##VIDEO ID:T9TeSQgJAlg## I to flag the United States ofer stand item number three looking for approval of today's agenda is an action item is there a second motion and second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries agenda is approved the first action item 4.1 um was something that I asked to have put on the agenda um the approval of a resolution to authorize the chair to appoint an ad hoc committee for framework in developing the pro the process of evaluation and contract renewal this is an action item um it follows policy 213 the re resolution would be to authorize the chair to um appoint an ad hoc committee for the sole purpose of developing that framework for the evaluation and contract renewal of the superintendent is there a motion we can discuss I'll make a motion to approve the resolution ised is there a second any discussion um I was just wondering will there will there be any non-board members appointed to the committee and if so will they have decision making power or just serve as great question um there the only person present at the committee meetings will be um Ashley with HR uh director Matson more as a reference not as a contributor of of the committee but more or a decision maker of the committee or the the part of the committee that would bring a um a recommendation forward but more as a reference to us on uh the the legalities or the statutes or the laws around the the work that we're going to do that makes sense um I think you make a good point though as this committee is developing a framework that could a component of whatever the process is could be people from the community is is this an appropriate time to ask about the structure of the committee is there going to be three members five members two or or is that more a little later that's I don't know I'm asking we'll go one e e e e um just a just a comment um I don't I'm not sure you're planning to appoint but just wanted to mention there are three board members that have brought up concerns and I would just hope that one of the three can be on there so sorry all those in favor of approving the resolution to authoriz iary AG to serve we will Ashley on our first meeting thank you all moving on to study session world's best work that comprehensive ACH I'm have a achiev report director all right good evening chair Nelson board of directors superintendent Wagner um it's still red on we good I don't hear it I'll go with it I have a teacher voice all right so this evening I am presenting the annual report for the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness this is previously known as world's best Workforce you will see moving forward anything previously referred to as world's best Workforce will now be referred to as comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness along with updates on comprehensive achievement and Civic readiness we will provide a brief uh overview of where we are at with achievement and integration and starting with our strategic directions for this evening um focusing on three strategic directions that are really tied to ensuring um that our students are well prepared for the classroom and career transitions fostering a learning environment that prioritizes academic social emotional well-being inclu inclusivity and as as well as family and Community Partnerships those are threaded throughout all of the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness goals and so those are the three strategic directions that will be our Focus for this annual report I have provided a packet for you of the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness annual report I provided you a close cop Cy of that because all of the strategies will not be on my slides this evening but I wanted you to have all of the information at your finger tips so I will highlight some of the new pieces for you that are new strategies that we're putting in the upcoming plan for the 2425 school year and I'll make sure that I highlight them as we go the page numbers are in your bottom right corner of your packet additionally tonight I followed the same format as I did with our last study session and having the little question mark guy in the corner so I'll make sure to present some information have a time to pause process the information ask any questions that you may have and then we'll go on to each of the next sessions so same format so out with the old in with the new uh the first thing I already highlighted is just the language the old language of world's best workforce out the new language comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness is in this becomes all-encompassing for our students in really focusing on all things regarded to um achievement but also are we preparing our students for life beyond our school settings and so what does that Civic Readiness component look like as well also out with the old um world's best Workforce included language around read well by third grade as you know um that read well by Third grade is out and now the Minnesota read act has taken over what was previously all students will be reading at grade level by third grade to include all students reading at or above grade level at every grade um so you will not see specific goals uh to the Minnesota read act in the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness Plan because that lies outside of the plan within our local literacy plan so two separate two separate pieces and then a new performance measure that comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness added so the reading one went out the new one that came in is called prepare students to be lifelong Learners and that will be the last goal area that we cover tonight it's just not advancing when you hit the button thank you all right first goal area is all children are ready for school this slide simply shows where we were at with our goal in the 2324 uh report or plan was that 45% of