and welcome to the historical commission meeting uh for April 9th um may I have a motion to open the meeting my motion I'll second all in favor I okay um we can pledge to the flag today CU we're here I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay okay and so we're looking over the minutes okay you want me to read them you could it would help okay uh no building we found out last time no building that has been restored can be used because of state and local code Codes were not met now you have to forgive the my typ part starting to have a life of its own so I got I got another one but I'm having trouble finding rib nobody carries ribbons no no you got to order them online and then they got about a million different models I don't know what the heck more about you know what I mean I don't know what's the difference oh there's a lot of difference different sizes all right uh letter should be sent to uh exclude restored buildings from showing to people letter to state senator and representative in other words we were discussing see if we could get these buildings exempt mhm uh and we're trying to get state grants for historical buildings to keep them up that's going to be I think a problem yeah grants are a problem okay uh when you trying to help us to get buildings unregistered Mass historical says buildings cannot be changed they haven't only porches have been added that was the church correct yes this was the church all right mid on mam Street we discuss must be saved but we can't do anything until they finish that bridge which could be and that Mill is out of our control cuz that's under the acis for Haven land trust that building mhm now are they doing anything does anybody know every time I talk to that lady she tells me I have no money that's nobody has any money that's what I get the comment nobody has money y okay a new fence approved for the museum correct yeah through CPC uh we need to find out what the church on perill can be used for meetings or small Services if we can get that buildings to be exempt from code well now as far as looking up the Deeds for 100y old houses John said he might know someone but he's not here so he never contacted me he gave me the guy's name and phone number said he was going to talk to him and then let me know well like you like you said he might be uh it might be you might have some physical conditions so I have no idea I don't know if I should go ahead and call this man because John said he was going to talk to him first well it wouldn't hurt to call all right if you say so um okay all right so you're saying that your wife heard on the yeah she that's what she told me I was watching TV and she said that the selectman said that the building is up a sale and that they're looking into moving the monument and the Time Capsule to parting ways but they that time capsule can't it's got to go to the library on Middle Road why don't ask me why this is something from way back when cuz when I get TR to Pam about it if maybe the selectman have the right or the power to change where where it's going where are they going to bury it on pot in potting way they got plenty of land who knows I mean right out in front even that Monument was not supposed to go there the monument was supposed to go to the park well the whole thing is is I'm thinking is the amount of distance that they're going to have to carry it or move it too oh they got to get it they got to get some kind of company that'll move it well maybe somebody have to talk to uh the selectman to find out or well you know I can always put a call in to Kevin because I didn't hear that that meeting and if it was the last one I listened to that meeting on my on the computer and I didn't hear anything about the uh building I'm going to have to check again I'll play him back and see if I heard wrong yeah because we've been going back and forth on this library for a while oh yeah yeah well and from what Mr Kelly told me was that it was entirely up to the slman and they had not made a decision and he said you know he said if it was me looking to buy that building I would have second thoughts because there's only four parking places well depends on what you want to use we discussed this before I know depends on what you want to use the building for if it's like a real estate office fine you don't need more than four spots plus you have the parking in front right everybody's saying now that they can park in front right so so you get six or seven spots a real estate office or even in fact one of my friends was uh uh we were talking about it over breakfast one morning and he said that uh somebody with money could make that building into a nice house M that's going to be a problem because there's all kind of uh what do you call it mold and I understand that but if they got the money to do it you know what I mean big if it's a big if yeah I understand but rather than let the building deteriorate to the point it falls in on itself something's got to be done pretty soon right yeah he told me it's in pretty bad shape inside I guess some of the sure it's been closed it's been closed up for years you know but I'm going to check that out again though and see if I can uh hear that and as far as the representative Paul Schmid and uh Strauss both of them are leaving office this year both of them they what they're both leaving office this year year when first year November well uh Wednesday election are they up for reelection this year they must be if they're both leaving this year so they're both leaving offic so there going to be new people I guess maybe that maybe that would be a good thing well well I don't know that term expires when the next one's inaugurated that's sometime the beginning of January right in January that building might be caved in on itself if I didn't I mean you look at that that building from outside it looks solid you know the roof looks solid the stones everything looks solid but