##VIDEO ID:Or5qWT25pT4## that we will be using to engage with our students and families so Tigers unite um is the way they will be contacted on those e-learning days which of course are the weather days that we have throughout the year there are some graduation requirement changes coming for our seniors and juniors for this year there are no changes it's a 46 credit requirement um and for the class of 2027 which are our current sophomores we are bumping it up one due to the addition of the state mandated personal finance class that will be taken by all 10th grade students in this coming year and then class of 2028 and Beyond we also added career exploration as a requirement during the ninth grade year um having been having been a school that wants to concentrate on getting students success right after high school we really want them to be able to explore those all the career options in the ninth grade year and then they can choose Pathways moving forward whether that be a college preparation pathway or U getting into the trades and we're going to be working much close much closer with Riverland as we move forward in that um expanding our welding program and hopefully adding some other ones in the terms of carpentry electricity and some other programs as we move forward so those are the additions for graduation requirements that we put in the handbook this year so everyone knows what's coming forward lockers we will not be assigning all 1229 of our students a locker this year because they don't use them and it takes a lot of time and effort to change combinations every year so instead a student can request a locker at any time we will have a booth set up at the open house uh week from Thursday or actually this Thursday on Thursday um where they can fill out a QR code or fill out a form it will be issued a locker seniors will still get lockers in the senior hallway that was the big question that alahas asked me the other day in the interview we can't we can't change everything um but lockers are going to be um as requested by students this is a I know when oana built their new school they only have two or 300 lockers available for their 1500 students because they simply aren't used anymore um and if this works out it's going to open up some space for hopefully some flexible learning um options up in that upper Locker Bay in the high school um District policy 504 which I think you guys approved in the last couple months we just did a language cleanup to align with the policy um we' took out the community standards that was in that policy and changed it to administrative team or design will have the final call on what is considered appropriate so that was just a change in language to align with District policy all right here's the big ones um food deliveries have become kind of big with the addition of door Dash Uber Eats and local restaurants and we were having McDonald's show up at our common door at 11 o'clock during lunches which is um which hurts us financially because we have to have we can't bring outside food in because because of U because of our you know our our food service so any delivery door Dash Uber Eats or local restaurants that shows up for students between 8:30 and 3:00 will be turned away at the door um any delivery outside of those times students are still welcome you know if they gra if they're getting a door Dash before a game or anything after 3:00 they just have to be met by the students and no adult at the building will take the responsibility of accepting that that food delivery so it's up to the student to um meet the delivery person at the door um so the big piece is that school Personnel will be not be accepting the deliveries at the door from any food service um either restaurants or companies and the other big one senior privilege notice the lack of open campus this is not what this is we're not opening it up for a free-for-all this is a senior privilege um and I did bring along and I know Neil had had looked for some of the data before so I brought some of it we are one of two campuses left in the big nine who maintain a closed campus Winona being the other one um Winona also has no study halls their teachers teach six hours a day and have one prep so zero study halls so it's a very different environment over in Monona we match the rest of our schools and so we are getting on board with the rest of what our conference does and I think it's giving these seniors a chance to have some responsibility and show that they're able to meet a certain requirement and open back up this has been done in the past it was it was it's cease to happen when the school moved from downtown out to out to hammer uh so we're just kind of bringing it back we did add requirements they have to be attending 90% of their classes all of them will be meeting this on day one because they'll have if they show up they'll have 100% And so when we run the first report a couple weeks in is when this will happen they need to have passing grades in all classes maintain disciplinary explanations for a period or expectations for a period of 10 days so what we're looking at there is if you're caught with The Vape let's say and you're going to be at serve some um suspension or in school suspension for that that's a 10-day out block you do not that you've lost your privilege for 10 days a after you get caught with something like that um the parent or Guardian will sign a release in in talking to both uh both lawyers here and with the with uh our lawyers and the district lawyers this is perfectly legal as long you know it's safer to have a parent or Guardian sign a release so that is in the stack of papers they're going to get there's going to be a release in there for seniors and we do have a sign out system that will be in play each door they must leave through door three which is our pool door um and they will scan out we're not sure if we're using Raptor or e-hall pass yet but we will have a system with some iPads where they hit their ID number hit enter and a hall monitor has to okay it when they come back in they check the same way that'll be different for first hour and eighth hour study halls where if they have the senior has a first hour study hall they could arrive up until 9:00 and all they'll do is sign in using e-hall pass same thing at the end of the day if they leave for their 8th hour study hall they will be able to sign out on their iPad and then not have to sign back in using e-hall pass and so that's how we're going to keep track of who comes and goes so the seniors are able to leave during lunches and study halls in this coming year that's what I have for you I will take any questions you may have Chris I have just a couple you mentioned that class period of 53 minutes and are the were the other