##VIDEO ID:o5rRF96Ekbc## States indice chair Nelson is in places far off that I think are warmer than here and so I'll be chairing the meeting in her absence I'm looking for a motion to approve today's agenda motion by Bruce I would hope so there second any comments discussion on the agenda Gary I have in addition to the agenda for tonight that I'm recommending for 12.2 terms of employment for superintendent Wagner and this will be an action item all right thank you Kim with that said we have a motion and second with an amendment all those in favor say I I opposed I all right thank you we are going to take a moment of recess at this point to do a tour of our 18 to 21 uh programming area so who's leading Us in that chart very good we're a tough crowd to speak in front of so she did a tremendous job excuse me any do we have any open Forum items where am I looking we do not we do not okay and next we'll take uh all Entertainer motion to approve oh I'm sorry the biggest part of the day right here I want to take a moment along with the rest of the board to express our appreciation to Mr Bruce Olsen so Bruce thank you for your years of service to the district as well as as the school board we have a little token of our appreciation to share and you have about uh 18 minutes for a speech so please that uh it's been a real privilege to serve the students and the staff and community members of area schools hopefully things the past policies and programs thank you Bruce it's been our privilege to serve with you okay I'll next uh entertain a motion to approve our consent items br absolutely Bruce is there a second I'll second I got Angie and there thanks Kim all in favor say I opposed all right our next uh area is reports of superintendent Wagner so good evening uh chair Madam chair welcome and directors communion those online a couple things first of all I I want to thank director Olson he's certainly um a director who is centered in and and leads by character as well as student centered which you heard him mentioned so thank you for your service it's greatly appreciated I know we are a better place because of your governance decision making so thank you next I'd like to read uh from the Minnesota School Board Association Minnesota School Board Association would like to recognize board member Gary Schindler for successfully completing the msba leadership development program this achievement reflects his participation in leadership workshops phases one two three and four mba's award recipients will be honored during the recognition lunch in at the December 25 leadership conference on Thursday January 16th congratulations thanks R appreciate that thank you very much [Applause] next also from msba the Minnesota School Board Association awards program includes a category of recognition for those persons who complete a 100 hours or more of attendance in msba sponsored meetings and activities within the four-year period I'm pleased to inform you that director Hoffman Angie Hoffman has attended the director's award for 2425 and she's attained this from msba and also will be recognized so congratulations director [Applause] finally tonight uh for my report we've been working uh to with our strategic plan and to fully represent and reach out to our community so you'll get a sneak pre peak tonight of a project that will exemplifies the Brilliance of our students our staff and our community this is a video that will um be fully ready for publication at the end of this month and we're very excited I want to thank all those who are involved many uh in the development of this video please enjoy alberly schools is a place where students families and teachers work side by side where everyone feels safe valued and like they belong in alberly our community and our schools come together to create something special something you don't find anywhere else here we're all about making sure each student grows not just academically but as a whole person we know if we believe that all students belong provide a safe and inclusive environment create effective communication systems belief families are essential to Student Success value the diversity of our families have the resources and time to do our jobs and give and receive respect then as students we won't just learn here we lead and grow our futures we will be your future I want to be an engineer nurse a teacher an animal caregiver computer scientist a lawyer an actor in the National Football League Hair Stylist our vision is about inspiring each of us to grow and make a positive impact in our community as students we are encouraged to participate in activities that provide us with experiences that lead us to [Music] grow and albertly we're dedicated to creating daily experiences where we have access to resources social and emotional needs are supported and respect is given to all our teachers and staff also get the support they need to succeed to help us reach all of our goals we are fortunate to be in a community that has always supported us we can't wait to see what the future brings join our team of students staff families and community members as we come together to build a school district that creates a lifelong Learners engag citizens and a strong future for all of us [Music] again I believe that that exemplifies the Brilliance in Albert Lee uh there will be three other accompanying videos that go along uh that'll be around retention it will also be highlighting our early learning and our Community Education um experiences that's my report for tonight thank you thank you superintendent Wagner uh board member reports director Olsen uh it was actually a pretty slow month for committee meetings for me I didn't really have much to report here uh just want to say thanks again Bruce uh we were on a couple of committees together and you definitely made it fun for me so thank you director CL first of all thank you Bruce a pleasure to work with you and I hope you enjoyed seeing the other side of the fence from being a uh valued employee for many years here so thank you very much um I'm not GNA basically the delegate assembly I'm going to kind of defer that over to uh Gary and Angie there Gary well their first Angie's second year of doing it but had a good time it was um interesting to see the process the speaker the night before and like