all right good evening everybody good evening everybody that's here and everybody who is home um welcome the mayor and council meeting it is February 8th 2024 7:30 pm. Linda will you please call the meeting to order and read the open public meetings act in compliance with the open public meetings act the no notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed Med at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the January 25th 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public Bolson board in the municipal building and burrow website councilman deliso councilwoman homman councilwoman Loa solo here councilman oconnell here councilman OU here counc Yaro here mayor wilinski here please stand to salute the flag I pledge United States stand na indivisible libery and Justice all right next we have approval of minutes do I have a motion to approve January 18th 2024 meeting minutes so move Love solo second please if Matt and I weren't here can be second it oh we may not have a yeah we don't of those eligible to vote we don't it has to obain also okay so we need a motion to table the uh minute approval to the next meeting oh second please second all right okay all in favor all right all righty all right before agenda review we have a presentation we have H Peter Luper Lup here from hoplight Communications he's going to talk to us briefly about 5G and some new technology that's going on I think you did actually come a couple years ago I did and we're you know now coming around and gonna have to make some really you know great changes so come on up sure if that works I think it' be better because the microphone okay um do you want me just discuss uh 5G or you also want to discuss the tower um forg existing Tower so I a great a brief overview of the 5G would be great and then we can and then bring the tower into it you know so 5G as you know is the next generation of Technology that's coming to um New Jersey they've already started rolling 5G out um across uh North Northeast Bergen County so it represent Bergen County itself and then several municipalities on the East portion of of Bergen County so Edge for example um good places at Fort Lee uh and there starting to roll out 5G um towers and the towers are very distinct from where we used to um so right now we have towers that are um roughly 164 feet for example here in town there's one right in town but the way um 5G is going to be rolled out is going to be put on on utility polls so instead of being on traditional monopoles or self-supported Towers they're going to be on uh 38t High conventional wooden utility poles uh and they're going to have them because of Technology of 5G they use a nano technology to propagate their signal so that's going to um be a lot closer together than the way your standard um 4G Tower is right now again it comes down to the physics of the of the microwave technology and the limitations of nano technology size waves so that will definitely come here they're going to go ahead and roll out as a said before Bayon Eastern parts of Hudson Bergen County and the like in Essex counties and it'll start rolling West I imagine some like ramsy will'll probably last to get 5G or the nano technology because of uh things like population and the size of the Lots they're considerably bigger there than for example in Cliffside Park if I give a good contrasting idea of the different um sizes of the population and the home sizes and property sizes um but it is going to be coming eventually here to you know all of buron County Central Bur County in Western Bergen County so my proposal was uh rather than have to rely on default kind of um SEC style um ordinance that we introduced one that's most advantageous to uh to Allendale so that you when they do come here you have some control over the the way things the way technology gets rolled out principally one of the things you should uh want to be careful of to have uh control about the Aesthetics of the the towers are going to be put in here Aesthetics obviously important because may have parts of the town that are sensitive to the way things look so there are different ways of concealing the technology so you have a 5G pole for example you can make it look like rod iron for example and you have many different types of selections about how the road iron pole looks for example you can go with more of a a stem flute for example different types of bases different types of tops uh those are all possibilities also you might want to have um start walking the sites now with maybe me members of the council or a DPW Department someone who's got an actual understanding of the area understanding different I abilities local sensibilities and neighbors who may have issues with it and try to come up with a proposal that we incorporate as part of an orance so that uh we have pre-select selected areas um that we offer to the carriers as preferences about where they locate The Towers again taking into into consideration Lots um you know local residents and historical areas and other areas you want to kind of um keep um maintain um as as a pfree as possible so other things we incorporate there is a requirement for the carriers to recycle is exist ing um infrastructure then don't go in and start building more than you have to because the right away is a is a precious commodity it's limited and you don't want to have it cluttered unnecessarily um have things for example where there's a noise ordinance noise restrictions some of these uh boxes hum make noises that are audible I've dealt with this a few times where I had to have the carry come in and have them replace or fix the cabinet because it was exceeding the volume uh also have restrictions with advertising no one wants Verizon putting a Verizon sign advertising of services no one in town I'm sure wants that and there are a number of different ways we could as much as possible reduce the impact on the community on the Aesthetics and the street Scapes of alendale uh that's that's consistent and compliant with the FCC so that's really the overview mayor perfect thank you um all right now uh onto the poll okay oh yes so we're talking about right now existing 300 what you're gonna talk about right are we shelving that for a private session or discuss this now oh um why why do we have no we wouldn't have to yeah yeah it was gonna be a presentation about yeah the the situation that we're doing with the crown with crown castle you want to talk that now or yeah is that is that no no I wasn't sure if I wasn't sure he um I maybe the F nuances of the negotiation but the overview I think is fine yeah so the overview is is this we have an existing Tower right now yeah um 300 Crescent and uh the the um it has expired um we did a one-year renewal very wisely