##VIDEO ID:GCXyc3Hu-Mg## time periods that um as requested in the documents um contractor uh shall be within 5 weeks of commencement work can commence in the spring anytime after 31 March and or be complete by 27 June or the second option is a fall option which is to begin anytime after 18 August but must be substantially completed by 15 November 2025 with final completion to occur by 29 November 2025 so uh this was discussed at the last golf committee meeting on the 5th of December uh discussion uh centered around uh cost initially and secondly again uh around timing and the golf committee decided that timing would be best in fall of 2025 and they looked specifically at holes 6 7 and 10 with the third or the alternate add-on being left off or not considered at this time in the scope of the work that they'd like to uh like to address in the fall um their discussion also centered on putting uh a request uh for funding into an an article to be presented at the Springtown meeting uh we currently have one article um through the golf uh Golf Course Enterprise fund that residual value I think is in the neighborhood of $101,000 Mr Chim Mr gas so when we discuss these um I guess we'll call them bunker Replacements M from the conrete and different Alternatives and things of like we were talking back then with you think it was somewhere in the real of $25 $30,000 a hole a bunker well bunker basically yeah right and if I just did the math correct which I believe I did it's pretty simple 137 divided by 3 comes out to $45,600 from that well the seventh hole has one bunker the 10th hole has two and the sixth hole has one but I was giving you the estimate that I had I don't I really am not going to be able to give you an estimate based on uh prevailing wage um as we discussed I mean a good portion of this this uh uh proposed bid is appro is approximately I think Dave Flynn figured out maybe $95 00,000 in material costs plus moving materials my I gave you my best estimate um I'm not going to stand here and and say that I understand prevailing wage and what the prevailing wage cost is and whether you need a two axle driver at approximately 7 $8 an hour as opposed to a three or four axle driver or um what their labor charges is or what have you so um again so then we'll we'll we'll we'll get over what your expertise isn't and then we'll just talk about the number that you brought up what's remaining in that article cuz I know what's remaining in that article as well and you're right it's roughly 101,000 I think so yeah $576 mhm so with that said how do you spend 137 with 101 left well the intent wasn't to spend it in the article the the intent my my recommendation when I talk to the golf committee is it said you have two ways to go you could spend what's in the existing article and request additional funding where you could they were going to put an article in the town meeting that we didn't have in the fall so um or we did have but our article didn't go in because I think free cash wasn't certified or something that was the way it was explained to me I don't know in that for that particular article so it didn't get included they were looking at a $250,000 article so they said in the spring they would do that and probably request you know outline the $137,000 for the project and then for one or two additional items that they will be considering when they have discussion at their next meeting in January so that was I mean I looked at it that way and said okay well if we got that money in the article that we have existing then you you know depending on what else you might want to do whether it be car path work or so on um then you'd have to request additional funding uh to complete um the project as well as do additional projects that you might want to undertake so going back to the remaining balance that's left in that article $11,000 if they want to do the work in the fall and have it completed by a certain date I would think it's probably before we get open or roughly thereabouts when we open we're not going to go to the Springtown meeting until at best late may maybe early June so you won't have funding appropriated until that's available until somewhere July 1st so again how long they going to wait for money to be well if you're going to the the idea was to do undertake the project in the fall of 2025 not do it in the spring so they wouldn't be they wouldn't be looking to get um I believe the the spring dates were let me find it here I think you said March 31st was the Yeah March 31st and on to be complete on it before the 27th of June when we put the bid out we asked them to specifically give uh quotes on two time periods and that and the quoted price will be carried through whether you do it in the spring or whether you do it in the fall they you know after discussion you know I you the golf Comm thought that it would be best to you know given the types of weather we've had in the past couple years later in the fall it would be best to get through the season especially um more busy portion of the Season without any significant disruption and undertake it in the fall so as far as um money is being expended you really would be expending any until the uh you know until the initiation of the project which would be in August at some point Le that's my understanding I don't know if there's a permanent rush to get this done and through today I don't know well Ian just is work on the golf course in general you have um spec specific areas or portions of the cough course that are that are starting to exist but where and you really you know bunkers usually get repaired every 15 to 20 years replaced redesigned or so so have you so I put look they came to me asked me which would be the predominant ones I gave them a list out of that list these particular holes were chosen and I you know my point to them was you're going to have to do this work at some point and you know you can either tackle it in one or two ways you can do two or three holes a year you you can try to do six holes in one year six holes the next six holes after that so on depending on how you want to divide it up and I told it's golf work Golf Course work is expensive especially when you have to quote it prevailing wage and then the need to do that work is going to go away and the prices I don't feel are going to get any significantly lower in the future so if they decide to do the work this is the way we go if they don't want to do the work that's up to you just saying the the lifespan is usually 15 to 20 years yes so feels like a lot today right but if you're looking at it spread over 20 years depends on how many olds we have to catch up on it haven't been maintained know what he is well that's much haven't been maintain they just they wear out people I mean you you can look at them you know you could put barb wire up there and people are still going to walk up the face well if they step on the edge of the face it breaks the face down then the water when it rains it washes it down you say there's nothing I don't want to say worse but it it's when you when you see shoddy bunkers it's kind of a I be know I you know I I would ad admit if if asked what our most Troublesome feature is it's it's bunkers and those are the one things if if somebody came to me and asked me what detracted from you know your you know the golf course the most I would say the condition of some of the bunkers yeah Mr Kelly I'm a little confused if we're have an article for an existing an existing article for approximately 101,000 and we're asking for an article in the spring for 250,000 well that was the number that they originally thought of in the fall I don't know if that's what they're going to but ask in the future so if you're going to do it in the fall and the Springtown meeting has an article for 250,000 does that mean that you're not going to use 101,000 for any other project it's totally committed to these bunkers well that's um the answer your question uh I don't know that's not my decision if it was my decision it would have been spent already but uh because Now's the Time to get some work done but that's up to the committee what they decide they want to approve for uh future work and what they want to bring in front of you folks to get approved before we spend the money so I don't want to sound um dodging but I don't know the answer to that question uh Mr tibles just for my reference is there a expiration date on these values on this IRS P um as far as I know that expiration date would be the end of end of the fiscal not I shouldn't say fiscal because the calendar 2025 since you've got that this price will carry through November if you decide to do the if we decide do the project if not then I would suggest that if you were to consider it later on or in in 2026 that you'd have to initiate the entire bid process over again yeah I was more concerned with you know does it expire January 30th of 2025 so so you know to alleviate any of the questions and concerns um my colleagues might have at least they could sit we could sit down with you know the chair of the golf committee yeah um to see what their possible article is going to be I mean roughly $36,000 would have to come from a future article to do this and ultimately it's going to come down to town meeting approval regardless yes so what I would suggest is if Mr Kelly if you can get in touch with the golf committee and set up a a meeting here and we can start looking at proposed article that they're planning um just to make sure we can answer any questions anybody might have Mr and I'm just thinking out loud here if we decide to go forward with a facility could we look at this you know as part of that upgrade and fold that all into one Bond so we're truly spreading the payment out over the course of 30 years I don't know again I don't know the finance I'm just trying to think out loud rather than like exhaust I would think when you were getting to the point of coming up with that financing expense scenario depending on what the number was for the primary purpose of the