##VIDEO ID:tzY0OAiVej0## iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand na God indivisible andice for all welcome everybody it's fun to see all the support um we will start by swearing in our new board members so if our new board members would please stand our new board members and returning board members yes Neil score andj Hoffman and Mary Jord Dorman so repeat after me need to raise your hands yes please do sorry cheat sheet didn't have that on that so uh I state your name swear that I will support I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this state contitions of the United States and and that I will discharge Faithfully I will discharge Faithfully the duties of the office of Schoolboard member of the office of scho member of Independent School District number 241 to the best of my judgment and ability myud abil [Applause] welcome and welcome back yeah all right so before we before I ask for approval of today's agenda we are going to make a correction in the numbering it is um the action items under 5.1 and 5.2 is six and it will be 6.1 through 6.8 instead of 5.1 through 5.8 any other additions yes I would like to add uh 7.1 where we just have a chance to talk about the upcoming msba conference we will add that at 7.1 is there a motion with the Amendments we move is there second second motion to approve today's and seconded to approve today's minutes please signify by saying I I I all right agenda is approved first order of businesses um 5.1 to uh the 2025 board officers and committee Representatives our first um and I think procedures are up on the screen sorry for how small they are um as so tonight I'm acting chair until the chair is elected and so um I will start by asking for nominations for chair I'd like to nominate Dave clot for chair any other nominations for chair I'll nominate Gary shandler I would would not accept the nomination I'll withdraw my nomation any other nominations for chair okay nominations will cease we can at any time you can reopen but we will vote now it's we yeah maybe director score I or I'm voting for chair the I'm sorry nomination of can can how about if I move that we cast can right thank you sorry I'll second all right we'll do a roll call vote on that motion m we're going to do paper ballot seems like no big deal perfect thank you congratulations Dave [Applause] no this is the to turn people off and on you'll learn all right well thank you very much it's going to be an interesting year as we all know and uh a busy year but it should be a fun Year too to make things work again for us here at uh 2:41 so all right uh we'll move on then to uh Vice chair and so I'll open that up for nominations I would like to nominate Gary Schindler I'd like to nominate Mary Joe dorant any other nominations any other nominations okay I gu V on we should vote Dave for a clarification point of order can I ask a question sure um as a new school board member is there any regulation around not um having participated any phase training or been on the school board before becoming an officer not to my knowledge there is not I mean if you don't complete the phases you phases one and two you can't be reelected to the school board but I haven't uh seen uh I frankly I didn't ask that question to msba I didn't know I'd be in that position but I have not seen that before good question e okay uh next office would be for the clerk so open that up for nominations also I nominate Angie Hansen Angie Hoffman sorry Angie been at a lot of board meetings get the Angie's confus any other nominations for clerk any other nominations for Clerk and a third any other nominations for clerk all right seeing none then I believe we can take that as a Voice vote all those in favor of Angie Hoffman as clerk signify by saying I I and oppose the same sign okay Angie the clerk all right and now I would like to take nominations for Treasure I nominate Gary schler for treasurer are there any other nominations for treasurer any other nominations for Treasure and are there any other nominations for Treasure okay seeing none now we'll do a Voice vote on that all those in favor of Gary Schindler being our treasure for 25 signify by saying I I and oppose the same as I forgot to mention before that would be 70 then all right all right next would be for the for our committees our standing committees and um this year uh we in the past going back probably before me somewhere we had chair chair people people for those committees so I think uh as we go I mean it's pretty much Finance gets led by our executive Finance director and things however as a board member I think we want to make sure we uh point out a chair in each of our main three committees so finance committee um Gary I'd like to continue serving because the learning curve is so high and I think I'm finally getting a handle on how state since work boy that's an overstatement super and as treasur I would hope you'd be the chairperson there we go okay gosh that makes it easy wish they're all like that Neil would you like to continue the yes I would like to maintain on that but if there is someone else we can sure discuss that I don't mind to that okay all right well I let's see so there I guess we do have a responsibilities there um so that would be the three member committee there then would be Gary Schindler's chair and Neil score and myself on finance okay so let's go to the um polic committee was that the next one roll that one back whoever is doing our rolling Daron all right so we've got um again three uh three positions on that and um now we've got um well yep we had Gary Kim and Davey on that would chairman Cloud I'd like to continue I would too okay I would too I've been on that one for a couple years I'm willing to let someone else join if they are interested in joining that committee for sure okay