yet inside I mean I only remember bits and pieces of it inside has anyone gone inside Mr Kelly Mr Kelly and the what did they say fire department very bad condition he will not allow me in it there something I asked him about it and no cannot go in it he said cuz right now it's we got to find a way to get in there well if if you can't get into the building how are we going to sell it because the real estate has to go in perspective buyer has they need the appraiser to go in right they never did a FAL appraisal either see that's what they told me all right so in other words some people going to get in that building there's got to be a way to get in the building we'll have to find out my wife's working at uh parting ways this week I'm going to she she's working in the building P again no she's working in conservation in conservation yeah she's moved up the ladder yeah well they told they told her that everybody wants her my wife's already here oh she she was nice when I went when she was in the booing Department I went in there and I saw her we were going through all the files she was helping me she was making copies for me yeah she's very very very personable yeah she sure is so uh if anybody can find out anything I'm going to put a bug in her here she she'll put a bug in somebody's ear and see what's going on I was going to say maybe the Board of Health you know I haven't heard nothing about Apple Peach no not a word that they're going to have apple Peach I have not heard a word and we're already in mid April that's part for the course yeah but I usually get a call last minute no last year I got a call from we don't know more cuz we're not involved yeah so I don't know what's going on because I got the paperwork uh from the Board of Health you know that I have to fill out every year for the permit I got that and also the um the environmental uh lab that does the water testing they upped all their prices they said me a big letter this year and uh all the prices have gone up for testing and even if she comes out and and takes the sample that's extra and if I was to take the sample and take it to them it still would be extra so anyways that's where we so it all comes down to one thing dollars and S everything does and and the town right now is I mean from what I'm hearing boy they're they're trying to make ends meet but they're blaming everything on the state the governor's cut everything back monies that were allocated to towns and the city and everything's cut back so is a shopf fall you know remember that when we go to town meeting and they vot in all these uh I I don't know I don't know I I'm hoping the funds are there in CPC cuz they approved my two items for CPC and um for what uh for the fence at the Museum and for the nomination for the historical register for the church um they approved it but that night of their meeting they did not have the figures of the money that's there yeah but isn't that tax that's the tax bills that part of the taxes but I guess some of it must come from the state too they they together State lot they get lottery money I don't know I'm at a loss I know the it seems like everybody's in trouble this year everybody's got a shot fall for Haven crying the blues too um dmouth is crying the blues so God know know new beod you know it's all of us we surrounded with it you know so anyways I I did uh well no all right first of all let's approve these uh minutes any uh may I have a motion to accept the minutes I'll make the motion I second second all in favor I I okay so they're approved okay all right so yeah CPC did um approve the funds for the museum and for the church um what is CPC is that what you said Community preservation committee that's what it stands for yeah commu what is it again Community preservation committee CPC part of our taxes our property taxes right okay so much is taken out and put into that fund and it goes for towards CPC that's like Mass Save or citizens for Citizens they take uh that's what they should do on a cushion it your gas bill if you have a gas natural gas at the bottom there's a search charge and it's $10 for everybody every month so you know how many customers there are for the gas right so this adds up but this is the money that they use to bring uh older houses up to Snuff to get them more economical like for instance um my house my neighbor turned us on to this we we had the whole house installated mhm we had a brand new heating system put in brand new refrigerator uh they just put in a central air air conditioning unit and uh all all this was for nothing through the gas company we know citizens for Citizens oh which is affiliated with uh that that's where that money on your sear charge goes to and we're not the only ones that have reaped this and there's been a lot my neighbor was the same thing he got a new heating system the insulation made a big big difference you know especially in an old house you know well I don't have City gas but maybe what I'm saying is maybe the town should put a search charge of a minimal amount on some Bill that they send out do the does the town send out a bill every month on something no your water bill is every is quarterly times a year and with the taxes but is that with the town the water bill oh yeah so maybe there someone should look into putting a search charge on the water bill a minimal amount but with the amount of people that are paying the water bill that amount can be used for you know different programs in the town then they they Chang the rate didn't they and what we pay for um what is it usage fee there's a couple of fees that we pay on that bill every uh 3 months right we used to pay it semiannually now we pay it quarterly quarterly and it's what 25 for the meter rental yeah is it 25 and what else there's another charge there a water meter rental cuz a couple of years ago few years ago they went around changing all the water meters to bring them up today but I know