##VIDEO ID:1Nl0tudmNXI## e Darcy is there any no okay so we will move on to number four approval of today's agenda this is an action item don't move is there a second is moved and seconded all those in favor please sign signify by saying I I opposed motion carries tonight five to zero moving on to consent items this is an action item as well I'll look for approval there okay it's been motioned and second it all those in favor signify signify by saying I that word I all opposed motion carries five to zero all right moving on to superintendent report good evening thank you Madame chair uh directors uh public and are welcome to our new student Representatives both Max and Carly so I'll give you opportunity later to introduce yourself but we want to say welcome we're excited to have you to join us at the Das couple um as we celebrate our schools you're here tonight you'll hear tonight around the state of our schools and the state state of the the district so it'll be nice to hear from our building leaders um about the schools and their strategies but thinking about uh the past couple weeks uh I just want to highlight a couple of the involvements uh at the school in the elementary school engagements uh there were multiple opportunities to be out in the school with the welcome back and the school picnics it was nice to see making those connections with our families and our caregivers also in the wathon U many uh parents and caregivers participated as well as our students it was nice to see them actively uh walking on such a beautiful day so thank you to all those involved and I know that other schools will be um participating moving forward at the high school was a big week uh last week with the uh pep Fest it was nice to see uh all the the students and the excitement from our our cheer team to our dance team also the homecoming parade just to see the community come out and support our athletes it was it was definitely the weather was nice as well but it was just it was overwhelming to see the support of the community out and about the homecoming coronation was uh wonderful ful event in the auditorium and congratulations to our our king and queen the uh Powderpuff game was a fun and warm activity uh I know that uh the Juniors and seniors had a pretty competitive um engagement out on the field but also our teachers participating with the with the students and I do believe that the students took it to the teachers so congratulations to the students on that and then the Tiger Spirit Festival last Friday we engaged at the the high school with our community so thank you for all those who came out it was great to see our families and caregivers and staff engaging in another wonderful opportunity the homecoming football game way to go Tigers we got a great Victory it was it shows the perseverance from our student athletes and how they they never stop and it's the belief in in what is possible so well well done to our our Tiger football team uh staff development learning walks just a couple things that we've been doing we've been out in the buildings of both the secondary and Elementary and walking with the instructional leadership team at the building to look at there some of their effective teaching practices and the implementation of of some Works some of their strategies that they're doing in their school uh continuous Improvement plans and finally today was an Albert Lee Academy day we heard great feedback was out and about just engaging with the staff um all staff across Albert Lee uh represent our core value of always learning it was great to see them and learning on this day I know students were home uh but the teachers were in um in school and deepening their learning in the different areas of of pedagogy so that's my report thank you thank you superintendent Wagner Neil let's start with you on you can fight all right um I will try to keep it short uh most of my attention don't look so dubious most of my attention uh has been connected with the Education Foundation lately it's a busy time for us because the pathways to success event the reception will be held at the Wedgewood Cove on Thursday October 10th and um I'm the one that is charged with the responsibility for doing not all of the heavy lifting but a fair amount of it and and I'm always nervous about that if I were ever not nervous I would be nervous about not being nervous so it's going to be an interesting if will be four distinguished alumni four distinguished Educators uh I'm not going to try to remember all of them now because I would probably forget somebody but uh plans are well underway um I have a lot of the things taken care of and um we're looking forward to that event I uh uh was really impressed with the homecoming activities the one on that I was able to attend uh for the first time in many many many years I actually was at the coronation ceremony along with superintendent Wagner and Angie and congratulations to uh king attig and queen wles um I know them both uh that was exciting and the result of the football game was great that event out uh on the campus we have a wonderful campus at our high school and and the tremendous facilities there and all kinds of wonderful natural resources outside and we the event took place uh in the on the lawn in front of the commons and I get got to watch our superintendent uh uh respond to the challenge to do 20 push-ups so he could get a wrestling t-shirt and that was impressive good job R all right that's it all right I don't have committee meetings to report but I have been like Neil all over the place in the district lately um since our last meeting I was able to tour Brookside here with superintendent Wagner And I also toured Southwest with superintendent Wagner and principal Johnson that was a great experience um this Friday I'll be touring Halverson at 1:30 and I was going to mention if anyone wants to come with me they're welcome to as long as we don't have a quum of course um I believe I'll be making it out to all the schools at some point and others are welcome to come with if you'd like to um I've been using my new pass that we got and our last meeting I've been to six games um including the winning football game that was fantastic I saw a comment on Facebook that it was the ending was like watching a movie and it really was it was pretty cool um for homecoming I went to the homecoming parade downtown I went to the coronation with Neil that was nice of you to sit by me I got the full family history of our homecoming Queens all the athletes in her family so that was that was very fun and I went to the Tiger Spirit Festival I must have just missed youil um but I did I did hear about the push-ups that happened and then again I went to the football game so uh it's been keeping me busy but all very enjoyable fun stuff so that's what I've got very good um attended some uh or participated in some msba workshops one was uh the re act I think it was about reimbursement of staff for professional development in the title 9 and the really wonderful overview of uh the political scene based on survey data done by a firm out of the cities um committee wise of policy and finance committees have met um like Angie attended a number of uh athletic contests and boy I tell you that volleyball game on Thursday and that football game holy cow it was just incredible um my son-in-law is a sports director at Power 96 and on your smart TV if you download boxcast you can get um um you can watch it on your TV and it's recorded So I had friends over last night or yesterday for the Vikings game and we must have watched that replay of those last two minutes about five times it was just awesome so that was fun did the homecoming parade took my three-year-old and he told me that if you eat too much candy you get sick so uh I only ate half of what he took in um the other thing that I experienced uh participating in activities here is just the noticing security I was impressed with the security at the football game I noticed they had um people could students could leave or other people could leave but they could not come back and all of that was handled I think very respectfully and my senses the people understood why there was somewhat of a restriction there on movement I also uh did commend uh Ron and his staff for the communication on our security protocols we had some social media concerns and also principal Dibble had a really good article about security protocols and I just I really appreciate that type of communication and then finally I um have joined the Riverland PSO concurrent enrollment advisory committee and actually out of that meeting came a a not a concern but a need for Albert Lee and that is providing uh Tech concurrent Tech math so more applicable math tied to uh industry technology so I will follow up in communication but that was an emerging need but a very strong positive words about Albert Lee's um concurrent enrollment offerings and the faculty so it it was good to be a part of that committee that's my report I had no committee meetings this month uh and I was in Chicago over the weekend so I didn't get to see the Tiger's big win but I did attend the parade and that was fun my granddaughter's playing soccer so I'm sending a lot of soccer games and I'll be attending the Education Foundation celebration uh next Thursday and since Neil didn't remember the alumni being honored our grant Aon 86 graduate 10 un 64 Tom Butch 64 Dwayne Aaron 79 the educators are John Cliff Glenn Parsons Bob berlon and Charlie Carpenter and it's always a always a great time to do that and then I get to have breakfast at sibi on Thursdays so looking forward to that you didn't mention that two of those distinguished alumni were classmates of ours yeah they were yeah two of them Neil reminds us too that he had nothing to do with that they were nominated by someone else yep yep so thank you for your reports um just a lot of echoing of what um fellow board members um have indicated the thing that I will share is just the feeling of the positive energy at all the events and just um uh choose Joy is what I kept thinking when I was at those events um I also want to thank um the district um leadership team for being very prompt on questions and and getting feedback on anything that I have a question on as well as uh superintendent Wagner meeting with us on a regular basis um just having a conversation um it's just really helpful to prepare us for this table and appreciate that um I too had pulled out my invitation so good job way to go Bruce um we we really would like to have everybody uh that can attend attended is a way to celebrate our successes for sure um and I think yeah there was no committee meetings um that were that I attended um so I think we're done so we would typically have teacher report but they're not here so we'll have our student reports and oh I'm so sorry no please join us come join us yes so sorry no that's okay thank you for whoever helped out with that yeah great I'm embarass I'm sorry um let's see the third graders in our