[Music] committee Wednesday May 29th 2024 do I have a motion to open our meeting move second all in favor okay please rise for plge Allegiance I pledge alleg flag Amer stands na God indivisible with and Justice all thank you this meeting is being video and audio recorded So This is essentially going to be our last finance committee before the annual town meeting uh we have a few things to button up there was uh a few budgets that we hadn't had not voted on uh previously which includ included uh our schools Old Colony the golf department and our two Enterprise funds uh the Water and Sewer um and there were some amendments I believe to a few other budgets that have taken place since our last meeting um Our Town Administrator Mr Kelly has been meeting with the board of Selectmen regularly um getting us to this point where we have a balanced budget um it's been a a painstaking process this year to say the least um took a lot of hard work uh on everybody's part involved in this process from us the finance committee Board of selectman Town Administrator finance department all the Departments uh in town um it was uh it was a big undertaking this year to to get to this point but here we are uh so Mr Kelly uh whatever updates you have please let us let's start with the revenue sheet and I'll go through some of the changes the first is uh under New Growth we have a new estimate from the assessors of 210,000 the total estimated operational tax levy then would be 22,45 168 90 there's not much changes from what you've seen in the uh state aid and state assessment section uh there's uh some there's a change in the water figure from what you've seen in and the local receipts because they're reflecting the change in uh the water rates Etc because of New [Music] Bedford and uh I'd like to highlight the investment income you're not going to see that again at 200,000 a lot of that comes from the fact that we put arpa money in interest bearing instruments while we waited to go through the process for the slen street project and uh we made a lot more money there than uh we have in the past and so next year that's not going to be there cuz hopefully we'll have spent it on the slen street Project true m uh the section that is other sources of operational funds I'd like to highlight there's a change from the traditional EMS receipts reserved fund from 513 938 to 550,000 uh that was uh the fire Chief oh we should be very grateful to him he made sure that we had that additional funds when he knew how difficult it was to balance a budget MH you will see two new items here different from the past there is one for 132,133 that that's from the overlay Surplus and that is targeted specifically to the last payment on a lease purchase in Old colonies budget and so it's a onetime use which is allowable we that will uh hopefully we'll not see that $132,000 in next year's Old Colony budget because that was up on top of their operational monies and then 89,000 1878 uh we decided to show the and this is the first year the offset from the golf Enterprise account and and this will include such things as health insurance pension Medicare uh General Insurance workman's comp unemployment and equipment insurance as well as that part-time number or that partial number for the uh one of the finance positions uh we will continue to refine the offsets due to the town from that Enterprise account through the next year now we've started to track all those expenses and so Revenue we have is 36,18637 mil1 183,000 7889 Just Fur an aside before we really go through the warrant but the grand total for the operational budget is 36 M83 691 $102 to spare so we were real close it's the closest I've been between revenue and operational budgets for as long as I've been doing this usually you count on somewhere around 50,000 uh Mr chairman in the your letter your updated letter is included I saw that we're still working on the selectman's letter we've got to do the index once we finish in page the war the article two you see we have an amount 300 $3,329 it's a pre a prior year Bill uh what happened is uh we uh sent an unemployment payment to the state where it should have gone to the insurer because the assurer also sent the payment and so we ended up and the Commonwealth credited us but we still owed the insurer then oops you see uh the article with the relating to the cable uh P access and cable related fund we included for the first diamond cable Reserve fund of 50,000 you've get aging equipment and like the other uh Enterprise similar type of accounts it makes sense to put that in at this point uh articles 4 through 9 are the standard uh articles you see every year that's why they're in the consent budget uh the revolving fund article uh we increase the Conservation Commission to 5,000 other than that they're all the same as in Prior years in the uh Reserve accounts and free cash articles I've put a brief summary up top before we get to the articles that shows that we have 400 5 3,382 and remained in free cash from the fall town meeting and this is how it was appropriated uh article 11 is for to keep the massachusett Massachusetts strategic Health Group pricing down article 12 is a settlement with uh for the school district with the bus company uh Article 13 are the you've seen are the fire the two fire uh articles concerning the alarm receiver units and the repeater article 14 is the senior workof which you've seen