##VIDEO ID:xfTl71I6aVs## [Music] good evening everyone today is August 22nd the time is 6:00 p.m. and this is the acis Planning Commission this meeting is being recorded for future viewing on the town you YouTube page can I get a motion to open the planning board meeting motion to open the meeting second all in favor hi can we introduce ourselves Pete Peter G member Steve bu member Mark franois chairman ran D Champs member Rick Ellis Vice chairman Victoria Alfaro Tom planner okay moving along uh minutes um Haley sent out uh the minutes to the uh August 8th meeting uh we were all present at this meeting has everybody had a chance to look everything over any comments questions [Music] concerns I like a motion to approve the minutes as as as written excuse me I'll second that motion is the second all in favor I all fabulous okay uh discussions and other [Music] topics discussion and take action relative to a ve vegetative screening cash charity for Robinson Road the proponent is nexam Inc so last week we discussed this uh in some detail but um to kind of bring everybody up to speed the Conservation Commission had uh made a vote on this prior um there was a mixup they shouldn't have and in their last meeting you all have it in your packets they resed to vote for uh the said maturities so now that's been taken care of there is nothing with conservation um last week when we had discussed it we had um basically the only issue was to make sure that the permit screen was removed uh after the 5 years and that it was all cleaned up um after discussion with the town planner I think the the one thing that we can do is is basically make a condition uh that that get done prior to the end of the 5 years uh and we make it a condition of the cash shity um like I had said they had it cost them 75,000 or 76,000 to put in all the V all the uh plantings was another $166,000 for the screening for approximately 21 uh $91,000 total um in my opinion I don't know if we need all 91,000 the odds of all the plants dying are slim um but we do need a good amount for cash charity in case anything happens um gentlemen thoughts um I think we also discussed that then is just going to cover um any ongoing maintenance cutting of grass and all those other things if they don't take care of it sh yes yeah I mean we call them we get on them we remind them um to keep everything neat and cut and clean uh a few of the solar farms in town have been a little slow to get on a maintenance program but that is something that um the town planner and um um the building inspector Andy are on all the time he's the enforcement agent so he's constantly on them and I think eventually they will do it and if they don't yes this can be used for that as well I will inate a motion I make a motion to require $50,000 cash shity for vegetative screening with the condition that the shity will will only be released after 5 years and the permit screening is removed we have a motion get a second second all in favor I I I unanimous okay moving on uh next is an informal meeting uh heartley street map 18 Lot 27 the applicant is Ben Reese uh represented by John romanelli and zeni land surveys LLC uh the scope of the work a roadway Improvement to a way in existence prior to the subdivision control law I saw John romanelli in here he just stepped out a second Ben Reese he just said I got get my glasses and just ran back to we'll give him a second to get his glasses okay thank you and in the meantime gentlemen you have the plans in front of you of us before he has been in front of us before about this yes John you're up get my glasses cuz I am BL I'm with you still not used to it been wearing them for a couple years real quick of course nice to meet by the way oh nice to meet I know we've never met in person butcome welcome thank [Music] you I want to make sure you guys can see it as well be good the camera as well yeah you got to Qui towards this camera here behind me I have a good that's I got it right there so just point it right over here I'll turn in a second you can see it no they can't see turn it I have extra plan he said he could see it on the camera another one over here somewhere yeah yeah no he's just trying to get everybody oh there it is beautiful so it is up on screen great okay for the record my name is John romanelli of zenith Lance surve in New Bedford I'm here representing my client Benjamin Reese who is looking to purchase a vacant piece of property at the end of heartley Street in Krishan heartley street is a private way created P of sub division control law there was a plan created in 1922 I think it was that created heartley Street going from Ni Lane in both directions North and South what Mr Reese is trying to do is improve and again this is a preliminary plan so we're looking for discussions I'm not holding any W for answers tonight but just to get some feedback as to how he should proceed um to get from n Lane to the created Frontage that we created and by the way it's um there 40 ft across heartley which isn't enough to create a buildable lot so we created a hammerhead turnaround with a created Frontage of 29.91 Ft so by pushing heartley street through into his property he would generate enough Frontage for zoning and the 150 required Square uh 150 ft of Fage uh after creating that hammer had turn around for emergency vehicles he ends up with a uh a total area of 71,000 82 squ ft so it's above the 60,000 required he does meet the building box of 150 zoning box I showed on there there are some Wetlands to the uh to the west where it kind of butts into the uh City Line of New Bedford which is as you can see is that dash dot line coming right across so the whole property is in a cushion it but it does directly a butt Sunset way these these Lots on Sunset so we created the box so he's got the 150 by 150 box showing the uh and these wetlands are were picked up on my field guys they weren't delated by the Barts at this time but they said it was