there's a couple of charges cuz our taxes are due May 1st so the water bill would be coming any time now you do the same time well I could be brought up at the selectman's meeting right as far as a search charge on a bill I don't think you better give them any ideas think the CPA was well CPC is there's four different um paths to it uh one is what um housing historical uh landind and what was the other one there's four of of them four different steps that you can apply for with u CPC and we come under the historical bar yeah so there's already money going we don't need any more search sech can't afford it well that's the only way I can see getting a money to uh do what we want to do with these buildings otherwise everything is in limbo right until more money is freed up and that doesn't look like going to happen too soon I think if you ask the taxpayers if they want another fee they're going to tell you no I agree I agree 100 this is one of the costliest towns to live in right now MH I agree and we don't have sewer no and we don't have City Gas a lot of places don't have we mean we have sore but of course over here yeah living in N Center they sto uh well I don't know about sewer I don't think sewer goes down Main Street to Hamlin Street I know gas does and gas is on Middle Road they never brought it down Hamlin Street cuz not enough people wanted it you had to sign up the majority on the street had to sign up for it in order for them to put it but but they stopped the gas at Hamlet Street mm they brought it down Wing Road halfway Road mle Road and Perry Hills both ways they got they've got gas at the the to the end of uh B Hill at the stop sign but Main Street there's no gas you don't have gas no and you don't have sewer no no sewer that's does it make a difference cuz it's that a State Road Main Street that y on that state no but not on the state road this one state right South Main sou 105 no 105 further up is uh Main Street is one uh state Road okay well South Bain is State yeah South Bain but Main Street isn't no well until you get to uh uh country what that from it comes up Robinson Road that state and then North on Main Street that's State well from here to taken Hill is not no yeah cuz I know I was getting letters like for the museum they were working on um uh trees they were working on telephone poles which they've been doing up there we kep I kept getting letters in the mail that they were going to be doing this you might lose your power um you know different things like that and I said it's like we're in about two or three houses you know I got to worry about mine and the museum and the meeting house the same thing yeah did they put new bowls up that way telephone they were putting them up new poles up everywhere but they're not they haven't used them yet they haven't used them they the one on my street they put a new Pole right across the street from my house they put a new pole in last summer yeah nothing and they haven't we got all new poles up our way but they made a mess with the a lot falling over too why why are they so high that's what I know I don't I think they're going to increase the probably number of wires and everything else with all the solar going in you know housing and that's another horror show is these solar places having a heck of a time with this one right here down the road on the the old driving range are they they having issues with it yeah they have some some problems there I don't know the trouble is they're putting that in but do we benefit from that the problem is keep going up I think you're right the rates will go up but it's cleaner energy for the environment for somebody yeah what it comes down to today is dollar and cents to eat you know I was in the supermarket the other day and I see a woman with this baskets like this and I'm go holy Mar I looked at that she goes yeah I know she says I spend 500 bucks every two weeks oh my Lord cuz she's got kids yeah yeah but then you know groceries are out rageing oh they are you can't go into even a a Family Dollar without spending $50 know that's crazy I know I average 200 bucks a week on food 20 at least 200 week 200 a week also this is another thing I found out there's a place in weham I don't remember the name of it I can find out for the next meeting if you can go there once every two weeks and fill a shopping cart with food for free they take you one at a time the woman took us put a shopping cart through the building and they have rows of groceries are you kidding no and while we were there there was a tractor trailer backed up and they were emptying more food but anyway you you wait outside they text you you you sign in and they text you when you can come in a woman takes you with the cart and you go down the aisle she goes you can have two of those you can have one of those you can have two of these you can have one of these and we we honest to God you wouldn't believe the food we got out of there it was unbelievable I was shocked now was this low income or something no they don't actually all they want to see you have to bring an electric bill you have to prove that you're a resident of Massachusetts and you could have your ID and that's all they asked for they don't ask you income or nothing I was shocked really I was anybody can go there cuz a lot of these food places are low on food yeah well this one here wasn't low in fact like I said said they had a track trailer backed up to the door and they were pulling pallets of food out of it but who's sponsoring it I have no idea I'll find out for the next meeting so be because you we can go I mean if we if my wife and I can go anybody can go yeah you well people should know especially with kids you exactly and it's for free I couldn't get over that and it's being you got bread you got milk you got uh snacks you have uh canned goods you have uh pork chops we got pork chops uh yeah you got meat oh my God you get you know again I was