Council decided to only extend for a year although they would have loved to have done it for another 20 years um but took caution got do one year small increment and now expires May 31st 2024 so we're talking a couple of months it expires and is an amazing opportunity for Allendale to monetize on it significantly um and to give a parallel in um Frank LS right now we're about to release an RFP municipality represent uh and starting at $7,300 per elevation we're going to alternate to different elevations but currently you have four uh Wireless carriers on there it's dish T-Mobile um 18t in Verizon uh so it's an opportunity to really make about a quar million dollars a year that you weren't making before that helps with all sorts of things $250,000 is going to reduce our property taxes by thousands of dollars but definitely helps uh add to the bottom line for the municipality and helps reduce the tax burden on your residents so the pro proposal is we already sent a um a termination notice to Crown Cil they are aware and I believe they withdrew their application to do the extension the 12 extension on oh they did with other I believe they did when I had last heard I guess it was about two days ago so it could have changed uh they had adjourned or postponed it adjourned for apologize yes it was adjourned yeah yeah s oh right so it's now going to be the following month okay correct I think they they got to notice my my my guess is they got the notice and and they're reconsidering the application so then we have yes that's right that's correct so yeah I just wanted you to come because I don't really know that it's a completely different world all of this kind of stuff to let the council know kind of like what what kind of things that we're doing going back and forth and this is a very unique situation where all of a sudden now we may have the opportunity to own the tower ourselves yeah and it's a great opportunity throughout buron County a lot of municipalities that have are finding themselves at the end of their Le from corre what a 30y year 25 30 year leas yeah yeah so now they're all expiring and it's a again it's a quarter million dollars in your pocket you didn't have before so it's said and a lot of municipalities who don't have the proper Council you know to come in and have the the wherewithal the wisdom to do it a lot of extending for 10 15 years and away but not alen you caught in in time and your Council was wise to flag very for thinking yep it was yep all right well thank you of course I I'll wait yep okay thank you mayor all right so now we'll have agenda review um we have introduction to an ordinance this is an ordinance a capital ordinance for various Improvement ments um the major Improvement is the Ada B bathrooms at the firehouse as well as some improvements at Burrow hall and then our consent agenda our oops I forgot our resolution uh we have our other resolution 24-6 this is the fourth time the second reading now that we've had to produce this so this is where we actually changed our committee so we kind of went through this we had a committee we um the committee decided that um this next year we're going to we're going to alter the Committees a little bit so just the process to go about that um is a series of resolutions so this is I think the last one um then our consent agenda which are matters that are uh usually considered routine but I'd like to actually bring some to everybody's attention because this Council does a lot of great work so one is that we are um awarding the Allandale Ada Firehouse uh renovation to hm a different hm company company uh we're also um going out to authorize the solicited bids for the construction of our new concession stand at Crestwood Lake yes would you like to chat about that at all Ty I could bring it up and my report it okay that's appropriate great y that's fine um we also have a resolution authorizing the sewer connection between the burough of Allandale and Saddle River and this was a very very very long and drawn out process this is for one of their fair share housing 126 unit properties on Wata Trail which is right on the border of Saddle River which they have to actually come into our sewer line so we had to um come up with this agreement because there is improvements that they have to do to the line to uh uh enable um everything to work properly uh as well as um making sure all the fees and it was very fair for Allandale we will be going through this again very shortly because SATA River we just found out is having another 2 75 units complex being built again on the border of Allendale that want to come through our sewer system so um this luckily we we were smart in this negotiation Saddle River was trying to push us to have the negotiations with the developer and we just said absolutely not Liz homman was actually great the lawyer came at us and then came at us again and we just held um steadfast and we said absolutely not we're having we do not want to deal with the developer we're only dealing with sadle River so this is actually setting upu nicely for the next one um we cannot just tell them no you can't use our sewer even though we would love to say that because these are inclusionary developments and if they did that and we fought it we would lose it's happened all over the state however we are going to make sure that our sewer can handle theirs as well as ours and as well as potential other building that we could have in alale so these are not very easy negotiations um and we will like I said said be embarking on this one other one other time in the very near future okay where was I oh we are also um granting authorization for a grant that we received Bergen County open space for the uh first phase of the tennis court so you want to cover that in your report as well perfect that'll be a big um bonus to our uh community and don't forget to mention that we're going to put pickle ball lines on it of course or else we'll get in trouble and right Walter okay getting new tenis courts you didn't hear we'll talk about so we also have a resolution designating our very own John Gil director of communications who act as our municipal clerk on April 25th so that should be a fun meeting we we also have some approval of Presswood Lake membership we are very happy to be able to donate to our local organization so we have another one of those um let's see uh hos construction uh was awarded to actually do the medivation of the kitchen at bur Hall and appointment of our recycling coordinator is carry again and let's see an approval of the bill Suzanne did you have a peek at that I did all righty all right so now we can go back and vote resolution 20 oh I'm sorry I'm gonna open up to the public does anybody from the public have anything to speak about