##VIDEO ID:18Dt3UtSozo## okay good evening everybody welcome welcome we love seeing a full house here there is extra seats in the back whoever wants to sit down uh welcome everybody who is at home this is August 15 2024 the bur of andle Mayor and council meeting Linda will you please call the meeting to order read the open public meetings act in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the August 2nd 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building in burrow website councilman deloo councilwoman Homan here councilwoman Lis solo here councilman oconnell here councilman oou here councilman yino here mayor wasinski here everybody please stand for the pledge of allegion stes the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with jce for okay so next we're going to go over the agenda review so um first we have a second reading on two different ordinances the first one is the bond ordinance um for the uh Community Center and the second is the second reading for an ordinance um supplementing uh a chapter 26-25 in the code of the burough of Allendale and and this is to enable new officers an opportunity to um move up the ladder by changing some of the eligibility requirements and then we have introduction of ordinances 24-13 um we are updating our smoking ordinance to include uh no vaping and no cannabis um or and marijuana in the ordinance and also uh we have introduction of ordinance 20-14 which is to amend and the code uh buau of alelle officers and employees what we're doing now is actually our Public Safety Committee um and our Public Safety uh led by um Chief Mike Dylan took into account all of the children walk walking to school and are actually going to uh change some of the um crossing guards and some of the stations so this is just updating it we're eliminating the lunchtime since the kids aren't allowed actually out at lunch anymore and uh actually increasing the salary a little bit so uh so we we're nice and competitive so next we have our consent agenda our consent agenda or regularly routine um things that we do in the buau and they're and they're also enacted by one motion but I do like to point out some of the excellent work that all of our staff is doing and our council is doing so let's see we have um we're authorizing actually the manura lighting is coming into town um also we are um going to go into litigation a federal litigation lawsuit and the bureau we will be sending out um a letter explaining this more but this has to do with the fair share housing so there is a lawsuit with um over 60 municipalities right now that uh we're entering into and it is really to petition the fair share housing authority to make other towns there's about 60 towns that are called Urban renewable towns and to make them included in the fair share obligation this has nothing to do with the buau um thinking that we don't want any affordable housing we absolutely do think it is something that's necessity but we want it fair and we want it um equal to all the other um towns that don't have that are exempt from it at this point um let's see we have approval of our snow plowing agreement with the county um authorization for our joint uh Insurance Fund and we are actually have a lot of events coming in town we have some special events we have our um Allen Del fall festival and then there's going to be another event at the Red Barn for friends of the library and right now we have all of our um Crestwood Lake right now we have all of our food trucks so we're waving all those fees uh for them and lastly we have our uh bid for the cell tower this was actually um a lot of work done by many people and the results for allelle were amazing so we are actually now going to own the cell tower space going to be excellent Revenue coming in for the bureau instead of having a third party so we went out to bid and now we have this is authorizing all the people that um that actually won the bids okay so I would like at this point to open it up to the public so does anybody um from the public have any questions or any comments on anything that's on the agenda no okay all right so next we so we're now we're going to go and approve everything so um it'll be quicker maybe it'll be quicker hopefully got a I know that was very presumptuous um first I'd like to um talk about um second reading for ordinance 20 4-11 Linda can you please read that the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on July 18th 20124 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burough website ordinance 24-11 Bond ordinance to appropriate an additional sum of $2,200,000 for the construction of a community center on Creston a in by and for the burough of Allandale in the county of Bergen New Jersey to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such additional appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds excellent thank you um I'd like to open it up to the public does anybody from the public have any comments on ordinance 24-11 not seeing do I have a motion so moved hman second second Lis solo C councilwoman homman yes councilwoman L solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yak arino yes okay great thank you next we have ordinance 24-12 Lind please read the ordinance the following ordinance publish here with was first read by title only on July 18 2024 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building in burough website ordinance 24-12 in ordinance amending and supplement Article 2 chapter 26-25 of the code of the burrow of Allendale I'd like to open up to the public does anybody from the public have any comments on ordinance 24-12 not seeing anybody do I have a motion second second councilwoman homman yes councilwoman l a solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes all right next we have introduction of ordinance 24-13 Linda please leave that read that by title ordinance 24-13 an ordinance to amend chapter 223 of the code of the burough of Allendale to expressly prohibit in public places