shocked because Massachusetts has a bad reputation and in fact when we were moving back here people were telling us why you moving to taxachusetts but uh the programs that they have for people here like I the citizens for Citizens where they fixed my whole house up for nothing uh I figured they spent between the insulation the heating system the central air or the heating system alone yeah that was I think was $144,000 and the new refrigerator and uh we haven't paid a gas bill since we've been here they take care of it they take care of it yep they paid all our gas that's low income huh that's low income well what it is is my wife and I live live on Social Security okay all they go by is what your income is right they don't care how much money you're going to bank yeah they don't care if you got CDs IRAs or whatever MH all they care about is your income and like I said Charlene and I live on Social Security uh of course we have you know CDs Etc but that's all they go by mhm you know so if you're collecting Social Security and that's all you got but I'm working don't matter it you might still be under the amount unless you're making a ton of money it didn't help me with with the income tax that's for sure he told me you're making too much money driving school bus I said are you kidding me no I don't understand that they'll do that for a person yet if a town owns a building they won't help doesn't make sense no it doesn't but there's a lot of things in local government at state government all the customers pay a sear charge on their bill and that's what's paying for all this exactly well you figure how many gas customers are there couple of thousand I believe I believe the electric company has some something like that and I'm not I'm not exactly sure what they use it for but there something like that well what they should do I think is they should have some type of search charge on something in the town that we can use to these buildings because right now everything's in limbo am I right we can't we don't have a dime to do anything all right and look how long the library has been up in the air well one of the thing is you use with Pauline's talking about is the CPC funds yeah but where does that money come from that's where we get money from we don't get money from the town and reimbursement from the state and there's probably grants you can write certain things but you have to have somebody that knows how to do it but that's where the money will come from for some for this well then what is it we have to you have to apply for the money this is one of the reason this what you've been doing correct yeah this is one of the reasons why I want the church on the National Historic register because once it's on the register then we can apply for Grants but I also was told by the the state when I talked to that gentleman up there he said to me he said you you really have to know how to rate the grant yeah you do and I think that's this Wendy the preservationist that we hired uh to do uh the um to do the nhr for the CH I think it would be a good idea for us to try to hang on to her because this girl is smart I I was amazed and I picked I picked three names and I emailed them out of the blue and ask them if they would be interested in doing a nomination for the National Historic register for a building here in a kushna and I got two responses but this Wednesday I'm telling you she she's been talking with the state she's been talking to those two gentlemen up there the grant writer and also the one for the uh preservationist she's been talking to them and they've been working things out she's a smart girl very smart and I mentioned it to Mr Kelly I think someone like that we should try to keep on hand you know even if I have to go back to CPC next year again and ask for some money to put in her account and have her be our grant writer because she knows what to do what to ask for we have no grant writer in town the last guy was a part-timer what's her name he left um her name is Wendy the first name but I the last name I don't have it it's home but she is very very smart this lady is intelligent and we need somebody like that that knows exactly how to word things you know to get to uh through to these people cuz I've complained to her about you know with the the meeting house they don't want us to use it because it's not handicapped no bathroom no heat no water the same Rigo you know between that Imperial church and the church is even worse because there's less parking so these two gentlemen that are leaving their positions what one is a senator oh one is uh no rep a representative both of them are aren't they I don't know rep uh Strauss and schmi Pa they're both res uh reps yeah rep see I got their email now is it possible that someone could write a letter to these both of these gentlemen or woman is the one no it's both men both men and see if that if we can get an exemption for the historical buildings as far as the building codes you know I don't know if I can actually do that without the selectman knowing I don't want to hang myself you know I doubt was I could get kicked out of town for doing that really well I mean all we're looking for is exemptions we're not looking for money I know but you know stuff like that usually goes through the Selectmen cuz schmith has been to many of their meetings and has spoken at their meetings so well we got to find somebody exact that knows if we can because them buildings are going to be sitting there rotten there if we can't get an exemption as far as the codes go so that we can get people in there even if we just give tours in other words if you want you want to take a look at what uh a church looked like back in the early uh uh colonial days Perry Hill Church is it right but we could even do that right we couldn't even do that right now the way can't use the building building is no that floor is not very safe there's a when you go in the front