##VIDEO ID:mZ5Nkoo0y3w## we'll call the meeting to order join me in the pledge i al to the flag of the United States America the stands na indivisible Justice for All I'd like to welcome everybody here tonight for our um business meeting for the school board for the month of July we do have open Forum on the agenda and we do have um one participant Linda botson you can come on forward while you're making your way up we'll just remind our open Forum um uh can our open Forum that it lasts two minutes and we'll we have a timer going so you don't have to worry about it Linda okay it's very clear okay I'm Linda Bon and I've had relationships with the school district since 1989 I've either been a par I've taught science I taught a reading program at Sibly for four years and I know a lot of people in town and it bothers me as I have people come to me and say I'm not going back to teach or I'm not going back to be a par because I've been in classrooms where nobody's told me who I should be seeing or what I should be doing and somebody needs to give direction to a parent or a teacher I don't know we used to see Schoolboard members in schools and it was so nice to be able to talk to them one to one it was was a very wonderful thing I don't teachers aren't seeing that anymore um I don't think I could pick the superintendent out of a crowd and I used to always know the superintendant and the principles um I'm worried about Steve lond his position paid 60 $166,000 a year and he saves seven million and now they've got somebody else doing the job who doesn't know how to calculate the revisions that we give to the state and how much we save that bothers me um and he's just one instance that has bothered me about the budget I was on the budget committee for two years and I learned a lot about the district but I feel you guys are really trying to do your job but I don't think it's always easy but I'm hearing a lack of confidence and that bothers me a lot within the district from people thank you so we'll move on to approval of today's agenda this is an action item I look for a motion so move is there a second all those in favor I I'll opposed agenda is adopted for tonight's meeting moving on to consent items this is an action item as well before we move on though we did um have a change to the board packet that you were sent um for 5.1 under appointments all of the appointments were licensed besides for one there was one unlicensed um uh uh appointment we are getting we were going to receive in August more unlicensed so we thought it was appropriate to keep them together so we pulled the unlicensed out of the appointment um and it doesn't affect anything from now until that August 15th meeting so um if everybody's okay with that I just you're going to see it come up again and I wanted to clarify so um having said that anybody um interested in making a motion for the consent items is there a second second all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries 70 thank you we're moving on to report superintendent Wagner thank you madam chair uh and directors teacher representatives in the community uh I'm going to Center us in our vision inspiring Learners and cultivating growth to positively impact our community and I I think Linda left us but thank you for your your words Linda I appreciate that so the first thing I wanted to reinforce is just brings as we closed out our tiger Tales it was exciting to see our students you know there were the academic experience but also the experiences outside of the the school so you know principal Thomas thank you for your leadership and that and and giving our students access to you know the canoeing and I I know they were trying to navigate the the flooding in the high water uh the students waiting patiently and then I believe that we had a large snake the zoo that come that came and visit so just seeing the students SM and enjoying their their summer opportunities and experiences so just wanted to reinforce that it was amazing time this summer and I know the students are did have some experiences that will live with them for a long time the second one not too uh be an alarmist but this will be our last board meeting before we welcome back uh St staff on August 13th but it's exciting I was just uh before the board meeting writing our welcome back uh letter to the staff and it's it's really uh reentering us and continuing to focus on our why and know when we come back on on the 14th on even though the two wind down Wednesdays have been rescheduled we're being we're optimistic on the third one on August 14th and not only will we doing having a be present there but our staff will be present at the wind down wday and then we also have an activities uh night for our for our families and our communities that will be more information coming out um very soon for that so that'll be an exciting time uh last year we had the carnival at the high school this year we're going to expand a little bit more and be more present down to wind down Wednesday so more information to come with that and then right around the corner August 16th and 19th we have Elementary conferences so there's it's it's coming very quickly prior to that we have the exciting edition of our 4 or our County Fair and those experiences so I don't want to rush the summer away but just know that this will be our last board meeting before we uh staff come back so just wanted to uh put that out there and then as a reminder the kindergarten registration we're still accepting registration for all students uh choosing albertly thank you thank you superintendent Wagner we'll move on to uh Schoolboard member reports let's let's start with Bruce no report evening the haven't had any meetings it's been a slow month here two as far as committee meetings