everybody thank you for coming um this is a regular meeting of the Allendale land use board at which formal action will be taken on the items listed on the agenda and upon any other matters which may come before the land use board the requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied through posting on the public bulleting board and in the municipal building and the burough website and by publication in the record on December 29th 2023 with copies being sent to the Ridgewood news certain agenda items will be open to the public for comment Andor testimony the board will advise the public as to when such matters are open for their comment Andor testimony uh before we get into the start of the meeting I would appreciate if everybody stand with me flag I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands God indivisible withy and jusice for all thank you okay Linda may I have a roll call please chairwoman bgin here board member Wala here board member patrino board member ofo pres councilman deloo here board member D chairman Sero here the mayor is absent alterate Butler here ultimate okay thank you so we're good and Council we're good with we have everybody we're good to be able to move forward direct the are indeed Mr chairman okay thank you and um before we get into this I just want to go on record I apologize to that I didn't properly introduce you at the last meeting because of everything so board members uh public this is Mr Steven CI who is sitting in uh on our Council and um as we were with him last month last month he took care of us and he's going to take care of us again tonight so thank you very much for thank you I apologize oh please no apologies so um the first thing that I would like to get into real quick if there are people here uh in the public who are here for the um the Allandale Rehab and healthc Care aka the nursing home that has been what's delayed Carri thank you Carri to next month that meeting is scheduled for August 21st 2024 so we will not be hearing that tonight so if anybody's here you got a free night if you're here for the other uh couple things that are on our agenda more than welcome to stay okay all right having said that I will now go back into the agenda Lind you hearing me okay right you hear me yes okay um we'll go back into the agenda the first is approval of minutes from June 19 2024 land use board meeting um I had I reviewed it I had some changes I know that Linda put it out to the board is there any other changes from any board members on said meeting notes nope okay uh thank you for that then taking it back um may I have a motion for approval of the minutes please I'll make the motion to approve thank you sir and can I have a second I'll second thank you Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member patrino yes board member Garo yes councilman deliso yes chairman cero yes bton yes okay before we get into any other areas of our meeting the first thing we are going to do is we are going to handle the resolutions two from last month and I believe but this other one is for an extension of time approval so let's start with the first one applicant file number 20 24- 07 resolution 24-14 115 West Crescent LLC address being 115 West creson Avenue Allandale New Jersey 07401 blocks 910 lots 5.01 and 5.02 the application for a subdivision of two two lots Council yes uh Mr chairman members of the board uh this is a resolution memorializing a uh approval by Voice vote at the last meeting was a very thorough uh application uh for subdivision approval and variances for I believe it was lot withth with the dimensions set forth H as described in the resolution uh the applicants Council presented uh four Witnesses they referred to in the text of the resolution uh and actually called uh the seller's representative uh as I won't call it a rebuttal witness but as a u as an additional witness after the testimony had been presented in the main case we heard from a surveyor uh we heard from an engineer and one of the key uh elements of the application uh involve the testimony of uh the plan who introduced a very uh relevant and uh helpful exhibit a A1 it was marked and that dealt with the uh deficiencies in lot wits in the residential a Zone in the immediate area as well as on the property uh I believe as the resolution recites uh the testimony was compelling uh issues that did arise as we pointed out were the issue of of the uh terrain and slope of the property to the rear and related to whether or not there might be some uh adverse uh storm water flowing as a consequence those issues I felt were satisfactorily addressed by the engineer as did you because that was why you did in fact approve the resolution the planner and Mr snikers is here to confirm I thought met uh her B burden to proof as did the board that the positive and negative criteria of the municipal land use law demonstrating entitlement to the uh lot with variances uh were satisfied and that essentially is where you came out then there are certain conditions which were imposed which uh are not uh uh should not come as a surprise uh they articulate why uh this application is a better application because of them if they are established as part of the approval thank you thank you uh board members any comments on the resolution okay thank you again Council seeing none I may have a motion for the resolution please to approve the resolution I'll make a motion to approve thank you second thank you what was this second thank you Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member patrino yes board member blio yes councilman delso yes chairman s yes Butler yes Okay resolution passes okay thank you all right next on our agenda the next resolution is 20 24-8 resolution 24-15 the applicants Donna and Paul deck 5 4 gray Avenue Allendale New Jersey 07401 block 913 lot 6 and the application was to allow for an enlarged kitchen and living space additional garage Bay and a three-season screened porch they needed a front yard setback variance against 27057 B okay indeed you summarized the application uh right on the money Mr chairman uh and that is what the application recites uh there were no experts uh called uh in this particular case and the resolution so reflects that fact but uh the applicants husband and wife appeared uh and gave compelling testimony as to why uh they uh felt that a variance was necessary and a hardship