our students so when you are looking at this one 40 the 45% of Albert Lee area students those are our current first graders so at the time 45% of them were demonstrating kindergarten Readiness the goal was for our new kindergarteners this Falls kindergarteners to be at 48% when you slide over to the right hand column in the fall of 24 44% of our students um scored at or above the lowrisk category on the e-reading assessment so one of the things the district curriculum and advisory committee really discussed when writing a new goal were a couple components related to this isn't comparing a cohort so it's this year's first graders are on the right hand side because they were kindergarteners and now our new kindergarteners are on this side so that was one piece because this isn't really a goal related to the growth of that cohort of students um so that perplexed the the team a little bit the committee a little bit about how how should we do that so we still set a goal using this same framework that we've used in the past in pulling up our data related to our current kindergarteners our we had 44% of our students in the low-risk category we really had discussion around if it were cohort to this cohort that we were tracking what percent of our Su risk students could we move um and we said we'd like to move at minimum 25% of our Su risk students so we took 10% of that and put it into our to make our new goal to for um to 54% that's really aggressive 10% is really aggressive um but also we got to really thinking about while the goal is aggressive what strategies can we put in place for our current students that are in preschool environments to help us meet that 54% and while it's aggressive I think um we really had discussions with director enson at the Early Learning level and the committee around it should be aggressive because we should be focusing on student achievement and ensuring that our students um are are ready and prepared to be successful but it also let us so here's some of the action steps I'll cover those and then I'll lead us to where we ended up some of our action steps on here were increasing high quality preschool and child care a few of the pieces that are early learning programs are working on is reducing scheduling transportation and financial barriers to students in need you have a detailed list on page five of your packet these are the three that we pulled out as really um high priority for this year the second one is completing phase one literacy training for Early Childhood staff as it's outlined in the Minnesota read act we currently have our early literacy training will be starting here within the next couple weeks with a deadline of finishing by the end of the year with our ear early learning literacy training concluding by the end of this school year we don't anticipate seeing high impact until the fall 26 data because the students that are currently in our pre-learning programs teachers won't have received that literacy training fully and had time to do work around it this year year but will next year um so we will really see that impact in the fall 2026 data another piece to highlight on this one is uh providing teachers job invented professional development while that has existed as one of our strategies in past um world's best Workforce plans one piece that we really wanted to highlight is we do have in an instructional coach this year at the Early Learning level with an early learning background and I think it's really important for those instructional coaches to have experience in that level um so looking forward to the work that that instructional coach is doing we also have teacher leads present this year at the Early Learning level which will help support our teachers um with their individual growth plans and their professional growth goals so between our leads and our instructional coaches um some really nice strategy to put in place to support our early Learners going back to this data this data really forced us to ask more questions again thinking about the district curriculum and advisory committee we talked about what is some of the work that we can control or see a growth area in and we decided to add a new goal we haven't had a different Focus goal so this year we really discussed how do we increase our enrollment in our preschool programs So currently 79.8% of our incoming kindergarteners have accessed a preschool program of their choice we would like to increase that to 83% so the data related to that 79 8 who participated 20% reported none or they left it blank but again we'd like to increase that one to 83% how these are the action steps related to the how on page six of your packet are the action steps related to Early Learning enrollment I do have all of these on the slide because this is a new Focus goal so again continuing to work on removing those barriers for our families the last bullet also really highlights how do we assist our families with pathway one Grant applications and pathway pathway one funding um that is awarded directly to the student looking at different ways that we can advertise our preschool programs and open enrollment uh director anenson would really like to send out some surveys and acquire what are our community needs related to preschool programming and then reviewing on a regular basis what our openings are um partnering with community outreach programs to build that enrollment for our families so it's not new work we just wanted to uh have it as a focus goal so that we can work on increasing our early learning enrollment which will in turn impact what that can um all children are ready for kindergarten overarching goal area is so I'll pause for questions on that one this is again on pages five and six of your packet is everything related to all children are ready for school Tanya yep you did pause for questions right I did I was just getting on the right page yeah just a couple of things backing