##VIDEO ID:RldkJh9Rahk## [Music] good evening and welcome to the historical commission meeting of August 13th it's here at 6:30 at the town hall meeting room um may I have an a motion to open the meeting so Mo second second all in favor okay um all right let's stand for the pledge of the flag yes please I just forgot what I was going to say I I pled allegiance to the of the United States of America and for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you my brain is re tired yours yeah all right sometimes that's what when you when you bu you want me to read the minutes yes sir um all I'm going to go through the minutes of the last meeting we had now the last meeting we had was June in June because of the fact that we didn't have enough people for of Y July so I'm just going to go through this and I'm going to add lib to it because some things have changed okay okay uh map of 1871 we'll be having copies made right I did yeah she she's she got made map of 1830 will also be gotten have we gotten that one yet I don't know can't find one well the is the town never existed until 1860 I understand that and they might have just called it you know just very roughly you know this area here we're calling the what you call it but it was there was nothing official about it until 186 until 18 60 but according to some papers that I have from the state it says in there that there are the 1830 map shows the school houses cuz there's there was originally nine School houses throughout Town them all down they've Tor them all down they Tor them all down for uh they according to what they told me that's one of them uh the one on Perry Hill Road where am I here one yeah right there yep okay um that on the 1830 map it shows a better um nine of them you said there's nine of them nine Schoolhouse and you kind surprised they T them down but they threw a lot of things down yeah they threw a lot of things down okay the antique chair was sent to the town it was in great shape and will be showing at the Museum I I see it's there already it is there it's on display and it has the description on it yes okay yes uh the annual town meeting will be held now it was held and I was there with my wife and Pauline was there Y and uh the town approved the budget for the historical Commission of $99,000 am I correct I haven't got my paperwork yet but they did approve it at the meeting it's 9,000 total that's what it said on the paper okay I never got my forms yet okay um let's see we got to prove for the fence Y and we got prove the old library is still off limits oh yeah maybe be repaired by new owners building is in bad shape it's definitely a possibility it might be torn down it doesn't look good no church on Perry Hill has been repaired this really looks pretty good we'll see if an air conditioner can be installed in meeting house oh no yeah no I don't think so okay June 9th Museum was open to public lots of people showed up uh it will be open again on June 23rd was that that did you would go to that meeting did you would we've been open every other Sunday and the last Sunday will be next week which is the 25th and that's it for the year that'll be for this year cuz then we go into Apple Peach okay can't do two things at once okay uh Christian faen Land Trust owns Griff mill on Hamlin Street they have control of condition of building now I was down there other day on my bicycle uh I I my wife bought me an electric bicycle for my birthday what a gift yeah it was I'll tell you what what a I've been riding bicycles for 35 years and uh this it's a whole new ball game I mean I can do 40 miles like nothing you know something you have a historical figure in your midst someone sitting here has been through every single one the 351 cities and towns of Massachusetts on a three-speed bike in his tender youth what do you suppose that you wow I'm not kidding so I went to Clark University on this you know in wer which is right in this middle of the stum so it's easy to go out in all directions from there and by the time graduation came along I had hit virtually every town west of Worcester right up to the New York line actually crossed into New York and others and this you learn more about your state that doing that than anything else you could do yeah you learn look out if you're about to run over a snake you know going to change direction no but it's it's a wonderful way to get to know Massachusetts well not only that on a bicycle you can see a lot more yes than you can see in a vehicle so much more and I went to the bike path in F Haven yep and I went all the way to man and then you can go to Ned's point the bike path is quite the thing it's really really nice okay uh one I did see there at Hamlin Street was y uh they had must have been eight or nine cars there a bunch of trucks and some equipment so they're definitely working they've been working I've been hearing them okay so as far as when it'll be complete there was a bulletin on the Acushnet uh web page and it says that the bridge is supposed to be open come January wow still Long Way well it's a it was only a year and a half instead of three just your time to get whacked with a blizzard yeah well maybe not town has to determine which alarm company will be used out of the three oh yes