[Music] [Applause] it's already 27 um okay may I have a motion open the meeting so second meline um who said second you did Richard God it's okay all right we don't have a flag in this room so we'll have to bypass that for tonight um approval of the minutes from uh January's meeting we didn't have them in February because of that [Music] snowstorm okay Richard you would you like to read it out what's that the minutes yeah if you want do mhm all right this is the meeting from our last take um okay discussions on the old library if and when solar Monument must be moved to p park also the Time Capsule now uh is there anything else that come from that I haven't heard nothing further the only thing is the capsule would go to the library on Middle Road oh the time capsu okay selectman must make a decision on the sale there are stipulations that must be met or appraiser must be high to determine the value of the building and what repairs are needed and what to sell the building for but none of this has been done none of this has been done as far as I know okay uh the bill at the school was repaired that was repaired a while back yeah that was motion to accept last meeting approved new sign made in hung and parting ways property Deeds to be checked to find original loers determin building is 100 years old it's determined that the acent Town Line on River Road and M Road are as follows on River Road the properties along the river are in cushion it all the way to the town licas that's on balls corner right right and on M Road the side of the river to Town Line ends at slokum Street this is one thing I never knew that the town it's like that old building just when you take the corner go up in the package store there's a huge building there looks like it come from me Adams Family you know which one I mean a middle Ro me on Middle Road no is it mud's house is that lives there one on the right they just did it all over they painted it in everything no the little one no the big one the big house yeah that's that's the house yeah that's a beautiful place anyway okay State won't allow meeting house to be used because it's not complying with codes B bathrooms water heat and handicap accessible other buildings are also excluded what aent needs is a senator or representative to make historical buildings code exempt otherwise buildings will go unused now what I'm thinking is this that we should start mailing letters y to our Senator and representative to see if we can get these historical buildings exempt and used for only used for guided tours yeah in other words you can't just open the building up and let anybody go in there because they don't have the facilities but it's a shame to let these buildings just sit there with nobody else enjoying them because there isn't two bathrooms or a handicap so maybe if we can get an exemption or the state a senator or Hospital representative can make a motion to exempt these types of buildings so that they can be used okay I think that if we maybe just mail a letter and see what happens Senator has been in there for a number of terms and he's got a great deal of power and respectability and everything else I would think he's the guy to go because our state repri no he's he's not going to run again I know he's not he's all done it's a shame because he's been for seven he did a lot of work far as yep and the other well the other fellow though has been in much longer and it's still going to be there the one from met he seems able to get money for just about anything Who U the State Rep there His Name Escapes me at the moment but he's been in for a number of terms St is it stra stra yes St yeah he seems it right I don't know he seems to accomplish things that uh other people would have no luck at all getting through well he's been in a while so he knows how to work the system I guess he does okay well let me just bring up something uh before we go any further because I've been working on trying to get the paral church on the National Historic register so I have talked to well we had a line up a preservationist that is willing to do all the paperwork Y and I've lined up one uh lady um and I've had quite a few calls with her and um the state has been really tough her and I have both been on the phone with the the three gentlemen up there in at Mass hystorical um the one that I talked to and I can't think of his name off hand I told him I said will you please tell me the reasoning why in a small church that's never had running water bathrooms why the building inspector tells me we have to have three it does he he said who told you that I said the building inspector in a cushion [Music] three bathrooms he says to me when the time comes we get it on the register he said you and I will have that conversation because you do not need three you can have one that'll handle all three sure okay yeah I so there's not really room in that church to put a bathroom that should apply that should apply to all the buildings yes it should it certainly should that's one of the things with the meeting house cuz there's no bathroom there either well what I'm saying is is that's why we have to get keep pressuring these Representatives or Senators to do yeah because no yes because it seems senseless to spend all this money to revamp these buildings and then they you can't use them because they're not up the code that don't make sense to me at all well the thing is to get it on the National Historic register is going to be the first step all right is that make the building exemp from code no I doubt it no so so what and I can't even be guaranteed grants from what they told me yeah they said I can't be guaranteed getting a grant once it's on the national register he says it all depends on what the money is to be used for if the money is available and depending on how the letter is written to apply for the so that's where we need the help of our preservations yeah now because she knows let me ask you this B if they do Grant just one bathroom mhm and you're able to put it in mhm now you have no septic right I told now is this is this going to be under the new septic regulations where I heard you know they're not going septics is getting uh outrageous yeah but they're not uh that is not going into effect for us right now I mean the sulan have been talking about it off and on off and on and they got word from uh God what's his name uh what's the one that gets all our money from Boston oh I can't think of his [Music] name I can't think of but anyways um we got a long way to go let's put it that way we got a long way to go one step at the okay just you sit here you you you you spoken to a preservative a preservationist yes the lady