district attended a field trip at the freeorn County farm tour last week and had raving things to say about it they got to see all sorts of different farm animal beef cattle and dairy cannibal cat cattle just going to be done now um they got different kind of healthy snacks and had lots of great things to say about that Lake View would like to report that they are super excited that their remodel is done and they will be ready to check out books starting tomorrow to the kids so they're very pumped for that seventh graders at Southwest will be going to the big island Rendevous this week and that's a great opportunity for them to see about different experiences that Americans had throughout history and ask questions of the presenters and the reenactors and the alc also would like to report they've settled in to their new location at Brookside and they've been working very hard to create an opportunity of connectedness and there they're just really feeling like that's a good situation yes all right now I it's my pleasure to introduce our student school board members for this year it's Carly ladley who's a junior and Max Richards who is a senior we would invite Neil to share his microphone with them so they can give us a little information about themselves there it's live okay okay so like she said my name is Carly ladley and I am a junior um I a part of many things um at alhs um tennis mock trial um the journalism program I'm part of the alasa I'm a writer um um and yeah I'm we're doing really great stuff with those things tennis just did Big nine on Saturday um and they have their section meet on Tuesday against Lakeville I think I feel like I should know that but you know um we're homecoming was amazing I will say that um I had a lot of fun um but we're also doing a lot of things this upcoming week um for Haney's um Humanities social class we're doing the um the um presentation for the fifth graders um at the Historical Museum so that'll be fun and on Tuesday for um Al hassai will be going to the U ofm for the State Convention so that'll be fun hopefully we'll win some awards um and then I'll turn it over to Max I guess now so my name is Max Richards and I'm a senior um at the high school my largest involvements are in link crew National Honor Society and I'm also involved in band and choir and pretty much like every possible thing that I can be in pertaining those so basically every music thing at the high school I'm probably in it um yeah I think we had a really great homecoming this past week I was very pleased with the student involvement at everything um unfortunately I was sick a couple days last week so I wasn't able to go to quite everything but I heard a lot of positive feedback just like throughout the day in my classes and I think just like in general the student Spirit like even before we won the game obviously after we won the game everyone was really happy um but even before that I think we saw a lot of good participation just at school um I'm a mentor in our eighth grade band at high school and I saw a lot of students in there like really going all out for all the dress up days and stuff and I feel like that's usually not something we see right away with the underclassman so I was really happy to see that they're showing up and supporting their class that's all I have we'd like to welcome you to the board uh table and and look forward to having you here um moving on to uh number eight curriculum and instruction 8.1 state of the district presented by director Franks and principes good evening School Board Madam chair directors and superintendent Wagner tonight we will be presenting the state of the district this is our data for school year 2324 I really want to take a moment before we start with our data to ground us in our strategic directions this is the work of the Strategic plan that we have been doing for the last year and a half in those strategic directions this evening the first one on the top left really focusing around amplifying student learning making sure that our students are prepared for classroom and career transitions the one next to that also grounding Us in fostering a learning environment that prioritizes academic success and mental and emotional well-being and inclusivity tonight you're here about the academic progress and then finally uh you heard superintendent Wagner mentioned today being the first Academy Day where teachers were involved in uh really focused professional development I'd also like to ground us around the idea of professional development and supporting our staff in their personal and professional growth Darcy can you hit that X so that extra line isn't up there thank you okay this evening you're going to see a lot of data but I wanted to share some information to you around how to interpret the different color variations that you will see in the data this evening all six of our building principles will be coming forward to share data either in the Minnesota comprehensive assessments which you see on the left or formative assessment system for teachers which the acronym you've heard before is fast f uh principal Dibble will share some additional information on act um but these will be the two main color variations that you will see tonight on the left I just provided an example of what that variation may look like and the gradiation so that will hit four different areas either the does not meet category partially meets meets and exceeds um and they are stacked on one another based on where we're at so in this example you can see that roughly 40% of our students meet or exceed on this example this isn't tied to any data I just put an example up there for you to see the color variations on the formative assessment for teachers you will see four different variations um that will look at College Pathways and low risk are above the midline and then below the line line in the pink colors are students that are at some risk and high risk so as our principals are sharing their data this evening for each of their individual schools I wanted to give you a little key so you knew what that looked like we'll share a couple of our districtwide data before we invite principal Dibble forward districtwide E reading this is an early reading assessment that is given to our kindergarten and first grade students this is a fast assessment the far left is our fall data with 37% of students at the lowrisk or college pathway that increased over the year last year to 42% so you can see in the top and I'm walking through this with a little bit of detail for you because this is how each one of the principal slides will be you can see over the 23 24 school year that was an increase of 5% for our kindergarten and first grade students in reading the second one is a reading that was an assessment given consistently to our second through 8th grade students last year you can see in that one over the course of last year a de decrease of 2% for the lowrisk and college Pathways uh proficiency each of the buildings will unpack this in a l bit more detail this is the districtwide data but then you'll be able to see at the individual site level uh what what the growth was for individual sites this year this assessment will go through 10th grade so that is one um change as we align to the um assessment requirements superintendent Wagner yeah thank you executive director um the just to add the a reading the A is for adaptive so just to let you know that the there's early reading then there's the a is adaptive it's an Adaptive formative test and the the words College pathway low risk summ risk high risk that those are not Albert Lee words those are the fast Bridge words thank you this second uh point of data districtwide this is looking at the Minnesota comprehensive assessment data um looking at this data line from 21 to 24 in math reading and science you can see on this slide that there's very little difference in those last four years of data and again you will see this individually unpacked with each principal in their buildings before we invite principal Dibble up I want you to be he was he like oh let me go you made him Flinch um before I invite principal Dibble up I just want you to be thinking about as principals uh introduce their data U be thinking about questions that you may have for them at the end of each of their presentations I'll come up wrap it together for us and then give you an opportunity to ask individual questions so if you have specific questions uh for the the principal we'll invite them back up at the end all right now I will invite principal Dil forward I'm ready all right I'm gonna go a little off your script T you because um um this is it's tough for me I am um had some since you brought it up the beginning that mental health is a big thing I want to let everyone know that I'm right now in the midst of a complete panic attack um I've been changing some meds something I've I've struggled with in the past but I want you to know that if I look off I'm I'm I'm struggling but I want to be here I want to show this to you and mental Health's important so I'm showing that we can move forward with this kind of help and assistance from people so back there I was thinking about running out the door but here I am so I I I I'm glad you're with me and um having me here so I'm going to start with a typical tiger a typical tiger is only tardy six times per year they're gone about 13 times a year for abs es or whatnot they have a 92.7% attendance rate and are not on time to school and classes 91.4 five% of the time 87.7 of our students have never been involved in a discipline referral so before we get to Stats and data I want you to know that we have good students in our buildings we also have students who struggle with decisions 50% of our discipline referrals were 28 students or 2.5% % of our population this 2.45% averaged 118 tardies and missed 34% of their total School periods or days these are the kids that we spend a majority of our time on and these are the kids that we're making sure get through our system with that MCA data it's not where we want it any if you look at any of these Maps MCA data is a reflection that we need to do more in our schools however it's also showing growth if you take a look at the graduation rate at 88.3% take a look at the back we've up up ticked steadily as we've concentrated on student successes we've moved some credit recovery into our class we are concentrating on those students who need our help to get them to graduate 90% I believe is our goal we're almost there 100% would be even better so we're going to work on that um we can well I have I'll be Darcy tonight that sound uh this is the reading which is quite low if you take a look only uh 38.7% of our students are meeting or exceeding expectations however if you take a look at reading in the eth grade it was 32.7% and reading in the 10th grade was 44.9% we're showing growth which I believe is due to the methods we used to teach our students and the way we support our students so if we're going to