##VIDEO ID:aBKRGncNhtg## [Music] hey good evening everyone this is a meeting of the finance committee uh being 7 o'cl do have the motion to open second all in favor hi I I hi uh good evening this is Wednesday January 22nd 2025 uh let's uh stand say the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge flag States of America to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all well welcome back folks it's been a while since we've uh done this and uh welcome back uh I'd like to say a big welcome back to our 47th president uh it's been a long time coming uh but I think it's something uh the country needs and uh I think it's going to be a good thing so just wanted to get that out there I know the town of kushit uh was a big big supporter and uh should be good going forward and hopefully we see some changes in this state too uh at the top because uh think things can't continue to run the way they have been so with that being said um we're going to take care of a reserve fund transfer tonight uh from our fire chief Tom Farland Chief good evening ladies and gentlemen evening evening um so basically this is a reserve fund uh transfer request um for of all things vehicle repair um stop me if you've heard this before um our Fleet is aging it's getting more expensive to find parts and fix um the problems just seem to like to stick to me like a magnet um so I'm already about $25,000 over um the budgeted amount um due to various repairs that have been needed on the engines um and the selectman approved the replacement of uh the engine and rescue 2 um to the of about 20,000 and change um I'm looking for 60 to cover the overage fix the engine in the second ambulance and provide a cushion the last through the end of June what the timing on the the the ambulances I know they were like back ordered three years um they should both we we expect to take delivery of both Bing any delays um between January jary and February of 26 so one year year okay so that mean they kind of put a r on the second one for us and ahead of schedule we reopened it to all the local companies and there was a new player in the market um based out of Syracuse New York that's trying to break into the New England region um and their timeline is way shorter than all of our other um options excellent so the same quality and same quality um uh Bedford has two of the ambulances in use um Easton has two on order with them there are several other communities that have them in use and have them on aor so I was able to kind of get my hands on it and see what the quality was and see how everything was set up they're going to customize it the same way that we want so that our tracks are identical just different companies excellent real quick Chief just curious uh I know you don't have a crystal ball and short of you know something on first seene but uh as far as repairs foreseeable future do you see anything like brakes coming up or anything like you know that's right now regular routine repair right now it's just the routine maintenance moving forward we don't have anything coming up that should be that ex exorbitant so the extra 15 or so will cover should cover us all the way that my hope is that it covers us all the way to June 30th and we don't run into anything unforeseen okay thank you literally don't run into anything Chief what's the warranty on the new engine uh the new engine has it's a from Ford so I believe it's a uh threee 36,000 M so so what do we do with the ambulance once the new one comes in have two that we have on order um the goal all along was the original ambulance that we ordered when I first took over um was going to be a third so that one comes in goes front line at that point the older of the two would be become a mechanical spare yeah um the second ambulance that we ordered we would then trade in that ambulance and then what would be rescued to now becomes the mechanical spare so one is getting traded in one will keep as a spare so if God forbid anything like this happens again we've got you don't have to see rochest as ambulance sitting in our station yeah and we've got another ambulance that has a couple more years left on its work at that point as a mechanical spare those can last us a few years until it becomes yeah so it's not like we're working on it so it's not like we're fixing it and we're just going to give it up that's yeah no okay just curious Chief where do we stand as far as runs from last year like percentage wise um so in 2023 we did 1,68 81 calls of which I believe like 12 is that fire and medical that was all all combined and I believe 1,280 of those were medical um the 2024 we finished with 1689 so slightly higher um but 1380 of those were medical so more Medicals right and it just hasn't stopped yet in January you guys all doing great work thank you yeah thank you I make a motion I'll second it we have a motion on a second all in favor I anyone opposed okay motion passes thank you thank you Chief thank you chief chief thank you Chief one day I'll come to you with better news it'll be your first next be your first time wait wait wait Tom wait I didn't I didn't get that in recording I didn't give you a timeline I said one day actually you told us one of our ambulance is coming at least a year earlier than we expected so that's great news would thank you have a good night to you thanks bye hey next on the agenda is Our Town Administrator Mr Jamie Kelly he's going to discuss our FY 26 uh uh budget what we have uh to expect estimates right good news yeah