Article 15 is the Yes program and then we put $100,000 into to General stabilization to keep us right in the middle of where the bond houses want us to be for uh our bond raing article 17 is the typical uh CPC article that authorizes the Appropriations and then where it's going to be spent this year the fact that it's more than the amounts of spending just means it'll revert to the undesignated fund article 18 you've seen and that's the uh seeing if the town will impose a local meals tax excise tax of 34s of 1% almost 80% of the South Coast communities have opted into this uh local option uh and it'll raise between 50 and 100,000 is the estimate and then uh the we determined to fund various collective bargaining agreements retr payments out of the overlay Surplus that's been released and you can see a chart up top that shows where they're going and the fact that uh it also notes the Old Colony lease purchase for and uh the askme one is to take care of an adjustment with the dispatches and uh two clerical positions where we we have grandfather redlined the administrative assistant position and in between that position and the senior clerk position have put a principal clerk position so as soon as the current person in the administrative assistant position which is funded at the top of the salary chart for ask me as soon as had a incumbent vacates the position goes away and we have a more logical uh progression of clerical workers uh the steel workers contract is for the department head SL professional unit the new unit uh it's consist of a a retro and of 14 ,000 total signing bonus in the place of two years of retro and then uh the Retro for the Police contract is 445,000 and it reflects the money we had to spend because of the post adjustment I think you've seen almost all of those articles before I'm please tell me SL Street construction project articles you have not voted on and uh as you know it's an arpa primarily in our Prof funded project but there is some town uh money involved uh it's gone out uh to bid it's been designed engineered uh gone out to bid the bids were received two days ago ordered and car and our design and engineering firm is reviewing the bids now to make sure that every body who bid actually bid on what the bid documents say and uh we have a report coming in tomorrow the figures you see here in these three articles taking money out of the capital expense stabilization fund half a million the water special Revenue fund half a million and then a vote to possibly borrow a million2 1.2 million the borrowing is similar to the fire truck situation to put in place because there is a second round of arer funds coming out of Bristol County and only shovel ready projects are eligible for we've got one of the few projects that's eligible and so if we got another round of AR of money from Bristol County it would be more than the million point2 the problem is that we won't know either sometime in June or July what we're getting in that second round they have to spend the money be because it's or it would revert back to the federal government and this is monies that are results of an awful lot of communities that didn't weren't able to put their any projects forward for their alloc original allocation of the arpa money so it goes back into the second pool which we then apply for and we've already got our applications in uh all the specs from wood and kin and we're just waiting to see how much we get can I ask one question what what is the slop Street construction project it's uh replacing water pipe Street sidewalks hydrants uh water connections from South Main Street all the way to the bridge and possibly uh where needed storm water because there nothing over here describes what the project was I'm just you know I'm just curious yeah I was going to ask that why isn't there like a excuse me I was I was going to ask the same thing like isn't there like a map or it's a what it's the only thing we're not replacing is a sewer line and uh why is that huh why is that they're digging up the whole street they never placing the S line because it's fairly new oh okay I didn't know that sorry and this wouldn't this also tie in to any potential future projects that are done off of slm Street um it it it would enable uh the the possibility for over 55 at the foot uh in the old Acushnet site yeah cuz without without these upgrades nothing like that could take place correct well that and the fact that uh there very potentially is a storm water issue at the foot and also going up the river along some of the properties along that I mean the road is in dire need of work upgrades so I mean it's it's important for our residents who live along there um we also are waiting to for to to release uh potentially a million5 out of the transportation bond issue that was ear marked or not ear marked was specified for a cushion it so the fact that originally we thought the project would be 5.5 million to S and it looks like it's coming in no more than five in change and probably a lot less looking at the preliminary bids uh I think we're in good shape funding wise do we know how long the bonding period would be on this no it's a Transportation bond issue that I talked about that as far as the borrowing goes yeah uh it would be up to uh the selectman what the uh as far as going out to bond and that depends on the bond houses the interest rate and uh how quickly if anything we could get