if it would not be obtained and indicated uh what the essential nature of the the purpose for the variance relief was given that the shape and photography of the property and that is set forth and as you pointed out they are uh front yard setbacks uh and uh there is a requirement here in this Zone 28.8 uh feet and the setback being sought was for 27.5 I don't like to call anything di Minimus but this is not uh a rather extraordinary request given the nature of why they wanted the VAR what purposes it fulfills for them the nature and restraints or constraints of the property and uh I think the board concluded that it was an appropriate finding to make that there would be a hardship in the variant should be granted thank you you're welcome thank you board members any discussion okay seeing none may I have a motion to uh approve the resolution please I'll make the motion thank you sir I may have a second second thank you faom Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member Patrina yes board member yes Council yes yes yes okay thank you now the third resolution is one that some of us may remember number some of may not um but it goes back to an application file number 2022-23 the applicant is Evan ksh at 37 Carterette road block 1503 Lot 21 the application was for an addition over an existing garage pursuant at 27064 B parentheses 2 uh the applicant is requesting an extension of time approval I don't see goad councel please well give me honest well that's that's easy to do uh I would say uh that based on the contents of a letter request and the discussion in that letter requesting the extension that the board uh can conclude if it so desires to Grant the extension there is a provision in fact uh specific Provisions in the New Jersey municipal land use law that provides for extensions of time for approvals and I think that based on the conditions set forth in the letter if the board is someone clining it may and does have the authority to Grant extensions it would have been a little sooner but yeah it is what it is and this extension council is for how long one year one year one one year right yeah sorry no no that's fine that's fine just want to make sure everybody's clear so um all right board members any discussion okay seeing none uh may I have a motion please to approve the resolution as just described I'll make the motion thank you second thank you what was a second Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member Patrina yes yes board member Golia yes councilman delicio yes chairman Sero yes Fon Butler yes okay that business part of our meeting is completed okay so next on our agenda is the hazard vulnerability study which will be presented I guess as a continuation from our last meeting Mr sanis thank you so I am going to turn this over to you sir all right yes Linda time out I'm sorry I'm sorry excuse me one minute no no I listen I'm the person 37 apolog okay I'm sorry if I it's a resolution to me no I just want to thank everybody I appreciate you guys doing that and saving me some time resolution oh that that was it that was all discussing I appreciate all the board doing that I've been here a few times you guys are always very fair I'm very grateful for that thank you thank you very much for that and Linda and the building department excellent they're always very fair too okay so I I really appreciate it thank you all no worries no worries thank you very much that's okay that's okay that's okay all right okay thank you again sir take care all right I'm sorry thank you Mr make sure the microphone on are you hearing me okay yeah okay than want to make sure the switch was in the right dire good evening uh Mr chairman members of the board as the chairman had mentioned this is really an ongoing conversation having regard vulnerability assessment study but in addition to that uh we're also doing on sort of a parallel track a update to our land plan and in our land use PL there are several uh items that will be updating such as the background the land use existing land survey as well as the goals and objectives what I handed out to the board tonight on the is a memo dated July 16 2024 this is a summary of your ass goals and objectives I thought it' be F to give you a memo to help put a boil it down and what I provided in the first part memo is sort ofet points that are covered regarding prior and what I do is is I'm trying to give you this information so you have a chance to at least think about it think about some of the goals and objectives see if there's any new issues that may be coming to so these are summarized as maintaining the character of one of two zones need to maintain balance ofes in the community provide for office industrial related minimize the environmental impact result in development provide adequate open space minimize traffic gestion promote a balance tax states minimize areas of conflict and compatibility land use zoning and promote the conservation of energy recycl of recyclable perance so I just offer those were topics and what we try to do is bring into any into the language plan any new or temporary issues that may to address such as I offer a few the next paragraph such as U development entity limits uh C1 and C2 Zone which is your central business district if that's something of specific interest that we want to identify uh that business district Vitality to fulfillment of last M fillment or Last Mile warehouseing distribution facilities probably good to have some sort of statement regarding that in our land plan what is Last Mile last mile is sort of like a distribution center for Amazon where their Vans all get loaded off at around quite that become somewhat of a topic at some of these to um also sustainable planning practices uh outdoor dining is a is a issue if you want to talk about to consider electrical vehic charging stations on public lands that's actually a requirement now that we have in our landage plan a specific statement regard to parging stations public property so sort of planning for those locations that's just some to give you some background and then the remainers of already exis you have a chance to look into instead of trying to find the actual document to go that's all I wanted to do tonight look at that and I'll be coming back to you with some recommendations to those uh goals objectives as well as oural so in addition to that as the topic the main