look at growth which isn't on the slide I think that's an important way to look at it math is our next one we jump up to that um or jump down to that 27% but 8th grade is at 24.4 10th or 11th grade is at 31.9 for a seven-point gain from 8th grade to 11th grade so we're growing as a student body science 22.9% total we're 22.9% in 8th to 24% in 10th science is pretty new and it may be reflect a little bit of the lack of science we had for decades in our schools now we have a priority on science and we're going to see these numbers come up as we move forward here's the one that I added I asked permission to add we missed our goal by 3% in terms of not making goals we're pretty happy with a 3% um failure rate the ACT is one of the tests that make the most sense for us because the MCA being a non-required test um is tough we had a little over 75% participate this year which is way up from anywhere we've been what we don't see is that I watch students walk out of those tests in three minutes or less last year if you can perform exceedingly well in three minutes you don't really need School the point is the MCAS aren't attached to a lot and the only thing we have to give our kids is that this taking uh your serious time in this test will help us improve instruction I'm not sure 8th 10th and 11th graders really feel for us there and so we do look at strand data in the MCA to find out where we can improve but the ACT are kids who are taking a high stakes test to try to succeed so we like to dig into this one to find out where our gaps are for sure so the 23 is considered college readiness we went from 24.8% in 23 to the 3 34.7% um for for 2024 which for us is exciting and shows that we're doing the right things to help our students succeed to uh focus on our next steps we want to continue to focus on tier one instruction with a um which is all classroom instruction tier one I don't know how mtss um educated we are yet but we'll get there there's a lot of good multi-tiered system supports going on tier one is uh effective instruction in the classroom for all students and a focus on level two of effective teaching in every classroom um we we also are going to increase our timely interventions based on those data points in grades 8 through 10 for the first time we're fully testing our eighth grade our nth grade and some of our 10th grade students using the fast test and have a full-time mtss and reading specialist in our building so when we see a gap or a student falling behind we can fix it right now instead of waiting for the MCAS to tell us what we did wrong throughout a year we are able to make gains immediately and then we're looking to increase that college readiness to 40% in 2025 so uptick the the another 2 and a half% to make it happen I think one of the big things we're doing well in the school and I'm hoping they can verify this for me is it's become a much more positive environment than it was um three four years ago we celebrate success both for teachers and students um knock on wood Sean how many how many discipline referrals for physical altercation so far this year I think it's one one that's unbelievable that means we're getting along even when we have discrepancies we're able to work it out we're able to meet at a individual level and make sure that the first thing going through our head is something peaceful instead of getting back at somebody I think a lot of that is thanks to our staff thanks to our students um for promoting positive interventions one of the things we do our student positives and teacher positives I know that's a weird sounding word it's positive with a paw because were Tigers ra um so far this year we've had over 70 student positives and over 30 staff positives given and so to end my uh presentation tonight because of all the hard work you do and we didn't focus a lot on the um Schoolboard recognition month I have a positive for each of you yeah yeah thank you and by the way I'm feeling much better now so thanks for putting up with uh letting me letting me work through my um my my fun stuff as well so I'm heading back now right questions later all right I think Tyler's up thanks everybody appreciate being here as principal Johnson's making his way up just to a reminder I think it was well said just around the MCAS being that summ versus the formative which really gives us information now so we can react and pivot as necessary for each student so that's exciting to hear at the high school and walk that backward down into our elementaries and you'll hear from Principal Johnson well I uh do not have positives for the board members so I uh will just say that up front um but uh looking to at our data and I will Echo what principal dble said as well it's just the overall climate as well I think when we came out of covid there was just a lot of relearning of just different social skills um and so I think the overall climate uh of just even Southwest in itself too has gotten better um um because again we are focusing in on that as well uh so taking a look at uh our data here over the years uh and I believe this one is reading our reading so our MCA scores on the left side there um have stayed fairly um stagnant or the same throughout each year uh there's still definitely work to be done there and as you'll see as one of our strategies I'm very excited for um what we're doing this year to help improve some of those scores I and then our math scores uh again uh the far left from 2021 and then the far right 2024 last year as well uh so we do the fast test here both sixth and seventh grade and so as uh director Frank's pointed out uh fall is on the left side winter in the middle and then spring on the right side so as you can see the left side this is both sixth and seventh grade um started out at 46% in that low risk to college Pathways and then we ended uh at 42% in the spring uh math uh started at 59% uh had a little dip in the winter and then regain back at 59% in the spring then as well uh so some of the strategies that we are doing here at Southwest uh like I said uh this year we are doing something new called reading Academy so we have five reading intervention teachers uh in a program that's opposite of our Lunch Period uh most students are in what's called learner support uh they're uh based on the fast scores those students that are in the uh sum risk category get placed into reading Academy so we have four eight weekl long readings and so the students that are placed in a reading Academy um will go to the reading Academy class for eight weeks uh and they're grouped based on their needs uh so if I'm a teacher in one of those reading Academy classes I will have about five students um that all need the same needs and then they are being progress monitored every week and then at the end of 8 weeks are uh um uh assessed again and if they are uh at grade level and that low risk to college Pathways then they go back to their learner support and we pull in new students during that time uh another thing that uh happened this year is our new schedule so in years past most of our classes were 43 minutes except the one that was opposite of lunch was 52 minutes um so that was an 8 period Day this year we've gone to a seven period day which has allowed the class um time to be more consistent uh anywhere from 51 to 53 minutes now and then uh another thing that's very exciting is that uh we are doing more team talk classes with our students receiving special ed services and also El Services as well so they are in the class and there is the classroom teacher in addition um a special education teacher or El teacher in the classroom and both reading and math classes good evening thank you all for being here tonight I'm excited to share the data with you um you'll see that there's a lot of room for improvement but we can look at it the other way that there's a lot of optimism for what's going to come so looking first at our reading MCA data you can see in the gray that's where we want really want that a lot less and the very blue on top to grow quite a bit more we have some great things in place to make that happen this next school year moving on to math you can see the same thing we need to lessen that um does not meet get more of the exceeds but science we're excited like principal dble talked about with amplify being our science and the Fidelity that our teachers have to the curriculum we're seeing some great growth in science the students are very excited so we like to see that looking at our e reading for K1 and our a reading for 25 you see on the top is what we want to grow on the bottom we want less um our goal for our school for Halverson we want to increase our a reading so from last spring if you see the um row on the very right side for the spring we were at 36% and we'd like to get that up to 40% by the end of the school year looking at math K1 some great growth as well as um a maath um what are we going to do to make this happen so we talked I already spoke about the goal we're going to go from 36% to the growth of 40% on the at a um reading and what's really going to help that is we have a new curriculum called wit and wisdom um it's very rigorous which is wonderful there's wonderful ways to scaffold today the teachers had a great learning day to learn different ways that they can make this successful in their um classrooms and successful for all students so we're very excited about that um focusing on that really strong tier one instruction in each classroom and what can we do to ensure that every student succeeds in addition we really need to focus on the social emotional needs of our students so fortunately we have teach to heal which has been implemented in the schools last year we added the dean position and now this year we have our engagement specialist so we're really able to meet the social emotional needs of each of our students so they can focus on academics when they're in the classroom with wit and wisdom we're also really using the pushin model for our multilanguage teachers as well as our special education learning center teachers pushing into the classroom to meet so the students are there to receive that strong tier one instruction and their needs can be met and things can be scaffold scaffolded as well as all standards be addressed we're looking and focusing on effective plc's and really bringing the data back to the teachers and letting that Data Drive the instruction so we can focus on what students need in the classroom and then in addition coming out of our mtss work our multi-tiered systems of support we need to increase caregiver involvement so we're really focusing on different ways to have family engagement increase at Halverson Elementary as well thank you sorry awesome thank you for being here tonight um if you know anything about me you know D is one of my most favorite things to talk about in the whole wide world people laugh that and they think that's funny um but we are going to jump right into obviously our literacy data and this is our MCA literacy data so