##VIDEO ID:QIWcJumhGXo## [Music] good evening everyone today is September 19th the time is 6:00 p.m. and this is the aish Planning Commission this meeting is being recorded for future View doing on YouTube and we are live via Zoom tonight can I get a motion to open the planning board meeting I make a motion to open a meeting motion can a second second all in favor I uh we have a quum can we all introduce ourselves please Victoria alaro Tom planner Peter GAA member Steve bu member Mark Fran chairman Brian damps member and we have quum tonight okay um minutes meeting minutes September 5th this is sent out uh absent was Rick and Steve you were out for this one Brian or Pete if you guys had a chance to look this if you have any questions comments concerns F to me look good okay I make a motion to approve the meeting minutes as submitted I got a motion all in favor second all in favor I I unanimous okay moving right along public hearing this is a continued definitive subdivision 20231 39 keing road map 2 lot 13B the applicant has submitted revised plans and a response and a response from the peer viiew which is is currently being reviewed by the peerreview engineer uh the applicant requested more time uh he's not ready well we haven't heard back from the peer review engineer um so the applicant requested to continue the hearing to October 17th can I get a motion to continue the public hearing for 39 Keen Road to October 17th move uh second all in favor um moving along discussions and other topics um the discussion on the draft of the accessory dwelling unit bylaw uh we have a revised uh adus plan here um Victoria I'll let you speak on this we've heard from the Chief Fire Chief on this yes so um so there's two revisions in this draft um the first one was to include the comments from the last meeting was which was to limit um the you can only get one additional um U by special permit um that is a requirement to have that in there per the state law um but the board wanted to try and limit it to only one additional one and see if it gets um kicked back um so the fire chief was uh following our meetings and he did reach out to me um about adding in language in there about fire department approval cuz he you know in his you know fire department Community there's been issues in other um towns um so he did review that language and he was okay with that um yeah so this is of course still up for discussion there's a few comments I received um from S as well um that are not in here but I just um you know still for discussion and once we have sorry no go ahead and then once we have like a solid jop that the board is comfortable with I would recommend sending it to the Z zba first um since the additional one would go through them if they want to keep that um and if there's any additional criteria to be added that that's like a joint kind of discussion and then after that once um everyone's okay with that draft then send it around to the Departments for R thank you sounds good sounds good any added comments any any anything that anybody would like to add uh to this I would like to see this limited to uh one bedroom units if that's even possible but we won't know until we put it out there agree actually that's a good point that would uh help reduce the burden um I I don't see them really popping up too quickly um there's a lot of cost um I think in current just to build a small little unit you know uh building an addition on your house is one thing but if you did stand alone it would be something different um even um and with that um I had asked Victoria to pull up the uh um betterment for the SE bylaw okay which would require um a substantial fee to add another unit we got if whether if you're off the bit or if you're on a bit I'm on the vment side it would cost me you know over 12,000 almost $113,000 for the privilege fee to add another unit before you get started uh say that again when you're on sewer yep we have a we had a better betterment was 14,000 and change okay um and um if you choose to tie make an additional tie in after the fact an undeveloped spot and you want to tie into that a a totally separate Little Bill could be a could be a could be a in the way the bylaw reads is an improvement to your existing property even if I would have decided to put an attached unit on my house I'd be I'd be mandated to pay the privilege fee of 122,000 in change if you're off you're not on a known betterment then I believe the fee is around $6,000 to tie into Su so original um which is I think that was the most recent bylaw I think we passed last year was because people that are on this side of South Main Street were part of the original um sewer project which was I think if I remember correctly was paid by the federal government back then um they only had a permit fee to pay which was basically a trenching fee of 675 well if you were on the other side to add to it you were paying um so they put a I don't know if they call want to call it an impact fee or whatever they put on to it and it's a $6,000 fee to add a unit to your existing dwelling or put up a new um uh if you you're able to put up a new like a detach yeah so so yeah so this it's so there's cost there's cost of putting this thing together it's it's there I personally was weighing this out a couple years ago of putting on a AKA in-law apartment me moving into it the kid moving into the into the main house right so you know that was part of the cost was I I knew cuz I was on a Board of Public Works when all this came up and this privilege fee thing um which was uh it's a normal uh practice to get 90% of the original vment so so even if you do something like in the basement and then you're not doing any new connections to the Su but creating a unit you created unit regardless if you're connecting yes because what what happened was and this is where people were up an arms in the beginning where if you had a two family home you were paying two vment and there are t there are people that had literally have three family homes they were paying three vits so they were paying close to $45,000 if you had if you had three units I you know that yeah