I said I'll let them expand on it but I think we've got a good plat form that and again this delegate assembly isn't necessarily all the planks that we do this year it's stuff basically you kind of fill the quiver up full of the uh the different things when they come up in the future one of the big things I know they're going to be working on this year is that K to3 situation with discipline but other than that it just kind of comes down to saying you know the state has voted in favor of doing these particular things so I'll defer it from that thank you Dave director um I um missed uh one meeting that was I was scheduled attend District curriculum committee I had an engagement in the cities on that day uh Gary will report on that I believe um this uh the the Education Foundation I had a meeting uh last Wednesday um we we're always busy uh the next item events that are coming up are dealing with u a lot of scholarships that for which we are custodians and excuse me uh then the uh teacher grant program coming up Hall of Fame uh Bank athletic Hall of Fame banquet will be scheduled again this summer and then Pathways to success we're looking for new board members and I think we have a line on four to replace those members that are going off the board I am not on the board I'm just cheap labor um in a position which is sort of like an executive secretary or ex official um went to excuse me went to the uh fall musical which I was I was very impressed with that production um I was at a wrestling tournament in Cedar Rapid this Saturday in an alliance Auditorium huge place and they had TV screens and Mean Girls was advertised as being a production that was in the works and it was very well done and uh the the the play introduce a lot of those uh those factors that are really uh challenging for girls but any young person in our schools as they struggle to discover who they are and I think that the lesson well learned by those taking part in the play was that uh it's best to be who you are and not try to play Someone somebody else's role uh that's that's a difficult journey to take and and um I was very well done uh that's it and director Hoffman all right first of all Bruce it was a great time getting to know you and working with you and we will miss you we hope you will sit out and visit us sometimes um I toured Lake View with Gary and superintendent Wagner since our last meeting thanks Gary for reminding me of that I think we've hit up all the buildings now so um that's that's been great to do that the main thing um that I've done uh since our last meeting as Dave mentioned was attend our msba delegate assembly with Dave and Gary on the 6th and 7th of December um great experience I would recommend that to anybody um if nothing else very educational because people are presenting resolutions and then there's debate and you're learning about all sides of these issues um quite a few resolutions were brought up this year about um requesting more funding from the state for all the unfunded mandates that have have hit schools and um causing some Financial hardships out there um and as Dave touched on there was a resolution to ask the state to um resend the K through through three disciplinary dismissal prohibition so and that did pass um which I was supportive of so we'll see we'll see um if msba can Lobby effectively on that but that's what I have right thank you director Hoffman um I don't want to repeat much I did attend the director of the delegate assembly um with Dave and Angie and um there we had a really good speaker I think he was from St Thomas if I'm not mistaken a political science professor in very insightful analysis of the election that just took place at the national level and even down to the state level and I think his uh prediction or warning was funding could be a challenge in this upcoming legislative session with as tight as some of the uh um assemblies are organized U the category of resolutions really were in the area of school finance and again speaking to many of them were about funding unfunded mandates um also compensatory funding is was a theme also that came up there is also resolutions related to taxing uh and flexibility when it came comes to levies such things as least equipment uh folks that are uh impacted by seasonal tourism um some adjustment and Aid it was a resolution uh local optional uh local optional Revenue Levy increases as a part of a resolution that was approved and then also in the area of governance there were two that caught my attention one was a resolution to support smaller School boards some of our uh school districts have a challenge to fill their slate of um board members when it comes to elections I think it was five there was a resolution to support school boards of five and then also a resolution was supported to um um start a pilot program that looks at lengthening the school year and there are a number of schools are on board for that and that was also given some approval by the assembly uh some other things that I was engaged in the last month I did attend the play I don't I didn't even know what Mean Girls was about I thought they were talking about my cousins I have no idea what that so it was good I've done some musical theater and I would say the music was very complex and our kids pulled that off uh I thought the performances were amazing and for music that was very complicated I attended a middle school girls basketball game some girls hockey I heard our Corral perform at the all service Club luncheon um we had a meeting of the ad hoc committee that's looking at a framework for superintendent evaluation you should be seeing a draft of that soon um the education Foundation met and I'll be chairing that starting in February of next year I do have a recollection of attending the curriculum committee uh don't push me on details but I was I was present okay good and also attended a finance committee so I believe that is the end oh I director Nelson I report it's easy to forget the I've done it the virtual attendee but Bruce thank you so much for everything you have been an amazing board member to work with and I will miss you I'm sorry that I missed your celebration today but please know I'm celebrating with you um you did amazing um I attended the Education Foundation meeting and um after six years