similar to Sentiments of my colleagues um we hope to decrease the gray and increase the blue green and light blue um but this is where we are currently sitting and this is obviously over again from 2021 to 2024 so this is our math data and again MCA is only taken in elementary schools by students in grades 3 through five just I don't know if that context has been mentioned or not but um we are currently sitting right here and then we have science and this is only taken by fifth graders Although our science curriculum goes obviously K5 in elementary spaces but it continues on in our Middle School and High School spaces but specifically as far as MCAS are concerned it is only taken by our fifth grade students so with the implementation of amplify um recently was that 2022 we implemented 20121 yeah so that has um been a success for our students in helping to increase scores okay so something that I wanted to make sure I mentioned about e-reading e-reading is is a composite score of multiple subtests um for our early Learners so when they're this little fly here um when they are assessing for instance a kindergartner might get um word segmenting letter sounds and all of that stuff so the data that's represented on the screen right now is actually a composite score of all of those many sub tests for those e-reading K and one um a reading again is an Adaptive test so there are also little different components to that but I wanted you to know that that that's how the snapshot works but a celebratory point for Hawthorne was that we increased and I think this is attributed to some of the professional development that our teachers have been through from 27% to 30% um last year in that test and then this is eath similar to e-reading it is composed of multiple little subtests that develop a composite score so not a celebratory there for our eath and then our aath the growth was stagnant so next step for us this was a collective um decision and just so you have some context too for how building goals are established we go spring to spring so spring 2024 to Spring 2025 was how this goal was established and that was established during our professional learn Community by the collective team on where we wanted to go so our team focused um you get to choose typically which assessment modality you'd like to use our team chose fast you could choose MCAS um and then we looked at that spring score and determined how much we wanted to increase that percentage and our team chose 3% so increasing our proficiency rates on fast from 33.2 to 36.2 by Spring 2025 is our goal how we are going to get there is this um focus on accelerated learning so if any of you have had any opportunity to dig into the new teacher project tntp and the opportunity myth they talk all about accelerated learning um it's I guess not a light read but if you're interested on learning a little bit more about that a lot of good work comes out of that for Accelerated learning but in focusing on acceleration not necessarily remediation we're closing gaps quickly and keeping students at grade level so that is the whole um it's all about the opportunity gaps that we're not creating when we spend so much time in remediation when we think students perpetually have a gap here and a gap here we're really as the adults managing the space creating that Gap when we don't give them opportunities to access grade level content so that is some work that the elementary teams are focusing on we're also focusing on obviously effective tier one instruction using our instructional model so we're implementing those high impact strategies that we know are going to make make movement for students um how we will get their continued um data driven plc's so one of the things that your elementary teachers engaged in today was um lesson study kind of things with wit and wisdom and how they're going to use plc's to mobilize that work and develop an eff effectively Implement lessons as it relates to that curriculum our teachers are also going through letters so we're really focusing on science-based literacy and leaning on the research with that and then we have our trauma responsive teaching in which we're mobilizing teach to heal so we know that disregulated brains can't access learning anyways so we're really focusing on that regulation first and as Kim spoke to we have obviously Deans and engagement specialists in place so that um learning can continue to happen in those spaces and those social emotional learning needs are getting um addressed I think that's it thanks for having me tonight I brought my cheat sheet with because I realized last time I presented that board's a long ways away or I'm getting older uh one of the two uh so I get the opportunity to present about the amazing things that are happening at lake view data is one of the pieces that's getting presented tonight but I want to just say I get the opportunity to lead some pretty amazing staff that work really hard to get to what we see on the screen and we know we have opportunities to continue to grow but just giving them Kudos and there's some celebrations that I'll highlight tonight as we move all right see small um so starting with reading uh you can see kind of like my colleagues have already highlighted we have that opportunity to continue to grow we have we're in a good spot but I'll talk to a few of the areas where we're looking at Target specifically with our reading um intervention work that we are completing um math similar at that about 50ish percent I think 53.8 um and have stayed that way for the past few years so really looking at trying to move that needle forward and especially with some of the focuses that we'll talk about here in a minute and then science Marie highlighted it but as a former fifth grade teacher science is taken at that fifth grade level but the foundational work happens K4 and really ensuring that that work is happening and committing to that because when that is missed those skills are tested in that fifth grade level but may have been taught at various levels along the way so science yes it gets tested in fifth grade but it's really important to highlight that the work happens along the Journey of their educational um career in elementary school as well so we have our e-reading and a reading um some nice growth and talking about the composite of those smaller tests and some of those skills built in the K1 area along the way um and starting at that 53% and moving just slightly down to that 50% our goal is focused in reading this year with increasing that to 52% um as our Target uh goal here's an area I'd like to celebrate um our staff uh took a commitment during our PLC work to focus on math and each of our plcs was focused on that cycle work looking at data how do we meet students needs what scaffolds need to be in place and you can see a tremendous growth on both areas here and I think that speaks to that commitment to leveraging the tool of plcs and that commitment of Wednesday mornings and how much impact that can have and seeing that impact then on our student learning um as well as huge so that I wanted to celebrate with you tonight all right so some of our next pieces Resto my thunder with talking about accelerated learning already but really that idea of working to not slow students down but hold that bar High while we still provide those scaffolds and in time support and a lot of that is that ongoing data that we are collecting not just relying on our screener and that and MCAS at the end but that ongoing data that provides us the understanding what we need to do to meet their needs so they can reach that high bar that we have set for them um and that also leans into just our Focus so last year at Lake View we put a tremendous amount of effort designing perfect groups where we could intervene for students within our reading instruction we saw and I showed you the data that just wasn't working so instead of admiring the fly that's on my face the problem that is it's just coming around um admiring that knowing we wanted to see bigger growth there we're doing a little something different so we're pushing a lot of our support into that K12 area this year and using and leveraging um professional collaboration within our learning communities and Beyond to really focus on how can we support and meet all of our students needs 3 four five will look a little different this year but knowing we wanted to try something different to hopefully acheve achieve different results um and then the last slide for me being new last year HRS is a large um a framework and not having experienced that up to this point there's a lot of learning involved last year and into this year for myself personally and this year really excited at Lake View being able to continue that work so our uh leadership team has taken over a lot of the HRS level one work so really going back and collecting that quick data to ensure we have um the right things still in place and they working for us and uh recalibrating as needed and then for me as an instructional leader being able to be present in classrooms and being able to um be able to provide that feedback either in the evaluation cycle or as well as in our walkthroughs and huge shout out to both uh principal Johnson and Dibble they've been really really helpful amongst my colleagues of being able just to support me with many questions around her instructional framework and executive director Franks as well so it's been a good learning piece but excited to move that work forward at Lake View this year and the second piece there is that we the lessons within our second step curriculum continue to implement those supporting our social emotional growth um but then teach to heel providing that framework for us to guide both our understanding as adults how we serve kids and being able to support them with that ongoing professional learning throughout the year as well and just highlighting three positions that I think really have had an impact at Lake View specifically and I'm sure my colleagues would agree across the board they mentioned engagement Specialists that in the moment support for our students when they're showing those needs our Deans have been a huge support as well providing that supportive um skill building for our students in those moments um Chris talked about knowing that we can restore some of those aspects in our Deans play an integral part of allowing us to do that and having the bandwidth to do that as leaders in our building and then our due process lead highlighting that specific role that has been incredibly helpful for students that have IEPs we have that incredible resar source to support our case managers as we are looking at how we build plans that are going to help support our students needs and having that due process lead has been a huge support you've heard plc's mention over and over again and just highlighting again I feel that's one of the areas that we really tweaked and you saw the growth within our math um within fast and then wit and wisdom it's been