up a little bit to the very at the very beginning you'd mentioned that in 23 we had 45% 24 44% of course I'm going to ask you a little bit about the decline in that if there's any um specific things that could have happened and then um if you have any comparison amongst some of the State numbers on how we set within this 45 to 54% for all the the numbers that you've been presenting to just give us a background on that yeah that's a really good question I don't have the answer to at the moment but I could certainly dig into um with with world's best Workforce each district sets their own goals so and the sorry superintendent Wagner and the fastbridge e-reading assessment is also the tool that we determine locally as our benchmark assessment so across the state of Minnesota not everyone in the state uses the same Benchmark assessment so that might be one I'll have to dig into a little bit more just even the uh the decrease from the the kindergarten Readiness to the kindergarten from 23 to 24 1% is not a big number but it's a number it's a number and uh you know did that mean that maybe we got a higher enrollment same kids than maybe achieve but that caus us to go down 1% but then my question is going to be then we don't want to lose that 1% with higher numbers again just just curious if there's some deduction out there and where this possibly happened and again you know yeah if I could add and the fast Bridge is a screener and that's where it was initially used and so we chose to use fall to fall as a comparison and we're actually looking across a three-year Trend and we've actually pushed ourselves ask more questions because there was a unilateral decrease what happened during that time but when you think about our kindergartens taking the e-reading we can't leave it to chance that they have access to the Early Learning so that's the intentionality of providing access for our students so they're prepared for kindergarten so when they come in in the fall because remember the these are kindergarten when they come in in the fall this is what they're taking regardless of what fire experience they had so we have to take that consideration what we have influence on is a student access prior to coming in to kinder and that was the intentionality of doing and then prepping our teachers for the same literacy strategies that'll be across all the K3 teachers which which is interesting because preschool and kindergarten and all that I'll be honest with you it didn't mean a lot to me till I got grandkids and then all a I started seeing what they do in preschool you got youngsters and to see the differences you know and and again as you mentioned and there's there's barriers there's some kids that just can't do this for whatever the reason that matter of the reason they just can't do it and to make that access again just to to see and I think I'll even see more as the oldest one finishes kindergarten because unfortunately it may be able to pinpoint some of the students that didn't have that one or twoe preschool access so I think we also have a variety of screening Tools in our early learning programs that do help us pinpoint some of the pieces that you're discussing um so as we talk about informing down and in um with our early learning teams as they're watching students and the screening data that they're um uh collecting throughout the year what uh strategic actions are they taking as a result of the data piece another piece I think um to highlight that we've been working purposefully on is aligning um from early learning to kindergarten so getting our early learning teachers trained in early childhood letters will be a similar literacy training that our K3 teachers are taking so we'll be working through that alignment we've also done alignment with our really great reading resource which is our foundational skills curricular resource um so as we work through some of those curricular alignments um will that impact these scores in the future but again um to highlight that that access is something that we do have influence over so really focusing on that that new Focus goal um as a priority just as a reminder the fast bridge is given three times a year so after the screener then if we show students that have need more attention that there's a diagnostic and would go deeper in to diagnose what are their additional needs and that aligns with the multi- systems of support so this is given three years so we need to monitor the growth of the students just we can move on but um so of the 79% of where we're at that so the what percentage of that 79% is not is or is not do you have a breakdown of whose School District experience and whose Community experience relates to early childhood education so of this 79% your question is how many of this 79% accessed Albert Lee area schools preschool programming versus Community Preschool programming okay good question I will find out because we do have that I'm pretty sure the next question would be that 45% is a that 45% that's low risk I do excellent question and so the next part of this is are there could there be strategies there because we know the school district cannot and that's is the access piece we know that they can't do they they can't prepare every kindergartener that's coming in but they could we could maybe do some Community okay it does so I just want to uh make sure that I have both questions that I'm working on so of the 79.8% how many of those students students what percentage of those students accessed Albert Le programming versus Community programming and of the 45% same question okay I'm just wondering if there's a correlation that's what I'm getting that's a great question see yeah it's fantastic and that'll help us inform some of the strategies that we use or the Partnerships that we engage in and there might be some funding opportunities then too excellent questions okay so moving on to the next uh goal area within comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness we are now moving on to page seven and eight in your packet this is the area covering all racial and economic gaps between students are closed our goal looking back for this past school year we looked at decreasing the Gap in reading and math proficiency assessments for all racial economic or racial ethnic and economic groups by three percentage points in looking at our final data for this annual report we partially met in reading and we did not meet in math we would like to uh looking ahead leave that three percentage points as our goal for decreasing that Gap and then looking at our data so this data chart is also on page P seven in your packet you've heard me say this to the board before that data should force us to ask questions but doesn't necessarily always provide us the answers so when you look at this data chart the first thing that um as I was working through the world's best Workforce annual report with Steph muser who is our grants and assessment coordinator and Jamie Donaldson who is our m TSS coordinator along with superintendent Wagner we looked at this and said MCA this data says grades 3 through 7 yet we assess students at grades 3rd through 7th 8th 10th and 11th so it really forced us to ask more questions additionally as we looked at the data presented our 2024 actual you'll notice a number of places where it says subgroup too small to report one of the pieces we asked ourselves is is the data is the subgroup too small to report because we didn't Encompass all of our students and that was important to us to make sure that our measurement tools encompassed all of our students so that we were reflecting accurate data so that leads you to the charts actually on page eight and these are the same charts in your pocket we created two new charts for our upcoming um plan and that is to Encompass grades 3 through 8 which all test in the area of math as well as grade 11 and then the bottom chart is reading which is 3rd through 8th grade and 10 10th grade you'll notice when we pulled the data for the the this cohort of students in reading and math we no longer have subgroups that are too small to report and we feel that that's a more accurate reflection of our student population in ensuring that uh each child is represented and we're focusing on decreasing that gap for our rational racial ethnic and and economic groups the actual number is in the left column and then the target number uh represents the 3% decrease that we wrote in the goal some of the action steps these action steps are on page eight the action steps that uh we thought was important to highlight are uh the teacher development in evaluation task force will convene uh we have new well I shouldn't say new legislation but 2023 legisl lative session um has language around culturally responsive methodologies that should be part of your observation and evaluation framework those take effect for school year 2526 so as we think about focusing on students in that racial ethnic and economic piece do we have practices aligned to culturally responsive methodologies so we will convene um tasks task force uh subgroups this year our principal teams will be working on this work uh through the principal leadership Network as well as our TDN task force which has uh te teacher representatives from all levels another action step um that has gotten really good traction especially at the secondary level level is co- teing last summer we sent uh staff members to a train the trainer session using title three funding and they participated in um co- teing training and then came back and have been working with our teacher teams on implementing co- teing in our secondary classrooms the primary focus is Ela um so our literacy spaces but we do have co- teing happening in other spaces as well particularly at the high school not as much at Southwest continuing um to offer professional development opportunities for our staff on um cultural diversity and Equity um for example that is one we had directors attend the cultural and implicit bias that occurred at our last Academy day so um continuing to offer those professional development opportunities to our staff or you if you wouldd like to join um and then a final one on this is that ongoing data review Cycles to Target individual student needs um as it relates to the mtss process so are we being really purposeful about our data Cycles um to go back to your um comment about pinpointing our student needs are we having purposeful discussions around what each student needs and then creating an individual student plan for those uh the students that need extra support um and at times it might be whole class support so might be happening in a tier one setting um but we also recognize that there's individual student needs Beyond tier one and then we would put tier two or tier three plans in place questions on racial and economic gaps okay hearing none we'll go to all students are ready for career in college this puts us at page nine of your packet I'm excited to report this one is met um so looking back Elbert Le students will increase the percentage of students who score um 23 on the ACT from 26% to 35% um so this goal was met for last year and again uh the high school has set an AC act goal for this year to move from 35% to 40% so looking at another 5% increase for this coming school year um action steps for this goal area are on page nine of your packet I would like to highlight that this year we will offer a pre act to students at no cost so that is one of the um highlighted action steps um continuing to work through increase time at places of employment for students um really being able to uh expand their Diversified work and youth skills experiences course Pathways that guide students courses so that they are more closely aligned with their desired career has been a goal area that the counseling and administrative team