right uh we knew last year when we were pulling rabbits out of the hat that we weren't going to be able to keep pulling rabbits out of the Hat the excess overlay for example so I am looking at a conservative estimate for revenue of a 49673 increase now if we play with the local receipts a little bit you might get another 100,000 but that's it uh for any of the large local receipt accounts I was conservative in that my estimates are around 80% of the high numbers we made a mistake last year when we uh looked at and made an estimate for the charges for services in water we thought because of of the increases in the cost from New Bedford that we would could go up to about 2 million instead of uh 1 million approximately 900,000 but that's not the case not as of right now and we estimated in 24 1, 888,246 absorb 50,000 here or 30,000 there it's too fine now I've done a first pass at the budget and looking at mostly it 2% increase uh education approximately a 2% increase we have a 4% increase uh because of the public safety contracts and the police retro because we balance that with the overlay excess uh and I'm looking at a 9% increase in in 9 to 9 and a half% increase in insurance if we're lucky and that'll be if the PNC insurance comes in somewhere around 62% cuz health insurance will be 9 1/2 to 10% and that's all over there are 10 s that are getting hit in the Maya which is the largest pool at 14% well increase right now uh n is less than last year wasn't it it was about the same yeah uh I am looking at a budget increase at the first pass of the budget at a million to uh 52 and an increase in the best day of uh Revenue at 500 and change so when you're looking at these increases what factors are you taking into consideration contractual increases uh so salary adjustments are contractual increases and uh the fact that uh the budget when we funded the budget last year with onetime yeah Revenue figures you can't make that up in the next year unless you rely on the same Revenue figures and when you in you know have a $400,000 increase to the salary budget of the police department because of the Retro for 3 years and we paid for that out of the overlay Surplus now the uh pigeons are coming home to roost so you're saying that last year's budget did not so everything that the the but the fiscal year 2025 salary for the police department was already under the contract right so that number should should be in there and then there should be a 4% increase to get to fiscal year 26 the when you're the way I was I'm doing the budget yeah I'm looking at what the original budget was for the Police Department salaries pre contract settlement pre contract settlement I got you okay yes because we paid for it for with money outside of the right the Retro was paid with outside but the current year increase should have been inside inside so I the Retro was around 400k right and so when you're saying you're looking at but when we're but when we finalized the budget at town meeting that was already included in there right or was it it should have been included it was a separate article that was a separate article for the Retro but the budget for 2025 it wasn't in there no okay the amount was increased yes but as far as using Revenue to pay for it we didn't for 20 for even for 25 for 25 even for 25 it was one package yeah I got so we we paid the back and the extra for 25 out of the overlay extra so this year we've got to cover the extra for 25 when I when I start the base covering everything yeah two years worth of increases when cover the base now yeah coming out of what we need yeah yeah so if the base increased another 2% plus 2% more this year it's yeah but that's the problem it was never in the base to begin with the Retro was not in the base no but a retro would be it is now though that's the problem what is it it is now it is now yeah oh I see what you're saying yeah so we we got not the amount we back paid but the actual increase over those years the fact that that's now the new that's now the new that's new yes yeah we're on the same page I was just thinking it was one year but it's not it was three yeah and uh we also uh I have no idea what's coming in from Old Colony but if you remember we used 132,000 uh and I hope they're not in using that as part of their base for this year I've got a meeting with the Mr palansky in two weeks so we'll start our discussions there I had a meeting with uh the schools the chair was at and we gave them the same news that anything above a standard is especially since they are in negotiations now with the teachers is uh not going to be able to be paid for out of this budget y let's see how that translates when they bring their numbers to us now this is all preliminary mhm cuz I told uh on the town side all the department heads to give me a budget that was as level funded as possible and give me uh only the increases that collective bargaining mandates that's basically what we ask every year mhm yeah no well I mean our departments are usually pretty good for the most part I mean I I would nobody really goes over 3 4% I mean it's just I'm not even looking at that yeah but uh I'd say close to half of the budgets are no change from last year uh 23s of the budgets uh total are just uh collective bargaining changes if any changes Public Works need anything uh Public Works which you know dealing with right now they're probably the uh most guess less scientific of the budget so far because we've got Cass increases we've got uh some other