fun to be in classrooms and see things I was talking with a third grade teacher this week and I said when would you have ever been writing full paragraphs by the fourth week of school and I think wit and wisdom has really pushed us forward into um having the support needed with professional learning on it but seeing just some really cool things that are happening with our students and I think pushing us forward and challenging them in ways that our students have risen to the occasion so I think that's been really neat to be in classrooms and see that happening as well thank you hello thanks for letting me come and talk to you about sibl thank you so as I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail here in all of these uh forums as well just because they've all been the same across the board obviously we've got some places that we need to focus our attention on and reading at Sibly is definitely one of them um definitely need to grow that green and blue area and same with our math our math we need to grow as well um it looks like this last 2024 here we really struggled in the area of math in our e reading K1 we had some growth here um and I think we've done a lot of focus in our K1 in the last couple of years so I think that's part of this growth from 37 to 47% um in a reading the 2 through fifth grade we've also had some little bit of growth here too um we're doing some things right and I think it's our Focus to continue to do that and hopefully we get some more growth there in math we've kind of stayed stagnant throughout um we need to do some more Focus there um with our math and and I think part of what my colleagues have talked about with our accelerated learning I think that's going to be a big have a big impact here in our math um we we are focusing on reading as well but it doesn't mean that we don't have a lot of math discussions so one of our goals is to increase from 40 uh 41% to 43% for our reading but we will still have a lot of conversation around our math as well um we do a lot of professional development around accelerated learning we I've been dripping it in last year with a lot of the staff at sibl and we will continue to dig a little deeper into that this year we've also done a lot especially at sibl with teach to heal and we've um been teaching the staff a lot about the life space Crisis Intervention um this addresses a lot of the behaviors and all different tiers through our U multi-tiered System of support um it gives the teachers a lot of um tools they can use in the classroom uh it also provides uh proactive consistent strategies for deescalation in the classroom so before it becomes a big problem they have some they tools that they can use um one of the big tools that we use right now is we have calming Corners in the classrooms they have lots of tools that they're taught to use in the in the classrooms um and it's been a it's been a big help um I think we just have those supportive relationships with all of our kids with all of our staff just building those relationships I think is what's what helps our kids if their brains aren't ready to learn that's where we need to meet them all right I'd like to thank all the principles for coming up and sharing their data slides and their next steps uh before we open up for questions I'm going to take us back to our core values which are also part of our strategic plan they're not lying about the fly really um okay so bringing us back to our core values I really took time today to look at each of those principal slides and pick out key words that stood out to me in their next steps and where do those next steps tie into our core values as a district and so the words that you see highlighted in white are those key pieces that really stood out you heard professional development a number of times this evening from our our building instructional leaders you heard the words accelerated learning multiple times focusing on our tier one instruction having high expectations academically for our students you also heard the word instructional model numerous times this evening keeping us grounded in the work of the instructional model and the design areas that we know our high impact strategies for our staff and students other pieces in that area of Excellence that high standards in maximizing our resources words that stood out to me were co- teing the work that we're doing for our multilanguage Learners and as students with individual education plans college readiness stood out to me as we look through the components of the high school plan and then intervention tier two we know that with the redact and the literacy requirements there's a different level of requirement for intervention and you heard our buildings uh highlight some of the ways that they are um choosing to stay with tier one accelerated learning but then how we're responding to students that have tier 2 needs as well another piece that stood out to me was the idea of inclusivity and um promoting an environment where our all students belong and are supported and two areas there again I highlighted co- teing again but then reducing the amount of pull out that students really do have access to universal access to tier one instruction and I think that's really important to highlight um those two pieces really come together in high standards for our students we talk about what are some of the next steps in each of the principal slides they highlighted a goal those goals that they highlighted tonight are one of many that will become part of our schoolwide action plans or continuous Improvement plan the goal that they highlighted is what is tied to their atps goal that's the alternative teacher performance pay system that's only one part of the whole so as we think about that one of the things that we will be doing this year is really digging in to a comprehensive needs assessment from that comprehensive needs assessment it will inform what our school wi action plans and continuous Improvement plans look like this graphic just really lays out those questions that we need to be asking ourselves as we create those plans all data should lead to questions those questions should lead to plans and so these are the the different questions that we'll be digging into another uh piece I was taking notes as the principles uh were presenting but another piece of that comprehensive needs assessment uh and the data that we looked at um I appreciate the principles highlighting that MCA is just being a snapshot one time a year but the fast the formative assessment it really gives us Benchmark data throughout the year you saw those three data points being highlighted another important thing to think about with our fast data is our fast data provides us with a variety of norms so we can compare it across National norms but we also compare it against local Norms so as we're looking at answering these three questions our fast data allows us to break apart the data by class so what does it look like in director Hoffman's class versus director score's class it allows us to break it down by grade third grade fourth grade by grade it allows us to break down by school and by District so we really have a more comprehensive set of data with our fast assessments than we do with our MCAS and you also heard the principal's highlight then that gives us data that we're able to respond to more immediately um yep three times a year I highlighted that so I'd really like to open that up to questions for any of the principles you'd like to ask a specific question to they can come forward again and ask um answer your questions as you have them just one just one additional piece is we think about the fast Bridge it is you know one once you get that assessment formative assessment then you can actually if we need a student needs additional uh support you can run a diagnostic and the diagnostic actually identifies the skills needed that the student needs was additional support we know that the MCA everyone enters at the same place and we cannot wait and it's called plan and hope hope not being that strategy we can't wait plan and hope the students are successful we need to know immediately and how we're going to Pivot to ensure we meet the needs of IND individual students and monitor their growth and growth is about every student entering in keeping those high expectations having that accelerated learning and moving our each student forward so thank you building leaders questions um first of all I'm glad to see other data Beyond MCA data because it tells a different picture um I just have a a question on MCA with the I'm glad to hear there's more students opting in to take MCAS at the high school but I've always felt like the MCA data at the high school level lacks validity due to the high percentage of opting out is that a fair way to look at that or do we have any value out of MCA there you go I don't like it I mean it just it's um more than just not liking it it's just we only have you know a finite amount of time to research and to look at test data and it's the MCA just because you know when watching the process in which it goes down and the opt outs that we have it's not where we want to spend a lot of time researching how to get better um you remember back in the day the MCAS were tied to you know there was the tests to graduate from high school there was a reason for those students to sit in that classroom and get them done and those reasons just aren't there anymore okay can I ask a couple more um Chris I'm happy to hear about the atmosphere being more positive I'm I want to ask Carly and Max if because you're highly engaged students in our high school would you agree that the atmosphere is more positive this year compared to maybe last year or the previous year what's your T what's your take oh sorry okay I per is it on I okay I personally do feel that it has been very positive um that might just be because I'm being around the people who are very positive about our school um but at the same time I've seen less negativity from people that I do not know um you know as uh they said there has been only one uh suspension due to physical altercations and I feel like that has been way higher in the past years um so it's not only um positive towards the school but other students as well you anything I would agree that it's been more positive um I think a lot of it um from my perspective I've seen it a lot of it comes from like how the older students are acting because the younger students are going to follow that and I think um not to like hype up my class or anything but I think my class has done a really good job of that so far this year and I think that's really had a positive impact on how like all the younger grades see our school and what they can do with it so I I think we've been really focused on that especially after learning from some of the mistakes previous classes have made we've definitely been focused on trying to you know keep that positivity going and hopefully future classes will follow I have something