topic is list hasard vulnerability assessment study as we update our land use plan we also need to do by Statute an update within the Master Plan called the have vulnerability assessment stud into Min and as we've all been experiencing over the last several weeks uh July the that's one of the topics that as well as what I wanted to show you tonight was a series ofs that we start to hopefully the net wire extended all to do that yeah how much not going to come very far so Linda you gonna just let me know if you're hear and I'll be brief about this too you hear me from the distance because I can't pick up theic okay what I have is a series of maps that we prepared and this is based on information that's readily available flood maps uh buffers Wetland areas things of that nature and what's important in this study is that we map those items see where the actual impacts are probably what's most important at this time is the FL areas of flooding or flood prone areas I should say and within that we map the Allendale Brook the some undefined tributaries as well as the Hocus Brook that traverses or Southern portion of municipality as well as the Ramy so you can see there's various areas that are potentially impacted by flood zones and what you're seeing on this map and what I'd like to do is if it's if it's the favor of the board is send around some of these Maps as PDF files so you get a chance to look at them visually instead of bringing you large maps to to try to look at I think it's much easier for we to look at that and scrutinize but in this document we map those specific items that are available and what we're also doing is looking at uh the vacant lands within the community if you remember we talked about the affordable housing plan and some of the work we'll have to do in the new year what this does it helps us update some of that information relative to the land in addition to that if you may recall back in U think it was 2021 I'm sorry D updated their storm water regulations actually um where they updated their stor Mor regulations and now they're saying that it didn't change the limits of the flood plane that is defined by thema Federal Emergency Management Association but it also required the designed flood elevation elevation of new homes or or significantly renovated homes so threshold that I refer to engineering uh it now requires that to be effectively three feet above the 100-year flood elevation and that additional 3 fet can have an additional impact on your community because now it sort of brings your limit of the flood area additionally additional distance away from the actual flood zon the mapping wasn't revised and this is not a regulated limit of those potential areas but you'll see on one of these maps and you can see it in the light hand color that's shown on here if you can see from the distance uh that shows that additional what they call uh Kappa CIF is the actual acronym for it but that ruter university did some general Regional mapping of where those additional areas might be so what you're seeing is in like 10 some of the additional areas above and beyond the blue that are obviously your flood plan RS uh that are potentially impacted so that's something to be considered in the big picture now it comes down to individual applications reviewing that differential and elevation uh in order to arrive at whether or not a property or a specific uh development is going to be impacted by those new regulations but I wanted to provide it for informational purposes only we will be providing disclaimers on this map because this is based on Regional analysis it's not based on individual property analysis and we already have homes in some of those areas right yes you do yeah yes you do and so what the D was trying to recognize is that the thema information is somewhat out um and they they're saying that it's more like the flooding that was occurring during Ida I'm not sure if any of you experienced some of that flooding unfortunately but uh I did in fact coming back from a meeting antenna fly and I couldn't get home because of the the flooding that was occurring on just the streets themselves so that sort of thing is what the DP regulations is trying to capture so we're trying to recognize it in this study so I just wanted you to be aware of that so these are the series of maps that we started to prepare we've also started to do an existing land use map as well bring the microphone back so we're mapping the existing land uses within the community and also part of this study what's required by Statute is for us to do a build that analysis which won't be very involved because they basically a built out community so what we'll be looking at is the taking properties from that standpoint and looking at whether or not uh from a vacant land analysis if there's a need to adjust your zoning or adjust langu likely in your condition where you're a developed Community it may not uh result in much change in the limits of zoning but what we may realize is certain changes to recommendations from design criteria that set trying to encourage more infiltration something I'm sure try to do now I know Mike has been at it trying to deal with that from roof run off and things of that nature so what we're trying to do is do our part to reduce the impact the streams and flooding conditions as a result of some of the changes in the climate so that's really the nature of what I think we're going to be capturing um in this in this study whereas communities that maybe have more farmland or undeveloped areas they may want to reconsider some of their zoning because of some of the changes in FL so that's really the update that I wanted to give you board tonight and to let you know that we'll be coming back at the Ser next series of meetings with more information in segments of the study and then ultimately we'll culminate it into a final document uh for review and consideration so that's my effort to give the board that information tonight and for any questions first off thank you I opening to say the least you know with this three foot yeah that's that's big that's that's big this is not a limit that's what I want to make sure everybody's aware of that's not an actual physical I don't have any questions or just a comments so you know mayor and councel I know we've been very focused on flooding the last year so I think this study is perfect timing