her name is Wendy and she's up near Boston area and she has been helping me by contacting um Mass hysterical she's talking she talked to Paul Holtz she's talked to Ben Haley Ben Haley is more the um to get it on the national register he's the one that more or less tells you what needs to be done okay what's her name uh her first name is Wendy I should have brought the paper with me with her information I didn't bring it son of a g um she has been excellent and um we're going to a CPC to ask for the funding uh to cover it to get on the National Historic register and already she's put in quite a bit of time just back and forth the mass historical okay being sure that the way the building is that we can go forward with it and it needs like I told uh the gentleman I spoke to last week that Ben Haley I said it needs a lot of work I said because it was never finished the point that they're raising is that when the renovations were done on that building building they're trying to tell me that the building has changed from the original now I've got old pictures not with me but I've got old pictures when we first took over the church and went in there we samp pictures of all kinds the only thing that on the exterior that has changed is the two individual porches no where before it had a porch across the whole whole front right across the whole front but the town what happened was when they s fixing the building up mhm the town planted those shrubs in the middle of the two staircases and that's why they ended up the billing inspector put these small porches in and I told them right out I said that is the only thing on the exterior that is changed yeah the sighting hasn't changed the roof ring has not changed it was pred okay the other thing is they're saying about the belfrey now the only thing that we looked at old pictures we looked at new pictures the um the vent on the side of the uh belfrey are shorter they're not the long one the way it was on the original belf fre and the reason they did Shen them I talked to the new building inspector Andy I was over there last week and I spoke to him about it and he said why they do that is to keep the bats and birds and things like that out yeah because if you remember when we first took over that building there was 2T of stuff in that building that's why Alan wouldn't let me go in there he kept me out would he said it was not healthy not to go in there so who's saying that the building is changed M historical see that's been the problem we have to know for sure that the building is going to be able ble to go through the National Historic register and kind of be sure that we're going to be able to get it it's going to cost about $8,000 that's what we're going to ask for from CBC to pay the uh preservationist because she's got a lot of paperwork she's got a lot of stuff to do to prepare what about our congressmen and Senators could they be any help in this situation right now I think we might have it somewhat under control where they've told us to proceed yep but the waiting list too is about 2 years long yeah no because I just heard just the past few weeks that it sounds like they've been able to line up a great deal of money to replace both the bridges over the canal and it's our Senators who work very hard to get that approved and there will still be more money needed and supposedly they're going to do the bigger Bridge first and the other Bridge second they're not going to do the both simultaneous together bigger Bridge they're both the same AR they no by no means no no the U sagore bridge is considerably more um more to it it's longer well bigger wider uh used by far more Vehicles see that that's a main main factor of doing that one first because it is used by far more Vehicles than the other one and it's not a real problem if you can't get across the um uh BN Bridge cuz the other one is close by but they don't want to work on both at the same time because were really scream up I wish theyd get the Hamlin Street Bridge done are you kidding did they do if they work lately I don't even know if they're work or not we don't hear no banging we were he in the banging the canal Bridges will done before H the street what the canal Bridges will be done the street I think so well they were supposed to open up coming up this summer right no they years well that brid will never be gone to the the summer neither one of them it's it's going to be so much more difficult than the original ones but what about our little Hamin Street Bridge oh that I don't I don't know what what I'm saying is there's no reason in the world where take three years yeah that's that's baloney they could go in there knock that out in 6 months if they put their mind to it well it's all these the fish studies and you know the and all these studies they have to take what about the mill that's there is there anything being said or done about that better not get touched I mean it's in poor enough shape right now the only thing what they're going to do is if you remember the waterway that used to go under under the power the mill the power of the mill that there's going to be done away with well that Mill's going to be shaved there's no doubt about well they did away with the dam because of the Herring and so that well the last time the mill option last time I went through place was all overgrown yeah oh yeah lot of work just the fall the fell that was doing all the work of cleaning it up in that he didn't get any help from the Kush land uh the F Haven Land Trust they're not willing to help him out at all you know not M yeah but they don't help him at all not even to clean up cut the grass nothing okay okay so that's another story but well that's another thing that we're going to have to address because that'd be another building gone you know I mean it don't make sense like the library is there anything been said about that but you know that's that's another that's like the church okay what are you going to do you're going to preserve it and that's what it's going to be preservation ability I'm not talking about preserving it I'm talking about selling it with the stipulation that they can't change the outside where the liary that's yeah that's I thought you were talking about no that should that should be that should be a number one priority right now restri Falls you know before it deteriorates any more than it is what could you use that building for if not well you could put a a real estate office in there a beauty salon or have no much parking so you can't be put problem we got an awful lot of stairs to climb to but you could you got the lower level which is walking yeah but not only that they have a they have an