more to add um participation like in activities and stuff I feel like has um also increased the positivity um at our school not only going to games but also participating in athletics and clubs I feel like that has um gone way up and maybe impacted the way students feel about our school we heard that from the athletic director last meeting and then with the Positive atmosphere it's obviously going to increase improve teaching and learning too so it's all tied together um another question I have is that when we to me the data is showing us that we have statistically significant Improvement in some schools when it comes to math and science I've heard that over the years this particular school has done things to improve in a significant way student performance and science as a district when we know that are how are we tapping into to me I'm it's tapping into the Excellence at a particular School how do we how do we tap into that Excellence when we're when we're seeing St statistically significant Improvement that's an excellent question director Schindler that's actually one of the things that we will be working through this year is how to do exactly what you just said um superintendent Wagner And I also discussed what do our team structures look like so that we're supporting that work looking with our district leadership team unpacking our data at that level and digging into what do we look like as a district now we'll taper down to our principal instructional teams digging into more sight level data at our uh principal level and then from there tapering down into our building leadership teams where we can break down our data even more detailed in those areas that I was discussing um by class by grade by building as we uh do some of that mining of our data working collaboratively with our instructional leaders uh our building principles but also our instructional coaches and our mtss literacy coaches you highlighted that importance of uh Math and Science how we've seen some nice increases in that area um while while there's a difference in a have to with the read act um we get to now do that work also and really dig into how are we responding to our data and really identifying those high impact strategies that are working with the adoption of a curricular resource uh you know that we're going to be looking at that a little bit differently than we have in the past as well I think we have been craving an instructional resource that will support our literacy instruction I would add as a followup it's building that coherence across our elementary schools and creating that foundation and then I also mentioned earlier about the learning walks and going into the classrooms to look at the Excellence in the teaching strategies and working to replicate that and support our teachers we know that the number one Lev for student achievement are the teachers so really ensuring and providing support for the teachers and today is a perfect example giving them that professional learning to build that coherence across the the elementaries all right my questions are probably more for Tanya than any specific principle I'm not going anywhere okay um first I was wondering if we could get these slides sent to us so we could look at them a little more deeper and slower um then I was just wondering if you could explain a little bit more how the fast test data works and um it sounds like that's more accurate than using the MCAS I'm just curious kind of related to what Gary brought up do any of the students get to opt out of that or do they take it more seriously than the MCAS how does that there's not an opt out on the fast test in the same way that the state allows for opt outs at the m a level um they are part of uh the work that we do every day it's a formative assessment that really guides instruction in our classrooms so the fast assessment is given in the fall uh within the first couple weeks of school as superintendent Wagner mentioned at the 2 through 10th grade level it's an Adaptive assessment so as students are answering questions correctly it uh progresses with with the way they're answering their questions um if they're answering incorrectly it adapts again to how they're performing so that's kind of how adaptive is met so I'm a fifth grade student who um is meeting or exceeding those grade level standards or expectations my test my assessment will adapt to more difficult questions same fifth or a different fifth grade student who is struggling to meet those proficiency levels will receive questions uh tapered down to their level and it will adjust accordingly um and then those assessments are like I said normed at the national level and then we also have the ability to look at them um locally as well um three times a year so that happens within the first uh couple weeks of the school year it will happen again before winter break so about the third week of second or third week of December and then we finalized that third spring assessment in May let's see what other questions can I answer around the assessment do the students I mean I think principal Dibble mentioned they might be done in three minutes do they are they able to kind of goof off and not take it seriously if or are they more engaged in this you know I think one thing uh kudos to our teachers is that our teachers really do um share with our students the importance of why they should take it seriously um and I think we get better performance with our fast assessments than we do with our MCA assessments um it really does help us guide our instruction better it is okay and the there's a result if you take this test super fast you could get pulled out of an elective for intense reading intervention and we explained that you know if you you know we want to help those who need help and so it's taken a little more seriously when you know there's going to be an immediate reaction to how you perform on the test so I think the results are more um meaningful okay thank you no and in the elementary um like Ron kind of mentioned there are diagnostic pieces that a score we almost consider it to be because it's a universal screener it's like a flag like hey you know what pay a little bit closer attention to my needs you might need to do some further diagnosing so that you can address my needs um but that Universal screener at that three times a year helps us to do that and then in between there's progress monitoring tools for us to monitor the progress based on the diagnostic assessment that maybe we did but it you know fast codes and this wasn't necessarily in the data as like a double exclamation mark single exclamation mark and that's the flag basically saying I need some extra support please look at me a little bit closer so that you can diagnose what that extra support is and then we can put those plans in place okay thank you that kind of answered my question because we saw a lot of the schools were um in the that second the second assessment were maybe just a little bit lower than the first and then we saw pretty much an almost all of them an increase so that that's what you're talking about that Diagnostics okay and the only other question that I had um they use you've used college readiness as a like a benchmark are there Matrix that come with that like like benchmarks if you will like or is that just language okay there are uh so when we were looking at I'm just going to bring back one squills okay so when you are looking at those color variations uh you've heard uh some different language and you mentioned the college readiness or the college pathway so our high-risk students are those that are below the 15th percentile the sum risk students are the students um that are the 15th to 39th percentile and then the low risk are 40th to 99th but 40th to 99th is really large um so then they further break it down to a what's called an advanced pathway that's your 71 to 99 so anything above the 70th percentile is really that college pathway uh window and I would also offer then that is where we even continue to look at extensions for the students that may be in that area as well as we look at the diagnostic and supports but there also the Contin extensions for the students that may be in that upper level as well um I left here a couple meetings ago with the new reading curriculum thinking it's going to take years before we know if it's impacting student learning but I'm getting a sense now that this fast assessment could give us some means to assess if the if that reading curriculum has made an impact on student learning is that a fair way to look at this I'm going to say yes and okay uh because yes our fast assessments provide us that Benchmark data throughout the year where we can regularly Monitor and adjust and will'll be uh with a uh implementation of a new curriculum and that will be our K5 wit and wisdom this year we're looking at 67 next but that that is considered really 3 years to full implementation uh but with those concentrated professional development times and allowing our teachers time to really dig into those and how to build the module and lesson studies is part of the work that they did today uh but really they say three years for full implementation you might be SI going to say what I'm going to say uh additionally outside of the curriculum is the literacy train training um and so we are on track to get all of our phase one Educators trained in letters so that's all of that foundational skills work um having our teachers equipped yes we've had a foundational skills curriculum but really understanding the pedagogy behind it is really important and so we're on track to have all of our Phase 1 Educators trained by June 30th of 2025 um and then phase two is having all of our secondary teachers responsible for language arts instruction trained by June of 2027 we're on track for that as well um we're act we desire to be ahead of schedule but we're waiting on some of MD's timelines um so we were really um at a place where we could have gotten that done this year if we had the approved trainings from mde so we're we're in a holding pattern right now until mde releases that in January for a February registration was that what you were gonna say superintendent Wagner okay yeah um and you somewhat allayed my suspicions when you responded to the uh issue of college preparation as a criteria as a measuring stick to the of the extent to which we are succeeding in educating our students and that's been a red flag for me for a long time I mean I I think I reached this conclusion in 1968 which was the first year I stepped into a classroom as a teacher that not all students uh should be expected to excel in all of those areas that are necessary to be a successful college student where is our measuring device that measures how ready our students are for trades not and I'm a huge fan of liberal arts I'm a huge fan of of a liberal arts education in a college and I think all welders should have an appreciation of Shakespeare but on the other hand I'm a little reluctant to rely too