for that I know Andy our DPW superintendent you know he's he's doing the best to clean out our inlets and our manholes and make sure that we minimize the flooding on the the overpasses and things like that but I'd be very interested to get the PDFs on this because I know we bring this up in L use committee and uh you know we do address resident issues when they do have flooding whether it's from a neighbor property or from storm so I think this is going to be interesting information to as we work in progress as we go and as they become available I would recommend that you send them you know not I know that you you'll be in contact with us but don't wait for a meeting you know send a mail to Linda and Linda will disseminate them to the board for us okay please thank you goe you're going to comment you bring up a good point in fact uh not only just just in not flooding areas there's also potentially incidental flooding areas where maybe infastructure is not sufficient and in fact this Monday we're having a meeting of some of the municipal officials on this topic in order to gather that information in other communities where I've done the study we' then M those areas in order to maybe you a laundry list of potential things to address an effort to try to inove the commission no that's that's great I know that's something we brought up in committee and I know Andy's been kind of working on that trying to pinpoint those areas where we've had excess flooding whether it's the last six months last year two years that normally didn't flood starting to see a lot more of that areas that never flooded before starting to flood and I and I also recall during I think it was IA as you pointed out that there were areas that we never expected and it was like who you know what happen rain short period time we're seeing a lot more rain than normal so which is huge cause of it so the other thing too that for instance in pasc Valley what they're trying to do is group together as communities working together to try to approach DBP look at areas that might snagging us streams because as you can imagine tree falls things of that nature all start to create quog within the stream network but of course that also is a balance between the biological health of the of the stream with with down trees forms a habitat for certain types of wildlife Wildlife thank you that's I was thinking in anyway so therefore that sort of thing has to be balanced but yet they're they're confronting from mpal saying listen we got to be something because there's certain areas that are cling the train system well Saddle River I know on Martin Marne Spence and Saddle River every five7 years puts out a project where they clean and pull back like areas that were overburdened with material on large rainfalls and d snagging and I know he works in conjunction with the county for that the county will assist and then they'll there'll be a contract to pinpoint isolated areas that are that are you know are are always in need of some cleanup the guardi of the work yeah the guardian that had been historically it may still be uh the Bergen County Mosquito yes extermination Commission because I remember chrisel with his fishing waiters going into one of the tributaries of the Upper Saddle River area of Saddle the Saddle River uh pointing out all of the debris that had accumulated due to uh uh limbs that had collapsed from trees Etc but they have traditionally been so overwhelmed with requests for clear outs and cleanups that uh applaud the regional initiative approach I I also seem to remember Boy Scouts Boy Scouts going in and cleaning you know as part of their eego badges or or something among their requirements there cleaning out I remember years ago right along deero Drive is that is that H by the Acme okay like that would be cleaned up of debris or Garbage but not necessarily pulling away exactly any other comments from from the board no I think this is a good good study EXC excellent so so please if the information becomes B you may see a big draft along it want to make sure that's fair no thank you thank you for your time okay um the next item in our agenda is applicant file number 202 24-9 uh applicant is intercam Corporation 6 Pro fort in Allandale block 601 lot 6 and this application is for the relocation of a generator okay good evening chairman members of the board my name is Joseph Mecca I'm an attorney I have pleasure of representing interam Corporation my office is in pamis New Jersey thank you um do I stand here I'm not sure what the procedures or sit yeah oh yeah you sit down I know all right and then if you need yeah it's should sa at are you don't are you going to say I can safe it's up to you just in case they need theel steal the eel sure if it's necessary oh you have you have great okay you can go it's up to you thank you thank you it's up it's it's your I apologize that's okay thank you for having me uh this is a fairly straightforward application it's not the relocation of a generator it's actually installing of a generator okay uh interam Corporation that's what I saw from here intercam Corporation um uh manufacturers Stores um the import uh prescription drugs uh this uh application is to install a generator basically uh for safety purposes uh for security purposes these drugs need to be uh stored at a certain climate uh we're aware of what's been going on lately if there was a power outage they they lose a lot of product and quite frankly it's it's quite quite expensive uh the DEA also regulates some of their product so they require that it be climate controlled as well as uh safety they're called DEA cages um I have two witnesses this evening one is John Tate who's the warehouse manager he can testify as to the operations at the site and then I also have Mr Costa who is our engineer on the project so unless the board has any questions I'll I'll call Mr Tate John come on up board members anything okay we can proceed thank you Mr T would you please raise your right hand to the e affirmed that this evening the testimony that you have G would be truthful yes you can have a seat John tell us first you work for uh you're employed by entry Camp Corporation correct yes how long have you been employed by that about 14 years all right how long have you been the the and you're the warehouse manager for the site at six Pearl Court in Allendale yes all right how long have you