State funds to back us up on it we also have some a couple minor ear marks like we have one for the handicapped ramps stuff like that so we uh piled various sources together and uh had the legislative delegation apply for different sources uh different projects to put it under this whole umbrella is this going to include like any like non P it's like pedestrian type B paths that kind of thing but we don't it's too early to tell that's not in the plans the real problem there is probably parking right uh you've got a very narrow roadway including the sidewalks mhm and we're even looking at probably having to put the hydrants not on slum street but right on off the corners of the side streets just to make sure we can fit everything I certainly hope this project don't take it as long as their Bridges they're doing over there shut down shut down that street for like like three years like they're doing for the bridge over yeah but that's that's a state project that's why that and it's oh yeah well so I don't think we have to worry about migratory fish or something in the over place on slum Street have the environmental issues yeah only only if they're flopping down the hill and you said this is this is going to be the last round of Opera funding that's going to be available they said we should know from Bristol County sometime between between June till the end of July so we'd have to put this in place and it would be like the article with the fire truck we have it in place but we really don't plan to use it so we I mean essentially being ready to go on this is important it save us a it's yeah because if we have to do all this out of our pocket you're talking a lot more money without the offer funding mhm and that's that he got the first round of our peroy it's like 2 mil8 round figures and we're still looking for 1.2 plus we think you were saying you think we get more than that in this next round based on what may be available which we could then use towards well they did give us only up to the amount that we sign a contract for for the bid so we couldn't get extra money to do a different project no but we're more favorable because we are sh already yeah we I think there's when we put our application in we were putting it in at the same time as one other community and no one else had put it in yet right if we had to fund all all of this on our own it's going to be a much bigger impact on thex if you didn't have arpa and every and the money we put away in the stabilization accounts it would have been a $5 million project right so if this helps us minimize taxation then so let me ask you Jamie if we're looking at 1.2 coming from the town but we've got another million coming from stabilization funds if the state comes back and says that we can get 2.2 can we not use that stabilization funds can you mark that so if we get 2.2 we can use 2.2 and save a million from our stabilization funds which is the Hope yeah yeah and if we get all that is possible out of the transportation bond issue yeah I I yes I mean the town monies would be minimal if any that would be awesome mhm oh because of good plan and I have to compliment uh Jen Thompson from Capital strategic uh she has been our grant and compliance consultant because typically this would be part of a m the town planner responsibilities master plan be part of that well she's a former Town Administrator from the town of planville and she's very knowledgeable about these type of things she's also very knowledgeable she was involved when they were uh bringing the casino to planville Etc so she understands a lot of how to Pyramid all these different programs to end up picking as many different state pockets as possible to end up with the funding and we we were lucky to hire her when we did because uh uh they've been refusing work this type of work they've been doing other the uh go and the former Town manager from Foxboro is went they hired him about 3 months ago so they're becoming a bigger dog in the state than they were when we originally contracted with them how long do we have left on that contract oh they they'll be here until the end and we've also used them on the master plan uh getting those grants uh excluding what she might do in the uh uh additional arpa uh she's in probably $ 250 to $3,000 range for Grants she's gotten us and we probably expended over since I've been here no more than 20,000 it's a good return so it's a deal see haven't voted on this you want to vote on these it kind of helps knowing the phone which phone number to dial for which state official y if anybody has any questions or discussion on Street construction project articles I I would suggest we discuss it now because then we'll when we vote we're going to vote the whole the whole kitten kab at once so is there any is there any more discussion on these or any questions that does anybody have relative to article 22 23 and 24 good okay continue article 25 the operating budget all right uh you voted on most of these individually yes the only ones we did not cover were uh the accountant budget's Been Changed by $2,000 up or down in salaries up or down down and move the 2,000 was moved to another account I'll deal with it when we get to it yeah so if you want to give us any updates on budgets that we've already covered that' be great and then and then we'll go over the ones that we haven't voted on yet which were the golf uh our schools or colony and