they have now in fact I'm going to put the alarm it it's going in tomorrow in the meeting house yep Thursday it's going into the museum finally it's it's the company that's got all the other Town buildings in town yep okay the alarm has been taken care of at the meeting house not yet tomorrow tomorrow and then Thursday is the museum tomorrow at meeting house and I think they call it American Alarm the company he out of uh M pois oh interesting all right um now what were you going to say about was Factory on Hamlin shap the what what were you going to say about well I I was going to say there's nothing we can do about that building that's all controlled by aush lust she did call me and she said I want to let you know it's getting to the point where we're worried somebody's going to get hurt well no kidding I mean they you got to get in there and do something they can't they won't do anything they won't do it it's too far gone so they're going to tear it down they want to knock the walls in before they fall on someone well they may have no choice that's what she's telling me well either that or put a fener around it and you can see it but keep them people away from it why don't you why don't they just put enter at your own risk I mean no you can't do that it'll still get I think there might be a new trpis in there but it doesn't do any good no John is still doing research on Old buildings is that correct yes okay yes indeed I've been fleshing out the things that were done earlier by us okay and um I think it will help tremendously because you know get full descriptions and every other right yep okay building inspector says buildings have to be up to code to be used there is no exceptions yeah Perry Hill okay painting still has to be done to two buildings did you we gotten any further loan and painting at the Museum um no in fact I got a call into the contractor to give me a price because um a question I'm not sure of when they have have a town meeting in the fall mhm can you have CPC items or do you have to wait for the formal town meeting in the spring I have no idea yeah I got to find that out I got to get an estimate on finishing the entire back of the museum that was never done okay it's so it's not going to be done before Apple Peach oh definitely not I have got a quote don't even have funds okay now one thing I did notice the signs at riversend mhm are appealing again again oh dear so I'm going to go down there within the next few weeks and repaint them thank you very much I appreciate that yeah and maybe Rivers River ends closed I it's closed they the reason they closed it is uh they changed hands yeah and they're saying it takes this long to change the licenses license yeah it does and if you have a walk that bridge yep take a look at the the wall facing the water from the barroom and the back section of the wall is starting to cave in oh so they're going to have to do some serious work back there to save that eventually it's going to all just end up in in the river oh my God but who knows oh who does okay uh painting stay up at Landscaping at Museum leaks a lot of cleanup we're already into that that's been trying to be taken care of now try to find where one room Schoolhouse is wor so PLS can be put on SES I think that's going to have to wait till the map of 1830 well no you got them on this all of them the whole nine of them on that map okay so we we could use like a yellow marker to where they all are which is what I did uh at the clerk's office we mocked all nine of them yes was good thing do you want me to take that to Staples and blow them up what the map yeah well blow up substantially larger than oh yeah they can yeah that would be great because I would like they can make them the size of like plans you know what else we can do well I don't know if you need them that big if they give you any trouble tell me and I I can take this down with me to Martha we could evenbly sell these sell them at the Museum oh you do copy machine in the registry heeds of dues County okay okay so we can make plaques up and put them at where the old school houses were well is that private property now now it is do you have more of these I have okay perfect 330 I'll take care of this we need uh permission from the uh land owners before we can put plaques up right well the thing is um like for instance the Wen School used to be at the corner of B Street in that area on Middle Road yep now that one there from the history book says that it was moved a little further down on Middle Road and turned into a home really and I think I know which one it is if you go by there you're going to see this old dilapidated Peak roof yep and it I think it's a like a dark red color it's in bad shape they're Liv somebody's living in it but that I think is the original Wen School yep so in other words you still need permission yeah because most of them are knocked down like the one on the corner Keen Road that's gone they built a home there Harry Hill Road we got the little park there so signs are there so what we need is addresses so we can notify the people living there that we'd like to put a plaque in but we need their permission I going have to take that question to the selectman yeah before we can do anything yeah where's the