yeah a lot of people but that's that's was B it wasn't something that was pulled out of out of the air it is a normal way to assess benefits there's a couple different ways one was one of them was um Street footage okay what you have on the road um the other one was per unit they chose per unit um because there's a lot of like in this Village area you got some that got a literally less than 50 ft for Frontage um in my case I live on a corner would been paying I would have been paying I got 200 ft that way and I had another 50 I been P TT gave across the street with well not his case cuz he's in the same situation only have 50 ft front just they would have been paying a lot less so they decided to split it up in that fashion that was before I got on the board but that's how they had chosen to do it so I knew about V but I didn't know you could do that they could do that add-on once you went above the one yeah yeah you want to add a when you add a unit it it's there was on a unit basis when they did it yes and like I said there's a lot of people upset but it was and there wasn't it it was normal practice you had a couple different versions of of assessing the benit and that's the one that they chose so that would be something that we would attach this is I don't know if this any kind of language has to be inside this bylaw that they have to abide by any sewer of water um tiin or whatever it may be um I don't I don't know if that needs to be in here or if it's just going to be something that automatic when it comes down so yeah um yeah they're not excluded from it gotta in that case so gotta um just a question to be you know I don't know if it's it's worth putting it it to ask that the powers to be if that language some sort of that language needs to be in there well Victor it said once the draft is complete we'd send it over to Town Council anyways and you know another list of we don't need to overload it but I mean because a heads up would be a good thing to put in there though to say that you might be incumbent on these things if you go do yeah in general right right or any other U fees that may be you know that right that to may have mhm um that they decide to do in you know you know a special uh uh Water tie-in fee you know all that stuff I'm not sure how all that works out but SE sewer thing was uh that was right there in the middle of all of that when I was going on so that probably when you went to get the permit that's something that should come up it should come up yeah because there's a there's a tie-in fee and after the tie-in fee there is a connection fee U or whatever not a connection fee it's a um it's another assessment on there but it it's there so you get the pro because it's you're adding units and you're literally taxing the um system the system so that's really what it what it is um which it's probably about the most Equitable way to do it yeah I'm I'm I'm on sub I'm not on sua so I'm assuming everybody that's on Su gets a a water and sewer bill every absolutely well every every uh every 3 months every three months every three months so if you're adding a unit to that house then that should be charge the same sewer and Watermill right um especially in this case now cuz they actually truly a separate unit before unless you turn it into a two family if you were at an accessory apartment you quotequote an in-law apartment I think it was a less of an issue but um and I think they actually got rid of the in-law apartments statement number of years back what they call it accessory unit the only thing I see is it says rental properties apartment shall be assessed one sewer unit for each apartment with more than one bedroom y more than one bedroom more than one bedroom but that doesn't mean that we can't change the verbage change the verbage okay yeah no especially if we're shooting for just one bedroom yeah dwellings then we should have it you know even if it's half a fee something but good they should still pay a fee right if it's at least at least one bedroom okay yep I agre any anything else good do we need you to no this is make a motion just I don't know this just discussion she's going to type it up she'll add what we've discussed today on the next draft okay and then uh once that's done then she's going to send it over to the zba and and get their opinion on it they might want to add a few things to the draft as well uh right now the zba is in charge for the special permit for uh auxiliary Apartments we'll ask them if they want to continue to be or if they want to relinquish and give it to us uh if they want to continue to be the the special per permit granter then they can keep it but they should have some say on what goes in the draft absolutely so once uh with when you know all our comments are done Victoria will add it to the draft uh send it over to the C VA and then uh get comments from them and then um and then send it off to you know conservation Board of Health and everybody else just to make sure they they're okay with everything as well before cuz this is going to go to what Springtime we yeah yeah and then we'll have public hearings and spring yeah won't make the fall it won't make the fall Fall's next week next week already that's right it's early I forgot it's early this year it's usually November yeah it is early this year so just to be clear I'm only adding the comment about one limiting to one bedroom that and if do we need to put any verbage for the sewer um I think that's more up to you you certainly can even put a line something like you know permitting from other departments may be required you know including but not limiting to Water and Sewer or you know all that so it's more like all encompassing right yes something all encompassing yeah okay okay just like a heads up thing like you could be incumbent to the to subject to other okay um that's that on discussions and then uh continuing on uh back to you Victoria Town planner update on potential Grant applications okay um thank you um so it's not too much to really update on this right now um so I am I did meet with Jamie um so I'm going to sort of issue like a memo for him to include