##VIDEO ID:xrnrAGAYU0g## [Music] 6: pm. and this is the Acushnet Planning Commission this meeting is being recorded for future viewing on the town's YouTube page and uh I think we're on uh on the um cable channel can I get a motion to open the plan board meeting motion to open a meeting second all in favor can we introduce ourselves please Victoria Victoria alaro Town planner Peter Gua member Steve bu member Mark Fran chairman Brian damps member okay uh meeting minute so you are all sent some minutes so if uh if you recall everybody I think except Pete was at our uh December 5th meeting at the December 5th meeting we had some technical difficulties and we had to um abruptly close the meeting due to those technical difficulties we had voted on November 7th and November 21st um meeting minutes because when we voted on that meeting there were technical difficulties we need to vote on them again even though we've gone over them we need to vote again so uh we have meeting minutes for November 7th everybody was in attendance is there any questions comments concerns make a motion to approve the November 7 we have a motion to we have a second all in favor all all November 7th has been revoted up uh November 21st meeting minutes comments questions concerns I make a a motion to accept the uh meeting minutes from November 2 first second second all in favor okay so now this one's a new one uh December 5th this is the meeting that we did have the technical issues uh so this is the meeting minutes up until the meeting was cancelled Peter you were not in attendance so you will abstain uh everybody else if you have any comments questions concerns I recommend we accept am minutes from December 5th 2024 got a motion a second second all in favor I I okay we are officially caught up give me one second [Music] okay moving along uh discuss discs and other topics um discussion on the draft of the accessory dwelling unit bylaw and regulation Victoria would you like to bring us up to date on what's going on and what the state has and hasn't issued and is and isn't doing sure so um again for the record Victoria alar T planner um so the state um or the department executive office of housing and livable communities eohc has um released draft guidelines to help administer the new law regarding the adu's accessory dwelling units um so in these regulations they kind of put out a lot of definitions in there um I you know they added definitions for br floor area and things like that um I think the one thing that was clear um after I attended a webinar um is that they said we do not have to allow more than one Adu so remember how I know it's been a little bit but it wasn't clear if we needed to allow other adus by special permit they did say we do not so we can make it clear in the bylaw if the board um would like that we allow the one by right um per property per property yes sorry mhm per property um so I felt like that was the only thing that was really clarified I think there are still a lot of unknowns as to what is considered a reasonable regulation um and the state's response to that um from the webinars I've attended is to be as specific as possible in our comments put as much questions or comments that we have and we have to submit it through the official channel so that there's a form that I will do online um that I will submit and then that ends on the 10th um so we have to submit before then so Victoria will submit what the board has brought up as far as uh one one one bedroom um what was the other um um it was was size limitation mentioned no size limitation I think was the 900 is what we going think we didn't want to go I go over I'd rather see it under yeah definitely not going over let's just stick with what the state has recommended or else we're just going to open up a can of wor right um that's okay open it um and then we have comments also from a couple of the other boards the Board of Health uh has concerns also about the number of bedrooms we'll take that into consideration the town clerk had mentioned parking limitations uh the building department uh suggests removing the wordage structural compa compatible structurally compatible uh and the select board uh also wants some wordage verbiage in there regarding the title five requirements uh should be stated in there um and clear that's about it so then so Victoria will go online go on to the proper um form that's needed she'll put all our lists of what we would like in our bylaw and submit that by the temp uh basically tonight if there's anything I don't know if you guys have been thinking about it or uh if there's anything else you would like uh add it to the worst P other than these are other than the things that we've already brought up right but I mean I'm just going what's here but the other thing that you know uh again size are we allowed to go less I mean these are just these are just comments so yeah it's it's a question you know um it's there can we can we go less than you know less than 900 sare ft yeah I I will ask I I want to say no only because the definition of Adu is in the law and that's very specific as to the size but who knows they might be amable to to change a percentage the percentage of the square footage of the of the dwelling up 900t whatever small depending on the other maybe dependent is the size of a lot well that will fall under you know all all the zoning right all the zoning rules of the setbacks that still Falls something in there about setbacks yeah well I did with you you got to maintain the setbacks in town but still I just didn't know if there is yeah uh because we do also have other bylaws in place that basically were not allowed to cover any more than um uh so squet so much perent a lot so and all that will still apply that all still apply that will all still apply just like any other additional structure you add there's there's there's a will it it should apply the the comment I guess would be does it apply does it apply okay yeah CU I know people in town that that number of years back couldn't even put a Farmers porch on their house because of lot coverage really yeah that I have heard of that yeah okay so that's all we got for adus there is some uh uh Victoria also put in the bylaw and everything in your folders for you guys to read up on if you need uh on other business um i' just like to make an announcement uh if Victoria helped me out with this but we we have posted on uh the town website specifically under the planning board page a survey that everybody can go on and take this survey uh it's questions regarding the master plan uh we have uh a a master plan committee that's been delegated um it's almost full uh I'm I'm guessing I'm not sure but I know we have um quite a few members I think the committee is full we just have some um backups and uh a few others availabilities but to go on and what exactly is on there yep so if you go to the the planning board page and on the left side there's a tab for the Master Plan update that'll take you to the project web page put on by started our our regional planning agency and consultant for the project um and there will be a link on there for um the survey and it asks questions about it's a small I think like 10 question survey it doesn't take more than a few minutes about what you think when you hear a kushit what does you know what are some places you like to go that sort of thing it's a very introductory survey we encourage everybody to go on and take the survey uh gentlemen that's all I have under other business um our next meeting is Thursday January 16th uh anybody else have anything else they'd like to bring up discuss talk [Music] about I will accept the motion I make a motion to close the meeting I'll second it all in favor thank you good night [Music] [Music] [Music]