pretty evidence pretty evident that there were Wetlands back there so I had them located uh it still gives us uh an Upland area of almost 60,000 Square ft again it's above what we are required for Upland area so what what uh Ben would like to do and I I know we've had similar situations in town where where Dan manard from uh DPW would always require some type of a uh paved apron but from that point forward Ben is looking to create a gravel right away of 20 ft in width uh I did have my guys shoot the topography and I put a little profile together here uh the center line it's a little bit exaggerated but basically it's if you held the elevation of n Lane to where he dead ends 581 ft away and cut a 1% slope everything is flowing in that direction from north to south to his property but he's looking for for feedback as far as um can he go forward with a gravel right away of 20 ft is it something that the board would be admitt to as long as we show the paved apron at the um at the intersection of Ni Lane so that is basically it please look if I'm reading this correctly hotley street is not constructed as right at the moment it is not it is thick you could probably walk maybe 100 ft before you hit a wall of brush and whatnot it is very thick from there all the way to to the property line so is this a paper Street by chance it's a private way in existence private C control 40 ft of of with Y it's a paper Street at a but our property yes but Sal is there anybody else serviced by that road no no no there are two houses up here that are on on the that front on N Lan but no nobody else would uh yeah on the North side there is but not on this side ni right so no it basically be servicing 581 ft of gravel road for one one one map 18 L 24j that's on Al Street right now you one they own 27 24a is John Pereira owns uh 24 J and 24 C the same person owns 24 C and 24j yes own the proper we don't yeah that's actually if you just take a quick look that's the the plan that created hary Street back in 1922 yeah so I I I understand question Mr is that 24j is going to benefit by that that is uh John John perrero who lives in New Beck on Jon street it also owns and Lot 25 is owned by Lucy and hermano yes you the Kamar yeah I forgot to call her did you no I forgot to call H if it if it goes to the next step everybody's going to get get notified of a hearing we just kind of wanted to get some feedback any other questions or comments or basically would have is just to be uh a one lot subdivision basically what's up it's basically a one lot subdivision on a private way yeah um it it's private way it's um it's been dant for many years um we've had other instances recently that um find out that um it it isn't what it is um and ownership Becomes of that strip of property um I would highly recommend that um um he'd be certain um that he's got rights to open at it back up again I guess kind of pigy back on what Steve is saying he would he would need some kind of legal something legal in writing a lawyer something legal saying that he has the right to do this to do this to use that paper Street okay um and because he is creating Frontage it would definitely have to be a form C subdivision um application um Rick um it's um these things are always interesting I we've got quite a number of of streets like this in town um I I'm reading the KP law update at the same time here and I don't know it's it's it's a tough call the state is obviously trying to uh encourage a lot of these outlying lots to be able to be built on uh there one of the things that uh is going to supersede the the doctrine of merger of nonconforming wants uh and make them separate buildable Lots we've got this other thing for accessory dwelling units um I mean technically it's a paper Street laid out prior to subdivision control I imagine like the rest of them mhm I mean the letter of the the letter of the requirements as I know them uh say form C subdivision for roadway improvements uh of of these streets um that said uh there have been quite a number of instances in town where uh these back lots have been built on uh sometimes with uh planning board input sometimes without um it becomes hard to say where the line should be drawn yeah I again we've gone through this before with paper streets a lot of times the paper streets via Butters one of butter owns 50% of the road the other butter owns the other 50% of the road right um again we would need something from a lawyer saying that he he's got the right he's got the right to do this um and the board also and you have to take into consideration that you are building um a private way but now you're opening the door for lot map 18 lot 24j to use that so now not only is it one house that's using that road but possibly two houses going be using that road don't know if map uh 24c has Frontage on N Lane but if he doesn't then now we're talking three houses that are going to be possibly using that as Frontage uh and and as that road as their private way um that has to be taken into consideration MH um um I know that I think that uh could you tell us could you please just tell us where your houses are on this map we're on Oak Street but our lands above that Oak stre back in here right to the right more can't leave back it's okay I'm sorry it's okay um this is where we are on Oak Street and we have bought new beckord all the way they have tried to purchase our land here cut across here to get to their land I don't know how many letters I received and knocks at my door and we are convinced because of the Wetland that we have that we're getting a lot of the flooding in our cell which we have because there's Wetland we're bordering Wetland all along the new beard area and that's all Wetland you can't touch that yeah no he has that on his map saying that this corner has Wetland on it yeah but the is by building we're going to get more of the influx of the flood well before if they if this moves forward they would have to go