in his board members a packet so that's how they will'll get that information um about the projects we're interested in doing um I'm in the process of getting quotes for the um it Grant um all the other permitting departments are on board with wanting some form of online permitting um but what what the next step for that is to see if the town can keep up with the yearly maintenance fees before we even apply for the gr we want to make sure we can sustain this right so that's sort of where I'm at with that and um 211 Middle Road has filed for their application that was the informal we had at the last meeting or two meetings ago um so just so you know that's going to be on an upcoming agenda that's the big solo file field on white Farm yes oh okay yes sorry show that yep thank you that's yeah that's how we use the go markers yeah got right golf course landar yeah the landmark yeah um okay great uh yeah I I I made sure when I speak to Victoria that um I I want the I want the planning board to make sure they keep the um Board of Selectmen in full involvement and what we're doing as far as grants are concerned and just keeping them in the loop so that's that's one thing that um she's going to do next is just put put down put together a memo to get it over to them just so they know what we're uh what we're involved in the more people that are involved is less surprises and nothing else has come up in the last 48 hours um our next meeting is Thursday October 3rd is there anything else anybody would like to discuss talk about mention the only thing I was going through was um the master plan I was reading the minutes refer to the master plan committee at the last meeting yes has there been any more thought with that yes so I was supposed to have a meeting this week with um Jamie our accountant and um Jen from Capital strategies but we couldn't meet this week there was last minute cancellation so we're going to meet early next week and then sort of Define the scope from there because like I said they might kind of open other projects as well not just the master plan um so it could be an open space and Recreation Plan update as well in there um so we just need to define the scope you know internally and then let serpent know so we can sort of get this moving um so hopefully by the end of next week we'll have a better idea with the actual timeline and everything for you guys for the next meeting and then we can get together uh a a board of a committee of some sort and then we'll put it we'll put it out there for the public if anybody in the Public's interested right the the master plan committee will have to be established um I'm not sure if this has been discussed before I came on but sometimes it's like a subcommittee of the planning board other times it's kind of like an independent committee you know appointed and established by the board of Selectmen but that's something I can sort of discuss with Jamie I don't know if you guys have a preference either way on that well like I almost thought a good idea that the board you know you're going to have these representatives from the board it would also be good if the board did talk about it too you know at the meetings like it's a short thing every meeting about this is how we're moving forward yeah yeah and the more we talk about it and discuss it on television then the town stays updated with what's going on as well right is there going to any idea or the limit of people on the committee so this that hasn't been like discussed yet typically a good number is seven if you get too little it's not enough input if you get too much it's hard to get a quorum people don't commit the whole two years um so seven is usually a good that that's from my limited experience with Master plans which is one Community but um yeah and I think two representatives from the playing board would be good um as well on the committee um you typically there's someone from the board of Selectmen someone from conservation or open space um usually like a public safety representative and there's like citizen um Representatives as well okay do any of you three are any of you three interested in being on the board I am kind of was kind of that's what that was my my original you that direction yeah uh when I came on the board that was one of my things that I was hoping to be part of well I'm I'm not going to stop you slow you down I mean you're more than welcome um if there's anybody else that wants to be on I'd be more than happy to take a step back and let somebody else take the second position for the planning board which I'm fine with uh trust me just being the chairman gives me more than enough to do uh so if anybody else wants to then that's fine you don't have to say it now but think about it and if you do if two members from this board want to then fine I'll step back if there's only one member uh from the board that is interested so let's just say it's you and then I'll step up and and be the second person uh but uh I do feel that like Brian was saying I do feel we we as the planning board should have uh a good input on what's going on uh and I think we should definitely have two people involved on a more deep basis and then you know obviously those two people and and Victoria will bring the board up to speed every meeting or every other meeting when there's something to discuss you talking about yeah so you guys can think about whether you want to be on that board or not you don't have to answer now but if not we definitely need to Steve's already shown interest and then uh we'll decide from there so um that the the committee itself um are you basically I won't say the chair of the committee but heading up to the committee as a town planner uh for guidance and everything else I'm just yes yes I'm going to be managing the project right um I'm not going to be on the committee I'm going to be like I am for you guys okay and and um our old friend Paul Sullivan is back he is he is and he is also helping with the master plan as well awesome cool gentlemen can I get a motion I make a motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor [Music] [Music] [Music]