door there on the side that part of the floor there is rotted way Pauline they let they allow visitors at the Museum right we have no problem with the museum what kind of bathrooms I don't remember the bathroom we've got two bathrooms men's room and the ladi's room where where are I don't remember they're in the back of the building oh so are they like coded now or the bathrooms are fine we got brand new vanes in there and brand new toilets in there I was just wondering what the difference would that cuz since that place can have people visiting and and so people can't even visit the the meeting house anymore well he told me I got in trouble the last time I had the car show up there and had the meting house open for people to go in on the first floor and he told me that I was lucky a state representative didn't come by and see that building open I think I mean it it it doesn't make sense yeah at least that building I mean not the church maybe because the floor but I mean in the summertime at least well is the building is the bathrooms able to be used for the Apple Peach oh yeah in that building they are I maintain that building whatever that building needs we do the people can go in but the the customers that come to the fair are supposed to use the portable Johns yeah the vendors the vendors the vendors can use to go in to so we could wash our hands in there well I'm sure if there was some situation and it doesn't matter um I think if everybody went into that bathroom you'd with the oh yeah oh yeah I understand cuz I don't think they even had it cleaned last year but even if the bathroom's open for the vendors that's going against the C oh no not the museum the museum the museum no no no no so the museum is exempt that building is fine that building's got heat running water bathrooms the only thing it doesn't have is handicap access nothing you can do about that because the building was not made for handicap the doorways are very narrow you'd never fit a wheelchair through there's no elevator to get to the second floor so that's the only thing the building doesn't have is handicapp access but I have no problem with the museum well how many other buildings the well the meeting house and then the it would be the church those are really the only three historical buildings here in town what about the gra Hall the green I don't think you know I got them money one time through CPC to do some work on that building but I I'm going to have to look through those paperworks again I don't think that that building actually belongs to the town of aush really no but didn't wasn't somebody approved or CPC or whatever to build that r and wasn't the town planning on maybe using that as a poling place at one time that's one of the reasons the ramp was granted I don't know I know they have activities there at the Grange and then the other building of course they rent out for the dog training that's not part of theirs anymore but yeah I got the money through CPC um to have the I think it was the front stairs right I think it was a new door and then it was the ramp on the side of the building that all that money came from CPC didn't Old Colony do that work mhm okay you're right but I don't know legally if that building is owned by the town I don't think so I don't think so mean it's an individual owner there's uh there's a couple of people husband and wife that actually run it as the gra they've been doing it for years and they put on certain activities there once in a while too now they got bathrooms there they got a kitchen downstairs so that building is okay and now they've got the handicap ramp so people can go up and around and go inside they don't do they use it yeah they do have some activities they had one in September that I never made it to after Apple Peach I was wiped out M when I was a kid we used to get on the bus right here mhm and they take us there to the dance Y and we dance all night and the bus would be there and pick us up and bring it back town hall at the gra huh y that was quite a while we did that fact they used to have dancers upstairs here right do you remember the kettle the kettle wasn't it over here we nail we the nail place is now used to be the kettle that was a nightclub a nightclub and we used to go dancing there when I was in grammar school going to wasn't that drumman bugle Corp what was the drumond bugle Corp that was around here somewhere drum bu I don't think it was in the kettle the kettle was set up as a night club yeah and then you had uh uh the one in the lot there the Cabana that was during the war that building's gone where uh that electrical outfit is now oh oh all right anyway that's going back a few years but anyway so we only have three buildings that are actually you historical or whatever and believe you me that's enough to take care of I understand that but anything else is in limbo until we can find out about funds correct and let me tell you the latest problem I had the flag pole at the Museum now I've heard various stories how that goes back years and years and years ago that there was a tree on the property that was cut down for that flag pole at the Museum and Alan Parker told that story to a few people and that it's come back to me that that it was very old maybe over 100 somewh years old maybe over it's going to be replaced no the pl a flag pole is okay it needs painting and uh during the Windstorm the pulley broke off so right now I can't put no flag out so we we don't have the funds to do anything about it well that I don't need funds for that because what we I talked to Sydney in the selectman's office to see if we can get the fire engine you know the one with the big ladder and we're kind of working on that but every week my husband's hollering at me when you going to put the flag up when you going to put the flag up if I could drive the fire engine over there maybe I could do it you know then I don't know what it is you something