been there uh 11 years all right so you're familiar with with the operations of that site yes all right so so tell the board first of all how many employees are typically on site uh really just two okay and what what happens at uh at that facility at that six P Court Warehouse uh I mean basically materials brought in from raw material Pharmaceuticals brought in from Europe primarily uh we store it here in the warehouse and then it gets sold to the companies in America here where they put into final dosage right and you also you mentioned about um that they DEA cages that are required for certain of of these uh correct so some of the product get in is uh Controlled Substances uh schedule 4 or list one chemical and they have to be secured within the cage within the warehouse um and those have to be alarmed heavily alarmed um and the DEA actually is requiring us to have this backup generator in the event of a prolonged power outage and these some of these uh Pharmaceuticals also have to be stored at a certain temperature or certain climate control yeah they all will need to be uh temperature controlled the da products plus the other uh products that we import from Europe and uh you know it could be anywhere from five to10 million worth of product in there so we want to make sure we keep that within spec the temperature again in case of a prolonged outage as well the building main building warm system so there's the safety and there's the safety of the product the safety of the uh material inside the warehouse have no further questions so so to be clear excuse me sorry so to be clear the the use of the generator is not only for refrigeration backup is that or power backup for the refrigeration but also for any alarming etc etc as required by the government correct okay yeah we have this the DEA regulates us and the FDA regulates us uh New Jersey Department of Health pretty heavily regulated and you said that there's did I did I you said there's two employees on site did two okay two employees um there's a lot of parking spaces there a lot yes okay all right I'll have the engineer and we'll go through that with the engineer okay um board members questions comments so you park in a different spot every day when you go to work I could if I'd like I creature habit so I usually take the same on do you like p b i back in time live on the edge sometimes he takes up two space sorry I'm just CU what what is the current contingency plan now if there's power outage uh for now there's backup battery for the alarm system but that will only last continually about 24 hours uh weren't so concerned about the backup generator before because we had a smaller warehouse space there about 7,500 square feet and we just took over the adjacent area uh where Striker used to be they moved out so now we have a total of about 22,500 and we're going to have more material stored in there in addition to what you currently have correct okay yeah we told case you guys occupy now is about 20 22,500 board members any further questions I I'm satisfied with this okay all right yes yes yes um okay I got to open this up to the public questions of this witness like seeing none I bring it back to the board okay um thank you sir you call my yes thank you uh Mr Costa yes yes thank you Mr C would you raise your right hand do you swear affirm that the testimony you get this evening in connection with this application absolutely thank you all right Mr CA could you first of all you're a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey your license is still in good standing and yes no it is yes yes you don't no no they you no no this is new they give you these cards with the expiration date because I know Mr chairman good evening councilman good evening members of the board they give you the card with the expiration date there you go so that's how you know that you PA question did you pay you testified before numerous boards in in Burton County elsewhere in New Jersey as a professional engineer yes I actually I actually have a couple boys that actually hired me I don't know why but they have Riveredge right now I'm the L use I'm the unal engineer there Anglewood uh bod we do work for the county and then on my spare time we do stuff like this and as I'm closing towards death I'm actually getting expert cases in court so oh nice that's where we're at yes thank you all right so less is more but let's uh go let's move forward I think we can accept Mr C's qualifications yes yes okay thank you Mr if you can go through with the board the the uh the proposal here sure starting with the conditions very quickly um my office prepared a a site plan basically the survey was given to us we up there verified to make sure the parking spaces that exist roughly 300 parking spaces exist on site The Proposal in front of you tonight we're going to take away three parking spaces to place excuse me the generator parallel with the building not perpendicular that'll move it you have to be a minimum distance from the building under the building uh requirements because of the exhaust which we are doing so um speaking earlier to the councilman containment we do not show containment it's a double wall tank but is an added precaution you certainly put containment around it which means you put a curb based on the gallons and it'll be a shut off that during a rainstorm someone's going to have to go out there one of two I guess would have to go out there and then open that uh that valve in order to let it go out the water uh obviously not the diesel and then shut it after the storm passes through so we'll do that we'll revise it accordingly um it's a 200 aw generator it's diesel powered not natural gas obviously because of where it is but also uh I've done quite a few generators and I've had this conversation and talk with a lot of people if the gas supply goes out the backup generation goes out and the gas supply can go out even though you see a lot of your roads being ripped up and new gas Mains put in um River Edge in fact the south end of town pumping station PG could not supply the gas to that station so we actually have a diesel generator adjacent to rest stre and similar what we did obviously we raised it up because of the flood issues and we put containment around it and literally it's on the banks of the uh not colbrook could be colbrook um have not had a problem uh similar here same story it's