expense which would have been the facility then you could see whether or not you would be comfortable taking that additional funding or requesting that additional funding at the same time and floating it over I don't know right just there's a lot of there's a lot of moving pots we're talking about multiple moving pots however there's a significant amount of money in the golf course Reserve fund okay in the excess of 1.6 million right now we haven't got anything certified from the previous year close out but it looks like that's going to return somewhere around 3 to 400 so call it two okay let's just stick with the 1.6 yeah I don't have a problem we all I don't think any of us have a problem we need to keep up with maintenance and things that the like but I don't think that we want to be burning out 200 and a quarter of a million dollars every year on maintenance maintenance maintenance and you're going to burn that money right up right so it's kind of something that you want to look at and say okay so I've seen a couple of holes I think I was out there with you one of them I don't know what hole it is and that bunker is like erosions happening and all that stuff so I know what it looks like and I know it needs to be fixed but we said depending on the cost we could do a couple holes a year whatever it may be we we have the money to pay for it we should just pay for it right because financing in my opinion it's just a losing proposition right you're paying more for something now you're already paying too much far in my opinion so why spend more on finance and something I don't know what that borrowing for a clubhouse whatever we're going to get into that conversation I I think tonight of what's the expectations of a clubhouse the cost and everything else is going to go along with it and the formation of a committee if that's what's going to happen um I don't think you take something like that and roll it into long-term debt um I don't think something that lasts I don't know what the financing is so if it's only a three-year Finance plan that might work but if you're talking five or 10 years on longevity of your replacement is 15 years and you're born in something which we shouldn't be born in anymore for 20 years or 15 years that would just be ludicrous um and I wouldn't advise it at all my thought process is similar to yours with regard to financing although if you were ever going to roll something in to a financing program it would be my opinion is it would be something significantly larger like to replacement of the irrigation system which is probably going to need to take place within the next 5 to six years that's a significantly larger nut than like you know but again that the longevity of our irrigation systems already lasted better than 25 years roughly 25 years and I know that that PGA guy that was in here talking to us said it's probably something that you want to keep your eyes on over the next three to five I made a note in here right so probably 3 to 5 years but maybe we we address portions of it earlier and do whatever we need to do so all that big cost ain't reoccurring we don't have to be bonding and borrowing this this idea of debt is just killing me right it's it's always we've always been a community where we want to pay off the bond for the golf course we the board of Selectmen extended that debt by about 7 years somewhere around 14 or 15 because golf was kind of going down the tubes and we said well the only realistic answer that we have to get it from 550 principal and interest we brought it down to roughly 340 350 right we knocked a couple hundred grand by extending that out seven years to save the golf course and never put that on the taxpayers back right we always got to keep that in mind that if something bad would have happen and things would have take a big downturn like we seen back then we don't want it ever falling on our taxpayers back that was that was what we all did the golf committee management the board of Selectmen we've always made sure that didn't happen we've always talked about buying the town fire engines and police cars and ambulances when the bonds paid off when the bonds paid off so I'm kind of not too keen on an idea of Let's Go Crazy borrowing again so that never happens right we want to give back to the community I think that should be everybody's goal is to try to finish that off and give something back we can easily do a clubhouse as I talked about before depending on the cost of whatever ideas come out of all of us when we talk about a clubhouse but you know we we need to spend money repairing the golf course and 46,000 bucks a bunker oh is four so it's a little bit less it it it's a significant amount of money I don't know if there's any other way we can be doing this without having these you know people coming in these prevailing wage people coming in I know we've done some things in the past without it but it a lot you've done individ you know a a single Bunger in the past and we had a had the shaper come in do do the shaping and then I you know we were responsible for the finish work soting and what have you I will point out that on especially on a tth host not simply a bunker the the approach in the Fairway is going to be taken up into and around to the left side of the green um and it also addresses you know irrigation work that might have to be moved or changed depending on where its location is so that cost as you were mentioning you know doing the math four instead of three there's some other things that are added so a little bit of reconstruction going on just bu work right some some different grading some some other construction as opposed to just shaping the bunker the other thing you want to do with it you know and I because I've been asked this before and and I've admitted you know um I've said you know I said I can sit on a escavator and I can dig a hole pretty good but as far as doing any shaping or anything like that and being responsible for the proper angle so when a piece of Machinery goes around there it does a slip slide or roll um I can't do that um I'm not a you know I said I can d i can d a straight hole to put an irrigation line in but I'm not a you know I I can't shap a bunker put in an approach or something like that just trying to watch the burn rate of a surplus money right and we I talked about that before our burn rates roughly $189,000 a year out out money right that's a significant burn rate but we have to continue to reinvest in our product right to make it better and better right other than that we won't survive so I don't know is the magic number three or four holes a year you said it's good for 15 I mean there's 18 holes you do three a year and six years you're all done with the whole Golf Course right and you got 10 years where you ain't playing around with these things anymore right um I don't know what that equation looks like it depends on what the costs go up right but I mean some you and some of the holes really don't need I mean there are some of the holes like you use the 13th as an example we don't have to do any shaping on the 13th hole all we need to do is what we're going to be trying to doing this spring depending on how things thought out is cut a new Edge on it remove the existing sand and put new sand in because the existing Sand's been been contaminated when you know those types of situations we can do it's not a big deal um but when you get into you know like the bunker on the tenth hole the fa the face is completely worn out and to be able to cut in and put the approach in there and then move the bunker down no that's a little bit outside of our right um purview but you know flat bunkers bunkers you know we've been doing it for the past two or three years anyway edging them and adding new sand and we'll be getting into that depending on what the weather's like in the end of January beginning February so these holes are the more complex yeah the work the work on those is more detailed than than what was within our purview just for reference how many bunkers do you think you have on there that can be done in house like you just mentioned uh let me see and how many bunkers do you actually have um off top of my head I believe I can count them up real quick but I believe there's about 59 total um give or take one or two that have been filled in and removed since the last time I did that I would say probably of those was probably uh depending on how I mean the the committee wants to go forward um because they had requested at some point filling in some of them which is something we can do that's not a difficult task just re reshaping the mounding and filling it in I say there's probably off top of my head at least uh a dozen to 15 that we could probably do ourselves that don't have that they're basically um repairing the uh you know um the edging and replacing the soil and then probably going in in some instances and having to replace the drainage sure right Mr Gasper do you want to look at is there fun stuff with Mr Kelly and the GOL I think they I mean we only 101 right so I hate approving stuff when you don't have the cash on hand right um that's usually an issue right and it and it's always subject to town meeting vote and approval and if something would happen I don't want to be do if we if we approve Steve I mean you can't be signing this thing because once we sign it we're obligated to give it to this guy and then we're Bound by it right so I mean I don't know what you know what you how you balance that out I mean I don't have a problem I I me you got threee holes need to be done and it's a lot of reshaping on one hole and one green or whatever it is so it's a little bit more extensive work and I don't expect you know Steve and his maintenance crew to be out there doing all of that stuff but if it's stuff that he says kind of out outside the scope of his expertise you got to take a man at his word right the problem is the funding sources just aren't here um and we don't know what the future lies and you know golf committee saying we just