elevator in there they do I'm sure they could do something there's an elevator in that building huh no no I thought there was no what was I going to say stairs I imagine one could get if they renovate the building which they' have to do y well like I said if we can sell a building at this point at this stage of the game who cares what they sell it for the way you're right you know what I'm saying it's becoming an eyesore if they let the roof cave in on itself you know what I mean and people keep saying I'm sure that nice building and just sitting there doing nothing yeah exactly it's rotting away and it's a it's a beautiful building it right now it's a liability it is if they sell it then it's on a tax roll exactly that's why I think that should be priority sell that building regardless of the price don't get me wrong I said did anybody find out about the origin of that building wasn't it donated to the town at one time yeah it was and was there any restrictions no but we've got the historical commission has got a restriction for now when it gets sold the facade cannot be touched ever okay but I mean there's no restriction on what the building can be used for no I I mean it was built to be a library right so that's it was built for his daughter in his daughter's namesake and we never found the building plans see that's what Mr Kelly was asking me if I had any information cuz I dug up quite bit of stuff in our little town books that we have at the Museum got a lot of information from that but um I don't I don't know I we've got the deed restriction there um but I've been hearing figures like they think it's worth a half a million dollar [Music] well you know the the market is still crazy so oh it is trouble is whoever buys that building it's going to cost them a lot of money to get it to where they want it so if they're spending half a million dollars on the building and you're going to dump at least another half a million in it and not only that they're going to have to um come up with the funding to move the uh veterans Monument that that can be taken care of once the building is sold yeah but that's got to be one of the get off their butts and sell that building then we can worry about moving the monument how much is it going to cost to move that Monument to PO 5 grand Mr Mr Kelly thinks it's going to be outrageous what's outrageous 10 grand yeah I don't know I can't see it's a big Monument you you what you got to do is just like when I was a prop you got to get people in there to give you estimates you know what I mean in other words bring in half a dozen people and tell them how much this is going to cost us there's not too many people that do that type of work well he needs a crane and and a Truck Yeah am I right yeah I and it's going to be on a flat bed in order to move it in one piece without you need somebody with the expertise to move that oh yeah sorry you need someone with the expertise understand that but if you you're hiring somebody with a crane they're not dumb theyve moved stuff like this before not only that now where the hell is it going to go it's going to go to the park yeah I but where in the park are they just going to take a day and drop it well let's sell the building first exactly exactly now whatever it's on now we got to get put over there mhm M what about lighting a fire under the selectman's butts to get to do something with this is there any way we can move ahead with you want to get me in trouble that's what you're going to do I'm sure after they see this tape I'll be in trouble I'll be getting a phone call come in and see me well there's going to be something we could do to talk to them to find out what's going on I mean the the ownership was passed over to them from whoever had it before correct y minutes was always at Town yeah but I mean the Selectmen now are in charge of what happens to that building so the first step would be to like I just read in the minutes here um we we got to get here it is we got to get um an appraiser must be high to determine the value of the building what repairs are needed and what to sell the building for I mean geez all you got to do is get on a phone and get somebody over there like that with Town property well I'm sorry but there's a lot more to it I understand that but they're dragging their feet and it's going to happen is the building's going to end up getting torn down just like that building was across the street that George Washington met his General borgard they tore that down in 57 that was a nice house which one right across the street that oh the SE the sein house they tore that down in 57 I can't get over there they actually tore that building down in George Washington was there my good I met make sense I met the lady uh at the Museum came down with her niece and her daughter and um she her family was the last family that lived in that house before it got turned uh before it got torn down yeah and I met her and she you know that I had that sign made have you seen the sign that yeah well that's how I knew there was a building there because I stopped when there my bicy and read the sign yeah now again I don't know who was in charge of them years I understand 1957 they didn't care about stuff like they do now as far as historical value but I could that was the the biggest I can't get and that was all because of the cemetery building then they bought the I understand it but they they could have put Cemetary building behind it but at the time in 1957 could the town afford another historical building renov how much money could it have cost really I mean 57 somebody would have lived in it wait what about the house the C house they going to knock that down oh yeah well yeah the U Builder bought it and reconstructed it sold it the cross street the yellow one cin house the cussin house oh yeah okay oh c s house SE yeah at the right the s's house y but you know how much can the town afford to take over I mean the these people have properties and it's worth so much money is the town going to give them what it's worth and then is town going to be able to afford to restore it to its original condition well that's why I'm saying sell it then the town don't have nothing to do with it any the library that's the library yeah any building for that matter that's historical building no now you're talking my museum and meeting house you better not I don't mean it that the building comes up and the town says well we don't have the money to you know to do this then hell would it sell it you know let somebody else do it there's got to be a way because like I say I've been here back living here now for 3 years Y and they have done squat in the last 3 years yeah