through conservation then uh con he'd he'd get the wetlands and he' get the whole property flagged out to see where the wetlands are and if there they are out there he says he shows it there now depending on how much there is if he still has the same 150 by 150 square buildable sides to build a house and it's Upland it's considered Upland by conservation then there shouldn't be any added flooding to them or to you as anybody if if conservation it's a big fear for us down our street oh it's a big fear for everybody yeah uh but and especially where we're on a quarry and that's all it is is a a ledge underneath there right that's most of them chush is all LGE yeah um but yeah I mean if this goes forward they're definitely going to have to get it flagged uh conservation will get involved and again if there's Wetlands if there's too many Wetlands then obviously they can't build uh if the if but if he only has the amount of wetlands that he has there and he still can show that he has the amount of Upland to build then technically they should be able to uh build again but the next step is and I think his biggest turtle is going to be uh the abutters that AB but this piece of property and she's one we live at 189 Lane and I'm one gentleman that's here that buts my land as well as Frank these this is Joe and Frank um they were working today CU When I got notice of this then I ran over and told them and they're in this property area and they're budding well like like Mr romanelli said If he if he does end up filing for the formy subdivision and he moves forward with this all AB butter is within 300 ft would get notified it would come back in and then it would be more of a detailed set of plans that he would present so this is this is a this is a beginning this is a beginning kind of uh steps they they're here to find out what the board thinks they should do and shouldn't do and and to hear from you know from you all to see what you know your thoughts are your concerns are and again Wetland is a concern with everybody and uh if they end up and if they end up disturbing uh more than 40,000 s ft then they would fall into the storm water um uh bylaw so there's a lot that is involved this is just the beginning stages oh I feel so much better this is just the beginning St and opening up that frightening I totally understand and I for the record can I have your name and address yes right now right now all right my husband is Barry yep I'm Elaine Williams okay we live at 15 Oak Street perfect and you folks Arnold and Margaret ma we live at 10 ning perfect thank you so much and that's but again I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here to give your input um and obviously everything is taken into consideration but this is this the preliminary steps they just basically want to know what they need to do next um if they do move forward with this everybody in the three I think it's 300 ft around that property will be notified of a public hearing and they'd have a much more detailed set of plans and then then you'd have again you turn the voice your opinion and we'd have a better look at what they can and cannot do but I ask you a question how wide will that road be it would it so on paper it would be 40 ft on paper which it is today is 40 ft on paper but it would be 20 ft of gravel which um technically 20 ft 20 foot Gravel Road is an ample size to uh for one two or even possibly three houses 20 foot gravel again we would have to vote on it but I I think 20 ft gravel I think would be so there could be three or four houses back there uh I don't by the looks of this I don't know about four um but it is possible that and that would be the only access to get in and out of that colder in a sense yes yes yes there is it's not a cult disect there is a hammerhead turnaround at the very end for emergency vehicles okay um and and that's what they would use for emergency vehicles to turn around but they do need to take that into consideration that there could be two other houses using that road yes but he would need to get legal something in writing saying that the abutters of all of these properties are not partial owners of this road and that they have the legal right to upgrade and and turn this into a gravel road if they put a road over there I ain't going to have much of a a side yard well it is a paper street so technically it's it is a paper street so now if you've built onto that paper Street I don't know what the legalities are regarding that um again they would need to get uh sir I'm curious where are you on this we're on Nice Lane is this you right here this is NI Lane coming from this is newy this Isley right here this is the lot we're showing on the plan this 27 okay okay and Ellen is over here so this is where you're going to open the tree right no this no that's that's Santos on that side we're right here okay you're on the corner gotcha yeah and that already and then many years ago they have they combin they combined the two lots together with our property remember yeah okay see on the corner n n and okay the one we just looking to see please sir I'm sorry yeah on that back on the Nord line along the Nord line and up in that area all water that runs down it so it's loaded with water yep he has that on his map that he that he has it all wet in that corner he does the whole area in there yep he's he's got that there again it's a it's a it's a fairly large lot so if there are wetlands in a river or or whatever in that corner which he's saying there is there probably is as long as he still has enough Upland to build a house and doesn't disturb that Wetland area then nothing should change from what's there right now I got you you understand you can never touch it can't go in it can't move it can't do anything and it shouldn't change what is happening today yeah all up in back of mine it's all wet that runs down from uh down the street in the back whole area along drive is it right that runs all the back