a level I believe level two attenuation as far as sound if you walked up to it when it goes on it's roughly 85 DB as you walk away from it obviously the attenuation goes down as you get to the property line it's probably 40 DB which meets your code under your noise ordinance in town also there's a noise ordinance uh with the state that we would have to meet and this absolutely does that how often is it do they cycle it yes sir I sure should know that usually I don't think it's weekly um usually it's monthly monthly I think it's monthly if I'm not mistaken I imagine your residential people and it goes off maybe 10 minutes time you have to cycle them to make sure they work of course but it's minimal and it can be obviously scheduled where it's not going to impact any of the neighbors the closest house again based on Google Earth we did this afternoon it's around 450 feet as you go towards the North West and over 600 feet as you go to the South so that would be the closest residence there's actually a building in between the two on the opposite side and I think the burrow if I'm not mistaken owns on the opposite side of six Pearl Court um as I came out I actually went there today as I went through the different buildings that are there uh the building right adjacent to it has a generator on site it's in the rear of the building similar to what this would be if you go up one more same thing as you're heading towards root Cent um cumins in my opinion is probably one of the best ones you can install River Edge the municipal building has one the uh the DPW has one the pump station has one the firehouse has one and the other fire so everyone in River Edge I've worked on all comment and how big a tank I'm sorry did you say that this says 24hour minimum um if it's probably under a not a full load probably Burns about 6 to 8 gallons per hour depending on obviously the load cap I think the maximum on this particular generator I think is 15 gallons per hour which I doubt you're going to get to a full draw on on this no I'm sorry but the tank that you were the tank minimum is 24 hours so you're gonna have t I'm talking the minimum size would be 300 if you at full load I'm sorry okay all right 300 I can tell you a story I really don't want to get into it about we had the diesel generator Sandy comes in 8 Hour Supply um done what we didn't figure out is you need a hose long enough to get to the back to refuel it but I didn't say that on the record St there so that's what you you have to have delivery you got to make less is more yes but um and basically that's it that's so the plans that you have the board has just describe the plans so we for the record we we we know what we're looking at all right in the again in the in the rear of the building we're taking out three parking spaces parallel with the building uh it'll be placed on a reinforced um concrete pad uh it's showing three Ines at a minimum offgrade I spoke to uh John Chula who's going to be doing the actual work and in the hookup I'd rather revise these plans and make it a minimum of at least 6 in probably 8 Ines is better we're going to put ballets around the entire generator this way if there is a car they'll hit the ballet before they hit the generator you need access so you have access panels they're far enough away from that so when you open the doors to the access panels you can actually service the general and this will do that because I noticed that there's parking space that there's parking am I reading that correctly there's parking right yeah behind right so just for the benefit of council the protocol here is that if the application has had the plan submitted they don't typically Mark as A1 it's the entire submission is your application and the record however if you intend to and you may not be as I think you're finishing up uh have other documents that have not made its way to the board secretary then we will mark them but I think I'm hearing Mr CA say that you'll be submitting if approved if approved excuse me revised plans based on the following I believe conditions there'll be a containment area around the entire base of the generator larger than the the gallons obviously of the tank itself so that area will have enough surface area and volume that it could capture in the event that this tank ruptures it would be contained in that area so I'll revise it accordingly um we will move it over slightly and as I said the the actual pad is showing the 3-in minimum I'd like to go to at least 6 to 8 in so it'll be raised up a little bit higher but again it uh if there is an issue it's it's not three what 3 to three to eight either six or eight would be my recommendation um the follows would be placed around the entire generator just in the event that a car is backing up or coming down it'll be painted um with ction yellow so you can see it if the board wants decorative we could certainly put decorative plastic over the top of it to have it look a little more aesthetic with the bil yellow so that is very very much did orell animal hospital and we painted the bases of the lights yellow you'd be amazed how many how many of those are hit R yes do you plan to do any kind of striping in the three spaces you're using because right now your plan just shows your put the generator with three spaces where you going to do any kind of hatching we'll hatch it out absolutely so in your revised plan you're just going to we show the hatching obviously nothing in there and then um probably what's going to happen is the curb will come around the entire the that entire space so with you putting it parallel and with looking at the generator plan detail and looking at the doors I mean you guys have done these things before so I'm just asking an engineering question as an engineer the doors opening to the what I'll call the building side that's not going to restrict any is there any they're three feet those are the doors themselves I think are 3 feet 2 Ines if I'm not mistaken I think it's a minimum of 5 feet you need to be off the building we're showing five feet minimum we could certainly slide it a little bit but as long as you have that distance you can off you can actually service okay okay I just want to make sure you're not restricted more looking out for you that you're not restricted appreciate um is there a reason why you didn't Center it within the three spaces just to give more room