##VIDEO ID:88--8J4Mj6U## [Music] okay good evening and welcome to the hysterical Commission meeting for September 10th 2024 may have a motion to open the meeting so second all in favor we don't have a flag in this room okay so we'll have to skip the pledge okay Pro approve the minutes from the meeting uh in August yes Rich okay meeting in August meeting was held on 8:13 uh no Maps can be found the town in 1830 that map that's in the mum that's 1871 that's right is that the only map that we know of I got the 1871 1895 that's it that's it there's nothing before that you can find nothing that I could find okay so um let's see no map can be found um museum has Maps yeah y 1871 what was the other one 18995 95 okay aot Ms at meeting house and museum should have been taken care of by now were they yeah have they're up and running okay uh painting still needs to be done at the Museum is that true I haven't got a a praed yet okay fence on one side will be taken care of soon did they fix that if they finished it today today it looks really good okay now what are they going to do fence on the other side no the other one was done last year okay cool everything's all done all right good give me another rest signs that River Z need repainting I did that you did it I thought I saw you there oh you did I went by and I just po somebody going on a ladder I said I he that's Richard yeah I scraped sanded and painted the uh the two signs so that's done for a while anyway thank you very much okay plaques should be put with old school houses were it was nine of them one room School houses some may have to be put on private property so permission from Property Owners is needed Town may have access to side of road in some locations has there been anything uh I haven't checked with Mr Kelly on that yet might have to get permission from the selectman yeah I'm going have to write a letter to them CPC what does CPC stand for um Community preservation committee okay it needs a board member to V committee to get money Richard you put on board to help money for historical commission well I understand they only meet a couple of times a year that's it and in I don't think they're meeting at all for the meeting at the end of this month okay cuz I know Mr Kelly told me it was too late to get prices for anything okay no time trying to get Perry Hill Church on National register so we can get funds to bring it up to code to be able to use church for meetings Etc total cost may be too much I think that to get a grant I don't know if they're going to allow a grant it's going to cost as much as that building needs to be brought up the code it would be separate grants it might be grant for you're talking a lot of money the the preservationist was down last week she took all the kind pictures and um I sent her um the 18 census 1860 census book and the two one the squ tenal and the last one so I sent her three books she emailed me she got them today M and I gave her I have a container mhm that's full of very Hill school I gave her the whole thing take it home go through it see what you need take and give me the rest back CU she was very very nice and she they spent the whole day in town really 2 and 1 half hour drive from she's in Gloucester but she was very nice and she's working on it okay somebody is working on it what's her name um Wendy a Wendy Frontier f r o n t i e r oh Frontier yeah and the first name is Wendy f i o n t e r no f r o n t i e r t i e r okay Wendy I know some people in gloss about the name anytime I've ever seen that name that had an o in the end FR oh yeah I know I yeah who knows maybe they Dr it on purpose who knows she was a very pleasant lady and knowledgeable oh yes I could have spent the day with her but I couldn't it would have been very interesting no I I lived in gler until 1973 so I I know that place Museum to be open and every other week to tour turn out has been great there has been a lot of interest old bottles that were dug up by the river were cleaned and put on display old Museum old pictures of properties were found and put on display at Museum find out if town is making progress on getting monuments and Time Capsule moved from old library anything on that yet the last time I asked Mr Kelly about it and he told me they're working on it okay that's what I got y yep the same from pop KC's yeah that's up that's that's really what happened to the signs that were on the sign that was lit up that's part of it that that sign that you have at the Museum was on the side of the building no it came from the big sign one side of it and the other side is at their their garage at who at their garage they kept the other side these two one was on one side and one was on the other mhm I don't remember why I say that as that sign seems to me to be a lot bigger than the Sun that was on the pole you know how tall that post was yeah I wasn't about to climb a ladder on it the sunla is the one that climbed the ladder and took it down oh de okay I guess that's about it on the minutes yeah and I did want to say um R and the owner from pop casy he's 99 years old yeah he was at the legion a couple of weeks ago and he came Friday with his daughter which one the youngest um no I think the older one she had one gray hair she was older but she parked the car cuz we were working downstairs cleaning up and he got out of the car with his king and you should have seen that man walk he walks better than I do 99 they can Amaze you these people I tell you they really can he went right over to the underhand there where the sign was and he just stayed right there I even took a couple of pictures of him I