ones shortened or are they the same length that they were it's 40 no they're all 43 actually they've added another one in I see Neil on the phone so he's going to have a question for us I think um also with the no Locker assignment I'm kind of thinking too there might be less security issu sometimes with lockers you might have security risks associated with those lockers I think to tell you the truth there's not going to be much of a change because they haven't been using them anyway it's going to be more of a it it saves us on the bookkeeping side of not having to redo them all every year and assign them this this this just it saves us some time at the front and back side kind of sad to hear that go away I mean if I can't sleep at night I try to remember where my high school lockers were and I go right to sleep but anyway you know the other thing I want to mention to board members I just made a point of talking to the seniors that I know and ones that checked me out at stores and at church Etc and what I consistently hear from the students on this on this open uh thing is that you know privilege senior privilege but they but they're saying saying give us the privilege give us the responsibility and give us and trust us that we'll that will'll will treat that privilege correctly so I I heard that consistently from our seniors I thought that speaks pretty well to them in my mind yeah and like I mentioned alahas if they're going to drag race out it's a privilege it can be taken away as quickly as it was as it was given speaking of senior privileg and accountability so is this going to be this % going to be updated daily on our system yeah well it's not in the system it's real it's we run it yeah we keep track of attendance anyway so it's just going to be we'll just be able to look at it based on spreadsh it's all spreadsheets it's y some no yeah but we so we watch attendance quite closely anyway so this is just another column on the spreadsheet yeah I just want to add so so thank you principal de to your question question uh director Schindler this was also brought up in this uh superintendent C student cabinet and it is you set those expectations and then you have that level of accountability and support the students and I did hear from the seniors that this is an is so let us be held set those expectations and and this is one of those that you do give the privilege to the seniors another another question Chris with the monitoring of that door three is it adding a clerical burden on any St no there's home monitors there all day every day anyway they they get there right away at about 8:10 in the morning to start watching that door and they're they're done at 310 so no additional Staffing required at all yes is there anything stopping students from just leaving anyway even though they don't have the privilege and trying to come back in or what would happen there never has been there never has been um but no we I mean being a given a privilege you know if if if we see them coming and going through the wrong door we can catch them um we'll also be running that you know the the spreadsheet we'll get a report every day of who came who left who came back and so we can compare that to wait a minute I I I know I just put you on the grade list so we'll deal with them at an individual level and if it gets too much then it's the peer pressure that'll take care of it I wanted to reinforce that so yes that peer accountability and specifically the leadership from the seniors to set that tone I think will be essential and we don't lock the doors and prevent students from walking out but really giving the seniors that leadership and that accountability and they'll step up Neil has a question yep hello can you hear me now now we got them yep go ahead Neil yep yep go ahead okay thank you uh Chris I I'm I'm in support of this open campus policy for for seniors descri but one question exactly how long will a student senior have to if they choose to eat out for lunch how long do they have 25 minutes end between the end of their last class and the time they have to be back what kind of time frame are we talking about if they don't have a fifth hour study hall it's 25 minutes if they have that fifth hour study hall it's 77 minutes and we tried to put as many seniors oh go ahead okay we we tried to put I'll just go based on what I think you were going to ask uh we tried to put as many seniors in first fifth or eighth hour study halls as we could because we're not assigning them a supervision teacher if they don't want to leave during that they will be in the media center studying and so this saved us I think I said what seven to n supervision periods based by not having seniors um which puts teachers back in our classrooms so there's a financial save here as well in terms of FTE okay that sounds reasonable I can see this is a great idea and it's I think it's going to be a benefit but as is the case with nearly everything this benefit it also introduces a few problems and I can see some potential difficulties for students who don't have that fifth hour study hall and who have 25 minutes to get out of the buing in their car drive someplace come back and get the class on time I know that was a problem years ago when we had an open campus but it was an entirely different circumstance where the school was downtown students got in their cars and it was a miracle nobody got killed uh in in Clark on Clark Street and Water Street but that is a different we're a little bit more out in the open be problems you have to deal with because of it but but I think it's a good idea everything stays the same as far as I know in terms of um lunches are still free for all students Chris I'm just curious prior to this year what percent of seniors had a study hall let's say last year ballpark almost all of them okay they don't not at this time they don't um we changed our tardy structure last year so after the five minutes it's an absence so if they're if they're getting to uh class more than five hour five minutes late anyway that'll be marked as an absent on the sheet so that'll count towards the 90% attendance rate Locker situation said they option open that's only no they can come into KD anytime in the win they want Y and what usually happens is one will get a locker and 17 of them will figure out how to stuff their coats in there are we doing the same cell phone policy it looks like we have made no adjustments to the to the protocol at this point yeah vocabulary um um there's quite a few items I have on the uh meeting schedule for the staff on Wednesday afternoon that we're going to talk about including any changes but from what I've when we talk to staff in the spring they liked it it worked and so we're not going to we're not going to try to