at the high school has been working on and then getting students uh access to Career exploration programs internships any dual enrollment opportunities as well and then the mentorship class at the high school the mentorship class at the high school apprenticeship classes those career exploration Career Fairs um many of you attended the career fair the Friday before last uh so continuing to provide those opportunities for our students that really help um increase their um Readiness for career and college questions on this one the first year experience class was that was that elective course for 11th graders or the first year experience class for your question is is it for 11th graders no and was it elective or a required course elective let me defer to principal dible but I believe it's an elective elective yes all right next skull area all students graduate from high school all students graduate from high school is on page 10 of our packet so last year's goal for our annual report was that we will increase from 78% to 85% with no racial or ethnic group below 85% um we actually had an overall four-year graduation rate at 75.6% so in moving forward to our new goal starting with 75.6 and um looking to increase that to 80% with no individual falling below 80% this was another goal area that I really appreciated the input of the committee I felt like we had really solid discussion around the data and asked questions surrounding it so when you look at the top chart this is our four-year graduation rate and I know my question mark isn't on the screen but what stands out to you in the top chart which data point is like change is negative Asian Asian population absolutely so in our Asian population we had a 21.1% change from 22 to 23 and as the committee looked at that data and discussed it we asked the question why or or where where are those students going and it really prompted great discussion about what does our seven-year graduation rate look like so Steph muser went back to the drawing board and started uh digging up data on our seven-year Trends and now look at the bottom chart this is our seven-year Trend data we still serve students through the age of 22 in our district and our bottom chart really reflects all students that we serve and so now we can really it really reflects that we are catching our students and it's a focus on all Learners and it really helps us recognize that for some Learners their path is different and that's okay um so yep there there's some negative in the four-year but we know we're still seeing graduation rates increase over the seven-year span well in the seven year your disparity shrinks too between the different groups y you know I just happen to think one of the things that we have added to the high school this year with our newcomer is so as we think about this new Focus goal um the overall seven-year graduation rate will increase from 87.5% in 2023 to 90% with no individual group below 90% so if we look at that data um on page 11 you know that's increasing each of of those between 2 to 3% Hispanic Latino increasing them 5% um of the other groups by 2 to 3% but as I think about one of the strategies that the high school has implemented this year for newcomers is that our success coaches and counseling team is meeting with all newcomer families at enrollment and establishing their graduation plans before before they step foot in a classroom and so that is a strategy that we're implementing to really help students lay out their Pathway to graduation whether that's a fouryear fiveyear sixe seven-year pathway I think it's important for us to continue to remember the data about the numbers each student is represented so we need to ensure each student is visible and successful schools so these strategies are listed on page 11 in your packet I did list them all oh I guess I didn't list them all on this slide there on the next two slides um but they are all listed here because this is a new Focus goal to add the seven-year graduation rate we've only had the fouryear in the past um so continuing to support our students with credit recovery options allowing for a self-paced learning model at the area Learning Center um really working on building out those continuous learning plans for all students the importance of family engagement so that frequent communication conferences uh meeting with families and [Music] students and then continuing to highlight any work-based learning opportunities students can access and working through individual student circumstance ances uh students that are on the seven-year graduation track may need modified schedules whether it's due to their work programming their parenting schedules uh various circumstances so making sure that we are working with them to modify those schedules we did move to a one-on-one student Chromebook model um our ALC students are uh moving back and forth with their Chromebooks now I I know my experience at the ALC at Riverland um they were in their classrooms they do have them one to one um we've moved to that model now which helps support uh increasing their access um not all students have devices at home so this increases their access which is good questions on the seven-year grad weight I know we discussed it a little bit as we were going quick question for it what when when do we start meeting with these students and families at what point in their educational career is there a set time by fifth grade sixth grade 8th grade is there anything that's pinpointed at this point so right now our counseling department is meeting with all students in their nth grade year to develop their pathway um and then they meet with them yearly I mean they're meeting with them more than that but they make sure that they're meeting with them at least annually to track their progress additionally during Flex time teachers are checking in during Flex time on their course yep every student I know I I asked