red one you said uh right on Middle Road on Middle Road it's between Bert Street and what's that next street down the development there oh it's on the uh west side of Middle Road okay if you go past um Brit Street down they used to be a church there well the church is the Advent church that's gone right that's what I'm saying it used to be a church before that was the Wilden school oh okay and that was on the brid street side okay but if you go by there and look like three or four houses down on the same side you're going to see a little Peak roof and it's a dark red color that looks like the original school for Wen M so someday I might pop in there and just ask the owners if they know that was the original school okay cuz that's in the history book that it is it takes care of all the old business yeah now every voter or every uh residents could get a copy of that 1871 map with all the names I bet you it would provoke a great deal of Interest well if we can make one C cuz I've got now I got over 300 of them at the Museum we sell them for $2 and I've got the 1895 map also which is the a wider one mhm and uh I got plenty of those up there too so how many of those can you make well I meant you know well let's see what see what it looks like if it looks good then I'll make a lot if not um if it did it would certainly help a lot we if not I've got the I think it's an 1871 that's oned the door in the hallway that lists the names of if you ever come by and visit us that one certainly has people's names name the person that put up our house probably see I'll see house dates from 1832 all right and I think they've got his name or you could if you have a name run it forward until you come to a more recent date down the regustry of deds in Bingo you know you know at what point a building appeared no if they mentioned it or don't I know it's I don't know if they're all on there but I know I know what you're getting at because uh yeah we do have one at the Museum that's bigger yes you know that hanging up so yes yes um as far as the plaques on where the old school houses were that I'm definitely going to have to find out from the S okay well as far as I know the town owns so many feet from the center of the road the the correct me if I'm wrong but the land in front of your house so many feet of that is actually the town they call what sidewalk no they they have a name for easement or yeah that the town is entitled to so many feed of your property right yeah and it goes goes by the center of the street so in other words we could put the plaques on the property that the town has advantage to we could but we should be consider that could be a touchy situation because they have to cut it would Hur to ask it wouldn't hurt to ask the homeowner yeah the homeowners would probably y all the mile markers are yeah on the edge of the road on the edge of the road yeah I mean they're 3 4T or 5T we're not going to be putting plaques out there 10 ft long you know you're only going to make a small plaque right yeah and of course a lot of the survey plans are going to show you where the bounds are right now uh you know near people's houses and uh you know you'll be able to easily figure where the center of the road must be because there's the markers right as I we've got markers up my way I don't know that much see oh yeah there's markers all the way up to the Rochester line sure um okay may I have a motion to accept the minutes as R so move second second all in favor okay so the uh the alarms should be taken care of this week in both buildings yep okay so that'll be done and uh ah yeah that's for Barry Hill Y what year is that 1871 okay oh uh miss you don't really have to give me that one back because I'm going to be back at the registry of deeds later this week and I can even easily get another one and make copies from that if there's any reason to all right thank you but yeah cuz it that thing there could be a very very interesting thing to a a lot of people that don't exist absolutely sure if we could do it maybe on I don't know if we'd have to do it separately cuz the one that I had marked at uh we did at the clerk's office we circled each school and uh but I don't know if we going to you're going to do that on all of them but it'd be nice to have at least one we could show all the schools yeah if you did one and showed no details except the schools and where they are yeah may be too hard to read and too cluttered uh if you put the school one with all kinds of other stuff on it it' be better to have just the schools on a plan and then um yeah that well that map would be just for the schools cuz that does list all nine of them are there any of them still standing I doubt it the one and half theway road that one was torn down um Perry Hills torn down W's turned down the one on Keen Road is tor down yeah and the one beyond the meeting house up on Main Street that was TN down I don't think there's any left you know what else is is interesting from there you see certain roads and streets my guess is there have not been very more many more roads or streets even after all these years because it seems like all the ones that you're familiar with are already shown in that old plan well there's going to be a lot of new shetes cuz the