increases coming down uh we've got look at the sewer water and I'm talking about equipment wasse oh uh we haven't even got to Capital expenses yet and uh we'll still have to have a discussion uh uh with as far as the board of Selectmen on what they're going to do is cuz last year we didn't replace any police cruisers philosophically you shouldn't use free cash to do it but when you're in a jam you might have to what is free cash pardon 500,000 what's free cash how much is it's neither cash or free as the joke goes uh we're waiting for it to be certified we think it's north of a million okay and just so we're all on the same page because we get asked this question all the time about free cash like how did we get a million dollars free cash is there a breakdown we can give the residents uh well how much of that is like how much from the you know last year uh I would say a good chunk of it I can't quantify it yet but a good chunk of it is because we haven't been able to fill positions okay we don't have a town accountant we do not have an assistant accountant we do not have an assistant treasur collector we have vacancies in the DPW because people don't have Li the people have licenses are not applying it's and it's not just a cushion it it's very many cities and towns are facing the same issue you it's almost impossible to find a building inspector it's almost impossible to find a certified Treasurer it's almost impossible to find a certified account even if you're going to pay them inside 128 rates have we had any luck in the discussion last year of a couple of positions being shared with other towns uh we have a share Town planner and that seems to be working I it's tough to share Finance folks because the assistant treasury collector is also your benefits person your payroll person so uh you really need a someone fulltime for that you need at least one of the two accounting positions to be full-time if not both depending on what you're facing so how do we make it with neither accounting position filled but we should have both of them full-time smoking mirrors how many uh folks have seen me here at night I don't see you go home what didn't we have somebody that we were splitting with the free town no we hired someone and then they went to Lakeville and yeah that's it and we have them they we paid them a uh a rate consultant right to have us help us close the books and set the taxes keep things running why is it being so difficult to get they're not there I mean is it a pay issue is it a staffing is it mosted the time of year it's there are at any one time Finance positions that's both Treasury and accounting I would say you see 15 to 20 advertised in the MMA consistently different towns yep and of course they probably pay more than we do no not what's the requirements going un fulfilled what are we looking for um we're looking uh for someone who can do public sector accounting yeah and as you know it's very different from from private sector account it is but I think just in general it you know people pursuing accounting degrees are down it just is we need a recession to get people to come out of finance and into accounting that's what helps rebalance it Finance you know everybody want make a milon you make a ton of money but then when the when the economy slows down finance jobs also dry up and that's when people shift to accounting right cuz you always need audits you always need tax returns you always need consulting services for that we just had a recession the last four years not enough to make the pretty bad well maybe we'll uh see more people go into a county if the external Revenue Service is founded it's just down I mean we do recruiting in on campus and enrollment and accounting programs are down yeah just this and the other problem is uh you need one of the two positions needs to have some experience with munus which is the software that Financial software that's used by most towns and if the selectman will allow me I'm going to be putting forth an article to ask that the chart of accounts be updated because your chart of accounts is nowhere near uh normal and to get someone Plug and Play from somewhere who has the typical UMass chart of accounts and munus it's difficult when they come in here because the learning curve is somewhat steep with your chart of accounts because we just set it up differently and rather than fix it we just continue using and rather than combining funds or fixing funds you just keep adding funds adding accounts if you if you have if you have a thous set up you really only use 300 but to get through all of that in the software is a royal pain but didn't we do a big cleanup of that last year for the same reason you would said no not a cleanup of the chart of accounts the chart of accounts you go in and you rewrite how you classify everything but we did reduce the amount of accounts that we had overall I remember you closing and combining stuff last year yeah but that was for a lot of them was for the Articles I'm talking about uh you've got funds out there that shouldn't be exist that's I'm not as Adept at explaining it as uh someone uh who deals with the uh immunis uh and the chart of accounts and setting them up but it's it's like having multiple sets of books that you have to refer back to to keep the current one going I think the other possible factor in not being able to fill some of these uh Finance positions in municipal government is probably due to the fact that you know a lot of these kids that are in college