line right down the water now what I'm not sure about um with the new storm water bylaw that we just adopted uh if he would have he if he's going to clear out this whole Road and it's more than 40,000 square ft then he would fall under the storm water bylaw I believe so M so um that's something to look into John uh again storm water is under conservation um but I think if I recall correctly if you're if you're disturbing more than 40,000 ft it falls under that and then you would have to go under all of that byar as well so 20 ft of gravel by the 521 ft it works out to like 10,000 ft it's going to be somewhere around 10 to 12,000 well below okay but obviously we will I'll have Jamie oriles from Zenith Consulting Engineers present a engineered plan again they just asked me to come forward tonight to get feedback and see what uh obviously we have some concerns with the neighbor yeah somewh land concerns which is understandable um let me just shoot it at the board does anybody here on the board have any issues with the 20ft gravel road going 500 and some od's feet to the lot in the back jeez I mean if it's fronted for one for one lot that's one thing if it's going to be Frontage for three lots then a different issue it's a different issue but also um correct me if I'm not wrong uh common driveway laws you can't put three houses on a common driveway yep and this is for three AC Lots yeah for for for uh for retreat Lots yeah that's a three it's basically a three so there's kind of a tradeoff on the way the bylaw works as to density versus road construction and Retreat lots have got obviously a much smaller or much uh smaller density for housing and a regular subdivision regular subdivision 6,000 foot Lots The Retreat lots are 120,000 I mean that's but my point is you can still have three Retreat Lots on one common driveway would it be would this be kind of the similar if like right now he's asking for one but we got to take into consideration the other two that might also because they they if they have the you know 60,000 square feet then they can become two more house Lots on the same road I mean if he coming in as a formy subdivision and you want to do a 20 foot wide WI a gravel wig you'd need to request a a waiver of the subdivision rules and regulations yes and the board would have to consider that do that it's okay those other two lots neither of them are 60,000 sare ft they're not no they're both other sized but could you combine them and put a house there uh that I don't coming in might change probably W be done there's another stre to change all that's that meaningless now when that goes that's another hole there's there's probably an evening's worth of discussion based on this kpw e update that we've just got yeah in terms of Grandfather Lots in terms of accessory dwelling units so what what that says again on on the surface is that any time we create a lot you can actually end up with two dwelling units on that lot because accessory dwelling units are and I'm just finding this out tonight you know are going to be allowed as of right in any single family residential district mhm as long as the original owner lives there no no the just the state just well I my assumption with that law was that owner has to live in the in that square footage you can have a carriage house that can be uh converted into an apartment but the original owner has to live in the F in one on somewhere on the property they're looking to State you know we're we're a little bit early or we're going to be grow grasping for how this whole thing is going to uh end up but the way I read our update on impending legislation as of let's see February 2nd 20125 uh accessory drawing units are going to be governed by state law not by local law okay before we dive into that let's take care of Mr Roman Aly is there any questions that you have that you might not have gotten answer tonight I don't think so but I know the most important thing is going to have let's get a a letter from a lawyer something something from a lawyer saying you know this case law that says that he has right or whatever and then you know if there's an abutter that wants to challenge that then that's up to the abutter take it into civil court as long as this board has something you know from in the legal standing saying that he has a right to update and use that as his and create Frontage on that then that would go a long way with us everything everything else I think you as an engineer youu are you know you know what you need to do to as far as forc subdivision and that very good he's got he's going to have to verify that he's got the right yes to construct that improved road if you will uh and and run utilities up the road um yeah there is Town water on KN Lane MH well at Le said to run electricity if nothing else right so um we don't want to get in the middle of some firefight between a Butters to that road uh as we have had on other uh proposals um yeah but again that's not for us to decide who has the right to use that road that's for the proponents to take it into land Court um and but as long as we have something that states you have the right to use it very good thanks for the input and again folks just so you know they're going to do their work and then nothing's going to happen at all out there until you get notified they'll come back in front of us and we'll go we'll start this again from scratch thank you so very much is there any way I could get a copy of that I'm going to give you this one right here if you want it oh no I don't want that no I just want please there's a few extras if they need more okay oh I'll take one thank you I've got little ones I'll I can approach my neighbor let them know what's going on yes absolutely and thank you so very much talk with Lucy Lucy she's in the butter I can give you a couple of cards and questions okay thank you thank you so very much thank you now just out of curiosity somebody else came in front of us a