##VIDEO ID:K_dEuQ5ahH8## okay good evening everybody I apologize for being a few minutes late here um but we're going to call the meeting to order okay this is a regular meeting of the Allendale L news board at which formal action will be taken on the items listed on the agenda and upon any other matters which may properly come before the L use board the requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied through posting on the public bulletin board and in the municipal building and on the burrow website and by publication of the record in on December 29th 2023 with copies also being sent to the Ridgewood news certain agenda items will be open to the public for comment Andor testimony the board will advise the public when such matters are open for their comment or testimony um Lon may I have I'm going to do the roll call First please roll call First you want to do this we'll do um do the roll call First please Vice chair woman Bergen here board member Wala here board member patrino here board member Garo is absent councilman deloo is absent board member D here chairman Sero here mayor wasinski here alternate Butler is absent alternate County here okay before we get forward I just want to uh have everybody join me please FL I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice thank you okay so we did the roll call real uh one thing on the agenda that comes up next is the approval of the minutes um I made some changes reviewed them gave them Pinda I think the rest of the board looked at them and approve them so Linda if we could have a roll call for or if we could have a motion please for approval of the minutes I'll make a motion to approve thank you second I second thank you Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member patr yes chairman too yes okay um I'll do it before resolution okay all right before we get into the to the public hearings and and the resolution um tonight we're are to hear a continuing application for the Allendale Rehab and healthc Care at 85 harlton Road um it's application file number 2024 d04 Council I notice you're here and Council I turn over to you thank you chairman um we were here at 17 time there six members present um today there's only five members who are on the zoning side of this joint L use board who can hear this application since the application requires two different G Varian as2 variants expansion and ratio and we need five vots we would need five out of five versus five out of what is normal seven member vote Val we're going to ask this matter be carried um unfortunately multiple experts are not available in either September or October the week of September 16th and the week of October I think it's 14th I think that's right um they're could be out of the country we out of state so what I'm requesting is that I gather several dates from my team communicate with Mr cie Miss garala with respect to those dates hold the board and see if we can set up a special meeting either late September or October to hear this matter we should be able to finish it one evening I re notice for whatever date is agreed upon and voted upon by the board hopefully you can have seven members who are prepared to vote okay and just so that everybody understands if you would explain why yes certainly please so so for the benefit of the board and the public that are here in connection uh with this application the applicant is asking to carry this matter to another date the date is now unknown the applicant will Ren notice you will receive another certified mailing just like you did for the first public hearing once that date is known you'll receive it more than 10 days ahead of the public hearing you'll receive date time and location just like you did first time around uh the reason we don't know that date yet is because it's going to be a special meeting the board's going to convene an off cycle meeting to accommodate the application to be heard and dispensed with one way or another at a date certain sometime this year as you heard the applicants not prepared in September October the reason they are not proceeding tonight for your edification members of the public and board is the applicant has a what's known as a d variance use variance relief and that requires a statutory super majority vote for the board to approve this application five of seven minimum vote is required so while the applicant can present if there's a quor there's at least four eligible members in the room the applicant cannot vote unless there are five eligible members in the room at a minimum but with those five the applicant would need every board member to vote affirmatively in order to be approved the applicant is not required to proceed at their Peril with those odds the applicant can wait for a duly constituted full board membership to be here and that's what they're electing to do is hoping that they'll come back at a certain date when there are seven eligible members to hear their case and vote on the application so that's why we're not moving forward this evening um Council make sure your radius lists are updated um it's been almost six months so I'll get one okay yes sir notic on the website as there'll be a publication in the periodical there'll be a certified mailing and and Linda defer you be always on the yeah we'll put all the agendas on the website so you'll see it there too as well you know the May the mayor and Council right okay yeah so so if you folks are counting heads up here you're going to say there are more than five members here there are than seven members here um because of a use variance