heavily on measuring devices that are supposed to measure a students Readiness for college and and I'm also and Chris you laid my suspicion somewhat about the uh validity of the MC tests more students are taking it which might be a bad thing um because I too share your suspicion that some students would race through there and put C for an answer to everything and be done in three minutes uh and you have suggested that there are some devices that will cause students to be reluctant to do that way but I'm still not all that sold on the validity of the MCA tests so that's it senior privilege really well um they signed out every day what are you hearing Carly asked a question not too long ago um she brought some of my attention that there's maybe a couple people cheating it but people are always going to find a way Bruce um but from what I've seen I've heard no issues from teachers of students coming back on time there was one parent who called in and said where's my kid supposed to be right now and we said government and they said well she's on my couch okay that's she probably should be in government and so the mom reached out and we solved that you know problem through them but I they've been respectful um if they do go for food they're not bringing it back into the cafeteria which is one of the rules they'll eat in the car on the outside table so I would call it so far successful y the only thing I will add is I think we should celebrate the graduation rate there are a lot of districts in in not in that same situation right now after covid they continue to see the decline or the covid effect as people will say and I really like that we're starting to see that uptick so great work and I will just give you that the the addition of that credit recovery program into our school day postco has been huge and the days like this I cannot thank you guys enough for giving our teachers a chance to work together I know seat time is an issue we're going to talk about all the time but this this eight hours of of non seat time for students today watching a staff of 85 people work so collaboratively we started with a blank document today and as of right now I have 60 instructional Cycles or Curriculum maps on a document showing exactly what their plan is for the rest of the year it's not filled out perfect but it's a huge step in making sure that we can make plans that we know all kids can follow so I thank you guys for that thank you all so much for your reports we've appreciated uh the snapshot and uh look forward to having the slides our next presentation is from Paul durbon on effective efficient operations the approval and Adoption of the proposed 2024 pay 2025 Levy at maximum this is an action item good evening chair Nelson School Board director superintendent Wagner thank you I'm here to present the 24 pay 25 Levy some of you are familiar with this process but I my goal is to explain it in as simplest terms as possible it's a very complicated process Levy September 8th this year the Department of Education started to release our Levy limitation and certification report um and through a process we go through this 39-page report and comb through it for errors or um adjustments and we monitor it closely um from our office executive director Walsh and myself it's fairly exciting time um Others May look at this and be a little intimidated um we by today September 30th uh State Statute we need to send our approval of a preliminary Levy to the County Auditors um and we will be back in December for our final Levy presentation after our truth and Taxation meeting so 24 uh pay 25 means that we certify the levy in 24 taxes are paid in 25 and we recognize realize that Revenue in 2025 26 school year as I noted this report is updated daily from September 8th through September 30th and the numbers in this presentation were from I believe Thursday's last run last week we did check the report uh Friday and this morning and the the um Levy did not seem to change over that time time so it should be accurate information in front of you as noted I'm going try to simplify this uh report and pull out the important pieces of information uh for Schoolboard consideration this evening so in our general fund um and and also another document that you have in front of you um is a summary of this report um believe it or not that is a simplified version of the levy um limitation and certification report um we should be able to locate and find the data presented in the presentation this evening in that report and certainly we're available for questions um following if needed so in the general fund um the operating referendum is adjusted based on an inflationary rate set by the Department of Education that rate is 2.43% um referendum adjustments decreased in this year's run of the levy by 23257 that is mostly due to a large um adjustment from last year or that we had in last year's Levy that we do not have in this year's Levy we're seeing a a projecting or we're projecting a decline in enrollment and we um look at enrollment through an enrollment projection model that year-to-year is fairly accurate however um there are adjustments made to levies based on actual enrollment versus our projected enrollment and we see that in future Years also one other uh important item to note in the general fund portion of the levy is our long-term facilities maintenance is seeing a decrease of $362,400 and if you remember um in February we sold bonds for our facilities maintenance um or long-term facility maintenance projects for new boilers at Southwest Middle School Lake field Elementary in HVAC unit at albertly high school and the reason we're seeing a a reduction in the general fund here is that um will be realized in our debt service fund and we'll mention that here shortly overall in the general fund just to note um we're seeing a difference from 23 pay 24 to 24 pay 25 of um 6 15157 to so we're seeing a levy decrease in the general fund um in those highlight we just talked through are explaining that decrease in the Community Education fund very minor we're seeing a $ 5,496 Levy increase and it's a very minor change but mostly due to Early Childhood family education increase in the levy for The Debt Service um so The Debt Service here um what we Levy for here is set by the principle and interest uh for payments in fiscal year 26 so 25 26 school year um plus 5% and this increase includes that shift from our ltfm to Debt Service so the bond payments that we have for the mechanical projects we mentioned here uh moments ago this graph here depicts school property tax history on 100 ,000 residential home now these are estimates they're provided to us by financial advisers and we know $100,000 $100,000 isn't an actual average home value anymore at one point it was and it was a nice um graph to have for that reason but since we've started using $100,000 um to track this it's nice to be consistent and see this data from year to year $100,000 for whatever reason is just a nice Benchmark as well so it gives us some context on how um the taxes made may be impacted on a home in our community um and again these are estimates and based on individual property values how those fluctuate that may impact the taxes that each home or property May realize as well one thing I want to point out with this graph is that from fiscal year 24 or from 2024 to 25 um an estimated residential home may see a decrease of about 11.8% in their taxes from the school side of um their taxes next slide is our school building Bond agricultural credit it's worth mentioning um in the Years 21 22 and 23 we saw that credit increase so this reduces the voter approved Bond taxes on a that exceeds the allowable amount for a house garage and one acre of land so this will continue to be a tax credit of 70% for those land owners um and to to Circle back to that so that is voter approved Bond taxes um so a good example that would be our Hammer project when we approve the bond for that large project all right so this slide is kind of the the guts of the presentation here so just a summary of what we've talked through um there's three columns that you'll really see here the 23 pay 24 Levy that's last year's Levy that we had approved our 24 pay 25 Levy is uh the middle column and then you'll see the difference in that percentage change in the right two columns so in our general fund we're seeing a decrease of $651,000 term facility maintenance um payments there for that so $41,600 that's a 14.18% increase from last year's Levy to this year's overall our 24 pay 25 Levy we will see a decrease which um $244,950 it's a negative 2.44% increase decrease excuse me 2.44% decrease uh for this year Levy so in summary again a total proposed Levy of 9,797 4 9,797 454 and it's a decrease of 2.44% uh one item to note is that our tax base is increasing and that does have an impact on taxes in our uh Community overall so these percentages aren't dollar for dollar percent for percent um depending on how property values change that may impact your taxes that we all realize so um the refer referendum market value is increasing 3.91% and net tax capacity increasing 2% and that comes from our County auditor that's where we gather that information so in conclusion um this evening we ask that uh the board approves the certification of the proposed 24 pay 25 Levy for the maximum Levy Authority and for your consideration we approve the preliminary Levy this evening and we come back for the final Levy at a specific dollar amount in December thank you thank you Paul this is an action item before we discuss I would entertain a motion is there a second second any discussion uh yes Paul these uh these figures that you giving us are are assuming uh that we are we're talking about the maximum Levy that as it is proposed in our resolution those figures reflect what the result would be with that what that would as presented that would reflect the maximum something other than that then those figures would be different correct right and uh furthermore I'm assuming that um well there are a lot of reasons in favor of supporting the maximum Levy but one one one of them is that in December when we visit this again we can always go down but if we approve something less than this we can't go up that is correct yes so it would be imprudent of us to do anything other than in my opinion prove the maximum ly Angie um a couple of questions you mentioned a large adjustment that had come off what was that from I I don't remember so that large adjustment was due due to um an enrollment adjustment so a lot of the levy is based off of our projected enrollment so in a prior year we had projected an enrollment value and we made an adjustment in our future year Levy that was in last year's Levy and now in this year's Levy we do not have a large adjustment so we're seeing a reduction there due to that okay that might be related to my second question was I was hoping just for some clarification on the adjusted pupil units I had noticed um this looks like we have fewer students