within the burrow within the burrow smoke and vaping or aring of cannabis and marijuana do you have to read when it's going to be a motion first okay um I have a mo do I have a motion to approve ordinance 24-13 yes Homan second please second roll call councilwoman homman yes councilwoman L solo yes councilman o Connell yes councilman OU yes minaro yes ordinance 24-13 has been introduced upon first reading and will be published in the Wednesday August 21st edition of the record and will be taken up for further consideration and final passage at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council on September 5th 2024 at 7:30 pm or or as soon thereafter thank you um next um is ordinance 24-14 we next we have the consent agenda do I have oh I am okay can't talk to me when um next we have ordinance 24-14 um please read it ordinance 24-14 an ordinance to amend chapter 53 of the code of the burrow of Allendale officers and employees to fix the salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the burrow of Allandale for the year 2024 do I have a motion no second second councilwoman Homan yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes public hearing I'm sorry ordinance 24-14 has been introduced upon first reading and will be published in the Wednesday August 21st edition of the record and will be taken up further consideration and final passage at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council on September 5th 20 2024 at 7:30 pm or as soon as thereafter excellent thank you very much Linda next we have our consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda no moved Homan second please second Al councilwoman Homan yes Council solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro stain 24213 yes on the balance all right thank you very much next we have our Council report report counc yakar thank you mayor uh as the Crestwood Lake season seems to be drawing to a close um less than a month here sadly uh we worked very closely uh with the lake staff throughout the years to identify uh changes that we can make throughout the year in order to you know make changes on the fly so to speak um and as such you know looking at our operations and also how we can improve that going forward um at the end of this season we'll be meeting with the league managers um to review and discuss the past year and then also how we can continue making improvements for next year uh we're currently finalizing the bid packet for the concession stand and plan to solicit bids by the end of September uh we extend our gratitude to all League members for their continued patience uh we really did try our best to offer a variety of options to satisfy our members and really you know give that variety to those families that attend leag our Summer Concert Series has been a great success this year we received very positive feedback especially with our new additions Dean Martin joined Frank Sinatra this past Sunday we had an acoustic musician a couple weeks ago and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive that we may look to do something in the fall for something new the weather cooperated as long as the weather yeah the weather has been cooperating thankfully um the Allen Del Sports lines will be holding a meeting on September 3rd councilman delissio will be joining us as we discuss updates on the fields as well as status of fall Sports and plans for winter maintenance and the hibernation of fields with Turf blankets and things of that nature Amy I'm sure you'll mention it your report bur Hall will be closed tomorrow and next Friday for painting of the burough facilities I like to thank Allison for all of her hard work on that today I received word from my contact the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Association that real ID appointments are available for upcoming events in Allendale on September 10th and 11th and will'll be collaborating with Julia communication director to get the information abbor channels but at this time you can make an appointment online for a real ID for those two dates this past Sunday the alale fire department had their car show was a great day and a great event for that and then finally I'd like to welcome our two new officers and wish you all the best here thank you super thank you very much honnell uh thank you I'd like to welcome our two new officers I do wish you the best and the only thing I have is our uh Scout cyan working towards our Eagle Scout is working on her garbage hands apparently she got approval so we're doing 5050 garbage can recyclables all right so uh hopefully she's worried about who's going to transport them I said call me I have them all in a van forever get all those blue ones in the burrow before I leave alrighty c a woman love a solo thank you mayor um so first of all congratulations to our two new police officers and to your families um we are really proud to welcome you to the Allandale family and are grateful for your service too in the protection of our community so thank you so much um our last lands committee meeting was August 1st uh it was a very comprehensive meeting we were able to uh knock off a few more residential property concerns um from our ongoing list um once again I'd like to thank our team of professionals who have worked really hard on resolving these various situations um one issue that I really just want to take a minute to remind everyone about is tree cutting um in Allandale you were limited as to the amount of trees you may cut and remove from your property in a given calendar year and you must apply for a tree removal permit for large trees and identify the ones that are to be removed you may not cut down more trees than youve applied to remove without the consent of our construction department so we ask that you contact Mike or Linda or Anthony in that department with any questions um ask permission please don't assume you'll be getting forgiveness after the fact because there are fines associated with cutting and especially