in finance are smart and when they graduate they're probably looking at the fact that Massachusetts is now recognized as one of the most expensive states to live in the country number two and they're probably going to be like well I'm going to get more for my money uh moving out of the state and living somewhere else it's just a fact I mean because we have such big government in this state and cost of living is outrageous so that's that's PARTA of a problem as well and I I think that's a legitimate Factor Why work when you can make money off of Tik Tok it's it's crazy it is crazy uh the real issue here is you've got over a million dollar of potential expenses and increase and you've got over around half a million in increase in Revenue so we're going to be sharpening the pencil us here well we can't spend what we don't have y right I mean it's it's it's the same thing every year you know we we always have to be have a tight budget all the time the other thing that I just think I want to call out and um know you folks a lot of you folks know this but I think the general public and TV Land should know it you're looking at in our estimates the tax Lev including the new growth which you do not have a lot of new growth you have actually terrible amount of New Growth you've got about $200,000 in New Growth that's not typical of a town but the tax levy increases about 3 to 3 and a 12% the revenue you get that so you've got an increase there you've got an increase conservative of about 2% to figures being determined by me my estimates conservatively in local receipts where you're getting screwed is by state aid mhm state aid if you're lucky is 1 and a half% increase year after year after year some years it was down to half a percent so that doesn't keep up with the philosophy of 2 and a half% so so what about the mass millionaires tax that's been in effect for a couple of years when do we see transportation and education we did see it some of the road couple years ago and and but but it's it and most of that type of Revenue goes out from the state not in uh funds that the towns have discretion on using it goes out in Grants and grants are fairly restricted it's not like they're going to Triple chapter 98 which you can use on your local roads mhm it might come out in Culvert and Bridge money it might come out but as far as the school money goes uh I'm sure Kristen can answer it but it's after Chapter 70 which uh you guys got a very uh short amount of Chapter 70 Chapter 70 came out uh from my estimate yeah it's act actually was just under 85,000 increase yeah my estimate was 24,500 above where the governor came in so you've got to hope the legislature increases that amount which they'll probably do but it won't be that much and I I don't believe the school's education saw any of the millionaires tax yet it that all came through roads correct I think that's what what's come through so far but it's also going to be from what I understand a number of it I good percentage of the Millionaire's tax for education is going going to be earmarked for certain populations in other words don't expect anything is that what not you don't have uh uh you don't check a lot of the boxes so there was a significant bump right we've got the $700,000 bump that happened in 24 so that's an anomaly but okay that's where I guess I'm I'm going there right like prior to 24 I don't think I ever remember that that kind of increase right so maybe it was always the minimum it was always always the minimum MH all right so that's consistent with what I remember like I don't remember that so we should not be expecting the powers that be in Boston to all of a sudden say hey inflation all of that we got to do another they're not going to fail you out yeah they got 2.1 billion they got to bail themselves out with right now yep the admittedly my estimates are conservative as far as the revenue and uh especially the local receipts to all also answer your question of a while ago part of the fact that I've got conservative estimates and local receipts perform better than my estimates that's part of your free cash and you're not going to see the spike you saw when we changed how we handled our invest our cash and our investments because we went from you people are averaging between 20 and 35,000 a year where uh when we had the Opera money that we threw into an account as well as the town's money we went up to about 500,000 in uh investment re uh receipts or Revenue in increase interest in effect now we're averaging about 200,000 so if I'm I'm reading this correctly we're looking at Motor Vehicles right fiscal year 22 we had 1.2 million fiscal year 23 1.35 are those actuals they're awfully round uh those are the uh the they're not actuals but they're very close Okay because uh your your excise motor vehicle excise isn't going to be a swing that much because when people buy new cars that's the top price of the excise tax and then every year it goes down it goes down well no because the fiscal estimate was 135 that's what you based your budget on back then before I got here but then it got but then the actual for 24 was a million 740 yep so but when you when you look at 80% which is what I'm looking at as far as doing my estimates you look at 80% of a million 7 a million4 and you got to remember that 100,000 below it is also from excise tax and that has been reserved for Road repair and Mr Kelly you're conservative estimates on local receipts does that also Encompass the re-evaluation we got on our