like that he expects miracles do you know what I mean and I'm doing all I can do believe you me I'm doing all I can do I got to wait for people too I told them I said it needs painting plus it needs the new pulley up there and the Rope put back up I've got the flag you're it's going to take time it's too cold right now to do anything like that I'm going to have to go over and talk to the fire chief cuz Sydney talked to him already about it and I guess they're okay with it you mean used one of the engines to paint the top of the pole the whole pole the whole pole see that pole is got the uh um I've seen it I know what you mean but if you lay that pole down you're not getting that pole back up again that pole it's got to away a ton the highway department must have equipment I was going to say it's got to be a way they had a lift uh one of these lift vehicles and it was a piece of crap he got rid of it so now they have nothing um David the kid that works for the town doing our jobs he's talked to um uh what's his name of the the DPW and he said they were going to try to see what they could do well how can you do anything when you don't have any vehicles to do it with well that that those things at the bottom of the pole uh they can the pole can come down if it comes down how are you going to get it back up it weighs a ton I understand that but there got to be a first of all you need something to take it down and I wouldn't take the two bolts out Let It Go no yeah and then you'll be replacing the whole flyball oh they said the one at pting ways now what do they some I don't know if it was somebody at the post office told my husband that the pole that that pting ways and the one at the Museum both those poles were put up years and years ago from a tree they they cut the tree down and they shap the pole so I know Alan P had something to do with ours at the Museum and he told a few people about it and the story has come back to me that's thing is very very old I mean the last time I had it painted was when the sheriff's crew was up there painting the building and they had the lift and the guy went up there in the lift and he painted the whole pole but now it's it's a mess it's all peeling and everything so the next thing would be and that's the other thing you know things have changed a lot with Town Hall before I could go over to the fire chief and say hey can you do this for me or can you do that for me a lot of things have changed now where you've got to go through the Town Administrator tell them what the problem is he makes the calls I found that out the hard way with the DPW oh no with the tree guy too the tree Warden but he did a good job for me he went up there and he had cut all the trees that were on Mr Bry side that was coming over over the fence cuz that's the fence we're going to replace they cut it all down cleaned it all out and now I got to see Mr BR to see if he'll clean a little bit along the fence on his side so when they go to put the new one up they're going to have it it's going to be a cleaned out area you know that's hopefully that's going to go after to June then that job will be done they asked me at CPC if I would be going back for any more money for any more fence at the Museum and if I was then we'd do it all now in one you know and I said well there's a fence across the back and that fence is very old it's got It's overgrown with weeds that are grown right through the fence I'm not touching it I am not touching it no I said the on the North side it's beautiful the neighbors have all come told me he's he the guy next door I forgot his name but his uh him and his wife came out and they said oh that fence looks beautiful sure is cuz it's both of us now you the museum and them so now I'm going to do Mr bry's side get that one done is every year it's something you know I keep asking asking for money for all these different things and keep these buildings going right now the meeting house I when I was up there a few weeks ago looking at if peeling paint that building could use a paint job that's another issue because we got money in the fund that we could do it with but now they've got um a committee that handles all the um what do you call that the fun that we have there I can't think of the name it's a committee in town that handles you know when someone dies and leaves you uh something in care to take care of the building we've got a fund but now you got to go through this committee to get approval to take the money out to be able to do it where all this time if the building needs something I just could do it you know cuz we had the money there so now it's a little more work too to you know got to go through the board do a committee so what's our next step I don't know or are we in limo till we find out well I mean the only thing I got left here is uh I'm still working on the pictures for Perry Hil I did did I tell you I came across a very old picture downstairs uh that had um irin's name on the envelope and when I opened it up it was a black and white picture the Perry Hill school and there all these uh the group of maybe 20 kids and they had a what's the name of it um I took it to uh Gary at Country Hardware and his mother's in the picture his mother and his uncle and he he named a few of the people that in the picture and um then I went and saw prisilla Gilcrest she's another one she saw a couple people she recognized she gave me the information and then they gave me a name of a lady up on mle road a Maria Travis she was a Howland you know the Howland family the Howland family okay well she has the newspaper article from years back walk of the picture with all their names in it so she made a copy for me and for Gary we both got a picture a copy of it I meant to bring it tonight to show it to you and I've got it at home what about the Christian Hospital is there anything going on there uh I'm still waiting for her to go through the pictures that lady's