development and things might be anybody heard anything about that development they're building for 52 houses out in the Lage Street the one on Main Street yeah right across street from Len Street and nothing is being done the grass is the sign is there I'm just I know they're going to supposedly going to build 52 houses in there is that right this what we need another 100 cars going up and down I I know I know but how do you stop it you can't you can't no you really look at them you know every day you hear sirens yes the fire engines are ambulance every day every day I was listening today on Middle Road yeah they like in my backyard you know okay um this I've got to bring up tonight because I got this from um Tanya at the selectman's office and apparently uh Bobby Gilmore used to be on our board yep and he resigned from the historical commission which was quite a few years ago I guess he never turned in a letter but he was also on the CPC committee representing the historical commission now we have to appoint someone what's CPC stand for Community preservation the money that we get to do the fence and all this different stuff in town that comes 2% is it out of your taxes is it 2% two or two and a half two whatever it is there whatever they take out of your taxes your yearly taxes and it goes into the account and then they the state give some to but you never know how much so say this again then we we going to do okay I need one person from this board that would be on the community preservation committee representing the historical commission so that means if you're on that CPC board and I have some project I want to do I got to go before the CPC you all vote on it whether I get the funds or not and then it gets approved it tell meeting that would be a good job for you Richard yeah I think you'd be a fighter part need another meeting well CPC you don't have to worry if they meet once or twice a year that's it well I'll do it if it's once or twice a year but I'm not going every week oh no I got now no no no no no no C CPC uh is a good thing because I've been able to do a lot of work on these buildings with the fences and everything I'm constantly after them I will not let them go you know I figured that money is there to be used part of it is for historical yeah and housing and open um uh open land areas there's different uh processes there but so you need somebody there to vote in favor of the historical commission you're going to represent the commission yeah you're going to represent so how do we go about doing this okay the next thing is I got to turn your name in to the selectman's office they will in turn uh turn it into Pam she will send a letter to you to get sworn in okay is that okay as long as it's only a fewer years it should be no more than two a year I mean twice a week four times a year I only went once this year okay Richard uh Messier m r c i e r m e r Mercier Mercier I say it wrong all the time it's it's m e r c i e r correct correct your address 25 boon I got another job for tomorrow already okay good job Richard I know you you work farest because when I go before that board ask him for money y he's going to be on our side you better so when did they tell you they needed a member on there just this week week uh she she said this to me August 9th that's last week yeah she knows when I'm having my meeting cuz she gets uh the notices so okay okay all right no down okay and this is all set all right uh okay so we did get uh yes um also at town meeting they approved for that preservationist uh to stop working on the per Hill Church to get it on the National Historic register so if it goes on the National Historic register does that mean that we can byass the um bathroom the need the needs the code I don't know it's still going to be up to code you sure can we get funds well we can naal the trouble is is to bring it up to code would cost a fortune right that's why we need help you got to do bathrooms you got to do water you got to do surage I which I don't think there's room for surage there might have to be a holding tank if they allow it if you're going to open it up to the public you have to have parking and there's no Park and there's not much parking it's only like in the front maybe for six seven cars that's about it and the cops or police I've already said no parking on Perry Hill Road per Hill no no it's it's you know tricky enough Road as it is without parking on it yeah and actually there is no room inside the building for toilets no of course there isn't and they're telling us that need three what I'm saying is to get it up the code the cost would be phenomenal and there's no way in hell that the town's going to approve that kind of money well no but what'll happen happen is we can apply for um Grant grants grants from the federal government through the state yes that'll help us along when it's on the national register Y and then it's usually a 50/50 match M so if we apply for a grant from the state and it gets approved then we would have to go probably CPC to you know match it so if we do get the funds to bring this building up to code I hope I'm alive to see it done and it and it takes a year or two to get it there then what I mean what are we doing all this for well you got