goes um I did just want to report I've had a lot of U feedback uh regarding the community ed programs and camps this summer I had a lot of people reach out say that they've been uh the kids have been really exciting they're excited to go to them um they've been uh filling up quickly um and I just one people were saying thank you and they were proud of it too so uh we also had the on a personal note I was part of the groundbreaking uh event for the park out at edgew Water the new inclusive park that's being built um it was raining so we were actually able to be out digging um but you know we got uh a lot of media there and a lot of people uh from the community showed up for the event it was a lot of fun and hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can start digging and start building Gary has been a quiet June I took the opportunity to take in a couple msba online seminars that are available to us when I read the literacy plan uh I was um surprised by the percentage of diversity I just I think it was 43% was reported in the literacy plan which uh just speaks to the um diversity among our student body and I do want to thank our colleague uh director Valerio for your work on the all-inclusive Park I know you've put a lot of energy into that and I deeply respect the work you've done thank you I also don't have any committee meetings to report but I would Echo Gary's thoughts and say good job Davey and also Sarah on the all-inclusive part that's awesome most of my experience in the last month has been with weather and uh but that doesn't relate to any of us uh have quite a few things going on with the Education Foundation I'll mention two I've mentioned them before teacher grants has been decided that we are we are bestowing approximately $7,000 worth of teacher grants um the uh rece recipients have been notified including Laura uh and uh and uh we are pretty pleased with the way that turned out it's about $3,000 more than we had in our budget but that's no problem we can uh transfer monies from the general fund which is routine the other event is the pathways to success event reception which is taking place at the Wedgewood Cove on October 10 and uh it has now been made public who our distinguished alumni are and our distinguished Educators uh I will mention them the distinguished alumni our Tom Butch and Ted anth two 1964 grads I know that because I was a classmate of them had nothing to do with their selections I did not nominate them coincidence uh Dwayne aens I believe a NS um 1989 I believe um been involved in a lot of things with the business and and U um real estate in in Minneapolis and a grant erens who is a familiar name in the ably area his family has been here for a while uh the distinguish educators are John Cliff U the middle school teacher Junior High teacher Charles Carpenter who started the summer Science Program which was pretty popular a while back uh Robert beron who was a counselor and at both the southwest and the high school and get Glenn Parsons who was an elementary teacher that's it thanks Neil for that report I do not have any committee meetings it was a slow month so no report for me but uh I thank you for for your work on msba and your work on the playground Davey so um Laura do you want to give us a report from from the teachers e e e e e e thank you Laura all right moving on to number nine effective and efficient operations 9.1 resolution approving property tax abatement this is an action item Jennifer Walsh is presenting chair Nelson superintendent Wagner and the rest of the school board uh these are some tax Abate three excuse me four tax abatement resolutions that have already been approved by the city and they sent them our way uh this is just in continuation of a program that the school board uh approved to be to participate in and any under the program any person who obtains formal approval from the appropriate local jurisdiction between January 1 of 2022 and December 31st of 2026 shall be eligible ible to receive up to 100% tax abatement of the increased real estate taxes resulting from the renovated housing unit of the increment value over three years with the potential for an additional three years so the uh the difference between the unimproved property and the improved property that property tax is what would be abated so I am recommending that we uh that you approve the resolution for three Parcels at rewood Wedgewood and a parcel owned by Richard and Mara Hoffman my microphone is being a little testy tonight if you haven't noticed um uh thank you Jennifer I would entertain a motion and then we can have discussion second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose all right any discussion or questions for Jennifer before we vote oh you're right we did I'm sorry let's let's is is there are there any questions and then we'll take the vote off I'm sorry okay everybody's good okay thank you I will forward this to the city tomorrow yeah I knew what they were going to say right my M my microphone threw me off right okay I'll do better um so now we're going to move on to policy review and Ashley is the presenter Ashley Matson is the presenter on all of the policy um presentations yes thank you chair Nelson School Board directors and superintendent Wagner um so tonight we bring forward um policies from our policy committee meeting with legislation um revisions and then as well as first reading polic icies as well so um executive director Franks and myself um were a team on this policy committee meeting as she really uh took a look and would present uh policy 621 literacy and read act um and uh a policy 503 so I will try to do my best and bring those forward for the first reading um she will join us for the second reading when she returns so policy 504 um regarding um