tell you he was so thrilled I met his youngest daughter she moved back here from Alaska that's the one that lives with him yeah she take helped take care of oh sure look can you see it yeah huh he he just was glued to that sign he didn't move just stared at it I think that place was a business for quite some time 1947 yeah year I was born and you know the pop Casey you know how they got the name pop Casey how his dad they used to call him pop and his last name is Cass casting when he was in the service they couldn't say his name so they called him Casey and it's stuck and that's how he got it yeah C that's a French name yeah yeah and he told me that he's got a lot of paperwork and things for me to go get at his house regarding the Christian Hospital and Dr Brad so what are they using that building that said had this prop Casey sign on is a residence now into house it's one apartment they had to sell it the daughter was telling us on Friday that if it had stayed in the family then it would have been um what do they call it grandfather grandfather thank you and they could have kept it and try to fix it up and all that so but nobody in the family wanted it so what they did is they fixed it all up into a a three and just say it's a three-bedroom apartment and there's a lady renting it yeah oh they were able to use it at least yeah yeah sure put a lot of work into that go he was so excited to see that sign hanging so we made his day y you know okay may I have a motion to accept the minutes move second second all in favor okay approved okay okay let me see okay Peach was a success then right oh my God was it a success the weather couldn't been any better yep the only catastrophe last year our the bottom we've got um confection ovens top and bottom yep last year the heating element let go oh dear this year the top element let go so I got I've been trying to call the C Refrigeration to a of the PT cuz he's the one that fixed the other one soing the M commented that she remembered last year there seem to be some spaces unoccupied and empty you know where you know one might expect to exhibit not this year that's right that's right was you need to put that one back I will indeed yes so you'll have it yes it's helpful yeah it was a complete a complete success in fact we sold so much Saturday that we had to go into Sunday's amount Sunday we soed that by 2:00 was I going to say yeah and I was we were impressed with how quickly and nicely they set up because they're right next door to us you know with the parking area yeah and uh they they took it down you would never have realized anything had gone on over there at all cuz nice as could be you know sometimes you know there a little bit stuff lying around there was nothing and everything was nice and that's the whole problem with that thing is blacking yeah that that's a pain and Tom foron was talking to us about it and he he was quite upset this year with the Ping cuz they lost Keith Farm oh they did yeah they lost all that parking area why because the wife passed away the husband passed away a few years ago the son passed away and this year the wife oh I didn't think they had children one son but he he died a few years back yeah and this grandson was helping her well that's something yeah but it was unfortunate she passed away so now the world takes the fact and he donated everything to the F of land trust so everything it's in Probate right now wish should they charge the Boost do you know for to put a booth in there I don't know Sue pickart is the one that takes care of that and I think this is their last year I took I got a quick glance at some of the figures and they were very steep oh Susan well the M she had another comment she said um did you see any pies when you were up there I was up there ahead of her they sold out Saturday I thought so they sold out over 400 pies she she could hardly believe it but I said it looks to me like everyone of them is gone yeah they had Apple blueberry strawberry rub everything went Saturday and it was from the um they mhm yeah yeah s was asking where in the world they get all those PES I have no clue yeah she didn't think they were locally you know but what the heck I mean people were happy with them and bought them and you know you you know we heard comments uh like my husband U met a lady this morning at the light um post office she was complaining because we were the only ones that were selling apple and Peach it's an apple Peach Festival and yet it's it's not there you know the peaches are not there you have nobody selling any peaches any food at all and you look around town and I mean where are they being grown even this year was tough yeah it was sad to see that yeah cuz you know just sort of they sold out of steak and cheese too the according to Tom when he talked to us on Sunday he said they all the vendors sold out of food they all did I couldn't get over they were getting 15 bucks for a Bloomin 20 bucks for the onion 20 20 bucks and he said was lousy cuz it was B that seems like a wicked price for yeah not everybody knows prices they weren't cheap they nothing no but you know some of them at least you can you could Gulp and pay but cheap anymore nothing cheap one of the prices that I seen there is but you know I don't blame them you know if you can get it get it yeah well and another thing too like like with the bands some of the bands will donate their time yeah others are charging them outrageous that's s yeah these guys here I I you know just stood and listened to them for quite some time they seem to be a great improvement over there oh much better than last year we had we