properties this year no I'm not looking at the tax levy okay the tax levy is an other than your new growth it's total arithmetic uh you know 2 and 12% it's your tax rate and how much you the income that comes in the tax rate fluctuates as well as your value but when I did look at determining what the revenue is going to be I'm Bound by the 25% there uh just so this committee knows we will see an increase in the veterans budget saw that and part of that is be and in the money we get back from the state but that is an estimate the new veterans agent and I sat down and his estimate because he actually uh has increased participation Etc MH but there won't be many other departments said have an increase like that what grants has the plan the the town planner that we're sharing they apply for any grants is there anything in process she's got communities there have been a number of grants that have come in uh the whole master plan pretty much is being other than a short amount of money from a CPC I think $25,000 maybe everything else is grants that have come come in from the state 100,000 for one Grant 75,000 for another 25,000 for an earmark for slum street that uh to do the handicap grants is part of that uh construction project so yeah grants are coming in and uh you folks would be probably more all before she came in the I think the question was is is she bringing any grants in on top of what is already been talked about like this slm street and a lot of stuff that was before she came on board no the $25,000 Your Mark was when she first came on board she uh she's been I saw a meeting recently they were talking about community streets or something yeah but there you have to remember we had to fill out all the paperwork do everything we had to do is what she was doing to make sure we got those grants for like the master plan and everything else it isn't like you apply for it they give it to you and and then it shows up in your bank account you jump through more hopes with the state than uh can be and and we're applying for Grants all the time uh we're also trying to get the transportation bond issue money that you were promised in 2014 to for the slokum street project I was on the phone with the new State rep's office today I thought that was all squared away money was you're dealing with the state it's got to be released by about 18 different people I was only but okay you never until you get it in your you spend it because you're not allowed to put it in your bank account you spend it they give it to you but you've had a a transportation bond issue that started in 2014 was reup I would say 200 maybe 20 21 and we're still talking with Department of Transportation to have them release it they thought slm was paid for with the arer funds and stuff we put the money aside for that that's all of the oper funds right go to it $600,000 of infrastructure from the infrastructure stabilization yep 600,000 from water reserve and then you have you bought you had an authorization to borrow 1.8 million yep that's what we want to safeguard so we can contract to do it but we don't want to borrow it we want the transportation Bond money that the state has been promising you for 10 years okay welcome to my world there are a number of grants that are always applied for it's just a question of uh keeping Grant administration of what we've got as well as applying for new grants Mr Kelly When the uh departments come in to present their budgets to us um Kristen had emailed me today asking me this could is there any way we can get their budget ahead of time like prior to them coming in so we we can actually like review it before uh the Selectmen will are beginning to schedule the budget reviews I'm sure as soon is they finished with what's going on I I've been meeting with the department since November but as you can see they've come in with the budgets that give me a million to uh of increased spending and I've got 500,000 round figures of increased Revenue so now the board of Selectmen will have to cut to get us within that area of the revenue increase cuz I don't have any more rabbits to pull out of memory serves me last year's budgets were pretty lean to begin with so there's not a lot of cutting so it's going broke uh you're you could be looking at layoffs we're already short people yeah but you could be looking at well or cutting unfilled positions which yeah I would think that that would be the first losing position I don't like to do because most of your unfilled positions or positions you need you know it's we just talked about the finance department yeah or truck drivers at the DPW but to get people with CDLs right now is almost impossible you're retired as far as like uh scheduling timeline I I've got to talk to the uh Board of Select and to see how they want to schedule it and to see if they actually want departments that there are no changes from last year and I mean no changes salary or expenses do they even want to have them come in mhm well I'm sure there's going to be some that are probably going to be like that I would imagine I'd say about half so I don't know if or you want to just do that as a batch if there are no changes from last year I would just do M my opinion yeah yeah I mean that would make sense to do that but as I said we are just starting the process all right so so I guess we'll wait then uh I I mean and I'm not going to say dates on yet well as as you know uh the uh joint expenses are 250 to 300,000 increase but we won't get those prices until