and it's a lot of it has got to do with finding the original building plans in fact he was even going to trace it back to the architect cuz in one of our books it listed who the architect was then the plans and I says God knows that was so many years ago that person's not alive anymore but he was going to try to see if he could research and see if the company maybe was still around right and would have the documents I've gone through the building department I have gone through files like you wouldn't believe yeah okay when his wife was working there let me tell you I'd go there and I'd visit her and we would through all kinds of files found nothing well how about if we get a hire a lawyer wait a minute let me they got town all I mean is to send them a letter to the select then just to write a letter not to do anything else to the selectman to get up that duffs and do something with the library they're going to hang us I don't think I'm sorry that's how about just asking them what's what is needed what's the first step but you're not getting a street answer from that's the let me let me see if I can reach Mr Kelly what's tomorrow Wednesday Council and aging meeting okay well I mean even if one of us writes a letter to them or you or us and we all sign it and tell them they get off their dffs and do something with this building what are they going to do to us ex us from the town throw us out I mean I pay taxes just like everybody else and that's that's the thing there's people in this town that have built huge houses that are paying taxes I mean it's incredible I don't understand how come we're always hurting from money I don't understand it either uh I I I'm not sure but I think where we pay one of the highest tax rates in I know mine just went up I think everybody's taxes went up paired with other communities y we're right up there true I understand small this is same with rents the guy across the street from me just rented a second floor walk up for two grand a month yeah that's incredible totally ridiculous what are the taxes on it I have no idea so I mean if you own a piece of property if you rent it out you you intend on making money on that property correct to pay the taxes and water and all St I understand that but it's cat it's a catch 22 situation you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't you know what I mean I can't see people who the hell can afford two grand a month as it is the guy that moved in there the family that moved in there they can't afford a car oh my gosh well that this this is the problem in Massachusetts it's a problem everywhere you know I have friends in Tennessee and I have friends in Florida they're running into the same the same the same issues sure and it's you know and and it's getting worse and worse all the time oh my daughter's down in Florida and she says it's not cheap to live down here anymore she said the the older folks that moved down there thinking they were going to live good for less money they're packing up and they're coming back up north it's like the people is for it's a lot cheaper to live there I don't know it's just getting to the point where uh things have changed so much and gone downhill so fast as far as the housing situation the taxes uh and preserving historical buildings it's just it seems to me Fortune it costune I know that but it seems to me that the people in charge should be doing a whole a lot more than they are yes but money is very very tight so there's a that's a big yeah but how much does it cost in other words money's tight okay you get get a uh what do they call it guy reservation uh no appraiser how much is it going to cost to get an information to go there and tell them I'm not sure if they've done that already because I heard one of the SL meetings a while back where they said Put it on the market for half a million so they have to have gotten that figure from somebody and I'm thinking maybe they did have an appraisal done I have to ask Mr Kelly He he'll tell me when I go see him about anything in the historical thank God he's kind of a he been kind of a help but I'll have to check with him on this Library issue okay oh all right before we go any further um everyone's gone over the minutes of the meeting in January um may I have a motion to accept them I'll make a motion second I in favor [Music] okay so I still think we should also mail a letter to a senator Representatives that we were discussing before yeah in particular the State Rep that now represents the bottom third of this town and also is you know the guy from U how do we find out who it is M po well the Name Escapes me but he's he's the name St is from yeah Strauss Strauss has been in there a long time and I've read a number of articles in some of the weekly Town things of some of the nearby towns he seems to be able to obtain money for just about anything and because he's been in there long enough to know all the ins and outs what is he r or a senator use a rep what's his name s r a u s s I believe s c r r k r a u c s r u SS I believe s r u a SS but he's been in there for quite some time now he his stuff what's his first You Name Escapes Me s see this is the first term that he's been part you know represented part of this town and the other fellow who's retiring represents the northern 2/3 of the town so he's no help to us after and what's his name the other Schmid Schmid Schmid yeah Schmid s c h m d so if if the if you heard that they were putting uh the library was going going to go for half a million yeah we got to find out if that's on the market y I don't believe it's on the market yet well then why isn't it on the market well I mean all you going to do is ask right the hell three times a week asking the Wonder I don't get thrown out oh my gosh but anyways um uh on the um CPC cuz town meeting is going to be June 3rd mhm the town meeting town meeting you mean okay okay so um the peral church for the National Historic register is one of the articles that I'm going to have the second article is we're going to ask for a new fence on the South side at the Museum remember last year I did the north side and everybody loved it it's it came out really nice so this year we're going to do the south side which is shorter because we're not going to be able to close it off down the back y because of the Bands yeah so we're only going to be able to go up to the shed and stop there so I've already got a price on that that both articles are going for CPC and then to meting okay so they're going they going to put a new fence in there we're going to yeah we're going to ask for the funds to do it um you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get prices you know