##VIDEO ID:rc4ejhY0vf4## [Music] good evening everyone today is November 21st the time is 6:05 and this is the aush Planning Commission this meeting is being recorded for future viewing on the Chris YouTube channel uh and probably on cable somewhere um can I get a motion to open the plan board meeting motion to open a meeting second all in favor can uh everybody introduce themselves please St uh Steve member Peter Gua member Mark FR Ry shamps member Victoria alaro Town planner okay uh so tonight we are here uh to discuss the the master plan uh we need to get a master plan committee together and um and basically get that ball rolling so I'm going to hand it over to Victoria if you can kind of give us a quick uh detail of what the master plan is and the committee yeah so a master plan is a long range planning document that helps guide the town staff um and builds trust by making transparent decisions involves um public engagement and details on accur accurate information um so this the plan will include sections on economic development um housing natural resources transportation and services and Facilities so like our town buildings as well as and a few other sections um the town's last master plan was completed in 2008 um and I do want to note that this project is funded by a community planning Grant through the onetop which is the state program and there are also CPC funds to supplement it if needed um so due to the accelerated um Grant deadline of 6:30 2025 um we are going to frontload the public engagement and this will be a little bit of a quicker master plan than the typical 2-year Endeavor so it's probably only going to take one year um so we'll have a lot of um you know Outreach events in the first 6 months mainly and then there will be some in the subsequent 6 months question are we um Reinventing the wheels are we updating what we already have I I think because it's been so long it's going to be more of a Reinventing the wheel but we are looking at the previous master plan and we'll kind of incorp orate what's so relevant and and take a good look at that as well okay any other questions now we need to uh appoint basically two people from the planning board um now Victoria we're going to have two people from the planning board you're basically are yes spearheading the whole situation uh to be board who else might be also on the committee so it's going to be a five five member committee like you said two members of the planning board myself a member of the select board and a citizen representative okay um now um I'd like to appoint two people from this board uh as chair um I will be basically following along regardless if I'm on the committee or not uh uh I will be most likely at every meeting and and following it very closely um if two of you wanted to be on the committee if only one of you wanted to be on the committee then I'll step up and be the second person on the committee but if two you did want to be on the committee just to let you know I will basically be there as well um in the background uh overseeing and and and kind of behind Victoria on what's going on um and that's that's that in a nutshell um we will have meetings with the public to see what you know the public would want um on the baster plan um and and then and like Victoria said we going a lot of the meetings because everybody works uh I was talking to her about this this this morning we all have jobs we all you know have frogs outside of this we're all volunteers um and I have had meetings with sured in the afternoon the meetings will most likely be via Zoom um and most likely in the afternoon kind of like what this is you know 5 5 6:00 is what the meetings will most likely be just because that's the only time we can attend um and that's that if anybody has any questions if not I'd like to see uh a hand or two of anybody that's interested in being on the planet go to the commission okay we got one person uh I know Steve's shown interest in the master plan uh for some time now so I'm glad to see Steve um volunteering does anybody else wish to be on decline I mean if you're if you're going to be there anyway Mark it's doesn't make any sense to have you know three people from the planning board there basically no the only reason why I say that is it's because for some reason I can't be at everything being the chairman of the planning board is you know sometimes that gives me other responsibilities that I might not be able to attend every meeting and be at every um is is it necessary to be at every meeting I don't know I mean they they do meet only once a month I think it is so if if you do volunteer for this it would be good if you could be at every meeting the two that were on again if people decline or people can't make it for whatever reason other other commitments work and other commitments I have no issue commit uh volunteering with with uh with Steve but I figured I'd give the board the opportunity if anybody else wanted to be part of I'm all that's two I I'll uh if you think it's beneficial to have another board member I'll do it okay yeah you you can do it uh like I said I will be kind of in the background if I can be at the meetings I will be uh but again just between life work kids and being the chairman uh there's a lot going on again if you two are on and for some reason you can't make life and kids is that's that's enough right there that work forget about the work or anything else yeah um but if there's any time that you guys can't