that because 10 years ago when I started on the board that was the one comment I made was really the only thing we really need to do is make a high school education meaningful to these kids let's start when they're in fifth grade sixth grade I mean let's pinpoint them if they if they want to be welders by let's make sure they're the best welders there are if they want to be college students if they want to work at Walmart let's make sure they're the best what they do but make it meaningful and that's why I asked how early we try because you know in fifth grade they might not know some will in ninth grade they might not know a few more might you know but if you know all of a sudden we're not doing it till they're juniors and seniors you know you know and and I think that's a lot of success of the alc with the the model with the modified learning model we have there is it's become more meaningful I mean they've got a schedule that works for them like you said they I mean there might be daycare issues there might be Financial but that's what I'm I'm asking you know what you know if if there's a nice uh and I'm sure they have a a nice set of questioning that they go through but you know there has to be something that makes it meaningful it's just like being a good worker for me or for anyone else they'll stick around y if it's meaningful they'll live in Albert Lee if it's meaningful you know if it isn't that's okay it's nothing wrong with it so that's why I was just curious that's something I was talking 10 years ago about what are we going to do yeah they really have created a really nice template to have those conversations with students around what do they see as their intended pathway um I feel that they're doing a really nice job of individualized planning with each student additionally as part of the 2024 legislative update um students should have individualized learning Plans by 9th grade um and so when those legislative updates came through I remember saying to superintendent Wagner we're on track with that one we're in the right spot um because the high school has implemented that oh I just want to say had a great question Dave but at the career fair last week we had albertly students there and they had these world of work charts they had done some assessment they were going to the career section talking to people to say hey my interests line up with this career I I thought it was a amazing to uh see that happening it was so purposeful it was incredible and and the people that were there were uh taken a back to taken a a bit to say well these kids have a handle on maybe what their uh career path would be so it was I was very impressed not every student was doing it but boy I saw students with these world of work pie chart things I thought it reminds me of Perkins Grant stuff but but anyway it was impressive to see that happening so I just wanted to bring in Space the the original attenna the world's best Workforce that read well by third grade that that was a they were using that as a predictor for graduation that reading at proficiency by third grade but since then they've removed that and say that each student that's not proficient will have an individual learning plan to ensure that they are proficient at each grade level so that's the difference between the two and then working with principal dible and really working to define a more robust on trck system the triangulation of different variables that impact the success of a student through high school and then finally if you look there we've had students that have successfully completed their requirements already through our ALC and they track those out in the hallway to celebrate those those are a couple of things as an update thank you okay our final goal area for comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness is the new goal area which is prepare students to be lifelong Learners in your packet this is on page 12 you will notice this page is a little more thin that's because at this time there's no metrics for the prepared students to be lifelong Learners so uh the team wrote a goal around develop social and emotional competencies by equipping students with emotional resilience social skills and the ability to collaborate effectively as we think about action steps related to that really focusing on incorporating social emotional learning into our daily instruction um helping students learn how to regulate their emotions communicate effectively and working in collaborative teams we do have an assessment as part of fastbridge called Sabers it's a social emot or social academic and emotional Behavior risk screener again it's a screener we can give that screener up to three times per year um and we'll be working with a high school team um we currently um have it have the saber screener at elementary and middle um looking with the high school we do fast Bridge assessments through grade 10 this year but we haven't implemented the Sabers through grade 10 uh so we need to have a discussion with the high school team around that um obtaining behavioral data we can do lots of different data mining components we actually discussed it today as part of um some work around our operational plan and having discussions around disproportionality um so making sure um that we are having conversations around disciplinary incidents attendance and any uh office referrals and then we also will have our daily desired experiences data that we can unpack annually questions on the new goal area this one will be more robust with our um 2425 annual report okay achievement and integration this one will be shorter tonight because achievement and integration is actually a three-year plan so we're only in year two of the three years this covers 2023 through 2026 we have three goal areas in uh achievement and integration the first goal area is related to students of color enrolling in any early college course whether that's a