clear cutting with approval um we've created shade tree advisory committee that is up and running and is going to be led by former councilman Jim stch in town um I'll be meeting with the committee the beginning of September as they assist the burrow and our DPW in identifying any hazardous trees alonger streets and Roads and also identifying our shade trees the finance HR and admin committee meeting this week has been postponed but as always our great finance department continues to safeguard the fiscal accountability of our burough departments and our community uh the green team will start meeting again in September reach out to chairperson chairperson Mark savasta with any questions um just a quick update on Lee Memorial Library uh summer reading programs for adults children and teens are in full swing if you haven't signed up yet you can still do so go to library spiffy new website and look for their summer reading links the library has started its annual Summer Fling with a book event there's a jazz exercise class on August 22nd a whole slew of fun kids and twin activi including make your own candy jar and so much more go check out their website and uh we look forward to a family day fundraiser for the library at the Red Barn at Crestwood um on Saturday September 7th from 11 to 2 and that's it all right excellent thank you councilwoman hman all right well again congratulations to our new officers and thank you to all of our officers that are always out and about in allenville and I look forward to seeing new officers on uh on the streets um and as far as the water uh violia continues to be moving along with the lead and copper digs in town I know it can be inconvenient to Residents um but it is initiated to meet the NJ njde lead and copper Rule and should anybody have any concerns or something their Lawn isn't being repaired or something like that they are welcome to um email me my email is on the Allandale website and we've had um some Communications with the BPU and we're initiating dialogue with violia concerning uh the manner in which they are implementing tariffs in town um in relation to the APA so that will be more information to come sewers uh myself and Andy uh met with the uh Ramsay burough administrator and assistant sewer director um to discussed just our process and handling uh the sewers going forward since we accept sewage from Ramsay um so that was uh a great start to our plan for 2024 25 and uh I had a great time watching the Olympics hopefully everybody did it reminded me just like how awesome allenvale is with our fourth of July races and such like I loved seeing the world races it was wonderful such good sportsmanship love and that's my thank you very much conf out tool thank you mayor I'm going to keep it quick because I know better than to leave a full of cops waiting the uh Public Safety Committee met last week during what turned into a torrential downpour during uh which we discussed various matters around town including as the mayor mentioned uh crossing guards through the up coming school year truck traffic through downtown and of course our Downtown parking situation we also discussed some Community projects that some of our officers have taken on like the junior Police Academy under Sergeant oo which graduated their recruits at the end of July and Sergeant hillgardner upcoming heart and soul group which is a part of girls on the run that begins next month and spots are very limited so anyone interested should sign up soon uh at our last meeting I announced the Gary latum Memorial blood drive will once again take place at the firehouse this one is going to be on September 26th from 1 until 7 uh however we have a new partner for this drive the ab& has asked to be a part of it uh they will be offering a pint for a pint so if you donate a pint of blood you'll get a glass of beer wine or soda and finally I'd just like to take a minute to welcome officers Warrick and Waker to the family having had the opportunity to participate in the hiring process with David and Kyle I can honestly say that Allandale is very fortunate to be adding them to the force this evening so congratulations and welcome aboard super all right staff reports our clerk Linda trino thank you mayor I have nothing to report from the clerk's office um but I do want to congrat congratulates new officers and welcome them to the buau of Allandale all righty our chief of please Mike Dylan thank you madam mayor so thank you to the mayor and councel for their unwavering support of the police department for those of you who are counting these hires tonight are new officer number nine and 10 in the past two years for a department 17 officers that's quite a change I truly believe that we as a group have brought the most professional talented and compassionate group of officers to our residence excellent thank you very much I agree and our burough attorney Ray West thank you mayor I'll keep it quick in addition to the ordinances and resolutions on tonight's agenda um we've been working on the cell tower issue which is reaching some profitable culmin culmination for the burrow uh working with our good friends uh at the PBA on some pending labor issues which hopefully will get sorted out shortly um involvement with Saddle River on uh and Council woman homman was mentioning the Ramsey agreement we're still working through some issues with Saddle River regarding uh their projects that are being built there and their sewer flow through uh through Allandale um water utility we had our bi-weekly meeting uh earlier this morning with bolia u progressing on the recordation of easements and putting some other issues in order uh I did mention I think at the last meeting that our environmental litigation with PK uh next week I will be taking the third deposition of the principles of PK uh and that in September there's a settlement conference and uh we'd like to think that it'll be a good faith discussion and maybe a resolution of the issue uh those are a major