case this is a combined land use board which is allowed under state law but with a combined land use board when there is a use variance case at issue there are six types of use variances they have a few they're dealing with here certain classes of members are precluded from voting that includes class one and class three members of the board that includes the mayor elected officials so we're already down to eligible members on the day is here today because of that when you B you know bow out two members we've got one that has not yet listened to the prior proceeding the applicant is is short to move forward tonight that's why you might see more heads up here than you think we're counting Okay C time oh okay thank you thank you I just want to make sure right yeah no go ahead and if there are any more questions for members of the public as to us reconvening on this matter you know now would be the time to ask ju just about what's occurring tonight though no no okay sir are we good yeah okay all right anybody else in the audience okay so Council just request a vote to adour to a date to be determined with new notice required okay can we do that voice I'll make a motion all right thank you second okay Linda um you might as well just do the board so we have it official now what is this that everybody agrees with this is to reconvene to Recon L yeah later date to be determined okay just to kind of close this made the motion in second I'm and waral second thank you Vice chair woman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member Petrino yes board member D yes chairman suro yes won County yes Council thank you all right okay so wait did that okay so now the next thing is no the resolution resolu okay okay next on our agenda is a resolution against application file number 20 2024 d09 9 resolution 24-16 the applicant is interem 6 Pearl Court Allendale New Jersey 07401 block 601 lot six and it had to do with the relocation uh or the installation and relocation of an generator um we all heard this application the resolution is done Council if there's anything that we need to add to this I I think the resolution is complete it embodies all factual findings and conditions of the approval um if there are any edits we're glad to make them but otherwise we think it's order and final for execution if the board deems appropriate okay thank you so do I have a motion for approval of the resolution please I'll make a motion thank you sir second thank you Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member patrino yes chairman Sero yes okay thank you give us a moment no yeah you're yeah press okay so moving now into the public hearings we have applicant file number 20 24-10 the applicant is Craig and Leslie Foster 146 Park Avenue in Allandale block 1703 lot 11 and is the installation of a shed in the backyard pursuant to 27-14 C parentheses B parentheses 2 um sir thank you before we okay so Mel Melissa I'm just G to announce your okay so Council she uh Melissa Bergen has to refuse herself okay because of proximity to the property in question okay very good so so and we're going to get you on the record a moment sir and sworn in so the vice chair has recused herself um living within a 200 foot radius list of your target property which is subject to the application Mr Foster if you want to mine oh yeah yeah and you can sir you can bring it you can bring it you can bring it to the table you can bring it to the table swear you it's up whatever you want okay all right we're going to have to swear you and so if you wouldn't mind state your name spell your last name provide a property address and then we'll swear you in in a moment and you are the applicant and do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth very good so I imagine you are the only witness on this application it appears okay someone's got to be right um so what you could do sir is is you can prosecute your application you can explain to the board what brings you here what your proposed development is uh you've identified the relief in the application if you could walk the board through that the board is going to have some questions I'm sure of you as May the board Consultants the professional Consultants left and then we can go from there so it's very simple we like put a in in the back right point of our of our property the hardship as of it is the uniqueness of the spot is where as you can see from the from the property survey basically it's round about three so the set rule requires that we would be effectively have put it almost in the middle of the yard which is what we like to for storage Tre so the the ConEd shed is under the 200 S ft the 20 right that um I it's it's allowed it actually may end up being a little bit smaller but that's effectively for I can walk through I I took some pictures to show in case anyone not famili with this particular of properties back use the back so to be clear most of most of not all of the homes on Far Avenue Front on Far Avenue okay with with Malon being what would be considered in most cases and generically the rear parts of their guards and their proper yeah front properties but most of have the address houses are configured so it as as as as so plac is put it actually real further back than aach the street and I ideally we have as far as the height it's standard standard shed height and you're um I'm familiar with your home so your home I know has the front garage your everything you do is towards the front of towards the Park Avenue side okay um and I think it's important to note um that you know on Malon