I'd be interested in joining if no one else is interested okay we can have three because of the open meeting however that doesn't mean that I believe a person can attend but may have no uh how can I say no input so we can see we could keep you as in the reserve is that's all good because we can just have the three Dave's leaving yeah oh Dave you said you would my bad that's me here yeah okay Davey that's fine that's right I am okay so then we y that would be good G Kim and U Angie come again I I think another possible alternative would be to schedule it such that no all four of of the members would never be there the same time that I mean if if it comes up and if we have four people that really want to be involved okay yeah as long as they're not together four at a time okay as I understand the open meeting okay yeah to clarify it's four members in attendance does warrant an open meeting and so that's why even if they're not discussing or part of the discussion so yeah yep all right and Facilities so we've got Dave and Angie Bruce is retired from the board so stay okay good anyone else I can replace Bruce on that okay Mary Joe then would like to replace Bruce and Angie would you like to I'm happy on that committee but I can leave if someone else wants to join it all right well let's go with those uh three uh you know what Davy would you like to chair that one sure why don't we do that and policy I my mistake on that uh let's uh go back let's let um Kim why don't you go ahead and uh I'd be happy to hear that one okay now we've got some other uh committees that we have U Neil would you like to continue on with the mshsl or you know I yes but I it seems like I got discontinued last year I do not know why I assumed that there was some some uh Paul do you have any insight into that i' stopped getting invitations to the meetings must have been uh might have been sub I said it's after 50 years NE that's a committee that's run by former athletic director at Rochester John Marshall da Gary so to clarify director score I believe um that is the region committee that you were a member of but you were also our District's representative to the high school league should we have any appeals processes internally in the district so um I think served in uh two roles there so the one listed here would be for our District's appeals committee if we needed so they don't have many meetings do they no no so I would I would that uh what you're saying is that uh I wasn't even aware that we have two distinct categories of Minnesota State High School a involvement purposes internally distri standing ofal basis okay so which one is which one does this one intern this is the internally one so I would not be invited to Gary addington's section one daa no all right well it doesn't take much to confuse me notless you can get that at llarge uh bid that they don't give out to anyone unless you're in a community of less than 25,000 so I'm just kidding and and then Kim if I remember didn't you hand out medals a couple years ago too when we okay so you the baseball team you get to hand out medals if we have a state okay yeah with if the athletic director can't be there the superintendent principal whatever you share that role I can that okay okay the collaborative the freear County Family Services I know Bruce enjoyed that Dave you've done that in the past um suos did reach out to me and wanted to make sure that whoever does is the the main contact that we get that to her so I will certainly respond to her with who that is and I'm happy to be Davey's backup if he can attend I tell you I I think I have an invitation to one meeting for that committee I don't have much information regarding that committee at all um but yeah I mean if probably me just didn't get the notification that I was supposed to get maybe but I'm happy to continue on here there anyone else that would like to set with Davey on that committee I would okay Mary Joe would I will let soon know that dve will be our representative and then Joe okay super thank you okay the schools for equity and education oh I'm sorry distri we miss that one oh yeah we sure did yeah that's top one okay District curriculum committee we've got uh last year is Neil Angie and Gary oh um I I would be very willing to continue in that committee I've been on that committee since it's its Inception in the last century there you go you get the history good okay I'm happy to continue also but I I have been on it for four years so if someone else wants to join in they certainly could take my spot I can serve on that committee would you like okay all right well Kim and and you switch out all right all right all right now off to the SE the schools acur education and I don't believe there was too many meetings was there cim Angie um and went for you went more okay they do Zoom meetings on Fridays and nights not every month but it's maybe every other month I don't always do the best at getting to them but they are very interesting you have state level speakers from mde or or um elected leaders come and speak and it is interesting would you like to continue I I certainly can although if someone wants my spot they can take it there's only two of us on that one though I think we both be I mean we could be both be there but one represents right yep okay I'll be your back also super cim also thank you all right now is uh pronounced as one of the favorite Committees of the year the teacher of the year committee Davey I think you've enjoyed that one I have enjoyed that one I've also been on that one for a cple okay I would you join it okay Mary Joe then okay I would join that one if there's okay if we can do three y yep okay now the business and education uh is that still monthly okay would you like to continue here okay Kim would you also yes I attend for River l so