it's tough let me tell you it sounds like it's open you're going to hear that all Sumer no no okay so those are the two articles that I have going before um town meeting this year um the preservation is that I've got helping me with this the National Historic register um she's been very good she's contacted Mass uh historical she's talked to them all up there because she's very familiar with them she's up in Boston area so she deals with them all the time but now they've given us go ahead go ahead and do it and let's try to get it on the register you know we were like this because it's been years I started working on the research 2010 I've got all the papers that filed home and I could not believe when I started looking back yep 2010 that's a well it's frustrating I'm sure it's very frustrating very especially when you go to CPC and ask for money to do something and they turn you down that's be the worst yeah we've got a lot of issues there we've got a lot of problems there we don't know if it's going to be able to hold a septic tank you can't have a uh closed tank you know one of the closed on you can't have that those are illegal now the building inspect atonement a t tank what they call it tank tank can't use those anymore they're illegal the water is in the middle of per Hill Road so it's all it needs to be brought in from the street in the water yeah okay there's no heat in that building another problem is this all going to be worth it I mean you looking at a how much money you looking at total 20 $30,000 you're looking are you kidding we're looking a lot more than that then there's no way in hell they're going to approve that that's why I'm trying to see we get it on the Nationalist register we can apply for some grants through the save but I need I need this preservation is this girl I think when we need her to kind of help us out because she knows how to write those kind of letters that they're looking for they're looking for specific things mhm you know yep I mean we can tell we can give them a list of what we need yeah something else that Strauss could probably help you with because I could remember Strauss has been in there for quite some time now he's he's not a real old guy no he isn't and he knows his stuff and he seems able to produce sums of money for the legislature and other people scratched their head say J was how did he get them to approve that and they weren't saying isn't that awful they're saying we kind of wish he was represent us at least but he if it would do no harm cuz I'm sure he he could give some suggestions about what the lead should contain oh are sure yeah cuz if he's able to get sums of money to do this do that in some of the other towns that he represents then he's obviously in on you know how to do it well I don't I don't even know if someone like a representative would be able to help with the grant programs at all because it's it's very specific what's got to be done and it's got to go I think you're doing the right thing with that woman she's the one that you need to do I think we we need maybe to Keep Her On even if we have to pay her a little she very helpful you you know because we don't know where to stop I mean I can give them a list like when I talked to that Ben Haley cuz he was kind of uh arguing with me that I'm not sure if the building is still considered hysterical with the changes that have been done yeah and I'm like excuse me what what changes and I said the only thing by look at at the old pictures and new pictures the only thing I see different it's two small porches instead of one large one M okay and as far as the belf fre never came off the roof yeah I've got pictures of them working it on up on the roof cuz it was all roded but they never took it off the roof the Bell is still in there and in fact I had uh Seth D Ro go up there and check it because that's another thing he's going to give me uh in writing uh the condition of it because Mr Kelly asked me about the insurance cuz those buildings are all insured through the town and we have to make sure that that belt is solid so it's not going to come tumbling down you know mess oh yeah because we got the belfree uh I mean the belfree under the belfe we've got the area where the the like choir would be if it came through it's going to cut through there and down it's it's going to be a big mess why is it that bad no the Bell is solid oh okay yeah so that was one good thing but I need it in writing too I keep asking Seth he's so busy with work they don't have time to do anything um but that's the only thing I mean the siding was replaced with clapboard which was there the back of the building was replaced with shingles which was there yep the windows have been refurbished not replaced mhm and and I said to him there is nothing else that has changed with that building the other thing they're making noise about is inside the the ceiling used to be a peak yep okay but when they had to fix the roof they've got three um what do you call them the wires that go from one wall to the other to hold the walls in this there's the name for it ties the metal ties there's three of them in the church yeah and I guess because of that they changed the style of the ceiling it's more like gam like this and down yep where before it used to be a peak ahuh how the heck can you see that from outside don't think you know you can really lose patience with these people because it is crazy yes it's a good thing I thank God I got pictures in an envelope at home from way before when we first took it over to what it looks like now yeah you know and even put John hoft he's what 86 years old like my husband he's out there cleaning along the stone walls he's having everything cut down he said those stone walls are beautiful they should be showing so he's been clearing it all out 86 years old by himself museum at the uh church at the church you know so in the end what is the uh goal for the church oh well he asked that Ben Haley asked me what would you use it for I said we can use it for meetings no I said because parking is an issue M don't have many parking spots no you don't have any parking spots yeah you do in the front how many three four um you can know about six cars right in the front because I know they park there to buy John's apples next door they park in front of the church so um um I forgot what I was going to say he asked you what the end game was for the for the use of it oh the use of it okay so I told them uh meetings we could use it for uh I said I would like to see a church service come back on Sundays because a lot of those people down on Perry Hill Road like Priscilla Gilcrest yeah 89 years old yeah I talked with her