like a lot of the backyards they they should look like front yours so it's very it's important that it's aesthetically sleeing because you can see everything it's not really I mean it's right out there so if the shed was to be you know kind of in the middle of the yard I think that would not look appealing to the neighbors or to the cars driving by and and I SL I went through your I've actually driven down there I know I'm familiar with so I know that um again as you pointed out people either have garages or or some people have sheds okay and they do tend to be closer to the m the melon side of the properties that's why I keep saying about the front of the house is being yeah would requ people rough 4er middle of back um currently right now where you've dri where you've drawn you have N9 feet called out here that nine foot Dimension where where's that what is that the N foot would be from the the Ed ofer is so around rough Ed okay was gonna block your Gardens I was actually gonna ask if you brought some zucchini and tomatoes that would have helped our decision a little bit next week come to the deer presentation on the 17th you'll get all the information you need just just for context what we're referring to is is Mr Foster I noticed that you had I guess they're raised beds okay so that's what Mar and I are alluding to so so it's it was more of a passion project for my my mother-in-law and my wife expand it okay um or please um or or um yeah Frank go ahead I I just have a question I mean you earlier you said you're putting the shed to the on the right side of the property but looking at the property that's on the left right okay um I guess my one concern is that currently there's no there's no curve on malice and and uh if if we you know if at some point and I guess I would like M um Mike's input as well being the B engineer at some point it's just it's a narrow road to begin with and if there was to be a curb there on that your property is kind of like there's really no definitive line back there so I I don't know if this measurement is from did like when you bought the house was it were the corner Stak like how did you come up or how are you coming up with that Dimension because I don't know if we have a dimension on malison Mike but that's pretty narrow right 25 feet maybe it is it is a narrow stre and a little bit history with this this piece property this property was before the before the house demoed constructed remember and since then the applicant has worked with the governing body vacation right away Along along third I remember that and through that work uh there was some additional surveys that were taken corers haven't been set but physical features out there okay actually the iron fence that's long Mouse and over the property that's I understanding that that's pull back on the the applicat side of the the RightWay line and you know the edge of pavement I believe on now the app property orge so there's there's a lot of space so there's at least 10et well the fact that it's at least 10 feet is is comforting because any any um any Redway right from the curb 10t back is essentially you know um is is an easement whether it's for utilities or or something else um or maybe perhaps you know curbing sidewalk whatever but just keeping that in mind I wouldn't want to see you put the shed too close and then you know have to move it at some point we're aware of and and we aware when we spent the money to put to put in some some of the the guys excuses that it comes to pass if there's desire for a sidewalk so did I hear L that the fence you're going to move the fence to move it back back was a bad measurement oh so okay so essentially it was set I told people it like my measur like it was and the 10 foot back yeah we're on the record by the way with my with my it look like it was roughly 10t with in my head that that there's a 10 foot step back in the front on on par um so that I verified think they putting trees are going in between the curb and sidewalk so it just seemed to make sense people I said 10et just parallel but uh once the server is done we realize uh two things one it's not it's 11.8 one side and you aspect it's actually not a parallel line it's strangely has a little bit of to so at the end of the day we just out of curiosity because I can't remember when I drove down there for my own interation is is it Street fence arbores or is it Street arbes fence it's a street or so you have you're not moving your Harbor F to no those we actually them actually I'm not sure Police Department Che before we as i' said requirement but okay thank you thank you president thank you and just so to give you the board idea one corner whereing right and question from any again when you move the fence in when you move the fence in if if if we were to Grant this where you want to put it how close to the defense just again how close to the defense would yeah be s and a half ft okay okay Michael anything else to add to that you know there's a section in the code that deals with the location noted in the application and there's a provision in there for for lots that access structure located that's the section okay thank you all right [Music] um Mr you know go back to the mayor's point about um the aesthetic I mean your your your street side it's in Malon and you've got a textbook hardship case here with three frontages um but do you can you put on the record any testimony as to what the shed will look like material colors I don't know if it's prefab or you're sticking it or what so so the the plan is it's going to look be more in a