I'll just work yeah that's helpful okay Kim and Gary also um the Austin overly special ed Cooperative um anybody I mean I I was there at Inception Neil you came on I just kind of was the backup um you had mentioned once about possibly wantan to yeah if an opening showed up I would definitely be interested in that one how do you feel about being second oh I'm perfectly content being second what were they meeting still about once a quarter uh yeah I think so right and U there're there the meetings are all virtual meetings okay at least since I've been involved they they have been okay all right so DAV and Neil on that that works and let's see uh then we got Media Center so Community out the materials for the media center and we've got Bruce that was on there and Jor second year so that's a two-year term so we technically you've got one more year and who would like to no this I just finished my second year it was just finished in two in two years a meeting was never called so I don't know what it's like curriculum committee took care of it right well we'll probably better put one more name in there oh you I'll that looks like it would be interesting all right I I remember dealing with uh that when I was the department head of the English Department okay all right Neil okay don't think I missed any uh yeah Tanya just so the um committee knows that one is only an as needed committee uh align to policy 606 so if we have the need to reevaluate materials so policy as I said so that's why we haven't had one y kind of takes care of it and then this okay super good you thanks for the clarification all right I don't think we missed any all right well let's head into okay so that's an action item so we need to now vote on all the uh the committee um Representatives so I'll look for a motion on that also I will move to accept the uh committee members as listed okay we have a motion and a second is there any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose the same sign thank you Sev there okay uh on the agenda item number six which is 6.1 through 6.8 it's also an action item I think uh do we have to do the board meeting schedule yeah oh meeting schedule yeah that didn't show up on there there we go the meeting schedule yes do you have that up there Darcy you know I'm just going to mention as we bring our meeting schedule up you know you ever hate to break tradition but maybe not this year because we're going to set it here it can always be amended but have we ever thought about a Tuesday nights we don't run into Mondays holidays just put that in the back of your mind it might be a discussion Point someday like I said this is all put together and it's fine we move them around to a Tuesday when we need to but um that should list everything unless there's special meetings now when we get into um the superintendent search we're going to have have some special meetings we'll talk about that in a little bit too but uh that way everything will be listed on site so any questions or comments on the meeting schedule Joe I think I just caught it because I had something scheduled around this day I think the Monday January 4th I think January 4th is a Sunday already on 26 okay uh is that right Darcy the calendar just notice that you see you got your little calendar going yeah the fourth is on a Sunday it is okay be January 5th 5th yeah okay be a change so yep so it' be the uh fifth then correct yes yes okay so that would be a good catch good change there otherwise everything is pretty much we've had okay any other Corrections or additions okay seeing none with the the correction of the um January organizational meeting next year to the fifth yes to the fifth make sure I'm looking yeah I'll look for a motion then to accept with that correction is there a second second and second any discussion on the meeting schedule seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppose the same sign all right out of the big print all right number six now there we've got items 61 through 68 what you look uh down your list it's naming uh our our banks uh Paul durbon is a uh design uh Darcy uh we got our Deputy Treasurer Sheila I mean take a look any questions it's what we've done each of the years just got updated names and their positions okay okay thank you Neil and Angie second uh any discussion at all okay we'll be voting then again for entire 61 61 through 68 all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose the same sign okay passes 7 to zero all right okay uh going on to s um did everyone receive the proposal from msba okay [Music] um I'll go ahead and look for a motion to accept them as our search committee so then we can go into discussion from there make motion to accept super sech second second by Neil all right open to discussion as far as using msba for our search engine it looks very comprehensive it looks like and Dave you're familiar with this is our rep but um very comprehensive in nature and I think the price hasn't significantly changed since the last time we did this either so uh I think it's makes a lot of sense um to do it and as Barb Dorne had indicated I think 85% of the searches are done through msba up until about two years ago it was kind of there was a three or four independent firms and then msba decided to add it as another added um feature for uh being a member of them and it's it's come along really well they've done a nice job and you're right the pricing I was wrong Neil when I last meeting I thought it was like 25 it's half of that and so um they they're still doing it for a and and which brings me to a part of of it she had asked me about uh the first part of the process is getting together and deciding on basically our time frames and she did give me she sent me because I had asked her about this process when I saw the um proposal and she did