on either side well we have to fire somebody tomorrow morning because they just try to make it a little more complicated for me it should be obviously it should be centered it should be centered within those so it's not tight to one parking space there I think there's 305 spaces you're going to take all away three 32 correct and the requirement for the warehouse is like 120 something I'm a symmetry guy it'll be it'll be centered there'll be a curve around it it'll look it'll look correct in the field and we will revise the planning cour and I'm certainly not going to speak for the fire department but as I look at this given you know given where cars would you been work there in a normal situation there's no there's no restriction or or it's not hurting any hinder or hindering anything coming around the back of the building no are we I agree okay thank you thank you okay U um board members please I I just don't I just want to say thank you for the containment you know I know that's it's something that may be viewed as uncommon but other generators in this area you'll notice had containment it's one things for the community and for the vegetation and the neighbors God forbid there is a spill God forbid the guy filling it goes answer the phone and the hose falls out while he's filling it just we apprciate that um I'm not sure if they're required to to submit a uh a plan but if they're not I'll make sure that if there's inlets within close proximity they have uh the equipment to put over the top of the inlet so it would stop it before it gets there so and so forth and I'll go over that with the guess our bur engineer when he reviews your revised plan I'm sure you take a look at something that real quick Mr chairman I we didn't issue a report I review the application that I visited the site that Mr indicated their are their mechan equipment and generators in parking lots in the area this isn't based on the scope of the proposal and the fact that it's located parking lot the site a report I I you know we sort of like we've been through these a few times okay for this board is not our first road hilling okay so that's why you're getting the volume of questions in the methodology that we're asking the question so I thank you all the right questions and hopefully I gave the right answer no no you did and and I just I just want to um you know I I know that um there were some questions about relocating things like that you're going to update your plan but if there's anything uh we just want to get on the record that if there's any thing that comes up you're willing to work with our engineer absolutely okay all right um just let me make sure if there's something that comes up in the field or something yeah you have a problem with it no okay they willing to accommodate it for you I don't think we're reasonabl that you never know okay where something may come up as you're doing sorry so who would say no to that no we're not gonna come I just got put u i I don't know if um Mr CA can answer because it's on uh on L Heggy's drawing but uh is there a reason why they use a tier three and not tier four because now the generators are moving to tier five unless it's an old spec he has in here to be and I don't know they were handed here's we were handed this that plan and then I guess they submitted to the building department the building department said you got to go obviously planning board um I did not spec out the generator from what I'm told the generator has been ordered and it's been ordered months ago okay now I don't know if it's physically in not in on the site but in from the manufacturer which it could very well be so that that could be why okay and the existing uh electricity to the building is currently three-phase yes three phase I think it's yes yes yes and everything will be on the ground so this will come out on ground into it and then trench back into the board members any further questions of this witness okay seeing down from the board I open it up to the public being done I bring it back uh thank you sir thank you thank you for your Tes I have nothing further nothing further okay um Michael we've heard from you we're good yeah everyone is aware circulation okay thank you okay board members any further discussion on this application okay seeing none um bring it back to the board okay um I would like to please have a motion to uh approve I'll make this particular application thank you sir motion to approve and do I have a second I'll second it thank you Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member Wala yes board member Patrina yes Bo member buo yes councilman delso yes uh with with the caveat that the applicant is going to revise the plan and our bur engineer reviews them based on the testimony with the containment and the hatching and everything else that he testified to yes chairman suro yes won Butler yes okay thank you Mr chairman to see congratulations on your anniversary thank you take care okay Mr CA you should do stand up yeah he's actually accused of doing that on many of the applications I presented with him when you fire the engineer Mr Costa tell him to uh spell check his thank you thank you thank you very much okay um our next item on the agenda is opening it to the public for comments do I see anybody being done I bring it back to the board okay Mr deliso yes you know what our usual question is we have not the land use committee has not met in several weeks um chairwoman Lois solo is I believe she's on vacation once we have a meeting I will be happy to give the board and the residents a report um you know Mr snik Us's timing is actually uh perfect because the committee has discussed the flooding issues around town uh being chair of our DPW committee with our superintendent Mr glio you know that's an issue that we are very mindful of for our residents and making sure that our community is safe and our roads are clear and that the water is not pooling where it shouldn't be so I know we uh the committee has also looked at code the council did vote last meeting on a code change uh one of our code requirements for utilities allowed for them to pave only a portion of the road that they disrupt so the new code change that was approved uh will enforce utilities to pave curb to curb yes so we'll have better better Road surfaces in the future and that's really all I have to report you may or may not know this