gray and black trim so we're M try and keep it in more [Music] the photo that's the photo and the supplemental pag is and then what no garbage behind don't put all your Olds yeah we don't want to look at it put it on your side yeah we just have to get that you know you agree to all of that all right you plan on having any electrical or Lighting on question and again it's just a shed grass leading right up to it they'll concrete kind of stuff just go into it and be done some advice put the gravel down make sure you bur underneath there because I had wood Chucks underneath mine all time and I had to dig down like 18 inches so they didn't burn underne so so yeah um board members okay um I'm gonna anybody I'm G to open it up to the public comments questions are you sure okay seeing none I bring it back to the uh back to the board any further discussion okay um Michael anything elseed any sorry I brought you okay um did I have a or is there anybody would like to make a motion to approve this I'll make on thank you thank you can I have a second a second thank you sir okay is there anything we have to add to this no I've got a limited condition of approval that there's no garbage um or any other storage items between the rear of the shed and the fence line the fence line is going to be pulled in the property line beyond the right of way those are the only conditions I have that's all and you're amendable to those okay okay all right um Linda can I have a vote please board member rosala yes board member patrino yes board member D yes chairman suro yes mayor wasinski yes altery yes good luck good luck and by the way very this was complete thank thank you very much all right byebye okay night um next on the agenda open it up to the public for any questions comments seeing none I bring it back to the board um as we customarily say here is there please y I have a I can update everybody on uh the community center um I'm sure you've passed by and it's really coming along beautifully um I was in it today the the gym floor is is done the basketball courts are up the uh scoreboard is up the kitchen actually we had a a little course today on how to use this like insane stove uh six gas burner griddle there's a deep fryer um there's a stove um hood that turns on automatically when when you're cooking so and the light it's something else um there's a refrigerator there's a freezer and then of course we have our big community room that will be divided um um if we need to have two separate groups in there that also has a kitchenet area um just the colors everything really came together uh beautifully so you know kind of the next steps are um we're going to have like a a meeting with most of the organizations and some of the community just to see kind of what their thoughts are on on the usage and then we have to um we still have you know we still have a lot to do before we get our CEO uh the generator being one of the major um holdups but it'll give us time to kind of figure out how we're going to work the calendar how we're going to work the new state-of-the-art system because it's there's it's a keyless system we're going to be giving people codes and stuff um and yeah hopefully everybody will be happy it's really exciting um this space that we're sitting in Now is really the only space that we have for the community to come and and have meetings so now at least we'll have a really uh beautiful space for everybody to um to enjoy so great yeah thank you that's I think it and then of course Ed has been working on the hazard vulnerability study uh we had a stakeholder meeting a couple weeks ago with our DP W our chief police um our uh business administrator and you know other people that could let Ed give Ed data for him to come up with a plan um that is going to be um injected into our master plan right um and uh really help us hopefully have better planning um with regards to all the flooding and all the other um issues that we've had you know in the past so um keeping the character of the town but then you know taking into consideration all the other elements that have come forth um in the past whatever decade potential changes those well yes we've had um as everybody probably knows so many more flooding issues than we've ever had um and there's just no way anybody can say in my mind that it has nothing to do with all the building that's going on in this whole entire state so it's just there's got to be a place for the water to go um obviously there's more more issues than that but that's definitely one of them so I could add to what the mayor just brought up as well you may have seen in in your email box I try to send to all board members today two things one was the mapping you would ask for digital copies of the maps plus the second thing was um the land use plan were also amending in the same process we're sort of doing a dual track approach and in that land plan we objectives many know why we have the goals and objectives those are very important for variance variance especially use variance uh so what I tried to do was I copied what we had I've also added to that any recommendations I had help improve upon and I thought though I was actually happy to say that a lot of the statements in there were pretty good it's just a matter of massaging them a little bit more see in bold text is the recomend so if that Spurs other thoughts please by all means hopefully the next meeting in September we can discuss this in more detail also come back to you so so I spoke I spoke with Ed this morning and what we're going to do is in the next meeting