now we want that you know we've been going through through a lot of article money and hey let's get a quarter of a million bucks you pretty soon you reserve your 2 million bucks is going to be down to a million bucks just like that and that's not really what we should be doing when we're talking about trying to build a clubhouse and put down a big payment on a clubhouse so you're not Finance it for more than three to five years I would say Max yeah I I I you know as far as as financing or or dollar and sense terms go I mean I would look at I think what we need to do at some point is is consider our annual profit at you know what it might be at any particular time and determine a percentage of that that should always go to whatever you want to call rainy day contingency fund and the other percentage of it that you could spend on some of these projects so like you said you're not financing but you're still putting money away you know it's like your regular home budget I mean you know at times I have to spend my whole paycheck on bills but at other times I take a portion of it and I put it away so correct we can spend it on something else later on down the road you'd have to we'd have to which it's not hard to do but I I agree with your philosophy is if you just like arbitrarily speaking because it's a seesaw right depending on the sport let just call it 300 Grand which is being very optimistic cuz it's not always 300 Grand right um we've been lucky with rounds of golf and how many we've been putting out but say it's 300 Grand and you like you said take 150 50% of it put it in your Reserve but then make a plan a business model saying we're going to use 150 of that to reinvest in the golf course so it ain't these constant hits out of your piggy bank right I mean this it's so easy to figure this out and make it work in a financial model it's not that difficult to do as long as you put the right Minds at it and and think about these things we could be very successful with that golf course and the and the return on our investment if and when we actually do get a clubhouse A real one like I've been talking about for over a decade now your profit margin every year is going through the roof right you're guaranteed to make more profits if you have a real facility where you're actually selling you have a little buy area a little little Lounge area whatever you want to call it food and beverage real food and beverage um sources right I mean we did basic math years ago Dana was standing up there and I told them if you got it to 10 bucks a around You' be generating another $200,000 a year just in your food and beverage line item and that was well over a decade ago right oh yeah I used to uh before I grew grass I was a food and beverage manager at a private club so I know how much money can be made you know right and think about that though right I mean it's just it's just profit that you never had but now you have it and then you're just taking that and you're reinvesting a portion of it right and then you keep a a nice kitty off to the side in case you have a bad couple of years like we did back in the 145 era we have to go out and extend that bond out to help save the golf course so I mean I'm fine I mean we we don't have much of a choice we need to do some bunker replacement I just don't know how we do it without having you know a finance option there I don't know do you have in your budget a line item that could carry the remainder of that if we blew the 101 little left over of that that article right it's the last article that's open yes golf the last one you did that do you have 36,000 bucks so um budget I well I could find it um you know and again I'm not going to stand up here today and commit to you because I don't know how the weather is going to be for the uh in March and how early we're going to open but I just did my my payroll estimate for Jan actually December 15th through uh June 30th and I'll you know because I didn't bring in a second assistant or which was included in that budget I'll probably be sitting on about $30,000 in excess in payroll budget given the calculations given the WEA working the people the same hours they work right right right and and so you could manage it because a few thousand bucks off to manage I think and I don't see now I mean we spent a portion of the $37,000 in the capital um line item I don't have my laptop or I could tell you exactly how much is left but I don't see um any significant expense that would draw that that down any lower than leaving approximately $10,000 in there so I mean yes I mean can I commit to it and tell you exactly right now that there was there no but I would estimate that that difference could be made up oh do you just so you just you you struck a nerve and maybe start thinking about your budget and I wouldn't advise doing it too early in the season but we carry 100,000 in a reserve there as well for emergency and unfor unforeseen things right cost right so that 100 Grand that we carry we don't normally spend out of the golf committee is not authorized to spend it nobody except this board is authorized to spend it so we could do something with that and say if we need to pull 10 grand from that 100 we could say we could pull 10 from that reserve and make it 90 if we close out the year we don't have to dip into it for anything else we could carry that at the end of the fiscal year come June 1st or whatever we could say we're going to pull 10 to make that hole and award that contract right to get to make sure that we have this person in here in the fall so there's ways we could do that without stripping too much from that Reserve I mean that's that's something that we don't want to make habit of doing no it's there for emergencies God forbid if Prime Time season you had the irrigation system or a pump system blew up that's what that money's really there to cover right we can't get to a town meeting in time so I mean it's just another way to skin the cat if we need to get this project be behind us it's a way to do it so I mean whatever I mean it seems like we're going to get it get it done I mean just I don't I don't think that I'll be willing to do a fourth hole it's the alternate one that's for damn sure you got to be cautious of how much we spending um but and be disciplined but I don't I I'd be I'd be okay with the base and I mean it's full bunkers than as is and be all right with that would this be better Mr Kelly to sit down and see what Steve's budget would allow so we can put this together I I just don't want to do a blanket motion right now this is pending this well I I think because you know again there's other aspects of the budget that are basically online and you know within within the spending realm it just all depends on what Mother Nature decides to do in correct April May and June yeah I mean if it comes out I mean if it gets wet in March and April then it starts to get hot and everything's soggy and you might have to tap into a little bit more of that pesticide budget than you originally planned that fici side budget so I think there there will be you know there will be you know um funding there I just don't know how much I mean I can estimate but I don't know how much actuality so in some years and I've been doing it for a while watching Golf and Enterprise funds and some years some of the so-called what we would call profit wasn't really profit it was returned back because you've never got to your budget right so your budget's roughly $1.7 million and you've kicked back anywhere some years only $50,000 some years in excess of $100,000 right that you haven't spent out of your budget spent so there's there's excess money there as well in the budget so at the end of the fiscal year you could see where you're at in your budgets and say this year we're probably going to kick back you know 75 100 Grand whatever it is the close of last year I know we I don't have a town town to G but all of that's playing into it and I'm sure that we'll have the same thing that happened in the past fiscal years well I'm pretty tight on because I keep I keep my budget running on a weekly basis so I know how much you know every every invoice that come in comes in I post to it I post it and subtract so I know pretty much how much is left in each particular area and but at the but at the end of the year Steve we're allowed in the last 60 days of the fiscal year may one we we can Shuffle money in in between the Departments right even when it comes to salaries right so we have that flexibility that we can shift in the last 60 days of a caly is what I'm saying so there there's ways to do this without going after a reserve fund so it is there uh a time frame that be since you're deciding to do it in the fall that the contract has to be executed by for this person to put uh well I supplies I I don't believe that was specified in the contract but you know it's it's odd how you only only got one bidder because you probably got the best person to do the job out of anybody else who couldn't bid it someone who's been doing it 35 40 years who's done quite a bit of work in and around New England so I mean and I I know the individual fairly well I mean I can call him and ask him because he'll have a what he'll do what he'll be doing is he'll be looking at additional projects and so on through the course of the year and he's probably got himself planned out a year he usually plans out a year year year and a quarter year and a half ahead but so if we don't get in if we don't let him know by a certain time whe we can whe we're going to go into that slot he may stick somebody else in there because he's got to keep on making money and is there a time that we have to execute the contract for him to buy supplies Etc to do it within that time frame I I you know I wouldn't you know because he's in that business certain of those supplies he keeps on hand but you know as far as sand you know and those other materials I think if if you're a month month and a half out you don't have any problem getting those in I mean you