few months back regarding this exact same LW I forget the gentleman's name are you affiliated with him at all no no no affiliation I uh I was in talks with the owner about the law but he didn't mention anything about it having been in front of the board previously do you remember that yeah somebody dead somebody was in front of the board for that really yeah there was somebody here that wanted to know exact same thing you asked us regarding that exact same LW you don't remember who it was his name's in the minutes I want to say Brandon something I can send you the minutes yeah yeah no nobody that I Ian maybe it's someone that I happen to know from town but not no he I think he lived in Lakeville and he was thinking about moving to a Christian he wanted information whether or not it would be worth his while to buy that piece of land and he wanted he didn't have he didn't have anything mapped out or anything like you guys there but he was just basically came in here for informal meeting asking us questions about the exact same law I was just curious if you were related or anything no no affiliation okay all right very good thank you thank you thank you sir you're very welcome thank you nice to meet you okay you're very welcome thank you good night uh all right moving on um Town planners update hi so for the no problem Victoria Alfaro Town planner um so KP law sent out this update with some relevant changes um that came through for the affordable homes act that the governor signed into law recently um so important things to note for the planning board specifically is the section for accessory dwelling units um which as um Rick you know was stating earlier will make accessory apartments or accessory dwelling units rather by right in all single family residential districts um so it is important to note that this doesn't take effect until February 2nd 2025 and that the board may want to consider amending our accessory apartment bylaw um you know and and doing something that merites the state law with you know additional you know restrictions if the board desires um something else that's of importance is that the executive off office of Housing and livable community um state department they were authorized through this act to develop guidelines or regulations to govern this paragraph so there very well could be more implications or more you know guidelines um about how we move forward with this um but there's no information out there right now to say whether or not um eohc is going to do that so this is the latest information we have at the time um so I just wanted to bring that forward to the board um and get your thoughts so I guess my first question is uh special town meeting date right how much you want how long do we get to uh I don't I think it's September 30th I think it's really early this year and I don't think that's I don't think we have time for the fall meeting and I I think uh Victoria is right I think it's end of September early October is the next meeting and we don't have enough time to get this going for that but I think uh I think we should definitely get the ball rolling and get ready for the spring meeting and have something uh to amend the bylaw and um have something ready in case in case the state takes years to get their act together at least we have something in our bylaw uh that's a point well taken yeah yeah not that the state would take years would think to do anything but at least we would be covering ourselves with any type of um you know guidelines or restrictions that we would maybe want for our time but you know there would go through the same uh you know we'd have to have public hearings we'd have to you know we'd get input from the from the town and and the board on what kind of um is is an accessory dwelling unit going to be a separate or should I say could it possibly be a separate freestanding structure attached or detached they did not um okay limit it has to be so to to me one of the biggest implications is every time we create a lot for a house we're creating potentially a lot for a two every but they still got they still got to be setbacks everything else depending on size of the lot and and wherever it's at they still have some guidelines it's just not a 75 feet of Frontage it's a 10,000 ft law y that's it and and as of right now it can only be a certain percentage size of the existing dwelling now correct that still stay in existence I think it's 25% you can't be bigger than 25% of the house that's there now so it does change the definition of accessory dwelling unit so it says in here that it could be half the gross floor area of the principal dwelling or 900 ft whichever is smaller M so that's the restriction on that the maximum 900 sare ft so that means if you got a single family house that's two stories now they can actually make it into a two family is that what we're also saying or I put a separate structure on the right I get that somebody's a garage I'm going to put a second floor on my garage I'm going to make it into a dwelling yep you can do but what I'm saying is if you got a twostory house it's a single family right now it's it's more less the same thing now I can make that one that single you know family dwelling m they get a two family dwelling yeah that's the way I look at that it's like yeah I don't know I have to get I have to read this is so this is a a condensed version from KP law that they basically gave us on the town to read up at the latest changes I'm sure that the law that's actually up in Boston's a little bit more detailed than this I'm hoping sometimes it's not sometimes it's sometimes it's very general they leave it up to uh others to come up with final regulations this is it this is accessory apartment this is common ownership so it's really not that extensive and I think you know just you know me reading this I have a bunch of questions on it as well I think that's why they authorize eohc to develop guidelines and regulations