it'll be on the agenda for Ed to you know give us the opportunity to just what he sent and then questions it'll be part of our normal meeting okay and as you pointed out the last time I mean this is an ongoing it should be an ongoing thing because there's multiple sections to each one of the documents so it's something that I'd like to give you in bits and pieces instead of trying to throw the whole thing at you at once so that you're able to digest those items and get much more successful document that's what effectively what we're trying to do find so see important to talk about so members when we get this information please if you can read it WR some plots done and then we can be able to discuss it in the next meeting okay anything relates to any other variances that you might have heard or anything like that you like to see the Dan considered better we'll also be doing the land use plant map which identifies and supports your zoning M so therefore if you want to see anything adjusted or anything that that bothered you would may not have been correctly zon that which we capture that um one oh May um do you was was there the last time last time we talked about stuff going on with with all the affordable housing Etc do you have any further input on the building there was the whole sewer situation with the building on the corner of rout 17 in Allandale Avenue yeah is there an update on that one please please um so Saddle River uh approved the project so it's 275 units going in Avalon um Builders is the name of the Builder and but it's contingent on the the sewer um capacity they did a study and of course their study showed that it's fine the sewer capacity is fine we obviously have to look at that and uh make sure use our experts and examine that uh the other piece of it is that we do not to have our sewer agreement with the developer we want to have our sewer agreement with Saddle River so we're going to be kind of going back and forth with that so and we have that we have those types of agreements with others there's one um agreement that we have with them for the inclusionary development that's going on right now um it's actually you can see it being built on on now you see it up there on the hill yeah so again just quick question is is is the plan to revamp that building or take it down um I would say building 100% taking it down yeah it's be yeah yeah they'll okay all right um I actually have one more thing if you would mind so um I've been talking about fair share housing probably for like the past 15 years so um there's the fourth round that's coming up now and um we have a committee that we formed we've been meeting we actually have a meeting tomorrow and uh there is um an effort by uh that was started by Mayor Mike gasali from Montvale um to enter into a federal lawsuit and what this lawsuit encompasses is the the main goal of it anyway is to have um there's there's 62 towns that are exempt from fair share housing and they're called urban renewal towns and they fit like a certain criteria but when you really dig deep into it some of the towns are like Jersey City and Hoboken where their per capita is is higher than most of even smaller Suburban town so the the goal is to challenge that and to get these others and we we have to we have to take their burden so the goal is to challenge those 62 towns and get them to also participate and be part of the big huge number of 200,000 uh that is required for the state so um at the last mayor and council meeting we actually adopted a resolution so we are on that list so he's hoping to get 60 something towns um each Town puts in initial $10,000 and if it goes forward then we put another $10,000 investment and he thinks that's enough money to take us um to that level he just retained an attorney um so now we're going to be you know starting to have some of those meetings and seeing how that's gone going on and you said it's on the federal federal level even though it's just or is it a state mandate it's it is it's state M mandated but this is a I don't know why it's a federal level but it's a federal level law reason to challenge it on the federal level to the state level yeah can't exactly yeah but there was a reason that because of all right so I will be sending something out to all allelle residents but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up I'm going to send them you know update on that and then we have our next our next due date um submission coming up yeah next month sted the date also documenting types restrictions all that background information has toate there's extremely extremely tight deadline and we are completely on top of it we're not advocating our responsibilities um we hired another attorney for for this there's lots of specialty attorneys that we're hiring but he's you know amazing with this and knows it it's been you know he's been dealing with affordable housing for 20s something years and um Jeff sanan um and um we're not we're not um saying we don't need affordable housing in New Jersey but we're we're trying to do it we we just want it done in a responsible way but he said compared to a lot of other towns there's a lot of other Mayors when I go these Mayors meetings they just throw their hands up because they're just like we can't this is crazy we can't do this we're not they're still building their third round we're done with our third round so we are actually in extremely good shape because we have done what we were supposed to do do all along unfortunately you don't get brownie points for doing what you're supposed to be doing so um