to have a reason I gave them years back I gave them several things that I thought would be good there like we could have meetings there m it would be a nice spot to have meetings at night sure you know um it also could be opened as a church again I mean there's people in that neighborhood I'm going to tell you the story back in 2011 when I started working with uh this Perry Hill Church okay I actually visited more people on Perry Hill Road years ago that went to church there they were kids then yeah and they're my age are older now okay they would love to see a church come back there remember that church bell on Sund morning yeah and the Bell is still there the original Bell is there yeah the original Bell is up in the Bell oh I got a pain go you can't resurrect any Quakers or anything huh no they were all they're buried at the friend's Meeting House in the back Cemetery that's about it they're all there that story about the rocking shair that came to the museum mm all right the gentleman uh lives in Texas yep and that chair originally was in a kusher my goodness okay it went back to his great great great grandfather who lived on quain H they were all they were all Quakers okay true and that chair started back there with them brought down to the line to the great-grandfather then to his father when his father passed away they sent it to him in Texas well so now his wife is said we got to downsize so so he got in touch with me through town hall and uh wanted he actually hand delivered it he had it shipped up here from Texas he flew up with the family they came to uh the museum and he brought the chair so I've got the whole story right on the chair on the plaque and it's upstairs in the uh apartment well we can't go down and get it right no Noe and I don't think you're going to want to sit in it either because it's it's kind of old but it looks really really good I mean they took good care of it well as long as nobody sits under the rocket there you go coll not sit okay um all right the longarm play museum has been open every other Sunday throughout this summer yep um and I've had of donations oh my gosh we had a gentleman that brought a box of bottles and uh different pieces of colored glass in that that he found at the Hamlin Street Bridge he did a dig over there that's at the Museum also I I bet Richard might know the L from lauya Lane laaya laaya sorry I believe it's the two yeah the two daughters uh brought me oh my God you would not believe they had him all stuffed up in the mother's house after she passed away they put everything in the Attic they visited us on a Sunday and they said would you like some bottles from along the cush River in that area in the Dig by the time they got done I must have had 10 boxes of full of bottles all different shapes colors everything so what we did is we went through them you know and the different colors and all that I got them all on display know are there any with names on it embossed or printed some like with maybe medicines years ago or yeah I suppose you're right um some with like syrups uh names from a way way way back oh my God but there were some pretty colors yellows Reds greens so we picked out all the good bottles and uh I've got it all set up up there so we've been having a lot of stuff come into the museum and we are full oh my God yep um the turnout on Sundays has been amazing you cannot even imagine the people that come visit us on Sunday and uh in fact I even acquired a new member for the society you might know him Paul uh Tom seir he lives on Main Street yeah I I went to school high school with Tom he comes every every every Sunday we're open he comes to visit me and he brings me he he is so funny he brought me this about the tavern okay the jabz tavern there and he knows he even um brought me a picture if you can visualize this now you know where the fal we is on Main Street the of FAL we Tu Street foral Tuxedo used to beide it doesn't HL stre Okay Main Street Farm Main Street okay okay he lives two houses down from that Farmer's place in between his house and the house that's here was his father's property M he brought me a picture Sunday in fact I got it on my phone I mean this man is incredible I got to show you the bar the old old bar one floor was an apartment where they lived do it still live oh no long gone long I broke my hat when he showed me the picture and uh is that the place for sale across from Hamlin Street on no no no further down Brown build yeah further down um it's the hous is that's for sale is bro's house and then you got the the farm aware M and then you got the the farm there where he's got horses horse trailer horses and then the very next one down is Tom's property but his dad's property was in between yep and that was his uncle's property where the horses are now it's whose property Tom's uncle uncle okay let me see if I can post the picture to show you what the the old fond look like um and he's got a memory oh my god do I love talking with him he comes near to visit us on Sunday and he said I'll see you in two weeks he digs up more pictures and he brings them to me to see okay uh no not that [Music] one come on photos oh oh by the way there's the pop Casey sign oh yeah still up oh yeah head up the museum see it's