my term is up on that board and so I am glad uh gladly handing over uh that gavel over to Gary and he will do a great job and uh like Neil indicated Jess and Caitlyn and the other folks at the high school are working on making sure that we have um a really great celebration of our students through scholarship and that's all I have tonight all right thank you director Nelson uh Carly hello all right so I have a few things um Issue four of the alasa comes out this week so um make sure to grab an issue um talks about uh um our futures this month are Haley Deming the swimmer that went to State and um Stephanie Schneider who is a special education teacher at the high school um it was really interesting to get to know a lot more about their stories um so I really really recommend you read um some of the articles in there um as well as um there were um a bunch of music concerts well there is one today and then there was one a week or so ago the choir concert um from what I heard they did really well and then NHS is doing a bunch of things like the blood drive um I heard all of the slots for that is filled and then candy came grams which you can send and a candy cane with a little note and that is really fun and that's all I have Carly thank you very much and then our teacher report Amber ulis please well for the teacher report here we have um SI was able to host our first Donuts grownups event um since probably before Co and we went through 400 and some donuts it was very well um received and we know we need to Amber thank you very much I'll move us on now to um effective and efficient operations and daily desired experience survey all right good evening School Board uh Madam chair um director Schindler this evening I am presenting the daily desired experiences survey data daily desired experiences were part of the work that we started when we started the strategic planning work uh we did it the initial survey in uh the spring of 22 and identified those daily desired experiences for students families and staff um the intent for the daily desired experiences is that we do annual surveys of those three stakeholder groups to gather survey data uh so that we can stay um within database decision making based on the data we receive so this evening I'll be presenting the results of the daily desired experiences survey that was collected in November I provided for you this evening a packet so that you have a close copy as well um while we're going through the data this evening again grounding Us in those strategic directions uh all of these will be touched on this evening and you'll see that as we Circle back at the end of tonight's presentation why each of those strategic directions are are relevant in the data that was collected starting out if you're following along in your packet the daily desired experiences survey data uh first of all I also want to highlight in the December 6th weekly need to know your board update um superintendent Wagner did foreshadow in the weekly need to know that we would be presenting daily desired experiences this evening um one of the things he highlighted there was statistically reliable data um looking for 60% or more responding favorably uh 30 no more than 30% in the neutral category and the goal being less than 10% in the uh responding negative category um so was foreshadowed for this evening so keeping that in mind as we're looking through that data tonight uh first one we're looking at is student data on page five this survey was completed for students six through 12 including our area Learning Center and Online Academy students so you can see on the first pie graph the percentage of students that participated in each uh building that was surveyed on my screen I will have the bottom of page five so I will have the overall data but as you flip through each of your subsequent Pages you will have the individual P py graphs if you're interested in looking at the individual ones um just brings it forward a little bit more prominent for you first in the student responses I am safe uh looking at 69 9% of our students responding favorably while 88.4% fell in the negative response category you'll also noticed I colorcoded our our categories uh for favorable or neutral responses versus uh a disagree response teachers supporting and valuing our students favor responded favorably 67.5% students having access access to resources and feeling their needs are met again responding favorably at 67% recognized students feeling recognized and appreciated this one fell slightly below the 60% at 57.6 and the 99.4% is creeping closer to that that 10% area engaging activities that help me learn in class 60% favorable while 10.6 uh responded disagree uh so definitely an area to look at across each of our sites during the school day given time to understand and ask questions again more than 60% responded favorably uh School offering a variety of activities this one um was our strongest response with 70.5% of our students agreeing that they have had opportunities for a variety of activities and classes that helped them them learn and grow and then potential recognized and being challenged in our learning students responded uh 59.9% uh so very close to that 60% category um in looking at our student responses uh all but one fall in the um less than 10% uh responding in the disagree or strongly disagree category I didn't put my little question mark on here didn't I question go for it questions on student data so basically 50% of the categ 60% or less 50% of the categories are at 60% or less yeah if we're looking at the strongly disagree column and not including the yep yep other questions or comments um the neutral response that how much you interpret that I'm assuming that students may think it doesn't apply to them or there's uncertainty they may feel uncertain it could I suppose it could be um interpreted as either either of the those um it's not in the disagree column so we want that neutral that Center column to tip to the agree so as this is districtwide data um buildings once we received the districtwide data we did collect data as you saw on the previous screen Southwest High School ALC and Online Academy once all of that data was collected District wide then we sorted that data by building and shared that out with principles uh we actually did uh