March end of March probably the health insurance increase the uh Insurance increases I estimated the pension increase but that has to be verified Pion increase is about 110,000 what were we waiting for last year there was like this mad thing at the end towards the end of the budget hearings we were waiting to hear from is up the state okay windown meeting uh sorry originally we looked at May 19th uh now it's looking like more June 2nd part of the issue uh and we've been meeting with uh Patrick McIntyre from the school Les Sten the moderator Pam leonti the town Clark because the school is I would say extremely likely coming forward with the dead exclusion for the air HVAC air whatever you project and uh April 22nd is the election and you have to have a town meeting to also deal with the debt exclusion 60 days either side of the election so we're looking at when the election is and then building out how we deal with the budget and how where we have town meeting based on that and then there would also be I believe two public hearings regarding that debt exclusion um as well well I know this the school wants to have a joint meeting uh with the finance committee the board of Selectmen and the school committee on the debt exclusion uh I've blocked out a month but the board is the board of Selectmen uh I think would want to set the town meeting date before you folks start doing your joint meetings slash hearings on this I've I had a tenative timeline for May 19th but that was blown out of the water today and uh so if sorry if the if the town meeting has to be 60 days before after the election and it's the 22nd June 2nd does doesn't work either if it's 60 days before or after or is it 30 days before or after no it has to be within the 60-day window oh it has to be within not it has to be after gotcha so yeah so the town meeting is June 2nd then we have to have everything done by sometime in May right mid May the yeah I um forward a timeline based on the two we change now because originally it was May 19th the timeline we prepared with all the advertising dates etc for the warrant Council review Etc so we've bought two weeks but one of those weeks is the holiday so you know that's an issue so so we could theoretically start probably start our hearings in March uh I think you're going to have to do it sooner I think it's going to have to be February on a the end of January yeah the end of February at least for the The Joint meeting of the school uh fincom and board of selectman on this dead explosion well you're going to have to communicate with me and give me a heads up as far as when you know oh I I'll be able Monday I'll be able to forward uh on revised timeline okay all right so then I think they S I think they sent the old one to you today but then I didn't get anything today all right and we can't really do anything until the board of Selectmen sit down and start we can't vote on it but we discuss it right yeah I mean there there some technology increases because of license increases everybody coming PR much service level but there most of the Town budgets are Level we just have the big school issues when is a school vacation week in February the third what yeah the Third yeah we were yeah we were dancing around not only the school vacation week in February but also the school vacation week in April in [Music] April so we should start the week before school vacation week yeah which would be the week of the 10th February the week of February 10th so the 12th February 12th I think could potentially be our first hearing first budget hearing y That's our normal second Wednesday anyway fits right in and so do you want to batch all of the unchanged yeah and just just bang those out right go through them but at the same time nothing's off the table as far as Cuts well if we're going to cut something after we've already looked at it and said it's good to go then we're not going to have an issue with it moving forward we may not like it but it's not going to cause a fin be issue it's the additions so yeah I mean when you're looking at it you've got $253,000 just in the pension insurances MH and then you got collective bargaining costs and the real problem is you've got no income you've got $200,000 in New Growth yeah well that's always the lingering problem that we have every year in this town and you know we're going to have to I think the the new growth was probably so lousy because the economy has been so lousy the past couple years yeah I mean I I agree you know you can hope for the best among other things yeah we'll see how long it takes for you you pass the meals tax and the first quarter uh revenue from the meals tax was just a little bit over $6,000 yeah and they estimated it100 yep but part of it is when you talk to you no but you talk to folks that are in the restaurant business they're seeing uh anywhere from 25 to 50% decrease in again that comes back to the economy the economy people don't have the extra Expendable income right I mean because they're spending it on an increase of 22% extra in gas I mean I got the the notice from ever Source an extra 35% in electri electricity from ever Source I mean it's just outrageous I mean when are our public officials going to do something about the utilities in this state I mean it's just ridiculous we got two new state reps I hope they're going to do their freaking job and say something to these people at the State House I going to say something else but maybe we get Steve to come here and talk to us well