student dress and appearance really within um this policy we updated language um for instance uh instead of grooming we then changed it to appearance um and then also provided um just a broad General overview um of clothing causing A disruption to the learning environment and really that aligns with our student hand books um not only at the Southwest Middle School handbook but also the high school areas within that policy um also have some legislature um laws that were passed in 2023 so one under um B on the first page is regarding hair and then um towards the back page is um under B not prohibiting an American Indian student from wearing regalia or objects of cultural signif ific at a graduation ceremony so those are the changes in the first policy policy 504 second policy 630 um this is a local policy it is not an msba model policy um that was adopted in 1991 um and really the district does have a responsibility to provide program of instruction to students who are unable to attend school due to illness or injury um and really um the policy that is in front of you here is more of procedures or practices um and really the the statutes and laws are driving what our procedures are so again what's listed here is more of a procedure so we would like to resend this policy um and follow the laws that are enacted for us to follow the next two policies um and before I go into the school resource officer policy um policy 506 and policy 507 um really aligned with changes within the state statutes regarding employees and that definition of school resource officer so um you know really during the policy committee meeting we actually took out the actual statute um and kind of went line by line as really changes in these policies now reflect what those statutory changes have been including reasonable force and removes the word imminent so um the changes that were made and brought to the board in September of 2023 we are now changing it back to what it was and then providing some more definition of school resource officer within that policy same with policy 507 again listing out what reasonable force is and the definition of employees of the district and that does not include a school resource officer and Ashley just to clarify when the policy committee met those those changes are based based on the we initially made those um changes to policy in September of 20 yes 23 last year partly mostly because there hadn't been definitions identified and there had been changes to the law since then or statute so that's why just to clarify that's why right yep so uh last session they um entered or put in the word imminent and just had employee or School District um whereas now they've created those definitions of what a School employee is and again like I had mentioned not including the school resource officer ashy could you also just for my sake clarify or give an example who an agent of the school district is sure this it does list in policy 506 other school district Personnel um so in front of that on e um that does include principal teachers and then in E it does list other school district Personnel so um really a School employee which does not include a school resource officer so anyone working on behalf of the school district correct that is correct y yeah that would be the agent piece okay you so before we transition into the first reading policies um I do see um these being presented to you as an action item tonight to make those changes to our policies for the upcoming school year um and then we could transition into uh the first reading policies that' be great is there a motion to approve is sure is there a second any discussion um why the language that identifies Native American is has been listed as American Indian which suggest to me somebody who was originally from India but is now an American why why why not Native American I can get you information on that it's a point I think that's prefer the federal government gives us some preferred language and I think uh um Native American or American Indian is preferred over Native American correct that is y that is consistent with the other um you know grants and reporting that we do it is listed under American Indian which comes down through the Minnesota Department of Education in in Alliance with the legislature so it is there there is the American Indian uh Department in the Department of Education as well thank you I have a quick question too Ken sure um policy 506 with the removal of the word imminent is my understanding correct that because that's related to reasonable force it is it imminent harm used to be the standard now just harm you can harm is a standard I didn't explain that well but I'm just wondering is it is this change allowing teachers to have more control over students and more ability to use reasonable Force if needed yes so the word imminent was the word that was the change to last September through last session um this again removes that and providing a definition of reasonable Force does allow as it's added in here reasonable Force but not prone restraint um so really clarifying that definition and I believe there is some subjectivity to emminent and I think that's why through potential litigation they remove that okay been giving clear Direction on on um the type of hold correct yeah any other questions or comments all right all those in favor of um 9. or sorry policy 506 policy 507 policy 630 and policy 504 as presented signify by saying I hi I opposed motion carries 70 all right okay um so moving on to then the first reading um policy 507.00 sir this is not an action item but is there are there any questions or comments regarding this policy and I'll just remind the board this came out of legislation last year there was some uh lack of clarity uh which impacted the