know uh readed sand and gravel where we get quite a few of our products from is is right down the road and I mean I can um we can get materials uh readily and have them stockpile orever however he wants to do it once he gets uh gets underway I don't think the material acquisition be a problem just as long as he has the time frame would you know notify within a time frame that he doesn't sit there and I just can't hold out any longer I got to fill that Gap because I want to keep everybody working that's correct you're going to get bumped out of his queue yeah you're you're going to get bumped out of the queue if we don't give him enough of a uh an idea whether or not going to commit I think when Steve was in here Steve correct me if I'm wrong please if when last time he was in here talking about bunkers is they Li that kind of work is limited to a certain time of year like they're not they're not they can't be there in July and August ripping up your bunkers because that's where everybody's playing nobody wants you that business model has a as a a smaller window it's not a 12 month business model right he's got other things going on I'm sure within his within his business but he's focused in on doing golf courses in a sharp window of that calendar year that 12 month year narrow down to maybe five months yeah he does he does Sports field work he does uh cart path work and so on so you're great so so but if we're doing the work in the fall uh is there a drop dead date that you you know that he has to be told before we lose our place in the queue I I personally I don't know that um you know I can call and ask and I'm you know like I said I've known the gentleman for 25 30 something years um but I personally right now I can't say what that date is I'd have to call him and find out um the other thing is you know is if you want to get you want to get in the queue the other thing you want to do is you want to get started right about that date because a lot of things come together at the end of the year like you know if we do that and we you we commit to the project we finish the 15th or the 29th of November I'm not turning the water off November 4th because I'm going to have a lot of sod and a lot of grass to water so I might not turn the water off DE and we can figure this out M I I don't I don't think that this is something that we should even you know what with hopscotching around right now I mean I there's always concerns about money um but I think that we've talked enough about the budget and everything else where we can come up with payment on this so it's work that needs to be done you got to get this guy scheduled in here um to just check off that box that's my opinion only so I'm fine with approving it Steve I will say if the board does approve tonight I'm not so sure I would R run off with our signatures a handed off you could just let them know yeah things were approved but you know which yeah I'm not no I'm not going to jump the together you said you have a good relationship with him right so he can even watch the film we approved it right but we need a little bit of time and wiggle we don't want to lose our spot yeah like I said he's done this and he's done this um with you know a lot of uh municipal golf courses I mean he does quite a bit of work uh for the Boston parks department at Franklin Park and uh and uh George Wright next William Divine I get them mix up right in frankco park in the same place William Vine's the other course so yeah he's um he's very easy person to work with so I guess we could say is there a motion to approve the base bid RFP with the stipulation of verifying additional funds sure so move second all those in favor cool and if you could find out that information for Mr Kelly if there is a drop dead date like said um it is approved obviously and we'll sit down and we'll take a look at the books and see if we can make this easier than what we just went through there's plenty of options on the table we just vetted that out all right replace 12year old spray machine yes this um actually came up about a year and a half ago um we have a uh A Smith toe sprayer that we picked up in November 2011 um which is um showing its age and certain aspects of it are starting to uh starting to go uh the central controller which controls the booms the actual um valves that release material Once you turn the booms on as well as the braking system in in the rear one of the rear tires so I spoke to the golf commity about this they requested that I get a quote to repair the smithco as opposed uh to um purchasing the new sprayer I I went to our um smithco distributor um got the quote from them their quote to do the repair work that we requested now given this repair work was to make this machine last for another 5 years it wasn't just to fix a few you know a few things that that that weren't working properly so that quote came back at approximately $71,000 $61,000 of it was in part s 9,800 of it was in in labor expenses so I had we had contacted Toro at approximately the same time that we purchased or um proposed the purchase of the two greens mowers back in August of 2023 they gave us a price on a 300gal sprayer which is um and they uh although unfortunately that sprayer wasn't going going to be available for a year year and two or 3 months um I contacted them when I got the quote back from uh mte and they said this the sprayer could be available in April so I went back to the committee and I said list it doesn't make much sense to spend $71,000 to repair a 13-year-old machine when you can get a new machine for 75 450 which is going to last you at least 10 years probably 12 years if you take care of it so this was discussed at the last golf committee meeting and of the members there they it was the approval to come to you folks was given and they proposed a$ fiveyear dollar buyout on this particular unit fiveyear doll buyout at an annual cost um would be $87,700 the price if you were to buy it straight out 7 $5,450 so I again I spoke with Toro um the problem I have with the the existing sprayer is that we can't you know to to get it up to Snuff and I can get it working for another year without a problem um I'm going to have to spend you know 105,000 on it which I might not have in my parts and repair budget um but the issue here is that this is our this a primary sprayer for greens um um and you know having uh our luck at some points um this is not something you want you know a fairway mower goes down I can get by with it using one I'll cut five Fairways five days a week this machine goes down you you know and it's 7 you know 85 90° out the humidity is 87% and I need to go and usually it goes down with about $4,000 of material in the tank and I've got nowhere to put it because I can't use the machine so this is a this machine not only is a applicator for pesticides but it's also used to apply liquid fertility products to Greens teas and Fairways as well as soil amending products such as seaweed extracts and calcium products and magnesium products usually goes out anywhere from one to three times a week depending on the time of the year so how many sprays you have we have two we have the the John Deere and we have this one um the reason we have the reason we have to is because we we renovated renovated an old one but we have 29 Acres of Fairways and with starting times early in the morning um I can Pro with one machine I can get four holes maybe four holes sprayed before I get caught and then once I get caught then my spraying for that particular day is done so instead of taking what would be a one-day application with two of us on two 300 gallon machines we have to spread over across three and a half days and usually at some point during that 3 and a half days the weather changes our particular problem here is you get past 9:00 in the morning and the wind picks up wind picks up over 10 to 10 to 11 miles an hour then you I stop spraying because my material isn't hitting the application Point even though my boom is only 18 in off the ground um and again you know especially in the busy months you know you lose a day you actually lose a week because you're pretty much booked up with outings and other things where you can't get out there and you can't can't apply and I know some places don't adhere to this um I'm not going to uh blab the point but technically speaking golfers should not be on the playing surface until the material dries on a leaf blade that's not going to happen when you get caught so that's the one of the other reasons why you stop you can't you know and you can't really be out there applying Le I mean you can apply wedding agents and other things because they're not they're not of issue with uh with the state but when you're comes to pesticides you can't be applying pesticide materials um in proximity to to uh golfers on the golf course so I put this out in front of the golf committee and said you know this is what again it's like any other piece of equipment I presented it to them I said it's you know your decision um it's my job to recommend to you what needs what you need to do um and then you know then I get feedback from you and then we move forward so that's where we sit with this the machine is available if you know if we don't uh take it I'm sure they have somebody else that'll go to but given that I mean you know to get back in the queue you're probably looking another year year and a half and you're probably looking at I'd say about five or six grand in additional cost um one of the issues with the sprayers now is that they're starting to get away from this type of sprayer which is a manually operated machine manually operated by the operator and people are going to um and a lot of the companies are going to GPS operated units um the GPS Opera units are in excess of $90,000 plus you have to pay a $3,000 a year approximately $2 and. half to $3,000 a year um subscription so you can utilize a satellite to to bounce information off of so um I thought this would be a good opportunity to to replace that um and uh extend