Walter come on up pardon agenda come on come on up Walter wood 3 Hamilton uh since you brought up the tennis at cresford Lake uh I wish to say I'm very very glad that Northern Highlands has given us permission to use their courts yeah that is a blessing because those are real tennis courts we're gonna have in well for though the ones that Crush Lake are to be uh that can be discussed they look pretty I I will say that but as far as tennis concern they're for the birds I don't disagree with you but at the time when we were but doing um those tennis courts it was a grand and the cost of the real tennis courts was upwards of over a quarter of a million dollars and Tennis wasn't really popular back then and it's kind of making a comeback so I think now is the time they actually serve their purpose it was done with the Grant and now we're going to do them the real way so you'll be very happy would you would you explain the real way so um not using the sport Port material that's on there now so it'll actually I mean the problem with that area is that it Le needs a lot of drainage work and it needs a lot of engineering those ports are over 40 years old if you see where they're located there's a lot of water that comes down from northern Highlands so there has there's a lot of engineering work is going to be involved and it's going to be a tennis court so I don't think it's Madam but it's it's not the sport court whenever they make tennis courts out of I don't think they were were they done with Sport Court products it wasn't something similar yeah wanted to make sure it wasn't SP just a grand spec don't specify yeah it's like you know you say xerox machine but they're not always Xerox yeah like that but it's not technically yeah but it was a it was a mechanism that's similar to that okay now with with regard to the young man gave his talk as a citizen in town can I have access to the information what information would you like harby yeah just let us know what information that you would like and absolutely you have access to it well I I'd like to have an at least an understanding what he was talking about that's why I had to explain it it's not an easy topic this 5G thing is is new to me yeah yep sure I'm sure you have material right that we can supply absolutely there okay thank you you're welcome Walter anybody else from the public on agenda items not seeing any anybody um do I have a um a motion to approve resolution 24-6 so moved second please second councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman UL yes councilman yino yes there we should reflect that that particular resolution by virtue of the BW has required the affirmative vote of at least four members of the council and that there were four members voting in the affirmative thank you all right next is our our ordinance this is our first reading um and the second reading is set for the public comment on February 22nd 2024 at 7:30 uh ordinance 2 4-2 Linda will you please read that ordinance ordinance 24-02 Capital ordinance of the burough of Allandale in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing various public improvements in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $82,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the burrow do I have a motion ordinance 24-02 so move Sol do I second second all right councilwoman L solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yino yes thank you so I have a motion to approve approve the consent agenda so Mo second please second councilwoman Lova solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman oul yes councilman Yaro yes excellent Council report councilman Yaro it's uh it's changed to go first to last but um there's been a lot of exting there's been a lot of exciting things going on the facilities committee uh to start the year things that have carried over from last year and into this year um you know most of us in this room we or all of us I should say have been to Crestwood or members of Crestwood and we we experience what a great place it is to be and we're working on several things to make it even better um one of the things that we've discussed at meetings in the past is the concession stand at Crestwood link which on tonight's agenda we rewarded phase one to our Professional Services architect um tomorrow we're being we're going to be having a follow-up meeting to look at revisions to the plans we've been working very closely with DPW uh Thomas Guardian the lake director Amy and myself know looking at what we have today and where the shortcomings are other than it being an old structure and how we can optimize it for many years to come such as reconfiguration and things that just make sense in terms of flow so we are investing a lot of time to make a structure that's going to last the long term in terms of build quality but also flow so more news to come on that we are going to be working on the demolition of the existing structure in the near future um but without leaving shortfalls for the 2024 season we'll have Provisions in place to make sure that we need burden County's requirements to pass inspection but also provide some concession options as well as restrooms for the 2024 season but we did make the determination that the financial investment to keep the structure going for this season is not ideal so we will have something in lie to also provide you know adequate services to The League members y um also on the agenda we talked about the grant for phase one of the tennis courts um Walter as you mentioned the northern Highlands tennis courts they are so to speak proper tennis courts using your terminology um we did preliminarily speak with the high school previously last year um we did receive some valuable information with them in terms of the dos and do Nots and you know since they recently gone through the process so we are aware of what the high school went through and in terms of how we could take their experience and translate it into our project here so um as Amy also mentioned we will have pickle ball lines at popular requests due to the ever evolving player base of the sport uh so the tennis courts you know that's another project we have on the boiler plate um also with regards to Crestwood we started to have conversations with our staff at Crestwood to talk about our events for the 2024 season scheduling a process Improvement so we really have a lot going on in the facilities committee it's been a busy couple weeks um but we're really excited to get a lot of these projects and initiatives off the ground and I also wanted to say my thanks to Suzanne Amy and Allison for their work and sprucing up and Al also John and Linda and everybody involved in these projects getting everything painted in the kitchen project so I wanted to express