##VIDEO ID:-PXNVOG_rjY## it is September 5th this is the mayor and council meeting Linda will you please call the meeting to order and read the open public meetings act announcement in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the rwood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the August 26th 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and star lger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building in burrow website councilman deloo here councilwoman homman councilwoman lisolo here councilman otou here councilman oconnell here councilman Yaro here mayor wilinski here everybody please stand to salute flag FL to the rep for it stands na indivisible and justice for all all righty next we have approval of minutes July 18th July um I'm sorry and August 15 do I have a motion please so vot second second okay Council M Dela with theel uh yes on July 18th both and epain on the 15th of August okay councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell abstain on July 18th both and yes for August 15 councilman um I'm sorry councilman OT yes councilman zarino yes all right next we have agenda review uh we have two ordinances for second reading the first ordinance is 24-13 this is to amend the code um to prohibit smoking of marijuana vaping and aerosol of cannabis and marijuana in public places we currently do have a no smoking um ordinance but we are just amending it to include cannabis and marijuana the same thing and vaping and vaping isn't cannabis and marijuana the same thing illegal and illegal marijuana oh did not know that um our second ordinance 24-14 is to amend chapter 53 the code officers and employees we are we had a a little bit of a reorganization of our crossing guards and the Public Safety Committee um looked at where we had all the crossing guard station decided that we needed to add another one in a specific location and we also eliminated the lunchtime since children no longer go to school so we are now offering our crossing guards a little bit um more money so they keep the same hours and uh hopefully we'll retain them and next we have our consent agenda which are matters that are considered uh routine however there's a few um interesting ones here we have appointment of our new DPW um employee Jose Joseph martinello so now um we are pretty much uh a full compliment at our DPW department so Andy should be happy and um we also have a resolution authorizing disposal of surplus property uh by auction so we're going to be going through a lot of our old equipment and we're going to try to auction it off and actually we've made some pretty good um Revenue in the past so with that I'd like to open it up to the public for any comment on agenda items only anybody from the public wish to come anybody out there not seeing anybody I'll bring it back Walter no Walter is right great Walter um so next uh we have ordinance 24-13 as I just um talked about um amending chapter 223 um do we have um anybody from the public that was that wishes is to comment on ordinance 24-13 read the title first the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on August 15 2024 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building in burrow website ordinance 24-13 an ordinance to amend chapter 223 of the code of the burough of Allendale to expressly prohibit in public places within the burrow of and within the burrow smoke and vaping or Aeros soling of cannabis and marijuana again anybody from the public have any comments on 24-13 not seeing it bring it back ordinance 24-14 for second oh I'm sorry uh motion to approve thank you second please second by roll call councilman deloo yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yino yes um ordinance 24-14 second reading and public hearing please read the title The Following ordinance publish here with was first read by title only on August 15 2024 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-14 in ordinance to amend chapter 53 of the code of the burrow of Allendale officers and employees to fix the salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the burrow of Allendale for the year 2024 anybody from the audience wish to comment on ordinance 24-14 not seeing anybody do I have a motion to approve ordinance 24-14 so moved second please second all call councilman delao yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman o Connell yes councilman OU yes council yino do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second second roll call counc deloo yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman o Connell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes all right next we have our Council reports councilman yerino you're up thank you mayor I'll keep it brief this evening this past Tuesday we had an Allendale Sports Alliance meeting um we met for a little over an hour and we discussed a variety of topics the past season some scheduling updates as well as going into the fall season uh where we stand with a lot of our field conditions and how we could best approach long-term Solutions uh so we can keep things in nice operating shape so we're really excited to get a lot of those initiatives underway and the meeting was very well received um next week September 10th and 11th the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will be returning to the Firehouse um all real ID appointments at this time are taken but they are taking walk-ins for certain smaller items license plate returns and such I'll ask Julia to send out a reminder on that and lastly Allison had reached out to me and she just wanted me to um express our gratitude to Linda for her help with the concession stand bid documents we know that we were somewhat new to the process and Alison wanted to express her gratitude to you um and myself personally to you and Allison for working with us on the vid specs we know that we kind of had to start from scratch with you know some respects and we were able to pull together um and to some eyes uh we will be receiving bids currently and we'll be looking to award the project in the very near future so excellent very excited and of course we had the end of Crestwood this Monday thank you to everyone who always helps make Crestwood such a memorable season and we'll be having an every year meeting very soon and thank you for all your work you did at Crestwood um it was a great year thank you for your support super councilman o conell thank you mayor um I first like to say uh my condolences go out to the Moran family uh very unfortunate passing of Sharon I had the pleasure of uh working with her on the Fel house board and uh talking with some uh former teachers she was class mother and it's hard to find I can't find anyone to say anything bad about her and she will be missed she was one of the