make a meeting for whatever reason I know you got job sometimes has you know other issues going on uh then again I'd be a to kind of fill in is what I'm there for is the as long as I'm not taking a position away from you no no no you're not no um but I'd be there to kind of fill in for whoever couldn't make a meeting for whatever reason okay so we have two people that are volunteered p gampa and Steve buer can I get a vote to recommend the two gentlemen motion to put those two people in a position of being the repres resentative for the master plan committee from the plan we have a motion I second that all in favor hi hi hi thank you for your volunteering gentlemen uh Victoria will be in touch when she first finds out when the first meeting will be uh and again I'll be around um helping out as well you said these will be on Zoom also it's going to be up to the committee okay yeah I mean if we meet in person we can meet in person this is something that hasn't been deed of the plan uh but I'm just assuming because it's usually going to be it's going to have to be at later in the evening 4 5 6:00 whenever everybody can convene or the majority of people can convene uh I don't know where the people from sered live if they live nearby then we can maybe have it in person uh if they don't then not like a zoom meeting open the zoom's not open to the public would only be before that you would still be using YouTube and and the cable channel for the meeting itself right or if we go into Zoom I mean we open this up to the public every time yes it it will be a committee that appears to open meeting law and has to be okay so there be a public meeting is it going to be tell will it be on doesn't mean we have to go doesn't mean the zoom aspect of it has to be right we're already we're already being recorded for two for for two upls basically cable TV and YouTube so I didn't know if that was a you do need to allow for public participation so the zoom link is what will get posted on the agenda as the meeting location if that's you know just like we do now we do a a we do a hybrid meeting for public hearings so then that gets a zoom link or people can show up right or or or or the members can meet us here on an off night or not then we'll have it here or at maybe at a different location that hasn't been determined yet again it'll be something that the entire committee will say yes I can make it no I can't make it and we'll do the best we can I'm not sure if it will be televised but I will discuss and sort of get that what I would think is probably the bigger part of it having it basically just the way it is now cable TV and and YouTube I would think well if if it's by adhering to public meeting then it'll be it'll probably be on it's posted it's posted you do all of them oh okay then yeah be teved be teved right zo aspect I didn't know if it was just that aspect was actually open to the public or not that's yeah yeah no we're going to need public uh participation um comments or whatnot and uh oh uh but yeah um very good um and that was basically the nutshell nutshell of this meeting uh there's anybody have any other comments questions concerns now what is ced's role in this whole yes sered um is our regional planning agency and they're our consultant for the project so they're doing a lot of the backend stuff writing the plan um creating the meeting materials um drafting the gold based on public feedback they're creating the surveys with input from the MPC compiling those results that sort of thing okay so we have a I'm looking at um a one member from the general public is it already out there to um just to apply I would say or inquire about being on the the master plan yeah no it's a great question no it's not out there yet because um at hopefully on no um December 3rd that's when the select board will establish the master plan committee and then once it's established the town can post the vacency notice and get the word out there so even right now even though we voted for you guys to be members on the the committee the board of selectman still have to formally establish the committee and then appoint appoint you guys so what happens if they get like more than one person that from the public that wants to be in there is is this limited to the one or is it it's limited to the one member on the committee anyone can come to the meetings um but I assume they'll sort of kind of speak with if they get multiple applicants they will speak with them and sort of decide from there okay and that's in the select court for for selecting a citizen to be on or is that will it be the planning board the I've seen it done different ways some communities sort of let the planning board interview any interested applicants and then make the recommendation to the board selectman that's something I can sort of discuss with them I will be at that meeting on the third um but ultimately they do have to appoint that person so basically the selectman show to get the correct Community established together yes these two gentlemen don't have to be at that uh December 3rd meeting no no okay um and every month that we have a planning board meeting we to will be updating the board and the public of our progress that' be awesome super if there's no other questions our next actual uh planning board meeting is on Thursday December 5th can I get a motion can make a motion to adjourn session all in favor thank you very much 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