again what two weeks ago I went down and paid her a visit and um I got a question for you what denomination was that church or was it any particular one I've heard it was a Baptist but I don't think so I think it was Christian just sort of just generic Christian without any particular legal because when the Society of nor for Haven was running that's what they called it mhm first Christian you couldn't make Catholic mass in there no I don't think so no would either be a presbyterian or non non denominational yeah and just have a preacher you don't need yeah a minister a preacher a preacher you don't need a minister you need a preacher somebody about it yeah really just like when I was living in Tennessee yeah my wife belonged to this church and I went there and I was a little ly of it but they had a preacher not he was that's all he was was a preacher and he was fantastic and it was 200 people in a town of 2800 and they there was 2,800 people in this town they had 20 churches wow for you South of the Mason Dix how it is in fact they had a huge monument at the Town Hall it was dedicated to the tus of the Confederacy oh man any oh my okay now uh okay so want to bring up a s subject about uh the Plex we're got to get somebody oh who we going to get we John really doesn't have the time I can't do it it's tough to well I I've had certain issues lately of health and the hospital visits and stuff you know and you say there's no no money to hire somebody even if we hired maybe part time or uh someone that actually works in the parting ways building to people all have jobs that are getting I can think of somebody that might possibly um he doesn't live here though he lives up in um uh the northern part of the county but he is very active doing the real estate title work I know how to do it but I I I'm going to be 77 in a couple weeks and I I just have not got the oomph I used to have I am but he's somewhat younger than I he's probably about 55 and he knows his stuff and he might just be worth having a chat with why don't you get you do know well enough to chat with him I do indeed well why don't you give him a call and see what he says yes tell him that you know there's a need for certain amount of title work the historical commission yes yeah and you know and if he says well how much you willing to pay you tell them we'll pay you in apples no I'm just saying you know find out it wouldn't hurt to talk to him he's done things to help me out and I've done things to help him out yeah know and um it would do no harm and he just might be uh yeah see he lives up in Mansfield and he but he does work in Bristol County all three Registries he's been but mostly Bristol North if you had somebody that knows what they're doing oh he knows it wait a minute let me finish when he goes there he can he could he could investigate probably 50 of them in one day so he doesn't have to come down here I'm exaggerating what I'm saying is even if he only puts one month one day a month aside yeah to come down here to investigate it would be a heck of a lot further along than we are now yeah well that's true but I I I think uh well I he may he has been saying that recently things have been dropping off and a little little quiet so it might be a good time to hit him well like I say joh tomorrow tomorrow for you [Music] and one thing I got to ask him about this five Middle Road that was um an Marie's house Anar Kudo I had done oh my God and I don't know it's not in this file this is the one that you gave me back but that house is 100 years old and you left me a note saying that uh 1930s well that's almost 100 any way you slice it I mean you just could uh it's older than that it's older than that because when're I see you cannot go by they St house just that style right um I think sometimes they just take a whack at it they don't really know how old they are if you ask the girls downstairs in the accessors they'll tell you do not go by there no they use that for tax purposes but that is not what we need no okay um but I had done myself some looking into it and that house in fact you you know Diana Kudo I guess when she was much younger she worked there because I guess and used to do uh costumes in there gos and costum and she told me that house is way over 100 years old she used to work there a lot of little cubby holes and things like that sure all right okay anyway the fellow that I his name name is coming to me his name was Brian Hall Brian Hall is about 55 years old I can give you his phone number he is at 8889 7079 and that Brian Hall Brian Hall h a l l and he has had quite a bit of experience primarily doing title work in uh in in this count and in Plymouth County also though he goes up into Nork and he goes up into wer W County well he doesn't have to go that far for me all he's going to do is go new who does he work for a one man guy but he knows his stuff so when you call are you calling him and talk to him I I I talk to him I find if you want to talk to him you got to call him about 25 after 8 in the morning before what I'm going to say is find out how much he wants we see how much he charges be willing to do it as a I think I think he's my understanding is he's reasonable he is not a gouger and he's been haven't heard that expression no but he he's been out it for quite some time cuz we but we don't have money in the budget for this extra stuff you know my budget there going to be a few bucks somewhere we can the budget that I have this they increased my budget last year by $500 in um uhhuh uh what did they put under the title they did give us an increase but already this year yep I've used oil because the furnace oh my God we have so much trouble this winter with that furnace in the museum yep Alan Parker who's taught me how to run that building okay he always said the only thermostat that works in this building is the one in the main room that's the only one that you touch or work yeah okay well little did we know this winter yep there's thermostats upstairs in each room yep somebody turned them up to 80 who who the heck did that well we don't know we think it could have gone back to Apple Peach because remember Apple Peach we had all the rooms open we had people up there people going through we don't know if kids touched it or whatever but that furnace was running running running running running constantly that's not good no it wasn't good it cost me a forun with oil I think like over $1,800 so far and we're not done yet we'll probably get one more delivery for a room that's mostly empty no the rooms are full all one's a clothing room ah yeah and the other one's like an apart with furniture and that yeah but the th is that so we're going to