because this is kind of sparse yeah so it doesn't give a lot of direction for communities on what we can and can't regulate my question would be uh do we need to get something in place prior to February 25 it's going to be it'll be superseded be superseded anyway but we're allowed that we're allowed to put some guideline some things in place right yes yes you are I mean we we got to get you got to you can't get too carried away to make it impossible to do just like ex falling just like the solar Fields right you can't make it impossible for somebody to put something in place however we should be able to get some guidelines in place yeah um I think it did say there's something about short tour and rentals all that stuff should be needs to be in our bylaw because what happens after the after February it just go it may it it we know we may have more difficult time doing it is is what was my fear you're absolutely correct it will so this will supersede what we have in place so our accessory bylaw will accessory Department bylaw will be irrelevant so if we don't have anything place with additional you know short-term rental restrictions anything like that what we only have this to work with so if we don't get a bylaw like get the bylaw change in before February 2nd we have to use this so can we let's just hypothetical if we decided that it was not a it cannot be a freestanding building that it had to be attached somehow you can't restrict that because it's already in here it's they did they do they do mention things about short-term rentals like that inside here but if it's not in a bylaw yeah it's a freefor all you can't require more than one parking space so that's in there so you can't restrict parking which I know parking isn't really restricted anyways it says like character of the premises or something like that but but I think it if I read it correctly though was you can't you can't require more than one parking space if you're within half a mile of the train station so actually half a mile the way I read it was half a mile within a train station bus stop any kind of Transportation no parking requirement if you're not within half mile one parking space requirement that's the backwards so if you're within cuz they if you're bus station or whatever you don't need a parking spot if you're outside of that mile you need you need a park so they can at least walk to a bus stop they're trying to promote public transportation is the housing for the elderly bus is that a bus that's that will access every lot in town no I'm I'm just I got ask a question I'm not sure it says bus stop I'm I'm not sure every stop is a bus stop in town you just if you're elderly you call just call Direct service yeah I mean I don't think that would no I don't think that would yeah I think it means like actual like bus stop yeah I I think it mean I think it means that too but because that's what I think doesn't mean yeah that's the way it's going to end up well I definitely think that this is something that we should stop putting some thought into um and again great that we have a town planner to start kind of getting this ball rolling general direction and um and this is not the last we will be discussing if you could email all the members actually a copy of that plus a copy of the bylaw as it exists today sure I think it's very there's not a lot there if I remember correctly there's not and it's a and it's a zba thing too actually correct it is a zba by special permit only um it's like a little paragraph in there um so I think if we do start to develop something it would be good to just keep them in the loop oh absolutely um you know same thing with private Building Commissioner you know other kind of stakeholder groups you want involve yes okay nice having somebody that knows or can do so can do a little bit of label yeah and just at during the day not just before supper or something like that right understood I guess the other thing is just just the research that if we do not do anything before this thing gets enacted can we do anything after that yes oh sure yes that's a definite yes that's a definite we can okay exact and if you do something today that's contrary to the the state uh revision of the bylaw plus anything that this board comes up with uh as additional use requirements well then it doesn't mean anything either exactly this will just toed it so yeah I mean it's it's it's good to start to discuss it but I wouldn't get too too carried away with it because they don't know what they're going to do again it's this gets implemented in February but they might not come up with anything for years understand that's where we would put in our own for the until they actually do come up with something we put in our own they can do it basically after to I kind of compare they can you can you can go for a permit between February and the time of an we get a next next bylaw and just go with that that's basically what's in place exactly that's how it's law y it's not it's already been they gave it a date and when it takes effect so it it is law so our our bylaw goes stays in until this takes affecting February right yeah so we and then even if our town meeting is after February we could still add to this yep as long as you're not like I think the word is unreasonably restricting you know in the meantime somebody wants to come in between February and our next you know they go by this and and they've got um they can do it they they can't be denied the permit right exactly the rest of the setbacks and things building density are the easiest way to to regulate things like that and you certainly can come up with regulations that make impossible to put another structure on there or an accessory right we can't we can't make it impossible I mean they're they're they're going to have they're going to continue to have problems at least in this town with septic system uh capacity right you you just can't add bedrooms to your house