add anything or break anything right now we're going to go with it and see if we keep rolling how we growing if I could add to that that is almost a kind of set the stage for what many districts have followed um as the MD works with the principal Union to develop some sort of a guidance or best practice I believe that you know albertly High School set the standard for that we did share it extensively with our with our administrative unit so uh The Next Step then for me is to move on to the um activities which continues on the same slideshow and what what happened here I can just tell you is that we've aligned our activities uh policy IES and handbook um to align with Minnesota State High School league and big n um expectations we had some over-the-top stuff and it was starting to get a little cloudy so what we did is just scaled everything to match the Minnesota State High School league and the big nine conference and so while she brings that up I can tell you the um the first one we're talking about is academic eligibility and we've gone to the vocabulary of the um eligible will be making progress towards graduation um that's the V that's the vocabulary we use so this means you could fail an elective class in your sophomore year and not have to sit for those two to four weeks anymore uh but if you fail a required class then you are going to have to make up that credit before you can participate in events again you can still practice but you can't um participate in an event until you've made up that credit but it allows for some misses here and there uh but as soon as you receive that F in a required class then you're going to have to concentrate on getting that grade back up before you can um once again participate in a game uh category one are all athletic activities um at category two are all the ones we call activities so Athletics is category one activities is category two and you'll notice there are no differences in the two so once again this is now aligned activities and Athletics are all the same across the board um we also have the uh chemical violation use there's been some vocabulary change here because marijuana is now now legal for some um not for students it is still a controlled substance at the student level so when you if you take a look at the um buy sell or give away any beverage containing alcohol um tobacco still stands alone and then use or consume have in possession byell or give away any other controlled substance or paraphernalia that's where the the marijuana piece comes in um so this is a a bylaw 205 change um the penalty loss of eligibility for the next two consecutive contest or two weeks of a season whichever is greater um no exception at this point for someone who enters a treatment program the treatment program comes in if you um get a a little bit further down in the violations because we now employ a chemical health counselor that sits right across the office from Dave um we can do the one-hour chemical meetings uh with the chemical counselor within two weeks of the offense um and not miss any um miss any practices or games then you can get your eligibility back instead of as a freshman having your three violations and then being out of sports for the rest of your high school career so it's building a path back into activities uh for our students who make poor choices at a younger age um the State High School league has done a lot of work I sit on a a committee with the State High School league called the principal advisory Council so four times a year I get to meet with Eric Martins who's the director of the State High School league and we go over some important things and they've they've done a big push on crowd participation part of that has been a parent code of conduct um in uh in great tradition we want with super small type on this one because I know if I don't have at least one slide we can't read it's not a true board meeting presentation so U the this is all available in the handbook and so we are going to hold our parents accountable for some of their behaviors as well because I don't know if you've been to sports but sometimes it's not the kids we have to watch or sit next to um there's adults in the room we have to do uh we have to work with as well so this uh parent code of conduct um the State High School league has been pushing for this as well and we are adding it to our handbook uh for participants Authority yeah that goes to the site managers at each level and then the final slide here is um about the it was added to page 20 in the Q&A section son daughters considering signing a national letter intent do we do anything yes we have two different meetings throughout the year where we bring in cookies and celebrate and and um have them sign their letter of intent to to attend a college uh post High School I believe we had a two or three of them last year I believe one of us had a grandson do it if I remember correctly at one point so uh yeah we celebrate when we can uh but we have to make sure that if you're going to sign that letter of intent we know about it because we're not going to do it for every every you know week when it happens we're going to concentrate them on those two days dates throughout the year anything there com back hisory spent a lot of agoes we wanted to hold our kids to a little higher standard weed help our kids a little bit more not to keep them out of Athletics or activities but to uh make them more accountable for their actions and so I will just personally say that it's disappointing to see that we decided to go back I Maya St scho League I would say exactly because I don't think I wouldn't that but I'll they want make they the entire league but for us here at school and middle school participate I don't think our stand I just that as a personam partip at thanks all right so we'll bump India in the next couple days as you're as you're around so thanks everybody Tyler yeah turn that on thank you boardon superintendent way for having me here uh I'm Tyler Johnson principal at Southwest Middle School uh just going to talk you through some of our updates in the student handbook as well so um I guess I have the power here don't I yes did Neil did you have a question I saw something flash did he have a question we might have lost him Okay Tyler you go ahead and if he comes back on we'll we'll see if he had a question yeah sounds good okay Neil did you have a question oh can't hear you Neil pH okay you go ahead and call some we'll have Tyler get started you can call Chris dible yeah all right and uh my slides will just be uh the updates that we've had um some of them are with the new policies or the updates to our policy including the attendance piece as well uh and so uh the first part of this is just the updates in our language