have a principal ask this morning at principal leadership Network to have that on our next agenda to talk about uh districtwide unpacking that data and then how can we lead that conversation back in our buildings with our school leadership teams so to your point of the percentage of students that are in the neutral category as a building leader this is a great opportunity to look at what are our experiences here in that middle column and working with your school leadership teams on how do we tip that to the agree or strongly degree agree I think leaning into the superintendent cabinet group and asking some of those daily desired experiences questions to that group of students as well of what are we seeing within our classrooms and um within our school sites I know our principes are H engaging in regular conversations with students as well so with the data um you know we do the up and out here to you gather the data up and out to you but then also gather the data for down and into the buildings so principles will really be able to guide those conversations with their school leadership teams and students to uh how many students or what percent of our student population actually uh took this survey so we had 886 responses of our six through 12 students okay is the number of students that responded and that's a significant number yeah we also uh to that question as well uh I had worked with executive director hon to ensure we didn't get the number of responses at the alc and online Academy that we desired so we actually opened up the survey again to push out a higher percent response to ensure their voices were heard as well thank you executive director frankon just to add you this this is opportunity to go dive deeper even though this is a quantitative measure what's the qualitative so it's really engaging in those conversations from the student voice and it's specifically in that neutral what haven't we done yet to meet the needs and then how do we continue to do and build on the successes that we're seeing saying and agree to strongly agree so that's a qualitative piece that's an engagement where you dive deeper chunk it out look at a few questions and let's talk through that and that's where those valuable pieces of input will be important to move forward how if you as you drill down and there are individual school reports of the same survey who would facilitate um a drill down with students great question so uh with our principles they would start with the facilitation of that drill down we would also lean into our coaches in each of our buildings um whether that is instructional coaches if it's something pertaining to the student instructional experience in a classroom we can also lead into our mtss literacy coaches mtss as it relates to our social emotional learning if we're offering uh that opportunity for our students and what that looks like in our classrooms uh so I would really say you know your primary leader of those conversations at the site level will be your building administrator your principal um but then leading into your school level leadership teams to include those coaches um as I'm talking through this I also think a great resource in our buildings is our Deans and our school social workers um particularly when we think through some of theal components and I of course will support them in in any of those pieces questions that they have as well moving on to the second area of the daily desired experiences survey is our families so on page 10 um starts the uh big picture of the uh families that were surveyed the first py graph just uh lays out each of the schools that responded um and then this is on the bottom of page page 10 so what you see on the screen matches the bottom on page 10 uh when I think about director cl's question so I see that 50% or 60% or below what do you notice on this slide in our family responses much more favorable absolutely so much more favorable data in our family responses on this 100% of them are 60% or higher um so that definitely has a much more favorable and then in the strongly disagree you notice that in the strongly disagree 100% of them are less than 10% um so our families were responding uh favorably in their daily desired experiences that were outlined as part of the Strategic plan um so feeling that their their children are uh physically and emotionally safe in our spaces uh that our class that our schools are welcoming that our schools have the resources they need to uh to meet their child's needs that their children are respected and celebrated um that they're appropriately challenged so the feedback on the family side was uh very uh positive overall again this was vetted out to provide each building their indiv idual data districtwide data uh responds very favorably um in each of our individual School sites then principals will be able to think through their family and Community engagement plans which are part of title um to determine what they need to do to respond uh to their individual data at the site level questions on the family respons how many total surveys did you uh send out do you remember uh so each the survey went out to all families and we received 388 responses but it did go out to all families so what's our Stu current population right around 3,00 yeah a little under 3500 yeah the reason I had just commented I only about 25% of the respondents were either at the uh High School level or the um and Southwest tied together so I was just curious if since we couldn't use in the student survey the younger students as well for there I just wondered if there was any effort to make sure we had more of the elementaries to give a districtwide look at our situation so our efforts were extensive um at so it went out in a um fam the sorry I just lost my words the the newsletter the s'more newsletter that goes out monthly so it was included in the s'more newsletter Elementary principles included it in their uh monthly newsletters as well um and then at elementary conferences we had opportunities available with either iPads or Chromebooks for families to access as they came to conferences um so we did push it out in a variety of ways um that's definitely something we're thinking about though for the future is how how do we be even more purposeful than we already are to solicit more responses