the the uh the quality of the spraying also give us more flexibility because now we can with that we can continue the program of uh upgrading our uh liquid fertility products on our Fairways and getting a better better stand Turf for our customers 71,000 to replace repair the Smith go seems ludicrous doesn't it yep I had to believe that I I'd have to see what's going on with that machine but well I I said machine didn't sell for that brand new right uh brand new back in 2000 I mean I could check but I think back in 2011 the machine was somewhere right around 50 that one the new one because I said okay you know I'll play along with you give me a price quote on the new one well the price quote to replace the Smith Co like we had it came in at 89,000 so I said well you know I like the Smith Co unit but I don't like it 13,000 or you know $14,000 more than a Touro you ever buy a refrigerator or a washing machine these days it's you know it's more money to replace to repair the damn thing than it is but I thought I could buy a brand new pickup truck for7 ,000 or less and this is a sprayer for Christ sakes I mean what is this made by Cadillac well is nuts unfortunately you know to go buy a new rough mower is 85,000 plus a new fairway mower today is is 75,000 and you know this is with um this is with our discount because this machine MSRP listed 8,673 so we get a 21% % discount so just on the machine itself knocks it down to 63 then of course like any other thing you know you have to add the other things like the boom you know you think if you would buy a spray it would come with a boom well no that's an add-on it's just like buying Triplex it doesn't come with the reels you have to buy the reels and add them on to it so um you know Mark what Happ the gas will have you out with a backpack and just pumping you know some round up I've done I've done in spots but uh spot spraying here there that works but 18 full greens might take a little while yeah 145,000 sare ft would take quite some time I right now with the uh it only takes me it takes me 2 hours um so if I you know the other thing that would enable us to do if for some reason we have an early start time then we could split the two in half the only problem is most more often than not you want to cut before you spray so you have to get the you have to get the uh The Operators out there at 4:30 in the morning so you can turn that tank around and be spraying at 5:30 so it dries in the leaf blade before the golfers start at 7:30 or 8:00 so again I don't like the idea of Leasing and there's no funds available to purchase right now and I I personally I'm I want I want a little more time to look into this old this 12 year 10 year old machine look at the condition of it and see what I can figure out because I have a hard time believing it's $70,000 to rebuild a machine but I did too I mean personally um be quite h i mean the parts prices were you know were legitimate um but you know I think I think they may have looked at it and said do we really want to undertake this or not because it's quite a bit of work you know and then what they'd have to do is they' have to pick up the machine take it back you know take to their service department and do it so I think there may have been portion of that that you know would have tried to make you position you towards a new one as opposed course that's the game that's the game well you know everybody plays that game so oh yeah as somebody that comes from the repair business boggles me that Parts alone could be $61,000 I just can't wrap my head around it well it's you know they they start the controller is around $4,000 the braking the braking system in the re in the rear rear brake is on the one on the one side because we repaired um we repaired the the one side ourselves then we came we came back and the seal popped again so we had to do it a second time because the the sealed kits aren't as aren't what they're made out to be um and again it's you know it's the you know the the machine itself the transport unit is okay I mean the diesel engine's fine but you know you're talking about that you know the the apparatus which allows it to spray the valves which open and close you know I can tell they're you know they're they're failing because when I turn the broom off if I look back they're still dripping yeah and that means that the valves aren't aren't aren't shutting completely so but like I said I mean I bring this to their attention I mean and um this is what I think needs to be done um if if for some reason we can't do it that's U you know so be it or if we want wait then I'll have to talk to Toro um and let them know so same thing I mean if we don't approve this tonight it's not going to be the end of the world right well it's not going to be the end of the world I just don't know how long they're going to hold it so if we do it first meeting in January I mean do some due diligence for kind all l i mean this is this is just well I've done my due diligence I'm I'm sure you have Steve I'm not going to question that right I'm just I'll come down like I always do I come down and see you and look at equipment and I've been in the repair business for a long time right um sometimes things can be repaired internally and we don't need to go out and have somebody else do it because again like you just said with the bunkers prevailing wage right we got a mechanic on hand if there's certain things look at together and say the majority of this you know I mean Norm can do quite a bit of this work although if you were to focus simply on this machine it would take you know 3 or 4 weeks to to get that work completed and then all the rest of the the machines would be sitting there you know right now we're grinding reels replacing bearings replacing seals um you know draining hydraulic fluids replacing hydraulic Foods fixing uh fixing roller bearings and other things you know in order to get all the rest of that equipment ready to you know to go out probably the last week of first you know third or fourth week of March to start cutting um you know we've got a a smaller window and and that's why we look to have them do that work because just didn't uh it just didn't fit into the you know the program we're working on to get everything fixed all right so I think what we'll do Steve is if give us a little bit of time to yeah to go through this I mean that price isn't going to change like Mr warer said I mean it's not you know it's not going to change between now and in January or February so all right cool so we'll just hold off on this for now do our due diligence and we can jump back in after the first of the year okay all right I think it's all we have from you here right Mr tibbles yeah I think so all right just making sure we the other request you see you later have a good night drive safe drive safe thank you J come I'll come down and see I don't believe I don't believe you have a meeting before Christmas so have a nice Christmas and as well you as well you're around the rest of the week right Steve down there oh yeah yeah I'll come down and see you only make sure you save me a sandwich this time right I always I always get the too late well I mean you could come to lunch with us on Friday if you wanted to I take my guys out for Christmas lunch on on Friday oh but uh yeah I'll be there tomorrow um I just got um I get physical therapy so um I'm I'm I leave a little bit early but you're usually there around right around lunch time anyway so right just I'm always a little late for that lunch thanks Steve yeah we'll see you take care isn't that breakfast for you I get crabs in this water right seasonal parttime Pro Shop hire Lori handerhan uh I would ask that you passed over okay why is that it's everything's been done down at the golf course and nothing has been done in town hall what what do you mean though what needs to be interviewing talking making sure all the eyes are dotted and the tee crossed okay I'm concern I guess I what we put on the agenda and this is a surprise it would be good to know what the if there was an issue beforehand not now I don't understand yeah and I I'm looking at this is I've been hyping up Dana having a proot position for years now so it seems pretty rudimentary you got a person here with Stellar background with uh St to the board working at a at a golf course in the area two golf courses two golf courses um I don't have an issue with it quite frankly I don't I don't know enough about what was just comment than on so yeah I mean my personal opinion I've been asking D Dana to hire somebody as a seasonal part-time Pro Shop position since I've been on this board and every time that he's had it I don't have a problem with it Town Administrator will step back I'll take a motion to a point hand hand so moved second all those in favor right get to the unfortunate part of this meeting um gentlemen as I'm sure you read through this Mr Ed Isaac has offered his resignation from the golf advisory committee uh and has been on this committee since Inception I believe and before beforehand um Town truly owes had a extremely large debt of gratitude for putting a lot of his time and effort into this golf course and um sad to see him go but I definitely appreciate everything he's done for this course um gentleman got to work with him a lot longer than I did but I can say in my short term here Ed's been very consistent and very very communicative and I'm going to miss him and appreciate everything he's done Mr Isaac is a um extremely intelligent man um as some of our other golf management committee members have been there for over a quarter of a century um working on behalf of the taxpayers and free of charge all those years right um just an extremely intelligent businessman he's done a boatload for that golf course I mean he again he's an individual that will not easily be replaced right he will be missed um I get it I've spoken with Mr Isaac um it's it's unfortunate you know but he feels it's his time to go it's his time to go I wish he would have stood on for a