the water and sewer price F those are the only ones that we didn't take take up yet well that I think is the only one uh our accountant then Town Council uh we cut to 100,000 okay we're hoping some of the litigation goes away I believe the rest of the general government are the same Police Department we've had multiple discussions on it uh you know we cut two cars M out right $330,000 in overtime and the police chief uh was the uh amount for potential raise was 2% fire department we took all of the uh extra overtime money we went back to 70,000 and we'll address that in the fall so that was a change the rest of the public safety are uh the same I told you how we'll address the lease purchase for Old Colony we're going to do that in the motion on the operating budget you've seen in the past it say taxation F EMS Reserve where the 513 the 60,000 1,555 well we'll be adding in the uh other two into the funding motion for the uh golf offset and the uh overlay money that will be put in and the overlay money is specifically marked for that part of the uh Old Colony budget and I think you still have to vote on Old Colony and the schools yes yep I don't have any uh answers other than the bottom line figure at the schools but I will say that uh we met number of times with this representatives of the school committee representatives of the administration and the school business manager and uh they incrementally cut down to 330,000 increase which uh was substantial from what they started at right it was .2 it was a process to get there you know U you know attending the subcommittee meetings uh which you know you attended numerous uh myself Sue um and you know it's it's very appreciative that they that they got down to that um you know and we just we needed cooperation from all departments but particularly them um since they carry you know such a big portion of the overall Town budget it was crucial that they uh that they're able to do that um cuz otherwise we'd be in a in a boat batlo trouble right now if it wasn't for that cooperation mhm we wouldn't have a balanced budget no or we'd have a budget that would be in controversy in town me mhm so do you do you folks want to um you want to vote individually on Old Colony in our schools right now since we haven't done that yet I'd say we I'd say we do that now those are pretty significant budgets some we show yeah so the to just uh give you the total the Old Colony overall budget was 2,99 968 which essentially represented about a 2% increase uh from last year for them um our school department uh has come in at uh 16, 393,000 663 which is essentially a little over 2% uh increase from last year so the total uh education total for the two schools is1 19,3 3,631 make a motion second motion we're not going to get the line ey budgets from the school department and from the we have we received that we did receive that we we reive that reflecting these numbers I believe we have yeah I I believe so I only get the bottom line figures I did not get a line item budget so we don't have a yeah well we did with the the highlighted areas that were cut I yes I think you folks got it yes all I needed was the bottom line we did and nor Colony already had a line item budget but the school cooperated uh with our request um so I'm satisfied with what they provided us okay think you had a motion in a second so we had a motion in a second uh all in favor I any opposed okay so School budgets are approved uh Public Works we cut 10,000 out of uh Highway 5,000 from engineering and 5,000 from supplies uh nothing out of snow and ice as usual we cut we went from 30,100 to 27,35 in Street lighting uh and it uh supplies The rest of Public Works remains we cut 40,000 out of veterans we looked at the Run for the last three years of benefits and uh we thought that was something we could afford if we go into a deficit we'll have to address it in the fall but we don't looking at the three-year run we still left to cushion and uh the veterans agent has resigned and we have an interim veterans agent now and uh we're going to be advertising for that position just out of curiosity the vet agent resign after the cut or because of the cut or he was going anywhere well he uh gave a very uh complimentary letter uh and said it was time to resign a part time physan interested Eric I'm retiring in 30 days the GU one of our MERS Library we cut $9,000 so we kept it so it's still above the state limit right miscellaneously increased by 2000 that's the 2000 I talked about up the front from the accountant uh we have been informed that that uh it's very likely that crw KN will come back and so we wanted to make sure we had without changing the bottom line of the operating budget we just transferred money to take care of it po park right I haven't been here since it's been school department School uh cruise night they're talking about Cruise KN yeah parking lot parking lot fall par yeah there one that they normally have here yeah yeah should be down at p park is what I'm saying not here right I thought it was down the whole street Cru name no isn't that where they do the the car it's a car show yeah he's had yeah I think the fight yeah yeah they want to move it yeah yeah cuz they would typically have like some music right and some food yeah yeah a station yeah uh I you can see the uh debt principle long-term interest those figures have been refined you had the figures that were from