been quite sick she was the daughter of the owner and she was quite she's the one with pictures from the hospital she's the one yeah my mother was in that hospital I was born in that hospital so was I and my sister was too so you know um I'm waiting for to get uh in touch with me she says I've got a big box full of pictures I said I was going to go through them and see what you know was there and call you and have you come and get it I'm waiting for her oh that's on the uh Library what he had told me about the veterans Monument would have to be moved and of course the deed restriction with us a historical commission would hold the deed restriction on the facade of that Library so the front of it can never be changed that's hysterical well that would have to be done by the real estate person would have to know that right if they have a real EST well they get that information from the town cuz the town's got it and Mr Kelly is very familiar with it so I'm sure that would be passed on so worst case scenario they'll end up tearing the building down well I haven't heard that mentioned I've not heard that mention solar farm in that block oh no I don't think I don't think it's big enough I'm going to tell you I feel this way I feel that the town jumped into solar Farms too fast that's and they just started proving them everywhere they got a huge one on a wing Lane mhm that's the one that's been more of a problem then it's worth I don't know how many times those people have been before the Selectmen this wasn't right that wasn't right wetlands and all this baloney you know plus it's right on the power line the high tension lines yep y because my daughter lives on that road you live out there too don't you what is it you live on any Lan way no ber way ber way yeah I used to live on a lane way now my daughter lives on in Lane your house is set back the big house set back just right after you make the corner you go down a little bit it's 16 I think the number is house a set back my daughter's place way too big for me is it a you know there was originally There Was An Old Airport down here end of that road I flew planes out of there you my father my father knew a guy that had a plane there and when I was a kid we sat there for a couple hours and the guy finally come in landed and my father went over talk to him and he took me up and he took me out over the harbor oh and I'll tell you what when we landed there he says to me he says now don't forget I'm like 10 12 years old he says uh hang on cuz there the Run way ain't long enough to stop oh so I'm going what and we get to the end of the runway and he jammed on one break in a plane spun around oh my God that was the only way to stop from going in the woods oh forget plus the Scout cabins up there we used to call it the Scout cabin we used to go swimming up and back there used to be a camp there yeah yeah we we used to swim there when I was a kid I used to go there when the when the it was closed and the the swimming pool was full of snakes and you know all dead we used to go we used to go swimming behind uh the uh Cemetery too a place called we used to call it baby's hole I never forget that we used to go down there we used to go ice skating there behind the cemetery yeah way down in the back you know that new uh Park they built on what is it River Road that there's a trail there you can walk you can walk well that's part of that spot that we used to go swimming way up in the back cuz that was back in the ' 50s mhm well when I bought my house I remember years back uh there was a big sand pit back there and the kids used to race the four-wheelers oh my God now it's all built up with houses it's it's better but they used to all race up there the racket they used to make the cops would come down try to find these kids no way they knew where to hide the street they knew where to hide in fact I talked to one tonight going up in down Boon Street about 60 M hour God this kid's about 12 years old so I went out there and I stopped him you know I said you know you're going to get yourself killed doing this somebody backs out of a driveway you know or some kid walks out in the street M I might have been talking to the street yeah that's how kids are today they don't listen and none of them they don't care either no they don't care and the parents don't e no that's the problem in most cases okay so anything else on the old or new business um no I guess we have to find out from the selectman now about the uh monuments and a time capsule to see what they say that time capsule definitely has to go to the library because I know Pam at the uh Clerk's Office had told me that a few years ago if that ever gets moved it has to go up to the new library well that can't be a problem I mean it's not no it's only you dig a hole and put it in the hole and put a sign yeah now the monument that's a different story that's that weighs a ton yeah that's that's that thing is it's all granted well they move houses well I'm sure it can be moved this just comes down to what we've been talking about dollars and cents you know y or unless you could find a uh uh person and equ that would volunteer his equipment and time to move it oh it has to be a professional to move yeah oh yeah well yeah somebody with a crane you know that knows what they're doing yeah there must be somebody you have liability issues yeah yeah well it's it's a no one's situation they're they're insured for that I hope okay well the next meeting will be what May 14th yes May 14th and I'm going to see maybe if I can uh give these two guys a quick call it's almost ashamed to even bother them now because they're going to be leaving well maybe that's the good thing if they're leaving then they don't care what they push through uh either that or they don't care at all well there's only one way to find out okay may have a motion to uh ajour aour I'll make the motion thank you now second I'm so tired all in favor