh the minutes from June 12th they were supposed to have been read uh last month um these are the minutes uh they were submitted by Dan Smith he's our secretary and uh in attendance Len Golda Linda gilo Dan Smith Debra posa Pauline Texa and Joan heland Pauline Hudson was excused but now I have to tell you something exciting we have a new member with us today she was approved by the selectman and she's sitting right here and what is your name I know it um for them having a senior moment Maes I know Pat mki and and Pat was here for many years as our Outreach worker and our shine counselor and out a little bit of everything sunshine you were Sunshine was and we loved having you here and we're so happy to have you back so so you're here now for at least 10 20 years so I hope yeah yeah we never let anybody go over no once you're here you're here um and we have fun and we laugh and we talk and we let the people out and a chush it know what's going on this program is um being recorded and it's V videoed of course and it will later be broadcasted on the local channel 18 and on the town's YouTube channel um YouTube Tann and again I don't know if that's how you go YouTube but I think that's how it is um okay so may I have um someone approve these minutes um basically okay both PR who said second Joan okay Joan is called Jerry by the way okay so Deb and jery okay according to this your last name is spelled with an e that's not correct right where Where is the this over here in a new business where it says accept at M okay I just noticed it because I'm trying m i u r s k i okay I'll fix that before pronounce the same actually I um already sent it into them so that's okay the Town has you down with a youu Y okay um let's see old business the newsletters were distributed throughout the town except for I never did get to the um the two rooms um BFW and the American Legion but I but I have some so I'll get them there today and they'll have them for the rest of the month you know but everybody else has them so that's good yeah my delivery person had Co so we can drop him off on the way home today if you want really way all right thank you okay I'll give you 15 for each of them okay okay because they do like them and they do you don't have to pay us oh you went 15 copies well if you want to be paid do you have a payed cash f this is a little too Petty for that okay um and under old business we have down that the aiset board of Selectmen Ved to accept Pat mad's appointment to the board of directors and again I see that um just spell incorrectly but we'll get that fixed okay now this is a good part we had a use of building policy and with prices and and like who could you know use the building and when and all kinds of details and the board of Selectmen accepted it so now um Len has something to go by if someone asks if they can use the building and it's in writing and nobody can really argue with it because it's already been approved and this is how it is yeah I already sat down with a few um of the group leaders um I've gotten a lot of positive feedback actually that I was not surprised by but I it went a lot smoother than I had anticipated um so I'm excited that you know we all worked very well together and we got two thumbs up from The Selective so they're very impressed with our new policies thank you everybody okay and I guess we'll start working on another policy some other time next month maybe okay um now under new businesses all kind of in these bulletins and these are the ones that are all all over town and as of today they will be at the BFW and the American region um and on the back of these bulletins very important is a schedule and it's there for everyone to see and they can tell what's going on here um I just want to highlight a couple of the things that are um going on in here um we have trips um we have a young lady at the desk um Jan barck and she was forever down in the bed Hood running uh trips um you know you'd pay of course and to different places and now we have her here and she's wonderful yes and on Thursday October 17th people will be going to Salem Massachusetts just in time for Halloween and um are you going to be stying there this no not this year okay my my friend the witch over here um I don't mean that um on Thursday November 7th Foxwood Casino and people really do like to go to Foxwood but they don't want to drive there anymore because of you know the traffic situation the bridge situation um and on Sunday December 7th they're going to uh the Newport Playhouse it's a dinner theater and the name of the show is lend me a soprano um they also have a cabaret afterwards which is really fun yeah are you a saprano no afraid not okay well maybe they would Bor you um today August 14th um there is an end of summer barbecue being put on by Coastline so a lot of people signed up for this so they know about it on Wednesday August 28th there's a dietician uh baraba canuel and she is from the community nurse uh for a nutritional well she's going to be here doing a nutritional demonstration a l a light snack will be provided um you do have to sign up though so anyone who wants to come to this is on Wednesday August 28th here at the council it's at 12:30 just let Jan or shene know um and it's a healthy thing um inside of here we we also have information about us Paul Schmidt he is a representative and he's here um on the first Monday of every month if anybody ever has a question he's here you know he comes in sits down relaxes and then people come in yeah and we have Jennifer Leo she is our Outreach specialist and uh you can make an appointment by calling the front desk if you should need to talk with her she helps out with things like the Boston Food Bank Mass health fuel assistance medical related concerns she's um very she knows quite a bit and Pat knows all about that too because that's what you did before right right um let's see uh we have a new retan uh officer uh he started like maybe about a month month and a half ago his name is Bradford fish and he's located right at Town Hall second floor fish is yeah um my friend Ron Coria did a great job for many years Ron was wonderful yeah to him I had his little boy who's now in his 30s in school and I met Ron and his wife way back when they were very very nice people yeah um on page six of our newsletter it really explains a lot of our exercise programs so if someone isn't sure which program that they might be interested in um it's all right there you know and I can recommend just about every program that's there I've seen and I've seen these people over the years and I have participated in some of the programs ice cream man room I have a Sund [Music] yeah entertainment there so sorry not a problem it's just the president don't worry about it we're very we're very informal group we we like music we like jokes we like we like one another we like the people out there so we're good um so that's what's in this month's newsletter um they're usually available at the beginning of every month uh at different businesses here in town um and maybe next month I'll even name those businesses you know but if I do it now I I'm sure I will forget um is is there anything here does the board have anything that they would like to add any information or questions no okay there's something I want you to think about and Lon and I need to discuss this afterwards um about the cheer person because uh Pauline was cheer for many years like about 10 years and then I've been cheer now for about 10 years we always had a vice chair and a secretary um some of us have held every single job on this committee um and it might be time for us to make a few changes and um what we'll need to talk to people about later is if they would be willing to take on one of these positions and laen has promised to keep them very very simple okay so our next meeting no one has any questions okay our next meeting is on Wednesday September 11th it's going to be here at the Council on Aging probably in this room and with these lovely faces so um and John behind the camera and um I guess we should say oh no I need someone just say that we're going to adjourn uh but the meeting is over I need a motion okay Jerry and I need a second okay and all right and at this point then I will say over and out out [Music] [Music]