last year in your original budget but we've deal we've made sure that those are the figures for this year and short-term interest is just the ban and uh we're looking to look at that in the uh fall to see how much we can pay off before we go out to actual borrowing pensions are out of our hands and we've decreased the uh Insurance budget as we've got uh better figures from all the carriers and uh we're still waiting on one but I don't think it'll affect it that much so and that'll uh also uh it will enable us with the sufficient cushion that if uh some individuals have a triggering event in their own life they can then access our health insurance and it won't change the bottom line we have one of the PMC providers never gets in until July so uh if there is a problem we'll address it in the fall like we have in the past but it's always been minor money and that's the operating budget and tight as tight can be I got that right all right so the only other articles that um we have to take up now we pick calll from s yes so um see so the golf Department request is 2, 36246 what I printed here I put an extra three on debt service for uh golf it should be 3 36525 but the total total is accurate total that right so there compared to last year they're only up a little over 100,000 [Music] we as I said we went through and changed the original budget in areas that we knew were inaccurate and also reflected that change in the offset figures so we can start now to actually within a year probably refine how much Town budget numbers are uh are the town budget is paying for Enterprise activities or functions MH I think our our Golf Course golf Department I think they do a great job of uh maintaining the course um I have quite a few patients who Golf and I always make it a point to ask oh where you where you playing and in variably it's always a Kush nut um so that's a nice reflection on our town and our and our golf Department um and it's going to be a real you know asset I mean it already is an asset to the town but once the the bond is paid off in a few years it's going to become even a bigger asset uh for our town I uh I was uh today I was at Mass General bam and uh one of the technicians I was talking to was commenting about coming down here and buying golf gift cards for the men in her life so all the way up in Foxboro people are talking about the cush M golf experience during the summertime all the people that come to spend time down the cape and all that from from all over United States they hear about a cushion it and they're all they all come okay and they can't believe how great it is for for the price that the price that we charge to play golf up there is ridiculously low compared to what all the other places are other coures on half as good and the uh and just the the C is just heck of this unbelievable the Selectmen have made an arrangement with Fair Haven for a kushit resident pricing for golf and exchange for Beach passes so that is probably going to within a week will be uh an operational program June that's a nice that's a nice tradeoff June 4th is the target date for it to be live pardon June 4th is the target date for it to go live yeah beach pass what 40 it'll be uh 40 or 45 whatever the resident rate is for Fair Haven we would get the same I remember which one it was so Mr chairman I make a motion to me uh to accept the golf budget is presented okay we have a motion second second any discussion all in favor I I anyone opposed okay golf department is approved uh the next uh one is article 27 which is our sewer Enterprise fund uh the total is 1,1 21,44 we verified today when we were verifying all the debt figures this debt figure and it's correct the other figures you've seen in the presentation from DPW on the SE budget there's no questions I'll make a motion to accept the sewer budget is presented second motion the second any discussion all in favor anyone oppos okay uh article 27 s Enterprise fund is approved now the next article comes from planning board concom Etc it's a new storm water bylaw it's not my specialty but it's gone through I think 3 years now of being going to be presented pulled back and it's been refined by uh the committee of the board of health planning board Conservation Commission uh they did one change that's reflected in the bylaw you have there uh about uh just making sure solar arrays are subject to the review no matter what and other than that uh it's a non I don't have the expertise to explain it it's a non-ending op so we don't have to make a recommendation on this it's this is beyond our current View and my opinion um and expertise I I don't want to pretend that I understand everything in the MS store bylaw so um s goes down that's it that's it we've let the parting ways building committees know they're going to may have to stand up and explain it so I propose that um someone on the committee make a Mr chair make a motion to accept the town warrant as presented I'll second it with all the changes with all the changes we have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor I anyone opposed okay chairman I would very much like to thank this committee the patience of the members of the committee while we were working through this and the work that they've done with us to get this it's probably been one of the most difficult budgets I've ever seen absolutely it's not because of the townside I know there's many hours of put in