matters all right thank you very much and then I'll give my mayor's report first um I have to say happy birthday to Lillian Thomas it's her hundredth birthday today people who know Lily and uh Styles Thomas they are um allelle um icons allelle gems Lily um actually was also very involved in preserving the celery Farm as well as styles and um all of her work to pre to preserve the Wetland so there's additional 20 acres of uh Wetlands that were very environmentally sensitive and she actually worked with the Bic R River Coalition who now owns them so appropriately we actually named them so if you go down named them after her so if you go down pal Avenue you can actually see the Lily Thomas um Wetland preserve so um happy birthday to uh Lily Thomas 100 years today and also um 210 West Crescent um if anybody has is following me on Instagram or Facebook there are some updates today um the gym is looking amazing the community room is looking amazing so um we are going to have in about a month a meeting with um a town meeting with stakeholders from all the volunteer organizations to get a sense of how they want to use the room and then and this the the whole Community Center and then we will be having our internal meetings to figure out how we're going to schedule all that it's all state-ofthe-art there's no keys it's all electronic so we're going to have a lot of training and hopefully it'll be a smooth transition so it is going to be a wonderful addition to the bureau um fair share housing I am going to constantly continue to talk about this um it's always top of mind for for everybody at the buau we are you know anxiously awaiting our numbers that are coming out um very soon in October um concurrently we are working on a hazard vul vulnerability study um what this is does is it looks at the entire buau it looks at how the burrow has been impacted by weather in the past couple years uh probably past 10 years and um it just gives a good assessment of what can be built on and it really it really should give um a lot of data and hopefully that will be taken into consideration I'd like to uh congratul Chief Dylan on the chief's Achievement Award so this is a program he was cited for his programs and initiative as police chief his training education including his Masters in Emergency Management plus acknowledge for being an EMT volunteer firefighter and Burrow's Emergency Management coordinator um we uh have communications constantly and everything that you're trying to do with the department and as um councilman alul mentioned all the community outreach it's it's just amazing um we're going to be having our second coffee with the mayor and cop soon so I look forward to that so thank you for all of your work and um our DPW department has uh a lot of new hires we actually had one on the um council meeting last time and then we had our new mechanic this time so that department um we've been really working hard to get that in shape and then as Chief Dylan mentioned we now have officers nine and 10 so so congratulations to David and Kyle and I will have the honor of swearing them in momentarily soon I swear it's coming to an end the meeting couple more things we have to do okay so next we have any unfinished or new business um next I'd like to open up the uh meeting for public comments on any matter does anybody have any comments on any matter on up state your name and address please Gabriel K 104 Skyler Road I just wanted to come up here and give a thank you to the mayor and the councel for allowing me to intern with you guys this summer it's really been a key experience for me I've learned a lot about how our local government works and some of the legal aspects of it especially around fair share housing so I'm really really happy that you guys approved the legislation today to go and try to sort this out so just want to thank you guys it's been a pleasure Gabe we're actually really lucky to have you you've done a lot of work for The Bu really appreciate all right so next we have our swearing in of our police officers here we go uh resolution 24- 216 authorize hiring of a new police officer so first we're gonna bring up David Joseph warre motion do I have a motion to approve so moved second second councilwoman hman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yako pleasure come on up y thank you I your name iav youly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the chief offic sir all the according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go help me go I everyone look at Lieutenant Tom here we go quiet I know learned all right next we have resolution 24-17 authorizing hiring of police officer Kyle Wanamaker do I have a motion so moved second please second Council fman yes councilwoman Loa solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes all right okay hi your name hi squ that I will support Constitution of the United States constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established to the government establish in the United States the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all the dut ities of a police officer all the duties of a police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God help me go oh beautiful mom stay there stay there we got a picture with you and the mayor and the police chief have you bear with me one more time just cell phone photo there we go thank you everybody congratulations oh good congratulations welcome congratulations congratul congratulations thank you congratulations congratulations okay I got up out of this one move too yeah all right well congratulations again and I don't know if anybody told you but our Allendale residents love our police officers so you are going to be uh very welcome here by all the residents as well as mayor and councel me uh motion to join the adjourn the meeting sove all in favor all right there's some refreshments in the room right next door if anybody wants to just hang out for a bit or or not or not all right Amy on amazing oh you