little longer and hopefully um been able to see this if the new Clubhouse gets built um it would be I think an a tremendous effort um I think when this Clubhouse is built and even even though he's not going to be part of it is maybe we could take into consideration some of these long-term committee members and their commitment to that golf course and making sure that's never fallen on the taxpayers back as they have for over a qu of a century maybe name a room after them y absolutely in honor of them y so agree I think that would be something nice for some of our long-term Golf Course committee members that have spent a good portion of their life yes dedicated to that Golf Course right um and seeing it from start to end and we're almost done with that debt so to Ed congratulations on all the work you've done for that golf committee and you will be solely missed Ed I feel the same way and get to know Ed from the beginning of that 1998 when that course first opened and For Better or For Worse it was Ed who introduced me to golf with Ellen CA I've had uh many of good time on the course and many frustrations but thank you i' really appreciate it and um your service to the town has been impeccable gentlemen at this point I would take a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Ed Isaac with deepest regrets so moov second all those in favor I Mr chairman Mr Kelly I too will miss him he uh has been a great great source of information and support and being that as it may it was Mr Isaac who reviewed all the bills of the golf course before they came in for processing and I would ask that this board ask the golf committee who will now perform that function Che me all right next item it's kind of piggybacked on that one I will state there's no absolute replacement for Ed but we do have to put somebody on this committee and I if you guys remember correctly the last appointment we had we had a couple of candidates and this gentleman was actually one of the first people to reach out and he's re-engaged I asked him if he still interested and he's actually extremely excited I've had multiple conversations with him and I feel that he'd be an asset to this advisory committee and if you guys have any questions or concerns he is willing to speak with you but I would take a motion to appoint Neil Downing to the golf advisory committee do do the only comment that I'm going to make is I'm I've read through this letter and I'm just reading it again he does talk about his son being a bad boy I don't know if there's any conflict there Forum or not being on the golf committee making financial decisions so you just have to gentlemen as you recall we went through that process with me and I had to declare that so I just want we will have to have him talk to the town cour I just want to make sure that you know if we're going to make that appointment that he's not compromising his family absolutely so with that said I'll make a motion to appoint he now second all those in favor to the golf management committee I all right we'll jump back to a here gentlemen um after speaking with Pam if you notice I didn't put any appointments for this facility golf facilities exploratory committee um after speaking with the town clerk we felt it was in the best need to compose a committee then a point so at this point all the people in this book that have suggested that want to be a part of this um I didn't even bother looking at yet i' I've skimmed through it and i' I I know a lot of the candidates but at this point um this is more for reviewing what this committee is going to do and actually forming it and what the composition would be in other words how many members um so with that being said per the discussion with the town clerk I don't want to appoint anybody to this tonight so Mr chairman Mr G if somebody could explain exactly what is I know we kind of put a exploratory aim on on a committee but what is what are the duties of this additional committee going to be because we have us the ultimate decision makers you have golf management committee that are second in charge on doing things I know they've already met with I think uh engineer or something through an RFP process to start the conversation about building a Clubhouse so what is the exploratory committee's Mission going to be and how are we going to set them on that mission if this is going to be created what are we what are we asking that committee the exploratory committee to do it as a function of what we have in place Mr chairman I'm more than happy to uh to dive into that since I proposed it true um is I think to provide us with a with recommendation or recommendation on where the town should go Visa v a um a clubhouse facility whatever right um and I felt that yes we have a golf management committee that's been doing it for a long time and is great expertise we have the board of Selectmen that has different viewpoints um but I felt like to get a fresh set of eyes um and then also to to sort of get more create more Community engagement um I think it would be up to us to set the charge for them um to say look work the the golf management committee is hired the architect work with the with the architect bring your perspective on what the committee could handle you know what the the course could handle what we would look at is ways of generating Revenue with you know Hospitality what so on and so forth and I think by opening up this process can see we've got some really impressive people in the community that quite frankly have more experience than most of us do um uh in in this golf world I mean I look at a guy like Rich DEA um you know Wayne lasso Jeff faan so there's a lot of talent there that I think we should tap into and this is a good opportunity to do that um ultimately we set the rules what we're looking at um it could range from you know a stick build a modular build there's all kinds of models out there and you know this is going to take a lot of time and effort in one having a committee dedicated to that job only and then when the job is done the committee dissolves after recommendations are made for us to decide on what the the next PATH would be but it's very labor intensive and um I don't know that this board has the time to do it given everything that's going on and the golf management committee as well so that is the mission and the intent so where do the golf management committee sit in the process uh they would have an they would have an ex officio uh member to help guide the committee um on you know help them along in the process but again it's to get a group of talented people who can provide some insight and pro provide some recommendation you know it's um so so are we going to set I think that somebody needs to set some parameters to this advisory committee right that's us you know kind of saying you know we're not looking to build Taj Mahal this is expectations of dollars so they're not thinking oh let's design a $5 million then they come back to us and waste all that time and say well we're only looking to spend 2 million to 2 and a half million right yeah I think that's like that's kind of the basic model just say hey this is you know square footage wise we don't want to be give some expectations from us so that when they sit in the room collectively they can just remember what was said to them and say we got to stay Within These parameters so when we put together commes when we put together these committees and we appoint the members we bring them in and we what they call we charge them with the the responsibility and we can all say like you're you've already said like I want a basic model Bob may feel like yeah maybe I want a little bit more than basic model maybe I'm thinking something else whatever but collectively we decide what we want we give them the parameters and then let them go cook and they come back with recommendations I would ask them for multiple considerations you know um and then we work with the golf course management committee to ultimately make a final decision on what we can afford what's appropriate what we need not what we want so on and so forth so um it's been done before and I think we can do it kind of like almost like what we're establishing for the master plan right it's setting the vision and then when the job is done the job is done and we can choose to accept one of the recommendations we can choose to throw it out we can choose to do nothing but I think it's a worthwhile exercise and based on what who submitted the of Interest initially I was thinking like five um I think you could go with seven and really tap into some talent and then if we decide to build you could take some of the folks who were not appointed and help and have them serve as the building construction committee to oversee the implementation and the construction and you know sort of a team of clerk of the works if you will to ensure that things are done properly and things to moving on time it's kind of the same model that we did when we did the school expansion it was a feasibility committee and then we had a construction committee you know to oversee the day-to- day um you know so that that that's the vision yeah and I don't think this is in any way or shape looking to insult the golf committee at the moment I think they do a fantastic job I I happen to like the idea of involving the town a little bit more on stuff like this because ultimately people that play golf know what they want to see at a golf facility so to speak I just want this to be clear that ultimately just so anybody's listening this is an exploratory idea and it's not binding we have the ultimate authority to decide what this is and I think making sure that the current golf advisory committee sees matters before us is important as well because I think that ultimately working hand inand with them is just as important as working with us 100% And I mean look I I love every member of the golf course committee what they do for the town is amazing but over my over the last five years six years I've heard from numerous people that