yeah I both of them here well cost more to deliver electricity then the electricity costs yeah it's just it's a freaking joke right they're more concerned about putting up wind turbines that are killing the whales and all this other nonsense then trying to use the resources we have that are known Commodities that people rely on it's just it's just outrageous we're in a new era now yeah exactly get back to normaly it's take so this board knows R Sylvia has been in his staff has been in and he is dealing with the Department of Transportation now he's gotten all our information for the past to try to get us that Transportation bond issue he's also uh come in and sat with staff and uh asked in effect what do you need to do your job so he he has been here on site doing his job how about the Mass Department of Public Utilities somebody's going to get to them somebody needs to get to them because they're the ones that set the rates and then the governor signs off on it and they're not doing anything about it on another note uh as I mentioned briefly uh before the meeting we will be coming in on approximately a $10,000 request if the selectman approve it for uh to replace a heating unit down at the COA yeah that's brand new unit I'm just it's under is there a warranty we are that's why I'm I'm on the question that thing was just put in well there less than two years ago there's three units down there I believe I'm under the under the impression that all of them were replaced well one of them we have a problem with and then we also at some point we're also going to have to deal with the roof a different section from the think that I would say probably was a problem four or five years if not longer and and it's not where it's not where the uh flashing was needed it's in the middle of the flat roof that looks like back there there's a hole there I don't know who I thought what happened to the money that we got a grant for to pay for the roof that paid for the gutters and that other part of the roof this is just repairs but things are starting to happen and I'm wondering about the workmanship maybe 7 8 years ago oh that I don't know but that those those Heating units were replaced we'll we'll bring the paperwork in there are things that aren't working not with things maybe they were bought uh from one of the companies that left the United States to manufacture elsewhere anyway all right folks the other thing I want to discuss tonight was liaison assignments and um perhaps uh rotating uh the finance chair position going forward yeah no thank you I don't think there's really much interest that's going to die on the floor all in favor all oppos this uh this sounds like the French Foreign Legion who's going to back s that in there yeah you just kind of just just swwa it there all right you can swap it between the vice chair in the chair we're going to give it some thought okay we're going to give it some thought I thought about it I personally think it's operating very nice don't fix it yeah exactly if it ain't broke like a federal government I our our current situation is great are are you talking about similar to the select board are you just talking about just like one meeting just to get everybody familiar with the flow of a meeting from in the chair's position what what do you like a new like a year like a new year i' I've done the town meeting does that count I mean I'll do that you you talk like take over for a year and rotate every year like the chair or 6 months the chair yeah you can probably yeah what like like FL slifman similar possibly yeah I don't like that I don't like this idea doesn't like that I know secret ballot secret ballot you know you know I just I you know I heard I go off too much you know well then you certainly don't want me or Eric all right so let's just at least let's figure out what Lea is on position we're going to stick with right I'd like to keep Old Quality okay if that's all right soon I school still doing taking care of the school um Kristen did you have were you Library you a library ER Eric did you have I was the DPW but if somebody wants I I do fire rescue whatever everybody wants I don't know if we had a leaz for fire rescue I was but really didn't yeah DPW I I put my name out there to Dan a couple of times but I've never really when we had a board you want to be like liaison to Police Department that's fine sure I think that'd be a good fit for you right be happy do yeah that makes sense maybe um Fire EMS sure Eric and stick with DPW yeah okay you got a l Cathy do got it do we uh you going to send a notices different departments as who the Aon is so that and a contact information Kathy you want to do that take care of that thank you do we have somebody that's going to replace for the golf Lund that's a good that's a good question yes um new member we don't have a a golf committee Le leis on I thought they had another member we don't have another member we we do did did somebody somebody get SW in recently no I don't know about swor in someone was appointed last night somebody got but there was somebody else like 68 months ago that never showed up right right there was so there was two openings correct on the finance committee one was technically one one but that person hasn't been present right so we're still but there was a new person last at the selectman's meeting correct so we're short one still and then there were also people appointed to the go when you about the golf committee to the golf committee so I think they're