when it comes to attendance uh so I'm going to kind of quickly glance over that uh here is just our Southwest attendance data over the last I don't know seven years um and so districts across the country consider a student chronically absent when they missed 10% of the school year or more whether it's excused or unexcused and so um I did not count the two years uh during the co pandemic just because the attendance was I don't know non-existence or very hard to track uh and so as you can see there uh the number of students that are missing school and this is just Southwest it's not Elbert Le or National Data or anything like that um but it has gotten up uh which is not a good thing right we got to be in school to learn and so um one thing that we have adjusted inside the handbook as well uh is that there used to be a 10-day absent rule per semester uh whether excused or unexcused they get up to 10 days um we switched that to nine days so based off our calendar roughly um 17 days missed would be chronically absent during the school year and so N9 days per semester that adds up to 18 days for the year uh and so what this means is that uh students will get nine days of unex or excused absences per semester now if one of the absences that are underneath there um so if there it's a 504 meeting a court appearance a suspension those don't count towards that but after nine days um for example if a parent calls in and says hey Johnny or Susie sick I'm going to keep them home um we're going to ask for a doctor's note um if if if not then it becomes an unexcused absence then as well so that way again uh it's not supposed to be punitive but really um we know that uh again attendance is a problem and we want to address this and it's not just a school issue that can fix this it has to be all stakeholders that kind of buy into this as well so part of that as well is updating our families on this um and letting them know uh so with our attendance what we do is that we get the automated phone calls that go home um after every unexcused absence then after 3 days of an unexcused absence our DEA students meets with that student um seven days uh the family gets a letter and then what we're going to do with our N9 day for the semester is also families will be contacted through mail letting them know that they have reached that 9-day letter as well uh once they get to 7 days they meet with our treny officer then as well and then from there if they continue um they go down the treny route uh e-learning again uh just to kind of update uh with this there's really not any big changes there uh with the Southwest what happens is is that the students advisory teacher posts an attendance question in the morning and the students will answer that attendance question and that is how attendance is taken uh students will still have the three days to complete any homework that they need to um during an e-learning day as well uh one big thing is that our uh we have a new schedule this year at Southwest uh so last year we had an eight period day so students took seven classes this year we're going to a seven period day where students take six classes um the reason why the math doesn't add up is one of those periods is their lunch period and what we're calling learner support as well uh the nice thing about this is that we kind of ran into the similar problem where the high school is where the lunch periods were about 53 and the other classes were about 43 minutes long um with this new period or schedule uh our classes are now all 51 to 53 minutes long so they're all within um that same time frame we still have our morning advisory where students work on social skills uh and they're going to be doing some goal setting and um their own tracking of grades and attendance as well uh the opposite of lunch is going to be called learner support uh and so this is where a lot of our reading interventions will be taking place uh and then students who are not receiving reading interventions um will'll get academic support to based on whichever team they are located in uh and then the other update is just the student appearance again just with the update to policy 5 before making the language similar to our policy that's all I have any questions regarding the regarding the attendances you I know that's affected everybody do you have any insight as to what the rec cause of that increase is you know I don't it's just basically of what um kind of my own thoughts and feelings are and so I mean I don't have any necessarily real um you know answer exactly for you um with that um I do think that you know once the co pandemic did happen there's just a little bit more LAX with that um and so um but it is something that we want to make sure that families understand uh we did post a video of why attendance matters on our Southwest YouTube page too that we're going to show with families uh and like I said I just I truly believe that this has to be a you know full circle School family Guardians and students um on the same page um well this isn't the time but that's a troubling trend on the attendance uh so I would be curious again to dig deeper in the data and and talk about what re what remediations we are doing to address it but that that's pretty significant change yes yeah absolutely and we're lucky enough to have a two TR and officers in freeorn County as well I know our neighbors to the north do not even have a treny program um and so uh and our treny officers are great uh Jenny Hendrickson is ours and she shares shares us with a couple of the community schools around the area as well but um and and I know the court systems are bogged down as well too so there again you know instead of coming up with excuses what are some things that we can do and so that is something that just being more and more transparent with our families uh last Monday Sunday night actually Neil and I attended summer session went to session on Sunday night and a couple of the members of the msba staff covered scard I forgot tonight adduce thises a lot of information I'll get it you school on aular basis schols yeah this is something I know the board um is something definitely interested and we are going to be very intentional on our Strate IES moving forward you know Minnesota Department of UC education is working with some grants for some districts doing some some Pilots if you will some Grant funded but here what we have influence on is what happens in the experience that our students have at Albert Le schools so not only do we have to get our students here is that desire daily experience which is part of our strategic plan but our we will be very intentional on toting the data looking at our attendance and triangulating that with student achievement because we must do better and we