CIS or oh wait am I on the wrong one go back one did it go ahead on yep it's like three I think you're talking about weird that's bizarre this is the one I'm going to talk about okay number of students enrolling in early college courses uh will go from 26% 33 students out of 125 to 28% of the total cohort in 2026 I did work with uh uh assistant principal Gaston this afternoon and our current numbers so we had 33 students enrolled in the 2223 school year and in the 2324 school year for this annual report we had 50 students so we are making progress we'll have the final report um of this achievement in an integration year with the 2526 data but as of right now we went from 33 students to 50 students achievement Gap we talked about this one pretty extensively already as this same area is covered in the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness um so that ties together looking at achievement disparity and we've discussed that we have quite a bit of work to do in in working through that achievement disparity and then the last one is professional development opportunities this one we are on track um we went from one event in the 2223 school year our goal is to have six events related to cultural competency by the 2526 school year we currently as of right now offer four events so this goal area is on track to be met by the end of this achievement and integration cycle all right so as it relates to comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness and achievement and integration that is the annual report for this year and the plan for next year I just really want to say thank you to the district curriculum advisory committee I do have to say it's was one of the better robust discussions that I've had at the curriculum advisory committee um and really looking at the data and and having a conversation of around that so thank you to those of you that are on the team and and others that uh participate in that committee also our district leadership team um has had input on this uh they are excellent at getting back to Steph muser anytime she asked questions so I really appreciate both the work of Jamie doson and Steph muser and then our school leadership teams all right any final thoughts on that and I'll go through professional development last good okay so a professional development update for tonight strategic directions for this update um continuing to focus on amplifying student learning and fostering a learning environment um that prioritizes academic success and the mental and emotional well-being of our students but also with a professional development component really being able to support our staff in their personal and professional growth uh so we'll be looking at the pieces that we have in place for this work our uh uh principal and teacher leadership team has been working through a training through MN mtss and as part of that training um we were introduced to a professional learning guide book within that professional learning guide book it really provided us a cycle of how do we identify our needs and prioritize the learning that is necessary for our staff this will be work that we'll continue to do this year is to identify our needs and prioritize the learning and then assess our Readiness and capacity for that learning this also directly ties to our operational plan which also talks about change Readiness and change management so it really will lead us to identify what our needs are is it something that we need to learn more about is it something that we're ready to implement change or is it an area where we've experienced some professional learning around but it's more in a management phase an example might be things like uh professional learning around trauma informed practices we're definitely working in the change management when it comes to trauma informed practices this has been part of our repertoire for the last 3 years probably at least um definitely coming out of covid so we've been able to kind of move through the cycle of learning work initiative to Readiness to management so as we're identifying those person uh professional learning goals um where we're at in each of those stages in working the cycle and then I'll go through um some of the updates of where we're at at literacy react requirements we are on track with all three of these areas to complete phase one literacy training Early Childhood letters prek as I said will be starting in the near future letters K3 all teachers eligible for phase one literacy training are registered and then starting uh in um second semester we will add fourth and fifth grade training as well for literacy we are waiting on mde to release approved uh training programs for secondary they are phase two um right now the timeline is that they will release um secondary training in January and districts will be able to register in February that's what they say uh literacy K5 curriculum uh this is a pretty extensive list so we've done strategic planning and Leadership Consulting starting as far back as this past June lead was around successful implementation that was for any um leaders in administrators instructional coaches literacy coaches uh participated in in the lead successful implementation launch was uh launching our K5 teachers special education teachers intervention teachers El teachers in implementation of the curriculum they've participated in module and lesson study with trainers from wit and wisdom we also have a professional Learning Network that are in our instructional coaches participate in every week that professional Learning Network is with other districts that are implementing wit and wisdom um mostly in the state of Minnesota and Wisconsin um but they're really uh building up a professional Learning Network of of colleagues that they can connect with around the state um we've already completed two of the four guided observations for leaders at hson and Hawthorne last week and we