give me some um dates and times that she's available now first thing she asked me is it better to do it during the day during the evening and I said well I'm thinking probably the best is when we have our our meeting times here is more toward the evening so she sent me out a number of days and it's it's later in January her first availability is January 24th which is a Friday and um then she's got all day Friday Saturday the 25th um Tuesday evening only the 28th Thursday afternoon and evening the 30th and the same with the 31st so she does have some availability and they're filling up with that thoughts do you guys prefer more prefer more of an evening time or morning time or I'm sure during the day is a little more difficult right dve and camp many out evening's probably easier um I'll make anything work it's I I visited with my boss today and he was pretty much into evenings too so NE he gives me a hard time okay I can make whatever work to all those dates work okay it's about a 2hour meeting so we could probably start in that 5:00 range go till 7 um you know if if you kind of remember from last time it's again you know setting timelines and everything like that uh where do we want to search I mean with this proposal there's some little if we want to go into some different um listings throughout the country we can there's extra cost to it I don't believe we did last time do you remember did we add anything Neil I don't think we and and we can we're still the party that's in charge of conducting this and and they're they're to guide us and we they will they will accommodate pretty much any any stipulations or any process that we that we want okay I I don't believe we did any allart last time yeah okay I didn't think we did either no I they have a fairly widespread uh net that they cast out there but again they're if we wanted to we could so Friday the first is her first availability if we want to make sure we get on the docket which doesn't mean that we won't list our opening before that time but to have her come down and set the timeline um so it's it's a Friday she's available day uh she said all day and the evening later afternoon okay talking 3:30 on or 2 even okay okay it's the 24th um Davey any thoughts on your end on the 20 Friday the 24th yeah 24th whatever we it okay one one question I'm I'm hoping that we don't have to wait for the msba for us to post this position it's post should be posted now I would I would hope or soon we haven't done anything yet correct Ashley yes okay so the world knows that we're looking for we will post so when right yeah and I I'll check with with herb a little bit on that too and make sure we get it all yep um the other thing um Cher clout when Darcy sent this out it did say if you have questions just contact Barb Dorn directly so I did um and I know when I was on the team to hire Dr Funk back those many years ago um one of the things we had and I talked to Barbara about this if she could think about what committees would be important as we try and get more public feedback and because I know in that interview um session we set up with the three candidates when Dr Funk was applying we had a community group an Administration a group and uh general staff so it was teachers Paras custodians Food Service Etc and we were in a room doing our own interview and the candidates rotated which is a long day for them but I think the public really respected the Outreach that we did and so I told her those were the three groups we had at that time I don't know if those are the three groups I'm not suggesting those are the exact ones but I do think we need to do that good thanks as well as a survey for all stakeholders in the albertly school district no I agree that's we we we abbreviated our timeline fairly drastically last time to try to move things up right wrong and different doesn't matter but I like that idea I also like the idea and I mentioned to Barb the other day of uh when we get down into candidates to drill down into their communities a little bit possibly if they're from Blue Earth Minnesota somebody go to Blue Earth Minnesota and start asking questions just get to know them a little bit um give us some ideas and again it's all feedback like You' mentioned if you got three groups that are giving you three groups feedback you got the the board that's in here doing the interviews and putting that feedback together it's and in a survey those are all good things yeah what you suggest is very important it's when we uh start to consider specific candidates it's a very good idea to have uh people out there asking community members where this person comes from and and not just you know the chair of their school board but uh uh Community leaders and uh and the community from whence they come it's very good idea I think lot of good you and and if uh you know I know a lot of coaches around the state and U uh that's pretty good uh well it's not a you know an absolutely perfect source of information but you know if you can if we can find people that have Connections in in the communities that these people come from that's very useful and I know I mean that's a dream of mine to be able to do this it's kind of old school but uh I don't think it's a bad school and I'm sure it's going to have to wait till we get to our top three or four or whatever we decide that number is because otherwise finalist names can't be public so but uh you know if there is three of them we got six on a board we got a couple that can be checking into each Community too or it doesn't matter we all again you know we can discuss as a bar but I'm hoping that we can add some phases yeah and and and I agree with Mary Joel it's I think it's very important that we have uh some some process whereby we can involve a lot of people other than just us and other than