have to get to the root it's a national but what we have influence on is what our Albert Lee students for and there is a connection with social economic and race on attendance as well so they they've cross referenced those and triangulated that information and that should not be the predictability that we have in Albert Le so we need to interrupt that and create that opportunity here for our students great discussion thanks anybody else before Tyler takes a seat thanks Tyler thank you guys welcome we're going to have the uh Elementary School presentation hello thanks for having us I'm Kim LaRon principal at hon Elementary I'm Zach Krueger principal at lak View and we'll be going through our elementary guide with you um this evening so thank you for your time on the first page of our guide we changed the logo so we have the school or the district approved Tiger logo on our first page you have the clicker see what I can do there it is so our updated tiger um and then going on in our welcome we just changed that um learning um allows learning to occur instead of learning to take place so just changing wording to make it more specific um looking at the calendar in the old guide it was listed out line by line dates that was kind of overwhelming to look at so instead we included the actual school calendar itself is it frozen I don't know thanks stars all right moving along looking into um absences we just changed a word from the absence will to may be permanently marked as unexcused so just looking really at our language that we're using within our guide and then the next one under unexcused absences um tardies it used to include that a letter would be sent home for tardies but instead we're making it a phone call we really want to connect with those families and find out why they're running late what we can do what barriers we can um help them with Kim I'm gonna up to you a minute Neil can you mute I think we're getting some background noise from your thanks sorry about that go ahead Kim it's okay all right so that one um with our Behavior expectations we remove there's a spot at the bottom about dress code up above it it references just students are following District policy at all times so we just remove that small piece with some of the updates um within the policy and at the elementary level we thought that would cover it there so okay and then this was in our handbook so it was recommending instead of a treat that parents or caregivers would bring in a birthday book potentially and we just at this point removed that aspect of just there was a lot of logistical elements that made that challenging um but still referencing the um that piece in our handbook and then this one there is a section on communication that we found a different spot especially with our new tool to engage our caregivers um we just moov that down to a different spot within our handbook it just didn't fit well um at this point and then this one we just put a little bit more parameters around um with our cell phones we copied a lot actually from our Southwest handbook as we hand our students off to Mr Johnson uh using that as a reference point we just hand uh added the piece of really defining the school day and the location of that so we added the school grounds and then kind of that time frame for when we would ask that this be in place for our elementary students oh let's talk about Chris talking about really small text this is really small as well um with this one we just aligned so this is defining um families and enrolling and we actually just added and basically replicated uh our policy language in it we noticed that there was a little discrepancy from policy language with this one so we just took that straight out of our policy and adjusted that um for where families would be enrolled an entrance and exit so you used to be at Halverson that students would at the end of the school day be able to enter exit through door A1 well that's right by the parking lot and that's a huge safety concern for us because it's Safety First for all of our students so we're going to have all of our students enter and exit out out ofd door C7 which used to be called door two which is facing Todd Avenue that way it keeps them out of the parking lot and it keeps them safe in Lake View if you've ever come by in the morning we have we had quite a few students we had about half of our student population playing in that front strip of grass and then there's that Hill that goes down by the lake that was a constant safety concern many families brought that up um so working with our leadership team this summer we actually found a solution where grades are going to be budded up with their buddy grad so for example K and5 and we'll have locations behind the cement barriers there in our parking lot where we still can have the parent drop off aspect but then they'll be playing with their buddies in those specified areas so definitely a safety adjustment and having a little bit more control of supervision in the back as opposed to in the front where there's a lot of different things that could be happening so that was one adjustment and then just recently um Paul and I met with the city we've been partnering with them there's some construction going on kind of by Lake View there on winter um so we partnered with them to work to find a solution that will still allow us to use the adjustments May made to our pickup and drop off but leveraging that to be able to still have a safe exit strategy for our students at the end of the day for those that are getting picked up and by bus or car and for those was walking home in our previous guide it said that students um were to stay home if they had pink eye but according to mde the Minnesota Department of Education they can come to school with pink eye so we updated that accordingly and this we just updated it aligning with our our Raptor component that we're asking St our adults that are visiting to come in um and have their ID prepared and then we also talked about um with guests wanting to again engage our caregivers so having guests occasionally well parents that are wanting to join their student for lunch and just continuing to extend that invite to them so we can have them join their kids which is a memorable piece both for friends of kids as well as the child themselves oh they get very excited when they have visitors in the cafeteria yes I think one more your Wellness Wellness um so a lot of Staff feedback um so as Leaders we start started digging a little bit we had a lot of Staff feedback of especially during our lunches but occasionally we had students that were bringing highly caffeinated Beverages and so Monster Energy and others into classrooms in with their lunches so we dug in a little bit as leaders and