because we do want more than three I mean that's not a very high percentage of our student population granted there are some multiple student households but we we still want to see more than that that was what my question how did the multiple student households factor in did they factor in once or twice if I have two students I got an elementary and a high school student that they factor in twice if I got an elementary Southwest and a high school that they factor in three times we did ask that the family take it multiple times okay so that um for that reason so I have a student that attends at an elementary school and a middle school we want that data to push out to both places because maybe a family feels one way or another about each site and so we wanted to collect that in both ways um but definitely thinking through how do we be even more purposeful in the future other questions or comments on families I'm happy to see that students feel or parent the families feel that their child is safe that they feel welcome and that the classroom is organized for learning um those are pretty meaningful findings for me to be the top three y I think as we reflect on that and principes Lead those conversations in their buildings as well I think part of what we're going to see um there's been a number of of efforts as you know with um executive director durbon on the safety side of things um that has really amped up safety in our buildings I think across the board the efforts of uh teach to heal and how we're being trauma responsive in our classrooms as well as non-exclusionary discipline um there are a number of things uh that we have implemented in our buildings that our our principles and our leaders are are really doing with integrity and I think that shows in our family data one question um when it comes to setting the goals of you know wanting to be at least 60% and and all that how were those goals set was that in the district or a recommendation from outside no um so I I can let uh probably superintendent Wagner speak to that a little bit more reliably than I can but it has to do with statistically reliable data yeah and I think as you look at data and as you look at engagement specifically in multiple ways when you have that 6031 to get to that 100 you have that that recognize you get that 60% that's the the critical mass that 30% which is one way or the other you continue to support the 60 then that 30% that goes back to that qualitative piece how do you continue to reach and what aren't we doing yet to engage those individuals then that 10% you know they exist and you continue to have them leaning in but what is the continued Outreach so you want the whole which is the 100% but the statistically reliable is the 63010 it'd be great to tip even further as we continue to get metrics so when you get a baseline then you set goals director hman of what is it that we want to do for with a student so if our goal was uh 62% we could set a goal of potentially 65 or 66 what is that smart goal that's obtainable so that will be some of the next steps when superintendent Magner um mentions next steps uh so as part of the principal leadership Network um we're unpacking really that continuous improvement process this year and as we unpack that uh continuous improvement process this data will be part of that um with the end goal as he said of writing goals um that we can identify what our student needs are our family needs and our staff needs and then um identify action steps around each of those okay finally looking at Daily desired experiences on the staff survey the staff survey starts on page 15 of your packet um respondents in each of our buildings I do want to highlight um on this one we did survey all staff not just licensed staff so this was sent out to licensed staff support staff um administrators uh custodial anybody that works for district 241 um so when you're when you're looking at this this wasn't solely teaching staff that responded on this survey I'm working on it there it goes okay staff responses I'll give you a second I'm not going to read through every single one of those but I'll give you um minute or two here to glance through our staff responses specifically again looking at those 60 30 10 that we discussed on this one just to I've I've got director clots comment in my mind from the very first one so on this one we have one two three four five six of the nine that are above 60% 6.3 so doesn't matter yeah yep I think this is an opportunity where you get very very strategic on writing some goals to to improve the da daily desired experience of our staff so this would be one where the principales will lead those conversations with their building leadership teams as well as all staff yeah questions wonders go ahead um staff in the district office what category would they fall under staff in the district office what category districtwide you mean like me like how what category would I have responded under I would have responded under districtwide yep yep but a custodian at Hawthorne would have responded Hawthorne um that is one of my Curiosities if we if we take it apart by either bargaining units or different groups of individuals I think that would also help us peel back even further um where more or less support I shouldn't say less support I I take I retract that where more support is needed or areas where things are going well um that would be a curiosity of mine since this was all staff um you know a survey to me helps identify things we can celebrate and areas that we can't improve and I also look for surveys to affirm uh and I can I can speak for Angie but in our school tours we repeatedly heard about the collaborative environment at the site and I see that you know that's reflected in the survey that the staff feel that they're working in a collaborative environment but I also see a disconnect I mean the family the students and the families feel that the child is being supported emotionally uh and socially but we don't necessarily see that from the staff side so again it's another opportunity to drill down and help understand why there might be a dissonance there yep I agree other questions else okay so um as we think about what does this mean again uh this is our up and out uh the down and in is to our buildings so as we think about that