figure a way of covering them just got to so nobody can but Alan always told me that those were all disconnected they didn't work how come all of a sudden they're up 80° my husand said he went upstairs and he almost fell with the heat they sell loable covers for the sets D not expensive and they have that lock it's a lock on them it's a it's a plexiglass cover that where can I get them any plumbing supplies L lows right because they had to put a new thermostat for me in the main room the new kind the square ones that's like digital the buttons right put that in the new room in the first floor in the room that's the only one was supposed to touch yeah so I don't understand who could have touched them because after Labor Day there's really nobody up there you know so I don't know when they got is there any water up there maybe they should turn on the cameras and we'll find out who's doing this is there any water upstairs yeah there's no bathrooms no water no the bathroom's on the first floor so why don't they just shut that upstairs off entirely what's going to happen if you know temperature goes down with the heat downstairs it's not going to goes it all Rises upstairs it's not going to go below freezing no so just close off the upstairs as far as yeah but you can't really close it off because there's no I don't close it off a me eliminate the thermostats entirely I wish I could well are you going to do is take them off the wall or have somebody take them off the wall all you have to do is disconnect one wire in the thermost put it back that's right really well we going to have to do something upstairs because the other the other thing is the heat issue I mean if there's anything up there capable of freezing they no not the second floor see you've got those um for the heat is it's got those vents on the wall and the cover is open you can pull the cover closed so those vents are open upstairs so there is some heat getting in there but the thermost that is at 50° all went along I wiiz the building so there water there's no water running I I put antifreeze in the the the sinks the toilets everything yep everything's winterized mhm but when he went upstairs and he he said oh my God what what's wrong how come it's so hard up here mhm and when we checked further we called the the uh heaing guy Y and they they kind of figured it out somebody had touched the uh thets be cned you know I'm going to have to cut out because I got a couple things to do before okay medical situation [Music] tomorrow but I will talk to Hall if I talk to Hall he sounds interested what I do yes call me okay Brian Hall he's a good fellow and he knows his stuff and uh you know all he'll have to have some idea what you're looking for him to do and uh I know things are relatively quiet now up in taunt so he may just be willing to come down and do a lot of stuff coming down in new Beford yes because I mean he could probably do more than maybe three four of them in a day I'm sure he could at least they're partially done now it's just I got to get back he's computerized at home too which I not never was a so he he could probably he does a lot of stuff just by staying home and he could get it done without even sitting foot in here to some extent see I just don't have the the time to get going have to cut out but I will call him and we'll see what he can do for you okay y take yeah take care take care indeed um Y is that your whoever yeah this is mine I what do you get when you squeeze all the pee out of a p and too before I forget um Eric you remember Eric that was on the board yes um let me see now he met a lady that he and they play cards they get a card group and um her I think it was her uncle or her father I don't know that lived in a cushion and he passed away and she's cleaning the house out and I talked to her last night oh John you got you're going the wrong way what's the right way go that way and turn I'm not sure I've ever been in this part of the I don't want you to fall down the stairs either oh my God okay so anyway she C I talked to her last night and she said she's got a lot of old pictures so I'm going to meet her next Wednesday at the Museum I'm going to look at pictures she says she's got them of of the church and school I'm crossing my fingers I hope so I'm Dy to get more pictures of the per old school so okay uh yeah I did get a couple pictures from the from Gary uh for the Perry school but they're not in great condition um okay yeah and the files I went through the files downstairs and there was absolutely no photos of the Perry Hill School nothing there nothing but there's about four drawers in the file that are full books and things like that that irn had saved all from the commission so as soon as I can get boxes from Pam I'll pack it up and they'll now they do a lot at the cemeteries do you have that stuff what do you mean I thought um Mom Alison they used to go to all the old cemeteries they only did the two and long plane I've got the book at the museum that we sell yeah in fact I found in the file uh you know the one that they put together then send it out to make copies of it it it was in that uh in the file cabinet so we got like the original so I've got that too I'm going to save that I might take that up to the museum put it in the safe that we have up there anything really old like that I try to put it away you know and I had gotten um I got quite a bit of things from um I think his name was Doug trip his father lived on per Hill Road I think it's something to do with Priscilla cuz that was our trip property where Priscilla lived and the older trip passed away but his son Doug inherited all the father's stuff while he passed away way so they were cleaning that house out and they brought me quite a bit of old books they brought me an original old history book one of the first ones that was printed I've got in plastic you know to keep it together and I'm going to lock that one up too how trip that was old's trip right at the Rochester line yeah Priscilla's house is almost down to uh the ress line right yeah well well was daugh was it that is what uh she's the daughter's daughter I believe her I guess she had brother and that's going to be what you who are you talking about must have been uh was it Walter they told me oh she she mentioned Otis trip was that her father the father and Walter must have been the brother and Walter's son was Doug okay and he's the one that inherited from the father but it was one of the relatives that was cleaning the house out and found all different stuff for a Kush and actually I don't know how she got in touch with me I think she called town hall and they put her in touch with me and uh yeah