administrators in our district um everybody should have a voice in this any other discussion um so back on the date should we take a stab at the 24th Friday the 24th and try to maybe start in that two o'clock range I can check and see that way we would get it uh because she didn't give me any she just said all day and evening so we should be pretty good and that would end up being a meeting here here for everyone and there he'd report that so okay well let me uh so I'm going to give her a okay all right I I'm sorry Barbor yes still the same one yes okay and there we should I mean this is this is fresh with her her time so I don't think we need an alternative date at this point I'll try to contact her tonight and just say put us on on your schedule and get it going okay um any other questions on that it's it's it's pretty that's probably the best thing and I think that's what really helped their success was being able to be very flexible in their search and um and again so I think we'll be able to do the things we'd like to do we've got time this time you know it's uh not leaving us in March or April or it turned out last time so we do have some time in there but we will get the posting up so okay any other discussion all right uh so seeing none all those in favor of msba being our search firm signify by saying I I and oppose the same sign and I didn't include the date because I want to get their schedule first so we don't mess up anything here so we'll let you know definitely and I should contact her tonight so should be pretty quick okay and then 7.1 I asked to have added on there just about our msba conference which now uh everybody's got this except for I need to get you guys I'll have them send out one to you so it's the 16th and 17th um that would be that Wednesday Thursday we're going to be up there uh you signed everybody up for phase one two and phase one and two also or not everybody no okay okay so there will be uh Mary Joel will be up there taking it and then there will be some of us supporting you with the phases uh so Tuesday night is phase one and then phase two will be all day on uh Wednesday there's some other meetings in that that come into conjunction during that day on Wednesday but uh I'm going to the pre-conference Wednesday night on AI yes very good and I'm going to negoti okay and I think I'm I'm I think I'm planning on through msba doing the AI also so yeah and and do look when you get a chance at this booklet there's a lot of different meetings and workshops and all that pick some out we'll get together up there we'll be together Tuesday night but on uh Wednesday we can uh maybe pick out who's going to what I mean again we can all go to one but it's nice to spread it out and some people I'm I'm going to look more at AI I got to figure out what that means you know I had to figure out what this meant a few years ago too but you know so know it's very interesting as I was at a National Conference here last uh been January down in Dallas it's amazing what this AI does and it's not even started so um I'm sure we use it our schools too so um also on uh on Wednesday um we all got those nice Albert Lee jackets from Dave langaro and Lori let's where those we're working on yours will be on the way and I don't have they reached out to you yet I talked to Dave last week and they're working on okay Dar good good so we'll get that um what's that you want us to wear on Wednesday yeah we'll do it Wednesday yes yeah so some people don't have meetings that day like Angie and Davey and Neil should we do them Thursday yeah let's do it Thursday yeah that's right I was thinking that's because that's phase two days so yeah let's do it Thursday yep that'll be fine I like to do it early we're we're advertising for our search committee right right so all right let's see and uh we'll get together on um uh Thursday and Friday night we'll line up something for a get to together for a meal and all that we'll be in touch yes on Thursday night I have reservations at the hotel okay good at 445 sounds good now we might have a possibility Davey may be uh having finding some time too and we told him just be in touch with you so all right no no yeah you don't want to hang out Friday night what's the deal that's baseball clinic you're right yep Wednesday and Thursday night correct yeah we'll be done Friday at noon and the opening speaker on Wednesday is amazing Mr dble you'd really like him is a music teacher see you're all messed up because you have to be there the whole week I have to be there all day don't so it's Thursday it's THS Mickey Mickey Smith that's a guy he's a great guy I'm on his email I don't know if that's good or bad but yeah there all right I think so that's what we had so um yeah okay I will be going up I've got to be Tuesday at 10 o'clock so I'll be going up way early 10:00 a.m. so anybody else driving or I guess we can funnel funnel rides through however we want to do it like I said if anyone wants to go early and hang out in the downtown Minneapolis come on along I'll be driving up so all right that should be okay anything else on the uh the conference well I look forward to seeing us many we can be there it's always an interesting time and this will even be a little bit more interesting because we will be networking so thanks again look forward to a a busier year but I think a fun year for all of us and I think it's going to be a you know a good year for our uh district and the community and that's what we need to focus on and get the kids who are at um uh Ashley have you guys talked to Dave at all CR good okay super super should have checked earlier but I know I'd be checking earlier so thank you all right I'll look for a motion to adjuring the meeting motion is there a second second second all those in favor signify by saying I I pose the same MSP