keeping in mind what our tie to um the mtss framework is um it's important that this helps data helps guide our decisions around continuous Improvement and what infrastructures are we building um towards continuous Improvement also our mtss admin teacher leadership team last spring we identified multi-layered practices and supports as our priority area this year in our mtss work and I would definitely say as we looked through uh the data this evening that there are definitely areas uh that we've identified in that multi-layered practices and supports for uh students and particularly staff so the last place I'm going to draw you to as we round out this evening is page 22 in your packet what I really wanted to do tonight is really bring this back and tie it all back to where does this fall Within our strategic directions and what I pulled out was pulling out um what the highest uh identified need was or if they fell in that 10% or more uh unfavor unfavorable response so as we think about amplifying student learning um in the staff category we can definitely identify that uh the one that director Schindler just pointed out um our students social and emotional needs are supported that needs to be a priority area as we look at our data at 21.7% um responding unfavorably when we look at the Strategic direction of fostering a learning environment highlighting two um students um just a little bit over that 10% but um ensuring that our students are doing engaging activities in interesting topics um so how do we engage our students uh to ensure that they have access to those activities and experiences both within and outside of our school day and then um staff this one is repeated in the Strategic direction of social emotional needs supported as this one identifies uh their well-being as well supporting staff um time and resources comes up at 31.9% that's definitely a theme we've heard as we talk about staff development days Academy days um so staff are needing to feel uh supported in both their personal and professional growth um have and having the resources in time necessary to do their jobs and the approving efficiency highlighting communication at the district level and the site level that was 27.7% uh in the staff category so definitely an area of focus both at the district level and the site level is communication and uh safe and orderly came out uh favorable in the family survey but staff at 11.4% so what more can we do um I think the the tie in I see between safe and orderly also ties back to our students social and emotional needs m um and so those two pieces from staff really tie together um and then finally in the building purposeful Partnerships of our strategic Direction um again back to while it's below 10% um it's still important that our families receive timely and relevant communication uh so what you see on page 22 of your packet is those categories with the exception of families that were um outside of that 10% threshold that we would desire to see all right thank you for your time this evening yes what's what's a double Aster at the it was so that's because that's the only one um below 10% so I just wanted to make a note of that thank you what do you anticipate would be a time frame for drilling down and Gathering more information and perhaps a followup to the board so we will put this on our principal leader ship agenda for January which is the thir Monday of the month um I think we can work at a cabinet level to identify a followup um but if if principales uh really start digging into that in Quarter Two or sorry quarter three already um if they really start digging into that in quarter three um we could look to do an update as we work towards the continuous Improvement plans in the spring so we could do a spring update okay yeah anything else all right thank you executive director Franks so that is item uh 12.1 we have an additional item on the agenda for action and that is terms of employment for the superintendent I'll turn that over to director Nelson yes thank you acting chair Schindler I would like to move that we allow super superintendent Wagner's contract to expire and place him on administrative leave from December 17th to June 30 I'll I'll second it Gary motion by director Nelson and a second by director clot is there any discussion and director Nelson I'll have you go ahead as part of our discussion for that item sure thank you um in conversations with legal councel and superintendent Wagner this motion supports the district and superintendent Wagner's ability to move forward I am appreciative of the commitment Mr Wagner has provided our district since since his appointment in July of 2022 and wish him well in future endeavors superintendent M uh Wagner will will make himself available during the transition as needed is there any other discussion yes director scort uh I would be interested in hearing what superintendent Wagner has to comment relative to this if if he feels uh that he would like to do so thank you director score I just want to say that I I said here in appreciation of the Brilliance that we exhibited tonight in the video uh from the board members to the community to the staff and the students they're amazing uh it's I think the statement that's more all I can say from the statement but know that two and a half years ago my wife and I moved down to Albert Lee centered ourselves in the community followed through on the 100 day plan and I enjoyed every bit I want to thank my wife for standing by me through these times it's you know we've gone through a lot from budget adjustments to reconfiguration that there's been a lot but on the other side of this is the amazing students that we have each and every day that walk through our doors and to them they are my why and I'm greatly appreciated from Carly tonight to all the 3500 students and what they've given me and inspired me and filled my heart with each and every day any other further discussion hearing none I we will commence with voting and as chair I'd like to do that vote via roll call director Olen I director Valerio hi director clot hi director score hi director Hoffman I director Nelson I and I vote I I'll entertain a motion for our adjournment oh good is there a second second second all in favor I I oppos Merry Christmas Bruce again thank you very much sir