behind the scenes by a lot of individuals um you know our Board of Selectmen all of our finance committee members I know work very hard you know doing going the extra mile doing some homework looking at looking at this stuff trying to find ways uh to make sure we have adequate services but at the same time keep the town for a to live in for our residents that's the bottom line is to is for that you know that's the last thing we want is people not being able to stay in their homes cuz they can't afford to you know I mean some things are definitely out of our control and I've expressed this over and over again at numerous meetings um you know what happens at the federal level trickles down to the state and then down to the local level um so it's you know it's really up to the registered voters in the state to decide you know do you want to keep having the same economic policies uh in this state going forward or do you want to you know have something that's going to be you know more long term for for all of us to to live more comfortably and just and and for future Generations I mean well it's it's it's a struggle and it's it's something that I I struggle with personally um you know seeing seeing a lot of things that are going on uh nationally um and and at the state level you know it's it's it's something where you just you know you want to bang your head against the wall sometimes and it's like you know what what what do people not see what I'm seeing but I you know I I think a lot of people see this stuff um but like I said a lot a lot of this is out of our control unfortunately in the state because we've been entrenched in thinking a certain way and you know voting for one one political party all the time and uh you know I think it's it's it's time to make some changes in the state whether it's you know you know local starting at the local level considering the state is one of the most expensive in the country to live at and that's before you factor in the illegal immigration expenses that AB sitting at 1.5 billion plus right now for the state that the state doesn't have it's only going to get more expensive if you keep doing the same thing it's never going to change it's insane but uh you know I'd like to highlight this committee and the board of Selectmen cuz this kind administrator wouldn't have been able to create this budget without your assistance and especially the assistance of the board of Selectmen because remember we did not have a town accountant or an assistant Town accountant in place during this whole process yeah the team eff that's where all the extra hours come into play um and you know going forward next year is going to probably be just a challenging if not more um you know so we're going to have to continue to take this you know conservative approach uh continually um and be very mindful with our spending because that's the main thing that we can control is what we spend a lot of other things are out of our control but we can control what we spend um you know I know there's an article in there about the meals tax and I believe me I'm in no fan I'm no fan of creating a new tax or raising taxes um but if this helps our residents minimize their property tax and it can generate a little bit of extra Revenue whether it's $50 to $100,000 um then it's and it's competitive with all the surrounding exactly um brings in money from different different towns and it's something that has to it has to be done and it's just because of the you know the environment in this state that you you kind of have to accept that um um and it's if it's going to be helpful to our residents and I like I said minimize their property taxes as much as we can cuz that's what we that's why we're here is is to try and do that and and you know keep all of us in our homes keep our homes affordable um you know cuz it's getting tougher and tougher I mean we all see it you know everybody goes to the grocery store you everybody gets their utility bills um it's it's not not easy Okay so we've covered everything if there's anything we didn't cover then like we've done like we've done in the past uhi prior annual Town meetings what was that world property next if we had to cover anything um La any button up anything we'll take care of that prior to the annual town meeting um if we have to meet an hour before we've done that in the Middle School library right before the actual meeting I don't think that's going to be necessary but you never know what's going to come up so just be prepared to potentially be at the school for 6:00 um on that day in case just in case okay um the next thing on the agenda for tonight is a reserve fund transfer from our Council on Aging um it's in the amount of $686 7 6 so this is a it's a request it's due to unanticipated expenses at the Council on Aging building uh apparently the septic system there has not been maintained for over 5 years uh the septic system pumping was overdue as well as the grease trap Service uh sewer pipeline was completely blocked and overflowed into the men's bathroom causing Ur urgent request for plumbing services uh the r&m account uh was in the negative by 1 , 429 as of 52224 uh on 52324 RoR router was called for bathroom flooding and they needed to do some jet flushing to clear the blockages so that's that's why this is uh in need so obviously this is an was an urgent need why it wasn't maintained uh for 5 years um seems to it's