like I said Our obligation according to the formula could potentially be 200 affordable units which could translate to a th units and there's just absolutely no possible way that we could fit that anywhere so um to be continued to be again I commit your Administration and previous administrations we've always been ahead on this thing so the leadership in this town being on this thing coupled with coupled with you guys I mean it's been and was it you Mary Ellen no no he's he's the new Mary Beth Lan no no but I'm saying past Mary Beth Lan give the credit to your Administration yeah the council the council so what sorry if I don't understand what's the difference the first one you said about the fair share housing and the um larger lawsuit that's Federal and then this one that you're battling with I guess the DCA those require are those two separate issues so um the DCA which which DCA okay go ahead trying to understand the difference put in their documentation that has to be report inform your the DAT back again that's we were doing so 16 also includes the reporting of the status of all theit within the third round so this is It's just reporting really on October 20th that's when the need numbers are supposed to get published by DCA CA now becomes the new cable hous counc affable housing as result of the amendment yeah so therefore now it's back to DCA question of how DCA is p this all on uh because they're relying on the state plan state plan if I can just you this for a the state plan is establishing where they'd like to see gr okay Metropolitan planning area in Metropolitan plan May subdivide that further and not clear exactly how that's going to work but that's not published yet it's supposed to be publish so you can see some of this information like slowly creeping on the C uh and the state's supposed to rely on that BCA so that they can help assign the numbers included within that is something called a a landu land cover analysis the land use land cover analysis is being reviewed by by Roman diversity the gis system what we don't know is that there's going to be enough time for all that information to be ready so that they can figure out all these numbers proper distribution of so we're waiting to see how that all FS out but that's ECA right ECA now take control of dist Distributing the numbers as well as receiving uh any objections we may have to the numbers which is going to be in December deadline in December and then in January if we don't disagree with the numbers we have to uh adopt the resolution by the end of January uh for that to be filed and any objections to that number beated number series of deadlines yeah and and uh so most likely a lot of people are going to object to their numbers and this what do they call it um the council but what's it called it's like an program the program which is consists of like six judges ex- judges they have a month to go through all of the objections supposedly and get back to people there are lawsuits now that are going on for years and years with with other towns so how they could potentially take all these municipalities and go through all these objections in a month is is just questionable so it's just part of the whole system that I feel has just been disjointed from the very beginning um and it's as you know we used to be COA then Co was abolished now it's the DCA like it's been s with in I think it's better at least it's not in the Court's hands um that's the one good thing right so um so you know here we are again um so we should say yeah but we're being diligent is I think the most important takeaway are those are the Saddle River units that you you mentioned are those trying to get them compliant with sadle River compliant with round three okay that's interesting well no actually they say they don't need them for round three so the sadle river mayor says they don't need yeah they don't need them for round three and they don't want them for round four so they don't want this development so they're trying to fight the development which is very interesting so it's been this little pingpong match I probably shouldn't have on the record Cas GES um anyway so um there but but fair share housing wants it because there's about 54 affordable units in it the rosie odonnell house they used to have and that they took that to court and they and they won so they so they don't have any there but what sadle river did is buy pieces of property all on the outskirts of s River and um they made they want to make those like 100% inclusionary so they don't have all of these extra units okay 375 units that's significant you know that's and then the other hundred and St there's 450 something units going in on our border like right literally right there on our border so um I'm surprised Sal River hasn't made a play was is there residence in or something like that along b line well this is this basically it's right next door to that yeah it's next door but they don't even that they didn't make a play for that and try and convert that hotel or residents in units as well well this was one of their overlay zones so U because they didn't have it so this office building was an overlay zone so um so yes that of river definitely doesn't want it they don't need it for their third round and they don't want it for their fourth round but we'll see sure is impactful to us very impactful to us especially since um he said that one area where the um the one Chaka Trail he said that that had the most deer in that one area than anywhere else in s I'm I'm like where do you think they all went so they came