were getting complaints at our booth yes of the music last year I mean people my age you know they said that music is terrible we'll leave it well we could hear it from a ways off that was enough for us you know but it was better much calmer much calmer it was it was nice it was good um yeah the cooler let go on me oh dear Scot it up on the Sunday it wouldn't get cold I had to call I called uh oh my God I called the Plummer up there because I wasn't sure if it was the refrigeration pop come to find out we had to get a electrici up there because the fans inside the cooler got frozen over the winter they were not turn so it wasn't Cooling and then he got up on the top the motors's on the top he replace the switch in all the wires before we could get the cool going yeah this year was quite oh man more problems now we didn't see the parade did they did they they every year they used to pick a queen or something I don't know if they had a Peach Queen they had her in one of the convertibles yeah the brave this year was excellent and you know who took it over was re's son he took it over I mean I never saw such a long parade we there standing watching it I mean they had all the old Jeeps some of the old cars sure convertibles yeah and Fire Equipment from cush Rochester for Haven sure I never thought it was going to end they started at po park at 11: yep no 10: 10 really was supposed to start at 10 and it was by my house oh so one for they probably H little Choice it didn't finished till noon yeah by the time they got to the museum really that's about right yeah I know it is quite a waste they they can't walk it anymore they have to ride they were pretty much on time yeah yeah I I seen Charlie delberg y he had that green tractor with the wagon behind it yeah and he was working on at his house I stopped to talk to him he said this is is his 30th year in the parade 30th 30 that's pretty good they come a long way yeah and this have this followed um the fell I don't know which one he is I don't even know his name but she um Ra's wife was there and she was saying my son organized it this year it was so long I didn't think it was ever going to [Music] end to impress people so that they show up in greater numbers even next year yeah yeah then they probably succeeded yeah but that means more work for me I suppose I suppose that's true oh God so we did have a very good turnout all year long uh with the the museum open every other weekend yep oh my God every every other weekend we got bombed with people yeah unbelievable well it's good because more people become aware of what's in there and tell others and it's good and then you know I mean we we've done some work to the inside it needs more but yeah you know funds are tight so that's right but we had all new uh we had all the windows the ropes on the Windows fixed y yeah there it was 12 Windows all together that the ropes were broken we couldn't open or close them so we had that fixed and we had all new white Shades room darkening Shades put in what a difference that makes in the room I mean people were comenting this building is beautiful yeah you know mhm sure I even met a lady that went to school there and I asked I said please tell me what uh grades were in each room and who the teachers were she gave me the whole list so I now I know all the teachers that taught there so I got it home and want to put that together for everybody to see a lot of people ask us uh you know who's the teacher yeah they would you know but now I know so we had a good turnout uh everybody was working hard yeah that's for sure and uh the new alarms are beautiful but the one in the museum is different than the one in the meeting house yeah yeah okay the one at the Museum is more I don't know how what you would say I mean this thing is unbelievable you just tap it m and it changes and it'll tell you you know if you're going to leave you hit a couple of buttons gives you 60 seconds to SC the door MH I mean this one is really really nice fire and um it's hooked up to the and the police so we're well protected the one at the meeting house also is hooked up to police and fire but that system a little bit different for that building yeah so they got it done they finally got it done oh it's encouraging okay yeah and the company is Alam New England mhm okay all right anything else under New or Old business anyone wants to speak about no I can't think of anything okay I do have to I'm going to have to put a letter together for the Suman to ask about those schools yeah do we have a list of the where they were yeah got it on the map and I forgot to bring maps for you people today right at the Museum this morning and didn't think of it I thought about it you do have maps for I got the 1871 map yep which is the longer one yep that one is got all the schools on it every one of them nine of them now if we went to each of those nine would any of them contain buildings even our allone they tore them all down no but at least we know where they were yeah they were one room School houses too bad they didn't too bad they didn't leave State one of them anyway yeah well I think they eliminated the one room School houses that's when parting WS was built so they started sending all the kids there one thing I cuz I went to parting ways third fourth fifth 6th and eighth yeah yeah and I went to the one out at the whites Dairy yep for seventh grade mhm and then the new Ford junior high for ninth grade oh my gosh and then happened to B ey after that but I mean yeah I went to that school for a long time what was nice is I lived on Cleveland Street so it was a all I had do was walk