not from Council on Aging but it seems means that it was from what I can see it was uh somewhere between the town building department and the fact we've had uh a number of changes going back a number of years since those P the original Personnel left and went to planville right so the fact that there hasn't been anybody in place and people have left um this kind of fell through the cracks um because as we all know anybody with a septic system then you're going to have the thing pumped regularly to avoid to avoid this so last gone we've started to look through other buildings and everything and issues like this because uh the library had an issue last year yeah there was no real paperwork of left as far as the town buildings uh when those that those those various Personnel left I'm assuming then it's been a couple of years for most things that have been serviced at least since the last one so do we have something in place to get them served now a regular cost instead of emergency cost no it'll be a uh we we have a discussion a meeting with uh not only a Council on Aging director but the library director my office at town build or someone from town buildings to not only talk about that but also talk about uh some uh how we can best use our maintenance and custodial Personnel if you've seen if you've gone up to parting ways or this building upstairs and uh now in the library uh we've been doing a number of painting uh bringing spiffing up the buildings doing some inhouse repairs that type of thing I'm talking about the septics for the rest town no I'm just saying for G rather than each building being a silo we're putting it together as a whole group and starting to put a design together how we address all these issues right I just don't want to get hit with another $6,000 bill on something that could have been $4 $500 if we just service it regularly but there is a there seems to have been a not only a silo mentality as far as the building goes buildings but also a a silo mentality as far as appropriating money for those type of functions yeah which doesn't make any sense budgetarily or operationally mhm yep another skinning of the onion yeah I was I was under the impression that the there was a department That was supposed to handle all this for huh there was supposed to be a department the San's office was supposed to handle all the which is very unusual for any other town in the Commonwealth and I don't I'm not sure it was the officer whether it was an individuals involved these individuals I would I mean I would suggest any building town building that has a septic system just have have something in place like this was the date it was it should be a l number the rep you go forward to the next year get it on your calendar set a reminder so you know when it has we've had the same situation with uh furnaces boilers Etc yeah it's it looks like things were done when uh issues reached critical mass yes I mean we have all this technology in place now today let's utilize it uh for a good purpose well you know what PL planning is in government who are you going to have lunch with tomorrow I'll make a motion okay so we have a motion second any discussion I think we beat that with all in favor okay no one's opposed so this is approved Mr Kelly I want to make sure you take this so we have the signature on it that so don't forg okay next on the agenda we have two sets of minutes well actually let's go over um I want skip old business does anyone have any old business to discuss any new business okay no new business no old business um meeting minutes we have two sets of M minutes uh the first one is from the meeting of April 3rd 2024 in attendance was myself suado Pete booy Eric Chu Bob Ferrera and Eric mclin absent was Christen Flyn and Bob St Jun Christi to accept second all in favor I okay those minutes are approved and the next set of minutes is from April 17th in attendance was myself Pete Benoy Eric Chu Bob fera Christen Flynn Eric mcen and Mr St jeene absent was Sado I'll make a motion to Second all in favor I I okay those minutes are approved um next meeting date as I mentioned earlier we will uh only meet if we have to uh an hour prior to the annual town meeting on June 17th um in case there is any business that needs to be buttoned up um not anticipating that but just be be ready just in case we do have to meet you'll obviously let us know okay yeah oh yeah we'll um we'll give you a heads up probably at least a week in advance I would imagine um and uh one last thing I would like to thank our our Chef Pete for all the delicious meals that he's he brought in uh during this time frame kept our finance committee well fed um so anybody out that well actually there's no more seats available on the finance committee right now um so kind of missing out on some really good food but we're you spoiled Us big time no we don't expect it all the time looking forward to the menu next hey we going do a little sh before the the town meeting going to set us up I think we should get together after this is all said and done um and no you come over yes we should we should the real question is next year will take requests a c we all did work really hard this year um you know it' be nice to just get together outside of this um and just you know talk and have some fun and laughs sure with that being said oh we got a motion to adjourn second motion a second all in favor good [Music] a [Music]