um relationship with school resource officers so this was a driving piece to this year's um legislature is to really Define what that uh work is of our school resource officers thank you all right moving on to 621 then yes so policy 621 um as I mentioned uh executive director Franks um presented both policy 621 and 503 um as you are aware and as she has presented um many times throughout the school year just really regarding our work through literac literacy and the read act so um uh again that read act their uh that mission is to have every Minnesota child reading at or above grade level every year beginning in kindergarten and supports multilingual Learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individual goals um so this policy um defines and also lays out the groundwork on how um that literacy plan will be implemented within the district uh and then as well as intervention measures as well as staff training and development um we do have our local literacy plan available on the website looks something very similar to this um very well uh written and really lays out that strategic plan um of our work through the read act and just to build on that it was um prior to that was the world's best Workforce and that was the read well by third grade they've taken that language out and its proficiency at grade level for all students so that's that's the shift so you in the world's best Workforce language will be shifted as well any questions or comments before we move on to the next policy thank you Ashley then the last policy for this evening policy 503 student attendance these changes uh do reflect the religious observance accommodation um for any student in the district and we request for any accommodation to be worked with the building administrator um and the other item um that is included in student attendance really lays out um the definitions of what continuing truant uh is that reporting responsibility of the district and then as well as um habitual truant um so again working with uh building administrators and making sure that that lines properly with their student handbooks for the upcoming year mid SCH stud Y and that is then um not to that degree but there is some definition within the handbook of what that looks like um and then not only within the handbook but the team itself at the building for each individual student is that is that something that uh we could uh take a look at too because I mean I I you know it'd be nice if there was some coherence between buildings and grade levels and all this but also again I just got a real hard time when I hear about some of the habitual true ones that just kind of show up when you want to show up and so that I just wondered if we can look at that or at least discuss it yeah that's that's a great point I know Vice chair Schindler has asked for some some information so we will be presenting and we'll use the data point for quarter 1 as Baseline reporting out what our attendance Plans by each school and what does that look like and how's that folded into the school Improvement plan so all that will be presented to the board in a study session which is aligned to our strategic plan any other questions or comments thank you Dave all right thank you for the first readings Ashley 9.6 um I asked for this to be put on the agenda um due to the summer seminar for msba there's a couple of our board members um that are planning on attending and I just want to make sure if there's anybody else planning on attending um that falls on the same night as a um as our study session there's a couple board members that will be out of town as well so if four of our board members are not in attendance I'm recommending I still think we need need to have a a second meeting a study session in August if people agree I would like to propose moving that to August 12th Monday August 12th so that's why I have an action item there if if we want to have a motion and a second then we can discuss so move sir second any discussion about move same time same time five o'clock same time and place uh just moving it to Monday August 12th okay it can work okay thanks okay all in favor signify by saying I I all opposed thank you everyone 70 Darcy all right I now uh uh close we're moving into I re looking for a motion to move into Clos session this is an action item there a second all those in favor signif by by saying I I moving into close session um before we um adjourn I just want to remind the board of Friday uh July 19th from 9: to 11:30 in this room we will have a retreat with our friend Terry from msba um and just really kind of going over some of the stuff that that Gary and I got to um attend for uh board directors um or board officers but there were a lot of directors that attended that and I thought that would be really good information for the group and so Darcy and I worked with him on a um on him presenting and every I think everybody knows who he is right by me again okay July 19th July 19th this Friday 9:00 a.m. 9 to 11:30 we'll be done by 11:30 yes if I'm not stuck in jury duty I'll be there right 9 to 11:30 Y and the only order of business is to have him present to us and then switching the Monday August 5th to August 12th 5:00 pm in this space all right meeting regular meeting the following week following week yeah the 17th so oh no 7 the 19th yep so August 19th I keep saying the 15th why do I keep saying the 15th not the August 15th we're not meeting on August 15th yeah it's the 19th the next the next 12 our Retreat is the 19 treat to 19th special special are the study sessions the 12th of August and then full board business meeting is the 19th of August yes we got it all right is there a motion to adjourn second everybody wants to stay motion carries we're just gonna get out of here yeah