want to be on the committee that want to be involved that want to have an impact and help out in absent turning over the golf management committee to create opportunity for somebody else this is you know a unique opportunity uh to do that and you know of course it goes without saying that the golf management committee there is ultimately there to manage the committee this is to help move a process along we still have some time anyway with the putting out like Mr gas said putting out exactly what our expectations are so I also would like a little bit more time to review members but I'm okay with you say seven yeah initially I was like all right well maybe it's five but you know given the talent pool I think all these folks people are adults I think they can all play nice in the sandbox and and and move you know come up with a good product and you know maybe perhaps having a committee of seven they can create subcommittees and and really drill in cuz we're going to ask them to to really move quickly on this not to be you know cut corners but we don't want to waste time um waiting for some type of recommendation because if we need to make if we make a decision and go then go to town meeting in the spring potentially to ask for funds and if not then then it's the fall you only get two bites of the apple and every day that goes by we got a we got a a bleep hole over there right now that's you know so I think I agree I think it needs to be expedited right and get the committee the newly formed committee look they can have a joint meeting with the um golf management committee right and see where they're at where they've been at have an introductory to whoever this RFP person was that came in and started doing the discussion keep golf Management in the loop but they got the day-to-day stuff to be dealing with with golf and all the other decisions and set the golf exploratory committee often keep bringing things back and forth between the two committees I think that's the best way to do it let to work together and in sync with each other and then say okay this is what we think would be in the best idea for the town of aush I think that's all that we're looking for them to do is a basic doctor keep bringing up business plan but I mean proper planning prevents piss po performance right so I mean if you have somebody else additionally in in planning and say look this I like this about this well I'll just say the name resi right and I like this about blue sky up in Bridgewater and you know this this part of that works this part works for them and we incorporate a little bit of that building this building the other building and then this is what we want and then put it all down and then after that you're going to have to have an engineer come in and do all the stuff and then you hire out a a firm to to build this thing right I mean that's how it's going to be and they can just be abolished at that point and I would say I don't think 120 days is by any means like too short of a time frame to think this out but I think you go I was thinking 90 120 myself no no more than 120 days so people understand like this is get right and then by April we can come up with a an idea of what we want to do and then we can move this thing forward so um that's the plan Mr Kelly if you are charging a committee a charge it's usually in writing and it's usually sets the boundaries of where they're going so the question is uh do you want that on the next agenda so here's the thing Mr chairman when we I I'll be more than happy to take it on provide some feedback to Mr Kelly on what you would like to see done I'm more than happy to try and draft something and with feedback and then we can approve that and appoint people and get this thing moving ideal would be great to get this thing up and off the ground after the new year I'd be I'd be okay with after our when we get our first meeting in January I think we can we can that'll give us enough time to dive through these really deep and determine what we want to see as a as residents of this town and so-called stewards of this town and put together what we think is good what the gas are you okay with seven members yeah what doesn't matter to me I mean right you're looking at seven fors a quarum right doesn't matter all right all right is there a motion to with a representative of the golf management committee to serve as ex official so it's not it's just a yep you know advisory capacity all right so how do we get to work that motion Mr chairman I make a motion to form the golf facilities exploratory committee set it at 7 with a representative of the golf management committee serving as ex official in addition to the seven in addition to the seven so the ex official has no voting rights or any of that it's just to help provide guidance capacity conduit between this committee and the golf management committee second all those in favor all right jump to annual license renewals all right we're going through common Vic and every other licenses we do this every year I'll start with the common Vics I have country whip 1173 Main Street is there a motion to approve the common Vic so move second all those in favor all Seafood Hut 2 South Main Street is there a motion to approve common withth so moved second all those in favor I rell's 590 to 594 Main Street so moved second all those in favor right TC Donuts Dunkin Donuts 150 South Main so move to approve all those in favor the mill 156 South Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor all Mr how about you make the motion I'll second it okay boss it's just we I I'll do it after uh gentlemen this next one um a little bit of a different motion uh Captain's Place 162 South Main Street is there a motion to approve the common vict license pending final approval from inspection are services so moved second all those in favor all all right just so you know that would have rone no later than January 1st uh December 30 December 31st right American Legion 71 Hope Street motion to approve second all those in favor I Cam's Cuisine 132 Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor I Sentry house 107 South Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor uh blueo restaurant 6 Dayton Street is there a motion to approve the common Vic license pending final inspection approval to be completed before 12:31 so second all those in favor I Blue Lantern Cafe 605 Main Street is there a motion to approve the common Vic license pending final inspectional Services before 1231 so move second all those in favor I VFW Post 7239 28 Roosevelt Street is there a motion to approve the common Vic license ending Final Inspection Services done by 12:31 so moved second uh Ponder Rosa 242 Robinson Road is there a motion to approve so move second call is with favor I rivers in Cafe 7 and a half Tark Tar Hill Road is there a motion to approve some second all those in favor uh JT's Pub 77 slokum Street is there a motion to approve the Comm vict pen Final Inspection Services by 12:31 so moved second all those in favor all right you can do the whole group now okay they're all the same all of these just you can just bang them out Keith s at 1149 cushion and creamy 264 and they would just approve them all a quick question on this real quick key S I believe we should not for new common considering they closed I don't think they've officially revoked their business license in town last year did they pay to renew it no they no one's paid yet just hold it we'll hold that one for now uh we have a cushioned crey 264 Main Street New England Farms 158 Main Street kushit River Valley 685 Main Street pop park2 Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor silver Brook Farms 9:30 Main Street is there a motion to approve pending pay so move second all those approve all those in favor Sorry by by by December 31st by December 31st all right all alcohol club licenses American Legion number 26575 71 Hope Street is there a motion to approve so moved second all those in favor I BFW post 7239 28 Roosevelt Street is there a motion to approve pending final inspection by 12:31 so moved second all those in favor I all right we'll take the next four here for all alcohol licenses with the stipulation uh Captain's Place 162 South Main Street Blue Point Restaurant 6 Dayton Street Blue Lantern Cafe 605 Main Street and JT Pub 77 slokum Street is there a motion to approve pending final inspection by 12 1231 so move second all those in favor I cams Cuisine 132 Main Street Sentry house 107 South Main Street rivers in Cafe 7 and half tken Hill Road pondosa 242 Robinson Road and a kushit river valley 685 Main Street is there a motion to approve all alcohol license so second all those in favor all alcohol package stores scuttlebuts 590 Main Street Chucks liquor 2 172 South Main Street Bondville Market 142 South Main Street Town wines one Middle Road there's another one and liquor Palace 270 Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor I wine and malt Package Store New England Farms 158 Main Street motion to approve second all those in favor all right all right restricted music we have American Legion 71 Hope Street camps Cuisine 132 Main Street Sentry house 107 South Main Street Rivers End Cafe 72 Taron Hill Road pondosa 242 Robinson Road there a motion to approve so moved second all those in favor hi also under restricted music VFW Post 7239 28 Roosevelt Street Captain's Place 162 South Main Street Blue Lantern Cafe 605 Main Street and JT's Pub 77 slm Street is there a motion to approve the restricted music license pending final inspection by by 12:31 so move second all those in favor all automatic Amusement American Legion number 26571 hul Street rivers and Cafe 7 and2 Tar Hill Road Ponderosa 242 Robinson rers are a motion to approve automatic Amusement license so moved thank you all those in favor all automatic Amusement license VFW 7239 28 Roosevelt Street Blue Lantern Cafe 605 Main Street JT's Pub 7 slm street is there a motion to approve an automatic Amusement license pending final inspection by 12:31 so second I have too