have Lake View and sibi coming up the week after next this was a great opportunity for principes um for principles myself our mtss coordinator instructional coaches and literacy coaches to learn how to lead the implementation and provide feedback to teachers around the teaching learning progression uh it was a really they were two really packed days of learning for our teams but extremely beneficial to help with successful implementation in our classrooms and then coming up in Jan January will'll be training around geodes um geod are intended for small group literacy instruction not for whole group direct instruction but when I pull a group of five to six students at the table and students have individual readers so geodes will be um coming up in January standards work uh has really been a priority at the secondary level um so really looking at deconstructing those standards identifying their content and skills depth of knowledge and then prioritizing that right now the only um uh curriculum exploration that we will be getting started in the near future is sixth and seventh grade literacy um otherwise the focus work at the high school was is really been about the standards work so far and I have one more slide to share but so far that list I've shared is is really extensive but the important part is is not necessarily how extensive the list is but how comprehensive that list is um and really that it influences the work that we do with our students to impact our student outcomes the final piece these are all uh professional development pieces you have heard me share with you um teach to heal life space Crisis Intervention we're sending five more teachers to a training in December executive director Reby and I are working on finalizing that list um she continues to work on adding people to safety care training uh we're sending eight more teachers to co- teing in December so that we will now be shifting that um not shifting it adding uh Elementary uh teachers to be trained which is really exciting um as we think about um closing those gaps sooner rather than later um the cultural and implicit bias American Indian uh we will be uh doing this requirement in January this is actually a new lure require new lure ceu requirement that mde put out um so we will um have all staff do it year one and then we'll get it into a regular rotation so that we're making sure that we're catching that ceu on a regular basis and then MN mtss which I also highlighted so really focusing on that multi-tiered systems of support I'm done final questions so Tanya talk a little bit about um so it is extensive uh lists but comp comprehensive so uh as part of that part of the comprehensive piece are a lot of those areas are you able to do train the trainers so it's their colleagues doing the training or do you have a balance or we bringing people in how does that look great question so on this slide Early Childhood letters that because our cohort is under 30 we are required to access State what's the word I'm looking for they set up the trainings and we're required to register for the trainings they set up because our cohort is less than 30 um I had nine Early Childhood staff access training this past summer I have 11 left nine of them will be doing the training this year yet then I'm going to have to add on two later letters K3 we have local facilitators we have two local facilitators so we don't have to Outsource that which has been fantastic and then core o um o and La that literacy training again because our cohort is under 30 we have to access the state trainers however core that training they allow me to work with core directly to to set up our training so I have been able to set that up to align with either Academy days or the staff development gray days in our calendar um so that one and it only much different than letters um core only requires three hours of synchronous instruction everything else is asynchronous letters is much more intensive um all of this is outsourced to a trainer but it's also covered under our literacy Aid incentive funding um so we can use the redact literacy funding for this but that's all outsourced standards work we do all that locally a lot of our standards work is led by our administrative teams and our instructional coaches um but that's all done locally exploring our curriculums um when we get to the point that we're ready to do some pilot work we will consults um have Consultants that we work with there and then this teach to heal we hire a consultant um life space intervention um is also a consultant safety care we have four trained facilitators locally four three five it is four right okay we have four locally trained for safety care co- teing we're at five will eventually be at 133 um cultural and implicit bias is uh we've got two Partnerships there one with Flint Consulting and the other one is with um Southeast service Cooperative American Indian we will be accessing the training provided by mde um no cost and MN mtss we access the training provided by m mde in cooperation with compass and yeah great thanks yeah I knew you I knew we did both and it's just good to know it's a good miens good mix of both um and many of these if we are accessing an outside consultant many of them I have built into grants a lot of them are built into non-exclusionary discipline some in achievement and integration multi-tiered systems of support so we're we're building them into grants all right anything else all right thank you for your time this evening so before we adjourn I would just invite anybody that has a moment to go down to 109 and take a look at where our meeting will be start meetings will be starting November 18th we are will be down there the 12th yes yes so starting November 12th and remember November 12 a Tuesday and that's the canvas election results at 5 and um then we have our regular meeting on the 18th is there a motion tojn all those in favor by saying