my thanks to that so thank you very much good councilwoman liso thank you Mary yeah it really is starting to look so great I don't know if you noticed when you walked in um even in that front hallway downstairs when you walk in there's some nice new changes down there including the lettering that says burough Hall over the door down there so you didn't see that notice it because it's it's looking great um Alison you and your team have just been doing an amazing job thank you for everything um so our land use I'm gonna have wearing a couple different hats tonight um our land use committee we met on uh Tuesday January 23rd uh joining me in attendance were our mayor councilman deliso our code official Anthony Hackett our DPW superintendent Andy glio and our B engineer Mike breand um we start our meetings with discussing residential property issues and of the nearly one dozen um individual issues that we discussed um and have been discussing I'm happy to say that um half of them have really been resolved or on the verge of being resolved and the remainder are being looked into further by our professionals um so we really do take time um discussing people's situations and trying to work up um workable solutions for all um we spent some time discussing flooding issues in our town um it's really an all hands on deck issue right now that crosses a lot of committees um Public Safety our Police Department um our DPW uh land use so it is something that we are uh looking into in town and and figuring out um the best way to start um alleviating some of the issues uh we ended our meeting with some proposed code tweaks whether it's clarifying the wording of our code or tightening up some of the gray areas we're always taking a look at it and readdressing it and I'm sure 5G will now be a big part of what we're working on as well um we had our finance committee meeting on Friday January 26th um we started the months months long process of reviewing the previous year's expenditures and predicting our costs in our projects and our priorities for the upcoming year um we will have a finance uh team meeting or two so we do have a member here who is part of that so thank you for joining us tonight um we also had our green team meeting this week Mark savastano who is our chairman of the green team is here tonight and at that Zoom meeting we discuss our alelle Recycling and spring cleaning day which this year will be Saturday April 27th um I believe Mark you're G you have a few things to say when you get up okay I'll let you do that when you get up and um in addition to that I have a quick little report from um Nancy Claus who is our director of our library um for our kids and we have two of them here joining us tonight thank you ladies for being here um in February in addition to the regular programs the following special programs are going to be happening make a valentine will be on February 14th which is actually Valentine's Day the Star Lab planetarium will be on February 21st slime time on February 21st as well and a winter themed diarama class on 228 um special adult programs are uh I guess there's a local author named Ellen pelowski who will be giving a talk on February 27th about her book um gut driven and she's going to share important information about her approach to healthy eating and cooking and then um that's jie Genie kish's sister that's right I knew the name rang of about that's right um and then our adult winter Reading Club continues through March 18th participants log the number of pages they read to earn raffle tickets for a chance to win a cozy reading basket at the end of the program the popular blind date with a book event began on February 1st and continues through the 17th patrons select a rap book based on Clues provided by our library staff they're invited to fill out a ratee date card to be included in a raffle for a box that could dive a chocolate so as usual our library is doing a lot of fun things um for the next coming months and that is it oh and also I just want to you know what I'm going to Alison if you want to just update on the paint project when when you do when you do yours do it you got it thank you um actually councilman o Connell do you have anything to report I have nothing to report I would like to say so I looked at the plans for our new concession stand and I love the layout and I'm so excited for that project to get moving that's all I have mayor thank you excellent thank you tool thank you mayor in addition to a few meetings the past couple weeks to discuss some Personnel matters the Public Safety Committee met this past Tuesday um at that meeting we found that our two new officers are doing extremely well in their field training they're coming to the end of their training and are just about ready to hit the ground running um we're going to be moving ahead with the second speed sign on McIntyre Lane some of our Emergency Services Personnel will be making presentations at the upcoming Northern Highlands career day uh to talk to the students about police fire and Em's careers and hopefully pick up some young volunteers could use great yep uh currently our fire department's ladder truck is out of service while waiting for some parts and uh while being returned to the Firehouse today by the repair company the driver struck some overhead conduit in the firehouse the cating some electrical repairs but nothing no damage to the building itself not one of our D not one of our the mechanic the repair guy yeah uh fire department is still fully operational and ready to respond to any emergencies um you may have seen some videos on YouTube of DWIs of young women these videos are not released by the police departments rather they're OA by content creators and released reviews and ultimately to make money uh I encourage everyone to come across these videos to not watch them encourage this practice I know mayor wisinski has been in contact with Senator shapi put an end to this hopefully uh not only is it making extremely public what is possibly one of the lowest points of these people's lives but the time that it takes for our officers to redact all sensitive information and review everything can be put to much better use if there is one positive aspect to this uh there were two from Allendale and it shows our officers being completely professional and compassionate to these young women uh and finally a reminder that on March 28th we'll be hosting the Gary leesia Memorial blood drive there is currently a tremendous blood shortage so please come out and roll up your sleeves that's all I've got yeah you know that the Oprah thing that really um just got to me because we've always had problems with Oprah it's been abused for years you know the the sentiment behind it was that you're supposed