down so impactful in many ways speaking of dear there seems to be a lot more well they just they just announced this morning that they they're doing their call again yeah they're doing the call yeah they want they just signed up for another year crazy yeah we're having the D and um Tao come to speak to residence on the 17th and then if it if it's worthwhile and there's other towns and and espe contiguous towns it's something that we could definitely consider an Alo I just said on the record that might get me in really trouble well as a resident or as a no listen it's uh it's the last thing honestly with all the stuff that's going on that I would you know undertake but if it's if it's necessary I'm not going to shy away because you know um if it's the right thing to do we're gonna we're going to do it if it makes sense it just didn't make sense for us to do it by ourselves it makes sense to do it with a bunch of other ch so anything else to add anybody else okay I just have one one final request please um I know that this is a volunteer board and I value I said to you guys all thank you in the past I value the time that everybody puts in here but I have a serious request Linda always puts out if we're going to be here can we can we need to know like tonight tonight was put off for other reasons but including the fact that we didn't you know we had to make sure we had enough voting members so please if you guys get back to Linda Linda give me a time get you know how far when do you want to know the Monday before the or the Friday before and I know everybody's schedule changes the Monday before would be perfect Monday before like like Monday two days ago before tonight yeah when I send out that last reminder that asked for your responses today I was texting yeah board members just because I knew we had a big application and didn't want this to happen um and then everybody responded yeah but the agenda goes out and then I send a reminder the Monday before um and today I sent out a few emails and I still didn't get responses so I texted because it was important to know if we have a quorum or not I don't care if people can't come it's just that we need to know no because if we don't have a quorum it's embarrassing yeah to have everybody show up and we say oh sorry we can't hear you you know we're short four members tonight or whatever so so so please again I appreciate everybody's time here that the burrow does but we just need to we need to know plus Linda's got to put up with me calling her like 50 times I think part of the problem is like with me that the that email is I get probably few hundred emails and that email is not an email that I regularly check okay so I don't know if there's a difference is there a better thank you is there a better is it might not be the same for everyone but that one email is like it's it's on like its own Outlook I don't know how um well we have to keep it Tyler set it up the way no I know that but like even on my phone like it's not even in my regular Outlook it's on like an Outlook Express or whatever so if I don't physically click on it there's no like alert I have to I have to something that as a chair I have the same problem yeah but um but you know when the meetings are so if you know you're not going to be at it you can just you know the reminders are great because yeah un I mean I could honestly say like I can't even believe it's the 21st today I honestly can tell you that the days are like merging I didn't know today was Wednesday I thought it was Friday like I mean like I'm just it's just being overly busy so when you don't get that alert because it's on a separate and I don't I'm going to see if I could have my it guy merge him because I don't I really don't see it I I have already asked Tyler because I have the same problem I have I don't click look emails and then I have this one that parks in another area and I forget to go there myself sometimes I have to open up a separate mail application and he said it has to do with it's I think there's something legal in there okay okay but feel free to ask Tyler or I'm going to ask my my or your it guy and if there is way no but I think it had something to do with legal you may not I I don't even know if you could even comment on I don't know yeah comment on that I it might be uh it might just be um you know a privileged information thing where it goes and how it's routed but um I still use a typewriter that's not even really a computer that's just to make me look smarter um is is I don't want to belor this point but I please just respond but I have one final question would texting be legal sure if you if if you put a group text together a group text long you're not talking about substance of any application completely I think that's fine personal phone though it's her personal phone yeah that's a good point thatone yes probably it would depending on what you're talking about at that point um I mean if everybody everybody can figure it out you're all really smart you can put little things on your phone to remind you there's bells and whistles and everything on these so you phone SM I'm gonna go back to a flip phone just so you know oh again I I I say thank you just please don't forget and I my dad has a smartphone but he doesn't know how to use it so it's not that smart there we go there you go okay I don't want to keep talking here anybody else have anything nope all right can I have a motion to uh dismiss I'll make a motion thank you second second thank you all in favor all right everybody thank you very much we'll see you in September