um are there any are we done with with all of the disruption uh I'm sorry sir Franklin well okay thank you okay anywhere where I mean we'll be we will be doing more Paving in town this year and that'll be coming soon okay but um specific is PG done uh PG hasn't POS of anything as of currently right okay and the water uh water still on okay okay all right and I don't think we're ever going to be done I mean there's always going to be something there's always GNA be something okay I mean definitely I just from doing it in other towns it's definitely prudent to know what ps's plan is and make sure that Viola with their lead program works in the areas where public service is putting the gas because I've been in municipalities where we've done 550 lead Services repaved the roads curb to curb and four of the streets are being cut up by psng so that would it sucks because the I hate to use the word but it stinks because the residents are are are impacted and they put up with everything and then psng decides to show up and saw cut and you know and just disrupt the residents even more so that's why with Frankle turpike we had Julia come through and make sure they did everything they needed to do and yeah just that was well done I put it out there because a lot of times when you think they're talking to each other they don't and it was it thankfully you know like Amy there was a DPW guy there who brought it up and made sure that Viola spoke to PS and kind of altered their plans so that the work that was being done is being done on the same roads and not that V was working on one side of town PS works on another and then they decide to so ar orange and Rockin uh been very proactive with that as well so we've been communicating back and forth with uh going back and forth with Road program so yeah but that is something that I know our DPW and our mayor and counsel we are working on trying to get those Communications you know with our police chief sending out our alerts to the community so they know when rulers are going to be blocked you know unfortunately that's been a moving Target and we're trying to mitigate all that stuff but that's a good recommendation on your part to I mean it's just it's just ask the question no absolutely because PS will come in they they feel like they do what they want and ultimately you have you have a burden the water department has a burden to update their systems like 10% of the system a year so that's why they do the Dig and determines and they find out if there's lead and then they schedule the lead and all that there's a lot of work that takes place behind the scenes but if they don't communicate you end up having those situations where you know the left doesn't know what the right's doing and the and then the municipality unfortunately gets the brunt of it because from the residents get upset exactly and you have not unfortunately unless you know you don't have much to do about it so well I'm happy about the uh the paving situation because I happen to live on a street where I've got half side new half side old and or older okay it is what it is but it kind of looks a little weird does that ordinance um I'll make them infrared if what is the ordinance on a road that's been paved and has a moratorium threee moratorium so let's say there's an emergency what do you make them do and infrared and or curb to curb for that section okay except for Mike Cero's block we to the white line there you go there you go there you go um okay any any any and and I if you have any Andy if you no okay Michael anything no all right I just want to um I just want to thank you I know the Summer's here thank you for coming thank you for participating um if anybody hasn't done the storm water please get that done um and the cyber security thing I had conversation with coand computers uh over the weekend um it's something that we really that we have to do I'm gonna be honest with you guys I haven't done that yet because I had to sit through some where I work during the day and I have to do it it's not that hard so please if we can get that this way Al for for good and good standing okay um having said that we are planning to have a meeting the next meeting Linda is the 21st as I talked earlier where we plan to have the nursing home come before us again or to finalize or to finish so um please if you if you have a moment to just brush up on what was discussed in the last meeting so we can we can take a look at this right now it's planned for the 21st Linda will um advise us all accordingly and um and oh and and also just let Lyndon know if you guys are G you know if we can make these meetings because if we we have to always make sure we have a forum and especially on the LA that one where uh the mayor and Mr deloo cannot sit in on it so it's important and if we don't have everybody and you can sit on that you sit on that yeah you s it yeah so um and that's about it so I just want to say thank you again what what does the restrict I I live on that street um I'm not too 200 okay yeah yeah 200 ft okay you didn't receive a notice that I'll have to ask U life not sure okay all right um and other than that um I think we're good can I have a uh motion to just real so you bring up a good point I know in the past you know it's been explained I know you're relatively new member if you ever think that there's a an issue with you know you being too close to or something you should always talk to coun just ask you got a notice definitely yeah if you got a notice yeah absolutely if it's you know even if it's borderline you're always better to recuse yourself okay that way there's no impieties I will tell you that I've had a couple of them where I had one that wasn't near my house but the council that was appearing before is closed my house at like 2 in the afternoon and they were having a meeting at 7 o'clock so I asked councel and they were like listen we got enough people you know go sit in the audience so anything you know any board member anything you see so thank you Joe for for raising that but that's very there you go that's why I get the big bu that's why you get the big bus so all right listen I I know we keep it a little light today a little over an hour thank you once again and uh can I have a motion Mo motion I have a second okay all in favor any against okay thank you very much see you guys next month thank you again thank you sir