they're full right now I I think the golf committee's full and the uh facility golf facilities committee is full so the golf doesn't they're all set down golf facilities is new I think for the building right yes so yes so the golf the the the official golf committee the the management committee the management committee is full and then a new committee was created to look into the facilities I think they have it's a shortterm charge so we don't know who the person was that was appointed yesterday CU presumably we get to make sure Cathy's get their email contact info so that way they get the communications regarding meetings it was on the agenda I can't remember what their name was but their name was on the SEL I believe it was Mr Adams I I yes it was it was on the selectman's agenda on for well no you better be careful in this state it's probably John but so how does it work with the the golf committee and the finance committee isn't one of the positions aren't they Bob ferrera's former position that either came from the golf committee or he was on the golf committe on the Comm the finance committee so there was something that was interrelated but I I don't he was he was Finance Committee Member but he was the liaison from the finance committee to the golf committee and I'm not sure was also like a regular yeah but I'm not sure if that's proper they'd have to check with coun that that I don't know but I know that that how it it worked at that point but I mean nobody questioned but there was a question don't ask right I mean I just don't know I mean Eric did did you ever do anything with the DPW last year as a liaison did they ever need you for anything uh like I said I I've reached out to talk to Dan um he's not reached out to me and like like I said when we had a board uh you know Public Works board you know I reached out to them too many years ago and I went to one of their meetings and they never pursued anything with me I've never gotten a call or a text or an email so maybe I I don't know where you're going with this but well I don't know I'm not saying take on another one but but I'm just maybe maybe there's more of a need for liaison on the golf committee versus the DPW um um because there's more activity on the golf course uh for the time being if you want I'll do both I don't because I don't really have anything going on but um when a new member comes in so maybe Kathy what we'll do is put uh Eric mclin as DPW golf committee okay um because you're Pro there's probably not going to be a lot of activity going on with DPW yeah um but you proably there'll probably be more involvement with golf yeah let ball committee has always been a pretty time consuming assignment from from the finance committee so probably be a little more active with the uh the golf committees than it's going to be very busy over the next two years yeah because I mean there's going to be a lot of happenings with that too because as that once that note gets paid off and they have this new committee formed as far as far as you know they're going to have a they're going to put up a new structure to get some kind of a clubhouse going over there I think it's going to be important to have a finance Committee Member uh repres you know as a liaison over there um I think it was a perfect fit for that that decision do golf I do not even better even better it really is even better unas I don't know when this meeting turn so quickly listen if I remember correctly you did say I'll do whatever you guys need yeah you turn you turned down the finance chair position so you can't get out can't get out of everything right M should show up the new um I just looked it up the new member's name is Phillips Adams according to the slug's agenda okay so I'll have to I have to get his contact information somehow so I can you're watching yeah so our next uh well actually next on the agenda does anybody have any old business to discuss uh any new business all right so we already covered the next meeting date uh which is going to be February 12th uh do you want one before that to set the timelines and everything up and have us report back about the timeline because uh do we need a meeting to set a timeline like if you want the 29th I'm just saying to take care of all of the housekeeping a quick meeting because we should have the timelines set and we should know the dates from Council and everything cuz also remember with the debt exclusion uh you going to have the language that has to go through school council Town Council Bond Council and then you guys have to have your hearings on it right so on February 5th so you know I think discussing a timeline maybe two weeks in a week or two is really important for everybody to be on the same page CU it's almost like you've got to coordinate the agendas of the school committee the fincom and the board of Colman to get off all of this the legalities taken care of so so then on the 12th we're going to more than likely go through a lot of the easy no change budgets right okay okay yep good so we want to set up for the 12th February 5th 5th yes so to establish like a a timeline cuz when we were looking at it there going to be a lot of hands in this pot stirring it as we go forward to do the dead explosion and Pete we're not expecting that night either so okay I just want few complex issues that you just dropped you just dropped the hint all right I think we uh I think we covered everything hey wake up motion to ajour Second all in favor areour good night [Music]