to have transparent government right so that's the good part however there's been so many people who have abused it theyve the loopholes all to get a gain we've had to hand over personal emails of our residents we've had to hand over personal addresses for a residents people who have had dogs for people who are trying to gain business it's been awful every time we go to the league we always go to one of those uh seminars we've gotone off to speak many times and they're they're they're kind of like robots out there they're just like yep sorry you know there's nothing we can do but this has like gone to a completely other level where they're where they're taking the body cams which are now required by everybody in the state correct to wear um and there's they're zeroing in on young women that have you know are in a vulnerable time as as m said and really just exploiting them and they're getting millions of views and like hundreds of comments so it's it's really really awful so um as councilman no said I have reached out to you know the senator who's amazing and hopefully she she never heard of it so it's kind of I guess in the Forefront um so she's gonna let you know let us know if there's anything and maybe this will be just the one thing that we can finally put over you know to an end on the two videos in question you know we have to take the footage we have to export we have have to edit it you have how if you had to put a number to it how many hours do you think that takes for one of those videos so each video was approximately one hour in length it took about four hours to redact uh each video so a full day's work for the two videos um and if that's not you doing it with one of the other officers correct we taking away off the road to redact videos that somebody also Amanda um Richards also goes through them herself um for the advice fre with and that also takes a lot a lot of fun yeah it's really tough on a small municipality honestly so okay thank you than very much you um uh uh staff reports we'll start with John Gil U just beginning of the month the newsletter is being composed so you have any articles tomorrow's the deadline but of course it'll always be extended further no don't say that our deadline just reality of it all please you have anything I'd like to get that and then just the working with our great team on doing the improvements here at thanks so much Alison Alo okay um so we've officially started uh with our finance committee meetings going over the 2024 budget um so far first draft budget and it's looking good so we still have many more meetings and revisions to do but you know I think it'll be I think it'll be smooth this year on top of that we also begun working on our capital budget um comprising all of the different departments the needs and how else we can make improvements to the burrow moving forward uh part of that is the improvements to the actual burrow that we have been working on diligently over the last couple of weeks between getting the painting done which they started on Monday and we were hoping for them to be done tomorrow with the complete upstairs but might go into Monday because there's a lot of committees a lot of groups a lot of planning that we have had to schedule around and it has been very difficult but we have managed um so probably Monday we will be completed up here with the council chambers The Loft our conference room and the Quil room and then from there we do have to pick out some carpeting so we'll do the carpeting pictures on the walls and just get upstairs complete um and just uh to interrupt the the pictures on the wall we actually went out for a history Grant and we received the history Grant so we are going to get reproductions of all Allendale pictures and just have like all historical pictures all over the wall so it's really going to look nice in here for residents yeah it's G to look really nice um and then on top of up here uh we have within the burrow we took on our own little project downstairs in the foyer and just tried to Spruce set up down there clean it up and everybody has been helping me between John Amanda the DPW um pretty sure how many times have I asked you John can you help me with something over the last two weeks um but it's coming together you know little improvements just to make it nicer for the residents and mayor and Council and the staff um and yeah so just looking forward to continuing it getting the job done excellent thank you very much our clerk Linda thank you um just um an update on animal licensing um to dat we have about 20 30 dogs and 10 cats uh registered as of February 1 there will be a $5 late fee for late registration also resolution 2475 a resolution designating John Gill's acting clerk for the April 24th mayor and council meeting um is because I will be attending the municipal clerks Association education conference and Atlantic City that week um but I have full confidence in John Gil in fulfilling that role and I think thank him for that and um that's about it I I did go into the clerk's closet and I'm starting to um I just got approval to get rid of a lot of old files oh great so um I'm waiting for a shredding day and uh we're just gonna clean up that closet and then after that go to the other storage facility and get rolling with that super excellent Chief Mike Dylan oh thank you madam mayor I'll stipulate the council M tools Report with one brief comment about the so um thank you first and foremost for taking such a stance on this because it's really a matter of transparency versus exploitation and it's a very vulnerable time in these people's lives in my 20 plus years of of law enforce and police work is sometimes raw and upsetting uh typically not something I would ever want to put on display but unfortunately completely out of her control from the time being I look forward to for future legislation that prevents this and um uh I do deeply appreciate as my staff does your uh willingness to have this discussion and also to evoke uh some sort of support from our higher yeah political part unfortunately has to go we have to elevate it absolutely thank you of course ready with I mean uh whatever thank you mayor uh just picking up on what the chief said um I know that there was a proposal pending in the lame ducks session to try to limit some of the scope of Oprah unfortunately it didn't move in the lame duck session uh and seems to have lost a little bit of traction now that the uh the Senate and the assembly have reconvened so we could just have to wait and see on that uh the last couple of weeks since our last meeting uh have actually been very very busy uh on several fronts uh working with the Public Safety Committee with respect to several matters that we have uh with the uh the PBA and