##VIDEO ID:wa5k9HHXqfM## like to call the uh special meeting to order please join me in the pledge IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all our first item for approval is uh approving today's agenda is there a motion Motion in second to approve today's agenda all those in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries to the purpose of today's uh meeting is the hiring of an interim superintendent it is an action item I moved to extend an employment uh contract for the position of Albert Lee area schools interim superintendent to David Ken's contingent upon uh mutually agreed upon employment agreement uh negotiated with the school district and a criminal background check that is completed with results that are acceptable to the board I'll second it there's been a motion in a second to hire interim candidate David Ken is there discussion I I would ass hello I'm getting I would assume that there is some some data that the board will receive relative to supporting this Motion in terms of the candidates and information yes I believe the team um that met with him Angie Dave and Dave and Gary could Supply some information with you right now about that by that would be fine um just on how the you know how how it went and and um some of the things that he identified that brought us to this th this motion well let me let me start and Dave can contribute David Ken's uh retired uh school superintendent from Austin School District he retired I think Day 2021 if I'm not mistaken um I've had a pleasure working with Dave on some Community projects when I was deing the students at Riverland Community College um the team had a consensus decision that Dave would be the best fit uh I think he appreciates the fact that his role would be to help Mentor staff uh we told them that we have uh three key leadership positions at the district that are relatively new and that they're performing well and um we don't want that uh positive progress to stall out over six months so we've asked and he embraced that pretty enthusiastically to help support new leadership um I think he appreciates what an interim does it's here to help us achieve our goals that are well in place the three of us shared with Dave that we have robust plans that mically strategic plan facility plans um our literacy plan we have major plans in place and David acknowledged that it's his job to help us he would help fa us facilitate the achievement of our goals he stressed goal achievement very frequently uh in the interview I'll I'll stop there and have Angie and Dave add some additional items and you are are we able to mention the second candidates name do we know for sure we are not um no um part of this process keeps that private unless it's it it's a um competitive process at the board level because he um he or she may have other opportunities and we don't want to um put any kind of um any we don't want to add any kind of um bias to that process okay um well I would just say we had two candidates that we interviewed yesterday and they were both very good candidates I think all three of us had stated we really would be happy with either either option um uh they actually answered questions very similarly and I felt that they would approach things very similarly um I lik them both for myself uh the I was on the fence but the Tipping Point for me was that Ken we knew the most about him and he knows the most about district and so it felt like he would have a a head start with working with us so yeah I I felt um very just as the two others said very good about both of the candidates and they excellent people uh good experience um UND understood what their role was and neither one were looking for a full-time job which is real important when it comes to our Us opening up the screening for a full-time job because if if you have an interum in that possibly wants to be the full-time soup then all of a sudden you get to the situation where no one's going to apply because all we're doing is you know basically interviewing them for six months to see if it's going to work so I feel really great about us starting this process early compared to the last time um with with a quality of people that had interest in Albert Lee um you'd be impressed um Dave I've had an opportunity to work with different times our special ed Co-op uh over in Austin uh he and Dr Funk and um Lori volz and myself and then Donnie Leathers we set that up a number of years ago Co Neil's been on that board he knows how well it's doing it's saved the district a lot of money but as he said there was a lot of Partnerships and that was the one thing we talked about was he understood Albert Lee really well and the Partnerships not that in a six-month period we're going to have Partnerships again with Austin we might that's not his role Ro uh the other thing that he mentioned not only with the mentoring but and he laid out a little bit of a timeline in there for us was he feels like it's an interim job to introduce the new full-time superintendent get them acclimatized to our district so they have some good understanding so they can hit the ground running instead of spending a lot of time just getting to know the district so um I like that um but uh yeah again I just I felt really good about the people we visited with excellent people uh excellent candidates and uh I think Dave will do a nice jump I just I want to add I think it spoke to our team that we felt we had an abundance of riches before us with the two candidates and I would just reiterate what Angie said after our discussion the tie the tiebreaker really was Dave has a knowledge of our district he worked with Dr fun Funk and had a good relationship with him and we thought he has a better maybe a better sense of our school district which might give him some some momentum as he starts his interim role oh I think I my mic figured out u i don't get a green light down here but anyway um thank you I I Dave you might uh comment on what you perceive to be the advantage that uh the candidate you are recommending to have um I have heard from Gary and Angie and then secondly um were there any U internal uh candidates who came forward with the uh with the candidacy we did not have any internal candidates so what he's a calm leader uh he's got a good perspective on the interim position um he um he knows the area was probably as much as I had seen um not that the other person had done some research which I thought was excellent I mean when you have a few days to think about hey where where might I be for six months he uh he had some I mean he he knew Sibly but uh Dave probably knew his way into the central office so just just the calm demeanor and his mentoring that he talked a lot about and then I really like the on boarding that he T because again not wanting to be the full-time just wanting to help for the things that that impressed me the most okay thank oh no my green lights on um so um I it's my understanding that the interim superintendent will function in a position where that person is not going to be aggressively uh introducing anything uh new to the district they're just going to be there to fill that position and and and and assume the formalities of that position um and and uh continue to pursue this uh strategic plan that we have in place uh and that's that's that's good uh the uh you you alluded to in your motion the uh matter of this interm superintendent salary uh would any of you care to comment on what we might expect in terms of the uh the the burden on the district for that person's salary we um had some models uh from Paul as far as like compensation packages I would say that we immediate I I my sense of it we immediately came to a consensus the three of us that what we'd like to see would be a contract of a set number of of days that run from January through May whatever that might be 50 60 days and then uh David could work with the leadership of the district to determine where should where am where's the best place for me to be I if I'm present on site in Albert Lee what of these 50 60 days whatever they are when should I be uh present within the school district so like an X number of days May through or January through May per perhaps if there's a need for additional days in June that could be negotiated as we approach June we're looking at a establishing a daily rate what what what would be a if there's X number of days then what is the daily rate for the individual what would that be and then finally um we thought it would be appropriate to have a a weekly stien to offset some expenses for driving uh use of the technology internet cell phone um because we're assuming they'll he'll be doing some commuting so we think some sort of a weakly stien to offset some expenses so that's a framework of a package and the next step would be to put that together with Paul and Ashley and then working with Dave to negotiate the final terms of that very similar to what we do with Kathy nebber and Ashley basically had in a consulting position so as you mentioned I you know either one of these interims weren't they're not looking to make big changes but I think both of them can if they are needed and and again I don't see they they come in here and they talk they look for the strengths and make them better and they look for the weaknesses and try to address that situation so like most interims they're just they're they're available but they got the experience that they're not surprised by something that goes on thank you to the team for interviewing taking time on interviewing the two candidates and thank you for your um reasons why this candidate was chosen so thank you yeah I wanted to reiterate that the time the timeliness of this process has has been um good for the district and um the availability the three of you you have had to to meet with them and also um how quickly we're able to to come to uh resolve it's impressive and I'm thankful for the team so thank you um I would say that um based on on what the three of you have indicated that it's been thought the process has been thoughtful and also um you uh went into that that time with the candidates with the albertly school district and in the Forefront of what's best for students and staff and so I'm appreciative of that and and uh thank you for your recommendation anybody else have any other comments or questions okay we will uh vote on this motion um we'll do a roll call vote Darcy thank you motion carries 70 our next steps will be to again work with uh Ashley and Paul and Mr cren um to uh negotiate the the terms of employment um our contract with him um and we will have an announcement of when that takes place he will be on at the district so um I want to thank you all again for your time and extra meetings we've had um and I'll look for a motion for adjournment Gove my third is there a second second all right Motion in second to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I all I meeting adjourn thank you