looking at our wellness policy a lot of that references what can be sold within the district but also just Wellness components so trying to align our handbook with language um we just ask that parents refrain from bringing highly um sugary and caffeinated beverages we also referenced MD's healthy eating Wellness um on their site to kind of give that as a guide um the language that comes from the policy uses suggested and refrain so that's what we replicated um with ours but just trying to help make sure that recognizing those highly caffeinated specifically beverages are not supporting student regulation especially when they're having those multiple times a day and just the health components that are there is also so that was our last that was it those are the updates to our elementary guide do you have any questions back to the to the pink eye is that something that the state is requiring we allow in the buildings or yes yes okay yes wow we had some last year they came to school they did well and it was red you know it hurts a little it just kept washing their hands kept things sanitary any others for us thank you for thank you thank you for your work we appreciate it yeah so for the um ALC handbook the albertly online student handbook and the um oh wrong Kim The Early Learning handbook any questions that um the board has we can entertain that there's not a formal presentation at this point for those it's not a question I just noticed the alc has coordinated uses of hallways or something with the kids younger kids there cool yeah SE and if the board's interested that's something we could present once we U begin the year just to talk about the logistics of the the move over to to Brookside and we can certainly update the board you on that great anyone else have any questions or okay this is these handbooks are an action item so I entertain for someone for a motion so move is there a second it's been moved in second is there any additional discussion we'll say Angie any additional all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed I I think that was a it was a little delay so we'll we'll say 70 thank you very much for everybody that presented we appreciate your work on getting these handbooks updated all right we're moving on to um 8.1 superintendent update D do you have that PowerPoint there you go so uh Madam chair directors and those watching and families and caregivers uh this evening we're just I'll tea up the discussion we're going to have and I think it's important as we in our study sessions to real really have a dialogue about what is how does our strategic plan and what is the work that did to implement our strategic plan so we spent a lot of time on developing our strategic plan strategic plan now we're working towards implementation so tonight we go to the next slide please we'll be focusing on the three areas which is the desire daily experiences and I'll remind uh the board and the community that this is what we heard from students staff and caregivers of what they expect from us in Albert la schools to know that and to be in reinforce I want to connect it to the presentation tonight to talk about our enrollment and we know that uh families have an option to choose Albert Lee there are other options but we need to have that and I think director Claus said not only do we need to have our students come to school but we also need to have that experience and we're students getting high level of learning and what is it does that that does that look like and that is built into our strategic plan and with our early numbers coming in it's it's going to be exciting to see that families are choosing albertly staff and potential staff are choosing Albert Lee those are data points that we need to continue to monitor we know that revenue is Gen generated multiple ways one being students as we continue to monitor today what does it look like with students choosing families and caregivers choosing Albert Lee Schools you'll see that in the data there's been a huge uptick but that's not just because of by happen stance just just because there is a reason there is a why and that's the condition and the support we provide not only from our students and caregivers but also our staff that are choosing albertly so it's very exciting news but we need to build on that continue to Monitor and know that there will be updates as we move forward so as we move more into the budget development season you will see that those numbers are based on what I call pockets in the seats are actual students we budgeted on on an in which was provided to the board we use that as a Baseline and then we then monitor the students that come in and that is as the as the students continue to come into Albert Le schools we monitor those who may choose elsewhere and that's the pockets and the seats after the 15-day drop so I'm going to invite executive director Matson and executive director Frank sub to talk through a little bit about what those numbers look like um at this point right good evening thank you for having us tonight um executive director Matson and I will be sharing information on enrollment and Staffing before we start that presentation I want to Circle us back to just quickly to highlight in uh principal Johnson's presentation with some of the attendance data just a reminder we're looking at doing that at a board study session in October um so uh director Claud I know you mentioned uh getting some more data it sounds like you had some also director olssen um bringing all of that to the table to really dig into at an upcoming study session so attendance will be circled back too for sure so we wanted to highlight that before we got started with this all right so good evening chair Nelson School Board directors superintendent Wagner um with the start of the school year next week we would like to provide an enrollment in Staffing update um for you this evening um so we do have current enrollment listed for our 2425 school year but we also wanted to provide a historical look um especially three years um so you see um all the way from 2122 up to the current year um and within that school year um just really high points that we um continue to monitor our um enrollment so start of the school year um end of semester 1 mid semester 2 and end of the school year um what you do see really um in between end of semester 1 and mid semester 2 is when we do start that Staffing adjustment um to our enrollment for the previous or the upcoming school year um so really what we've pinpointed here is that difference from um March of 24 to our current of um roughly 183 students um that we do have joining us for this upcoming school year one item before we get to the next slide I do want to um note this is enrollment G grades K12 um so that