trying to reach closure on those issues uh we uh been involved with the uh renewed lease agreement with the AAC building um certain matters not including a a Ry fire truck running into a building involving the the fire department that are are still Brewing uh working with Anthony hackin on a couple of uh um property issues uh where he talked to us about permits and the like um with the chief on certain departmental matters over the last couple of weeks um as some of you are aware we had a 7:30 Zoom meeting this morning on uh uh I guess the the last aspects even though there's some significant ones uh regarding the sale of the water utility to uh to violia uh we're also in that context working with Green Acres to resolve some related issues uh on properties to be transferred to theia and uh as the mayor mentioned uh it's nice this evening to have brought to fruition the sewer agreement with with Saddle River that was I would't say it was an arduous process but it was a lengthy process uh good to have that done they approved their companion resolution last Monday so that's uh that is brought to closure but as the mayor said no sooner is that one done then we know that they have pending before them an application that started this week with respect to the conversion of the office building to another 275 units um which would certainly involve some type of an overture to the burrow on the sewer flow from that project um and there are open questions in terms of first of all it's not provided for anywhere in our agreements with Saddle River and secondly there's a real question as to whether we would have the capacity to do that in any event um so those are rather significant issues that are pending uh relatedly we are about to uh commence our negotiations SL discussions with Ramsey because they are also uh a municipality that runs their sewer flow through our system so that uh you know having bradle River to a close we open up another front in in dealing with ramsy u as was mentioned earlier uh the cell tower issue has become quite topical Tom bie from my office been uh uh engaged in that quite a bit obviously a major situation with the existing lease and uh the structure that we've known to expire at the end of May uh and it is uh with that closure and I think was mentioned before brings opportunity uh and hopefully it's a very positive opportunity uh for the burrow uh and I guess lastly is uh our involvement in our ongoing litigation uh with PK uh involving acquisition of that which was formerly known as 220 230 U and uh also known as black Mill Works uh and that litigation uh continues and I guess we anticipate having a case management conference on that with the court next week that's it may all right um and speaking of 220 we actually had the ribbon cutting today so uh it's been a long time coming when we first acquired that property uh via potentially eminent domain and then negotiated a deal I think was back in 2017 2018 um been working on it ever since so it's been um as I said a very long time coming um there was a big crew there there was a big Allendale contingency there um we had um from from the council uh Tyler Yaro and suzan Lolo and Matt otou uh John Gil also joined us um Andy was there um our DPW supervisor councilwoman hom um councilwoman hom was there and and um I say Anthony I did say Anthony who am I missing U mayor Meritus was there so mayor mer oh Mike Dyan or chief and as well as some of our police officers who had the opportunity to actually go through the building for safety purposes which was actually a good opportunity for them um mayor Meredith and Liz Holman you know have been on the you know the team from the very beginning and I think the Common Thread is Ray West who's been on it for quite some for for the duration as well she could be a udit got a unit but um Hampshire also had a you know a big contingency there because they all knew you know so this project was just very unique in that there was so many times when the project was ready to go belly up and I do have to say that they are an amazing company to partner with because you know they gave some we gave some and that's what really a true partnership is all about but because of the environmental issue that we had that you know uh Ry was referring to it delayed us for a very long time they had the opportunity that they could have pulled out then there was Co then there were supply chain issues developers do not hang on to properties for a long amount of time they they buy them they develop them they get out but John Hansen um you know developed a friendship with maror merus Farah and it was a man of his word quite frankly and you know we went back to him when we thought the deal was going down again and he just kept on saying you've got you know you have my word you have my word and if you really look up the company you will see that they really are a company with with Integrity because let me tell you something if we did have to go out to bid it would have been hundreds of units because those were the other bids that we got so to keep it alive was very very important and it's it was just a very very great day um so John Hansen is uh as I mentioned is the chairman he's also in the New York uh New Jersey Hall of Fame and he's also actually on the board right now so um at the end I said you know we have this big project this mural project that we're working on so I asked him if he would support the mural project just happen to split them I'm like I may be so bold um and I just got an email before I got here that they're donating $10,000 to a mural project oh that's fantastic yeah so I'm really super excited about that um so the mural project this is a project um hopefully everybody heard of it so I've been trying to get it out there to the community it was actually uh the Simon rig who is an artist sculptor alale resident um approached me again before covid we kind of had this plan which we're just about to unveil it to the community and then we had to put it on hold uh fast forward now again and it's this awesome project but it's a very overwhelming project and it's going to be this amazing work of art Simon is um uh renowned sculptor if you read the 2011 magazine that just came yesterday you'll you'll see what I mean it's also actually on my um burough Facebook page so he is going to be working with all of the schools he's already been in touch with with um all three schools the schools have fast forwarded so that's why we're you know crazy fundraising and everybody is so excited so it's really was 30 years ago that the original mural was put on the side of the wall was from um styles Thomas started it and it's the same tenants that we have today so he brought the communities together he brought history together and then