in town without getting through the the board of right so I think that ended up itself limits how right like how is someone going to want to upgrade their whole septic system and pay to put in this you know what I mean so I think I think there's a lot of factors that sort of go into this because even with the special permit bylaw um you know I don't think you guys permit more than Z per there haven't been there haven't been many requests up to this point exactly so you know it's so there are other you know factors in place you know okay do we have any uh what do we have for actual Bonafide bus stops in town that I don't know St I would say let's let's take a look at it and see uh I mean all I know stre over here there there is a formal bus stop at the top of pekam road which is in New Bedford but certainly it would affect it it could affect uh housing on uh Blueberry Blueberry drive and the other roads that are going on back there yeah well as far as parking is concerned yes and it's well I mean and that's and that's got sore yep so you know it's possible you could have an accessory draing unit on every one of those lots and we got some we got some good size L they have H up the SE within the district there some and if we if they're within a half a mile of a bus stop which they may very well be uh I don't know haven't scaled it out then there's not much that they're going to have to do to put accessory dwelling units on every line used right by the captain's place there used to be a bus off over there I never see one come by it's been it's been a while I think it's probably gone but they used to be um used to be went up up over there right there either right on the top of slm street right in front of by the captain's but there was a bus I think there used there used to be a bus that went through into town into the CER town somewhere somehow yeah well I'm sure we'll be discussing this some the mer the merger thing can have a big effect on buildable Lots also yes uh that's uh that's going to be another interesting one it uh will no longer be uh as difficult to show that you have a grandfathered lot and if you bought two of them side by side uh it it's not going to make any difference anymore so that would be two side by side that becomes one no well not as of February 2025 unmerging yes so like they merged it a long time ago they merged like com it's called common ownership they merg them so now they're going to be separate again but I think like if somebody you know if they were already merged and somebody put like a garage in the middle of those two lots like I imagine they can't separate that back out with a structure in the middle of the lot line but will they do they become automatically become unmerged or do they just are they allow there there's a lot of court cases out there relative to when the Lots truly become merged and they don't if they were well in the town I just look at at tax purposes so if somebody's got to got two lots they think they got one they're paying one used to be two lots I imagine they're going to get their taxes are going to go after eight years of common ownership it dissolves y say that again after eight if you own two separate Lots side by side after 8 years of common ownership that line dissolves right that's what they're saying the unmerging is it's it's it's it's interesting now they canmer now they can say no now I'm too separate again the Line is now back this is also in single family residential right and they would have to have been two originally so somebody with a somebody can't create two from one no but if you had two lots originally right years ago yes right you just happen to have them but say in the two lws your house is on the one law okay over here yeah after eight years that line goes away just dissolves okay it's all one now but what they're saying now is now you're going to be able to unmerge it you still got this house but now you're going to be able to build on this 10,000 sare foot off I I highly doubt to what you what you're saying that's the point I was getting at it was that it is I don't think it's just going to automatically unmerge but you can probably but a person could unmerge unmerge it because other than that people are going to be screaming because now you got two tax bills now you got two house Lots right I'm not saying we're going to force but if the owner came in and said yes I want to unmerge this I don't think you would have to go through anything to unmerge that's what it's saying that they shall adjacent laws under common ownership shall not be treated as a single lot for local zoning purposes as is if at the time of recording our indorsement there's a couple stipulations about the size and Frontage and then they also stipulate that any single family structure on that lot has to be shall not exceed 1850 Square ft and has to be at um at least three bedrooms so they're really trying to promote housing another another interesting thing that's going to develop over the next 5 to 10 years oh yeah yep so that's it have Town sacks become in increasingly restrictive no doubt you're going to see another version go through the state house to undo that now you take all those lots up up in the back here that might be vacant little Lots that's what I'm saying they're all something now yep especially you got water up in here water you got se you got everything you need yep interesting all right uh let's uh move on real quick uh not much to move on want to we don't have any other business that came in within the last 48 hours and our next meeting is uh Thursday September 5th yeah I will be able to make that one but the 19th one I will not be able to make that one thank you so I'll be here for the 5ifth the Lord willing uh but the 19th I will okay Rick Rick will Rick will is there anything else anybody would like to discuss okay I would entertain a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor all right [Music] [Music] [Music]