does not include BBK preschool um or adult learning and director uh exective director Matson also referenc it that these are actually students that have come through our office and actually registered uh centrally so those are coming back or coming to ourl schools yes that is correct how much historically what type of change do you see between that number today and let's say Labor Day is it pretty stable or Y so that that's a great um Point as well thank you um so there is that 15-day drop so about um around September 10th 11th that is when we' have our 15-day drop so that number will fluctuate um a little bit as well and it's important though to have you know that kind of that that denominator if that changes that changes but if we get at least that's a less Delta if we have the students that may after the 15 day if we increase the number of students coming in we want to be on that positive side and quite honestly we've been operating in the negative side so areas um that we would like to focus on uh really are a licensed K12 staff hires for this upcoming school year um some recruitment strategies that uh we took um kind of initiative this spring really looking at career and college fairs so um we had administrator teams head out to Marshall um down to Iowa um and also to Lacrosse just regarding those career and college fairs that are available for school districts um we were able to network and uh get some contacts for um with some future candidates um which was great to see and also network with other districts as well um one item um that really I would like to thank executive director Reby um really an inperson and virtual job fair that really focused on special education vacancies that we had within the district um that again was very successful um in attaining some great candidates uh this past spring and then uh we do have our job posting sites um we did add not only um the pby required Ed poost but also Minnesota school jobs and then also using um job posting indeed so really kind of broadening the area of where we do Post our jobs within operle area schools what you see on the right is um really a breakdown of what those staff hires in the areas that they are um going to be joining the team on so a total of 27 um special education uh nine there six Elementary five secondary and student support um that ranges anywhere from multilanguage um teachers to mtss literacy coach Deans and school social workers you I want to reinforce and take a moment to thank the team for being intentional on the Outreach with with the amount of competition that occurs across the state and across the border you know there staff do have choices and we have here something that I don't believe we should take for granted we should celebrate that we have a Full Slate we're not sitting with openings and hoping that the staff come or for potential candidates come to alberly specifically in Special Services a very hard area to fill being very intentional and also flexible on how we reach out to our potential employees so thank you for your efforts and I would just like to add to we um we are excited to have four returning licensed staff members um come back to Albert Lee so um again choosing Albert Lee like superintendent Wagner said um over other districts so we we are well very excited to have them and welcome them back that we're in our district left and have come back yes okay we did not have any no question and really um to as we look at the um licensing that psby does allow as far as tier one tier two um and then that transition into tier three and tier four teachers um we do have um staff who have made the move from tier ones to tier twos so really supporting them um and that helps us in that retention aspect um and Tanya or excuse me executive director Franks will take it from there I would just like to take uh some time this evening to share the mentoring program with you you see highlighted on the screen a variety of strategies that we implemented this year and will continue to implement throughout the year specific to the mentoring program um something new that executive director Matson and her HR HR generalist generalist Laura Bama implemented this summer was offering a summer session to any staff to onboard really setting aside time for them to um get new employee paperwork done learn about benefits our Wellness programs our well- atw work Clinic just uh getting their Chromebooks how to log on just really taking care of some of that really nuts and bolts information in their summer session then we did our three-day onboarding process we continued that again this year with a little bit different look day one of the onboarding process executive director Matson and I uh did the district information session for the the new new staff and then they still did the bus tour learning about Albert Lee and the community um much thanks to Wendy Greenfield and H Holly Babcock for being our MC's on the bus tour this year they do a fantastic job really highlighting um not only albertly area schools but our community and as we think about teacher retention we want them to be connected to our community as well um so they do a really nice job of doing that um as as teachers arrived back to our new staff arrived back to the Fieldhouse their mentors greeted them just like they were getting off a plane they had signs that said welcome to Albert Lee you're in the perfect spot and it was really that very first step in that Mentor MD relationship um and so we really kicked it off with a message of Welcome to Albert Lee you are a part of our team and we will be here to support you throughout this journey and that really uh kicked that off for for the mentees uh from there they were able to uh go to their buildings and and start the work uh between the mentor and the mentee days two and three we really separate out more into specialized areas of either um Elementary or secondary experiences you have heard me share here before that for me professional development needs to be timely and relevant that is important and so so we want to make sure that as we are onboarding our our staff that they are getting opportunities that are relevant to them and so what an Elementary staff member um May access regarding professional different development will look different than a secondary uh teacher um all teachers received information around the instructional framework so the high reliability schools instructional framework um really starting to drip that in we know that is information they will hear throughout the entire year it is really focused work that happens with their instructional coaches and their mentors in the building regardless of Level Elementary or secondary but it's really important that they start to hear that in this onboarding