on the back of the museum and the light is right there it lights it right up what is the sign made of metal oh no um more like a hard plastic real hard hard plastic cuz they going to stand up well it's been out in the weather for years and this is the other one that was donated when we had the cesin Centennial right that one there is on the building come on that sign must have been there what 50 years oh well they opened up what 1947 all right here's here's the farm for goodness sake yeah that was the picture of his his dad's property on Main Street you know where um oh what's their name Morrison's on the hill okay the next house down is the one that I brought the file because he told me right next to Morrison's down the same side right that used to be part of Morrison's land those peppin that lived there years ago years ago maybe before Morrison owned it way back yeah way back now um the couple that bought that property they wanted a plaque made and they were told by the Morrison lady that that property goes back to the 1700s Tom told me Sunday it did it did he said that property is way back in the 1700 we can't find it at the registry though I uh Samuel be Hamlin yeah uh had to do with weights Factory in Hamlin Street they said years back he was the owner of that house way back way way back probably the late 1700s to 1800 when he died he left it to his son his son lived there that house is going to be at the in the registry Y and it's got to go back I got to shut this off yeah um we got to go back to uh the 1700s and that was his is the bond the chicken coup oh that's a pretty big farm yeah yeah long gone that's gone Morrison's on the corner of uh Hamlin Street that was Nick's Poultry Farm the chicken farm y when I bought my house yeah I right did you know that there was a turkey farm on Wing Road there was but uh the B Turkey Farm it's on Wing Road down just for a turn a and there was 4,000 turkeys there wow wow but isn't that something that was the old B he said it was a chicken coop they had Chi and then upstairs was the apartment where they used to live what do you know that must have smell nice oh I know oh my garage yeah but anyways um so the house the one down the street from U the source owns it in fact I think I brought it yeah right here this one here this is the one the the kids own it now it's a disor see this is goes way back for some reason or rather the registry doesn't have all the information no there is the house that's the house a young couple bought it but at one time that was all part of Morrison's land that's what they were told by the the Morrison lady Liv there okay and I look I do have some maps here yep showing the property there's uh oh there's this deed yeah this is the couple that owns it now okay M and Samuel be Hamlin okay sure way back when they said it was uh one time he lived there and he left it to his son when he passed away so this the hamlins did live there one time but for some reason or other when we went to the registry good part look what I found I mean I found I found zillions yeah but it only went back see they're telling me uh in the late 1700s yeah but I think we only went back this far H it's got to go back further H okay and they wanted to plaque so bad and I could not get the information I could not find it if you like I'll take it and see what I can do oh yeah you're going to take it sure oh I'm happy to I'm happy to okay yep and this one here I don't know how far back that one will go uh yeah okay that's on Wing Road yep and uh this one is on Wood Road this is off of Lake Street yes that lady approached me at the Museum I want uh it looks like an old place okay this one here too yeah yeah see 1860 um Alice zinsky on Main Street Pond yeah yeah now a funny story there before she oh oh that yeah that's the one that um the uh Steve Elias's brother had bought yeah Elias yeah and he got killed in Florida yeah he got killed in Florida they were on vacation and they were in a cab and the cab got struck and he got killed oh boy so he never got to enjoy the poor house that sh but I understand that his his uh girlfriend is still there her family is there yeah and that goes back look construction 18 60 that one needs a plaque too I've got quite a few of them already that uh need plaques this one here I don't think you have to take this one this one is all right that one's already set okay but you got three the world okay Y and um there any more business oh yeah I found some old pictures this is the accuset greens 1912 I these pictures up at the Museum wow now does this house look familiar to you evidently they're all they were all that shape that way back when well I think it still exists and if I'm not mistaken it's the House on Middle Road um the you know where Daris cavoni lives the big big house in the back across the way for the apartments there's a house that sits right on the hill facing I I think I guess it would face South I'm in the area right I'm almost thinking this is that house our our house look like that one time that's what I thought right away is that right but I was trying to see what this said here oh and this is the other little one what year is that this is this is 348 Main Street that's the little house that I had sold years ago when I