many papers I don't think wanted this there's something in I book um he did he say he didn't want his renewed he dissolved his business license so we won't have that in the is that on there yeah it's on the list but I thought I seen on this one that he didn't want to renew it no I'm sorry I forgot to take that one out right just continued wh wh all right class two license used cars rep World core 734 Main Street Hay Street Auto Sales three Hay Street teds 308 Middle Road South Coast premium 127 South Main Street Shaman Auto 118 South Main Street Murray's Auto Sales 75 Lambert Street South Main Street enter enterprise Enterprise 16 South Main Street is there a motion motion to approve second all those in favor I uh class three junk license rep weld core 734 Main Street raise sales and service for Morton Lane Lake o auto 1256 Main Street Fred's Collision 36 slop Street motion to approve second those in favor hi Mr chairman uh Mr it's not on here and I know this has been a source of contention for us but the property down at South Main Street which has more junk on it than probably any one of these places that we approved as a junkyard can we get the Board of Health conservation agent and the building inspector to go over there and take a look at that place because every time I go by there it seems like there's more and more stuff being added and you know we've been trying this is going on for 3 years now and we keep hearing oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah but what's going on over there cannot be allowed AG I mean there's got to be violations I don't know which ones but just from a either concom of stuff oils and building and sent them a number of notices of violations of the bylaws yeah because that's not an allowed use in that zone correct so it's more of a building thing concom we we got to be careful because concom they they they only have jurisdictional rights where there's weapons and things like that right so we got to look into that but I think you know Board of Health and building department needs to at least look at that and say what's going on and if the clock is ticking if we issued letters saying that they're in violation I think there's a a non-criminal disposition of 100 bucks a day or 300 bucks a day go it goes to a a progressive fine schedule you can it starts at like 100 bucks and you go all the way up to 300 bucks and I mean we we got plenty of letters on file I don't know why um you know where Mr babol is at with that individual but the last time I spoke with him um he had made some Pro the owner of property have made some progress with clearing out and as as you mentioned it looks like more stuff is up front now the last conversation was they were pulling stuff out getting rid of it pulling stuff out but I will have a conversation with Mr babola um to verify that is the case and see what the status is because bring the the gentleman in here for a meeting I mean I don't know jeez I I feel like over the years people have been gotten their chops busted for lesser offenses correct right like by different departments and agencies I believe there was some family members that are handling an estate involved as well so um once I talk doesn't really matter a property own property not my problem I mean like I agree with s want there's been other people for Less offensive things getting their chops busted yep and I'm I'm by no way trying JY this kind of throwing in I mean there a whole rack of telephone poles in the property now did notice that today right I mean I'm like and they're brand new poles right so now it's the Drop Zone yeah and um it just it does it definitely needs to be cleaned up correct there's a lot of concerns from the residents in that neighborhood too and they have been for quite some time so yeah 100% you got the across the way the mobile home park which has made some really nice improvements you know so absolutely all all right gentlemen next item on the agenda is uh Council on Aging building use fee waiver request from uh the Girl Scouts I had a extensive conversation with Miss Golda at the Council on Aging um the Girl Scouts is a a new Daisy troop that's being formed new troop being formed so um with that in consideration I did mention to Lauren that they're a new troop trying to grow their membership but we also discussed that it would be unfair to wave the fee completely um to the other groups that are currently there and if it's okay and pleases the board Lauren and I came up with an idea of freezing the fee until March and after that matching with the Boy Scouts pay which is $200 annually and Miss Golder was okay with that and I did reach out to the acoustic Girl Scout Troop leader to also mention that and it seems to be okay and agreed upon so if that's okay with you fantastic second that's what I want to hear all right motion to approve Freez in it until March until March and then and then working out a plan moving forward we'll leave it to Lauren Council and agent director yeah um to notify them when that all expires and everything else correct but trying to help out these little Girl Scout Troops and you know fundraising efforts and everything else I mean it's a great program y for our young children so kudos to them so that was a motion do I have a second second yeah all those in favor yep perfect and I'd like to use this moment to say thank you to Lauren for really putting together a very good building use policy but also being capable of understanding some hardship sometimes and moving forward on that so thank you Miss Golder all right master plan committee composition and appointments so very similar to what we just did but we do have some members that have showed interest before we get started I do want to let you know if you'll notice the top position here is listed as a town planner I had some concerns with having two planning board members and a town Planner on here I did speak with Victoria about this and I told her that I don't feel comfortable until I hear back from town counil sered and um our who was it Jamie advisor as far as uh because it could involve grants correct um and Victoria understands that so I would ask that we do not appoint the town planner at this moment but we can form the committee um this is just something I threw together I think right now I have it with nine members with three alternates alternates being non- voting members who can participate and can only vote if a member of the committee cannot be there um and I've done some reaching out obviously we have two people that were on the planning board um I have somebody from the Board of Health somebody from fincom that was interested we also have a citizen at large that's reached out after this was posted along with a member of the Conservation Commission after this was posted um but if that size of a committee is okay with you guys I would recommend that we form a master plan Committee of nine members with three alternates so moved second all those in favor all right gentl I'd also like to knowing that we don't have a full board yet we can appoint these we'll have to appoint at our next meeting any additional members that we have um and also if anybody is interested as an atlarge resident of being a part of this please send a letter of interest to the board of Selectmen say General do I have a motion to appoint Steven bue from the planning board to the master plan committee so moves second all those in favor I do I have a motion to appoint Peter guampa from the planning board to the master plan committee so move second all those in favor uh Mr Gasper you're okay with this is there a motional Point Kevin Gasper from the select board to the master plan committee so moved I'll second that all those in favor right I guess I'm okay with that you didn't step back quick you follow I was reading another letter from Mor in the of the book to be honest with you I didn't know we were doing this just a talking point but okay is there motion to point DAV David Divan from the Board of Health to the master and is there AE second all those in favor I and is there a motion to appoint Peter Benoy from the finance committee to the master plan committee so moved second excellent all right so that's it for appointments for that tonight um I will keep you posted as it progresses and then after that I guess Mr Gasper will keep us posted as it progresses iist there you go oh uh old Business Financial policy down with the Union um with ask me was the last Union review uh Mr Kelly there were two minor word changes very minor it was actually grammatical and uh uh we have to then circulate that final draft through all three of the unions it'll Pro one of them's already approved it so the question is it'll probably be before you uh when you set your first January date yeah very minimal like Mr Kelly said it was grammatical in nature I would have known they needed to sign off I would had to do it when I was in the room with him we had to wait until the last Union came you're going to and the last the last just in case they had drastic changes but right you know Co all right so we'll deal with that can you just forward that off to them and have them he's already okay sign off on right sign off on and Joe and have a nice day yep uh selectman announcements I'm sure we're all going to say this but I want to say it as well to our residents I'm going to say Merry Christmas not happy holidays Merry Christmas to everybody um and uh hope everybody's safe and has a chance to spend time with their family and um so Merry Christmas all right so happy New Year cuz we won't be back we'll see you next year um be safe remember to have a DD designated driver if you plan on being out after midnight have a good time and as Mr W said enjoy your family and your friends over the holiday season be safe I don't think I can say any more than that I will second my colleague's message um have a great end of the year and a wonderful beginning of the new one see you next year so second all those in favor all so basically I'm going to take this motion to e