they did the art on the wall and we're doing the exact same thing so we um are bringing the community together we have all the kids there's also a lot of community members involved we have we worked with our bur historian for hours to actually pick the different types of historic pieces of like buildings but we also wanted to capture the essence of Allendale so we are going to have some of the clubs on there we also have of course our celery Farm on there in areas the ab& is actually going to be on there because that is historic as well as everybody knows the ab& when it comes to Allendale and then of course the art piece is that we've got this amazing um artist doing it so um it's going to be it's going to be big it's going to be fabulous so we just encourage everybody there's fundraisers that are going to be happening to please you know Community all come together because the burough is not actually funding the project um but we are actually are in support of the project and I also wanted to thank the holiday observers because they donated um $5,000 as well so the community is slowly com together um last night they're meeting they approv that so that was U really super and I want to also thank Allison and the staff uh because it was really it's so nice to come into this uh space and not just for obviously us it's really for the community to have a nice space to come to our meetings but also our staff we wanted the staff to have a nice place to work and we hadn't redone this place in 30 something years that kitchen was sh terrible so now hopefully when that's done they'll have a nice place to go and get away from their desk and then they'll have a nice place um to come to work every day so that's very important not just to me to everybody on the council and then after the meeting today we are going to have our close session um where we're going to go over our 2024 goals for the bureau and for each council person and it's a closed session because we want to I want the council to all come together and all of us to come together to create the goals not just me and then when we're ready we're going to um have a series of town halls at least four we're also going to have some copies with the mayor and Council and to be as transparent as possible to the community and we really want to put all our goals and um Visions out there for everybody and get everybody to be back and see what they they want and see what the community wants and and incorporate that into our goals so uh that is going to be actually after the session so that is my report so is there any unfinished business mayor just one quick amendment to my report which I failed to mention since bexon residents um as the council is aware on March the week of March 11th the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will be having their mobile unit at the wouse throughout the whole week so you still are in need of a real ID you could do it in Allandale so that's going to be the highlights of their trip to Allandale um license plate returns vehicle registration renewals and a couple of other services so John and I have been working on getting some information out so the week of March 11th uh there will be signups you make an appointment you go to the Firehouse you can get a real ID which is a highlight and a couple other things so just one some residence and more to come great um any other unfinished business any new business okay next we have public comments on any matter anybody from the public wish to speak on any matter Mar mayor and Council this is loud little different new one yeah wow um thease oh before I mention about the the green team meeting I have a few questions and I'm not sure Matt if this is directed to you and or the chief um with regard to who's responsible for uh maintaining Franklin Turnpike and with regard to the crosswalks the county road county is corre I know there were plans for by bur County to pave Franken t bike from the Ramsey border to the waldrick there is line so um I would imagine that the crosswalks will be restriped at that point when can we request that they put uh those flashing lights similar to what we have in the center of town at the crosswalks that cross over to the celery farm so I don't get um costed by speeding cars when I go to walk there how how do we uh request that would we directed too um I guess we'll have to direct that to Andy our DPW supervisor um you mean just one at the celery Farm cross well at least one of them if there would be the light that you can press AC crosswood in downtown you press the button no not press similar to that simar to the one rightest exactly yeah I mean and then what would happen so they you know they they have their team of Engineers too and they may have reasons for it or for against it so it's something we could suggest but it's not something something that we could say we actually want well yes we could request it and and state why um I'd be happy to write a letter as to as to why I think residents too are not very um appeasable to have flashing things in front of their house too and sometimes flashing things are distracting that's all I'm saying it might it's not like a done deal yeah the other issue is um at Cottage Place I know the Sidewalk Ends on the uh the southbound sideous side and there's no crosswalk there although it tells you to cross over to the other side of the street there's no crosswalk on that at that point so might be something that they would consider adding okay okay thank you yeah um and I wanted to ask and you brought this up uh Suzanne during your report um regarding surface water um I'm sorry I missed that planning board meeting because I wanted to ask if there is any current ordinance and also Mr WIS regarding surface water in Allandale about it having to stay on the property and not diverting it onto other properties usually H as part of an application you know where the applicant would demonstrate what the flow is how it's accounted for and I don't know exactly the the characteristics but uh um you know typically it's done on an application by application basis for impervious surface coverage um and this is at the time of construction or typically and so if there's an problem now how is that addressed um I don't know whether the problem would be at variance with um whatever the specifications were on an approved application you're dealing with a you know a multi- dwelling unit project or a property it's a neighboring property uh that was developed in the past and now is the problem is getting worse because of the change in weather probably something Mike breand would have to look at to see what uh his opinion is in terms of causality and you know so whose problem it is speak to the burrow engineer about it to the particular you