good ones from Allendale so my condolences go out to their family she was and she um you know grew up in Allendale as well her her family still lives here and she was she was a bright light it was absolutely tragic and Allendale really lost one of its gems for sure thanks for bringing that up and that's all I have today okay thank you thank you mayor councilman delso thank you mayor so the DPW committee we had a meeting on August 29th um actually you were mayor was there and also our our burough administrator Allison Alano was there uh we discussed the several things going on around the burough I me the DPW guys are continuing their diligent work as always um fixing holes as they can um Andy our superintendent has been doing a great job in the it's only been nine months since he's been here but uh I'm very pleased to see the resolution on the consent agenda about getting ready some of more Surplus equipment I think that's going to be good for the burrow we have a lot of stuff that's just outdated and just not usable anymore and I think it's going to bring in some revenue and get us an opportunity to clean up the stuff we have that we're not going to use so it's it's really a good thing um I know Crestwood the guys were working to prepare for the closing of Crestwood they're going to continue to check the water quality so throughout the uh when we get ready to start to drain that uh they are evaluating a water loss that uh we're having from somewhere we found some puddles in the parking area we're not sure where the war is coming from but it's coming from somewhere so once the water level goes down and we start to drain uh we'll be able to see what's going on there uh Andy is continuing to work with Mike veland our burough engineer to assess you know potential flooding areas and I know our burough planner at snikes is also working on something to kind of help the burrow with some of the flooding issues we've had with some of the storms so that's ongoing um happy to say that our new mechanic has started uh it's going to be great to have him on board I think he's he's been here for about a week um I'm glad to see that we approved tonight the appointment to Joe martinello which is great he uh he was a part-time employ and he's done a great job so far and I expect nothing but good things from him moving forward uh I know the DPW has been working to prep for our 9911 Services up up at the red barn and that's ongoing and being prepared and for those of you who remember I mentioned giving away wood chips that we had stored in the back of DPW uh we made a decision to cancel that as we began to start to turn the pile over and really get ready for our residents to come and take some of that uh we found that the pile was more deteriorated and rotted and it just wasn't good material so we made a decision to cancel that so that's that's where we are excellent thank you thank you councilwoman Lis solo uh thank you mayor um I just want to uh thank Ed for mentioning our incredible friend Sharon um she was to her family a cherished mother a wife daughter a sister and more she was in all inv volunteer here on everything she was a part of and um she was a big supporter of this Mar Council so we uh we will miss her very very much um I also want to just give my condolences to um uh the McCarthy family Gwen McCarthy a former burough Clerk of Allendale um passed away we were just notified of that I think it was yesterday Amy trying to um and then I'm going to um defer my reports until our next council meeting when I will be there in person but I just want to remind everyone that this Saturday um at Crestwood is Family Day fundraiser um that Lee Memorial Library is putting on for families in Allandale so be there and have some fun yet again at Crestwood great thank you very much councilman o thank you mayor uh the Public Safety Committee has not met since our last council meeting due to this extremely busy time of year uh our next meeting has been set for Monday the 16th the week after normally would be all and all though all is well around town the public is safe uh finally just as a reminder Gary leesia Memorial blood drive will once again take place at the firehouse uh this will be on September 26th from 1: to 7M uh the ab& is now partner with us on this drive they will be offering a pint or pint so come on down roll up your sleeves and get a pint of beer or glass of wine or soda on the ab& G is it a glass wine or a pint that's two different well you can take that up with to give anyone in this room a pine of wine that's all I've got thank you there thank you next we have our staff reports Linda or clerk um I don't really have much to say uh to report from the clerk's office but I do want to um compliment Allison on the many wonderful Improvement downstairs within the Barrow Hall amazing and what a difference you know it makes really is it's just nice to walk in there right now the floor looks so good yeah um and I also want to say that um it was my first time going to Presswood Lake I brought my daughter and my son oh fabulous on our day off when they were renovating here yeah yeah and um we all loved it it was amazing it was beautiful back um and she can you know yeah um but no she was just amazed by just how pretty beautiful it was that makes me really happy that this to so that was amazing and I also want to um send my condolences to the family and friends of uh Gwen McCarthy who um I did not have the honor to you know to know I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her but um I do know that she was a big part of um the clerk's office for so yeah a thank you Chief Mike Dylan well thank you madam mayor the school year in full swing officers including our Three Special officers have been focusing attention in and around the schools the police department encourages parents and students to take advantage of the Burrow's 13 crossing guards and walk to school enjoy the weather save the hassle of finding parking and get some exercise love it speaking of EX the police department has formed a partnership with local moms and school officials to reach a specific demographic girls grades six through eight through a program to encourage healthy habits and decision making through an exercise-based curriculum culminating in a 5k later this year interested residents can visit the girls on the run website to sign up and our ice cream is yes we finalized the ice cream yet oh all right we want to announce that then I think she want me serving which is funny the word we were going to have coffeee with a cop where we thought it'd be cute to make ice cream with a cop but we have to wait we can't announce it yet because we'll have a line of kids waiting for ice cre waiting for iceam they're gonna get coffee cod with the c yeah okay that's true