process you see the trauma responsive practices in there we highlighted that a little bit on our building tour uh prior to coming back here um but our Elementary staff uh received day one training of teach to heal with Danielle Ty and then that will continue throughout the year three additional days of the teach to heal work in addition to these three days of onboarding this work will be continuing throughout the year so the mentor mentee relationship continues on a weekly and monthly basis um there's an accountability component the mentor and mentee meet and have checklists that they address those checklists go to our instructional coaches and our building administrators from there there's followup and pl and celebration or planning so if they highlight successes that have happened our instructional coaches and building administrators can connect back with the new staff and celebrate that with them but on the other hand if they highlight a challenge or something that they need support with then our instructional coaches and our building administrators will be able to um specifically address those challenges and create an action plan to support our teachers so being really intentional about how we are supporting our new staff um with the goal of of retention throughout the year in addition to those um monthly weekly Mentor mentee pieces we also have our Mentor facilitators they will have topic specific training ings for our new teachers that might be things like trauma responsive practices or classroom management it might be on reading strategies it might be on attendance strategies it might be on parent caregiver communication so throughout the year we have opportunities for mentees to get additional training from mentor facilitators and another piece that we're adding this year we really have been talking about as executive director Manon mentioned we have teachers in our system that are tier one and tier two and they haven't been through the traditional teacher prep program but are in teaching positions how do we support those teachers to be successful in our setting not having the traditional um the traditional prep program and so knowing that we recognize that a tier one tier 2 teacher coming in may need more support than my colleague across the hall who is a tier three or tier four teacher so really again making that relevant and differentiating for each individual teacher just like we would students what are their needs so we are providing some additional Mentor training this year that we have not in the past to make the program more robust so that we're able to provide addition support so really being intention intentional about how to train our mentors to work with our new staff in getting them what they need that really encompasses uh the onboarding process but then what the mentor program looks like as a whole the mentor program goes throughout the entire first year of um of an individual's employment with the district after year one we transition to the instructional coach support um for the remainder of their their career with Albert Lee so questions for executive director Matson and I you us Qui oh so uh tier one is um they do have a bachelor's degree um and there are some other categories as well so maybe they've had um certain number of years experience in a careers teeken education world as well they would be eligible to obtain a tier one lure with that tier one you do need to have uh District sponsorship so really um you have to have a job with the district um and really the district and that person is applying together you ensure that they have a mentor um they're part of a mentor ship program it's a checklist um to really get the support that they need um that can be renewed up to three times um then a tier two is when you are enrolled into a teacher prep program so a tier two is good for two years um and again that can be renewed up to a certain amount of time as well it does have to be a Minnesota approved teacher prep program um then on the tier three yes yep thank you yep so a bachelor's degree and then enrolled into a program um tier three is when they have um completed that teacher prep program and then um they are allowed to then apply for your tier three that tier three then is for three years they need to um have effective teaching in a district for three years after that then they can move to a tier four and with that there's also the um continuing education credits as well that they need to maintain yes good question so um tier two is when they are part of that um eligibility within the tier I would say within the the unit and within the group um because the tier the two years on a tier two um could count towards three years of um probationary status yes yep continuing contract yep yep I just had really kind of a statement so part of um our Retreat recently we talked about how the board could be more involved in community or involved in in in things ideas that way and so I was thinking that it during your next Summer's orientation to have a welcome from one of us just so they know cuz because I've like people I still meet people that's that work for the district and they're like oh you're on the school board so this would be um a good way for us to be out there if you would that was actually going to be one of our follow-up questions is do you have any suggestions that you would like to bring to the table for future onboarding so thank you for that does anybody else have suggestions that you think would be beneficial for the onboarding process or the mentor program things that you've heard Neil do you have something or are you on the phone for something else turn nothing I would assume that if anybody did have any suggestions they could certainly let you both know thank you for your work on this and your update and we look forward to that October study session where we can really look into um attendance yep thank you yep is there anything else before we adjourn regular meeting next week oh I do have some reminders yes so we have um Regular meeting next Monday business meeting we also have this week um the um welcome back um in the morning on Wednesday also the community Fair Wednesday afternoon if you get a chance go to the um wind down Wednesday uh the school district will have a booth there as well and then um we do have a sign up email for first day of um school for the school board to be at some of the buildings so take a look at your email for that and I think you could reach out to Darcy if you're missing any of that 4 to 7 at the high school at the fountain down by the lake sorry that's that's right at the fountain down by the lake lake bbo yes follow the great music yeah there'll be a DJ [Laughter] there all right great thanks everybody meeting adjourned thanks and