than the start of last year but in August at a meeting it had been reported that we were looking at higher students than last year and those numbers reported in August were a little bit different than these adjusted pupil units and I'm I'm just curious if that yeah I can speak to that a little explained yeah and so I'll try to answer your question the best I can and what we use is an En enrollment projection model um and these numbers here are adjusted pupil units they're not direct number of students in seats um another measure we often use is ADM which is your average daily membership the Apu has a a um for grade students in grade 7 through 12 a factor of 1.2 so you multiply those students by 1.2 so you might see numbers that don't look like the exact enrollment data that we see here our enrollment projection model is and I mentioned it's fairly consistent year-to year the data that you heard in August was probably more related to our current enrollment that we're seeing a little bit better enrollment in the schools but we also know and this is what the enrollment projection model takes into a consideration that over the course of a school year you do lose students either to 15-day drops or they move to a different location typically we see some um enrollment decline through the course of a school year um and the beauty of this is that if we are off we can um we will either see adjustments in the future Levy um and we often make adjustments in our budgets accordingly so so just double checking is our enrollment actually up from last year even though this shows that it looks like it's down yes we're we we're still monitoring that we're up students we're on the positive side but we'll continue to monitor what that looks like and we are post 15-day drop as well any other questions one comment I might make too that it's still the case is that if we if we Levy at the max we're we open ourselves up for additional funding opportunities through the state in terms of Aid yes so that's a good question um in every formula is different and confusing at times but oftentimes Aid is attached to what we Levy and um that of that can be the case yes that the aid is tied to the levy so and not for every piece of the levy that we're looking at but for a lot of it yes we will foro the amount that we would get from the state as Aid um a portion for each um so a lot of the funds that are within the the levy are restricted funds and each formula is very very unique and so the aid Levy values are not always dollar for dooll or directly proportional but there is a significant amount of Aid that is tied to the levy and if we under Levy we will forgo that Aid portion as well thank you Paul any other questions before we vote all right all those in favor of paying the are the proposed 2024 PID 2025 Levy at maximum sign signify by saying I I opposed motion carried 5- Z thank you Paul thank you and wanted to just welc Carly and Max thank you for taking this on all right 9.2 policies for review there this is an action item presented by director Matson and director Franks good evening chair Nelson Schoolboard directors and superintendent Wagner uh so for this evening we would like to present to you um number of policies for review um and action regarding those policies that had revisions due to the 2024 legislature session um so uh we did hold a policy Review Committee on September 3rd um and we do have the list of policies that we reviewed at that committee meeting um and I do also want to add that we did an annual review of policy 722 and policy 806 um which is the public data requests and crisis management policy no revisions in those two policies uh so first starting with policy 102 is our equal Educational Opportunity um really adjusting that general statement of policy um to reflect uh change in the Minnesota humans right act um recognizing that discrimination could be based on one or more protected characteristics um so again changing that revision to include one or more of the following uh the second revision um would be under policy 413 harassment and violence um and really this is uh defining and amending um the familial status so that Amendment now includes parents and Guardians um who have custody or written permission from the parents to care for a child um and then it also includes uh any um any person who may need assistance um who resides with that person um to have those uh familial rights as well so that is included um under definitions in policy 413 what we see under policy 418 um there has been added protections um to any persons who is registered in the Minnesota patient registry program um so under exceptions that does add a full paragraph um regarding that the school district may not refuse to en roll or otherwise penalize a patient or person's enrolled in the Minnesota patient registry program um and it goes into more definition but really again um adding protections to any uh student or caregiver um and then under policy 419 tobacc free environment possession and use of tobacco um that is a revision um to clarify the exceptions so um under statute 121a 08 that does now include smudging as an exception to this policy um and that language that is in the model policy um really is word for word from the Minnesota statute as well any questions on those uh four policies before we move on to the second set all right the final uh three that we would like uh for your review and approval um is changes to policy 514 bullying prohibition um and really that again clarifies under training and education um really changing the shell to a must and that's through the safe and supportive Minnesota Minnesota school act um again really clarifying that um it is not an option from Shell to um definite to a must this also includes notices um and a clear definition of where this policy does need to be posted not only in our schools um but at uh district office as well so that will be available um to students staff and families policy 515 is a protection of privacy of pupil records um really div defining uh a note for directory information so there is the um Federal um but then also Minnesota has our own set of um directory information that is available for again that protection and privacy of pupil records this uh does add the opportunity for districts to share some student data with Department of Employment and economic development so deed um to better coordinate special education services and that pre-employment transition um for students uh with disabilities so really that adds an item for them um an opportunity to share data with um Minnesota Department of Employment and economic development um and then lastly policy 709 is student Transportation safety uh this is an item uh that Paul Deron presented to the committee and really adds the statute language regarding ebike safety um so you'll see that that states clearly that we need to provide that ebike safety but also um that a person under the age of 15 is not allowed to operate an ebike so that again comes straight from that statute change uh so before we head um to the other policies for review I would uh like to ask for your approval on those revisions is there a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the policy revisions as a block is there a second any discussion all those in favor of approving the policies as a block signifi signify by saying I I opposed thank you motion carries 5 Z now we'll move on to uh 9140 Ashley or Tanya or Tanya okay yes y so um I can just I'll pass it over to you so um with policy 9140 and 9190 these were also policies reviewed at the policy committee meeting um and executive director Franks um will be presenting those tonight tonight we're bringing forward policy 9140 that is a current policy entitled parental review of content and instructional materials in January of 2024 we reviewed policy 64 which is instructional curriculum policy 604 was reviewed and approved in January 2024 with that policy IT addresses the parental review of curriculum and specifically States the school district shall have a procedure for a parent guardian or adult student to review the content of instructional materials so our recommendation this evening is to resend the local policy 9140 as it's currently addressed in policy 604 but retain this as our procedure to support policy 604 so we're looking for an action on that policy we'll take yeah we'll take these separate so is there a motion is there a second second any discussion on this resending 9140 correct it would become a procedure that attaches to policy 604 so that those steps for parental review uh remain present thank you all those in favor of resending this policy signify signify by saying I I opposed motion carries 5 Z moving on on to the next one the next one uh bringing forward policy 9190 this is our current policy titled student Publications we would like to replace this with msba model policy 512 which is titled School sponsored student Publications and activities the policy that we are bringing forward for three readings is the msba model policy and this one will just be the first of three readings any comments on this from the committee okay thank you very much for your presentations not one more one more one more so chair Nelson School Board director superintendent Wagner we would like uh for this evening to present the final reading and approval of policy 507.00 and policy 621 um so these were uh policies that we brought forward to the policy committee meeting in June um first reading in July second reading in August and tonight for final reading and requested approval um again policy 5075 just regarding school resource officers um to reflect that statutory requirement uh for utilizing school resource officers and then establish establishing those contract duties and training requirements as set by Minnesota statute policy 503 looks at student attendance again aligning us to Minnesota State Statute 12835 this adds a religious observance accommodation and adds the required reporting uh component components that include continuing truen and then finally policy 621 literacy and the read act this keeps us aligned to the Minnesota law establishing the read act and other topics related to literacy policy 621 outlines our local literacy plan and the literacy training you have uh heard me speak to as well as the staff development requirements that go along with the redact so this evening we're asking for for approval on these three policies which are forward for the final reading is there a motion for the final reading of these policies don't move is there a second any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries 5 Z thank you ladies thank you before we adjourn um our next meeting is Monday October 7th and it will be a study session and we'll be in room 109 so we'll be downstairs and then Monday October 21st is our regular session and to remind us all to ensure individual academic social and emotional growth that leads to engage citizens and lifelong Learners is our mission meeting adjourned