all righty bur attorney right with thank you mayor uh a few things of note the mayor and I this evening reviewed the Joint Defense agreement on the affordable housing litigation um that the mayor has referred to in Prior reports initiated by the Bure of monel um so uh uh we went over all the details of that so the B can proceed on that as as it pleases moving forward um violia actually canceled our uh our phone conference that would have been scheduled for today um again I think vacation really was the uh the reason for that uh we'll pick up with them next week Although our office has been exchanging additional information with respect to uh easement and rights away and other matters um yes in uh I guess on a AUST 29th uh the mayor councilwoman homman uh myself um our DPW director uh and our bur engineer uh all met with representatives of njd Green Acres uh on the uh the site at New Street uh as you recall there's an area of that property that we are proposing to dedicate as passive Recreation uh and uh this was the chance for D to see the property uh we had previously given them renderings or schematics of the property uh and to give us any of their suggestions uh and we'll be meeting uh in short order to discuss those suggestions and how we might move forward with the uh the process uh you recall that uh when we get this aspect done and reach agreement with Green Acres there is a significant sum being held in escrow as part of our theolier transaction that then gets to be returned to the burrow so obviously that's something that's uh near and near to everyone's Hearts um we submitted today our uh settlement Proposal with respect to the PK litigation there is a settlement conference scheduled a week from Monday we'll all keep our fingers crossed that there's a positive discussion I think that the mayor and perhaps mayor merus bar will be uh joining us at the conference at the courthouse hopefully we can get some work done there uh discussion uh this evening with respect to some proposed bylaw amendments involving the fire department and some other uh related issues and lastly I discussed with uh TJ and Tom this morning the the status of the Sowers um there were five biders U who bid on the uh the proposal uh which should result in a significant increase in the revenue stream for the burrow uh three of the contracts from those five successful biders are now in hand eyes are being dotted te's are being crossed we're waiting to receive the other two and when that step is completed um there are three additional slots on the cell tower that could be the subject of a a future proposal that's it there yes very grateful for all the work done on that cell tower um that was uh it's a nice uh bonus that we weren't really uh expecting there's not a lot of resources for Revenue in the bureau so um this is going to be a big difference for us okay I'm going to have my report now um 210 West Crescent also known as the Allendale Community Center is looking really good I've be getting a lot of inquiries from residents but it is not open yet we are hoping to have some type of soft opening maybe mid November uh we still need the uh generator to go in we still need all the security to go in as well as the um entrance um uh technology but um it is looking beautiful I think it's going to be a wonderful addition um to the community we are just very fortunate that we actually have this space if everybody remembers going back to 2018 there was a lot of uh we went out to bid and there was a lot of other bid biders and this was the only one that allowed to have a residential piece a commercial piece and a municipal piece um the rest were all condos so if we did not go with this um one developer and something fell through uh that's what we were would have been facing in Allendale so um I know people are going to ask why is the gym not full-size gym that is the reason we had a certain amount of space that we had to work with and we use it the best that we could so I'm very excited to have this and I think the community is going to um really enjoy it so um for Preparation we are um going to have the heads of all the organizations come in have a quick tour and um we're collecting data to see how each of the organizations can imagine themselves using the space Also at burough Hall I know everybody's been doing research with other communities seeing how they rent their space so we really want to make sure it's is buttoned up as possible it's not going to be perfect but as buttoned up as possible because we've never done something like this before um so um I know everybody's going to want to use it and we really want to try to keep it open to as many people as we can so um that is all to be coming uh in the near future I'm also going to send a memo out pretty much explaining all that to Allen Del resident so everybody's um up on everything so September 11th um lots of planning for that our our speaker this year is our one of our very own um who is a former police officer and FBI agent uh Tim L Turner so he's going to be talking about his experiences that he had there at 911 and he's going to be talking about the future and the past of 911 as uh Ry mentioned uh fair share housing is always top of mind we have our Joint Defense agreement that we are entering um with the spearheading from the Montvale mayor and with um several other municipalities actually I just completed a memo that will be going out to all the residents explaining this as well um this is something that is evolving changing we're supposed to get our new numbers next month but we'll we will see but we are definitely on top of it and we'll um we'll educate and talk about it as much as we can um to be as transparent as possible to the community let's see let's see let's see let's see um yes uh rest in peace Gwen McCarthy uh our clerk she was our clerk for 15 years um I was here when I was when I first became a council person uh she was the clerk and she was so kind invited me in her office um anytime would just go through everything with me I mean we were just I was pretty much you know brand new didn't know much um about being a council person and she was really patient and just lovely lovely person insided out so we will we will miss her um um our next town hall is on the 17th of September we uh listen to Allandale residents and we're having the D come in and Tao come in talking about dear management so we expect a full house and that flyer should be going out um today or tomorrow so our new director of communications has been very very busy um and with that is there any uh new business any unfinished business I'd like to open up the meeting to the public to speak on any uh matters at this time anybody from the public not seeing anybody motion to adjourn so move all in favor by bye