know property that you could identify um I honestly I don't know the the property address it abuts my uh the property debt I own that's a rental property and uh the issue is that a swell was put in to intentionally drain the water off of the property yeah that's what because sometimes that can be a private remedy as opposed to a yeah public situation so there's no Mark you can report that so there's two ways to report a concern right you know on our website there's the one little tag where you can report uh report a concern and then it'll be sent to the department that it direct that directly you know can answer it and and also you can just go into to our our building department and um concern okay I wanted to go to the correct place thank you for that exactly Anthony can help you okay um okay so U moving on we did have a very productive meeting mayor for the uh the Green Team um and just briefly uh the the uh birthday event SL Allendale cleanup day is is growing and um we're trying to build on the success from last year um the list of items that will we be collecting just to make the public aware U Electronics like last year medicine and thank you to the chief for participating along with Valley Hospital uh paper shredding from the the county um we're having a clothing collection in addition to the one that's being held at the fous on uh on that day as well um we're having um a collection of eps styrofoam plastic bags hopefully either the shop wrer AC me if not then the clothing collector accepts those as well uh we're going to have speakers about food waste water conservation we'll be selling our backyard compost bins and mortar barrels we just got another order today um a um we're going to have the neighborhood cleanup like we did last year and something new is a x-ray film collection so we'll collect those films and deliver them to a company um in Bloomingdale that recycles them by extracting the silver that's in those films and we'll be taking food donations for the Community Food Bank excellent yeah so it's uh it's looking to be a very exciting event and no rain yes hopefully it'll be a a beautiful day um but in any case we're looking forward to having the event again and thank you for that great thanks Mark Mark I know you and I discussed you know alternate venues so um you know we definitely want to have a formidable partnership between the Green Team and of course us so once we we get through this year's Earth Day you know I'm happy to pick up those conversations with you again based on you know how we you know saw things go this year yeah but definitely want to continue the conversation great I just wanted to mention that too thank you Tyler all righty thank you mayor oh and as always we thank C for when they come out and help out on that day yes I'm sorry I apologize for not mentioning all right anybody else from the public have any girls guys that want to come up and say hi want to come up and just put your name if your name is on the record prove that you were here all you have to do is H your name come on we're really friendly we're really really friends we have any giveaways or anything or anything no all right I don't want to oh uh oh Walter's gonna Walter wants to give away are you coming up again Walter don't say that right walwood or 38 Hamilton is there any charge relative to Allendale the Saddle River connection yeah so there's carrying so it's it's uh it's based on Flow and um we also actually did put um a a an admin charge for all the time that we have to actually lawyers time engineering's time uh because it is our system so there is there is definitely um charg we don't let them use it for free absolutely not well some of it been on us or do they pay there's a what happens it's based on Flow so it's a percentage so they pay a certain percentage and we pay a certain percentage and same thing with Ramsey correct yeah the the engineers have calculated the amount of flow that is generated by alel residences and business establishments and likewise the amount from Saddle River so that's the formula on proportionality and then as the mayor said U ultimately it goes to the county the county has their charge so the percentag is allocated between the two municipalities based on Flow the county charge is covered and as the mayor said there's an administrative search charge that we add to the bill of Saddle River to cover the fact that we are the conduit or pass through there's meters to you know throwout that's how they calculate it oh would you be kind enough to give me a hard copy of the blood collection date indeed I have to have it writing we have them right downstairs Pary we have them right downstairs printed out ready for you good uh relative to the new chairs they're very pretty oh whoops are you going untable give it give it what also the paint job is thank you okay I thought there was a big butt no no no no thank you thanks out there all right I'm gonna give one more time for the Girl Scouts come on up come on yay hey see you can put the microphone down a little bit why don't you one you go to time first say your name I'm Mila Murphy and where do you live I'm in Dale New Jersey what street oh uh East salale great super and what grade are you in seventh seventh grade and are you uh are you going for a badge is that why you're here yeah I'm going for um citizenship in my in in the community merit badge rest okay super excellent and what is your name I'm Emma Gib and where do you live Don Brook Drive on dony Brook Drive are you going for at seventh grade as well yeah in the same badge yeah what did you guys think of the mayor and council meeting was it boring or was it exciting interesting was it do you have any questions for us about anything in Allen anything you want Presswood any no nothing what do you think of our new chairs are they comfortable all right well thanks for coming up come by again we like to have people come to our meeting thank you thanks so much thank you excellent see now you're on the record forever all right anybody else from the audience wish to speak all right with that um I would like to introduce resolution 24-85 and ask for a motion to approve to authorize the governing body to enter into a close session to discuss the 2024 goals and Strat plan of the governing body we just said as as well as um contractual matters and uh prospective litigation yes okay I have a motion so moved second second all right so that is the end of our meeting Council Leo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yak arino yes so that is the end of our our meeting um as soon as we get done we're going to adjourn so um good night everybody thanks for coming show move all in favor all right good night everybody hi have a good night feel better feel better thank you