I got quite a few books and things like that old stuff no I'm trying to preserve anything really old like that I'm trying to preserve even if we have to put it in plastic and then I put it downstairs in the safe keep all the important stuff down there you know uh we've been getting a lot of things we're trying to get a lot of things done let's put it that way but this I know this house goes back way over 100 years and he stopped and said it was 1930 and I'm saying it's not 1930 no way so hopefully this guy can help us out well this is what I I mean I need somebody that's really going to help because it's too much I'm going crazy with this stuff well you can't do everything I and I'm trying to do it but I can't do it all alone anymore that's why we need other people you know and Nancy was supposed to come tonight too we were supposed to meet her for the first time and she didn't come and the old sign you remember the old mhm when you get a chance go in parting ways go up the stairs walk straight through it's on the wall it's all been repaired and painted it's beautiful and now it's inside where it should have been that date at the bottom is that when that building was built no no 1903 is when this sign I guess when the sign well when was fing W building buil oh back I think 1800s 1890 or really yeah yeah [Music] huh go to school there fifth uh fifth uh sixth grade I went because they had just built the Junior High School right I went third fourth fifth 6th and eighth seventh grade I went to the library uh cross from light der yeah yeah yeah that was seventh grade out there Maria right what is the address of that Kudos five Middle Road five Middle Road mhm I know it's it's older than 100 cuz I had paperwork on it it's definitely okay is there anything else we got to talk about tonight and see the little meeting house that was the meeting house that's where the other thing that school this is pway school okay and this was the meeting housee where the fire station is oh okay okay do you believe nobody in this blessed town has got pictures of that meeting house I believe how can people not have a picture of that meeting house I mean not many many people had cameras I was going to say yeah nobody had cameras was the old to set up and put the thing up yeah the ones that took pictures of Lincoln yeah and it's even in the history book it describes when it was built how big it was everything about it and yet I can't find a blessed picture okay and now this is another thing too this was the tri what they call the triangle down on Main Street the triangle down down here River in okay yeah that's I don't know don't ask me they call it the triangle and this is this shows all the old properties on both sides of Main Street oh the train that's going to be where taken Hill meets uh River Road and the and U bille uh Ro M Road Mill roads across the street from River in right yeah uh River Road yeah the triangle River Road toen Hill and u m road isn't it mil Road the Light Bel that's bille Avenue oh bille Avenue is up for and then it goes to ball Conner right would that be the triangle that's the triangle that's what they called the triangle on the east side of the bridge on the south side of the road from acrush to Long plane homest The Late Captain Swift is a triangular tract of land com comprising about 4 Acres on which are nine buildings yep okay that's all right and in 1738 this triangle together with the farm to the east and south belonged to Steven West Jr who was the his wife was the only child of Samuel Jenny the original owner and then it tells you each house in the year okay that's a River Road that's a taken Hill coming into Main Street Main Street down near river Z Main Street coming up right okay that's where all these see the brook is here that's uh that used to be with the c car po the who the the Builder with the that SS pots oh uh yeah okay okay that was the Me original Methodist society that old old building was there used to be a meeting house okay and then it's got all the the properties all the way up now that bridge there that's where the uh the British killed all theop well washing I understand Washington stayed at that house see like a opposite river that house on that corner like and you say he also stayed or had a meeting with borgard his General and they disc us the The Taking of the first British ship in beaba that during the war that that was the first ship they captured was inav there was so much history in this town it's incredible and the more you dig and the more you dig you find out more and more I mean look at the ages of these properties all the way back in 1800 else I want a picture of wimpies wimpy wimpy oh yeah wh wimpies was that hambur where was that [Music] gas oh you told me that once before wh in fact emu used yeah he was the Board of Health oh the name and he was my uh my father's cousin remember Whi we used to go there after school and play uh they let us sit there all afternoon didn't buy a thing cuz you stunk like french fries when you went home okay what I saying Fred trip was the grand father then oldest trip was the father Clifford trip I don't know if that was her brother Cliffy I that sounds familiar for and you know where KNX built his house over there on perryo that was all Priscilla's oh my God grandfather Robinson that was all Robinson land she was telling me Oh my God she's another history buff I should get that on on tape I mean she was going on and on telling me who owned all that land and what and where it went to and then she told me like where her house is they had Acres acres of land and in fact even now behind her house there's big fields she said her land goes all the way up behind how John Hof's the you know the house behind John hcof that uh what was his name Tony from the gas station he bought that house in the back well her Lyn comes all the way up to almost uh Main Street still I mean she it's incredible the land that they had she was telling me acres and acres of land that they had you know I mean we've got a lot of people that have a lot of knowledge of this town it's incredible if you only had the time to sit down and tape everything they could tell you it would be really good you know you probably write a book another book another you know somebody somebody mentioned that to me you know P why don't you think about writing another history book from 190 s to now the pr give me a break I'll leave town I'm going to leave town I can't take on anymore I cannot okay so all right uh may have a call for a Jour here okay all right next we is April 7th yeah April 9th April 9th okay okay all right so can I have a motion to adjourn make that motion second all in favor