to school pretty yeah we live on John Street if you go up that little side street street is you were run into the little cottage 126 that's where we lived so my sister and I just walked right down the street to school was great yeah yeah but a lot different when we move to a Christian and from new bethford there was only 4,000 people here I don't know what the population is now oh it's more than around 11,000 11 or 12,000 cuz you know you see a lot of houses that you know darn well were not there for very long well AR they going they're going supposed to build 50 something houses up on uh off of Main Street right right now where you live yeah yeah no pdon me it's up a little further yeah and they haven't started anything there yet no is that going to be over 55 just what we need another 100 cars traffic's bad enough well at least the cars are one problem but if they families with children we got a big problem cuz the schools are never going to hold that no you know and I to be honest with you I talked to Dr bu uh about it cuz he's the finance committee chairman he said we could never never really build a high school wa for one thing we couldn't afford it but he said we would never be able to do it I can see why we wouldn't be able to afford it they' have to increase the taxes by millions where the kids go to high school now Haven be be that's what I figured yeah Colony yeah yeah that's what my great grandson graduated although I see some signs that a lot of the kids are going to Bristol Agy now yeah Bristol is another one oh and that bus comes into town it pick up cuz I see on the side of the bus yeah where is Bristol Agy anyway it's in what dayon is it I used to go right by I take we were there one day they were having some kind of of an event and it certainly looked like that was where it was yeah we never PID much attention to dayon but we were impressed with it you know it's a it's a nice little town yes it is a nice little town I used to take one of my uh kids home yep uh we go right by Bristol uh yep the school y we used to go right by there and she was further out a daycare yeah no sure no it's a nice town it's basically rural yeah know very okay that nice street is still Ral as long as that bridge stays closed that's going to be closed for a while oh what could be done how what are they going to do with that theyve already rebuilt it they rebuilding it now I went down there my bicycle about a week ago I tried to go down there I couldn't get there well I got I got quite a ways in yeah to see what was going on I got a long way to go they go Long Way well it's an old Hulk of thing I'm sure well yeah they got to rip out well there's actually two Bridges there yeah yeah really there are you yeah there's two there so they got to replace them both well that that second one the one that goes to the factory yeah that one they're eliminating oh they're going to eliminate uhhuh so there will not be any water through Factory is pretty much overgrown yes I had gotten a call uh a few weeks back from uh the lady that runs the foren cush land trust and she said that white Factory is really getting to be a danger because the kids are climbing all over it they're going to end up tearing it down they want to knock it knock the walls in told her I said don't do that why why would they not do that they were going to knock all the walls and so the kids wouldn't get hurt claiming on him yeah yeah you know the historical we don't want him to knock get kn the wall in they're asking for trouble if they don't do it well that's what she said she's afraid of getting sued really you can see the headline the Fallen wall injures child the kid should not be climbing all over that anyway where the parents yeah yeah where were they when the shooting took place last week too 14y old full rifle like that from his father and nobody knows about that's a lot of old yeah well he he should be locked up good and far because he's negligent as could be in a criminal sense you got arrested too yeah course he did they should he it's just like them two brothers are bicycles oh God Dr driver and killed them both yeah and their sister was getting married the next day yeah and the two of them white their are pregnant the two wives they were on the news crying their hearts out it's awful it's getting worse and worse it really is scary out there remind me of the line from the song of My Fair Lady you'll be sorry but your tears will come too late y that's true yeah oh my gosh okay so nothing else under new old business sure all right our next meeting will be October 8th okay is that correct yeah yeah I had so much trouble with my computer this time trying to send this over to town hall so they could uh put it up on the on the wall downstairs for the meetings yep oh my God I can't I would send it when they would get it it was it kept saying May 2024 oh cuz Richard got that on my you did and he said yeah we got it the new one would not pick for some reason or brother I had so much trouble with it in fact I said no it was tonight and he said no apple Peach you wouldn't have had it this week yeah yeah that was funny yeah we got what's wrong with Paul just send the yeah see old well I got a call from the clerk's office yeah um I can't say of his name the Golder boy that's you the other one that sent me the email wrong day is this correct and I'm looking I'm saying oh no no and but I had aot time with my computer I didn't recognize him either with the hat and I talk to him all the time when I go in the clerk's office so all right may I have a motion to uh adjourn so move yep second second all in favor bye [Music]