was in real estate Y and that's a tab house that was a table house when I sold it it was uh Robinson that lived there the little he's got horses there now too they got it all Bas same somewhere a little bigger and smaller whatever that one is still a toy box yeah they added a little bit onto the back of it um but not in the grain now do you remember uh him more so than her my that's my aunt and uncle is that yeah that was my mom's sister and syvan okay yeah they are used to see in church yeah y yeah I love old pictures oh sure they I love old pictures that mean this is really something all right there's the graen yep and this is the one I think is on Middle Road yeah and this is the 348 Main Street whoops UHA that's a Taber house too there in the Hamlin Street area there on Middle Road um on Main Street it was all tabers right tabers oh my God almost every house was a Taber the old house next to the driving range not the new one but the other one just that the little cve there that used to be room T she was a teacher it okay taught first and second grade third and fourth grade and look at this Mr Mrs Leo C know what you mean that's the house there yes and this was the gentleman that you told me about with your house that Robert Parker y he own the what veteran worker Y at Flying Cloud oh yeah oh he didn't own it then he worked there no no yeah Mrs Windsor at left in her book his father I worked with his father when his he was already up there now Robert Parker was he related to Alan Parker I believe so yeah maybe a cousin or something uh yeah he looks almost a little bit like Alan when I saw the pictures that used to be our uh fire chief the old fire chief Leo cussin oh for goodness sake yeah his son is a plumber I don't know if you water boy yeah he's my plumber he's a character he loves history I keep telling him why don't you join him the commission I need all the help I can get too busy yeah it was right on the where Christian EV 140 Mee yep what did Fernandes do he sell out or they closed yeah no I I you see all these pictures y I think Customs are related to my family way sure goodness by Centennial 19 by Centennial was 1976 centennial by Centennial did you find anything well I remember Centennial whatever 1776 is oh are you talking about the squin Centennial no I'm talking about when a Christian was made into a town 1860 yeah so 1960 was the oh okay 100 years yeah I remember that they had a gree pole at the park and then 2010 is when we had our cquin Centennial 2010 have you heard any more about moving The Monuments that are at the library have not heard nothing about the library at all every time I try to talk about it I get turned down so got to be we got to find it's a very don't they have a trust the library they have a what when I was on the when I was on the commissioner of trust funds they had a trust for the library so what they did with those funds is beyond me but they used to be a trust with money in in for the library Russell Memorial yeah mhm and it was still active that this was 20 years ago but it was still active 20 years ago Wow all I got to do is move that big Monument what less than 500 ft no more than that well now they're talking what pting ways originally they were talking well I thought they were going to move okay well I thought they were going to move the Time Capsule to the new library the Time Capsule if it gets moved out of here has to go to the new library you should check the commission of trust funds because I'll talk to Pam cuz she's on that board too M I think they have funds for the Russell Memorial Library see then Mr Kelly should know that if he's investigated it I'll have to investigate it I take him more information he's a little baffled sometimes when I take him stuff like the library they were trying to find a lot of stuff out about the library and he couldn't find it nowhere well I dug and dug and I found like the um uh the to books that they put out every year sure I went way back got way back in 1800s way back there at the Museum and you can go in and read them and I get a lot of information out of there that's why I told them where the Time Capsule is it's there with the yeah it's right in the front in the front how long is that time capsule been there over over it used to be elsewhere oh it used to be they had it somewhere else at the time and then they moved it there when when was it first placed and has it ever been opened from 186 I mean 1960 they did open it yeah they opened it once and they added things to it to it sure sure right newspapers and stuff like that yeah yeah yeah fascinating okay about that so all right um got the sign from pop Casey's uh we did we attached it the museum okay so that's it we're getting ready for Apple Peach again mhm who's going to pick the bands this year that's already done Tom for's already done it did he pick the bands last year oh he picks them every year well I'll tell you those bands he picked last year oh I get in a fight with Sue on the phone it's like heavy metal band because of bands I told they all one thing though when I say heavy metal okay yeah heavy metal music yeah usually that's that's what it means okay um may I have a motion to adjourn so second second all in favor okay we are ajour 7:22 [Music]